today's guest is uh well he's the goat he is an iconic comedian he has a new tour going on right now called the heaven on Earth Tour he is labeled by many as an oracle as the black crystal ball I've heard him called I'm thankful that he came down from the clouds today to spend time with us today's guest is Mr Kat Williams and I will find a song I'll been [Applause] sing what's up man what's up man it's time it's good to see good old Theo it's an honor man the world loves you you
know well that's nice you to say I feel uh I feel like I can't believe I'm around you I think you know I feel like you seem like a um mythical figure right well you know like uh um sack Squatch or uh like a unicorn or something like that yeah you'll still feel that way at by the end like I I won't ruin that yeah yeah that's that's the uh good thing about people like you and I like if somebody thinks that they like us and they think they've made a connection with this person on
the screen um when they're around us it's legitimate because it was legitimate you know what I mean like like um if theovon wasn't successful he doesn't have a different story right you know what I mean it's the same story he lived that story and um that that's why people gravitate to you because there's nobody like you well thanks man I feel the same uh about you I feel like everybody does um and you have a statue of me at your house so you know so yeah thank you man yeah thank you for letting them even
do that statue what was that whole deal like with them with Michaels that's where I got mine at was at Michael's right yeah did you do a it wasn't a collab or what was it NOP no they just robbed my image and likeness because they could M up man and because they were doing it for religious purposes I allowed it to well thank you we wish you a black Christmas man look I'd be honored to have one I'd be honored to have one yeah man I cuz yeah when I met that guy there he said
we got two left man you know and there was 200 and one of them was marked down cuz it had a chip in it uh but um it's still man it's an honor I keep it up in my house year round and people walk in and they're like no way that's cat William right there it is and it's beautiful man thank you yeah um you have a new you have a new tour man and you know I know people talk about touring and comedy a lot and I want I want to know what kind of
keeps you still doing comedy like did you like cuz I think when we start out maybe it's to be funny and then some people get to this place where they want to have a message do you notice that kind of tone shift in your like desire to do it over time I don't I don't think so like I I um I always try to have a message just because I I enjoy the fact that while laughing and joking you might learn something you didn't know and have gotten it from a comedian and uh I kind
of dig that but everything else is just continuing this conversation with my fan base like these are my friends that I haven't seen since the last time I was here and um here's our discussion furthering our relationship so um it hasn't felt much like work and it's the heaven on Earth to do you um do you believe in heaven absolutely and Earth yeah okay all right Fair touche man yeah dude I remember when I first cuz like when I was growing up we just had uh you know you learned about heaven and stuff but all
the pamplets or whatever I'd seen at church or anything it always had uh it was mostly white folks on it right right and then I went to a black church one time yeah it was um I think it's called greater Starlight Baptist Church that was in our town and shout out to Greater Starlights oh yeah it was nice in there this was in uh Covington Louisiana but um but yet they had about 13 miles from sale yeah there you go wow map Williams in the building baby um but and that's when I realized don't let
me go ger every everybody's every that's when I realized oh everybody's going to be in heaven that was the first time that I realized heaven was going to be very diverse I'd never thought about it right and it was it blew my mind I was like oh wow they're going to have black folks in heaven Asian folks um all types of folks are going to be there you know it's truly the only place that white people are a minority yeah huh is in heaven just because thousands of years went with nobody getting to go yeah
just because of [ __ ] [ __ ] that they might not have even been involved in you know what I mean yeah yeah I guess I'm kind of I don't know if I'm starting to look forward to it I am excited about it yeah but I yeah I guess I get caught up in like a lot of worldly stuff you know like there's still things I want to do here that type of thing you know really yeah you still got stuff you haven't done yeah yeah man I got some things yeah some different things
I would like to write a book I think don't don't say what they are but I'm saying just the fact that you got things that you're excited about doing that's the that's the joy of life that's when you're living is um so many that's why it's so difficult for these super wealthy people to be [ __ ] happy like they can do everything else but they can't [ __ ] be happy because they've Liv lived all their dreams they got everything they were trying to get they they wake up and they can't score a touchdown
no matter what they yeah it's a terrible life but guys like you and I that still got stuff to try and taste and you know things to feel and people to be around like it gives life a a a wonderful meaning yeah yeah I think that is something that like if I stay kind of motivated and I have a plan a little bit that keeps me a lot more like okay I want to do this I still want to try that yeah and I start to think man I'm running out of time too you know
if you really like to taste different things and smell different flowers and you know and see what's on in different Gardens and stuff then you start to run out of time no you don't think no because um you had to be in the position that you're in now for um you to be able to make some of these things happen couldn't have done them at 34 244 because circumstantially you weren't ready you weren't ready financially you didn't have the time you didn't know that's what you wanted to do now at this place is when you
can make those things happen like you can do everything on that list of yours in 2025 with no [ __ ] sweat and your biggest problem in 26 is I got to have a new list yeah time is time is one of the main things that's made up yeah you think I know so it's just used as like a mechanism to what limit our thinking well don't say limit you said that you like this thing because it gives control and it and it puts things in its place and that's what time does for us so
