thank you for joining us for another powerp packed message provided by Monroe Global Incorporated and Monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message everyone take notes please I want to speak to you on influencing Earth with Kingdom culture influencing Earth with what kingdom culture understanding the message and the Mandate of Jesus Christ I want you to understand the message and the Mandate of Jesus Christ I am
convinced that Jesus is the most misunderstood human on earth he's misunderstood by the Hindus the Buddhists the Muslims the scientologists the atheists the agnostics he's also misunderstood by the Christian I thought I understood Jesus until I personally read Jesus over and over again and he shocked me because I didn't realize that I didn't understand his Concepts let me quickly introduce to you what I call his kingdom Concepts number one the message of the Bible is not about religion the Bible is about a king a kingdom and his royal family the Bible is about a king
a kingdom and a royal family I want you to think about that for a minute it's not about religion secondly everyone in the world is seeking for the king om the Bible is about a kingdom and every human is seeking for that Kingdom now they don't know what they're looking for but that's what they're looking for Jesus said these words in his first sermon he said in Matthew Chapter 5 blessed are those who are spiritually poor that's 6.7 billion people on Earth for to them belongs the Kingdom of Heaven he said if you are spiritually
empty spiritually bankrupt spiritually malnutrition you don't need a religion you need the Kingdom of Heaven According To Jesus every human spirit that is empty can only be satisfied with the Kingdom of Heaven not a religion and that's why religious people are still searching they're still empty that's why religions are so busy with programs because they keep you busy so you can't get quiet to think about your emptiness this is why we are constantly preoccupied occupied in religion you see all religions are simply man's attempt to find the kingdom man knew he lost something didn't know
what it was and so he developed these sophisticated rituals to try and find what he is missing and it turns out to be a religion all religions are human products of Man's Search to find what Adam lost and Adam never lost a religion that's why religion never satisfies any human guaranteed and number three leads to number four Jesus his mission and his message was not about a religion his message was about a kingdom I'm going to prove that tonight in a few minutes as a matter of fact all true kingdoms contain the same qualities and
characteristics and components as other kingdoms do so when Christ preached about a kingdom first you got to understand what a kingdom is and the problem with Living in America is America is a democracy not a kingdom and growing up in America is a disadvantage because that means you live in a culture where there is no concept of what Jesus preached a democracy is completely opposite to a kingdom opposite to it and you were born in a culture that's Democratic you were born in democracy of a republic and a republic is opposite to a kingdom and
Jesus preached the kingdom of God the kingdom of God but here's your culture with no concept of it and so what happens is you superimpose on your Bible your Democratic culture and develop a new idea God knows nothing about it's called Christianity set up straight this going to be rough for the next few minutes I was born in religion myself and it almost killed me until I reconnected to my roots which is a kingdom I was born in 1954 and when I was born I was not born in a country when I was born in
1954 I was born in what they call a colony Jesus Christ was also born in a colony now there are no colonies in the United States and so the concept alone is a confusing concept because only kingdoms have colonies I was born in 1954 in a colony and I was born therefore under a kingdom I was born under a king and every morning little kids we would sing every morning to the king and queen who we never saw every school had they put on uniforms we sang in those hot sun breaking in the sun in
the morning and we would worship people we never saw we would sing praises to them every morning from age three and four and five we would stand up out in the sun 100 little black kids singing God save our gracious queen long live our Noble King God Save the Queen born to rule over us and we sang every morning we worship them even though we never saw them why because in kingdoms the first thing you do every morning is you worship and you sing to the king but there are no Kingdoms in the Western World
so that book in your lap is in danger because we got a Eastern book with a kingdom Concept in the hand of a democratic mind this is why your theologians don't understand the kingdom because they were produced by your Democratic culture this is why there was no class in your Bible school or seminary on the kingdom because the professors themselves never had an understanding of the Kingdom you can only teach what you learn and that's the difficulty you see all kingdoms manifest themselves the same way countries do a kingdom is a country and they manifest
themselves through culture we misunderstood Jesus matter of fact let's let's go back and deal with the original idea of God very important where does where do kingdoms begin here's what I want you to write down number one the Creator created the realm of Heaven as his Center of power the first thing God created was not the heavens and the Earth he created heaven first the invisible world existed before the visible world the Bible says that God is the king of heaven heaven is a place it's an actual place it's like a country but it's invisible
Heaven is a territory it's a place that's why God rules over it it's a place he created it it's invisible secondly number two Heaven is God's original invisible country where Jehovah rules Heaven is an actual country but it's invisible the Bible says in uh in the Old Testament a strange statement some of you have read it before it says Abraham was looking for a country that was not yet in other words he knew he came from somewhere but didn't know where it was then it says Elisha was looking for a country that he couldn't find
why there was a country where we all came from but we lost it let me say something very deep you did not come from Earth You Came To Earth you manifested before you was even known as a matter of fact you existed before you manifested let me repeat myself you existed before you manifested you existed long before you came to Earth the Bible says in the book of Ephesians chap 1:3 it says he chose you in him before the Earth began he chose you were in him you were in him before there was a earth
that's why God could tell Jeremiah before you was conceived I already knew you before you was born I already appointed you so don't tell me what I can't do you existed before you manifested you used to actually live inside of God in heaven you came down from heaven and God put you in an earth suit so you can rule the Earth on his behalf that's the purpose for your creation oh stay at me now we're going to get heavy watch this Jehovah is the king of what he's the king of Heaven that's why it's called
the Kingdom of Heaven he's the king of heaven heaven is the domain he's the king king domain Kingdom he is the king of the domain called Heaven that's why Christ always says I came down from heaven I came down from heaven they said wait a minute we know your mother we know your father when he assisted he said no you don't know me I came down from heaven it's very important they said you came from Nazareth he said no I came down from heaven wait a minute we know your mother she's Mary your brother and
