10 Tiny Micro Habits to Increase Your Feminine Energy

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Jillz Guerin
Today I’m sharing 10 super small and practical habits to increase your feminine energy and live a so...
Video Transcript:
let's talk about 10 tiny habits or changes you can make to start activating your feminine energy these little micro habits have made such a difference in my life personally but they're probably going to help you too hey friends welcome back if you're new here my name is jills and I help women step into their power tap into their divine feminine and become their best self so if that's something you want to do you should subscribe and stick around the first micro habit is probably my favorite and it's actually all in the way you walk and
my goodness just just this tiny little change has helped me feel so much more embodied in my feminine energy and that is actually swinging your hips when you walk okay so when you walk when a woman is more in her masculine energy you can usually tell by the way that she walks she's a lot more stiff in her body there's not much movement there but the feminine is all about flow and movement and also sensuality and a lot of that divine feminine energy is actually stored in the hips so when you walk actually allow your
hip hips to flow and swing you know allow your hips and your body to soften allow your body to move allow it to be fluid you will see trust me you will see if you go out somewhere and walk with more of that hip movement you will feel so much more confident and so much more embodied in your feminine energy it's like night and day I guarantee it and I'm someone like I naturally have more of an athletic build I have pretty broad shoulders it kind of takes a lot of effort for me to soften
my body and kind of let my hip swing and do all of that but when I do like trust me you will notice an improvement in how you feel so after this video sometime later today or tomorrow if it's too late already I want you to put on some headphones Play your favorite playlist and go for a walk in your neighborhood but when you go on this walk you are going to 100% focus on moving your hips letting your hips Swing you're going to try to strut a little bit through your neighborhood kind of like
in a runway show but maybe not quite that intense and then just notice see how it completely shifts your your energy now moving on to the next micro habits I've talked a lot on this channel about the power of dressing up and looking your best and how it makes you feel your best but I also want to mention the power of what I call a micro dress up what I mean by this is like dressing up doing your hair doing a full face of makeup you know giving yourself a blowout all that stuff that stuff
is great and it's most likely going to help you feel more feminine but that's not a micro habit like this this takes time but people underestimate the micro dress up AKA how much better you can feel in just 5 minutes of putting yourself together for example for me just changing into a cute outfit doing my eyebrows cuz I hate when they're not filled in and then doing my lipstick it takes less than 5 minutes but all of a sudden I feel better the energy shifts I think sometimes people think that if they don't have like
a full 30 minutes or an hour to get ready they can't do like their contoured face or like professionally blow out their hair then it's not worth it like it's not worth it to do anything but I highly disagree a micro dress up is still powerful and just putting on a little bit of lipstick or a little bit of mascara or just very quickly touching up your hair or doing whatever it is that makes you feel good and put together it will change the way that you feel I'm not saying to only put in 5
minutes of effort every day I'm just saying that 5 minutes is ginormously better than zero and it doesn't have to be this All or Nothing thing if you can if you have the time get fully ready you will feel good you will feel great but if you don't a micro dress up is still beneficial some days are just crazy some days we have no time a micr dress up is still beneficial maybe you're in a period of your life right now where you just really have very little time for yourself maybe you just had a
baby 3 months ago or you're in the middle of finals week even still a little bit of mascara some jewelry can go a really long way now next so tell me if this is you okay you walk into a grocery store and you are looking for a very particular item and you can't seem to find it but instead of asking for help you decide to trapes around the entire grocery store going through each and every aisle until finally eventually you find that thing that you were looking for 30 minutes later a lot of people hate
asking for help and they find it uncomfortable and I was this way too I was that girl who would walk into the grocery store and when I couldn't find what I was looking for I would just continue to look and look even though the grocery store employee was literally right next to me and could have found it for me in 2 minutes I was that person where I would walk into a clothing store and I knew that I was looking for a very specific top that I saw online and the customer service girl would greet
me and she would say hey do you need help finding anything and I would say no I'm good like what one thing that has helped me stay in my feminine energy is just becoming comfortable with quickly asking for help once I either realize I need it or that it can benefit me and also just accepting help when it's offered why make things harder than they need to be why spend time doing something that I can easily get help for I have this phrase that I say in my head all the time I think let things
