METODOLOGIA ÁGIL (Para Que Serve e Como Funciona?) | Métodos Ágeis

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METODOLOGIA ÁGIL (Para Que Serve e Como Funciona?) | Métodos Ágeis Metodologia Ágil. Se conseguir t...
Video Transcript:
Agile Methodology. If you manage to work on this subject well, your company will surely gain a lot of attention in an increasingly competitive market. And so, your business will focus its efforts where it really matters, achieving its results efficiently and assertively.
So, understand now what agile methodology is, its incredible advantages and its 4 main types. And all in a practical and to the point! You want to receive tips and information to set up your own business.
So subscribe to this channel and stay on top of everything you need to know to start your own business. To try to make this matter clear to you, let's address the following points: 1. WHAT IS AGILE METHODOLOGY?
1. WHAT IS AGIL METHODOLOGY? Agile methodology is a way of conducting projects to achieve greater organization and speed in a company's processes, regardless of its size.
And so, solving possible errors, waste and communication problems, for example. In other words, the agile methodology seeks to optimize workflows, improve project productivity and raise your business's success prospects. And this applies throughout the productive part of the company, from its conception to the delivery of the final product/service.
Basically, agile methodologies are based on 4 pillars: practicality in processes, assertive communication, alignment of expectations and adaptability added to flexibility. In other words, this methodology focuses on a more agile, flexible, practical, planned and organized workflow . Thus, we can say that agile methodologies seek to simplify the way in which projects or processes are executed, influencing the final result in a positive way.
2. THE MAIN ADVANTAGES FOR YOUR COMPANY Agile methodologies focus on shorter processes, with deliveries in less time. And this will be possible mainly through the improvement and alignment of the team.
With agile methodologies, the idea is that your company gains more agility and is more efficient in the execution of its processes. And so, the final deliverables tend to be more organized and clearer. Also because as the processes are organized and planned, it is possible to understand exactly how each stage of a project is going.
And this helps to make the entire operation more transparent and with reduced deadlines and costs, greatly optimizing your business efforts. Consequently, the chances of errors or risks appearing are much smaller. Mainly because it is possible to understand in great detail all parts of the processes.
This way, it is much easier to understand possible errors or bottlenecks that may occur and hinder your production. So, we can say that this methodology makes your company optimize your efforts and money where it really matters. Saving a lot of time, investments and other resources too.
Another important point is that with agile methodologies, the quality of your products/services will be much higher. As the process in general will be faster and more organized, it is possible to guarantee that everything goes as planned, thus achieving the expected quality. In this way, your company's productivity will also be greater.
Even because your team and processes won't have to be bureaucratic, which greatly simplifies the operation in general. Agile methodologies work with more complete and comprehensive solutions so that results are always achieved as planned. Thus, each area of ​​the company will have the freedom and independence to resolve possible problems or errors quickly and effectively.
And because the processes are clear and organized, it is also possible to explore the interaction with your customers, who can send possible suggestions or adjustments so that the responsible team can work on solutions in a timely manner. And so, offer certain customizations of deliveries, ensuring the satisfaction of each customer of the company. And with all that we've shown so far, this can become a competitive advantage for your company.
In an increasingly competitive world, it is necessary to find important spaces to be able to position your business as the best option for your customers to be able to solve their problems or needs. And that's exactly why it's so important to have a valuable competitive advantage. So, if you want to go deeper into this subject, we have a very practical video that shows very simple tips to find Competitive Advantage for your company.
To watch it, just click on this button up here or on the link we left in the description. 3. THE 4 MAIN TYPES OF AGILE METHODOLOGIES 1.
KANBAN Basically, it is a visual system for managing work or production flow in companies and projects that uses colored cards (or post-its). The focus is to prioritize productivity and the organization of deliveries, providing a more transparent and focused work. Kanban is composed of checklists and offers a great view of the entire project that is being worked on or developed.