sister James and John he says no I came down from heaven my body came from Earth but not me he says we missed it and that's why you are so limited in your life right now cuz you think you came from Earth oh help me Lord it's going over your head see someone ask you where you're from I'm from Detroit you ain't from Detroit you came down from heaven and you landed in Detroit oh you don't understand why I think so big I used to be a Beaman I used to be a black man but
listen this body ain't big enough for who I am I'm just carrying this Earth suit around for a while I came down from heaven [Music] brother and remember you are as wealthy as from as from where you came from Jesus never claimed to come from Earth never read the four gospels they asked them they said where you from he said I came down from heaven they said no we know your mother he said I came down from heaven you see whatever you claim is your origin is your limitation some of you claim to be from
Africa that's your problem Africa is a limitation I'm bigger than an African I'm a spirit Spirits have no gender your body is a earth suit don't let your Earth suit trap who you are oh God help me here write this down very important God's original idea was a simple idea and that was to extend his Heavenly Kingdom on Earth that's all God wanted to do why because all kingdoms expand if you don't understand this concept you will misunderstand this book called The Bible God's idea was simply to extend his invisible Heavenly Kingdom to the visible
physical Earth that's all he wanted to do nothing deep he didn't want a religion he didn't want a bunch of rituals he didn't want a whole lot of prayer meetings that was not what he wanted he simply wanted to extend his kingdom to another territory why why did God create the Earth well let's find out why and some of you need to write this scripture down you ain't never read this in your life before why did God create planet Earth well it says in Isaiah 45:8 it says for this is what the Lord says he
who created the heavens he is God He Who fashioned and made the Earth he founded it why did he created the Earth read it he did not create it to be empty but formed it to be inhabited I rest my case God said I made the Earth so I could extend my kingdom to a place that is physical the Earth was not made to be empty question why do you want to leave what God wants you to inhabit you know every religion is built on leaving Earth Buddhism go to the heavens Hinduism Incarnation to a
higher Heaven Islam Paradise Christianity Heaven I'll Fly Away Rapture everybody wants to leave God says I created it to be inhabited listen to me this is a tough concept because we have been brainwashed to get out of here our songs reinforce it our sermons reinforce it why because we misunderstood the message of Jesus Christ never emphasized leaving Earth Earth was created by God to be inhabited take a deep breath listen to me this is tough to teach okay you see that's why we love the Rapture so much it gets us out of here no more
phone bills water bills light bills no more mortgage payments we're lazy people Christians are the laziest people I've ever met they want blessings and no trials the Earth was created to be inhabited God said an empty Earth is is a failure of God's word so here you are you praying to leave oh God come and get me out of here Deliver Us oh Lord come quickly Lord Jesus Rapture Rapture Rapture Rapture Rapture Rapture I'll Fly Away some glad morning I mean everything get out of here get out of here we praying to get out of
here you want to hear his prayer father do not take them out of the world you praying to leave he's praying to stay somebody's going to get their prayers answered and it's Jesus it gets worse the Earth was made for you look at Genesis 126 God first statement about you let's read it together everybody go then God said let us make man in our own image and in our likeness and let them have what dominion over the fish of the sea birds of the air cattle of the field and over all the Earth and everything
that creeps upon the ground why did God create man to have dominion over what Earth animals plants trees creeps God created you not to live in heaven and sing around his throne read the Bible he created you to be on earth to dominate and God says my word will not return to me void why did God create man he tells us he tells us let them have dominion so you created for what Dominion why were you created what did God say you created for it's very important scripture the word dominion I did research for you
write it down I researched it for you the word dominion is the word uh in the Greek New Testament basilia and it actually means sovereignty it means rulership it means royal power and the word means Kingdom in Genesis 1: 26 the word that is written there is the word dominion and it's written in Hebrew the word rad or mlak the word R mlak means Kingdom let them have Kingdom he says the first thing God gave adam was Kingdom the first reason why God created you was Kingdom let them have Kingdom over the Earth the word
Kingdom actually means Sovereign power you were created to have dominion over the planet Earth God gave you m L he gave you radar he gave you the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth he gave you rulership over the Earth's environment that is why you get sick when things control you cuz you were designed to control everything that is why when you owe people it depresses you because your whole body reacts to that oppression matter of fact the Bible says the lender is a slave to the borrower why you're not built to be a slave that's why
your whole body reacts when the bank calls you you were not designed to be oppressed you were designed to dominate every circumstance every single thing in the environment let me tell you why we why we love Jesus Jesus Christ was the first man that the disciples meant who dominated everything except people look at that list people are not on the list fish Birds plants animals and insects that creep on the ground never humans you were never designed to be dominated but you were designed to dominate the entire planet and everything in the earth you notice
Jesus he never dominated people he only de dominated with on another list he spoke to trees they died he spoke to fish they came into the net He Walked on Water spoke to the wind spoke to the trees spoke to the waves the guy was controlling bacteria speaking to enzymes he was speaking to all kinds of viruses coming off why he dominated and then he says just like the father sent me so am I sending you you were created by God to have dominion rulership you were born to be a ruler that's why you hate
to be told what to do come on don't lie to me I talking about you humble you hate to be told to do why in your genes there's a spirit of dominion you want to be in charge say Amen anyhow everyone in here was born to dominate not be dominated it's in your circuitry it's in your DNA you were created by God to dominate the Earth and that's why you are always excited when you pay your bills off you taste Dominion when you become debt free your whole life takes on a new experience why you
become free you dominate environments that's why you want to be wealthy you want to be rich you want to be a millionaire not because of the money you want to be a rich man because you want to dominate everything you want to choose what to eat what to wear where to go how long to stay you want to dominate it ain't the money it's the power the money gives you to [Music] dominate tell your neighbor was born to rule and I know it I tell you neighbor every circumstance after this meeting is coming under my
