[Music] okay so now we're going to get into mine and you know for the last several years I've been lecturing on um the three waves of volunteers and the new Earth and the UFO material well tonight I thought I would talk about the convoluted Universe material because if you've read those books there is so many uh unusual Concepts and theories that I get so many questions about and a lot of times at the conferences I don't go into the deeper stuff because I don't want to go over the audience's head and you know a lot
of that material has it is very deep so tonight I thought well maybe you're ready for it we'll find out cuz if your eyes glaze over then I know you're not ready yet but if you're reading the books at least you're thinking and there may be you'll understand and itur up a lot of questions now I'm supposed to stop at 4: but this is the end of the conference so we're getting into a lot of questions we'll go over because um people we get all these emails and people keep uh coming up to me even
here and wanting more explanations on some of these theories okay but do you know when I started out in the 1960s nobody was doing any of this that's why they said I was a Pioneer because there was no metaphysics there was no new age uh very few people in the western world even knew anything about reincarnation there was no past life therapy there was none of that it's hard to believe that now especially for the younger people but we didn't we lived in a very innocent world I guess but there wasn't any of that when
I got thrown into this so I've been at the Forefront I guess you would say since the beginning I had no one to teach me how to do this so I invented my own technique and that's what I'm teaching all over the world we call it now Quantum healing hypnosis but I'm doing that all over the world but um in the beginning it was all past life regression and I did a lot of that because of the history I loved the history and I wrote several of my earlier books dealt with the history but then
things began to happen and I began to get these other things coming in see now it's no longer simple we hardly ever get normal past lives anymore but back then that's all it was but then I began to get these Concepts that were coming in that were upsetting my belief system now you remember I don't Channel everything I write about comes from my hypnosis sessions with clients and I've had done 45 years of this now with thousands and thousands and thousands of clients and when many of them keep saying the same thing over and over
you know there has to be something to it and that's why I'm the reporter and I'll take bits and pieces of different sessions to put the puzzle together but I remember one of the first things that came out uh when we were doing this was the idea of simultaneous time and you know I was quite comfortable with reincarnation linear progression I had taken many people back through 30 different lifetimes and I would jump them back by Hundred Year jumps that was the way I worked and then these ideas began coming in and they would I
would thinking oh wait a minute I got this all figured out I know how reincarnation works I don't want somebody upsetting my belief system here you know messing with what what I already I know it I'm not going to have it changed but then I got to thinking if you think that way you're no better than the church that says do what we say believe what we say and don't ask any questions so when these ideas began coming in I thought well maybe I should at least look at them and examine them and one of
the first ones that happened when I was doing the Nostradamus material was the idea of uh simultaneous time because you know I've got 17 books out there and I don't know how many of you have read them all but in that book we were speaking across time to Nostradamus while he was alive living in France writing the prophecies and it got very complicated how can we be speaking to him while he is alive he was not a spirit he was not dead he was living his life and he began to tell me this is so
it's all now and here I'm trying to figure this idea out so I'm always asking lots and lots of questions I have a terrible curiosity I've got to know everything about everything so uh when I got these are able to ask questions to them that's what I call them the one it's the source of all knowledge that I've got contct with and we call it the subconscious in my classes but actually it's higher self the over Soul the higher Consciousness and I first thought i' stumbled on it later in my work but now when I
go back and read the older books it was always there but I just didn't know it but I found out if I ever had a question I could ask them and I said okay you know simultaneous time means everything is happening at the same time and I said how can that be we know you start out as a baby you grow into a teenager you grow into an adult how can that all be happening at the same time doesn't make any sense they said because you're using the wrong terminology it's not happening at the same
time it's existing at the same time you see how the words are very important in the way they explain things they said we will never know it all while we're alive it's absolutely impossible there are no Concepts in the human mind to totally understand it although guy Needler has really bent the he's trying but they said it's not the brain it's the mind that we don't have the concepts you'll know it all when we die but when we're trying to understand it now we have to do it with the filter of our own understanding and
they said many times there are no words to explain the concepts they're trying to get across to me so they do the wor best they can and many time they invent words turns nouns into verbs and verbs into nouns to get the concept across but they said you can ask questions and we will give you the best we can and I always say give me analogies give me pictures something that I can understand but it's the idea that there is no time well there is no time anyway but we're trapped in the concept time is
an illusion and the ETS have said it very clearly they say mankind will never travel in space until it gets all out of the concept of time that's what holds you to Earth and they said we are probably the only species in the universe has found a way to measure something that does not exist so leave it to us but if there is no concept of time we have invented it because you know we go day to day hour to hour our whole lives are built upon it so it's very hard to get away from
the idea that time does not exist but with the idea of simultaneous time it means everything that's ever happened in your life childhood babies adults everything is all happening now and it's all still there now I know with the hypnosis that we do we can go back and revisit those childhood times and I've had people become those children again but they means it's all happening now and all all of your past lives and all of your future probabilities are all now which is very hard for us to understand but somebody gave me a very good
example um they said when you make a phone call and you're in America and you're calling London 6-hour time difference well when you make the phone call are you waiting 6 hours for the person to answer you each time you ask a question no because when you're talking to them they're receiving it and answering you at the same time even though there's six hours and a half a world away between us that's a good idea of simultaneous time it's all now everything is happening now that's we we realize it when we travel so much that
