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Kingdom Calls
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you've always known there was something special about you haven't you something within you that has never quite fit the ordinary as a chosen one you've been picked not just for greatness but to be a living example to everyone around you you might feel the weight of that calling the expectation to lead Inspire and Blaze a path for others but with that calling comes a responsibility one that demands commitment action and unwavering belief in yourself it's time to step into that power with both feet you were meant for more than just surviving in this world you
were chosen to lead it yet many of us hesitate unsure of the next step or the full extent of our purpose the question is are you truly ready to embrace your calling and show up as the example the world needs or will you let fear doubt or Comfort hold you back from living fully into your potential this video is about answering that question with unwavering certainty and understanding how to commit fully to the role you were born to play we're about to dive into a powerful Journey that could change everything chosen one if you have
been guided to this channel it's not by accident make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications to become a part of the official Kingdom calls family so you never miss the Divine wisdom meant to uplift and guide you on your sacred path and make sure to like the video to let the universe know you are ready to receive this wisdom let's make today's like goal 700 as a chosen one you may find yourself standing at the crossroads of purpose and fear driven by a calling you can't ignore but sometimes feel unequipped to answer this Divine
calling that you felt stirring within you is not an accident it's not a coincidence that you've been placed in this moment at this point in time to serve as an example for others yet with that immense responsibility comes a deep often unspoken struggle the challenge of fully embracing that calling and stepping into the role you were born to play the message is clear it's time to commit but what does that really mean for you and why does it feel so heavy at times you've been chosen to embody something bigger than yourself to walk a path
that may feel isolating uncertain or misunderstood you might find yourself questioning if you're truly ready or even capable of fulfilling such a profound purpose there's a part of you that knows deep down that you are meant to stand as an example for others yet when the world feels overwhelming it's easy to doubt your worth or your ability to fully commit to that role the weight of your potential can sometimes feel like a burden and it's in these moments that your Divine path may seem clouded by self-doubt the truth is being the example for others is
not about perfection ction it's about showing up day after day with the authenticity that only you can bring to the world it's about being the embodiment of what is possible when one commits to their spiritual path no matter the difficulties no matter the obstacles but how do you truly step into that commitment when there are so many parts of your journey that still feel unfinished when doubts and fears linger in the corners of your mind Whispering that you're not not good enough or you're not ready it's easy to fall into the Trap of thinking that
you need to have everything figured out first before you can commit to your calling but that's not the reality of the spiritual path committing doesn't mean being perfect or knowing everything it means showing up for yourself and for others even when the path is unclear it means choosing to move forward with the faith that God has already equipped you with everything you need to begin the beauty of being chosen is that God has has already set things in motion for you and all you need to do is say yes to the journey committing to your
path as the example for others means embracing both your light and your shadows it means allowing yourself to be vulnerable to show others that even in moments of struggle you are still walking the path of Divine Purpose it's easy to be the example when everything is going well when things are aligned but the true test of your commitment lies in how you show up when life isn't perfect are you willing to be authentic in those moments are you ready to embody the lessons you've learned even when they are difficult there's a Divine Alchemy in this
process the very challenges you face are refining you shaping you into the leader the example the beacon of light that others need every experience every hardship is a part of the Divine Design that is preparing you for something greater you may not see it now but as you commit to your calling you will begin to understand that everything every lesson every test has been necessary for your growth in this journey there will be moments when you feel alone when you question why you were chosen when you wonder if you're truly capable of stepping into the
light but remember this your commitment to being the example is not about proving yourself to anyone it is about answering the call that God has placed on your heart and that call is greater than any doubt or fear you may face so Chosen One the real question is not whether you are capable of committing to this path but whether you are ready to embrace the journey the commitment is not just a one-time decision it's a daily Act of Faith a daily Act of choosing to show up for your Divine Purpose even when you don't have
all the answers and in that commitment you will find the strength the courage and the wisdom that you need to fulfill fill your calling as you continue on this sacred path know that God is with you guiding you every step of the way you are not alone and you were never meant to walk this path by yourself the universe your higher self and the Divine are all rooting for you so take that next step commit fully to the journey that lies ahead and know that you are exactly where you need to be your example will
not only change your life but it will also Inspire those who are watching you waiting for you to lead them toward their own path of light as you continue your journey chosen one it's important to pause and reflect on the layers of growth that have brought you to this point when God chose you he didn't just select you for your talents or potential he chose you for your heart your resilience and your ability to embody light even when the world feels heavy this calling You' felt the pull towards something greater than yourself is not just