that we're able to keep track you know but but the less you deal with time you realize you have the right amount of time to do everything you got to do every day 24 hours and you could make it an adventure every [ __ ] day like hey I could die tomorrow what would that mean I would need to be doing today how do I you see what I'm saying like not looking at it like oh I'm running out of time no no no no dead people ran out of time yeah everybody else alive you
got 30 swim trucks do that for me you know how you going to say you got 30 swim trunks but you ain't never been in the ocean Joe Rogan bro thank you for having a good sense of humor man that's what I am I am a good sense of humor yeah sometimes we forget about that along the way man you are right how long you want to live for it then you think cat you got to check out you got to when you ever think about it um I was promised that I won't have to
deal with that so I don't um I don't consider it um I do know that yeah I I I don't uh I don't have anything things that I have to do in order to go out the way I would like so that's a blessing and uh about one of the best you can get you know is um being okay with the body of work and the Legacy and the feelings and the emotions that you left you know and um and I still haven't done my best like comedically like I'm still not my funniest like I'm
still not working hard enough like I'm still not [Music] um I still haven't made a complete package of of myself yet so do you think some comedians start to feel like they have and that a trap most comedians have though ah yeah I'm saying that becomes part of the career is the fact that a lot of guys that are doing comedy right now were funny from 1995 to 2004 they're still working yeah they're still generating income they're still but um their best comedy is long behind them they're not that comedian that was thinking something was
funny and writing it down and figuring a way to get this to the people and so yeah it happens what sidetracks can be is I guess it could be all types of things huh what sidetracks them from maybe fulfilling their their their Excellence is difficult but to be mediocre it's no pressure like you know what I mean like oh yeah like if you feel like you have to be the funniest person that this crowd has seen tonight then you don't and there's nothing wrong with that nobody's going to jam you up about it they'll go
oh you were funny and for a lot of people that's enough how do you pick on you've had a lot of openers like I've met a lot of your openers over the years here and there um how do you choose them man how do you choose these guys or women um you need a lighter whether you're oh no no I have no needs I apologize um what I choose them based upon whether whether the um whether their point of view is unique to them like I don't care what a comedian's talking about that's your business
I don't I don't care what jokes you're making or how your set flows um but are you telling a story about you can people see this 8 minutes 12 minutes you're going to do and know you and have a chance to like you um if you do that then I you can open for me because my allegiance is to the people out there in those seats and I want them to see the very best comedians that I can possibly bring bring somebody they'll enjoy whether they're male or female or white or black just do are
do they come to work do they have a show for you you see yeah yeah that's what I care about yeah I think when I was getting into comedy in the beginning I didn't I wanted people to know me right like I never I like the jokes and I want them to I want them to laugh and feel good and see different ways that maybe I think and stuff but I wanted to myself that's what I always thought I think yeah when I first started I didn't think I I don't want you to remember one
joke I I want you to remember me right like I felt like this desperate that's a star though see you knew that you would be a star that's different than a performer a performer is based upon the ACT what I'm saying is magicians ain't [ __ ] unless they doing magic yeah right oh oh if I see them [ __ ] yeah I see right bro yeah but a true comedian is above the comedy material the jokes are secondary we we like this guy and we want to hear what this guy has chosen to say
to us about the topics of his choosing that's who you are you know what I mean that's who you are that's who you are cat yeah well Tes one of no one um yeah you grew up in Ohio huh yes yeah did you grow up by Dave Chappelle you guys grew up near each other Dave Chappelle is not even from Ohio isn't he I thought he's from Dayton I'm from Dayton are you really yeah Chappelle's from DC oh damn my bad sorry so but did he lives in Dayton now though he he yeah he has
a lot of he owns probably $5 million worth of property out there dang he's done really well for our Dayton Ohio they got a beautiful Museum out there I went to Dayton's a wonderful place um they have the Air Force Museum I think it is out there yeah cuz we have right Patterson Air Force Base that we're very very proud of and it's awesome yeah they have um I think fat man and little boy are in there is it the or the plane that dropped there the planes that dropped the bombs on on I want
to say it's I want to say it's Pearl Harbor in there maybe hirosima it could be Hiroshima little boy and fat man there we are yeah that's what uh Rogan named his um the rooms of his Comedy Club after he certainly did the mothership yeah they really get it over there um you feel under pressure of this interview no no of uh Austin of moving there is Austin calling you little are they trying to put pressure on you a little bit I didn't like At first I wanted to do my own thing like a lot
of people were moving there but now when I'm there it just feels like it's a fun energy it is and there's people on stage and you can go up and down that uh six Street and you can do five or six sets in a night I mean that's a lot of practice and it's probably within 800 footsteps or whatever yeah so that to me seems really remarkable what's on your what's on the new tour what's it like like what's it like to still go out there what's it like to like do you do in the
round what's your show like I haven't been to a cat Williams show clearly yeah and what a blessing you know what I mean that's true I still have it to look forward to right and and we we just learned we got plenty of time you know but um it's like um I don't know it's like a festival for laughs and good energy and um there are different comedians before it gets to me and so you get a chance to um get a overview of some of the [Music] um greatest comedians around the country and and
and get a chance to to see them and um it's hosted by Mo'Nique and Mo'Nique is a super large figure in uh comedy and um she has a great presence and um and then after all of said and done then I come out and I um uh congregate with the people for an hour and um yeah the best thing I think is probably the fact that you've gotten your money's worth twice before I get on stage amen and I think that's the part I'm probably proudest of yeah were you uh what do you bring with