it's the hours difference and sometimes it's a whole day difference we come in on yesterday and then we're coming in on tomorrow and different countries we soon realize there time doesn't exist it's just it's a mess anyway but this is one of the things we have to get get used to there is no such thing as time everything is happening now now when I began to get all of this the information I'm getting now if I had gotten it 30 years ago I could not possibly have understood it I would have just thrown it against
the wall and saying no I can't understand it and I would have stopped my work but in their wisdom they don't give it to you all at once you can't handle it they give you spoonfuls give give you a spoonful of information digest this then give you another spoonful of information digest that you don't give a baby a three course meal you give a baby milk cereal chopped vegetables you don't give a baby a steak so that's what they mean you have to be given to it it to you at your rate of progression otherwise
you won't understand it'll go over your head so Spoonful by Spoonful they were feeding me little pieces of information different concepts that I would eventually begin to understand that's when I began writing the convoluted Universe books and each one has gotten more and more complicated if you read those I always say start at the first one because it's simpler as it goes along and when I got to the end of convoluted 3 I said well I think you've told me everything there is to know there's nothing else left that you can tell me and they
said oh no there's more there's a lot more and that's when began to get more material that went into convoluted 4 I'm now working on three more books I have more than enough for convoluted five but each time they give me another concept that I've never heard and I have to adapt to that um I'm going to try to cover some of these and maybe then we I know we're going to have to go to questions after we finish because there's going to be too many hanging things hanging out there I always say that the
the convolute Universe books are for those people who want their minds spent like pretzels okay I was trying to think which one to go with first I had them listed in the program but if I don't cover them all we'll just have to go back and you may ask questions about those um I do I know I want to get to the backdrop people because that's what everybody's been asking about but okay one thing has to do with parallel universes parallel Dimensions parallel lifetimes and when I first got this concept it was a real mind
vendor now you know to keep it simple at first everything is energy everything so when you make a decision you come to a Crossroads in your life you've got to make a decision do I get married do I get divorced do I take this job do I go to this school you're trying to make a decision which road you want to go down we have these Crossroads and you know either way you choose your life is going to be different won't it if you marry this person or you don't or if you get a divorce
or if I choose this job should I move your life will be different no matter which direction you go so you're trying to make a decision and you have a lot of energy going into making that decision then you finally decide okay okay this is the way I'm going to go all right what happens to the other alternate decision that you could have taken what happens to that it also is created and another you is living out that other decision and that gets a little complicated for people you're living on this life and you're focusing
on your decision you made but another you split off over here and is living that other life and we're not supposed to know about it because it would be too complicated that's what they say you can't know it all imagine how complicated it would be if you knew about these other parts having all these other experiences I have clients that come to me and they'll say you know I know I'm living another existence in another city and I have another family even I occasionally peak in on them and they have said this is possible but
you're not supposed to do that because it would cause interference because the other reality is not aware of what's going on over here now I hope I'm sending you on what I'm going to get here these are a lot of complicated concept ceps that's the simple thing way of explaining this it can also get much more complicated if it splits like that it also means every time you make any decision of any kind it will split again and again and again and again to her finally there's hundreds of yous living all these different realities I
think you understand a lot of this don't you absolutely because he's getting it too but um that's I know it's hard for our minds to accept so we don't dwell on it that's why I called the books mind candy read it you know well it's interesting then you got to put the book down and go on about your own life because otherwise it can really scramble your brain and I've also been told that if you don't put much energy in that other decision eventually it will dissipate anyway so the one you make now is the
one you have chosen and that's going to be your life you focus on don't worry about the other one I no there's somewhere there's a woman I'm another person who never got into any of this I know she's sitting home knitting and watching TV or what I don't know what she's doing but somebody didn't my another me didn't get into any of this I wish her luck wherever she is but this is an interesting idea and these are real Concepts and there's something for you to think about anyway but this means there are all of
these other parts of you so it doesn't matter you make the best decision that you think for your life life um this is where we get into parallel un universes parallel lifetimes and they keep talking about Dimensions there are thousands of Dimensions the scientists keep talking about Fifth Dimension sixth Dimension there are thousands many of these Dimensions there will only be a slight difference and you're constantly going in and out of these other dimensions all the time you don't notice it unless there's something that gets your attention um I had one woman who was a
college student and she said she came out of her dormatory one day and there was a lot of construction going on right in front of the dormatory they had the uh barriers up and the orange cones and they were digging up this the street well the next morning she comes out of the dormitory there's no sign of any construction at all that's what I mean unless something happens to catch your attention you're not even going to notice you're constantly moving in and out of these another one might say they see this beautiful tree on the
Block where they live in the next day there isn't any tree we've crossed over just that little bit into the other dimension it begins to show you reality is not at all what you think it is everything is energy everything is an illusion I had one client that said um she was out jogging and she saw an airplane coming in and it was coming in through the Treetops Big Air airliner and she could see it coming in she said it's going to crash she could see it about a block or so down it's going to
crash and she turned around and ran back to the house turned on the TV to see if there any news about an airplane crashing well there wasn't so part of what she wanted to have the session was about what was that they said she had crossed over into a dimension where there was an airport over there and a didn't exist in her normal reality but see you don't stay there because it's not your reality here you all know when you put something down an object or something your glasses or car keys you go back you