Briefly, it works 3 parts of the process: - To Do: which are the activities that need to be performed - Doing: which are the activities that are in progress or already being performed - Done: which are the activities that have already been delivered and completed. Through the organization and monitoring of these steps, Kanban becomes very powerful because it can simplify processes and help in the organization and visualization of each part of the project. This way, the entire team is able to have a very clear view of the progress of all the issues in question.
And because it is cyclical and can be reviewed as often as possible, Kanban is an agile methodology widely used by companies. So, if you want to understand in more detail how it works, we have a very practical video. To watch it, just click on this button up here or on the link we left in the description.
2. SCRUM In a nutshell, SCRUM is a set of actions for managing high-performance or complex projects . It is a methodology that optimizes resources, costs and time.
In other words, professionals are able to work together to solve complex problems in a creative and adaptable way. What will bring high value results for the company. In this way, SCRUM makes your business able to work with a reduced and cross-functional team , where each member has their role and responsibilities to reach the final objective.
And so, you will be able to have more efficiency and productivity to deliver more in less time. It is a cyclical methodology and that is why it is used by different types of businesses as it is very efficient. And we also have a very handy video that explains how it works.
If you want to watch it, just click on this button up here or on the link we left in the description. 3. LEAN Lean methodology is widely used in entrepreneurship.
It focuses on identifying and eliminating waste within a company. And so, use only what is necessary to reduce costs, improve process and deliveries, as well as increase productivity. And Lean Manufacturing, also known as Lean Manufacturing, is a good example of this.
It is a management methodology that aims to optimize processes and reduce waste. In this way, the aim is to minimize the possibility of errors, but always maintaining the expected quality. Thus, there is a reduction in costs, a reduction in the complexity of the tasks performed - which results in an improvement in deliveries - an increase in team productivity and a better sharing of information.
And of course, if you want to understand more about Lean Manufacturing, we have a straight-to-the-point video on everything you need to know about Lean Manufacturing. To watch it, just click on this button up here or on the link we left in the description. 4.
SMART GOALS This methodology focuses on setting goals and objectives that are really important and relevant to your company. It literally helps to focus on where it really matters to your business. She works with 5 pillars, which, joining the first letter of them to the terms in English, form the term SMART, which are: S — which comes from specific, whose meaning is specific.
That is, your goals need to be very specific and clear. And so, not having misinterpretations or doubts. M — which refers to measurable, which is measurable.
Here, it means your goal needs to be measurable, literally. In this way, it will be possible to understand exactly where you need to go and to closely monitor the progress of the projects in order to know the efficiency at all times. A — which refers to attainable, or attainable in Portuguese.
Therefore, the goals need to be achievable and achievable . In this way, they serve to challenge your team, but at the same time be coherent and really reachable in the end. R — which refers to relevant, or relevant in Portuguese.
In other words, goals need to be really relevant to your business, which will make a difference when achieved. T — which refers to time-related. In other words, here it means that it is necessary to define a coherent deadline for the delivery of the project.
And so, make your team work with focus, have a direction and be effective. Surely SMART goals will make your company focus where it really matters to achieve great results. And if you'd like to understand in more detail how to apply SMART goals in your business, watch our straight-to-the-point video on this topic.
To watch it, just click on this button up here or on the link we left in the description. Did you see how agile methodologies are very important and that they will surely help your company a lot? The examples we've given here aren't the only ones, but they're heavily worked on by companies of all sizes.
Now, it's up to you to analyze and understand which agile methodology will be the best fit and best fit with your business model, combined? And just to recap what we said here: 1. WHAT IS AGILE METHODOLOGY?
And if you want to know more about how to set up and manage your own business, go to our Youtube channel that we have several videos on this subject, okay? And if you liked it, share this video with your friends and family to help them too! If you want to prepare even more, download our free e-book now with the 11 key questions to find out if you are ready to start a business of your own or not.
Let's leave the download link here in the description of this video, okay? And be sure to subscribe to this channel and stay on top of all our news on how to set up and manage your own business. And if you can, leave your like to help this channel.
A hug and see you next time!
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