according to christian eschatology the antichrist is a person prophesized by the bible to oppose christ and substitute himself in christ's place this is a personality entity or a being energized by satan himself to imitate everything christ ever represents in strength power relevance signs and wonders and many more [Music] god has his son jesus and satan will have his son the antichrist not exactly in the same way as god has his son because jesus is god incarnate but the devil will have his own version of jesus the antichrist is announced in the bible as the one
who denies the father and the son first john 2 verse 22 who is the liar but the one who denies that jesus is the christ this is the antichrist the one who denies the father and the son the antichrist is a being that is in open opposition with god and his purposes in a literal sense we can say he is the enemy of god however as established in the bible his season and time of manifestation are in the last days in christian eschatology there are several events that are associated with the last days so many
happenings and events ranging from the pouring out of god's spirit upon all flesh in joel 2 verse 28 to the emergency of false prophets deceiving many in matthew [Music] to iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold [Music] however the emergence of the antichrist seems to be a major event among others the objective of the antichrist is to antagonize christ and his teachings as his name implies antichrist as well as to substitute himself in place of christ now for us to truly understand the arrival of the antichrist that is spoken of in the
bible let us start again at the very beginning of his story [Music] god is the creator of everything at some point god created a wonderful species called angels within these beings there are different ranks and orders and among one of the most highly ranked angels one was called lucifer a magnificent being the prophet ezekiel described him as the seal of perfection full of wisdom and perfect in beauty every precious stone was his covering he was the anointed carob who covers he was perfect in his ways from the day he was created lucifer was fully arrayed
by the creator to reflect his glory until one day when everything changed lucifer became so impressed with his own beauty intelligence power and position that he began to desire for himself the honor and glory that belonged to god alone pride caused him to be driven away from heaven with some host of angels alongside who are now regarded as fallen angels he lost his glory and beauty his prowess got corrupted rendering him unfit for the master's use ever since the devil fell he has been in constant enmity with god and his people he has been striving
to win the heart of god's people over to himself via different means [Music] the devil carried out his first and major plan when he struck in the garden of eden by tempting adam and eve [Music] humanity fell as a result of the temptation in eden and there was a gap between god and man however god's love and mercy were lavishly poured out again on humankind at christ's birth christ's death much more expressed god's indefinite love as he sacrificed his only son for the restoration of man as a result of the victory that the death and
resurrection of christ gave to man the devil is still in the business of deceiving many people today [Music] for many that will not yield to the truth of god's word will be fooled by the devil in a bid to buy back the human heart to him the devil is so much more interested in imitating god and his son jesus he tries different means specifically the bible makes us understand according to saint john what the end of time will look like the entire summation of the devil's hatred and disgust for god will reach a peak where
the devil will have to make his last stand against god and his son according to the bible this mission will be fulfilled by a personality a man person called the antichrist satan in desperation will present to the world a figure that will openly oppose the standards of god and his son the antichrist aims at flaunting his own strength and prowess he is a false peace the wicked one the son of perdition he can be likened to the son of the devil the phrase false christ found in the gospels in matthew chapter 24 and mark chapter
13 explains the warning of jesus to his disciples not to be deceived by the false prophets who will claim themselves as being christ performing great signs and wonders [Music] two other images often associated with the antichrist are the little horn in daniel's final version and the man of sin in apostle paul's second epistle to the thessalonians the antichrist will show forth great intelligence skill and signs such that it would be easy to deceive anyone who is not rooted in the truth of the word of god obviously there is lots of law about the antichrist that
is not precisely accurate based on doctrinal beliefs human interactions and mindsets the misconception of who or what antichrist is is big many believers today misinterpret the antichrist for a spirit or some supernatural powers as a matter of fact there are lots of beasts dragons harlots demons and satanic legions spoken about in the bible but they are not the antichrist the epistles of john gave us a clear picture of who the antichrist is and what he is not first john 2 verse 22 who is the liar but the one who denies that jesus is the christ
this is the antichrist the one who denies the father and the son [Music] the antichrist is a man just like you and me he has eyes ears and hands orchestrated by the devil he is not an idea or a philosophy but rather a human being a normal human being his eyes won't glow red he won't be red like the devil he will be a very charming charismatic man the antichrist is also not the devil as some folks think or a political system he is a person that is intelligently empowered by the devil his entire being