be easy it gets to be easy I literally made a mug that says it gets to be easy because this is something that is so important for me to keep in mind when I want to stay in my feminine energy whether it comes to big things or little things you don't have to do everything on your own you don't have anything to prove let things help and let things be easier and start getting out of your own way so let's move on the next tiny habit is incorporating small moments of pleasure into your life and
doing things just simply because you like it and realizing that not everything you do has to be productive to be valuable I've talked about this before but for example I like to read but for the past seven plus years I only ever read non-fiction books that were educational but like six or seven months ago or so I started reading fiction again for the first time in forever and I'll usually read for like maybe 15 to 20 minutes right before bed but I'm not learning anything it's not productive it's just enjoyable it's purely for pleasure it's
a way that I like to wind out down not everything in your life has to be productive not everything in your life has to be monetized there is so much joy and Beauty found in slowing down even in those little micro moments just doing something that makes you happy knitting a scarf reading a fiction book or a poetry book playing an instrument for a few minutes not because you're trying to improve and become perfect at it but just simply because you like it baking watching Birds scrapbooking singing in the shower or like if you listen
to a podcast on your daily walk some days you might want that educ ational deep learning type of podcast like hubman lab's podcast and then other days you'll want a fun podcast something that makes you laugh something like the toast because it just makes you happy for women who are stuck in their masculine energy there's usually a few things that they have in common one is that they struggle to slow down and two is they struggle to do things spend time doing things that are not seen as productive but the little micro moments of doing
things just for fun just for pleasure learning to create tiny moments of romantici izing your life that will start to shift your energy into a more feminine State masculine energy is the doing energy it's the action energy it creates stability and we need that energy sometimes yes but feminine energy is the being energy it's the playful energy it's the energy that makes life sweet when you forget about pleasure and fun you lose your feminine energy and sometimes all you need are tiny little moments of things that bring you Joy to help bring that back now
as I mentioned I'm really getting into reading fiction books again and it's just such a good way to relax and do something just for fun and that is why I'm so excited about today's sponsor book of the month if you haven't heard of book of the month they are a monthly Book subscription service to help you find and read amazing books each month their editorial team reads through hundreds of different books to find and curate the best selection for you to choose from some of which are new and early releases they also love to Showcase
emerging authors which I think is pretty cool and also just helpful for finding new reads and new Authors that you might not have found on your own I just picked these two new books for myself the the first one is divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross and this is like a fantasy novel but has one of those like what's it called Rivals to lovers story which I always love so I'm excited to read this one and the second book I got was this spells Love by Kate Rob and this one seems like a lighter read which
I personally like to read like right before bed but this one seems a little bit witchy and I think it's where the yeah the girl she tries to cast a spell on her ex to try to erase him or forget him and she wakes up in an alternate reality so this one just seems like kind of fun and quirky and I'm excited to read this one too but also book of the month just recently launched their curated audio books which you can listen to right in their app so now members can choose from either a
hard cover book or an audio book each month I highly recommend you check out book of the month and this is actually a really good deal for a limited time if you join you can get your first book for $5 if you use the code for you so I will put a link for that in the description so you can check them out thanks so much book of the month for sponsoring this video and let's get back into it so the next micro habit is creating and utilizing a second brain if you've never heard of
the term second brain I'm going to tell you about it so it's this concept that your brain is not for storing things it's for creating things and you just trying to remember and store all of these things in your head all the time it's exhausting and it's draining a second brain is an organized system or place place to put all of these things usually digitally mine is but it doesn't have to be and here is why this is incredibly important the more that you have to keep track and remember everything in your head the more
that you will stay stuck in your mind and why is this important for feminine energy because feminine energy is all about getting out of your head and into your body utilizing a second brain throughout the day can help you get out of your head and into your body anything that doesn't need to be top of mind it gets put in your second brain it gets written down and organized for later you just thought of something that you need to do tomorrow great write it down in your agenda immediately for tomorrow that way it does not