a desire or a fleeting ambition it is a Divine imprint on your soul and as you stand at the crossroads of purpose and possibility it's vital to recognize that the road ahead will not be an easy one but it will be a rewarding one the path of the chosen one is never about ease it's about commitment perseverance and Trust one of the greatest challenges you will face on this journey is the constant pull between what you feel feel called to do and the fear of what that commitment will require you may not always understand the
full scope of your purpose and at times you might even question whether you are truly the right person for the task these doubts however are part of the process they are not signs of failure but invitations to deepen your trust in the Divine every chosen one has had to face their own doubts their own uncertainties yet they have walked the path anyway step by step with faith that God's plan will unfold as it should your journey thus far has likely been a mix of small victories and profound lessons each moment shaping you into the person
you are becoming the moments of Triumph when you've overcome obstacles and seen your dreams manifest are reminders that you are moving in the right direction but it is the struggles the times when you felt lost when the road seemed too steep to climb that have been your greatest teachers these are the moments that refine you shaping your character and preparing you for the role you are meant to play the victories bring joy but it is the challenges that truly prepare you for the responsibility of being the example others will look to as you prepare to
commit fully to this sacred Journey you must also make peace with the idea that your path will sometimes feel isolating there will be times when the world doesn't understand the choices you make or the way you choose to live your life the light you carry may be misunderstood and others may not always support you in the ways you expect this isolation though is not a punishment it is a sacred Solitude that allows you to connect more deeply with God and your higher self it is in this space of quiet reflection that you will find the
strength and Clarity needed to continue walking the path ahead in this season of preparation it is important to remember that God has already equipped you with everything you need to begin the resources the wisdom and the strength are all within you waiting to be activated your unique gifts and abilities are not random they have been carefully woven into the fabric of who you are when God calls you to be the example it's not a request for you to change who you are or to fit into someone else's idea of greatness it's a call to fully
step into your authenticity to shine your unique light in the world this can be a challenging concept to embrace especially when the world around you seems to favor Conformity over authenticity but the truth is that your journey is not about fitting in it's about standing out boldly and unapologetically as a reflection of God's love wisdom and power as you commit to this path remember that your example will be a Beacon of Hope for others not because you are perfect but because you are willing to be authentic and vulnerable in a world that often rewards falsehood
in your preparation for this journey it's also crucial to cultivate a spirit of gratitude gratitude is the key that opens the door to more blessings more wisdom and More Love by embracing gratitude you shift your focus from what is lacking to what is abundant in your life you begin to see the blessings that are already present even in the most challenging times this mindset shift will serve as the foundation for your continued growth and commitment to your Divine Purpose your spiritual path is one of constant Evolution as you prepare to fully commit to your calling
remember that this is just the beginning the journey will continue to unfold revealing new layers of wisdom new lessons and new opportunities for growth each step you take in faith brings you closer to the person you were always meant to be and with each commitment no matter how small it may seem you are becoming a living example of God's love and light in the world the path may not always be easy but it will always be worth it as you continue your journey chosen one there is an undeniable weight to the calling that you carry
you've felt it the pull the quiet whisper whisper in your heart urging you to step up to embrace a greater purpose but with that calling often comes doubt is this really your path can you truly live up to the weight of this Divine responsibility the world around you may offer distractions Temptations and uncertainty but deep within there is a knowing that you are here for a reason yet even with that knowing there's still the question that lingers what does it really mean to be the example and if you're being called to lead to shine why
do things still feel so uncertain why does it sometimes feel like the universe is testing your resolve or that the road ahead isn't as clear as you hoped it would be you might have moments where you wonder if you're doing enough if you're making the right choices or if you're even on the right path it's natural to have these questions after all when God calls you to be the example it's not a one-time moment of inspiration it's a lifelong Journey it requires constant reflection recalibration and growth the truth is you've been prepared for this moment
but there's still much to uncover you're here ready for the next step yet unsure what it will demand of you there is an unspoken tension in this place of preparation the anticipation of what lies ahead and the Deep internal question of whether you're truly ready for what God has called you to do the more you reflect ref on the weight of your calling the more questions begin to surface how will I lead what do I need to do to make this commitment truly real am I enough and will the world be ready for the light
I'm meant to shine these questions are not signs of weakness but of your Divine awareness you are not simply wandering through life you are actively seeking Clarity purpose and alignment with God's will you are feeling the weight of the calling knowing that to fully commit will require something more something deeper that you may not even be fully prepared for yet but Chosen One the beauty of this journey is that it's not about being perfectly prepared it's about stepping into the unknown with trust knowing that with each step forward God will reveal more every small action