feet shout amen somebody I say shout Amen to him somebody he created you to be a king over this territory Earth is your territory that's your domain Heaven is God's territory matter of fact in the book of the uh I love this word Psalm 115:16 it says please read go everybody read may you be blessed of the Lord the maker of heaven and Earth the highest Heavens belong to who the Lord but the Earth he has given to the children of man give God a praise he said Heaven is my territory Earth is your territory
that's the Bible brother you cannot be a ruler of nothing so God says I'll be king of Heaven you be king of Earth you mind your business I'll mind mine I'm about to shout all by myself he created the Earth just for the kids to have somewhere to rule that's all that's why he said you notice God made the Earth first then he released you come on Genesis 1 he made the Earth first then he says now let us make man why they got somewhere to rule why he wants you to be Kings and he
is king of heaven so he wants to be the king of kings you got a shout right there he want to be the king of what Kings not the king of servants we don't understand the message it's a kingdom message as a matter of fact the first Earthly kingdom was given to God given to Adam by God in Genesis chapter 1 and Christ tried to explain it in the New Testament here's what Jesus said you know the word dominion rer is a word that he used in Matthew 25:34 let's read together Matthew 25:34 read then
the king will say to those on his right come you who are blessed of my father take your inheritance what the kingdom not a car not a house not a nice clothes not Nike not a BMW but the kingdom you know the religious people say I'm inheritance is Big House big car that's not what the Bible teaches oh boy I'm going to get in trouble now your inheritance is not a a home by the lake that's too small for you your inheritance he says is what the kingdom why that's what you lost now inheritance means
that which is yours by Birthright that means you own it because it's in the family it was passed on by your daddy the kingdom was given to Adam from the beginning radar Adam lost it Christ says here's your inheritance back I'm giving you the entire country back read the last line which was prepared for you how long I gave you this Kingdom he says from the creation of the world and you lost it and I came back to give it to you who brought it back to you the king that's the good news you got
what Adam lost again let me tell you something he says come you are are blessed by my father take your inheritance which is what is it the kingdom not a religion called Christianity you are not supposed to inherit a religion from your daddy or from your mother give me that old time what no no no I want the kingdom the problem is in your culture there is no Kingdom so you don't know what he's talking about that's why he sent me on this Wednesday night to open your eyes what is a kingdom say it what
is a kingdom he said that's your inheritance what is a kingdom write it down a kingdom is the governing influence of a king over his territory his domain impacting it with his will his intent and his purpose producing a community of citizens expressing the culture and reflecting the nature and lifestyle and morals and values of the king that's a kingdom I was born in one I know what I'm talking about when you are in a kingdom you are in a country under a government of a king and every citizen takes on the nature the values
the morals and the lifestyle of the king this is why a kingdom is opposite to a democracy for example in America you do not take on the lifestyle of President Bush you don't take on the nature of your president or the morals of your president or the values of your president or the clothing of your parents or the lifestyle no you don't but in a kingdom you have to oh you don't understand every citizen supposed to literally look and act just like the king in the Bahamas when you come to the Bahamas for example we
were under a king for 259 years we just threw off the kingdom in 1973 so I was born under a kingdom and when you're under a kingdom you take on the culture of the king now the King was over 3,000 miles away from us we never saw the king and they ruled us for 259 years and do you know the first thing they did was take over our language they made us speak English our great-grandfather was born in Africa came on ships never spoke English but when a king takes over your life you have to
speak the king's language the first thing they take over is your tongue and so we speak British English now J old chap come fellow old lady that's the way we speak we were taught to speak British English they call it The King's English they actually called it you must learn son The King's English at age three they said no don't speak African language you must speak The King's English why you are under the kingom of the British Anglo so you must speak The King's English and they correct us stop stop saying that you must say
it like this jol fellow thank you there wherefore you know they make you speak The King's English why you are under the king's influence yeah when you come under a king's influence the first thing he takes over is your Tong you don't understand Jesus that's your problem Jesus said in Mark 15 If any man believes in me the first thing you should do is speak in new tongues speaking in tongues is not a religious experience it's a national experience you're getting your language back that you lost from your old country give God a praise for
speaking in tongues tongues is getting your language back from the [Applause] King tongues is for every human on earth six billion of supposed to speak in tongues matter of fact Paul says I mean Peter says Jesus told us that this gift is for you and your children and your children's children and your children's children and as many as are far off that means the whole world supposed to be baptized Holy Ghost and get their language back the one they lost speak and tongs don't make you special you finally came back home that's all come on
give God a shout and give him a praise and tongs that's my language from my hometown English is a foreign language to me towns is my native tongue give God a praise we get our tongue back that's why when the Holy Ghost came in the upper room and the anointing Came Upon them the first thing they did was got their language back do you know that when I want to know where you're from your tongue gives you away come on talk to me someone walks you start speaking in Spanish what do you think about Mexico
Cuba or Spain someone speak French what do you think about France Portuguese you think Brazil Portugal you see when you speak in your language it tells us where your hometown is oh you don't understand what I'm talking about you take on the influence of of your country you come to the Bahamas the minute you land in the airport you have to drive on the left hand side of the street why because we have to take on the culture of our kingdom our Kings in England drove on the left so we drive in the left in
the Caribbean we have to why we have their culture we were neck ties in 95 degrees in the islands that doesn't make any sense but you know why we do it because our kingdoms wall neck ties and suits with short pants and long socks that's right suit with short pants and long socks all my little life I grew up better suit on with tie sweating why because when you go to my country my home country the English Kingdom it's cold up there nine months of the year so they wear coats to keep warm so in
