today's video is brought to you by wam which is helping you Sate your curiosity about well everything it's where you'll find answers to literally everything you've ever wanted to learn about and maybe some stuff that you never even thought about learning about and when I say everything we mean it there's ivy league professors basically handing out an expert education in classical Greco Roman history or philosophy or astronomy there's also brilliant tutorials travel logs documentaries it really does seem to never end obviously if you've watched my channels then you guess that I see myself as a
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conflicts in human history the bottom line is this if you're curious by nature you just have to head over to one and right now you guys can head to SSID projects for a free trial to check it out that's Sid projects or just follow the link in the description box below I highly recommend it and now today's [Music] video the Bible is the bestselling book of all time with an estimated five billion copies ever been produced and sold the importance that the Bible has had in shaping human history couldn't be overstated but there
are many different interpretations of the book to some the Bible is the work of God with every word meant to be taken literally to others it's combination of history and Parables figurative metaphors intended to teach some moral lesson rather than being treated as literal events and of course to many people it's nothing more than a work of fiction despite controversy over the contents of the book Scholars generally agree that Jesus was a real historical figure the consensus is that he was baptized by John the Baptist debated Jewish authorities on the subject of God and was
crucified by Pontius Pilate the fifth governor of the Roman province of Judea all other aspects of the life of the historical Jesus much more contested in addition to writings by Christians Jesus his followers and disu eviction are mentioned by several Roman historians as well such as plent of the younger and tacitus however though these historical references have brought about a general consensus on the existence of the historical Jesus there isn't actually any direct evidence no Relic or artifact that is claimed to be tight of Jesus is proven to be authentic but the Bible is a
big book and there's lots of stuff going on in it and much of the Old Testament is intended as a historical record of the origins of the Israelites it's no surprise then that discoveries have been found that confirm parts of the book to be based in fact rather than in fiction anotar the son of rameses the great was an Egyptian pharaoh for 10 years during the late 13th century BC in 1896 an inscription was found in thieves that became known as the manitar Steely the Steely was 28 lines long and chronical manar's victory over the
ancient libyans however the last three lines of the Steely shift away from the libyans into the region of Canan in this section it is stated that Israel is laid waste this inscription is the oldest non-biblical reference to Israel and the only reference from ancient Egypt this was a massive Discovery as the the Old Testament is largely viewed by historians as more of a national myth than an accurate historical Chronicle by the Israelites thanks to the discovery of the manitar Steely it is known that Israel was its own Nation with its own culture occupying a land
in Canan as far back as at least the 13th century BC aside from Jesus no character in The Bible has as much depth and character development as King David David was essentially a nobody his family was not wealthy or important and he was the smallest of eight brothers following a message from God David was secretly named Israel's true king before going on to become its greatest King David conquered Jerusalem which was then made Israel's political and Cultural Center he annexed the coastal lands and he defeated the Philistines with such severity that they would never dare
threaten the Israelites again and for a long time Scholars believed that he was entirely fictitious in 1993 an arch ological team was studying Talan a city from ancient Israel in the research they discovered remnants of a stone wall the wall born inscription though the entire inscription did not remain intact It Was Written in Aramaic and it details victories over two kings of Israel the first name is partially cut off but it almost certainly reads jaram the son of Ahab the other king does not appear to be mentioned by name only identified as the king of
the House of David the tan inscription is dated to the 9th century BC and this simple message battle corroborates many passages from the Bible to start the House of David would mean the lineage of King David this was only written roughly 150 years after King David would have died which seems like too short of a time for someone to fraudulently attempt to establish a noble family lineage to a King that never even existed it's not definitive proof that King David existed but it certainly is evidence that it's more likely true than not the inscription also
points to other passages from the book of Kings being true as well though Aramaic was common amongst the Israelites the government and the wealthier citizens predominantly wrote in Hebrew had this conflict come from within the nation of Israel the inscription surely would have been in Hebrew according to the Bible jaram was killed by the aramean king Hazel whose language would have been Aramaic the dates of hazelle's Reign line up with the date of the tan inscription so the biblical book of Kings is likely more fact Than Fiction King Solomon is portrayed as a wise powerful
and Wealthy king of Israel like David he was one of the 48 Jewish prophets also like David's there was a healthy dispute over whether or not Solomon ever existed regardless of whether Solomon existed both sides generally agreed that the lavishness of the Israelite Empire during this time period is an exaggeration it's also unlikely that the story of Solomon's judgment in which he proposed cutting a baby in half to deduce who the real mother was is an historical event there were many similar stories in folklore from that region and while the account of Solomon is the
oldest written example others could have predated it in oral tradition archaeological excavations at the settlements of aor gizer and megiddo have uncovered six chambered Gates that allegedly date back to the 10th Century BC when biblical chronology states that Solomon would have been King these Gates would provide evidence of the impressive construction that the Bible claims took place under Solomon's Reign there is some disagreement on The Dating of these Gates particularly a Giza with some Scholars believing that they were built centuries later there are no references to King Solomon in any historical texts outside of the