can't find them then a little later you go back and they're there they have gone into this other dimension and come back when that happens to me I always say guys put it back I need but we had one story too where a woman she Liv in an apartment building she went out of the apartment building onto the street and it was back like in the 1950s the dresses the cars like she had gone backwards in time into the 1950s and she's walking down the street nobody's paying any attention to her at all and she
was getting scared but when she went back and went back into the apartment building and went back up to her apartment everything came back to normal I hear lots of these stories people on trips and they'll be out in the middle of nowhere on a a road and they find a gas station and they sto to get gas and they said boy that gas is cheap and they fill up their tank and they go on and find the little hotel that's really low price they stay the night well the next day uh when they go
want to go back to the gas station there's no gas station and if they try to find that hotel again there's no Hotel I hear these stories all the time one strange one this woman yeah when I'm on the art the artbell in the George nurish show we get tons of emails when I bring things up like this and that's where a lot of these stories come from the one said um she went out to the airport to watch the Jets land and take off she's watching this jet take off and then go backwards and
then go forwards and then go backwards before it took off and she you know airplanes don't do that and she'd watched several of them do that then she walked out on the street so the car is doing the same thing going forward and going backwards and going forward and the only thing I could think was that was the juncture point of Dimensions where they weren't solid in one or the other have I screwed up your brains enough yet because I know there's going to be a lot of questions but every time I get these Concepts
I write write about them and I say don't ask me to explain them I'm just telling you what I got and it's weird uh but I think we are we're going to go into the backdrop people this came up in my last book I put it into convoluted 4 I could go into a lot more strange Concepts and they may come up with a questioning but in convoluted 4 I've got this concept of the backdrop people reason I've got guy here is because in his lecture he talked about backfill people I said wait a minute
that's the same idea and he never reads my books that's right I don't read any books uh these days purely for fear of having contamination from other people's work and it being stuck in my subconscious and then being regurgitated in my own stuff so I don't touch anybody's books I have them for years I don't read anybody else's books either cuz I don't want to be influenced but here he's talking about backfill people and I've got backdrop people so I asked him to come up because uh everybody keeps wanting more information about it and all
I had was what I wrote about well now I'm getting more information because it's coming through more and more people it's like when the concept is ready then we get more and more information keeps coming in they know when I'm ready and I'm supposed to present it to the world okay well the idea nothing is real anyway everything is energy everything is illusion this building where you're sitting right now did not even exist until you collectively chose to come here tonight or today wrap your head around that I'm not to ask you make sense because
the every time I brought that up they'll say what it's like a Stephen King movie they had one time where nothing existed before they got there that's right I mean what you're doing is you're creating your own realities and now you created a huge group reality and without the huge group reality this wouldn't exist but this shows you too how powerful your mind is because everything you see everything that's around you everything in your life you're creating and putting there to Filip your your world so that means you can create anything nothing is impossible you
can change your life you can hand anything in your life at all they told me one of the biggest lessons you come to Earth to learn is how to manipulate energy you can't get out of the Earth's school and graduate till you learn how to manipulate ulate energy what does that mean create create you have to learn to create because this is how powerful your mind is you can create anything so that means every time you go anywhere even go back to your house it is recreated every time you go into it I was wonder
where does it go in the meantime it's just space back into whatever but when these Concepts began coming up you know this is is a little unnerving but the backdrop people was really uh scrambled my brain and everywhere I go now they'll say tell us more about the backdrop people okay you're creating this is your movie this is your play you are are the it's all that life is anyway it's just a game it's just a play It's Just an Illusion you're going to leave here with your brains really spinning okay but I've had people
say that when they go through the death experience in the past life they look back and they'll say we just a play I see all the actors on stage getting ready to play their parts I see the actors in The Wings getting ready to come on stage and play their parts just a play but when I was there I took it so seriously but now it's like a blink of an eye so you are the producer director and actor in your own play you're also the script writer but the script isn't written it's written as
you go along you see you can change it anytime you want we get so trapped into thinking there's no way out not you know that this is all there is when you realize how powerful your mind is you can create anything you want this is the goal the main thing of being alive is knowing learning how to create and now when the veil is standing we're moving into this new Earth we're into this shifting we're bringing all these abilities back this is what you're supposed to learn how to do okay but this is your movie
now they said if it wouldn't be a very good movie would it if you were the only person in the movie isn't that true they said people like people around them so what they we do we don't know this none of this is done consciously you have the backdrop people people when you cast a movie what do you do you cast all these extras don't you to fill in the background the backdrop he calls them the backfill you cast all the extras to play all the parts of all the people those are the backdrop people
and when I go into a crowded airport now I thinking oh boy look at all the backdrop people I've just created I shouldn't have put so many into this but this is what makes it even stranger the backdrop people are not real they're not real people they're not anything they are energy It's Just Energy everything is energy that's why I want him to come up here because come on up guy because when I was asking about him I said you got your information your way I got mine and we were comparing what we've got because