every decision to move forward in faith aligns you more closely with your purpose even the doubts you experience are part of the process God is working through them strengthening your resolve and preparing you for the moment when you will step fully into your role as the example as you sit with these questions hold on to the truth that God is with you you don't need to have all the answers now what's important is that you are willing to commit to show up even when the answers seem unclear the tension you feel is the Divine energy
stirring within you calling you to take the next step what what is that step what will your commitment truly require that's where we are headed keep holding space for that question because the answer is coming soon the time is near for you to step into your full potential just as God has been preparing you the time to act is now the clarity you seek will come but first there's a preparation that's unfolding right before your eyes stay with that tension stay with that anticipation and let it guide you as you approach the next phase of
your spiritual journey the answers are closer than you think as we journey together Chosen One You' felt the Divine weight of your calling sometimes heavy sometimes overwhelming but always present you've questioned whether you are truly ready for the responsibility that lies ahead you've wondered if you are equipped to be the example to stand as the beacon of light that others can follow you've encountered doubt and uncertainty unsure whether are walking the path alone or if there is something more profound waiting just ahead the questions have been swirling what does God truly want of me am
I enough can I really commit to this Divine calling and here you are still asking those questions but with an undeniable pull inside you and knowing that you are destined for something great even if you can't yet see it fully this tension this moment of anticip ation has been part of your spiritual growth it has been the space where you've learned to listen reflect and prepare and now as we stand on the edge of this moment it's time to reveal what has been hidden in plain sight the Deep lifechanging Revelation that will shift everything for
you you were chosen not because of your Perfection but because of your willingness it's not about how much you know how skilled you are or even how much strength you feel you possess it's about your willingness to walk the path of Divine Purpose to say yes even when everything around you seems uncertain this willingness this deep commitment to the calling is the very Foundation of what it means to be the example for others it's what allows you to lead not because you have all the answers but because you are willing to follow God's Direction step
by step even when you can't see the entire path ahead you see Chosen One God doesn't call the qualified he qualifies the called This is the Divine truth that you need to Anchor in your spirit you are already equipped you have everything you need within you to fulfill the Divine Mission set before you the external signs of Readiness the skills the accolades the recognition are not the true markers of your Readiness what matters most is the condition of your heart and in your heart you have been chosen because you carry a unique Essence a light
that the world needs a light that can only be seen through your eyes your experience and your commitment to serve the example you are called to be is not one of perfection or an unattainable ideal it is one of authenticity vulnerability and the Deep Relentless commitment to grow learn and show others what it means to trust in the Divine path you are not expected to have it all figured out what you are expected to do is to live within Integrity to make decisions aligned with your Divine Purpose and to keep moving forward with faith even
when the road ahead is unclear your calling chosen one is about showing others that it's okay to be imperfect to struggle and yet still rise it's about being an example of Courage not because you are fearless but because you face your fears and continue despite them it's about embodying strength not by pushing past your vulnerability but by allowing your vulnerability to be the very thing that connects you to others in a world that often asks you to be something you're not your Divine mission is to be exactly who you are in all your raw and
authentic Beauty trusting that your light will guide those who need it most the most powerful thing you can do in this moment is to release the pressure of perfection you don't have to have all the answers you don't need to have it all figured out the key to your growth and and your success as the example is not in the destination it's in the willingness to take the next step the key is commitment commitment to the process to the unfolding of your purpose to trusting that God is guiding you with every step you take and
even when you can't see the next step clearly you trust that it will be revealed at the perfect time you are not alone in this journey God has placed people experiences and circumstances in your life that are guiding you and preparing you for this moment the moments of doubt and fear that you have experienced are not signs that you're on the wrong path they are markers of growth they are opportunities for you to deepen your faith to trust God more fully and to allow him to work through you in powerful ways these moments of uncertainty
are invitations to surrender your need for control and to lean into trust trust that everything you need is already within you that every challenge is a stepping stone towards your Divine Purpose the Journey of being the example is not linear there will be times when you feel like you're moving forward with Clarity and momentum and other times when you feel as if you're taking two steps backward but each step no matter how small is a part of your spiritual growth each challenge each hardship each Triumph is a lesson that prepares you for the next chapter
in your Divine Journey now chosen one I want you to take a moment to reflect on the enormity of this truth your commitment to this path doesn't just affect you it ripples out into the world every time you choose Faith over fear Integrity over convenience love over judgment you are setting an example for others you are creating a path for those who will follow and as you walk this path you are not only transforming your own life you are transforming the world around you the light that you carry is meant to shine brightly even in