is demonically created by the devil his words actions and strategies are all equipped by the devil and in essence he is demonic the antichrist is associated with deceit fake miracles and signs false messages of peace and wickedness like the bible explained many false prophets would arise carrying the spirit of the antichrist exhibiting many signs and wonders and as a result leading many in the paths of unrighteousness nevertheless all these false prophets are still not the antichrist understanding this fundamental truth will enable believers to watch and pray earnestly make sure you subscribe to the new line
of judah prayer channel click the link in the description [Music] the real reason why a lot of people will take the mark of the beast revelation 13 16 and 17 king james version and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name you know when reading the book of revelation we read about the mark of
the beast and that people will worship the beast and we automatically think that these signs will all happen overnight but the truth is that it won't happen overnight the spirit of the antichrist is already at work the god of this world is already at work and that is what the bible tells us second corinthians 4 4 the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of christ who is the image of god first john 4 3 but every spirit that
does not acknowledge jesus is not from god this is the spirit of the antichrist which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world if you ask anyone around now that if the antichrist comes back with the mark of the beast or if the time for the mark of the beast comes will they receive the mark the answer you will hear from most people is no we know what the mark signifies we know what it means and we know where it is coming from so i always used to ask myself why
on earth will anyone take the mark because it doesn't make sense to me why would anyone take it how will the antichrist and the devil plan out their recruitment for their mark what approach will they use to get people to accept the mark there are two major ways the devil will do this and we will explain the two ways and how they are working in the world today the two major ways are deception and idoltry these are the plans of the devil to make people collect the mark of the beast now how are these things
playing out today let's look at deception the first approach of the devil on any occasion is deception there is a reason why jesus called this being the father of lies we know about technologies and those who invented them satan invented lies and deceit john 8 44 king james version ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your family ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own words for he
is a liar and the father of it one of the primary tactics of the devil is deceit in the garden of eden he used deceit he tried it on jesus but failed he will and he is using the same method today in the world when the antichrist comes and takes center stage he won't come with red eyes and horns poking out of his head he will come as a man of peace he will deceive the world into believing that he is the solution to all the world's problems and that is the deception he will come
with he won't let his true intention be known initially the world will trust him exalt him uplifting him the kind of approach he will come with will make people worship him he will do things that others cannot do he will bring solutions that others cannot he will bring peace where others have failed second thessalonians two three and 4 let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all
that is called god or that is worshipped so that he as god sitteth in the temple of god showing himself that he is god the antichrist will speak evil against god he will say many bad things about god just to deceive people so that they can worship him the antichrist will shift the focus of people from god to himself revelation 13 verse 1 to 10 and i stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and
upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the beast which i saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority and i saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wandered after the beast and they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is like unto the beast
who is able to make war with him and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against god to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven and it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and power was given over all kindreds and tongues and nations and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book
of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world if any man have an ear let him hear he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he that killeth with the sword must be killed with a sword here is the patience and the faith of the saints he will look wonderful be charming and successful he will be energized by the very power of hell you have never seen such demonic charisma he will deceive people he will deceive nations he will deceive millions he will be demonically energized millions will worship him he will
be an emblem of reconciliation he will be a symbol of peace a beacon of hope a path to utopia a guiding light full of false promises he will look like the solution and appear as an angel of light he will come like a sheep but he is a wolf he will come like a lamb but he is a dragon he will come with no corruption but he is full of corruption [Music] the devil has real power however his power is nowhere near to the power of god but nevertheless he is a powerful being that should
not be underestimated after all he is formally one of god's highest angels and has the power to deceive and to emulate miracles the second is material things the devil will offer many people material things tell me who doesn't want to have a good life is there anyone on earth who would not want to become a billionaire the devil knows this and he will use the material things that will not last to deceive people into following the wrong path revelation 13 16 and 17 and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the
mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name without the mark people will not be able to buy or sell this is one of the reasons why people will take the mark moving on to idoltry the second method is idoltree and this will come after people have been deceived this is when you will see people worshipping other people the antichrist will be an idol a celebrity when
he comes this man will be loved he will be utterly adored by the world now i want to ask you a question don't you think the world is ready for him we often sit in front of the television and watch movies we watch sports we see many things on the television and we love them there are some musicians that we love there are many sports people that we love i am not saying that we should hate them it is not bad to love the sport or the sports people but it has gotten to a point
where many people worship these artists or these athletes there are basketball players that people bow to when they slam dunk there are soccer players that people all the fans always bow to when they score these things leave you wondering how have we gotten to this stage in the world people now worship other human beings you see concerts full of tens of thousands of people chanting a person's name exalting that person uplifting that person literally thousands of people screaming someone's name you say that that is not worship yes it is look at the lyrics of the
song we sing in praise and worship for example look at that song let your living water flow jesus jesus jesus sing to the father father father father a song exalting the name of jesus but now you see people exalting other humans it is idolatry you see celebrities walking on the street and people are literally fainting at the sight of them two thousand years ago idols were graven images and massive statues that people would bow down to and worship but the devil moves with the time we are now too sophisticated to be bowing down at some
wooden statue so modern day idols for us are celebrities you should never sleep as a christian you shouldn't think that the plan of the man of sin will come only after the rapture or sometime later in life john shared the revelation coming from the sea and the beast coming from the land in 2 thessalonians 2 the bible was talking about a particular man called the man of sin he was also called the son of perdition the bible says that this man will come in the last days he will start to be operational in the last
days we need to get this clear so that we will have an understanding of when this man of sin will appear [Music] verse 3 says let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition this man will be reviewed to the world everyone will see this man in action what will this man of sin do verse 4 continued who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called god or that is worshipped so that
he as god sitteth in the temple of god shoeing himself that he is god now we have seen that he has the same attributes of the beast that was mentioned in the book of revelation 13. this man will speak blasphemy he will position himself as god so that people will be able to worship him when will this man start his work when will people start working for him is it after the coming of christ or now 2 thessalonians 2 verse 7 gave us the time when this man of sin will start his work the niv
says for the secret power of lawnessness is already at work but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way we must be truthful to ourselves the spirit of the antichrist is already amongst us he is already working and we are not seeing it revelation chapter 13 verses 16 through 17 of the king james version says and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man
might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name there is a great mystery that surrounds the mystical number 666. and this isn't a mystery that came into light only recently but even in the ancient world scholars have endeavored to find out who the mystery man is behind this number the truth is till this day no one knows definitively the meaning of this number or the name of the person behind this number greek and hebrew and bible scholars over the centuries have been attempting
four centuries to unravel the mystery of this name and number the truth is that if you look at this number long enough and hard enough this number 666 fit into any name although we don't know exactly who the man behind this number is what we do know about the people alive during this time in the book of revelation chapter 13 they will undoubtedly know who he is and what the number represents now if we were to ask the majority of people right now if the antichrist comes with the mark of the beast or if the
time for the mark of the beast comes will they take the mark the answer you will hear from most people is no but the bible reveals to us that people will indeed take the mark and there are a number of different reasons why people will take the mark and within this sermon we will explore the reasons why how do you think the devil will place the mark what approach do you think you will use to get people to collect it if we want to look at the approach of the devil we will have to start
with the world today you know many of us will hear of the mark of the beast or the fact that people will worship the beast and what we think is that it will all happen in the distant future years from now centuries from now but that's not true i would go as far as saying it has already started but people don't see it yet we might have not been seeing the mark on people around the world but are we not seeing what the mark signifies in the world now the significance of the mark is in
the world today and we are turning a blind eye to it there are three major ways the devil will do this and we will expand on the three ways and how they are working in the world today the three major ways are coercion deception and idolatry two of these reasons are interlocked together idolatry is dependent on deception no one will go into idolatry except they have been deceived by someone or something these are the plans of the devil to make people collect the mark number one coercion revelation chapter 13 verses 16 through 17 of the