I had so many questions and now I'm getting more information about it and so I think everybody here is real I'm not sure pinch yourselves quickly and see if you are real okay but um I know we're going to have a lot of questions about this concept um they said because you couldn't go through your own movie by yourself you have to have other people now the people in your life those are real those are the ones that are on the evolutionary PL P path we have come in to evolve to grow to learn lessons
to reincarnate we're the ones that are evolutionizing they're real and you've made these contracts with all these other people but these other ones are not and I said um do they have souls they said no they're just energy they said it's holographic it's like being on the Hol deck on Star Trek you know when they're on the hollow deck the uh they interact with these people they're real but then the minute they walk off the HC all these people dissipate and you're getting the same idea aren't you yeah I'm getting slightly just a very slight
difference though because mine's related to the the real people um because as we evolve we move out of this particular frequency and therefore there needs to be a critical mass of individuals to allow those who are still needing to move up to to operate and so they these Back Field bit will come into play then so there's two there's two parts to well they said I said uh can they advance and they said yes they can evolve there's a possibility of that but they're still not on the uh evolutionary path that we are on they're
different they're a completely different energy set the the energetic genre of mankind is a very high frequency very high energy and these guys are they're lower lower denser energy Earth is the densest lowest planet in the universe to live on it's the most difficult planet to live on when you come here they said we're at the bottom the so dense and heavy so a lot of these people are made up of that dense energy that's right and the thing is that you can tell them I mean c he's learned to tell them AP part I
haven't yet you just tell them you can if you we go into a shopping mall for instance or a football game or or or B basketball game or anywhere with a A large group of people just walk around and look and and feel what's going on and you can spot them a mile away they they stick out they they're not the same energy set I mean clearly there's none here if you learn how to if you learn how to feel energy yeah absolutely but it's it's amazing that I found it quite a dichotomy you know
that I couldn't understand how we could ascend but how everybody else could exist when there's the populations disappearing one by one in intend and then the information came through in meditation in March last year that there's there's a series of backfield going on where there has to be a critical mass and I was amazed when Dolores said that it's you there's there's a similar thing going on for creating the um the necessary environment for us to evolve by maintaining an environment holographically as well it's amazing but me and Julie have had a lot of discussion
about this too and he said what would happen if I would go up and interact with one of these people cuz you know you see them talking and all of that what would happen if I would go up and interact with them would they be real then I think it goes along with the idea okay you've got your movie now you suddenly gave one of these extras a bit part they have a little speaking part in the movie but um a lot of times too when you interact with people it's the way you interact you
know sometimes if they need help or you're talking to them like that that to me is you are helping your own involvement maybe you're helping them also yeah I mean these these back the information I've been getting the backfield people they also evolve and they they don't get the chance to have individualized free will so so this is in general the first time they've incarnated so when they're working with us they they gain evolutionary content as a as a result of that so they're benefiting they're helping us continue to evolve in those individuals who are
left behind but still evolving by being here and backfilling basically um because also he's found that the ones that are very negative they're like the bottom those are the very low dense energy but they're here all of this is here to teach us something that's what it's all about that's what life is all about anyway what are you learning everything that happens to you you create it to learn from it so you hear about these things on TV the murders and the the violence going on how does it affect you what do you learn from
that that's the lesson of these other en ities to teach us something and the thing is that in them doing what we abhor we learn how to not do it so we we naturally move ourselves out of that zone out of that frequency yeah they've told me that before and it was in my book between death and life that if you didn't have these as examples you wouldn't know what not to do from a moral standpoint that's right that's right and it's important to observe what is considered to be wrong because there are definitely universal
laws being worked with here and we're showing we are shown every day what not to do so that we can avoid it and take a faster track to to increase in our frequency and ascending the process because everybody has bad things that happen in their life but they have put them there before you come into the light if you make your plan and you make the plan of the events in your life that are going to help you grow and I have so many clients that have had horrible childhoods and horrible lives but I always
ask them what did you learn from it that was the purpose that's why they put those events in their life to learn from and some will say well I didn't learn anything it was just a bad experience then guess what according to the law of karma the law of what we're here for you have to repeat that class until you learn that lesson so I tell them if you learned even one thing from the circumstance that was the reason for you creating it look how powerful your minds are I found out that's something called cyclic
Karma where if you don't learn the first time it gets harder than the second time and harder the third time and you're brought back with the same people same circumstance you don't get out of anything same people some same circumstances you just have to repeat it over and it's always harder the next time just like a class in school so you and some people will tell me well I don't want to anything to do with that person anymore I don't want them in my life anymore I certainly don't want to have to do it again
I said you better work it out now that's the law of karma see we've been taking baby steps so far in my books and in the uh conferences and now I guess it's getting to where we're beginning to be ready for the hard stuff we're progressing into college maybe absolutely and I just want to very quickly pick up on something that delore said about creation and what we're creating here one of the things I've picked up recently is that we we've all part of creating the Multiverse not just this local here but we're all creating
the Multiverse so think about that when you starting to create something small but actually you're part something much bigger Julia you want to come up where's she at she said she was me right here okay come on up Julia I like to have her up when we go to questions but um I was getting more more information about it and they kept saying it's holographic but I think now our minds are ready for this kind of information and we can understand it because you're great and powerful beings you're not at the mercy of the world