you on the road somebody said you bring a cyber truck is that true um yes I um that's my work truck I have a cyber truck that's why I was just curious what you thought about it when I um when I'm home on the ranch that's my that's my farm truck um I love it like it's fun it feels like you're driving an email kind of a what it feels like you're driving an email that's what I feel like sometimes it just feels like I'm in the future like you could floor it and just yeah
it does feel like a UFO yeah like you'll put the gas on Monday like you'll floor it and you'll [ __ ] when it stops it's [ __ ] Thursday right there it's like it just has like a I don't know yeah it's a it's a it's um it's a unique experience you know have you met him have you met Elon before no no I don't uh I don't generally enjoy the company of billionaires yeah yeah I'm trying to think if I know any good billionaires well it's not that they're not good but I'm saying
I I don't need to be reminded of my inadequacies you know oh yeah yeah like yeah what um what you do for fitness man what's your Fitness regime like you got a regime each day or what's that like the ladies keep me fit I'm heavy in sexual relations and so um oh yeah that keeps you pretty pretty fit um oh yeah I got a cold plunge and a jacuzzi and a sauna that I do pretty ritualistic [Music] um and I've never been a gym guy I got two torn rotator cuffs so that kind of D
both them [ __ ] gone huh yeah yeah so golf is basically how I stay um where I'm trying to be but I've I've never been um I've never been s lbs under or over in my life you that middle dog adult like I I'm at 150 you know on the dime baby he'll show up yeah yeah yeah he'll [ __ ] Checkmate a scale baby you know what I'm saying yeah right right yeah I think I I like what have I've been doing recently swimming oh there's you playing golf right there damn C out
there right so you know if you can get 222 without your arms ever going above your head and do it consistently where it always ends up in the Fairway you're hitting you know 14 16 of of 18 in the Fairway you know then this is then you can play the game a little better banging out there yeah well you can't get them arms I guess at a certain point your arms don't need to go that high in there anyway though I'm trying to think of what I well it would certainly it would certainly give me
more yards and um a fuller thing it's just the rotator cuffs don't allow it so I I I start started golfing with these 80y old guys that oh yeah you know them [ __ ] you got to wait you got to like they can barely get out the car but then they come out there and out drive you every shot is better than your like so they taught me how to um play golf under restraint so that's to not hurt myself you know so and how'd you bang them cuffs up what happened you think what
you mean how' you uh oh I was I was in I was in the midst of a uh of a pushup Contest no way you blew him out yeah oh man but I was I was probably at 200 I was doing too much you did 200 push-ups yeah yeah and tore the Cuffs both at same D you RI both them [ __ ] man God Dam boy better pull up at a jiffy and get well buddy say the guy I'm going against cuz the way it worked is you could do as many as you wanted
when you stop it's my goal and I got a match you know what I mean so you took it to the Limit huh he was a horse you took it to the limits man yeah maybe you could probably do some swimming safely maybe I could see you get oh I'm an avid water yeah like I'm in the water probably more than you're that dark Koy baby you out there I love the water yeah yeah I I I pray underwat like cuz you know evil evil can't access you underwater you know oh that's interesting a lot
of people don't know that is that true yeah and um maybe that's why a baby a child is an amniotic fluid huh yeah like water's super powerful like a like a living being I'm sure sure that soon in the future they will confirm for us that water is a sentient being and that you know man that's going to be if they do that well that's why all through our history there was always gods of water just because it's such a powerful force yeah yeah God is great yeah I have a trouble out I think I'm
just not the best swimmer man I never I don't like to swim cap either you know I never like putting that cap on that just was not something that um that was my vibe you know what do you mean by not a good swimmer I just I don't like it man I don't like being out in there I'm kind of a land dog I like being on land I respect water too much I think I get too scared in it I just yeah that's it I get scared in it yeah you you have to have
a real respect for it no matter what like on a boat or regardless like it's it's one of those crazy things that you know it's beautiful and wonderful and it sustains life but it has a thousand ways to kill you and it yeah it houses the scariest in the whole world yeah I just get nervous yeah but what what are you like in a Jacuzzi though I'm pretty chill I think you know I'm okay in a Jacuzzi but even then if Nobody's around I don't I just don't know if I trust myself or not not
to not to like if I even [ __ ] if I'm even driving through a long puddle I [ __ ] I'll look at my watch and make sure everything's all right you know I just get like you had a drowning incident in your past I think I've just had some probably nervous experiences with it man we used to have a neighbor and this guy was probably I don't know if he he had like one of them big bathtubs they had at their house and they would uh he would play he would make us play
Navy or something he's probably a gay guy but we didn't know right but he would have us playing Navy and [ __ ] you have you have more than six of those stories so you can't claiming it now yeah we had well but he'd have his plate but it was just like a lot of uh it was a guy looking in had you looking in buttholes so I'm saying we've had some [ __ ] wild neighbors bro some of these guys were for certain gay I don't know if they was I don't know they I'm
not sure what they were where sure where sure they were you you just made it through all the gauntlets like as a participant oh yeah I [ __ ] I put a Juke on a nut sack you know what I'm saying give me my [Laughter] $4 BR I we grew up just had back then they had this some more pedophiles and wildness I think back then man people wouldn't now it's all documented you know right but back then it was just people was more you know I remember we had a guy they call one basketball