king james version says and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name the second beast who was known as the false prophet will ensure that people will have to take the mark because without it an individual will not be able to buy or sell now think of the pressure that this will put people under
imagine the strain that this will put on the father of a family knowing that he cannot provide for his family unless he takes this mark look at the lengths people go to in order to have money in their pocket people go as far as doing illegal activities such as armed robbery because they don't have money all this father needs to do is take the mark and then he can buy and sell again he will try to hold out but when he sees a loved one struggling he will give in think of a single mother who
was alone and has to look after her kids she may even know her eternal destiny will be sealed by her taking the mark but she will still go ahead and do it rather than focusing on their eternity people will focus on the here and the now don't you think that is what people do already people focus on the here and the now but the bible reminds us constantly that there is an eternity and that is what people should focus on our decision should be based on eternity the second reason is deception the first approach of
the devil on any occasion is deception there is a reason why jesus called this being the father of lies we know about technology and those who invented the technology satan invented lies and deceit john chapter 8 verse 44 of the king james version says ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father
of it satan is the founding father of lies if you look at the history of destruction of satan his method of choice has included deceit to some extent check anything satan destroyed he used deceit in the garden of eden he used deceit he tried it on jesus but failed he will and he is using the same method today in the world maybe you are thinking that the devil will come at the end of the world and start to deceive many people or start telling them lies about his original appearance in revelation 13 there are two
beasts the first beast is the antichrist and the second beast is the false prophet the false prophet endorses the antichrist of the world and urges the world to worship the first beast now look at what the false prophet does revelation chapter 13 verse 14 and he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived he will deceive those on the earth to
take the mark the means of his deception will be through signs and wonders people will see these wonders and will marvel at the false prophet and will listen to him as he directs worship to the antichrist jesus said that in the end times false prophets would emerge and show great signs and wonders to deceive many matthew chapter 24 verse 24 says for there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect we all know that revelation 14
details to us that three angels will be sent by god to preach the gospel but this deception is so powerful that even though people will see angels flying and warning them not to take the mark some will still go ahead and take them we see this in revelation 14. [Music] in the book of revelation john was able to record the prophecy of three angels [Music] the prophecies of those angels are recorded in revelations 14 verse 6 to 16 and they are to be taken into cognizance so that we can be at watch [Music] here we
have one of the most awesome scenes in the history of mankind angels will be seen by everyone everyone on earth in the corners of all the world angels will be seen literally flying preaching unto men what a sight what a moment we don't know the identity of these angels but they are coming people will be sitting in their homes looking out of their windows and see these angels people will be driving in the most remote locations of the world and will see and hear these angels people will be in the middle of the sea but
they will see the angels and hear the gospel god will give the choice to all humanity to accept the gospel god will warn humanity god will plead with humanity and that is what these angels will do warning humanity pleading humanity to make the right choice he is a god that cares the wonderful thing is that as i am preaching this message we are getting closer to the arrival of these angels every second every minute every hour [Music] every day brings us closer to their arrival even though the gospel will be preached by the 144 thousand
and the three angels and the two witnesses the god of this world will still be at work doing what the bible tells us in second corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 which says in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine unto them number three idolatry the third method is idolatry after the deception has set in the first beast will be an idol he will be loved and adored although he is energized by
the very power of hell he is still a man and people will worship him the antichrist demand for worship will be so extreme he will set himself up as god a man will be worshipped people think this is so far-fetched but the people of this world already practice worshiping people now look at the culture of celebrities where people place other human beings on a pedestal where people faint when they see another person where people scream hysterically when they meet another person i have even seen people bowing and worshiping a celebrity this culture has even infiltrated
the church celebrity pastors are becoming more prominent people are to love their pastor but not to worship them i love my pastor but i don't worship him i look after my pastor but i don't worship him in all honesty we live in a culture of idols idolatry is whatever you worship whatever you put first in your life is an idol idolatry will come in when you have been deceived when you are an idolater be clear of this you are not a child of god i will repeat that if you are an idolater you are not