the in the culture of the colony we we have to wear the same thing even though it's hot you don't you don't understand what I'm talking about in other words when you are under a kingdom it doesn't do care what the environment is you are in you're supposed to still live like the king oh some of Y going to get it after I'm gone in other words you cannot tell God everybody's doing it no no no if you're in the Kingdom you ain't going to do it you're going to do what your king is doing
oh come on shout somebody that's why if everybody's lying you don't lie why your king don't lie if you steal because you are not in the kingdom of God then you are not a citizen my king don't commit adultery so I don't commit adultery everybody else doing it but I'm under a different Kingdom I'm under a different influence that's Kingdom living we don't understand Kingdom you see Christianity is not a kingdom it's a religion that's why you can s and then sing in the choir let me say it slow that's why we love Christianity it's
a religion you can sin and then sing in the choir the same time but in a kingdom you take on the culture of your king and the King says Thou shalt not commit fornication he don't care who's sleeping around you don't sleep around why you under another country give God a praise for the culture of Heaven coming to this city oh I'm about to shout all by myself a kingdom is a country ruled by a king that's why Christ always say things like this if you love me you will do what I say President Bush
can never say that because a president is not a king we are in a kingdom at this one it's very important a kingdom is The Sovereign rulership and governing power of a king over his territory producing a citizenry of people reflecting the culture nature of the king now what that really means is a kingdom is consisting of a king a government a territory it consists of a country a nation a people also it consists of people ruled by a king in other words a kingdom is a community of people with a distinct culture be in
the world I can't hear yall be in the world you ain't supposed to act look smell dress walk talk like them if you got to wear a shirt that says Jesus is Lord you ain't a citizen of the kingdom of God if you got to carry a Bible to work and put on your desk you are not a kingdom citizen it's supposed to be in your culture he wants the culture of Heaven to come to Earth he don't want you to go to heaven oh this is too much for you write this down all kingdoms
expand write that down everyone write that down say with me all kingdoms expand why to extend their glory and their influence democrac do not expand democracy do not expand when democracy try to expand they call it occupation so people fight against that a kingdom is different a kingdom expands that's why every Kingdom go on the on the internet and type in kingdoms and press search and you'll find that all the kingdoms in history they all expanded that's why Rome ruled from Africa to England and when Rome fell apart It produced many small kingdoms like Portugal
Belgium England Spain it just produced all these different kingdoms and every one of them expanded matter of fact America used to be a colony of Great Britain Cuba is a colony of Spain Brazil is a colony of Portugal gualo and martinque and Haiti is a colony of France because they expanded you go to Africa you'll find that Zimbabwe Malawi Botswana Zambia Ghana Nigeria were all colonies of Britain that's why they speak English then the Congo speak French because the French colonized that area kingdoms expand that's why God created the heavens and the Earth he wanted
to expand because the more territory a kingdom has the greater its Glory that's why the Bible says the Earth is filled with the glory why because the kingdom expands number two when kingdoms expand is called colonization this is a word that does not exist in your vocabulary colonization is when a kingdom extends its influence to a foreign territory so the Earth was created by God to be the colonization colony of Heaven God created Earth to expand heaven I'm going to say it again God created Earth to expand Heaven I'll say one more time get in
your mind God created Earth to do what expand Heaven the same way the British expanded to the Bahamas and to Jamaica and to St Thomas St kits St Lucio Grenada all the way to Guyana and the same way the French expanded to Haiti and guadaloop and martinque and French Guana the same way the Portuguese expanded all the way down to Brazil and the Spanish King from England and from Europe expanded all the way to Mexico and Cuba and and Guatemala that's the way God expanded from Heaven to Earth now if you visit those countries it's
like visiting the kingdom they speak the language of their kings they eat the food of their kings the architect of the buildings is just like the home country in Europe because when a kingdom colonizes it expands the culture of the Kingdom that's why mankind was created by God for the purpose of expanding God's kingdom to Heaven and Earth You Came To Earth to make earth look like heaven we keep getting it wrong we want to go to heaven kingdoms get their Glory from expansion so God gave mankind Kingdom rulership over the Territory called Earth and
that's why you must possess more land you got to get more land 800 acres a th000 Acres 5,000 why you got to keep going don't stop why he says the Earth must be filled with the nature of the Lord the first thing God gave adam was Kingdom the second thing God gave adam was real estate oh you don't get it he gave him rulership over Earth read it slowly rulership that's Kingdom over Earth territory that means you are not obeying God until you own territory am I'm going say it again please hear me my people
God doesn't want you to rent renting should always be temporary you shouldn't die renting that's not God's will oh help me Jesus God created you to have dominion rulership over Earth that means the only way you can prove that you are a kingdom citizen is you own real estate some you don't believe me I know you don't believe me first thing God gave adam was what real estate first thing God gave Abraham was what real estate first thing God promised Moses was what real estate pring God told Joshua was going to Real Estate then comes
Jesus and he says blessed are the meek let me say it slowly cuz you are too religious blessed are the meek for they shall inherit heaven no that's what you say you say heaven you want to go to heaven he said blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth if you are the word meek write the word meek down the word meek doesn't mean weak it's a Greek word Hebrew word it means self-controlled it means controlled power that means when you discipline yourself and control yourself and start spending your money on fancy clothes
and expensive stuff and buy property then you will be a Meek person oh Lord I'm in trouble now see meekness means instead of buying lunch you save your money and take lunch to work so you can save up to buy a piece of property that's meekness that's self-control you want to be a good man okay then God says a good man leads an inheritance real estate real estate you're not supposed to die in an apartment real estate when I leave this country and I come back I want you to show me your papers where you
