30 Days To Your First 1,000 Leads... And Then Your First $1,000 // Russell Brunson

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Russell Brunson
Are you ready to grow your business and get your first 1000 leads in just 30 days? In this video, Ru...
Video Transcript:
hey what's up great to see you again today I want to talk to you about something that I think is going to help you a lot I'm going to show you guys how in the next 30 days how to get your first thousand leads and then turn that into your first [Music] ,000 if some you be aggressive and you're going to go and try to get 10,000 leads and $10,000 youever you want I don't really care but I'm going walk you through a process that's been proven to work over and over and over again it's something we teach in our highest level coaching programs to people to actually launch their project launch their fun to launch their webinar launch whatever it is they're trying to sell it's a really simple process I think if you follow it it's going to be really effective for you so that's kind of game plan we're going to cover during today's video so if you want a th000 leads and you want to turn those leads into $1,000 in the next 30 days that's what this is all about I'm going to walk you through a step-by-step day-by-day process also as I'm going through this presentation down below as you have aha moments and ideas that come to your head please post them down below the more ahas I see the more excited to get about making you more videos so post all the AAS down below and also if you want to click on the like button it would mean the world to me I'm not going to why my uh love language is physical touch and since I can't give you a physical hug right here my second love language is words of affirmation so anything you put down the comments down below will mean the world to me so with that said uh let's Jump Right In now again the format I'm going to showing you guys will take about 60 minutes a day if you do it consistently so if you block out 1 hour day for the next 30 days that's the goal so some of you guys that means getting up an hour earlier than you're used to some of you guys it means getting up an hour or staying up an hour later maybe do it during lunch hour but you had to carve out about 60 minutes a day to change your life forever is it worth just taking 60 minutes I think it should be so that's kind of game plan 60 minutes a day what it's going to take all right day number one the first question I want you to ask yourself is who is the person you actually want to serve and I always start any training with this because what a lot of people do is start creating something because they're excited about creating the thing and then because they create something that attracts the wrong customer they end up in a business that they hate because they have the wrong customers in fact if you ever read my book. com Secrets literally chapter one I talk about this like I've been building a business I had a whole bunch of customers and I woke up one day so miserable because I didn't love my customers I remember laying in bed thinking I wish that I had a boss they could fire me but this is my own company so I have to go in it was a little while after I I remember sitting down and thinking okay how do I get to a spot where I'm excited to go to work every day I'm excited to create and it was shifting who my dream customer was and so I identified this is who my dream customer is going to be so my question for you number one is like who do you actually want to serve who's the person that you would serve them anyway for free because you love it you love them you're excited about the topic if you can figure what that is it'll change the Dynamics of everything if you're trying to like pull teeth to go and like make money this is a miserable job and you should go find something else to do but if you want to serve people and you're excited about those people that you're serving this becomes really fun now partially this is this is important because the first two weeks or so we're going to be serving those people we're not going to be getting money initially we're going to be serving serving serving providing value doing those kind of things and by doing that people are going to start getting magnetically drawn towards you which will set up the last two weeks which will get us to the ,000 um from the Thousand leads so that's kind of game plan so step number one is that a lot of times people ask like who should i serve and the reality is for most of you guys it's you 5 years ago right if you look at this little image here there's growth and contribution like you've been growing over the last 5 years you become something special right like who have you become so think about who are you 5 years ago like those are the people you're going to go and contribute to now with the knowledge information things that you've learned in The Last 5 Years as you've gone on this journey to become something amazing so day number one is who is the person that you want to serve all right that moves us over to day number two now we know who that person is we got to figure out what is going to be the lead Magnet or the bait that's going to get that person to come into my world right so we got to create something Dan Kennedy he coined the phrase lead magnet and Lead magnet can be simple back in day people thought like lead mag has to has to be a book or has to be this huge thing and they stressed that about how much like effort would go into it but the example right here this lead magnet this is one of brand new Bard's lead magnets it's h it's called the one day productivity planner it's one piece of paper okay and he's built a list of millions of people by