Ele me traia com a minha irmã

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Histórias de Divórcios
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Video Transcript:
That day I had the courage and told him are you interested in my sister is this what is happening inside our house because if it is you say we have to resolve this [Music] situation I met this person through this person's family, right I I took private classes with someone with this guy's aunt. At the time I was 18 years old and he was 23, right? He lived in Belo Horizonte and I lived in Januária in the north of Minas Gerais, and until then I had no interest in dating or getting married.
We only exchanged letters, you know, we didn't have the technologies that we have today, so it was letters or calling each other every 3 seconds, you know, and I fell madly in love with him because he treated me very well, respected me and everything until things started to change. When I moved to Belo Horizonte, I was trying to get into college by taking pre-university exams at the age of 17. I had already graduated, finished high school.
So, as my family has always been very traditional in this thing about studying, prioritizing studies, I ended up going to work and go to college in Belo Horizonte, right, at that time I was looking for a place to rent so I could live And then his mother really insisted that I stay at their house, right, he lived with his parents and I went and stayed there for 30 days, right? No, I didn't want to live any longer than that because I wanted to have my own life and everything, we weren't married, right? And then, I realized that there was already a problem there with regards to his mother, they had a relationship that, for me, was all very strange.
It seemed like She was her wife and he was her husband, right? And I thought I felt very uncomfortable and she used tones of cruelty toward me, right? I remember there was a situation in which she, like, asked me to go to her brother's house and they were there at that time.
night for dinner something like that at the time I don't remember exactly what it was and I went and she gave me everything wrong address wrong bus I ended up in a super dangerous area with no one late at night without knowing anyone and then I think that her husband, my father-in-law, He realized that she had bad intentions towards me and he said, I'm going to go after her And that's when he found me because the bus driver felt sorry for me, it was already the end point of a place and he She went out in that neighborhood, it looked like a favela, a very strange place , very ugly, you know, there were almost no houses and such, it was like on a hill and then they found me and took me, I was very scared and everything and she called me names like that, like, eh She played directly that I was Chico Bento because I came from the countryside and I wasn't used to buildings or anything and they were always the best and I found all that very strange because I come from a normal family, the type that has access things were very well raised, right, and I didn't understand why she did that, so I moved to my house, thank God it was very good because it was also close to my work and so far everything was fine. One day I was at work, it was a Saturday and he said he wanted to meet me at the end so we could go to my house I said it was okay I was waiting for him at the door and he arrived all covered in mud and very drunk there I realized there was something that was a problem but he said no He drank beer from time to time, which wasn't something that happened all the time, but he said he couldn't go back to his parents' house because they didn't know he drank like that and he usually slept at someone's house if he could sleep. at my house I said ok, he ended up sleeping at my house and so on and a while passed by.
He formed things, right? I noticed that he drank a lot, but like I said, I worked a lot to support myself, he had his parents' house and I had my own house, I lived in a student house, at the time I was struggling to get into a college, I ended up being accepted and studying law for a year and kind of something like that, right? And then he ended up graduating during this period, he received an offer to live in the interior of São Paulo, he got a job in the interior of São Paulo, I decided not to live with him, I chose everything, we were already engaged, I wanted to, I said.
to him that I wouldn't live, right, if it weren't to get married and such Because I gave up my life to be at his mercy, right, so when I moved to São José dos Campos in the interior of São Paulo, he , he said, Sinara, why? that you don't invest 100% in photography, you're going to study in the field because it's something you do that makes you happier, right, than studying law, so at that time I stopped studying Law, I was accepted into another college to study advertising, advertising, I even graduated, right? I graduated and started working with photography, fashion photography, graphic designer, I started studying at art schools at that time and became very involved in this art scene and he graduated from working, we started building our life and at that time it was when everything started to only get worse because He started to drink a lot in an unrestrained way and I couldn't control the situation, it started to have a very bad impact on me, he started to become different, so controlling.
Eh, my hair had to be the color he ordered, if I changed my hair, he There was a problem with that, my clothes, he did some things that I still don't understand why he was like that. That was one of the things that bothered me the most, it was like that, we arrived home, we lived, we lived in a very big apartment and I arrived and I have a habit of coming home and taking off my shoes, you know, and leaving them there and not wearing shoes at home or just wearing socks, it's a matter of cleanliness and then he would hide my shoes, he would hide my shoes, he would hide my shoes. my clothes and then I looked for them and asked and he wanted me to believe that the house was haunted and that there were bad things that people had and then I took people to pray in the house because I was afraid to sleep and I started to be afraid of what was real and what wasn't, I started to gain a lot of weight and become very anxious.