coach had been like kind of tickling the kids a lot right and then the other guy called him and he said he said hey if you keep he said that's so natural just saying I said that so naturally like that's a thing that coaches can find themselves dealing with he trying to get that three-pointer out of you bro but they had yeah just but they called him and said hey they said Mr Sharp you said you can't if you keep tickling a kid you can't coach them no more but that was it there wasn't like
a lawsuit or anything it was just more you know Stern activity don't do it don't do it like that but we had I mean I don't I don't [ __ ] know man what was that what were we talking about oh [ __ ] swimming people swimming man yeah I never I I think I just get too nervous in water I just I know it's too powerful that's what I know yeah I know it's way more powerful than I am man yeah but it's so funny you like yeah cuz I could see you man I
think some if I think about you I think about you like I could see you having like a show at a SeaWorld or something like that you know like you know what I'm saying M like a the cat no it'll be a one night only but still cuz I'm letting all down I'm letting everybody out you free like this is wrong free like I'm black I'm not going to stand here in front of a prison and do a show you freeing all the black fish on everything all the fish every fish in the ocean bro
free Nemo bro till it's backwards man I don't know what happened yesterday everyone's gone dude if they had one if they had one night though yeah I'm talking a a five $320 ticket it's a pricey ticket but it's a why not only Cat Williams and the whales baby right cat fish I got you people BR it'd be unprecedented man you know indeed indeed it be unprecedented people would love it man um I think people are loving the fact that you're sharing new stories thanks man right yeah I like so get back to the guy in
his big bathtub oh yeah Roy was his name right Ro and he ended up in the military but at the time nobody knew that you know we were just children and he was uh and he got a whistle or something somebody bought him a whistle and so he would uh he would just have us like do these like little games or whatever you know and um and so I don't know if I don't know if kids were violent during that or sometimes people would be aggressive or something but I I think maybe that made me
nervous about water my sister Dr almost drowned one time I thought she did Dr she didn't but she almost drowned once so I think just stuff like that we would go swim in a river and there weren't a lot of Life guards so I think that's super scary because you know you get caught with a current or something it's just real it can be a lot you know which river the river we were at I think it was probably part of the chauna like a little tributary of it dirty water yeah that's scary too yeah
yeah so this that kind of atmosphere I guess maybe trying to think of what made me so scared and you know what I don't know if I knew how to swim that great you know CH Funk the river I don't know if I knew how to swim that great to be honest with you but yeah I I think yeah people could I would love to see you do a water show of some sort one day if you ventured out to that sort of thing I I appreciate the fact that you're giving me ideas of things
that are unprecedented yeah it' be really cool man nobody else has a water show I love it this episode is sponsored by prize piic do you love firing on Sports well prize piics is the best daily fantasy sports app for you sign up today and get $50 instantly when you play $5 you don't even need to win to receive the $50 bonus it's guaranteed you can fire on all your favorite sports like the NBA NFL UFC and many more instead of choosing teams you choose individual players each player has a set projection and you either
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fires cat do youall have any damage um I I I felt like everybody that I everybody in my work life lived in the Palisades like yeah it it's it's massive gut punch just the [Music] um lives and economies of people that have been destroyed but um this is how life this is how life operates you know it's um it's very humbling to for there to be thousands of home millionaires you know yeah yeah it's so surprising man I had a friend I was talking to him he said hey do you want me to go to
your apartment and get your I got a Jeep Cherokee out of here say you want me to go get it in case the winds change it and I said I think it's going to be okay and I said what are you doing he's like I'm going to an audition and it was just so wild that you had places that were completely disappear off the Earth and then you have a guy who's going to an audition at the same time you know just that there's so many things happening at once in this it's like part of
it is so affected and some of it is unaffected you know kind of just was a d toomy yeah I feel that way every time I watch international news you know what I mean just to if you watch another country's news and see all of the stuff that they're going through that we never hear about or know about or yeah it's it's crazy La is just so massive of a city you know yeah it's like a state almost in a way right like La is like a collection of 100 cities you know that make this
that's a good point never thought about it like that with um Hollywood and in Cino and Beverly Hills and all Compton Gardina and Englewood andorn and Torrance and the city ofer and all of these places are um fingers and L pieces of the body that is La so there's no way for six or seven of those parts to be going through pain and the body to um be okay but by the same token it has to be you know what I mean like um if you break your finger the rest of your finger still got
that work to do yeah you know what I mean like yeah yeah oh yeah yeah man yeah sometimes I think about what it would be like like if I were like another ethnicity you know you ever imagine like that like if you was an Asian guy like if you could handle it no I um youever like that where you're Asian I'm not sure if you have those when you're black like I'm saying I I was born black so I was born a superior being a superb specimen if you will uh as far as human Creations
are concerned so I I never wanted to be anything other than that um I wanted to know how other people felt so I didn't um but you never like thought I want to be that no yeah no I but but but maybe some of that is because I didn't think that was possible like like um yeah like I I didn't I didn't see it from a um negative perspective I I saw it from a positive perspective you know what I mean like like I'm in the driver's seat I don't yeah it'd be cool to be
a passenger but I'm I like the seat I'm in that makes sense yeah I didn't think that I didn't think that uh Chinese people were having more fun or doing yeah better things or I thought they were doing different things and yeah they're doing fine yeah and I was interested in knowing what those were but it never dawned on me that they might be better you know what I mean right and I I had um I had white friends that were admirable but I I didn't imagine being white and I didn't think that they imagined