the darkest of places in This Moment release the fear of not being enough let go of the belief that you have to be perfect to be the example what makes you the perfect example is your willingness to show up as your authentic self and let God work through you as you continue on your journey remember that God's grace is sufficient you don't have to be perfect you just have to be faithful this is the Breakthrough moment chosen one it's not about achieving a final destination but about committing to the process it's about saying yes to
the path even when it feels uncertain and trusting that God is with you every step of the way the moment you make that commitment when you decide that no matter what you will move forward with faith with integrity and with love that is the moment when everything begins to shift the doubts the fears the uncertainty they lose their power because you are grounded in something greater you are grounded in purpose in Divine calling and in the unwavering belief that God has already equipped you for this journey so chosen one I ask you are you ready
to commit are you ready to stand as the example not because you are perfect but because you are willing to trust God's guidance and let his light shine through you are you ready to be The Beacon of Hope strength and love for those who need it most the time is now you were chosen for this and everything you need is already within you all that's left is to say yes to the path ahead let your commitment be the key that unlocks the next chapter of your spiritual journey as you stand at the precipice of this
moment Chosen One the path ahead may feel daunting the weight of the calling you've embraced the responsibility of being the example May stir both excitement and fear within you but understand this what you have stepped into is not just a spiritual journey it is a sacred Mission this mission is bigger than your individual self it's a call from God to be a beacon of light in a world that desperately needs it and as you move forward the way you walk this path will Define not just your life but the lives of the those you are
meant to touch the calling you've received isn't merely about how you look to others or how you perform it's about how deeply you are willing to embody the Divine Purpose that lives within you God chose you because of your willingness to step into this role not as a perfect being but as someone who will continue to learn grow and transform as they walk the path you have been entrusted with a sacred duty to show others that it is possible to live authentically to be vulnerable to grow through challenges and to stand strong in your faith
even when the journey feels uncertain this is the essence of being the example the ability to show up time and time again even when you don't have all the answers and to lead with integrity and authenticity moving forward in this calling requires a Daily Commitment it's not just about making a grand decision once and thinking that's enough it's about committing every every single day to the truth that you are living for something far greater than yourself this means that the choices you make the way you speak and the energy you bring into each room will
all be a reflection of the Divine calling that resides within you your life is no longer just about you it's about the impact you will have on others understand that the Divine path you are walking is not one of linear progression it's not about following a fixed set of steps or adhering to a rigid timeline God doesn't work on our schedules and his plans are often greater and more expansive than we can fathom as you continue There Will Be moments of immense growth but there will also be challenges that shake you to your core these
challenges are not obstacles they are opportunities every test every moment of Doubt every trial you face is an opportunity to strengthen your commitment to reaffirm your trust in God and to deepen your understanding of your purpose the path forward is also not a solitary one though you may sometimes feel isolated in your journey know that you are surrounded by a community of others who are also walking the same path we are all part of something larger interconnected by the Divine energy that flows through all of us your role as the example is not just to
inspire others with your actions but also to lift them up in their struggles to share your wisdom and to offer your strength when they need it most this isn't just about being the leader at the front it's about leading by example in the way you support and encourage others God has placed you in this position not just to shine but to help others find their own light each day you wake up is an opportunity to commit again to reaffirm your dedication to this Mission God doesn't expect you you to be perfect or to have everything
figured out right now what he asks is that you stay connected to him and trust that the path will reveal itself in perfect timing the commitment you are being called to is not based on your ability to control every detail but on your willingness to surrender to the Divine flow and trust that God will lead you where you need to go the moment you try to force the path or resist the direction he is guiding you toward that is when the struggle Begins the commitment is to trust to follow and to believe that the pieces
of your journey will come together at exactly the right time and while you are walking this path know that your light will shine brightest when you are true to who you are the world doesn't need another imitation of perfection it needs the raw authentic truth of who you are when you embrace your flaws your fears and your doubts you create space for others to do the same you are the example not because you have it all together but because you are real you are willing to show up even when you feel broken to lead with
love even when it's hard and to walk in faith even when you don't know what the future holds this is the beauty of your calling this is what makes you the example your willingness to be seen as you truly are trusting that God's love and grace are more than enough to sustain you in times when when doubt Creeps in when you wonder if you're truly capable of this calling remember this God does not call the qualified he qualifies the called Your Role is not to have all the answers it is to walk in faith to
