Email Marketing Secrets For 2023 - EXPERT Tips for Beginners

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Wes McDowell
There always seems to be something new when it comes to marketing your business, but there’s one str...
Video Transcript:
2023 and marketing is going to some pretty interesting places your business can be on Tick Tock now you can pay micro influencers to shill for you and you can even use artificial intelligence to create entire ad campaigns from scratch but no matter what newfangled marketing Adventure you choose there's one true classic that can work with it or all on its own to make your whole marketing plan profitable email really hasn't changed all that much since the early days what do you write to it like mail but that lack of change is actually its hidden strength
think about it everything else from Facebook ads to Which social platform is the hottest right now to the constant algorithm updates it's nice to be able to concentrate and really hone in on something that you can count on something that's not only predictable but still insanely profitable too the latest numbers show that for every dollar you put into email marketing you're likely to make forty four dollars back and that's the average and when you consider the fact that returning traffic is worth eight times as much to your business as first time traffic it pays to
get people back to your website to your socials to your content and nothing does that better than building your email list and then nurturing that list with the right kinds of emails week after week and in this video I'm going to give you the complete email marketing plan that I've used for years and it's honestly grown my business more than I ever could have thought this is all stuff that anyone can Master even if you're a complete beginner and I'm going to take you through all of it start to finish and to make email work
for you you need people to send these magical emails too right so let's start with part one building your list so before we get into how you should build your list let's go over how you shouldn't never buy a list first of all a lot of those email addresses that you'd buy are going to be out of date secondly these people never ever asked to hear from you so what do you think they're gonna do not read or open your emails right and if they do a ton of them are just going to hit the
spam button and you don't want that if enough people Mark your emails as spam all your emails you ever send will be automatically filtered by Gmail or whatever email provider people are using into that dreaded spam folder so instead you need to get people to willingly opt in for your emails and there's a right way and a wrong way of doing that too you want to create a compelling valuable piece of content that's so enticing that people will want to give you their email address for it now this piece of content is usually called a
lead magnet lead generator or freebie and what you choose to create as your freebie is going to make the difference between building a big strong engaged list or no signups at all so to help you out let's talk about what works really well and what doesn't so what doesn't work is sign up for my newsletter a newsletter doesn't have any inherent result or transformation or outcome associated with it now what does work something that has a specific result attached to it so when it comes to lead magnets always create something that promises transformation not simply
information you know five things to know when training a new puppy isn't nearly as compelling as train your puppy in two weeks the step-by-step plan that one implies a result the first one only promises that you're going to have more knowledge that you could probably just find in a blog post or a YouTube video somewhere next make sure you choose a topic that has some serious overlap with your paid offer so that training guide makes perfect sense if you're a dog trainer because it's basically a lower level version of what you charge for but the
same dog trainer wouldn't do quite as well if his lead magnet were you know about how to choose the right right puppy because it just doesn't really serve as a good enough bridge between the freebie and the paid service and here's something else that a lot of business owners don't really factor in and if you miss it it can absolutely tank your opt-in rates it's exactly what happened to luxury Airbnb investing coach Rachel Gaines Brew when she was coming up with her first lead magnet which got caught up in a few really common traps so
Rachel how did you decide on the topic for that original first lead magnet it's a podcast interview where they said make your lead magnet the top uh mistakes you see people are making and you're industry okay here are the top 13 mistakes I see people making when they're launching their first property not a lot of hits you know so I was really relying on the external Marketplace meaning other digital creators and their lead magnet uh subjects and then kind of tailoring it to my as it relates to real estate so started on the wrong foot
by going with a pretty general information based non-transformational topic and then she doubled down on it thinking she could save it through design that went into canva and just judge the life out of it I added all the colors all of the icons all of the Emojis all of the things to make the top 13 mistakes I wanted to bring it to life essentially and just make it as pretty as possible hours I spent on the actual beautification of it was probably 10x the hours I had spent on the content piece and so that piece
of it got in the way of me actually delivering the content of what it is that our audience was asking for what it is that they wanted and nobody wanted it like really no one wanted it so what happened next though what put you on the right path so I was on a talk with one of my mentors where during that talk she says your lead magnet is not performing because your lead magnet it's answering a question no one ever asked like what what no one ever asked me 13 mistake mistakes and I think they