being black I guess either but you have a great imagination which is what makes you world class you know like you have to have that cuz I I heard you tell the story of you know I know the stories yeah I think because I think about that a lot I guess of what it would be like to be different ethnicities if I could handle it you know if I would think it was fun I don't think that you would be as different from yourself as as you or as a white guy as you imagine that
you would be oh you would just be kind of the same but just in different shape right right what I'm saying is I don't I don't think that you you because you think the thoughts in all are kind of the same than you think like that's I'm almost certain I'm almost certain that you as a black guy are also not the norm you're not yeah you're um I could do it I think man kind of a singular yeah you C you can I would like you know if they ever I don't know what I'm saying
I'm trying to culture vulture or whatever but I would like if they ever give you if they do you know if they let people if I get to do reincarnation I would put in an application I know that okay so let's let's work this out let's work this out because if reincarnation is real um you have some say in it right that's right cuz you probably get to apply or talk to the manager I'm saying there's nobody else's opinion that would be more valued than yours right so let's decide so so where are you coming
back what do you want to what do you want to try first I would uh ethnicity you mean don't go right to Black okay I won't I'll wait I'll wait yeah I'll wait at least a round or whatever I will do I don't know if I what I do a I don't Asians seem so it feels like you could do it feels easy to do kind of I hate to say that it just seems yeah that's racist sorry it's okay okay yes I said it Asian people oh I would be Mexican seems Mexican seems cool
it's you're kind of almost a you're like a little black or whatever but you're also you're just right what was his name that came in your school you oh nuh the first Mex no the kid the first Mexican that we ever had in our school not Constantine no Nicholas Nicholas right right so you at least have some experience yeah like you know how you could show up you know and you could be a hero and yeah not get ahead of yourself yeah yeah I would go easy into it I wouldn't let anybody know that I
was had been there that I was uh it was my first time you know I think you'd have to be cuz sometimes I believe you have first times as a human even like you meet some people when it's like oh this is this person's first time being a human the soul like this right this is a damn newborn you know right and then you meet some people you're like damn this person is a Sensei this person has been they've been here before they've been here before right but yeah I wouldn't go do black first man
I wouldn't yeah I would definitely keep that for like a or I would yeah I would I would be I would be honored to do it if they let me do it that's what I what I would say I I don't I don't speak for the entire delegation but I and I would do my best man we would be that's I again as as a black guy we would be honored to have you um come through apply our path and um the only reason I said don't do it first is just because there are certain
things that go along with it that you just don't know how you would handle it you know yeah until you got the dick of a horse and then you just got to figure this thing out like [ __ ] yeah oh yeah you got a parallel park even probably tougher you know everything is different everything a little bit different I'm sure but yeah it'd be yeah I don't know if I'd go if yeah I would like to if especially if I got to bring a friend I would definitely do it man Fu could you don't
get to bring a friend you make new friends with each of the you see what I'm saying like yeah oh I know see I want to just have some safety you know same reason I don't want to be in the water you know it's just when I feel risk it makes me I think makes me feel nervous you know right but nervousness was created for that that's nervousness is a good thing you're you're supposed to feel that but that doesn't dictate whether you continue and and and if you can get a hold of that understand
and that nervousness doesn't mean stop the yellow light doesn't mean stop the yellow light means be cautious right and so when you feel those nerves understand those nerves mean okay don't [ __ ] around but you can still enjoy yeah yeah so we're going to get you closer to the water in 2025 and we're going to um deal with some of these ethnic uh blockages maybe I don't think they're blockages you're very open-minded yeah thanks man yeah they're not blockages yeah just you're not dealing with blockage you're dealing with um a uncertainty as to who
you are in the universe and whether or not you belong in the places you feel like you man that's interesting that is kind of how I feel yeah because I'm always thinking of what this other thing would be like kind of right right because you know I never thought I never really thought about it like that I don't believe this is your home planet you know do you believe that most of the people here that are living right now that this is their home planet no no so you feel like it's more that we're a
you feel like we're maybe a species from somewhere else that's been kind of that landed here or that got M uh um all of the religions tell the same story and all of the stories are started up there and then end up down here and then continue and uh there's a reason for that I believe do you feel like this is like a place we're supposed to learn something do you feel like it's a place that we're kind of just spending time an experience a destination um you and I are at an age where we
remember when the video game experience wasn't what it is now it was still a game like Monopoly or something you know where it is now it's a whole different Universe um that you can live inside um from your Xbox or your PlayStation and uh in Call of Duty you're an actual Soldier and you get kills and deaths and eliminations and um when you then cross over to to the PGA game you have your actual golfer that looks like you and has the name you gave him and he's really going to go out there and do
this 18 on whistling straight and you know what I mean like yeah then I go and get in my podium one sim racer and I pick the car of my choice and I'm an actual raser so that those experience expences located in that console that's this experience here on Earth that we're all able to share and that's what would make that reincarnation possible it just means oh yesterday I played that game and uh today I'm logging in this experience and so yeah certainly a a universal uh College if you will yeah yeah sometimes I forget