giving away a onepage productivity planner so it can be simple right nowadays with AI like it's almost too simple you can create lead magnets very very simple just be like hey I'm looking for blah blah blah blah blah right askhat gbt or whoever and they can pop out and you you can create a really simple lead magnet the key is just making something really sexy that somebody's going to want because you're going to be trading them this lead magnet information in exchange for their email address so it's got to be good enough that they're going to give you the real email address okay you make something crappy or something that's not that cool no one's going to give it to you so you think what is the thing that me five years ago would have given my email address would have went and tried to find out you know borrow someone's credit card to buy like well something that's so good I can give it away for free and that becomes the lead magnet to get your dream customers to come to you and give you their email address okay so that's that's what's going to be happening on day number two is actually creating that lead magnet like I said you can use AI to help but I wouldn't use it completely cuz AI as of today as I'm making this video the content comes out okay so make sure you go in there and add your own stuff if you want to add a video or add you know things just to make it unique to you uh be sure to do that but the power again is creating a really powerful lead magnet for example Brendan's which is so funny is the onepage productivity planner and then what we're going to do is then we're going to be putting it on a landing page like this and basically says hey if you want this free lead magnet give me your email address exchange you can see right here it says free download the onepage productivity planner used by CEOs and Achievers worldwide and then they opt in they give you their email address in exchange for this lead magnet all right so that brings us to day number three which is actually creating the lead funnel okay the lead funnel is are the most simple type of funnel there's two pages there's page number one that says this is the lead magnet you're going to get and then page number two is where you actually give them the lead magnet it's pretty simple right it's two pages this is what one looks like this is like one of the most simple ones this is the going pro Manifesto that was the name of the lead magnet that Brian ran created and again if you look at this it's very simple page number one there it is here's lead magnet give me your email address page number two give them the download you can create a lead funnel like this in about three minutes inside of clickfunnels it's one of the easiest uh funnels we have in fact Down Below in the comments we'll put some uh swipe files for some lead funnels uh you can use click on the link and it'll literally take that it'll install inside your clickfunnels account if you don't have a clickfunnels account it'll give you free trial so I'll put it down a whole bunch of really cool lead funnels down below you can use and then from there you just basically plug your lead magnet into it that way now people request your lead magnet they will be put on your email email list and that's the big secret getting the leads okay if some of you guys are wondering like Russell why are like why are we getting the email address like what's the big deal especially my kids I tell them about the stuff my kids like God no one reads email anymore and they're like it's all on Snapchat or Instagram or whatever right and that may be true in the next decade but people been telling me now for almost 20 years the email is dead I'm 20 years into it my email list is like five or six million people uh large and it still makes me money every single day so building an email list is still the most important like foundational element you need to be doing inside your business and the easiest way to do that is by giving away lead magnet right so they come in here and what I want you to understand is this concept that the money is in the list I remember people people used to tell me that back when I got started like the money's in the list the money's in the list I didn't understand like how is the money in the list I I didn't it didn't make sense to me and I remember I actually found an article from somebody again this is man almost 20 years ago I was in college at the time and it was explaining how email marketing works and he says you've probably seen people online bragging about I made $30,000 an hour I made six figures in a week and in your mind logic like that makes no logical sense it's not possible and the guy in this article explained he said no this is how it actually works he says you know all these different gurus who are talking about it he said they have an email list of 10,000 or 30,000 or 100,000 people right so when they create a new product a new offer they put it out there and they send an email to a list of 30,000 people right and obviously 30,000 people aren going to buy but if you get 30,000 people you send the email to from there you get 10,000 people to open the email by the way this is what a funnel looks like if you hear me talk about funnels right 30,000 people get the email 10,000 open from that 5,000 click on the link you know from there 5,000 go to the to the page and from there maybe a th000 click on the order form 300 actually buy the product and boom and 300 people buying a $100 product boom you just made what's the math that $30,000 right and he's like that's how the gers make their money they focus on building a big list and then they create offers to sell to that list and when I heard that I was like oh my gosh like that makes so much sense