There was a time when my mother traveled to São José dos Campos to stay with me, so I said, Mom, I put my shoes at the entrance of the house at the time I'm going to get the shoe , it's gone, it's not there anymore, right? And he went to work, I did at that time, I studied in another city, I went to college in another city, so he came home from work and I went to college, so we were in that rush, building our lives as any young couple, right And then whenever I got home he was very drunk or he had his face in the toilet, I had to help him for fear of him coming in like an alcoholic, you know, or else our house was full of people, sometimes I would arrive from college 11:30 at night and there was a bunch of drunk people at my house, you know, it was terrifying, I had no life, I had no privacy and at that time I wasn't yet the direct target, right? He hid my clothes, he hid the shoe and made me believe that there were bad things, bad spirits in the house, made me disbelieve in myself, you know, I was, it wasn't real, nothing was real and that scared me a lot and then it reached a climax that I had a friend at the time who was very close to us, we did College together and She lived in a neighboring city and she came to visit us I had a guest room at home and I said hey you sleep here because tomorrow we're going to college that day I went out with him we were going to do some shopping we had an argument he was very aggressive very strange he His behavior towards me started to change a lot and I didn't know what he was doing because it seemed like he was only happy when he was drunk when he was drunk, he wasn't, he wasn't normal, you know, and then I got home with him.
and we had a little dog at the time and Our little dog took the trash bag and spread trash in the living room and I picked up the trash and I said wow, I'm going to clean it up, we weren't arguing anymore, he went to the kitchen, I don't know, I don't remember what he did. was to do if he went to eat something and I went to the living room and my friend went to the bedroom, right? And as I was cleaning the floor, I heard a sound and a very strong impact, he came and punched me in the back.
first and only time he hit me, you know, he punched me in the back and I got scared, I was holding the broom on the floor and I looked at him and asked why did you do that and he swore that it hadn't happened he wanted it for me to believe that he didn't hit me that it was something in my head because I was crazy and then I started crying like this I say this here and I feel the tears You know that hot tear falling and I ah I went into my friend's room and At that point, my friend was already in the room crying and I will never forget it and I looked at her and he said that for the love of God tell me that he hit me because he is saying it's a lie and then I took off my shirt and when I took off my shirt She looked at me crying and she said, he punched you not only because I saw his fist in the middle of your back but because I heard the sound of the punch when he hit you and I told him that I I was going to call the police because there was no way to save that relationship and he simply told me not to do that, he was going to change, you know, he already entered the cycle of violence, you know, in the cycle of violence that he was going to change, etc. and then I start to think, oh my God, what will happen to my family because I'm so ashamed to tell my father that I was beaten, I've never been beaten, I'm going to tell my father that I ended my marriage because my husband hit me, how am I going to tell him? That's for my mother, how am I going to look at my sisters and say something like that, right?
Well, I stayed, I didn't have the strength to leave, I accepted that situation, I thought it would get better, that it would change, and then I started going to church asking God to pray and then he drank a lot and stopped and came back. He drank again and then came back and he arrived at a time when he was arriving late for work and everything and there was a cut in his company and obviously he was one of those who left, right ? At the time, my family helped him find another job and reestablish himself in another city, which was great, right , but the drinking came again And then he also taught at a college from which he was fired, I don't know why, to this day, what what happened and then he started talking, like, oh, your body is ugly, making little comments that my body wasn't good and that I had to lose weight and then I lost weight but he wasn't happy and then there was the abuse from his mother who He humiliated me a lot with words and behavior and that hurt me a lot.
I told him that I didn't want to go back to his parents' house but he said either you go or you're going to be alone because I'm not going to stop visiting my parents and I said go alone and he said without you I'm not going because you're my wife you have to be with me and so on and so on and so it was that I was humiliated by his family, you know, his father, sister but his mother was not younger than him and some uncles and aunts were very calm and respectful. But his mother did absurd things to me like that, she also had that behavior of taking my clothes and hiding it. I remember I had a hat once and it was at her house.
She came to me and said, someone came in here and took it, don't report it, leave it alone and then you buy another one, she took my things when I went to her house, I had to take my suitcase with a padlock and to this day I don't know what I think she wanted what she did, what was that, if it was to make me doubt my sanity, if it was to make me think I was crazy, you know, I don't know what they wanted with that, right? I just know that there came a time when the situation became very critical and I said, look, I'm not going there anymore because she treats me very badly, she doesn't respect me as her wife and oddly enough when I started to move away from them because people came to me and said, wow , one day you have a child, this child will be so beautiful, but don't tell your mother-in-law that I said no because she doesn't want you to get pregnant, you can't get pregnant because otherwise she will . something people said that to me, you know, and I was afraid, I was afraid of her, so I'm here today after all these years saying this, I needed a lot of courage and a lot of therapy to be able to get to this interview today, my sister, I have a sister who in At the time, I think she was 18 years old when I started dating him, she was 7 years old, right?