are paying on a piece of property real estate it's God's plan for man to dominate the Earth let me tell you something when my wife and I paid off our mortgage it was such a good feeling own it no one could move us we got real estate and then I bought land for my kids already paid for Real Estate then I bought land for their kids and they even ain't married yet real estate why because I got to obey God he says I must leave an inheritance to my children's children most people leave their children
mortgages well there changes tonight lift your hand up right now I'm going to prophesy that you shall be among those who shall own property in this city you shall become a landowner you shall become a landlord for he shall be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord give him a big praise you're going to be a Lord You're Going to own land shout hallelujah [Applause] somebody tell your neighbor I'm moving on up to the east side yes sir you're going to own property it's kingdom style to own [Applause] property and it's a good
time to buy right now while they're losing it you go ahead and own it I'm telling you when it turn down you turn up you get in there and say look I want a bargain for it I want to make a deal on it you go get it and I promise you if you step out God will help you clap your hands all you land owners he's going to give you land it's kingdom style oh I know what I'm talking about he'll work a miracle if you decide I want land Pastor you go get land
go ask for 500 Acres he'll give it to you he wants you to own land money is not your problem decision is your problem tell you NE tell you make a decision go get land sit down for two more minutes let me finish this praise God God's plan for you was to extend his Heavenly invisible Kingdom on Earth he wanted to administrate his Divine knowledge on Earth through mankind he wanted to estabish Heaven's Colony on Earth God wanted to bring the territory of Earth under Kingdom's influence he wanted to make earth the nature of heaven
we keep reversing it we want to go to heaven that's why we know no earthly good I got to come back and be here for three days and teach this thing properly because we are all messed up we got the wrong theology he made you to be a king when Adam fell Adam did not lose a religion you cannot lose what you never had I'm going to say it again you cannot lose what you were never given God gave adam Dominion Kingdom Adam lost Dominion Kingdom matter fact the fall of Man was the loss first
of all of a royal family secondly he lost a kingdom thirdly he lost a government fourth he lost a whole community of saints and number five he lost a society and most of artment Adam fell he lost the culture of heaven and that's what Christ came to Earth to bring back he came to bring back the family the kingdom the government the community the society and the culture of Heaven Can I hear an amen can I hear an amen oh boy my time's gone I got to let me get Clos this up okay write this
down please Isaiah 9:6 watch this read out loud For unto us a child will be born and unto us a son will be given and what's going to be upon his shoulders I can I hear you why that's what Adam lost he's coming with a government not a religion read the next verse it says and of the increase of his government there shall be no end he's coming to Earth to bring a government we keep preaching religion you know it's amazing to me that you have actually accepted Satan's big sale to America of separating church
and government when in fact church is government that's why you must take control of property and start building and ruling and influencing decisions in the city he brought government back I put it to you another way this one is very important God believes that government is the answer to Mankind's problem that's why we are voting and all this stuff about Obama and Hillary and all this stuff mcain why we keep believing that we can get the right government then we get the right country just get the right government we get the right country so every
5 years we get fighting we get fighting why we want a better government we keep fighting why because you believe government is the answer you know why you believe that because it's true except the government as the answer is not from Earth Adam lost government and you are Adam's Offspring so you are looking for government and we keep trying governments and they keep failing us because those governments are from Earth when Christ came he came with government on his shoulders he came into the world from another place because the government Adam Adam lost was from
another place write this down please the goal of Jesus coming therefore was to return the government which is the Holy Spirit and then to restore the citizens that's you he came to reclaim the territory that's Earth and he came to reinstate the culture that's the lifestyle of God that's why Christ came to Earth not the religion he came to bring back Governor citizens territory and culture therefore he came to reestablish Heaven's community on Earth we supposed to be a whole Community from another place that's what you call a colony a colony is a group of
people from another place who are not under the authority of those who are local put it another way he came to regain Society for God and that's why we must influence the territory we must influence the community we must impact it but not with your religion but with the kingdom of God's culture and you got to study the kingdom Christ says seek first the kingdom you got to seek it therefore we came to this place to fill the Earth with the colony of Heaven everybody say Colony the word colony is only used in kingdoms I
I used to live in one do you know that Palestine where Christ was born was a colony of you of Roman of the Roman Kingdom and that's why they said whenever in Rome you do as the Romans do why because you're under their culture that's what kingdoms do so when you come to the Bahamas you drive on the left you got to do exactly what the kingdoms do you can't drive on the right you drive on the left when in the Bahamas you do as the British do kingdoms now watch this I'm going to leave
you with two examples and then we're going to pray hey boy say Colony say colonization now look at the word colony write it down slowly c o l o n you see that word colon that's where the word comes from it comes from the word colon it's it's this is this Greek word k o l o n y Colony if you put it wrong say C Colony colonization is from the word colon now what's your colon look at me carefully your colon is your tongue attached to your esophagus your stomach your small intestines large intestines
and your rectum that whole thing is your colon it's an organ so your tongue is the beginning of your colon your rectum is the end of it follow me now God came to call colonize heaven on Earth now here's why they call all of our countries colonies and here's why Romans colonized Europe colon is what begins in the head the tongue is in the head whatever goes into the head the mount ends up in the rectum Christ call it the drought he said but goes to the mou comes of the drought that's colonization so got
to understand Jesus now so therefore whatever happens in the head shows up in the territories if you don't believe me eat some pepper that's where the word colonization comes from and it's it's it's all through the Bible it's just that the English Bible doesn't translate it properly follow me now so whatever is in the head it's the head country shows up in the territories that's why it's called colonization whatever's in the head manifests in the territory so whatever is in the head shows them the territory I'm repeating myself so you want to know what's in
