Who ACTUALLY Appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush? [SPOILER: It’s NOT the Father] | @shamounian

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Video Transcript:
if you want proof that the one speaking to Moses the one speaking to Moses wasn't the father but Jesus let's go to Exodus 3: 1 and two now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and he led the flock to to the back of the desert and came to Horeb the Mountain of God now guys pay attention to verse two we're going to post it again and the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush who appeared the angel of
the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush so he looked and behold the Bush was burning with fire but the Bush was not consumed let's read to again read it again guys ask the Lord Jesus help you to focus rebuke distractions I want you to learn and the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush so he looked and behold the Bush was burning with fire but the Bush was not consumed so guys don't forget it's the angel
that is appearing to Moses at Mount Si Horeb in the bush as a flame of fire do you read it you guys see it you see it's the angel of the Lord right before I move on to the rest of the verses okay now let's read verses 3- 6 verses 3 to 6 pay attention you don't pay attention you're you're going to miss this verses 3-6 then Moses said I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush does not burn when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look God Called
to him from the midst of the Bush and said Moses Moses and he said here I am then he saido not draw near this place take your sandals off your feet for the place where you stand is Holy Ground now notice verse six which Jesus quoted moreover he said I am the god of your father the god of Abraham the god of Isaac the god of Jacob and Moses hid his face for he afraid to look upon God this is the verse that Jesus quoted did you catch it and who is the one who spoke
to Moses the angel of the Lord not God the Father do you guys see that so who is the god that spoke to Moses the angel of the Lord not God the father now let's see what Stephen says filled with the Holy Spirit who appeared to Moses as a flame of fire in the bush go to acts 7 verse 30 and 35 acts 7 verse 30 and 35 and when 40 years had passed an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire in a bush in the wilderness of Mount siai this
Moses they rejected saying who made you a ruler and judge is the one God sent to be a ruler and deliverer by the hand of the Angel who appeared to him in the bush you see that that's two God sent the angel to appear to Moses in the bush God there is the father meaning the angel is not the father do you catch it one more time acts 7:35 this Moses whom they rejected saying who made you a ruler and a judge is the one God meaning the father sent to be a ruler and deliverer
by the hand of the Angel who appeared to him in the bush now try to convince me that the angel that appeared in the bush is the father when here Stephen filled with the holy spirit says God sent the angel to accompany Moses the God who sent him is the Father the angel is not the father go to Exodus 3 to see see who that angel is again Exodus 3: 4-6 so when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look God Called to him from the midst of the Bush okay guys if it's the
angel who's in the Bish Bush who is the god that's calling to Moses from the bush who is the god that's calling Moses from the bush if it's the angel the angel is called God it's not God the Father Moses Mo Moes and he said here I am then he said do not draw near this place take your sandals off your feet for the place where you stand is Holy Ground I notice verse six moreover he said I am who's he the angel who appeared as the flame of fire in the bush who's the god
who's speaking to him the angel says I am the god of your father the god of Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob and then notice what it says verse six and Moses hit his face for he's afraid to look upon God everyone got it did everyone get it so which God appeared to Moses as a flame of fire in the Bush the father or the angel or the Holy Spirit which person of God the Father the angel or the Holy Spirit no doesn't say son even though it's a son doesn't say
Jesus either let me try this again which person of God appeared to Moses the Father the angel or the spirit okay so how can the angel be God the Father when God the Father sent the angel to accompany Moses acts 7:38 acts 7:38 this is he who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the angel who spoke to him on Mount Si with our fathers the one who received the living Oracle to give to us so the angel is the god Jehovah God that appeared and he didn't appear alone the father was with him