He has a sister the same age as me and my sister came for vacation and he said, look, you're very lonely, eh, we live together completely. Isolated from our families, I've been traveling more and more, you know, there was a year where in 365 days he spent 70 days at home, so he wasn't at home and he said that he would feel much more at ease knowing that someone was there with me and He wanted my sister to live with us I didn't see any problem we had a comfortable financial situation And she stayed living with us and he said you don't have children I don't have children we won't have children at the time I was diagnosed with several health problems, the doctor said that it would be almost impossible for me to get pregnant, I would have to undergo a long treatment, so I accepted, like, I'm not going to be a mother, everything is fine, and then he said, we're going to raise, right, finish raising your sister, we're going to give her everything we need. We would give it to a child, I thought it was pretty, romantic , cool, We set up a room for her, you, right, she was part of our family and we went to church, she was all evangelical at that time, he didn't drink anymore, he was going to church, involved with various church things Me too, my sister and I were working, so I worked when he got on board and when he came home I didn't work anymore because if I had been working it would have caused problems, it would have caused a lot of problems and I didn't want to have problems with him at all because he His way of punishing me was silence, he spent days there without saying a word to understand that what I did was wrong and that was deafening and at that time I was already very weak from the abuse and the way he treated me, you know?
very aggressive guy at home he started to having some strange behaviors like him, he was like that when I looked scared, he said that the more I looked scared at the things he did to me, the more it stimulated him and I know how to get more and more scared. him , including being intimate with him, I think that being intimate with him was really causing a lot of harm and that's when I think I disappeared, I lost my strength, I almost never got out of bed, I wasn't cool, I thought he was very strange and I told him like, look, I'm not well, I don't feel well , I want to have a career and no, my wife doesn't work, my wife lives on what I give, etc. and then he said, he always created targets for me When he went back to work, he asked me to close the Fitness food company.
He said that a man in his position couldn't have a woman who sold food, so he was very prejudiced against a lot of things, so I couldn't work anymore, so I closed the company. my company with a lot of pain in my heart I had to close it so I started, right at that time I was already working photographing too so sometimes I had two jobs because he would go on board and then I continued photographing and the company I was working for as a photographer unfortunately the crises in Brazil closed and I think it was the icing on the cake for depression because at home I had this issue of mistreatment And then I couldn't work and that whole thing then I started to become increasingly weaker, I cried a lot, depression is a terrible disease and I got one I went one night he was boarding I went out to dinner with my sister and I started uh when I had panic attacks I had like a reaction on my face like a rosette something really ugly my face had a my body started to have Mat taking and I started to go to the restaurant and I went to my mother and said , look, hey, I need to go to the hospital now. I arrived at the emergency room .
So, you're having a panic attack. He gave me the phone number and address of a psychiatrist. I went.
I made an appointment with this doctor. I started taking the medicine and I started to get better . gym and then I realized that every time I improved I felt good that I got out of that paranoia of him making me believe that our house was haunted that there was someone hiding something bad an entity hiding my shoes hiding my clothes hiding my products And hey, I just know I got better and he got irritated it seemed like the sicker I got the happier he was and I didn't understand And then he started treating me as if I were disabled at that time, for example when I was shopping at the supermarket He said, don't stay at home , rest, I don't want you to do anything and I, wow, he's taking care of me, he's never taken care of me like that, you know, so overnight I had the husband I always wanted taking care of me going doing the Supermarket treating me like that and I said guys, I'm undergoing treatment for depression, things are getting better And then I realized that he said that your sister goes with me and he took my sister, a girl much younger than us who always had a affection as if she were a daughter for us, above all suspicion , our family was happy, things were getting better, after a few months I was already working I started working again on my own when he was traveling and so on and I noticed that he started to get uncomfortable again, it was like, there were moments of happiness, there were moments of sadness, sadness, he would get weird and I didn't understand what it was.