the head study the territory so so you don't you don't need to go to the head to see what's in the head just study what's in the territory so you want know Britain is like come to the Bahamas narrow streets tea four times a day driving on the left go to England exactly what they do narrow streets drive on the left T4 times a day whatever's in the colony is in the head that's why God made Earth Earth is God's Colony Heaven is the head so Jesus said look when you pray watch him he said
do not pray to come to Heaven stop praying to come to Heaven he says but that's what religion prays for you keep praying for God to come for you to go to heaven wrong prayer that's why you're praying being answered you're praying wrong he said look when you pray first of all he says do not even think about food and clothes and water and how you will live and what you will drink he says take no thought of these things don't even worry about other words he just destroyed your prayer list Matthew chap 6 verse
23 to verse 33 he says he says only pagans pray for those things Jesus said that that means Sunday mornings is the largest Gatherings of pagans in the world don't look now there's one sitting behind you I'm talking to you I'm talking to the one behind you not you don't get offended pagans we keep praying for food and clothes and car and rent and mortgage oh god listen my wife and I have never prayed for food never prayed for rent never prayed for mortgage and God paid them all off why he says stop worrying about
those things wrong prayer that's why he sent me here cuz you about to go into a recession cuz your confidence is in the economy he sent me to take your mind off the economy and put it in Heaven's economy where there is no recession let me tell you something not one dollar has left the planet it is still here and plenty of it coming to me and after this day I'm going to prophesy when we finish it's going to start coming to you he said seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and
all of these things shall be what come on say it loud add it means you ain't got to fight cry beg scream pray for it is just add it shout hallelujah [Applause] somebody oh this is your day of Deliverance it's your day of [Applause] Victory he said when you pray don't pray for those things watch him now when you pray pray he says pray like this ready our government who is not on [Applause] Earth come on now holy is your name watch him now he said keep praying thy kingdom come thy will be done where
on Earth how come on give him a big shout he want heaven to come to Earth not Earth come to Heaven scream if you understand what I'm talking about that's what you pray for let your culture come let your ma come let your morals come let your values come let your culture on Earth [Applause] come let me explain something to you Pastor Mormon listen to me everybody Jesus never preached prosperity and I'm and I'm debt free personally I'm going to say it again he never preached Prosperity I know you're quiet I got you here's why
because in a kingdom Prosperity is the [Applause] culture oh you know you you you missed that one you missed that one matter of fact in a kingdom poverty is strange oh you still ain't got it in a kingdom poverty is abnormal that's why in a kingdom all my life I grew up with a word my sister remember the word it's the word we are in the common wealth you see in the Kingdom the wealth is come on clap your hands you about to move into Kingdom life before you leave this building you to shift from
economy to Kingdom Commonwealth you're going to shift from poverty to Prosperity as a lifestyle oh you don't [Applause] understand Prince William Will of England will never call Money a blessing you can get that when I leave I'm going to say it again Prince William of England today will never call Money a blessing why he's born into royalty it's the lifestyle I prophesy lift your right hand High I prophesy that the day is coming before the end of this year that you're going to be shifting into Kingdom living so well that being rich is going to
be normal and being debt free is going to be a lifestyle you're going to have everything you need and nothing's going to be special about it it's just normal for your Lord shall supply all of your need according come on give him a hand give him a praise this is your day of being debt free oh I'm about to to young man God wants you to own the business and hire people stop being employed start being deployed you become the employer and take over the territory shout amen your days of begging are over because I've
never seen the [Applause] righteous you better take this you better accept this you better lift your hands and receive that prophecy you don't look at me like that you better take it you got to accept [Applause] it come in come in uh yes I'm from the Roman government we come for taxes Peter we ain't got no money James you got any money no no money sounds like Detroit I ain't got no money but they're sitting in the room with the King listen carefully the king says uh Peter go in the back door throw your line
out and pull a fish in first when you get open the mouth take the money out pay for everybody you missed the whole thing you missed the miracle he telling them look in your culture you run out of things but in Kingdom Culture The Things Are Always Somewhere oh I don't believe you missed that one I say in your culture you run out but in the Kingdom culture it's always somewhere he knows where the secret Riches of Darkness lie don't you worry about what they announcing you're going to have the best year of your life
this year in the middle of recession you're going to have Prosperity shout hallelujah come on quiet shout oh I feel like running right down there by myself cuz you know when you understand Kingdom living all the stress is gone no more [Applause] worries listen to my sis listen to me brother look at me look at me this is very important and then I got to go listen there are 26 principles of a kingdom and the average American knows none of them and that's why you are trapped in Christianity and broke in those books out there
I did all the research for you when people read the books they change I get thousands of emails coming in now people say this is totally transformed my life I am now out of debt no more sickness in my home why I understand Kingdom power the first statement of Jesus repent for for the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived he says Matthew 4:17 look at me I ain't got time to go over there I got a lot to sh you more but we got no more time oh I wish I could stay for two more days
listen to me listen listen this is very important listen let me give you two I'll give you three of them ready for three three three three principles ready three number one all kingdoms have a lord now why are kings called Lord because Kings own the the country you know in a kingdom the king doesn't rule the country he owns it that's why he rules it he owns it in a kingdom the country is the personal property of the king please listen to me that's why Jesus Christ never said he's a president he's not a prime
minister a president doesn't own the country but in a kingdom the king owns the country so when I was born in the the Bahamas in 1954 we used to run around all the time run around the neighborhood and all the land was called Crown Land sister remember that okay why because all the country is personal property of the king it was called Crown Land then the forest was called The Royal Forest the birds were called royal Birds the police were called The Royal Bahamas police force the hospital was called The Royal Prince Margaret Hospital everything
