How To Build & Sell Simple AI Agents - Step by Step

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Hasan Aboul Hasan
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Video Transcript:
AI agents is one of the hottest trending topics right now and it's a great opportunity for you to enter this market and start selling AI agents the problem is that many people think that building AI agents is that complicated and requires a lot of technical skills the reality is different for example just last week I finished an AI agent in a couple of hours that automates the full process handling my YouTube Channel comments today in this video I will show you step by step the full process from planning to building than selling AI agents online
if you are ready let's get started this video is sponsored by HubSpot so let's start with step number one which is finding the idea what AI agent you are going to build let me show with you quickly two ways to find profitable agent ideas number one is using AI to analyze specific workflows and spot AI automation ideas for example a prompt like this one please analyze the following workflow the YouTuber and channel management and the outcome would be opportunities for Automation and AI integration a very basic prom just to brainstorm ideas and spot where in
in this workflow we can automate with AI and build agents that can automate and help those people in our case YouTubers automate their work look at this it really this simple chart for me you can see here the topic research we can have an AI assistant Cent strategy we can have assistant for script writing for assisting in editing we can assist in publishing in community engagement and so on you can see here we have details on where you can spot AI Integrations in these workflows you can brainstorm more ideas for example go more in depth
and brainstorm more ideas we can go deep and search and ask the AI for in-depth analysis to analyze any workflow you want to spot AI agent ideas or Integrations you can see here now we can see all these IDE is here where you can automate using AI now usually in my case what I do is I look into my workflow my daily workflow starting from content creation to building businesses to marketing I see what I do all through the day and see where I can automate tasks with AI for example I mentioned this before just
last week I build this extension if I am now on x or on LinkedIn I build a simple extension it's like an agent that can help me reply and engage on any thread or post on LinkedIn and Twitter for example I open this you would see I have this small button here this is the button that triggers the agent I click it generate replies directly on this post based on my thoughts and ideas so the agent understands my content and generates replies based on that this is a very simple agent by the way but super
powerful when we say agent it doesn't mean you need to build big systems it may be a simple agent simple tools as we will see in a little bit that can change and solve a big problem for your clients other example the one I showed you in the intro is the YouTube comment handling agent if you see I am here on word in WordPress and you see I have a YouTube comment section here in the back and the agent works every day to handle my comments and you can see here it filters out like comments
with questions technical comments urgent comments content ideas negative comments so it analyzes all the comments on my channel day by day it classifies them and it generates replies for example you can see here this is the comment and this is a generated reply with a I again based on my thoughts so the agent is like my employee working on my behalf to handle my channel comments classifying them arranging them organizing them and replying and identifying like content ideas and much much more even testimonials I can use to publish with my paid products the second way
to find agent ideas is aggregators for example if you go here to Future Pia I think yeah future Pia you will see they have a section for AI agents here you can see what agents are available in the market and spot ideas spot gaps analyze them and see the pricing maybe see their functionality test them and see if you can improve or fill a gap in the market that's not available till now another example is one great website I discovered lately agent. a it's a website built by the co-founder of HubSpot and you can see
here we have 800 agent ideas in different categories for example in marketing and you can test them for free for example a meme maker this agent will create a meme based on an idea for example this sentence or this phrase go and generates the meme for you so all these are agent ideas you can spot discover and find gaps to build your own agent and since I mentioned HubSpot our sponsor for today I want to show with you a great resource a free one that's incredibly valuable for anyone interested in building and implementing AI for
business it is the ultimate checklist for adopting AI in work this guide walks you through everything from Step One defining the business problem all the way to implement ation monitoring scaling privacy and security and continuous optimization it's a fantastic resource that shows you exactly what AI can do in business which is perfect for understanding where you can build and sell real solutions they have also included some great real world examples and ke studies showing how AI has helped businesses automate various tasks from a description generation to ticket management and much much more if you are
serious about understanding how AI should be implemented in real businesses today this is a musthave resource and the best part thanks to hopspot this resource is totally free just go now grab it the link is in the description below thank you H for supporting my audience and supporting my ad free videos let's now go back to step two and start building AI agents you might think you need advanced technical skills to start building AI agents that's not true anymore and you'll see right now what I mean if you just know exactly what do you want
to build you understand what you are doing you can do this and automate the full process and let AI itself develop the AI agent for you and you'll be able to build the AI agent in a couple of days if not hours let me show you a real practical example now live on how to build a simple AI agent in a couple of minutes here I am in vs code let me show you my setup I use an extension called aine this AI agent that allows you to build directly inside vs code I'm sure this
will shock you right now if you are new to this before you do anything please make sure to follow these three tips to save money time and achieve the goal as fast as possible build the AI agent so here before you start building anything and developing anything and asking the AI to build for you you need to understand very well what you are going to build this is Step number one so understand exactly the workflow what the AI will do what the agent will do not just go automate this process blah blah blah no understand
the process before starting this is very important so you can know where the agent is now in which Step and tweak an update based on that let's say you want to build a simple AI agent to summarize YouTube videos before we code we have an option here to plan which helps us plan and understand this agent easily so I will tell the AI I want to create a python script that transforms YouTube videos into bullet point summaries instead of giving only this information to the AI it's better to plan the full project so the first
step is Step One is to extract the YouTube video transcript with the following API here I will be using an API from search api. it allows us to extract any transcript from any YouTube video so what I will do here is simply provide it with a documentation and the example request with the example response so the AI can understand exactly how to use this API so this is the example just copy it I paste here and the example response I will give it this one here this way just paste it so now the AI or