a child of god don't say you were being judged or you are being condemned this is not the time to be thinking someone is condemning you this is a warning and it is nothing compared to the eternal damnation that will come to every idolater you may be saying that you are not an idolater but you love money more than god matthew chapter 6 verse 24 of the king james version says no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and
despise the other ye cannot serve god and mammon we also have it in luke chapter 16 verse 13 of the king james version that no servant can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other you cannot serve god and mammon you must love one and hate the other you cannot love money more than god and say you love god the antichrist will be idolized loved and adored some people take the mark because of this because he is
their idol there is a man coming who will be the antichrist himself he will be loved and adored he will be revered and respected he will walk on this earth and claim to be god almighty he will come and claim and demand to be worshipped and he will be worshipped by man as if he is god almighty he will blaspheme god he will display miraculous powers the world will embrace him the world will love him and worship him i don't know if he's arrived on this earth yet but what i do know is that his
spirit is here already alive and well just as the spirit of god is here on earth and is doing the work of the lord god almighty the spirit of the antichrist is here on earth preparing the hearts of men for his coming preparing the hearts of men for his arrival first john 4 2 3 hereby know ye the spirit of god every spirit that confesseth that jesus christ has come in the flesh is of god and every spirit that confesseth not that jesus christ has come in the flesh is not of god and this is
that spirit of antichrist whereof ye have heard that it should come and even now already it is in the world now the number one target of the spirit of the antichrist is christians those who are in the world will accept the antichrist when he comes those who are in the world will worship him when he comes but those who won't are those who are believers in jesus christ therefore obviously one of the primary agendas of the antichrist is to prepare christians and churches all around the world to accept him welcome him and worship him when
he comes as believers we need to be wiser than the devil's tactics and strategies so that we won't give room for the antichrist amidst this world obviously we can say that the antichrist is in rivalry with the person of christ and his main targets are the children of god without a doubt you will agree that the antichrist has started operation in the world already his activities of deception through false prophets and teachers are gaining ground by the day and this is not just happening amongst non-believers in the world it has as well crept into the
church of god i could go as far as saying that the spirit of the antichrist that is spoken of in first john 4 2-3 is actively out in the world planting churches all across the world right now the spirit of the antichrist is building and establishing churches and within these churches being established by the spirit of the antichrist there are four core observations i have noted i honestly believe that these four beliefs will lead thousands of people to take the mark when it comes it will lead thousands to welcome the man of sin what are
the signs to know that the antichrist is functioning in your church there are four major signs to know that your church has the antichrist spirit in it the first and most obvious sign is the church does not acknowledge jesus as god the first sign to know that the spirit of the antichrist is functional in a church is their failure to acknowledge jesus as god let's see what the bible says about this in first john 4 3 and every spirit that does not confess that jesus christ has come in the flesh is not of god and
this is the spirit of the antichrist which you have heard was coming and is now already in the world this scripture points out clearly that the denial of the person of christ is a function of the spirit of antichrist the jesus of this bible is god you cannot avoid him the truth be told the devil doesn't care at all if you know jesus or love jesus or pray to jesus as long as it is a false jesus a make-believe jesus a jesus who is not there and who therefore cannot save the jesus of this bible
is god you can't avoid him you cannot deny him jesus is god do you know what this tells me it tells me that you have to do business with jesus so many churches now believe that jesus is the son of god but he himself is not god but that belief is incorrect jesus is the son of god and he is also god himself but so many people try to say that this does not make sense to me i don't completely understand how that can be the truth is you will never fully understand god god is
beyond my little mind god is beyond your intellect your intellect is limited you are limited to this world you're limited to oxygen you are limited to time but god is beyond all these things you cannot comprehend god too often people want to demote jesus christ to a glorified man too often people want to demote jesus christ to a glorified prophet but this bible tells us that jesus christ is god we want to make jesus christ a little above us where we can still control him because we can understand him but jesus christ is beyond your
understanding the bible tells us multiple times jesus christ is god look at the name god the father gave to jesus christ the name is emmanuel matthew 1 23 behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name immanuel which being interpreted is god with us the bible did not say emmanuel is interpreted as the son of god with us no no no the bible said god with us jesus christ is god only the spirit of the antichrist tries to remove the deity of jesus christ jesus christ
claimed to be god john 8 58 jesus said unto them verily verily i say unto you before abraham was i am and finally jesus christ accepted worship as god john 20 28-29 thomas said to him my lord and my god then jesus told him because you have seen me you have believed blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed notice that jesus did not rebuke thomas but he accepted the worship because jesus christ is god nowadays we have a lot of church goers who don't believe in christ as the son of god