and so for me my focus began like 20 years ago how do I build a list how do I build a list like let me focus on that at the time was funny i' bought some real estate and I had this house we bought we bought it for like $150,000 we had a rehabit we got a renter in there and when all of a sudden then it was Cash flowing like 200 bucks a month you know and this is how everyone was telling me to get rich and I was like this is so much work to do this right while I was doing this whole real estate thing I'm like cash FL 200 bucks a month this is so stressful cost $150,000 up front to buy this thing that's when I learned about email marketing and I'm going to finish the story after I show you what somebody showed me they talked about the money in the list my friend told me this he said you should be able to average $1 per month per name on your email list okay so again $1 per month per name on your email list which means if you have a th000 people on your list you should make ,000 a month if you had 10,000 on your list you should be making $10,000 a month you have $100,000 your list $100,000 a month uh so on and so forth right so my friend told me that I was like is that true he's like so far those numbers in my business and I was like okay I'm going to try this out so I started building a list I remember I was doing all sorts of stuff some of the stuff I'll show you guys right uh today I started building list though and from that month number one I got 217 people to join my list and sure enough that first month I made about $300 this is while I was in college so I'm kind of freaking out I was like I got this list for free it didn't cost me any money to build a list of 270 people whatever it was right 217 people it didn't cost me money to build that list but it made $300 I'm like I spent $150,000 on this duplex and I only made $200 right and I was like this is such a better way I don't have to like go and spend a ton of money now you can go and buy money and spend ads to build your list which is a great strategy not what I'm going to be showing you guys today but it just changed my whole perspective like I'd rather invest in building a list than invest in a house because this now I can make money every single month from that email list does that make sense okay so that's why the money's list that's why it's so important all right this is what Brandon brashard Le funel looks like again landing page he ask for email address to exchange for the one page productivity planner thank you page giv a video explaining it and gives him download link to it okay this is one of my lead funnels this one right here uh this page is very simple there's a an an ecover of lead magnet and then I ask for the email address this page right now gets 58% option rate and so far it's generated me 185,186 leads so I don't know about you but if you do the math on that $1 per month per lead this has been one the most profitable properties in the world it's like buying you know a condo in Manhattan and renting it at Top Market dollar every single day right I got that by making a simple two-page funnel right squeeze page thank you page that's it day number four so right now we know our Dram customer is Right we've created a lead magnet create a lead funnel to start getting those people to give us their email address now how about getting people to come to you and then give you your their email address in exchange for your lead magnet that's the next step okay you guys want to see how this works all right so day number four I'm calling this a social media reset okay cuz I want you to shift your mind for most of you guys right now you're probably a consumer of social media am I right cuz right now you are literally consuming this video okay a consumer someone who's on their phone and they're consuming videos consuming videos and reals and shorts like they're they're consuming social media right if you want to start being successful we transition away from being a consumer of social media and become a producer of social media right right now what am I doing I'm producing social media from this video I'll probably add 10,000 people to my list or more hopefully that's the goal right we're shifting for me to Consumer social media to a producer and this example I'm going to show you it's Facebook but you can do same thing in other platforms but let's talk about Facebook so in Facebook what I'm going do first off is I'm going to go to my personal profile now your personal profile is no longer for your mom and your grandma and your friends to come see who you are okay this is now a business you are running right so I'm going to change my social media profile I'm to change Facebook so that my cover photo explains what I actually do right so check this is an example Megan Taylor it says social media Mastery Summit sign up with three clients in just three days this must- 10 event uh blah blah blah right so she has information in her header on Facebook about what her lead magnet is okay that's number one number two the very first post you make is going to be giving away your lead magnet Okay the reason why when somebody comes and click on your profile they show up and like oh what does this person do the heter graphic tells you what you do and then the very first post is like hey give me your email address in exchange for this cool thing they click on the link inside the first post and it takes them over to your lead magnet and now they start joining your list so how we're structuring things to start getting people from the internet to give you their email address okay does that make sense change the cover on your Facebook profile and then make a post that's giving away your lead magnets linking out to your clickfunnels funnel