I hate it when I get clients coming in that are in the victim mode oh you don't know what happened to me this is a horrible life etc etc you listen to this for about an hour then I tell him oh for Pete Sayes get out of the victim mode as everything that happened you created it for yourself you want to stand up here or what okay I think the lady should sit do you like to sit I'll see I I'll Stand Up and Julia can sit down well no that's it's okay she do you
want us another chair okay I like Julia up here when we go into questions she can put it on the other side of you too um because with all of my work all of these years come on all of my years of doing this work I would come home and I'd say guess what I found out today and I bounc everything off of her because we have long discussions on some of these things and they I I think I've got it figure it out goes in a book then they give me another one that's what
I said I could not have understood what I'm getting now when I started out I would just said I don't nothing to do with this and I wouldn't have written any books okay we want to go you have any questions about this concept of the backdrop people and then we'll go into questions on any of my work faen how do do you want a traveling mic okay otherwise I'll repeat the questions and we're going to travel this mic so okay you want to bring it up but I want to see if maybe you can trigger
some more things that'll help me know what to explore to get more information on the backdrop people run Holly run is do you think this is a mind Bender is it a mind Bender okay where do you want me to go first okay we've got different ones hello we're ready for it or wouldn't have been brought up okay yeah um yes I just finished almost finished reading your convoluted four they're wonderful and yes one can see the progression not only yours but of the information it's incredible about the backdrop people and this is what I
read or the back film people I thought she answered your subject answered we are energy couldn't it be that not that they're not dense energy but they're Just Energy beings that come be on a holographic Journey or something be there for a minute and go back to energy couldn't that be it that's what they said that's like I said that's that's the way I understood it dis I think it would dissipate it just goes like it does on the holidex yeah and then the next thing would be okay Planet X xc5 now go work over
there you know like traveling energy or energy that it's needed or that that that it's that appears where it's needed this is this is my understanding of that and I found it very interesting you know these people you never see them again no they are just there to fill up your need to have people in your world I'd like to elaborate on that slightly because actually they don't travel anywhere it everything is everywhere all of the time well figurative so so all that's happening is the intention to coales in one particular location is what happens
and then they're there and then they because of your mind wanting them to be there and then the intention changes to be over there for some reason and then they're over there so it's not a case of them moving around it's it's it's the energy just changing or morphing into something that it needs to be at one particular time well then let let me finish I I wasn't going to ask then but would it be since we are sparks we're not the whole um you know higher self in a body we're just a tiny tiny
fragment okay so all the orchestration of each one of our lives here wouldn't don't they take part also I my over soul my higher Soul so actually they all taking part in bringing the backdrop people into our life because no you are doing it yourself we are doing it but don't I have the help of we call call them guides Angels whatever but actually they are our higher Souls those are all real exactly but they are our own self because after all there's only one thing the source so then we all orchestrate it's kind of
a group thing isn't it it's it is but it isn't if if you if you if you imagine that we devolve responsibility down from our the sources devolve responsibility for evolution to us as its creation and then we have a this us being the our true energetic cells the over Soul if you want to call it that you know yeah then devolves responsibility into the into the the spark or as you call it or the projection into the various different incarnate vehicles to experience various different aspects of existence so that's got responsibility for creating as
well so it's devolved responsibility for creation thank you but see that's because we are on the The evolutionary path we have come in to progress but that's why we have this ability unknown to us consciously to create all of these things but think what we could do if we could organize that energy and you can create anything you want in your life you see the possibilities here because you're doing it all the time on an unconscious level and don't even know it okay we got some more questions I think so let's say that we are
in an airport or at at a ball game might it be that we might be the the backdrop people in any some kind of a scenario life scenario for those folks had this discussion [Laughter] yesterday and did you resolve it we yeah if you're a real if you're a real person it's an ongoing learning progression that's what I love about I'm constantly learning new things and so is he yeah okay what was the question are we somebody else's backdrop person are we someone else's backdrop person well we wondered about that I'm still wondering about it
um I think yeah in essence because we're all interacting with each other within our own reality our own bubble of event space then we do become the backdrop person for somebody else for instance there's people here who are doing nothing and they appear to be doing nothing but they're actually doing something in their own right so although we are not truly backdrop people because we are real people evolving because we're in the background you could think of it in that those terms we're background people not background background yeah back with with the other extras the
real extras the ones the ones with real Parts with lines to to read I keep wondering if they gave me this concept what's next okay because we keep getting more and more complicated but see under that concept these people in the Next Room aren't even there thank you all for being in my play that means until we open the door and go into that room none of them are existing either but believe me your family are there every your people in your life are there we just this is mine candy you know I me my
M candy you know think about it but then ah I got to go on with my life don't let it confuse you too much where's the uh microphone right here okay all the way in the very back who's talking uh my name is Patrick back here okay yes right back here um my question is if there's all these background people that just kind of fade away when we turn our backs uh how many real people are actually walking around on the planet out of 7 billion people makes you wonder don't it it's your world it's
your planet how many have you put in there let's give you an example of something that was stated by buz Aldren back um a number of years ago when he was on the moon back in 1969 was 11 in the yeah yeah 69 that's when I started back 4th anniversary as George NRI said he said there was three and a half billion people on the Earth in 1969 do you know how many people there are now 7 billion there's a lot of individuals there so a lot of those may end up being back dropped people