I get caught up in the Mya of things you know and I forget to kind of have this bigger breath of like this is an experience it's not a sentence an experience in which you're winning right and an experience in which you're in a better position than others who have been in this same you are excelling in a in a life in which you very well could have turned out to be nothing yeah or another statistic or just another forgotten body in a ditch and though those were the hazards right yeah and you the oated
through all of that and negated all of those horrific possibilities and are here in this position um the best you've ever been you know and those are the facts and if we tell ourselves more of the facts in our head then we don't hear so much negative you know if we try and just focus on telling ourselves the facts yeah of our of of how good we're doing like we're much too hard on ourselves oh yeah yeah I feel that all the time man I feel like I don't know any other way to be almost
sometimes like not in a bad way but yeah I feel like it's it's this constant sentence you like you got to I feel like there's always been this to-do list that I didn't even make and it's just always been there does that make any sense to you yeah that's how I feel all the time right got to do you know still have to prove it you know a constant of of approving um this all winners have that disease it's um self inflicted it's for you it's you doing that and there's nothing wrong with that harsh
management it's what gets you to the point that you're at but um if you have animals you know that a relationship doesn't do good with just control words just sit and stay and um there needs to be uh connection fostered and um treats are the best thing for learning you know and um so treat yourself with those type of things as well like don't forget to remind yourself of all of the people that you tell stories about and the fact that that was it for them that little piece of the story you told like they
didn't get better like they didn't then change some stuff and go like yeah you did you know yeah yeah do you feel like who was like a role model when you were growing up did where do you think you got some of your own influences from do you think it was from people like actually humans in the world or do you feel like you had kind of like Divine thoughts that came into your head or guidance like where did that kind of stuff affect you like when you were younger do you feel like uh I
got it all from books like I got it all from books like what you smoking k um sir brother you smoke it if it's not pot I can smoke it right she said if it's not pot I can smoke it yes it's for certain pot oh it is yes sir yeah brother yeah yeah sorry if you needed a cigarette you could have one yeah I might have a cigarette with you man sure what you're getting ready to have is not even available in this place that we live in I mean californ La yeah oh they
don't have uh Newports here yeah they're not allowed to do uh wow men so racist yeah it's weird you can burn down a whole town but you can't have a Newport right right and your Blackness begins yeah yes sir sorry that it I love that a lot yes sir we had some cool black kids growing up in our area bro right right your basketball team pitcher is just so wonderful oh thanks man Cal Jackson on there Don Gadis he had a child number 34 of our basketball pitcher we had a lot of good kids in
there man right shout out James Gray his dad ran a car tire place he was in there there's Vincent he got all the let his Vincent dude and Johnny that's big Johnny he was damn 11 feet tall baby he had Birds living on his shoulders baby he was up there look we had a lot of cool kids in our area that that's how we know everything is perception for you you know what I mean because you gave two whole different sizes for two [ __ ] that's the same size you can see you can see
they the same size in the picture know that he doesn't let that change his story one of them was s foot seven he was bigger than all the trees the other one was 6' one here they are together bro Johnny was so tall he had windows on the side of his head but he was tall man he was no you were kneeling down yeah countless stories yeah that's true you're right I was kneeling down man yeah but these these experience like no matter what like that dude number 34 like we want to hear his stories
yeah like we know he's got stories and we want to know if he'll tell the stories and the fact that that's what you do is why well thanks man thanks for uh thanks for the nice words I appreciate it you do a great job too man thank you for all the joy over the years um you just bought a military base is that right yeah formerly Fort m Fort mlen and was it an active base till recently or um I think it decommissioned in 1999 what's it like over there magnificent magnific and it's going to
be um one of the greatest things that I personally have ever done but it's um this is it that's um the front side of the beginning of the campus which is 30 buildings um wow 3 million indoor square feet uh 4 and 1 12 miles of roads like you know we got the we got the best parts of the base they had um Chemical Testing and stuff we don't have those parts of the base that's the Department of Homeland Security but um yeah we just have a wonderful blessed Bas at the Foothills uh of the
mountains and uh it it's really magical and um I was able to see what Tyler Perry was able to do with two or 300 acres and a military base anding and how you could um make a movie studio out of that and so yeah we're um yeah I it hit the news recently but I purchased it [Music] um years a couple years back yeah I've had it so we've been working was that a tough step to like take that like okay we can get this and we can do this like did you reach out Tyler
Perry because I know he has like in Atlanta he has an amazing space he may have many spaces now this was three years ago I went to a space there to train for something and were it was unbelievable no no no I wasn't I wasn't um looking then or now for assistance like we we we we can do this I just needed to be able to have a home where um great movies and entertainment product could be made without any of the shenanigans that are generally involved with Hollywood and um be able to crank them
out and um um that all it needs to do is be good if it's good we're going to make it and so um even though it might have appeared from interviews of me that you know this guy just loves tearing people apart really you know we're trying to um create something where it can provide a platform for a lot of um people to show what they do so yeah so it'll be a place where you can make other people's kind of dreams come true like with film television that sort of thing right where you can