then I remember it was New Year's Eve and I told him let's go traveling Let's do something and he said oh let's go to the beach I said okay then he said let's take your sister I said okay she was like a daughter to us and then hey, I went out with them, I don't know what happened to me that day, he said that he had taken some food from our house, some drinks because we stayed at an inn, it was far from home that we went to the car and I took I ate some of the things he had taken and I started to feel sick and I blacked out and when I woke up neither her, my sister nor him were at the inn they weren't there I don't know where they were I don't know what happened I I just know that a lot of time passed They came back saying that then you fell asleep and we left I said I didn't sleep, I didn't sleep, I'm just absolutely sure that I passed out that there was something there that was out of the ordinary, you know, and then everything was very confused in my head because every time I confronted the wrong things that were happening in my house he said that I had to go back to the psychiatrist that it was depression that I needed to take action and then one day it was my sister and he went to pick up my sister from work at work and he said no and I'll go, you're staying late, she left work at 10 o'clock, I said okay, she came home and looked at me, locked herself in the room, started crying and I said, I'm going to go and see what's going on, right, and he He said no, no, go, she had a bad day at work, leave her and I went into the room with him, I called him to have a talk and I looked and I had the courage that day I had the courage and told him, are you interested in my sister, that's what you are. happening inside our house because if it is you say we have to resolve this situation then He looked at me and said you are crazy you see things that are not there you are hallucinating I am a man of God I am an authority in this house like you dare to talk about me who eats Holy Communion with you and I go to the church men's meeting so he used that whole image of a man of God of a man who went to church of a man of social causes to say that I was crazy and I I felt like shit I felt embarrassed about my sister I felt embarrassed for having said that to my husband, a good man who was taking care of me when I got home my sister was still living with him she was in the process of changing you know, to her house and stuff, he turned to me and said, I asked you to come back here because I just wanted to look you in the face and ask for a divorce, I said what is it? He is, I want a divorce, I don't want you anymore because you disgust me.
You are a horrible woman and I just wanted to prove to you that you are nothing without me when he said that to me I can't even describe what I felt at that moment I called my psychologist at the time and she said, Sinara, you have to understand that a person like him and he will say that you are fat you will lose weight and you And then he will go the next day and he will say that it is your hair that is not good then you will change and then you will change because the problem I don't know, the problem is with him and at that time, I was already kind of fed up, you know, I couldn't take it anymore What's up my sister moved house we helped her move to her apartment and so on my mother came and I cried a lot I was devastated And then I went to my sister's house I ended up sleeping there with my mother and the next day he simply said my parents They're coming to our house and you won't come in anymore and all my clothes, everything I had built, everything I had there in our apartment was in a trash bag, he put everything in my trash so I could feel it, but before that, you know, there was this F this part also before I went to sleep at my sister's house I was in our apartment he said as soon as your sister leaves we are going to have a talk we need to talk I said so that's ok I went into our room which was a suite I I was going to take a shower when I left the room I was going to get some water he was standing in my sister's room looking because her things weren't there he was very sad because she wasn't there anymore in the house and then he came on top of me and he started shouting at that I ran out I locked myself in the room I called my psychologist I called a friend of mine and they said, pack it up and get out of the house, run away And then I had something like that, he called me When Sinara was him, he changed his personality and then when he saw that I didn't respond he said, Oh my love, oh my love, I'm talking to you, so he managed to change and that was very confusing for me because I didn't know what to do in a position like that, I said He's going to hit me or he's going to kill me, what's going to happen, I'm going to die in here because he started to be violent, aggressive, screaming, you know, like, he would stop the car with me on a deserted street and scream with the windows closed and say the worst things he could do. I don't even have the courage to say it out loud and so I picked it up and put on some clothes, everything of mine was in the apartment, suitcases and everything and I managed to run away as I ran, there was the car key on the edge of the table like that and I picked it up and Then he came after me and then I opened the door to the apartment and ran out, he never came after me, coincidentally, out of God's mercy, because I don't know what he was going to do to me that night, my neighbor left her apartment with her husband to down with their dog and then I enter the apartment almost breathless and say he was shouting at me he kicked me out of the house and I said I wasn't going to leave he started shouting I have the car key I'm leaving and then they They tried to help me, take me in, they talked to me about putting me to bed, I got in the car and went to my sister 's house , I was trying to find him to sign the divorce papers, I met someone else I had a relationship, we became lovers and so on, I ended up getting pregnant with this person, I had a daughter with this person but I still wasn't ready to get married again to build a family and I ended up becoming a solo mother to my daughter in Ireland, another country alone. In the meantime, I was already working as a translator in hospitals in a psychiatric class, also working in another area and as a photographer and as a barista as well, then I joined, then I became a supervisor at a store and then I had maternity leave when my daughter was born, right ?