day number four the next thing we're going to do is we're going to go into Facebook and we're going to join between five and 10 groups okay now the coolest thing about Facebook is Facebook has already congregated all these people together for you based on the things that they're interested in right so in this example right here I typed in the word photographers in Facebook and Facebook has all the different groups if you look at the groups here there's a whole bunch of different ones right the first one's got 11,000 members second one's got 11,000 members third one's got 49,000 members next one is 96,000 members next one at 215,000 members okay so if I'm a photographer where am I going to find other photographers who are going to want my lead magnet they're already on Facebook and Facebook already put them together in a group so I would do I say okay I'm going to join 5 to 10 groups on photography or figure out what you're about right maybe you're um into stock trading I'm going to go to Facebook type in stock trading stock markets whatever and try to find um a whole bunch of groups of people talking about stock trading right or again whatever is cooking or fishing or whatever your Market is whatever your dream customers we're going to find out where they're congregating in Facebook groups okay this is the strategy so I type in photographers to find all these things I'm going to go I'm to I'm going to join this group with 49,000 members the group of 96,000 group of 25,000 I'm going to join between 5 and 10 my goal is to get groups that have at least 100,000 people so that means if I have if I join 10 groups that each have 100,000 people now I'm in in Pawns of my dream customers over a million of them right on Facebook right now okay now again my goal right now in the next 30 is is not to get a million people this is a fun right there's a million people in these Facebook groups my goal is to try to get a thousand of them to join my list and then from those thousand I'm sure I turn those thousand people into $1,000 in the first 30 days is that good okay so we joined join these groups now what you don't want to do when you join the groups is what some people do and they jump in like hey I'm so excited to be in your group download my free lead magnet here okay that's called spamming nobody likes the spammer it's like going to a party and you walk in right all these people talking and hanging out you jump in really quick you're like hey everybody I want to sell you something right that's not how it works instead what we do is we come in these groups and we start building relationships start getting to know people okay that's how this is going to work all right so day number four the next thing we're going to be doing is going to be providing value this means I'm going to make one value post and I'm going going to answer three questions per group okay so for example let's say you are in the how to make money on the internet Market I've got a group the clickfunnels group has over 225,000 members in here right so if you join this group and if you went spammed we'd kick you out instantly we'd Blacklist you everyone would make fun of you so don't do that instead what you do is you come to this group and I'm going to do two things each day I'm going make one value post and I'm going to go find other people who are asking questions and try to answer those questions okay one value post three questions per group so if you're in 10 group means you're going to be doing 10 value posts you can use the same value Post in each group that's fine and going to answer three questions in each group okay so for example here in the image this is one my friends uh they went into our group they posted this value post it was amazing it said top 10 hooks to track your dream social media clients and had 10 hooks I popped them out posted it right great value and and not selling anything not pitching anything just post that in there and in from this one thing she got like 50 or 60 comments people like that was awesome thank you so much oh so grateful right all these people are seeing like this person's very useful right next day she came back post it again this time it was top five objections you'll hear as a social media manager but boom boom boom posted those in there next time 150 200 people like this is amazing thank you thank you thank you all sorts of good feedback now what happens when you're in a group and someone shows up and they start providing value and they provide value the next day and they're answering questions you're like who is this person they're so cool right it's like having a party and some person comes in and they're in there connecting and T hanging out they're the cool kid in the group you're like this person's awesome I want to find out their name this is what starts happening you're in these groups you're posting you're providing value getting one value post per day three questions answered per group all of a sudden these people start seeing you like who is this person they click on your name comes over to your Facebook profile very top they see the banner out of what you do they see the very first post which is you uh promoting your lead magnet then then click on that and boom a million people inside the groups you know from there you get 100,000 people see that see you your post from there you get 10,000 who click on the link from there you get a th000 people who start joining your email list you guys getting this okay this is all free traffic yeah Russell this is that's good in theory but it didn't work for you literally this is how I built my business I built my business 20 years go before we had Facebook Instagram YouTube okay before Myspace you guys remember Myspace before