the language model knows what we are going to build what API we will use for step one and now step two use open AI API to summarize the transcript with GPT 40 model for example so I'm giving also the model then print the output in the console or The Terminal so this is my plan for building this simple a I agent let's see what the AI will tell me let's send a request now you see it ask me some questions for example do you have an open AI API key why this happen simply because if
you go to the settings you will see in the custom instructions I always add this simple instruction always ask questions before you generate code this is a very important tip to tell the AI to ask you questions to clarify things before generating not to waste time and cost on something you don't want and also I tell it I am on windows so it generates commments based on my platform anyway let's go back to chats so the first question is open AI API key now in order to save also cost and time do these simple tasks
yourself so I will tell it yes I have one I don't want to waste time and tokens telling me how to get an API key it's something simp simple yes I have one now it will ask me would you like the script to take a YouTube video URL as an input or extract the video ID automatically for now I'll keep it simple I will tell it I will pass the ID myself hard coded why I'm doing this because tip number two when using AI to create code which is very important is splitting the code into
multiple Tiny Steps so the first step is to make sure the code is working then we can add features and optimize it three could you please provide the API key I can simply say I will add to the EnV file myself and perfect now based on my answers it will show you the full plan the third tip is to read every single output the AI generates and try to understand before hitting this act button and generate code so read this and make sure the AI understood exactly your project before generating the first code that's it
so I'm now ready look at this click on Act and the Magic Begins you can see now the AI is writing the code for me saving the files and working on my behalf I just need to wait for the AI to finish coding then I can test my agent or my script we are almost done completed now now again as I mentioned you need to read the output always so it told me now I've created the python script it can validate the YouTube error handling bullet point summary generation and console output now to use this
script it tells me what to do I need to add in the EnV file here this one I need to add my API Keys anything else and then simply I can run the script let's see if the agent worked from from the first shot let's see so let's paste my API key here and for open AI paste the key save let's now go here and try running our script so python YouTube summarizer dopy enter it will ask me to enter a video ID let's get one from my Channel like for example this video grab the
ID paste here enter fetching transcript generating summary and wow wow I'm really shocked it worked from the first time maybe this is the first time the AI generates the full script working from the first time first time first time anyway so this is the agent the AI workflow that grabs the transcript automatically and generates the summary for you you can see the power of AI today how we can build and develop automation scripts in a couple of minutes as you saw right now as I mentioned again remember three important tips number one understanding what you
are going to build number two split the project into tiny simple tasks and step number three is reading the AI output understanding what's going on and a bonus tip for you which is very important I think way important than all what we mentioned is understanding the code for example after you generate this if you're totally new just copy it and open like Cloe or charity any Ai and simply ask it please explain this code for me as a non Tech guy or whatever or like a kid or something and make sure to understand what the
at so in case you want to scale later you want to add features you want to brainstorm features you understand what the code does of course you're not going to sell this if you're a total beginner you need to understand how it's working but I'm sharing with you right now the power of AI in developing scripts and AI agents and workflows you can do this easily if you learn the basics of coding the basics of how things work you can do it it's way easier than ever by the way this is how how I started
yoube digest from a simple summary generator to this full platform for summarizing and turning YouTube videos into educational content you can see the buildpoint summary is here the difference is I built this professional UI on top of Wordpress and this is my new approach in building SAS and micras and online tools using Wordpress as the power engine to build these tools easily and fast the same way I use the promoter it it's built on top of Wordpress with many tools AI tools and marketing tools on top of Wordpress I have also multiple other projects like
Define a simple dictionary for a simple visual dictionary where anyone can use to learn English easily you can see all these tools are on top of Wordpress and powered by AI agents in the back end also on building now Pi dive now you may ask how I'm handling all these projects it's simply because of AI understanding the power of AI in building and using the right stack I chose as I mentioned WordPress now I can build tools super quickly in like a couple of hours I have projects ready and online if you want to
learn more about this system how you can build AI tools and online SAS and micros SAS on top of Wordpress you can join my waiting list on my upcoming course WordPress SAS 2.0 in the description below now it's time for step number three which is selling our AI agents after we build we want to Market and sell the agent I also published an article on medium on how easy it is today to build AI agents with my twep workflow approach you can check the link in description below and read more about this new approach now
it's time to step number three marketing and selling our agents which is the exciting part we need to make money out of what we built here you have two main options number one is selling as a service this works best with specialized high value services like my YouTube comment handling system this one so you can build a system and sell it as a service like a freelancing gig but you're are selling a full AI agent automation system for for your client the second way is by turning these agents into tools as I mentioned for example
to digest or promotor kit so you can build a user interface on top of agents and sell as a micro SAS or maybe a SAS business online so we have two approaches main approaches in selling agents online now for promotion and promoting your services we have different options and tactics one of the best to to get started with is what we call social listening go to websites like Reddit Kora X LinkedIn these platforms especially Reddit and find threads discover threads talking about similar agents or similar automation workflows or similar tools and engage with that conversation
and indirectly promote your agent don't just paste links add value other ways are LinkedIn app Outreach cold mailing and of course one of my best and I think it's the best building a specific Audience by creating content on social media like Twitter or LinkedIn or medium or YouTube building a specific audience and promoting your product building trust Authority and selling your product I have many videos about these tactics I don't want to repeat the same now but what I prefer for you as a beginner now is to understand the concepts of agents and start building
multiple agents examples to understand the concept more and to be more comfortable when you want to sell them so this is why I recommend going now starting with this video here what I show with you how I built 10 AI tools many agents and I share the Full Source codes the full projects with you so you can learn with and practice building agents right now if you find this video helpful please don't forget smash the like button and see you in the upcoming videos
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