but the angel was there and how do I know the angel is not the father acts 7:35 acts 7:35 this Moses whom they rejected saying who made you a ruler and a judge is the one God sent to be ruler and deliverer by the hand of the Angel who appeared to him in the bush God is distinct from Moses and the angel just like God is Not Moses God is not the angel so the angel accompanied Moses and strengthened Moses and empowered Moses and protected Moses who is that angel the one God sent to be
with Moses so just like God is Not Moses he's not the angel but the angel is not a creature the Angel's not a creature the angel is God distinct from God and one with God how do I know the Angel's not a creature because the angel says I I am God I'm the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Moses realizes when he sees him he's looking at God and he's afraid because I'm seeing God right and then look what God the father says about him Exodus 2320 to 21 Exodus 2320 to 21 behold I send
an angel before you to keep you in the way this is now God the Father speaking I send an angel before you to keep you in the way way to bring you into the place which I have prepared beware of him and obey his voice so God is saying obey the voice of the Angel why do not provoke him for he will not pardon your transgressions for my name is in him did you catch it God says two things about the angel don't anger him because he won't forgive your sins and my name is in
him the angel embodies my name the angel possesses my name what I am he is did you catch it and by name don't take my word for it examine how the Bible uses the term name name can refer to the characteristics of a person to the authority of a person to the nature of of a person right so he's basically saying don't provoke him he won't forgive your sins because he embodies my nature because he embodies my nature he can do what God does such as forgiv sins okay everyone got that so folks this must
be a very amazing Angel who embodies the name of God and forgives sins which is only something only God can do let me show you now go to Zechariah 3: 3- 4 Zechariah 3: 3- 4 now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments and was standing before the angel then he answered and spoke to those who stood before him saying take away the filthy garments from him and to him he said see I have removed your iniquity from you and I will clothe you with Rich robes did you guys catch it the angel says to the
other Angels who are his servants the Angel's commanding the other angels and he says to the angels hey remove his filthy garments and then he looks at Zachariah or joshuan says I removed your sin and I've clothed you all right let me give you another passage where this Angel is not a creature but he is God's messenger happens to be God now all of this information is on my YouTube channel judges 13:1 1718 okay read this guys then manoah said to the angel of the Lord guys read then manoah said to the angel of the
Lord what is your name that when your words come to pass wa May honor you and the angel of Lord said to him why do you ask my name seeing it is wonderful post it one more time Verse 18 focus and the angel of the Lord said to him why do you ask my name seeing it is wonderful now manoah the father of Samson did not know that the man standing before him was the angel of the Lord now guys listen I need you to listen to this he did not know that man standing before
him was the angel of the Lord so he goes okay when my wife gives birth tell us your name so we can honor you before God you see what he said the angel of the Lord said why do you ask my name seeing it is wonderful okay the word p or p means Beyond Comprehension Beyond understanding notice what the angel said don't ask about my name it's beyond comprehension don't ask about my name it's beyond understanding don't ask by my name because you won't be able to understand or comprehend my name exactly in fact do
me a favor first last can you quote the NIV here look at the NIV he replied why do you ask my name it is beyond understanding did you catch it Beyond understanding that's what Pali means now folks can I ask you a question what creature which creature what creature which creature could say my name is beyond understanding my name is beyond comprehension and he says why do you ask about my name it's beyond understanding okay but now watch what happens manoah doesn't know this is the angel of God appearing as a man he sees a
man he thinks he's a human being now watch Judges 13 21-22 now watch Judges 13 21-22 when the angel of the Lord appeared no more to manoah and his wife then manoah knew that he was the angel of the Lord now notice what it doesn't say manoah knew it was the Lord manoah knew that he was the angel of the Lord now notice his reaction and manoah said to his wife we shall surely die because we have seen God okay now I'm confused it says he knew that's the angel of the Lord that was Angel
Lord appearing as a man and yet he freaks out and he says that's it we're going to die cuz we saw God the same reaction Moses had when he saw the angel when the angel appeared as flaming fire in the bush and then the angel spoke and he said remove your sandals I the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob it said Moses became afraid because he was looking at god notice to see the angel is to see God because the angel is not a creature he is God appearing as a man or invisible form like