Myspace there was a thing called frster okay I tried to use frster but frster you couldn't buy ads on it like this is when I got started in this game so what I would do back in day I did this exact same strategy I went to forums there were this is before Facebook around so they had forums you join a form that have 300,000 members and guess what I would do I had 10 forums I was a member of and every single day I went and made a value Post in all 10 of these different forums and went there and answered questions every single day and from that I built my list from zero to over 10,000 people in the first like 90 days that was the big secret didn't spend a single ad not a single dollar so what I'm telling you now is the exact same thing that I did to grow my list initially only Facebook makes it so much easier cuz you can just you don't have to go find The fors Online just go to Facebook and all the groups are already there they're already active you see exactly how many members in there and you go participate really quickly okay so again come back here one value post three questions per day from there they see your profile they click on it they end up going back here to your Facebook page they see your banner ad they see your very first post and from there boom they click on it they go into your clickfunnels account they put their name email address in and now they are a lead and now you are in business now you got people who have joined your list okay so that's day number four now between day five and 14 guess what we're going to do we are going to be awesome okay we're not going to sell you guys anything we're going to continue to provide value for two full weeks right okay so day five to day 14 one value post per group answer three questions per group and consistency is the key do not sell anything just be awesome provide value show people how much you know how much you care and by doing that you every single day you're going to watch your your list go from five people on your list to 10 to 25 to 50 to 55 to 100 to 400 to 500 to 1,000 okay the goal is in those first 14 days to get from a million people in the groups to a thousand people are on your email list now obviously for some people they get less than that some people get a lot more than that okay it all depends on how much value you provide how often you're in there but again the key is understanding that you're not you're not getting drowned in these 10 groups right we are not consuming social media we're producing it we're coming here giving answers providing value that's how people start finding out who you are and start joining your list all right so here we are right now week number one we we've been focusing on list building week number two we've been focusing on list building and I want to note that this process doesn't stop you don't just do list building for two weeks like I'm done now and now you just start selling stuff all day long continually do list building okay I'm in business now 22 years and guess what I still focus on every single day list building okay you never want it to die it is like the lifeblood of every single business whenever a company comes to mind they're failing they're struggling I look at them what normally has happened is they stopped driving traffic into their business they stopped bringing New Leads they have their existing customers they keep selling these people over and over and over again time there's attrition it get smaller and smaller like my business is collapsing I can't figure out what's going wrong I'm like how many leads you generate today they're like we're not focusing on lead selling to existing audience like that's the big problem okay so week one week two's been all list building continue to do these processes don't stop doing them you block out an hour a day you can do these value posts answer the questions and keep doing that your list will keep growing so when this 30 days is over you still go from again from a th000 leads to 5,000 to 10,000 your business will keep growing from there now we're moving into week number three which is called pre-launch week okay now we got 1,000 leads on list these people are excited that you provide value you haven't sold them anything yet but they want to give you money they want something more right they're looking for something so this is when the pre-launch week starts so this is where you're going to start actually selling your thing okay but there's a strategy when I do the pre-launch correctly the audience is going to tell me what they want because you may be thinking I I don't have a product to sell you I don't have anything that I can actually sell these people the good news you don't to stress about it because they're going to tell you exactly what they want and you're just going to give it to them okay so this is how it works this is what the pre-launch looks like okay it's a 5-day pre-launch so day number one the first thing you're do is you're going to send an email out to these thousand people on your email list okay and basically what I'm do is I'm going to ask them what they want say hey right now I'm putting together a course or a training program or whatever you want to call it about my topic photography wrestling you know badmin whatever your thing is right I'm putting a course on badmin I've been providing a ton of value in these different forms trying to find out what people are looking for and I'm just curious for you like what's the number one thing that you're interested in knowing about how to insert whatever you're good at right and then you send the email out and then your job is to sit back and let them tell you okay they're going to respond back like oh I'm curious about this oh I saw your you know