neither do they believe in his second coming yet they go to church first john 4 3 makes it clear that such a belief can only be birthed by the spirit of the antichrist it doesn't matter how well anyone participates in church projects and activities inasmuch as they don't acknowledge that christ is god they have the spirit of antichrist working in them if you notice that you're demoting jesus christ to the level of a man watch out the spirit of the antichrist may be enticing you the second sign is discrediting the bible second peter 2 1
but false prophets also arose among the people just as there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies even denying the master who bought them bringing upon themselves swift destruction to discredit the word of god means to kick out against god's doctrine teachers of strange doctrines are agents of the spirit of the antichrist who kick against god's word when such teachers come secretly bringing their teachings condemning the truth of the word of god you already know beware and this is why you must know the word of god for yourself we
all have the bible which is the word of god at our disposal everything we need to guard and fight for our faith is inside it let no one deceive you watch out for false doctrines that attempt to discredit the bible the third sign is that your church embraces and supports sin embracing and supporting sin is another sign to know that the spirit of the antichrist is gaining ground in your church and in your life in recent times a lot of churches spread their arms wide open to receive all manner of strange doctrines and patterns to
suit the world remember what the word of god says about friendship with the world friendliness with the world will forever mean hostility with god because the ways of sin are not the ways of god when we spread our arms wide open as a church to embrace sin what we say is that sin is reigning in our mortal bodies as believers we're meant to war against sin and everything that has to do with it supporting sin means trivializing the sacrifice of christ which god will never take lightly with anyone when i say this i am not
referring to ungodly discrimination that scares non-believers away i'm talking about taking our stand as god's children and doing the right thing regardless of what people think or say about us many pastors today feel shy and awkward to tell their members about the truth of the word of god in a bid to look progressive some even intentionally refuse to instruct or correct people the way they should do because of the fear of not being blessed with money and material things by their members all these are signs of the antichrist the act of supporting or embracing sin
is not only applicable to the church it also has to do with the home and family as a unit when parents fail to teach their children the way of the lord the children will definitely prefer to embrace sin than to follow the lord this is a symbol of the end times and a sign of the antichrist as seen in second timothy 3 1-2 this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy traitors heady high-minded lovers
of pleasures more than lovers of god the fourth sign is your church is shaped by society and the culture of this world another dangerous sign that the spirit of the antichrist is at work in your church is the tendency to shape your church according to the pattern of the society and the culture of the world the bible tells us who the god of this world is that is the devil who sponsors the spirit of the antichrist second corinthians 6 14-18 says be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness and unrighteousness and
what communion hath light with darkness each time you choose to align with the way of the world at the expense of god's will you are boosting the ego and authority of the spirit of the antichrist the god of this world is an enmity of god our father as believers we must come to the conscious and complete agreement that the world has its way of doing things which is an everlasting opposing the way of god no matter how you try to rebrand it the practice of the world is sin pleasure and flesh while the course of
the lord is righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost those two ways have nothing in common and can never blend because god will never lower his standards to the standards of the world neither will the world succumb to the way of the lord as well when you see your church agree more and more and more with the world it is a sign that the spirit of the antichrist is coming into your church there are some signs that the spirit of the antichrist is moving into your life personally one of which is an unwillingness to
hear the truth of the gospel this is another sign of the presence of the spirit of the antichrist which is associated with the end times second timothy 4 3-4 tells us clearly that for the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their passions and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths according to this scripture we understand that a time will come when people will no longer endure sound doctrines in other words the truth of the
word of god and the gospel of christ will be too demanding for people to cope people will rather hear sermons on making money rather than hell and repentance resulting in a watered-down gospel [Music] can you take the mark of the beast accidentally [Music] i received an email asking this question can you take the mark of the beast accidentally to answer this question let us look at biblical prophecy the prophets of old through the inspiration of the holy spirit detailed to us events that will occur leading up to the second coming of jesus the rising of
false prophets nations waging wars against one another the love of the believer's waxing cold and the deceiving of many believers are all end time events that the prophets of old have prophesized about but today we're going to look at a prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled jesus said in the book of matthew 24 14 and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come mark 13 10 also confirms this truth mark 13 10 says and the gospel must first be