my daughter, she was an important factor in this healing process, in this process of not going back, my daughter saved my life, we had been separated since 2017 And then he didn't accept signing the divorce every time the lawyer went to finalize the divorce, he went there and gave a shack in the law office every time it was hell I never understood why he didn't want to divorce me honestly I mean everything came to light later in the pandemic Look how many years it took for it to come to light right And then when I was Then one day he called me I said look I'm pregnant I want the div I don't want anything to do with you then he started telling people that I was actually cheating on him that I was He started defaming me, right? And then he threatened me he said like this that when I went to Brazil with my daughter and she had it in the stroller that I was supposed to look at both sides of the street before crossing, I never forgot that and because of that I was very scared of going to Brazil with my daughter , so he I called and then my blood pressure went up and I went to the hospital because he said that I was a person that no one liked me, that I would never have the capacity to be a mother, that I didn't have the capacity to be a mother, that I didn't have to inventing having that pregnancy that I was supposed to have, he wanted me to take my daughter away at any cost, at any cost, I said if I have an abortion and here what will happen to me, have you stopped thinking about it then he said If If you die, I will take your body, you will leave some money in the bank account that you have, that your sister has access to, I will come and take your body, I will bring it to Brazil, I will bring it to your family, don't worry, he spoke as if he, as if I didn't. If I was a human being to him, he referred to me as if I were nothing, that's what he said because when he called me to write a letter in case I killed myself, saying everything I had to write in the letter, it was very clear to me.
his intentions are very clear and so I just know that at that time I was with my daughter's father and my daughter's father got in the middle of this situation and sent him a message and then he stopped when my daughter's father intervened and he stopped signed the divorce and it was the happiest day of my life when he signed the divorce during the pandemic my younger sister who still lived in São José she was very strange I called her she didn't answer I sent videos of my daughter she I didn't see it so I called her and then she oh ooo your ex is here at home I said But why is he at your house she Oh I owe him a debt you know he is a father to me I will never let go to talk to him Sinara regardless of what he did to you and it started to get very suspicious, right? I called my mother, mother, what is happening to my mother, my daughter, from what I know she is working a lot, I even want to go there and visit her because she's working a lot, right now, in the pandemic, the financial situation of many Brazilians has taken a nosedive and so on and my middle sister always said like this Nara, in this story there's something, something is happening and I was talking to my mother and I said, you're crazy For the love of God, she's my daughter, that's it, you're being mean to her and I protected her and then one fine day I called my father and said, Dad, I think either they had an affair and that led to my divorce or Or they are together I played this green I hit this ball And then my furious father ended up calling my sister, he put tremendous pressure on her she couldn't handle the pressure And then the other day she called an aunt Wow and said look, there's an affair with the Sinara's ex-husband all this time and that's it And then my aunt said you're going to have to choose either your family or him she said I'll choose him and that was it they actually live together Everything he did was with her Val, it was with her Val, there are some other things she helped him do that could have gone very badly for me , but thank God I managed to reverse the situation, right, I'm not going to talk about it here because it's very complicated. right and they live together it was all a plan set up by the two of them from the beginning and she has a lot to talk about , right she was behind having an affair with him the whole time while I was sick in bed trying to recover And that's mine psychologist at the time realized that there was something, the lawyer realized and my psychologist said that the reason he didn't want to give me a divorce was because he was planning the last attack And then the last attack was because he didn't want to give me a divorce and he gave me a divorce when I was already pregnant, right, at an advanced stage From my station, my daughter , I had to give half custody of my daughter to her father And then he didn't let my daughter leave the country, I was banned from leaving the country with my daughter because in Ireland if your divorce is less than 10 months old and you have a relationship you end up getting pregnant by someone even if it's in another country, you either do a DNA test or you give 50% custody to the parent, as my daughter's father said that he would never do a DNA test because my daughter, his face, didn't need it, he knew that we were together because the father, my ex-husband, lived in another country, right?
half of the custody for my daughter and when we broke up he said I would never let you in Brazil see your family again the worst thing about this story is that my sister who lives with my ex-husband we were born on the same day she is very morbid if I can use that word because if he had stayed with my sister who lives in Europe I would have understood we are different but he ended up with a clone of me a person who was born on the same day as me a person who talks like me me who has the same voice the same laugh this is all very morbid And then when everything came to light I called her and she didn't answer so I called him he answered so I told him I said what 's going on he said like this you didn't want to have the pregnancy you didn't want to continue with your pregnancy So now I'm going to stay with your sister 2022 I met someone and last year we got married, right And today the fact that I came here to give this interview is the fact that he who gave me this strength He knows everything I've been through, he gave me 100% support, right?
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