they all joined your list because they know that you provide value so they look at you as an expert already it's like well my question is what about this what about this and let them start telling you exactly what they want okay so that's day number one is just asking what they want you to create okay my favorite question is like what's the number one question you have about blank and then fill in the fill in the blank the thing that you have right and the more specific you are in that question the better for example if I say what's your number one question about making more money like that's such a generic question it's not going to get really good responses back if I make it very specific what's your number one question about how to add 500 people a day to your email list what's the number one question about how to sell more things on eBay like the more specific it is the better questions you'll get back from people okay all right that's day number one day number two you're going to send out your second email to this list okay day number two what you're going to tell them is like oh my gosh I asked you guys what what you wanted the response was insane I got so many good feedback so many awesome stuff I'm excited now from that I got like 20 Questions came back in this is going to become the outline for the course I'm going to be putting together I'm so excited for it and just wanted thank you guys so much if you have any other questions please send them along my way that way I can finalize my outline for be creating today and thank you so much that's it okay day number one ask them want day number two told them how excited you were get some more feedback response all right that takes us to day number three now this is where you're going to ask your audience to actually hold you accountable okay this is basically what the email says hey um as you know I'm putting together this course I'm really excited the problem is in the past you know I would have an idea and I would just kind of push it out I push it out I push it out and sometimes it would take three or four or six months or longer and I never get it done and so I want you guys to hold me cuz I want this to get dunk cuz I know how powerful and how important is to me and to you so my game plan is I want to launch this next Tuesday and so what I need for you guys to do is put I'm putting this on my calendar now I'm call holding myself accountable next Tuesday this is going live I want you to put on your calendar as well make sure you're you have the date down that way you can hold me accountable we know next Tuesday this is going live like no matter what happens we're going to make this thing and it's going to be amazing so now they're like oh my gosh this is actually happening it's Tuesday it's coming out they start getting some anticipation some excitement you they see your excitement about it too so starts building some of that energy and that brings us now day number four four now day number four now is where you're going to take them from your email list and you're going to have them move on to an early bird list okay so this what it looks like email will say something like hey all right you guys are holding me accountable Tuesday is happening I just put up a page that shows that this is coming soon it's an early bird page and if you go to this page and you put your email address and you're going to get on a special early bird list now the early bird list means you're going to get access to this course before everybody else does um about an hour or two before everybody else does this is kind of a a free thing so if you want to get an early bird list there's a link down below send them to a new clickfunnels page that basically early bird list and come over there put the email address in that way you're taking your thousand email buyers and figure out of all these people who are the most excited and the hottest right so from there save again this is a funnel right million people 100,000 we got a th leads right now on your list from a thousand leads you might get a 100 to go and put it on the early board list okay now you know okay of my thousand leads 10% of them these 100 people are excited they're ready to buy they sign it for an early board so they can buy it earlier than everybody else right all right and day number five is all about getting as many people from your thousand person list onto the early birth list is possible so we do a closing cart and this is not closing like a shopping cart this is closing the early bird list right so that means is basically the email is going to say hey this is your last chance to get on the early bird list we're going live next Tuesday as you know so if you want to be on this list and get access to the course before everybody else now is the time to do it that way you go from a th people on your list to maybe 100 on your pre-launch list to maybe 150 200 or so right again the goal is gives many people from uh from your core list the pre-launch list assumingly possible and so that takes us through week number three so right now week number one we buildt a list week number two we built a list week number three we did the pre-launch now week number four guess what we're doing we are going into launch week this is where you actually start making money this where we take all the effort we put up to this point we're going transition it from leads into actual money now before I get all the way into launch week um I want to make you guys a really quick special offer for my bestselling book. com Secrets um people always tell me like if you want to start an online business the very first book you need to read Isom Secrets if you don't have a copy yet you can get a free copy ofcom secrets.