need it but they never asked for it she says What specifically are they really asking for and she says your lead magnet needs to be so juicy that you feel like well I really should be charging for this and I went to work but got it and the number one question everyone has asked me for is where should I invest where should I invest what is the city to invest in that's the question they have been asking and so I went to work I actually had a data that I had already scraped I was using
for myself I had someone on Fiverr I paid them 150 to go through and Link things up the way I needed it linked it was an actual lead magnet where I have the top 75 cities with the highest profitability with about six data points to show you the pricing and like this was so juicy and how did that end up working out for you was all that uh extra research uh worth it in the end it made all the difference nothing came even close to what that lead magnet does right now to get about with
Organic 500 TVs per month paid ads 1500 leads per month on that lead magnitude day it is the ugliest Excel spreadsheet it has green yellow red it is so ugly not one glitter on and nothing but this is the number one question so it gets leads but what about actual Revenue that's the really cool part except that our first dollar in June of 2021 we're now at net revenue of 546 okay over half a million bucks in her first year and a half in business thanks to creating the right lead magnet that people actually wanted
so I hope that you're starting to see how important this part of the process is but of course once you have your lead magnet ready you've got to get the word out right now according to Rachel she relies on both free and paid traffic to get people to it which is a great strategy and to help you do this you'll want to add an easy way to opt in for it right on your website and I like to do this in two main ways first you want a dedicated landing page that's all about your freebie
nothing else this is what mine looks like it's for my free on-demand masterclass and you can see that I just lead with the compelling title a brief description and a super simple form that just asks for the first name so I can use it in future emails and of course their email address that's it then underneath I include some bullet points that are meant to pique curiosity and really make people interested in what these things could be now this is just a really strong formula for an opt-in page like this and I get about 600
leads per month thanks to this page and then next you'll want to basically copy this top section and paste it on every single page of your website maybe Midway down your home page then at the bottom of all the other ones that repetition is actually great for opt-in rates and you never know which pages people will visit on your site so this just covers all your bases and for extra points I highly recommend adding it to an exit intent pop-up site-wide so that way when the browser detects that they're mousing up to the back button
to leave your website they get hit with one last attempt which can improve your opt-in rates by an additional 10 to 15 percent The Next Step here is to drive traffic to that dedicator landing page on social so if you have a strong presence and lots of followers post fairly often about this lead magnet and then link people right to the opt-in page and of course if that's converting well you probably want to add some fuel to the fire by running paid ads to it too so you can do that on just about every major
platform like Facebook Instagram Pinterest even Tick Tock so whether people opt in from your organic posts or from Paid ads it all works in the same way they put in their email and then your email provider of choice like MailChimp drip or convertkit just to name a few of them will automatically send your freebie out to your new subscribers in real time and I do have a full tutorial on how to set that all up using my top email pick convertkit and I'll leave a link to that video down in the description okay so now
that we're actively building up your email list every day it's time for part two love your list because just getting that email address is only the beginning right you're not hoarding them for a rainy day your goal is to nurture every single lead that you get with the right kind of emails on the right schedule so what are the right kind of emails I hear all the time from people in the comments who say things like email marketing won't work I mean it doesn't work on me and I think what they really mean by that
is that these types of emails don't work on them and they're absolutely right these kinds of promotional emails don't work at least not on their own the trick to making that 44 times Roi I promised at the beginning of this video is all about sending helpful emails that people actually want to open and that actually increase the desire for your paid offer so instead of bombarding your list with promotion after promotion and coupon after sale and all your new arrival products I like to use garyvee's jab jab jab right hook model which basically says to
give them value at least three times before ever asking for a sale one of my friends in email copywriting expert Jules Dan actually put it another way when we chattered about it if you were just a peach in every single email you would have a dead list very quickly so to balance this you put back into it's all like to call the emotional bank account of the list so for you to withdrawal money you have to deposit money right but for us it's we have to deposit Goodwill we have to deposit value we have to