have to take up any brain space at all for the rest of your day I personally use notion to keep track of everything that's where I have my agenda that I'm constantly updating that's where I have my video ideas and planning notes and I have a whole section in my notion called second brain and it's where I store information that I know that I want to keep and that I may need but I don't need it right now that section I've got a huge restaurant list organized by neighborhood type of Cuisine number of stars I
gave it I have recipe lists and shopping lists it's where I have my home things that I need to keep track of the point is is that everything that doesn't have to be in here goes there none of it ever has to be on my mind because it's there the more that you stay stuck in your head even with little tedious things like the fact that you need to get cucumbers from the grocery store the harder it will be to be embodied in your feminine energy you need to get all of that excess stuff out
of your head and put it somewhere else while sometimes the actual Act of setting up whatever sort of organized system you want does take time the actual habit of utilizing it every day is incredibly easy writing things down when you need to it takes very little effort it takes 5 Seconds now maybe this sounds like a lot but honestly the best place to start and like 90% of what you need to do this is one a really good agenda and to-do list that works for you and two a good calendar and you can expand from
there over time like I been building out my second brain section in notion for at least 8 months now just very slowly and very casually so don't get overwhelmed just start with those two things get organized there and the more that you keep up that micro habit of putting everything there the less you have to stay in your mind the less you have to be in to-do mode or productivity mode and the more you get to be in soft mode okay so this next habit is teeny tiny and a little funny and it's just simply
not running up to the door first and what I mean by this is let's say that you go to a restaurant with your date don't go running up to that door first okay because what you're doing is you're taking away the opportunity for him to open it for you or you're living somewhere and getting in the car together don't go racing up to that car door let him just slightly sort of lead the way sort of get there first so that he again has that opportunity to open the door for you he might take it
he might not but at least you're giving him the opportunity or you're walking into a store and you realize that you are approaching the door at about the same time as some random guy that's coming up to that door I know this is so little and such a micro thing but like slow down just a tad let him get there just a tiny bit first so that he can open the door for you he most likely will I know this is little but what feminine woman doesn't like the door being opened for them it makes
us feel good it makes us feel cherished and this at least allows the opportunity for that to happen there have been multiple times where I have been walking up to the door or a car door with my husband and for some reason like I am just kind of racing him there like not actually but I'm walking real fast and my husband had to be like hey Jilly hey jills wait a second and I would turn around and be like what and then he'll just like smile and open the door for me and I'll be like
oh thank you he kind of had to teach me to slow down but if I am racing him to the door then he can't do that for me so slow down to the door allow for a teeny tiny pause when you're at the door and give him that opportunity allow him the opportunity to open it for you and that leads me into my next point the next micro habit is just slowing down slowing down while you're walking slowing down while you're cooking slowing down while you're doing your skincare routine before bat stop rushing and start
being present to be in your feminine energy you can't be rushing all the time because it just goes against what the feminine energy is if you're rushing you can't hear your intuition if you're rushing you can't access your creativity if you're rushing you're not being present if you're rushing you're not connected to your body the constant rushing pulls you out of your feminine energy so therefore to increase your feminine energy start slowing down just a little bit just sometimes you don't have to be super slow you don't have to be a turtle just sometimes just
this little tiny habit of doing some things a little bit slower sometimes you will notice it will start to relax your body it will start to relax your nervous system it'll start to soften you and it'll feel really good now let's move on to the next m habit which is letting things be a 95 and let me explain what I mean by this everything that you do does not always need to be done and completed at 100% meaning that everything that has to get done doesn't always have to be 100% perfect sometimes they can just
be a 95 trying to do everything to 100% Perfection is a way that you will be totally exhausted and burnt out from life and it'll zap the fun out of everything it doesn't matter how much you love writing if every time you write you think it has to be the best thing you've ever written it's going to take the fun out of it it doesn't matter how much you love painting if every time you paint you think it has to be a masterpiece it's going to take the fun out of it it doesn't matter how
much you love Pilates if every time you go to a pilates class you feel like you have to be the best in the class it's going to take the fun out of it I don't think my YouTube videos are 100% I mean I try my best but I don't think there are 100 but if I told myself that these things had to be absolutely perfect before I posted them I guarantee you there would be very little videos here on my channel and it would turn something I love into something that stresses me out to the