com this book has been read by over 300,000 people uh in fact Tony Robins said it's a simple process that any company can use to geometrically improve their traffic conversions sales on online Dan Kennedy said go to this book searching for deep understanding and profound clarity about the structure and the science of effective marketing to be applied in the online media Universe um and again thousands of entrepreneurs just like you you've seen most of the gurus online um most of them read this book initially before to launch their business which means you need to do that as well and again you can get a copy for free at. com secrets. com okay with that said let's jump into launch week here we go all right so launch week this is what the structure looks like day number one to the early bird list you're going to send an email saying hey guess what the course is live it's amazing go sign up right now it's going to be open to the general public in two hours from now you guys get early bird access okay again these are the people that your super fans are the most excited you provided so much value to them they they went from your core list to your early bird list and so what happens during that first two hours is where the majority of your sellers can come before the car even opens right so we send that out now some people do an early bird two hours before other people do it an entire day before and give early birds a full day either ways Works uh still fits into the structure all right day number two now what you're going to do is you're going to email the early birds again and your full list so I send the entire list and email say hey we're officially launched go sign up the course is ready you send them all to the page right there the most emotional buyers have already bought now we're transitioning on day number three to starting to get the logical buyers to be interested right we're trying to send out more messages to give them a reason to buy and a reason to go relook at the sales page and things like that so day number three what we do we send out a message about why why did you create this product why did you create this course why should they actually care about it right so my email will just basically say like I created this course because I've been in these forms for the last couple months I've providing value and everyone keeps asking the same questions over and over and over again I wanted to create something they put all these things in one spot to make sure your questions got answered right and you explain why you created the thing and you put a link back to your sales page day number four this is where we start trying to speak even more to the logic right help them understand like hey if you buy this course this is the positive Roi you're going to get from it okay now Roi doesn't always mean how much money are they going to make sometimes it does in a business thing like you buy this course for $1,000 you're going to make $10,000 right there's an Roi there but sometimes let's say you're in the dating market like Roi is like you buy this course return of your investment is you're going to find a girlfriend right in the fitness industry right you're going to buy this course the return Isn't more money the return is get more health so here I share the facts and the figures of what's the ROI they're going to get when they invest in the course today that moves us now to day number five this is where we start introducing urgency and scarcity right so here it's like hey tomorrow the car's going to close this is your last shot to buy the product uh you got to go right now and we push people to the car close and day number six is the last call we're basically say hey last call poting down the order form here at midnight tonight and you send out one at least one usually I send three or four emails out on on cart Clos day and what's crazy we see is normally what happen is on day number one the early bird launch you'll see huge Spike and cells day two you see another Spike and cells when the whole full list gets it and day three four and five sales keep coming in four five five they start going and day number six is where the majority of your Sal is usually half of your sales will come from day number six as you start closing down the cart and now you are at the end of our 30-day cycle and if you did this correctly we spent week one week two building a list we also kept building a list on week three and four but we won't talk about that cuz we don't stop building a list ever right week number three to the pre-launch got people excited got them to be part of what we were creating and week number four we actually launched it we closed down the cart and um if you follow this process correctly the goal was to get a th000 people on your list and from there to make your first ,000 again this is the process we've used over and over and over again this is how I got started it's how you can get started as well if you're trying to figure out how to get a list and start making money very very quickly now I've had a ton of fun making this video for you but I hate talking at you I would love to talk with you so I set up a really cool group if you go to hang outwith russell.
com and you go over there you can come and hang out with me you can ask me questions directly we have a whole conversation happening with tons of other great marketers and entrepreneurs all talking about how to sell more things online if you want to learn how to do that again go to Hangout with russ.
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