a flame of fire set by God who's one with God okay this is just some of the many verses in the Hebrew Bible that show that this Angel is not a creature he is the Father's messenger sent by the father to appear either as a man or invisible form to instruct the people of God and the people of God know that this is God standing before them he claims to be God does things only God can do and he's worshiped as God yep and this was the ancient belief of the early church the early church
the ancient belief of the early church the early church you can read Justin Martyr and others all of them say that angel of the Lord was Jesus Christ before he became man that was Jesus Christ the word of the father before he was born from his blessed mother while she was a virgin clear do you want other examples of the Angel being God and not a creature Genesis 31: 10-13 Now read with me Jacob is speaking and it happened at the same time when the flocks conceived that I lifted my eyes and saw in a
dream and behold the Rams which leaped upon the flocks were straight Speck and gray spotted now watch who who who appeared to Jacob in the dream notice 11 then the angel of God spoke to me so now Jacob knows this is the angel of God appearing to me in a dream speaking to me then the angel of God spoke to me in a dream saying Jacob and I said here I am and he said lift up your eyes now and see all the Rams which leap on the flocks are straight speckled and gray spotted for
I this is the Angel speaking I have seen all that lemon is doing to you here's where you're going to get blown away notice verse 13 the angel of God is speaking and Jacob says it's the angel of God I am the god of Bethel Bethel is House of God I am the god of the house of God I am the god of that house that you built for God I am the god of God's house that's what Beth L means Beth house e i I am the god of Beth where you anointed the pillar
and where you made a vow to me now arise get out of this land and return to the land of your family not only he says I am God he says I am the god of the house of God when that house you built for the worship of God you built it to me that's my house because I'm the god of that house right final one Genesis 48: 15- 16 Genesis 48: 15- 16 Jacob now praying for his grandchildren ephra and Manassa Jacob is now praying to bless his grandson said go everyone else pay attention
and he blessed Joseph and said God before whom my fathers Abraham Isaac walked the God who has fed me all my life long to this day the angel who has redeemed me the angel who's my savior Redeem Me from all evil Bless The Lads let my name be named named in them and the name of my fathers Abraham Isaac wait wait wait wait Genesis 48:16 the angel who has redeemed me from all evil Bless The Lads now guys I'm I'm confused I'm confused did you see what Jacob said the angel the angel who redeemed me
from all evil Bless The Lads guys can I ask you a question who's going to bless Jacob's grandchildren who's blessing Jacob's grandchildren Ephraim and manessa the sons of Joseph God or the angel look at it again Genesis 48 veres 15- 16 look at it again and he blessed Joseph and said God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walk the god The God Who has fed me all my life long to this day right the angel who has redeemed me from all evil blessed The Lads okay now I'm confused why you say angel when he
began it with God God before whom I walked right God of my fathers Abraham and Isaac the angel blessed The Lads so you guys are confusing me one more time because you're confusing me Genesis 48: 15- 16 and he blessed Joseph and said God be whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked the God who has fed me all my lifelong to this day the angel Redeem Me from all evil Bless The Lads Bless The Lads you know it's also interesting God before before whom my fathers walk God who has fed me all my days the
angel who's redeemed me from all evil Bless The Lads do you know guys you know the Hebrew word for blessed you know what it is in Hebrew not singular may he Bless The Lads may he Bless The Lads here it is singular look at it right there notice it says verb pile form imperfect tense third masculine singular third person masculine singular the number three Ms masculine singular may he Bless The Lads this did it sink in or no do you know why it's singular do you understand why it's singular God before whom my fathers Abraham
and Isaac Walk The God Who fed me all my lives the angel redeemed me from all evil may he because the angel is God God is the Angel the angel is God God is the Angel you know who the God is that fed me all my life you know who the God is before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked the angel is that God he's the god of Abraham and Isaac my God who has fed me and redeemed me and he will bless my grandchildren
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