Bible or something that could call his entire existence into question however this is not necessarily meaningful on its own one of the things that made Solomon's Reign so unusual was that it was a time of peace with no Wars or battles fought at all records from 3,000 years ago scarce to begin with and if King Solomon wasn't leading an army into battle against anyone there wouldn't have been much of note for those outside of Israel to write about these three gates may not provide as strong evidence for the existence of Solomon as the TA down
inscription did for the existence of David but if they are indeed from the 10th Century BC then they corroborate much of the Bible's text regarding the construction and renovation that took place under Solomon's Reign even if these projects weren't quite as extravagant as the Bible may make them out to [Music] be in 186 the mbit stone was found at the ancient site of Debon in what is modern day Debon in Jordan papier mashe impression of the stone was made on behalf of an archaeologist based in Jerusalem at the time the area was being heavily scoured
for any evidence that would prove the historical accuracy of the Bible when word got out about the meride stone France England and Germany all set forth trying to acquire the valuable piece of History the ban Hamida tribe who were in possession of the stone didn't like the idea of these other nations coming in and laying claim to the artifact so an act of defiance they smashed it into several pieces and sold it on the Antiquities Market many of these pieces have been recovered though not all of them so why is the merite stone so important
the translation of the stone has been updated several times to become more accurate but the general meaning Remains the Same the 34 lines of text begin I am Mesa son of chimos GAD king of Moab the stone is most likely a victory Stone designed to explain who mall was and to outline his military victories in the text Misha tells of his war against the Israelites and their King jaram this same war is outlined in the Bible's book of Kings the accounts aren't identical but if anything this highlights their authenticity as being depictions of the same
conflict from opposing viewpoints the moabit stone emphasizes Misha's victories over Israel and the capturing of cities on the other hand the Bible places the emphasis on Israel successful counterattacks against the moabites these two accounts don't contradict one another that they simply tell the opposing sides of the same story with each side playing up their own victories and ignoring their own defeats this provides further evidence that much of the Old Testament history of the Israelites May indeed be an accurate telling of events as told from their point of view even if some details particularly in regards
to King Solomon were exaggerated though there was thought to be some truth to it the book of Exodus has long been considered by Scholars to be the founding myth of the Israelites rather than a particularly historical account the book follows The Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and into the promised land of Canan we know from the Manas that the Israelites had established themselves in Canan by the 13th century but how much of what happened before then could be historically accurate perhaps the most famous portion of the book of Exodus is when Moses Parts
the Red Sea allowing the Israelites to walk across the water before it comes crashing back down to drown the Pharaoh's Army there is no non-biblical evidence that such an event ever occurred indeed the story sounds like the sort of thing that would have to be taken entirely on faith however Recent research has discovered that such an event is actually scientifically possible there are two key elements of the story that are extremely important one of which is often overlooked in movies like The Ten Commandments Moses is always depicted as raising his arms and causing the sea
to immediately part by the will of God however this isn't actually how it's described in the biblical text the King James translation of Exodus 14:21 reads and Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong East Wind all that night and made the sea dry land and the waters were divide it across all translations the important part of this passage does not change the sea did not instantly part but rather it was the result of a strong wind blowing for an entire night the other
key element of the story is the discrepancy in translations While most this is often cited as parting the Red Sea the more accurate translation is believed to be the Sea of reeds this leads to some assumptions on behalf of researchers as to the exact apology of the area at the time and where the Sea of reeds would have been but they found a candidate just south of the Mediterranean Sea is Tanis which it is believed would have met with the Nile Delta thousands of years ago when this event would have taken place Lake tnis was
still an ideal place for wild Reeds to grow which lends some Credence to the idea that this area could have been the Sea of reeds whether this was the actual location of the story or Not The Parting Sea could have been the result of a wind setdown this is a coastal phenomenon where extended periods of strong wind push the water back completely it's not just hypothetical scenario either as it is something that has been seen fairly recently both at the Nile Delta and in Lake Erie if the proposed location is correct easterly winds exceeding 60
MPH for the entire night could have pushed back the water creating a Bridge with water on either side computer models of exactly what this weather pattern would have done show that the Israelites would have had four or 5 hours to cross the land bridge of roughly 1.8 to 2.5 mil in length even with the terrain likely being muddy that's an extremely reasonable Pace once the wind stopped the water would come crashing back and cover the newly created landbridge though this doesn't confirm The Parting of the Sea of reads happening it shows that it is absolutely
possible that it could have happened especially taking into account that the Bible specifically notes that it took an entire night for the water to recede rather than being nearly instantaneous even if this was a real historical event the idea of the pharaoh's chariots being in Hot Pursuit and then being drowned by the waters while very technically possible would likely be a bit of an embellishment it just goes to show that even stories that were largely dismissed as fiction could have a basis in historical fact [Music]