was property of the King and then we were called royal subjects we also were property listen carefully otherwise you can't preach Kingdom see in a kingdom the king owns the country it's his property this is important now the word own write it down own let me give you a revelation to preach on is the word a d o n Adon so we get our word Adonai Adonai means Mighty owner when you translate it into English it is the word Lord ah Lord that's why a king is automatic Ally called lord your president is never called
lord your Prime Ministers never called Lord why they don't own the country but a king is called Lord because he owns the whole country this is why God is called Lord of all it means he owns everything that's why the Bible says the Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof and the world and they that dwell in it are his property that means every single human is his property including his including your boss see you don't understand he owns the money they claim they owe you oh you don't understand lordship when you understand Kingdom
and get a revelation of the principles it's impossible to worry impossible to worry why CU you know nobody owns anything you hear me daughter it'll set you free when you understand it that means you cannot keep nothing from me why you don't own it so if you say you fired me you couldn't fire me because he owns you the company and the money you claim you ain't going to pay me oh you don't understand so if you Release Me From the job you couldn't take it from me he might be trying to tell me it's
time to start my own business that's all [Applause] you can never take anything from a kingdom citizen because they own nothing hey boy say Jesus is Lord Jesus Lord very important you got to understand this pastor okay listen to me that's why God this is so good that's that's why okay from my one teaching tonight the whole Bible will change watch this so when you read the Bible from now on watch out for the word Lord every time you see it remember owner now watch this that's why God can say Abraham come here come up
here boy come on the mountain okay yes Lord yes okay he said now look as far as you can [Applause] see this is for you Pastor he said as far as you can see now wait a minute the land that Abraham is looking at has people in it moabites Hittites Canaanites jebusites and some termites but God God don't care who in the land why he is he said Abraham look as far as you want to look see as far as you want to see he said now once you can see it I am giving it
to you now come on give the Lord a hand you understand me son he is Lord only kingdoms think like that so God is saying to Abraham look the moabites the Canaanites the Hittites are all mine so I will drive them out oh you don't hear what he said he said they all mine I could drive them when ready and give it to you let me tell you something God is telling you right here in this room you are afraid to do it he said go down to that area walk around it look at that
building speak to it and you say well the people in it he say shut up and just speak to it come on Scream if you understand what I'm talking about he is [Applause] Lord you're looking at three look at 500 acres oh you don't understand I'm I'm feeling anointing here for something you've been you've been fussing Pastor fighting know a little piece of L God say shut up and go talk to the big piece go and walk around a big piece why I own it let me tell you something Jesus said to Peter one day
listen listen King now he's King King he said Peter uh go to the next town mhm and you're going to meet a man with a donkey and a coat mm he said now tell the man the stranger to give you the donkey and the coat Peter said but but but he's a stranger Peter she said Peter listen to me if he ask you who sent you for it tell him [Applause] the [Applause] oh you don't understand what happened there listen listen a donkey is a old car a coat is a brand new car in those
days that was Transportation let me tell you what he's telling us he's saying look some somebody else is cleaning the donkey feeding the donkey protecting the donkey grooming the donkey thinking the donkey is his that means somebody is squatting on your landine right now cleaning the building mopping the tiles manicuring the grass and God just hang on for five more years I'm going to shift it to you and it's going to be yours come on give him a scream tonight shout [Music] somebody say he is Lord say it one more time say it loud he
is Lord it doesn't matter who thought they owned the landine before you got it they are just Keepers oh I'm talking to somebody you about to open a business and you need an office the Holy Ghost sent me this night to tell you that there's a building in the city with your name on it five stories high and they clean it for you keeping it for you and when the time comes the Lord shall shift it give your hands up and give him praise he's about to shift some things into your hand because he is
Lord oh help me Jesus do you know how you become a kingdom citizen the Bible tells us it says if you want to become a kingdom citizen then what you got to do is confess with your mouth Jesus is oh [Music] Glory listen I'm give you one more listen to this in a kingdom please don't miss this because this is not in American culture in a kingdom a king's reputation is determined by the standard of living of of his citizens let me repeat it again a Kingdom's reputation personally is determined by the quality of life
and the standard of living of the citizens so a king is embarrassed when any citizen is poor or sick or depressed or broke it's a personal offense to the king [Applause] this is Kingdom culture I got listen to it so the British when they ruled us they made sure we never went hungry they would send thousands of tons of food to the islands they would pave the roads for us they would fix the lights we did nothing all we did was just enjoy it why because if the island fell apart it was bad reputation for
the king in England hang on so the wealth of a king is never for the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] king so you see nothing is worse for a king than a poor citizen or a sick citizen so a king now now the word for reputation in Hebrew is the word that we translate in English as names sake hey boy say it names sake namesake means for the sake of my name my reputation only kingdoms use that you see if you can't pay your mortgage it doesn't affect President Bush if you can't pay a mortgage your light
bill water bill it doesn't affect him he still goes to bed in this beautiful mansion why because he's not personally affected by your poverty but in the kingdom is completely opposite any poor citizen is a direct impact on the king's reputation so the king would meet your needs and heal your body not to make you feel good or to make you happy I getting ready to go now if you are sick he healed you not for your sake but for his he's going to pay off your mortgage in 6 months not for your sake oh
you don't understand so your number one goal in life is to tell everybody he's my [Music] king every time you tell someone he's my king you put pressure on him oh come on Pastor every time you tell the people Jesus is Lord he said uh oh now I got to heal this one I got to solve that problem I got to pay that bill I got to cancel that mortgage why they telling everybody I belong to them and I ain't going to embarrass myself I'm going to take care of them protect my reputation give him