but you know they're also leaving in Mass numbers too yeah there a lots of attrition but like with the tsunami and all of those we had 90,000 people go at once there's a lot of that happening too this a balancing of the planet in that way yeah I have one more question the questions we don't know okay uh if you're real if you could just raise your hand so we can just kind of see all the real people raise your hand please all right good good to know thanks you know an idea just occurred to
me this puts an interesting concept on go post too doesn't it it does yeah they're just an energy form that hasn't solidified who who has a micis can you bring it up here in the front okay we've got some up here pleas sign that's what people say they might not understand my here Travis here her up first here she's been from the beginning when I first wrote convoluted one I said I don't think anybody's going to understand this is and people said they loved it they said we may not understand it but it makes us
think so maybe I'm making you think in a different direction anyway K go ahead okay so uh it's a little bit complex you said that uh everything we think or decision we make there's possibly another one of us that split off doing it yeah so then I have killed my brother-in-law in another life I've heard this question at other I've forgiven him completely in another life I've I may have had an affair I may have been a priestess I may have you know uh become become a preacher I may have done so many different things
that are much better than I am now or much worse than I am now all lessons all lessons so are those all backfill people because I'm the real or uh that's one way of asking a question and and the other is how is that affecting me that I have such a creative fantasy life and that those things are really real in some other part of the universe well the one thing you don't realize is this is not the only aspect of you you are a much bigger Soul than you think you are we call the
overs the higher self and that Soul it splits off and into fragments they've given the example of um um like a facet and all these facets and charge they use the word charge they mean all of these pieces split off because this way you can have so many more experiences at one time than to living this this life the only life you're living but all these pieces are these parts you're talking about but they're still you but have I made the best choice for this part I mean I could make a lot of worse choices
but I could also have made a lot of better choices and then I have a second question should we finish this question okay it get very complicated it's it's unresolved at the moment in actuality you can split up yourself into as many different parts as is necessary I mean even the possible even the possibility of possible possibilities of Duality triality quadr ality can create a splitting off and completely different parallel condition to you there can be millions of versions of you doing millions of different things oh there are if I do you see why you
can't focus on it you focus on you now and what you're doing right now I had a period of time where for a long time I lusted after money and dreamed about finding large sums of money and then I felt really guilty and for a two or three year period I tried to avoid all dreaming whatsoever and really cut out for a long time and now I'm I don't lust about money anymore but uh I just so I'm back to being a more normal person and having regular dreams but um times I wish I could
go back to when it was simple you know past lives and linear fashion I still believe in the spirit side you're going back and forth and we know what happens when you die and go over there but sometimes wish we could go back to the simple days but we're evolving we're getting more and more information okay and my my second question would be so if we know all this information and then if we look at mental institutions and the people that are there that are probably not just crazy people or deserve to be there and
what responsibility once we know that maybe we have tools or your learning tools or people are getting all these tools to help someone like that to you is there AIS hard to help the ones in the institutions but I've begun to find out a lot of them I don't think belong in institutions what you'll find is some of these people are actually more aware and awake than than we give them credit for you know the psychi the uh psychiat Psychiatry had to Def redefine the definition for schizophrenia because the definition of schizophrenia used to be
hearing voices but they said too many people are channeling now we can't have a whole population of schizophrenics how many Hear Voices so they had to redefine the definition for schizophrenia so some of these people may not be that they just not understood okay well they're seeing all of the options and all the split ups and they can see into the other dimensions and they don't they don't understand they put them on drugs you I don't know how you would help them it's their their makeup of their mind I guess and in some instances some
of these individuals are actually connected with other aspects of themselves are in different lives in different parts of the world and different parts of the universe yeah and they're experiencing it concurrently which is why people like us who are who are living in a single way can't understand it and they therefore we institutionalize them because we don't understand them yeah the veil is so thin that they're they're not supposed to be doing that but they are too aware and some sometimes I found too those who have had experiences with drugs that they open up that
part of their mind unintentionally and are able to get over into that that's one of the reasons you shouldn't play around with drugs because you do open up those other parts of your mind okay where's the okay before I ask my easy question I do have to say that I've often marveled at how many people are in the same place as I am how many people decided you know to take a drive to the supermarket that day at that time so that's interesting but my question is to guy um how you said that you could
tell a backfill from a person how do you do that um that's I want to know yeah in for me it's just a sense it I can tell there's an energy around them which tells me that they're different from from what we are right here but also because they have in general are only on their first Incarnation they get totally absorbed in the material world so they become they're instantly materialistic they get very aggressive as well they they want to have riches and fame and fortune very easily there they are are totally absorbed by by
materialism that's one of the ways I've seen them and they and also I this is in derogatory they tend to be low in intelligence as well so it's it's their first Incarnation it's where we all were at one point you know there's no there's nothing wrong with that but they are they're definitely a different energy signature as well I can just spot them a mile away I I also would like to ask Dolores about the splintering personalities why is my consciousness in this personality then don't the others have my Consciousness you know the other parts