just basically have a great script and a great cast and leave your troubles at the door and walk out with the movie in the can you know what I mean like no I like that I like that doing things your yourself yeah yeah yeah because they'll they'll let um the comedy movie industry die if we allow it you know what I mean and nobody in the fan base ever said hey we don't want any more funny movies yeah nobody said that none of the fans ever were like Hey we're tired of laughing in the movies
yeah boo to the no one ever said that they just decided you know we make more money in the superhero action Department let's just do all those yeah you know what I mean and so it'll just take for somebody in the comedy sphere to start producing funny [ __ ] and there we go again do you already have projects kind of on tap yeah we got a slate uh well I'm not allowed to really answer that question but yeah like um it's a great it's a great location where it is you know like it's an
hour and a half from uh Atlanta or less it's 45 minutes from Birmingham you know um and I I love that area and they're so thirsty to be involved you know that um we have equal thirst so everybody wants it to work and so it will yeah amen dude that's exciting huh it is it is will you have you kind of your hand in on most of their projects kind of like um is that a weird question that's kind of it's kind of um it's kind of not necessary for how for how it's set up
it's set up um in much of the way the grocery store is set up so my my job is just to make sure that all of the food that we sell in this grocery store belongs in this grocery store you see what I'm saying is it a good quality oh well get it in there the people will want to see that yeah they love that yeah the Cherry plums yeah they love that you know and once that is um once that barrier is crossed then we're just trying to make the best project for you and
to make your smaller budget um be able to compete with the larger budgets yeah cuz comedy you don't need the really big budget either it just needs to be funny yeah it needs to be funny but it also it also can't be under budgeted though see it can't it's got to be professional yeah it it it it cannot look cheap uh regardless which means it can't be you know and that goes to the equipment and to the lighting and that's why you need hundreds of Acres of space to be able to um have all of
what we're having like they're they're building an Amphitheater and you know we have sound stages and a whole Auditorium and you know hell yeah yeah it's um that's T that's pretty nice instead of seeing if you have the cards that's owning the deck really you know like instead of waiting get delt the cards that's like saying we're going to have we're going to it's just saying you're going to have you're going to make sure that things can happen it's like you having a podcast it's like it's almost a no-brainer like it makes sense you know
it's something you know you can pull off it it's something that you know you're invested in it's something you know you do well you know and so yeah it's that part hey there this episode's coming at you courtesy of window treatments they ain't just about keeping your nosy neighbor Todd from peeking in while you eat your cereal shirtless n man the right window treatments could actually save you some cheddar on those energy bills that's right less sweat more cash in your pocket but here's the rub getting them the oldfashioned way what a nightmare some
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happy happy man yeah sometimes I thought i' been thinking a lot about getting marri but I don't know if some it's like an outside pressure that I feel or if it's just like something I would like to have that family you know like that you know I think you you always have like an idea of what a family is you know so sometimes I feel like uh that's something I want to try to make happen you know it seemed like it be a real challenge scared of marriage but I I was scared of divorce like
my my parents didn't get divorced my parents are still together like so I I never I always felt like you only do this one time you know and I was always more happy of the bullets I had dodged and the people that W I thought I I could have I would have married her like I was ready to Mar you know what I mean and then see years later and you're like you're like oh my God so yeah yeah happiness is what I'm after not um titles or idealistic situations like um I just want to
provide happiness and be provided that as well and uh if you can get that situation regardless of what it's called that going to be yeah maybe I get too stuck on the yeah maybe I some do get too like uh feeling like I have to fill in the blanks as opposed to um what do I really want to create right you know like or being like what what if I didn't get married what would people think you know sometimes I get that stuck in my head you know um yeah I guess it's normal but yeah
like I yeah I like I I don't I would hate to be put in a situation where I have to cheat on somebody you know what I mean and I kind of like what was the point yeah yeah I don't want to set myself up for that's a good point too I don't want to set myself up for a situation that would be uncomfortable for me or I would hurt somebody else's feelings either right yeah that's something I would not enjoy um but remember as in your next life you know you got a black woman
coming so things are going to change oh Lordy things are going to change it's going to be something it's going to be something God right I'm yeah I'm have you experienced a black woman um yeah pretty much I I mean I haven't dated just a black lady she wasn't she wasn't our best Representative no I mean there's a cute black lady I met at the airport that I would that if I see her again I would I would I think I would try to ask her out but I haven't seen her again but um but
I would be open to dating a cool cool black lady hold on hold on let's talk specifically about this one you're talking about yeah she just looked like really confident and nice smile and pretty eyes and I was like man there's just something about her okay all right and and she was where that I admired she was working at the airport working at the airport that's so she was a worker she liked to work she doesn't my like so hey hey they're beautiful what which airport was this this is at LAX bet it was yeah
yeah so she was TSA approved too you know so right right so yeah if I see her again I would try to no no no no no no no no no no we're seeing her again okay we're seeing her again because you have this feeling already you're only saying it like well you never know I might not see you're going to see her again absolutely because we yeah you're going to ask her out beautiful fantastic oh oh she might no she's not watching she might be watching I don't know she might be watching do you