a praise he going to bless you for his name sake come on give him [Applause] glory that's why he blesses you you got it yeah you got it you got it he going to pay that land off he going to prosper you because you tell everybody in the neighborhood Jesus Christ is [Applause] Lord oh my God he's Lord I say he's Lord so tell me Pastor how can you lose he owns everything and your poverty embarrasses him you missed it he owns and your poverty embarrasses him and he ain't going to be embarrassed so he
going to move things from all over the world and get them to you to protect his name sick lift your hands you about to come out of all of your depression all of your financial burdens all of your sickness and disease high blood pressure glycom diabetes prostate cancer AIDS I declare he's going to heal you not for your sake come on right now but for his name sake receive your healing right [Music] now Hallelujah I say hallelujah he will bless you not for your [Applause] [Music] sake God says Moses listen he said Moses hey boy
listen carefully cuz I feel the anointing flowing he Breaking Chains in here okay he said Moses he said Moses uh tell Pharaoh the time the time is up I told them that they will be with him for 400 years it's 30 years over so tell him it's time to let my property go watch him now he said Moses Pharaoh will resist so I'll tell you what I'm going to do I am going to send flies Locust blood frogs I'm going to send death he said I will do this to show pharaoh go read the Bible
this in the Bible that I Am Lord I own the Flies I you cannot lose that's Kingdom brother that's Kingdom man you ain't normal like other people people you are under Kingdom Authority man when they fail you succeed when they lose you win when they are lacking you got plenty why you are under his kingdom Authority lift your hands and say he is Lord Lord say it again he's Lord Lord say it again he's Lord he's Lord woo he's Lord Lord he's King finally in a kingdom you own nothing so Bill Gates came to Jesus
one day and he said to Jesus how can I enter your kingdom and Jesus said keep the laws of my country and the young man says I always keep the laws from a little child I've kept the laws of your country and Jesus says oh so you must be a citizen of my country but let me see if you a citizen of my country take everything you own watch him now sell it and give it away to the poor in other words if you my citizen you own nothing let me see if you own something
take all you have he says give it to the poor the Bible says the young man was very sad because he was very rich and he turned and walked away from Jesus and Jesus turned to his disciples that you and he said how hard it is for a rich man who thinks he owns it to enter Kingdom lifestyle it is easier for a camel to go to the eye of a needle than for a rich man who thinks he owns everything to live under the kingdom let me say something very important when God ask you
for something it is not because he needs it after all he own it he will only ask you for something to test whether you think you own [Applause] it oh come on somebody so he didn't want the the rich man's money he was testing to see if the man was a citizen because in a in a kingdom the citizens own nothing he is Lord so when that's why when they asked Jesus about taxes he said whose image is on it they say King Caesar he said well then that's his property give the man what's his
so when Jesus ask you for something he don't need it he's testing your spirit of ownership so it's very tough to say he's Lord because he'll test it oh I tell this story because it's so real to me I was driving up to my office up to the Avenue Flags one day I just bought a car for my wife Alexus beautiful Lexus and I'm driving and I saw my secretary's assistant coming out of a bus a public bus 7:30 in the morning coming to work and she's so diligent work begins at 9:00 she comes at
7:30 every morning and this morning I'm coming to work and I caught her coming off the bus diligent dedicated coming to work and I'm driving up the Avenue flags and the Holy Spirit says give her the car I paus for a minute and the the Lord said give her the car who said it got it so I went to my office closed the door pick up the phone call my wife I said honey the Lord just told me to give the car to the secretary my wife says and if the Lord say do that do
it so I went back outside went to the security guard I said can you take the car down the station fill it up with gas make sure it's clean bring the keys back to me he brought it back I went to her desk and I said the Lord told me to give this to [Applause] you she looked at me in shock she said what is this I said the Lord said I must give this to you she said but this is this is your your wife's new car I said the Lord told me to give
this to you she said the Lord I said yes the owner told me to give this to you she took the keys and she began to weep I walked away went to my office closed the door and continued my work she ran down the hall screaming telling all the others oh excited and I watched her drive off through the window she came to work in a bus left in Alexis no no listen listen because in a kingdom that's the way it's supposed to work you're supposed to just move things things around see the reason why
there's poverty in this room is because somebody holding on to what's supposed to come to you because they are in Christianity 6 o' I called my wife to pick me up so my wife came pick me up we went home the next day we went to London to speak came back two weeks later from Europe and I walked and my wife says uh the man of the church said you must come through the front door I said why I don't know I said but I was go through the back door from my side office she
said no they want you to come to the front door today I said okay so I walked around the front of the building walked to the front and there's three of my men standing out front and they said pastor come I walked to them shook their hands one of them says the Lord told us to give this to [Applause] you I said what is this they said sh Pastor the Lord told us to give this to you I said what is this they said it's for that thing over there and I turned and there was
a brand new in the plastic Jaguar [Applause] now you got to understand I gave Alexis away $50,000 God gave me a Jaguar 90,000 just gave it to me man I I went into shock and the Holy Spirit spoke to me what are you shocked about he said I was testing you last week you think you got to work for everything that's coming to you I have come to this city to tell you you ain't got to work for everything that's coming to you the Lord is about to shift some things into your hand you cannot
afford if you work now open your mouth and thank him that that today he is Lord I said he is Lord Pastor come on give him praise whever you are shout before the Lord hallelujah I said he's Lord and so shall it be with you tonight I don't know how I ended up in this meeting I there was 17 invitations competing with this meeting and God says come to Southfield he knows that you needed to hear this message tonight because he is tied of you worrying today your worrying Days Are Over lift your hands and
begin to speak in tongues and thank him that the kingdom of God has come to this place thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth just like it is and there's no poverty in heaven no sickness in heaven no broken homes in heaven no depression in heaven no depression no frustration no fear that's coming upon your life tonight I don't care where you being I know where you're going you're going up up up up up to victory in life clap your hands all your people and Shout to the Lord [Music] thank you once again
for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monro Global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world