of me they do but you're not aware of them it's not where the focus is no it's the intention yeah yeah but this is my real one then oh yeah that's only one you're aware of and the only one you're supposed to be aware of except you're the real one also thinks he's the only one yeah that's but you know guy what you were talking about then some of these the ones that aren't real also want wealth and everything the wrong way and that's why they go into the crime element you know that's right it's
it's it's negative element they yeah they that but that's also like we said to teach us something too absolutely thank you but you know I mean you're your mind could just go around and around of you saying which is the real me and everything that's why I just treat this as interesting information don't dwell on it I don't want anybody to go off the deep end here no I'm not near there yet that's why I never I never brought this up at any other conference so maybe you're ready for it let's hope so we are
okay okay in respects to um a person who has what been institutionalized or for whatever reason because they're considered crazy would that not be their soul choosing that experience or that Incarnation be was that part of would that not be part of their choice well I don't know I know that we do choose handicap bodies to learn from but I think in that kind of a case it's just they've confused they've got their their whole life is confused and messed up I don't think they ever choose to want to go into an institution unless unless
it's part of the planet maybe the other herself chose it to teach other people in the institution something yeah go ahead in general is part of the plan although there are mistakes of course I never like to hear that really I I I have this vision of this very orderly system and when they say oh we oops I'm uhuh that's not a word in this orderly system cuz when I bring a case home from her they said oh what shouldn't have happened you know what H that happened and she said I'm supposed to make mistakes
a few moments ago you said something about some of these other 's dissipate did someone say that or did I imagine that some of the other youp as you take a choice said if you're not focusing that's what you talk with all these other pieces if the energy is not focused on on them then they just and it's not maintained it will dissipate back into no other energy right so it doesn't they don't continue living on a life then okay reass backdrop yeah if you if you imagine this we're on a main line our path
is a main line and then we have this opportunity for a a duality condition and we part of us moves off if that dual Duality condition becomes inefficient or not necessary anymore because the the lesson of that has been learned then that part of us comes back into the mainstream again and re inte greates that's comforting I have one more question so many people cannot understand why they would choose to suffer terrible child abuse and I'm a therapist and I deal with these people all the time and what you just said and what I read
in your books is that you learn something you chose this to learn something and so in order to get out to get it out of your mind out of your soul in this Incarnation you need to let it go or forgive it yeah forgiving is a big thing but let him examine it first what did you get out of it what did you learn and then of course there are always people that have to forgive in the situation but first find out what did you learn from the situation now they understand that now you can
release it now you can release it if because you don't need it now you understand why you did it release it forgive the people and let it go and move on if you can find a way to release it that's always a little bit oh I have an exercise I I give great I give my students and the people to tell that I work with my clients all the time as a way of getting it released are you going to teach it in level two yeah good it's in level this week they're going to be
ready to go back to simple stuff but you know that's what I'm saying you said everything is changing we are all growing if if we're if we're shifting and our abilities are coming back to where we can understand these things maybe we never had the ability to understand before what they have said in many of the cases where someone did did go through child abuse they said the one of the big lessons that they were learning was how to survive but uh in terms of everything we're experiencing now we're only experiencing it because we're becoming
more expansive and and that's a function of Essentia I'd just like to make a comment and you probably might want to throw your two panth in uh I did a past life regression uh with a client and I stumbled across parallel life and how that came about the person was regressed back to round about 1720 in Europe speaking a foreign language we communicated in English yeah but I asked her to um say happy it was a birthday she having a birthday party I said can you say happy birthday in your language so she spouted something
out in a foreign language and then she said the people around me are laughing at me people around her what the people around me are laughing at me because because I've just said happy birthday to myself so I'm thinking if I'm in the future how could that event happened in the past so it had to be simult remember I said everything's happening now yeah exactly so that that to me was a one of those moments you know where the light bulb went on and and uh so I thought i' just share that that to me
was solid evidence that's because there's two event spaces we we we don't exist in time we we existing events and the event space exists in the same space concurrently so just as Dolores has explained about the different time zones the two the two telephones where one some some person's in New York and some of persons in Europe for instance and there's about 7 hours difference the communication is now I think that's a very good explanation for it I just heard that a few months ago the lady just ask okay but you know when we're working
with our clients we have to keep it simple but I know on another level we know what we have learned but we can't confuse the client because they're living their ordinary lives and they wouldn't understand this this is like Advanced not no longer metaphysics 101 this is advanced but you know I work with the swamis and the different ashrams a cander group and they have ashrams all over the world and um when I do my lectures I haven't got into this stuff yet but even when I've talked about their students would go up to the
Swami and they said is what she's saying true and they said yes before was reserved for the initiates the ones who spend their life learning in these things but now the ordinary person was never allowed to know these things but they said this is not new information this is old old information but it was just reserved for the secret mystery schools and those that spent their lives in training now we're bringing all this powerful knowledge to the ordinary person and that has never happened before they call it the holy science the what kind holy science
holy science cuz look in the past we would all be killed for even talking about any of these things for gathering in this manner oh yes I just wanted to make a comment also I worked in a state mental hospital for almost 20 years with schizophrenics bipolars and so forth and I always felt that they were the ones that could see everything and be in all the times and all the places all at the same time and that's why they were so confused and we with anti-choicers they didn't know how to function it's very confusing