trust in his guidance and to be open to learning and growing with each step The Way Forward is not about perfection it's about progression you are evolving changing and becoming more of who you were always meant to be and each step you take on this journey is part of that Divine unfolding there will be moments when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders moments when the calling feels too big too daunting or too much to bear but in those moments remember that you are never alone God is always with you supporting you
guiding you and providing you with everything you need to move forward the commitment you make to walk this path is not one that you make on your own it's a partnership with the divine you are not carrying this weight alone and you will never have to face a challenge that God hasn't already equipped you to handle and as you continue take the time to honor the small winds along the way every time you choose Faith over fear every time you show up for someone else every time you take a step forward even when it feels
insignificant celebrate that moment it's not about the grand gestures it's about the Daily Commitment to living in alignment with your your purpose the more you honor these small steps the more momentum you will build and the more you will see God's presence in every part of your life remember Chosen One the path forward is not always easy but it is always worth it God has called you to be the example because he knows you are capable of more than you can imagine your life is not a coincidence it is a Divine Purpose unfolding one moment
at a time and as you commit to this journey as you embrace the calling with everything you have you will begin to see the profound impact your life has on those around you your example will inspire others uplift them and help them step into their own purpose so continue forward with confidence knowing that each step you take is divinely orchestrated you are exactly where you are meant to be and the path ahead is filled with endless possibilities keep walking in faith keep committing to the journey and keep shining your light for the world to see
God has chosen you for this moment and it's time to step fully into your role as the example for everyone Heavenly Father we come before you with grateful Hearts acknowledging that you are the creator of all things the one who has woven each of us into your divine plan Lord you have called us to something far greater than we could have ever imagined you have chosen us and we stand in awe of your wisdom and love father as we reflect on the calling placed on our lives help us to understand the depth of our purpose
help us to remember that we are not here by accident but by Your Divine Design chosen to be the example for the world to shine your light and love in a dark World Lord we ask for your strength and clarity as we walk this path we know it will not always be easy and there will be times when doubt Creeps in and when our own limitations make us question our ability to fulfill this calling but we trust in you Lord we trust that your grace is sufficient and your power is made perfect in our weakness
guide us in every step we take and help us to stay true to the example you have called us to be may we embody your love your wisdom and your purpose in everything we do we pray for the strength to commit fully to this journey we pray that as we move forward we remain steadfast in our faith trusting in your plan even when the road ahead seems uncertain fill us with the courage to face challenges to rise above fear and to walk boldly in the direction you have set for us may we always remember that
we are not alone on this path that you are with us guiding us every step of the way Lord we pray for the wisdom to lead others with humility and Grace help us to be the example you have called us to be showing others how to live with purpose to be authentic and to live in alignment with your Will May Our Lives Inspire those around us to seek you more deeply and to walk in their own Divine Purpose father we lift up all the chosen ones watching this message today we ask that you bless them
abundantly may they feel your presence your your love and your encouragement as they walk in their calling strengthen them equip them and Empower them to fulfill their Divine Mission let them know without a doubt that they are your chosen vessels here for a purpose far greater than themselves we ask all of this in your holy and precious name amen now chosen one as you move forward in your journey remember that you are not walking alone you are part of something greater than yourself this community The Chosen one's family is here to support you encourage you
and walk alongside you as you continue to grow and fulfill Your Divine calling we are here to uplift one another share wisdom and hold each other accountable as we all strive to be the best examples of God's love and purpose in this world if you feel the call to be a part of this community I encourage you to subscribe to this Channel and become a part of the chosen one's family join us in this journey of growth faith and purpose share this message with others who may need encouragement strength or Clarity in their own lives
let's spread the message that we are all chosen to be the example and it's time for us to commit to living fully in alignment with our purpose together we can create a movement that impacts the world for God's glory your commitment your strength and your light are needed and when we come together as a community of chosen ones there is nothing we cannot accomplish so take that step today subscribe share and be a part of something bigger than yourself we are all in this together and together we will make a lasting impact stay encouraged stay
faithful and remember you were chosen for such a time as this God bless you chosen one if this message touched your heart and you'd like to support the chosen ones Community consider donating to our Kofi your contribution helps us continue to create spiritually enriching content for you and others on the sacred path by supporting us you're not only uplifting your own Journey but also helping others find their way as well together we can grow and walk this Divine path handin hand thank you for being a part of this sacred Community your generosity is a blessing
and it means the world to us
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