max just the teeny tiny micro shift of when you're doing something ask yourself does this have to be a 100 or can this be a 95 some things might need to be a 100 but you'll realize that most things can just be a 95 the more you stress about all the things that you're doing the more that you're going to get taken out of your feminine energy let yourself be okay with not everything being 100% perfect all the time and I guarantee you that nobody is really going to notice anyways now the next micro habit
I want to talk about out is the power of buying tiny little treats for yourself sometimes I used to be very resistant to spending like any money on myself at all or at least as little as I could and I will say like I did save a lot but I also realized that me not spending any money on myself or spending any money to do anything fun was kind of telling myself that I wasn't worthy of those things that I wasn't worthy of that amount and that my pleasure was absolutely unimportant for me increasing my
feminine energy meant intentionally doing more fun and pleasurable things in my life like I talked about before but one thing that was super small but also very impactful was just buying myself little treats here and there sometimes and I'm not talking about like $100 items or anything like that I'm talking about like a $4 cup of peppermint tea just because it's a cold day and that sounds cozy or some new nail polish because it's a cute color or taking myself out to get a smoothie and go on a walk outside like initially I would see
those things as a waste like oh I don't need the tea I could just have water I don't need another nail polish I already have like 10 of them but it's not really about that it's about seeing the value in making myself happy and the value in treating myself now of course you could obviously take this too far and just say treat yourself to anything and everything and just like go into wild debt obviously that's not what I'm talking about of course there is a balance here what I'm talking about is just like those little
tiny micro treats those little things every once in a while because it makes us happy and it's a that we are meant to feel Joy now you can obviously treat yourself in larger ways too I'm not opposed to that you can buy yourself nice things if you feel like you are you know that's a good Financial thing for you I'm a big fan of investing in myself whether it's education or just upleveling my life in any sort of way maybe it's even like upleveling your wardrobe to create that next level version of yourself all of
those things can be very beneficial but that's just not what I'm talking about here I'm talking about those micro moments getting that book at the bookstore that you can't seem to put down buying yourself fresh flowers at the grocery store those things can also be incredibly meaningful and can really shift the way that you feel the feminine loves to feel cherished they love to feel loved and cherished and taken care of and this is just a tiny little microw way to do that for yourself the next small Habit to start increasing your feminine energy is
to actually start scheduling your me time into your calendar A lot of times our calendars are just kind of used for more boring things like that dentist appointment or that important work deadline or they're usually related to like more work rated things or task rated things you know maybe there's like the occasional fun dinner restaurant or vacation on there but that's it but actually putting in that me time or that fun time or that self-care time whatever it is into your calendar it is a tiny little extra step to make sure that your life doesn't
just become one big blur of to-dos it'll make sure that you're still prioritizing yourself if you really want to for example have an extended evening routine once a week and take a luxurious bath put it on your calendar every Wednesday night from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. that's what you're going to do if you want to go for a long walk at your favorite Park every Sunday morning put it on your calendar if it's really important for you to take your dog to the dog park twice a week put it in your calendar if you want
to take yourself out on a solo date once a month at the beginning of every month figure out when are you going to do it what are you going to do put it in your calendar the reason why I think this is so important is because one if you put it in your calendar you're more likely to do it two you're more likely to actually create that space for it and make sure that other things don't take up that me time and three it kind of teaches us subconsciously that our me time or our fun
time is important too and I usually have like my me time on my calendar and like a happy fun color like pink or yellow just a tiny little thing takes very little effort but once you start doing this you realize that you're your life will start to become more enjoyable and The Feminine needs that me time to feel our best like we just do that is it let me know what you thoughts of these little micro habits or if you have any micro habits that you want to share that help you feel more embodied in
your feminine energy then share them in the comments below now if you like this topic of micro habits I also have another video called 12 micro habits that actually improv my life this is kind of more micro habits that are just more general for life but if you like this video then I think you'll also like that one too thank you so much for watching I will see you over there or I will just see you next time bye
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