for them you could see how it would be and uh one of my favorite patients he'll he'll probably be there forever um very chronic with h with you know not functioning well but he he and I would have the best conversations of he he would talk to me like you know I was his I was a social worker so I was counseling him all the time and talking and we would go on trips you know he said I was with him on spaceships and we'd travel to the Sun and we did this and that and
he was you know and I would just of course I would listen to everything he said because it was so interesting to me and he'd say know I just live in so many worlds all at once and I said yes I know but I just wanted to make I just wanted to make the comment that when I heard you say that I was like yes cuz I was the only you know you can't say those things in a hospital and keep your J and keep yeah and keep your job yeah but you know I teach
that you know you can talk to your body because within your body is an entire universe all the cells and organs are an entire universe inside your body and you can talk to those cells and organs and you can keep your body healthy in that way and your body loves for you to talk to it because when you talk to your body you're the voice of God and it loves to listen to you but I had one client that said she would knew how to do that that she talked to the cells and all of
that but when she told the doctor that they put her in a mental hospital they couldn't understand how it could be possible but we published a book on it was written by a doctor who who was a head of a hospital for 45 years and he got out he was finally able to talk about how you can talk to yourselves but see that's what I mean the metal the they make everybody something's wrong with their mind if they're thinking a little differently so who knows we're maybe we're waking people up I think we got time
for a couple more questions and then we're going to have to stop okay okay well the first thing I want to mention is you know talking about all the fragmentation is an important concept but also to remember that we're all part of one so we really are all each other and my next aha that I got listening to this is these Concepts that seem such um mindbenders are Concepts that come from a higher Dimension so we're trying to make sense in a third reality Concepts that belong in a much higher place so they will never
make sense in a third dimension we were talking this morning about how you prove some of the results that we get in our qhht sessions and you will never get a medical doctor to understand that because they're working in a different level of comprehension than what we're dealing with so you almost have to enjoy and just go with the flow of this information and maybe not try to get the mind to do such analytical comprehension of it and when I do in my classes we keep it on the simple step by step we don't go
into this kind of stuff but this it helps to explain a lot of these things okay it's it's uh we I went over because I knew we were going to get into questions and we're the last thing here I think that's enough don't you there got two more over here let's do these two people and then we're then then we'll stop okay [Laughter] no testing um something just flashed in my mind um I remember in one of your convoluted books you talked about you're a child of God and God was also Someone's Child do you
remember that I talked about what you're a child of God and God is also Someone's Child do you remember that part in the book this goes into guys and that's what was because people have asked me many times where did God come from he answers those things in his books but see see that's the god of our universe but it's like saying God also has parents so there's other ones over them which also brings up another concept our God is one we know for our universe but there are other gods over them and over them
and over them so is there just one big Source over everything yeah that's that's called It's called The Origin um in in in my books but the Hindus call it the absolute the all the all there is it's the same thing but in you in his book The History of God it goes into this and especially when it goes beyond the source he talks about all the ones that are over each other they're all evolving and going higher so see you've got a long journey to go even after we graduate from Earth School you have
a lot more places you can go a lot more things you can learn somebody asked me one time at one of my classes what happens when you learn all the lessons there is to learn on Earth and you graduated from her school then what you're bored you don't have anything else to learn and they said what about all the other universes they had different laws and regulations you're never going to get done with it it's a constant learning process which can either make you depressed or happy I don't [Laughter] know the last one back one
more yeah hi um I'm a social work therapist and I'd like to say there are improvements being made I am uh a therapist at a drug abuse residential house and I started there I told them that I used uh different techniques uh and uh that they would see results very quickly well they needed somebody quickly so they hired me and I've had such success with taking them into their inner minds and having them to see their Alpha their inner Minds as their spiritual mind and I use the terminology that they use and they're using it
as uh with the 12 step they go into that inner mind they open up because drugs have already opened them up so many times they didn't know what it was and they're able to forgive them cells we do self-direct is talk to the bodies talk to their souls when they come out they all come out crying saying that their lives have been changed they don't feel guilty anymore they don't need drugs to cover up anymore and the psychiatrist there um he says he doesn't know what I'm doing but I keep having success so just keep
on doing it okay I think and the question I wanted to ask was uh with all the things that you're talking about that we create how does psychic readings tarot readings all play into it if we've been uh programming and creating and then we're told that well that's not true that's not going to happen and you know that you've been creating how does that play into your reality can you change what others see for you I did all of the question she's my translator um okay with all these posses and possibilities and probabilities and everything
like that okay then you bring in readers psychics readers things like that and and then you're creating everything so you have all these possibilities then you have readers that maybe say no that's not going to happen how much can you change that and you what are I don't believe any of the psychics the readers it's all up to you what you're going to buy now some of them I know are very good they're very accurate but remember you always have the power to change your own um reality maybe you'll get good advice that will help
you steer down another path but don't buy it all H Whole Hog usually what they're seeing is if you change nothing this is the probability that that's that's what they're looking at it's not written in stone future never is no even though Shava said that that nothing is written in stone there are too many probabilities and possibilities depending on what you choose but psychics are good we all like to go to them hope we're going to get an answer there's nothing wrong with that okay I think that's going to be it I really hope you
enjoyed the [Applause] conference [Music]