published among all nations these two scriptures stated plainly that the lord jesus would not appear until the gospel is preached all over the nations of the earth therefore the gospel will be preached in all tongues kindred tribes and countries of the world no exception everyone in every tribe family and language will have the opportunity to accept christ or reject him the iso country codes standards details that we have more than 240 countries in the world with their states and capitals a bulk of these countries have a population as big as over a hundred million in
them this great mass of people is scattered all over the world in their various locations irrespective of the enormity of the entire world population and numerous geographic areas the prophecy of god's word concerning the end times still says that the gospel shall be preached all over the nations of the world looking at this goal ordinarily the mission seems quite unrealistic and rather impossible because of the rigorous task involved in carrying out the preaching of the gospel to all nations yes technological advances have helped to spread the gospel however the internet is censored in some nations
and the gospel is not allowed in those countries furthermore there are places where people don't even have the internet and there are places which are remote and difficult to reach there are even countries where preaching the gospel is outlawed and in those countries the people of that nation do not even know who jesus christ is or what the bible is therefore jesus's statement that this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come appears rather far-fetched often god's word looks doubtful but
the truth is that god will forever be true to his word if he has said it yes he will do it now one thing you need to remember about god is that god has resources that you and i know absolutely nothing about we tend to think that only missionaries and technology will be able to preach the gospel in those remote places god's ways are higher than our ways let us travel into the book of revelation to a chapter that is full of angels in all honesty the book of revelation shows us a tremendous amount of
angelic activity such as the world has never seen before for instance the seven trumpets are sounded by seven angels and the events that follow are described in detail from revelation chapters 8 to 11. revelation 9 reveals to us the angel of the bottomless pit whose name in the hebrew tongue is abaddon but in the greek tongue hath his name apollyon revelation 10 reveals to us the mighty angel with a little book in revelation 12 we see the archangel michael the defender of israel but we're not focusing on any of these angels we are focusing on
the three angels in chapter 14. revelation 14 verse 6 to 13 then i saw another angel flying directly overhead with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth to every nation and tribe and language and people and he said with a loud voice fear god and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come and worship him who made heaven and earth the sea and the springs of water another angel a second followed saying fallen fallen is babylon the great she who made all nations drink the wine of the passion
of her sexual immorality and another angel a third followed them saying with a loud voice if anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand he also will drink the wine of god's wrath poured full strength into the cup of his anger and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb and the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever and they have no rest day or night these worshippers of the beast
and its image and whoever receives the mark of its name here is a call for the endurance of the saints those who keep the commandments of god and their faith in jesus and i heard a voice from heaven saying write this blessed are the dead who die in the lord from now on blessed indeed says the spirit that they may rest from their labors for their deeds follow them here we have something that is unusual here we have something that has never ever happened before never in the history of mankind has there been an event
like this never in the history of mankind have angels been seen flying three angels fly through the sky each of them calling out their messages one brings the gospel and a call to worship god the second brings an announcement of the fall of babylon the third warns of the wrath of god upon all who worship the beast and have his mark upon them when the world is taking its final nosedive and the antichrist and the false prophet are at their most prominent god goes to unusual lengths god goes to lengths that he has never gone
to before to warn the world he warns the final generation to fear god and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come and to worship him who made heaven and earth the sea and the springs of water but interestingly enough the third angel warns humanity not to take the mark of the beast this third angel's announcement warns that a terrible fate awaits those who persist in worshiping the antichrist this angel highlights the connection between worshiping the beast and his image and receiving his mark on your forehead or on your hand in our
words taking the mark of the beast will be a declaration of worship no one will accidentally take the mark of the beast the connection between worshiping the beast and taking the mark will be clear we see once again god in his great grace and mercy calls sinners to repent in the final hour or they will face the terrible judgment of the antichrist those who drank the harlot swine of the passions of her immorality will also drink the wine of the wrath of god to drink the wine of the wrath of god is to experience his