deposit them feeling like there's a relationship with us so for every four emails you send three of them are a helpful tip a piece of advice and that can include a link to an article you wrote a podcast episode you made or a YouTube video that you posted honestly email marketing and content marketing go together like peanut butter and jelly you can even get a ton of mileage out of linking to content that someone else made just being the one to pass along useful information is almost as valuable as being the one who created it
okay it's example time now so I'm going to show you from my very own inbox here one company that does email marketing amazingly well and one that just kind of misses the mark so that you can see the difference so first let's talk about the good now Rover is an app that lets you book dog walkers and dog sitters and their emails are a really good healthy mix that includes uh truly helpful content like these um these that will do a great job at peaking curiosity for any dog owner like this is stuff you would
definitely want to know and they use sales emails that also lead with value so take this subject line right tired of getting pulled around by your dog that's a real pain point for a lot of dog owners and even though this email's selling a solution it's a solution nonetheless now compare these emails to the ones I get from the company Vesta board now while this product is super cool and I really want one their emails are pretty much all either promos or even worse self-congratulatory press releases anyone want to watch how the CEO raised 5
million bucks I think I'm good fair enough kid fair enough one Surefire way to make your emails get read and then build more of a relationship with your list is through using little stories to help make your points the main objective of a story when it comes to marketing and selling is so that instead of actually pointing the finger and being like you feel this way or you're you're going through this right now or just labeling all these things on people him into these buckets and for most people especially when they don't know you or
they're relatively cold their guard is going to be up so they it's hard to persuade someone when their guard is up but when you either talk about yourself or a client and you use a story and for whatever reason our brains are wired to imagine ourselves in that story and it's super relatable so what are a few really actionable ways a service business can use storytelling in their emails so you might just tell the story that um talks about how you solved a problem for a client that is just one of the easiest thing ever
it's like how did you solve a problem for a client but don't pitch um and maybe just leave like one question at the end like how do you think this might affect you or like just some sort of takeaway where there's no pitch at the end in other words you can use stories in those helpful emails just by talking about a really valuable lesson that you or a client learned and how they learned it and then occasionally or every now and then you can then do say like a case study story where it does talk
about the problem it shows proof not just tells not just tells a story and there might be a call to action and whether you use story or not I've got some really solid tips that are going to help you make the most of your emails so first of all most email providers out there love to talk about their fancy HTML templates that are going to make your business look super slick and professional the problem is they all also make your emails look like they're trying to sell you something right all that fancy formatting is likely
to get your emails routed to either the promotions tab where they're much less likely to be seen let alone clicked on in red or even worse the spam folder so believe it or not the right way to send emails is actually without the template no header no logo just plain text that makes your email Stand Out by blending in with all their more personal emails that they actually want to read but just because you're not using a template doesn't mean that your email needs to look like hot garbage so here are a few little tricks
to help it look nice and clean which will keep people reading longer use short paragraphs lots of line breaks bold key phrases that you don't want people to miss and use emojis and bullet lists where you think they're appropriate emails are kind of like websites and that people don't read them as much as they skim them so make sure that your email those are nice and skimmable and in terms of tone every business is different but I will just say that in almost every single case your emails should read as conversational friendly and one-to-one so
remember these aren't term papers and really buttoned up formal writing isn't going to impress anyone and it's a lot less likely to move the relationship forward people just want authenticity in the businesses they choose they want to be in business with human beings not corporations and HR managers so that has a lot to do with the language that you use but you can add little personality hits to your emails too in the form of gifts I've been sprinkling them throughout this video and I love adding them in just about every email I send out too
just to lighten the mood and bring some emotion or fun to it so you just have to know your audience well enough to know what kinds of gifts will land with them and which ones they just won't get you know is your audience more the office or drag race and the most important thing to get right in your emails is the subject line because nobody clicks on your email in the first place it doesn't even matter what's inside it right well that's what this video is all about I've got nine subject line formulas that are
proven to work way better than the average so you can make sure that all your hard work actually pays off into paying customers so click right here and I'll show you all nine
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