wrath [Music] there are bible scholars who believe that the bible symbolically portrays these messages as being proclaimed by three angels when in actuality it is actually god's people his last day church who delivered these three messages to the world however most bible scholars agree that the bible talks about three angels because god will literally send three angels there are those who argue that these three angels are three satellites or television stations but this is incorrect the bible clearly states that god will clearly send three angels if you remember earlier in the book of revelation john
had described the innumerable host of holy angels that he saw in heaven now in chapter 14 he sees one of this host flying directly overhead other bible translations say that the angel is flying in mid-heaven mid-heaven refers to the place where the sun is at midday its highest point this angel is seen flying to every nation and tribe and language and people proclaiming the gospel this first angelic being will be flying through the midst of heaven revelation 14 6 suggests that he will speak in english when he's over the united states the united kingdom australia
and other english-speaking nations and when he's over france he'll speak french fundamentally revelation 14 6 suggests that this angel will address people in their own language jesus said in the book of matthew 24 14 and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come i believe this first angel along with the 144 thousand and the two witnesses will be god's final instrument to bring matthew 24 14 into fruition the gospel will be preached into all the world the second angel preaches
the fall of babylon revelation 14 8 says and there followed another angel saying babylon has fallen is fallen that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication john sees another angel a second one following after the first one who was proclaiming the eternal gospel as much as the first angel's announcement was a proclamation of the good news of the gospel this second angel's announcement is a declaration of the bad news of judgment the prophecy of the second angel immediately followed that of the first the second angel
proclaimed the fall of babylon and re-emphasized it understand that babylon in this verse refers not just to the city but also to the antichrist's worldwide political economic and religious empire [Music] revelation 14 9-10 says and the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast in his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of god which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone
in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb the prophecy of the third angel followed immediately after the first and the second angel prophesied the prophecy of the third angel is that of a warning against the worship of the antichrist and the mark of the beast you see god will literally send an angel to warn the world at that time not to take the mark of the beast therefore to answer the question can you take the mark of the beast accidentally simply put no if you take the mark of the
beast you will know what you are getting yourself into if you take the mark of the beast you will value being able to buy and sell more than salvation if you take the mark of the beast you will have made a conscious decision not to fear god and worship but rather to worship the antichrist those who take the mark will have made an informed decision the beast will have an identity and the third angel sounded a loud warning not to receive his mark the mark of the beast will be given either on the foreheads or
on the right hands of those who worship the beast no one will be able to say i did not know those who take the mark will do so knowing fully well that they are worshiping the antichrist and not god god will do all he can to warn people he will send the 144 thousand he will send the two witnesses he will send the three angels to plead with humanity not to take the mark but one thing god will not do is impose himself on anyone what god will not do is take away your free choice
those who choose to not heed his warnings and decide to take the mark will do so with full knowledge of the consequences so the third angel will fly in the heavens warning all of humanity in the kingdom of the antichrist but if they do take the mark the name or the number of the name of the beast and worship him they will seal their own destiny and be eternally destined to go to the same place that the antichrist and the devil would dwell for eternity the lake of fire the prophecy of the three angels is
a lesson about the lengths god goes to to keep a person out of hell i believe just like in the book of revelation in every individual's life god goes to extraordinary lengths to keep a person out of hell i believe that in every individual's life god sends warning after warning after warning but people don't listen to god's warning look at how hard the heart of mankind will be at this time they will literally see an angel flying in the air preaching the gospel but yet there will still be those that reject the gospel and will
go ahead and take the mark of the beast i always used to wonder how is this even possible to see an angel flying and still reject the gospel what more proof does a person need of the gospel message i always used to wonder how this is even possible to see an angel flying and still reject the gospel message john 3 19 says the light has come into the world but men loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil there are some people who just won't be saved their hearts are too hard
and they hate god look at when god is releasing his judgments rather than repenting the people on the earth choose to curse god they know that god is the one sending these judgments but rather than repenting they blasphemy god revelation 16 verses 10 through 11 says and the fifth angel poured out his vile upon the seat of the beast and his kingdom was full of darkness and they gnawed their tongues for pain and blasphemed the god of heaven because of their pains and their sores and repented not of their deeds now we see in the
book of revelation god will literally do everything he can short of forcing a person to warn them god will not force you but he will present you the information it's down to you to make the choice