do that you put things like into do you like do that like speak things into existence type of thing uh I'm not powerful enough to do that but I don't ignore things that I see in existence so what I'm saying is I'm not going to ignore the fact that you're not saying abstract you know if I saw a black woman that did something for me i' I'd ask her out no you you actively saw one yeah right yeah and this is recent yeah right right and and and it's going to be lifechanging yeah yeah are
black women a lot different do you think yes yes like yes like you know black guys right yeah black women are nothing like black guys like like I I don't want to put so much pressure on this lady at the a at the airport but but she she doesn't know we've had this convers no magnificent creatures okay in slavery black women were appreciated you understand how difficult that is yeah that's some hard [ __ ] to pull [Laughter] off I hate you guys but not all of you some of you are wonderful precious beings yeah
yeah that's black women are um almost unreal and only because what it is that they possess they don't it's not on purpose like you know how we feel about people on the Spectrum like oh yeah they're magic right the reverence that you and I have for that Community right you're going to feel that with black women wow like they're really where the word nurture comes from from you know what I mean like the ability to give you something as a man that you never had before or felt before and make it comfortable for you to
access that like no really yeah really life changing Yeah man cuz I yeah that that yeah this could be part of my 2025 man it is it clearly is right right right we've said it here we are we've said it yeah yeah you had a lot of last year you seemed like you had a lot of predictions last year you kind of became this Oracle last year did you feel that that people came to you they almost you almost became kind of like this uh like a little bit of like a crystal ball you know
um I I'm I'm honored to get to say the things that I say when I'm saying them and um because you know that I operate from a positive first standpoint in all things like I assume that it's going to work out for the best and I um understand that if it is for the worst then I'm prepared to handle that as well but um yeah it was something did you start to worry any about your own safety and stuff because it seemed like youve really had some moments where you're kind of you know almost channeling
truths into the world and some people don't like that you know some people don't want to I mean the dark side of things doesn't really probably enjoy that well what it was that I was attempting to do was impossible so before I do this interview there is no Illuminati it's just a joke it's just something that crazy people talk about there's no such thing as our side and God's side none of that is even real I got to come and make it real I have to come and say no no no no everybody's not the
same there're so that's why when I said that nobody came out and went that's not true I'm on God's side like none of them I I I'm just the conversation was to show that there are spiritual things going on in the world and that there are things that are bigger than just coincidence and that a ritual is something that you do over and over and over again a certain way you see what I'm saying if part of the ritual is wearing a dress then we should be able to look through entertainment and see all of
these people being made to wear a dress that's what a ritual is you know what I mean like whether they're white or black that doesn't matter it it there's there's not other jobs where this is a requirement why is this why is this so necessary yeah you don't see the dog catcher show up every you know every other year I guess not a thing in a nice skirt or you don't see an electrician right so come up in a blouse every now and then right I'm I'm saying a lot of people that doubt what you
say don't read and they haven't been readers you know what I mean like books were my life literally I I thought that I could learn enough information to be an important person you know what I mean so I'm I'm actively trying to eat information like do you have a favorite book no no no no no like even when I said how many books I read like people are thinking maybe I'm reading 900 p no no no I'm reading 150 200 Page books and I'm reading as many of them as I can because I'm trying to
earn these pizza parties and these other Weekly Reader things that exist my parents don't even celebrate holidays I got to get my own gifts [ __ ] I'm F to read myself into into a T-shirt and a personal pant piece yeah yeah so so so I got those books and then I got the ones I'm trying to learn from you know and those are separate but what was your question do you have a first book that you remember reading like or one that got read to you when you were a kid or something that you
really liked like a like a book that set it off for you that was like oh um I I read the Bible First that's 66 books so so yeah it kind of um was my starting point in book reading but it it's a it's not set up like a book technically it's very disjointed right oh yeah so I found that everything else I read was a easy read you know what I mean like I I loved reading all of the classics because I felt like I was literally in this story you know what I mean
and I could read multiple books at once and you know I um I was completely in thew with reading oh yeah yeah just the idea of being able to take myself into a different place you know it was was like and and it really I mean words would really just fuel for your imagination it's like that's how you would get your head going you know right but I didn't I didn't want to use my imagination I wanted this imagination you see you wanted the information I wanted to know what Huckleberry Finn and I wanted to
know what they were doing like you know what I mean like I wanted the adventures you know what I mean like I was reading everything Nancy Drew Mysteries like every like anything I could get my hands on The Hardy Boys like I'm I'm reading that and yeah so so many different stories that um you get you start understanding what it takes to for someone to be a winner in life you know and you find out from Reading thousands of books that if you can list the [ __ ] up things that have happened in your
life and you can put that on a list and you've somehow made it past all of this to be in a position where you can still go make some stuff happen that's what you have in common with every hero of every story of every autobiography of every wow is that is how much happened to you that should have broke you that did not break you so that you were able to then [ __ ] ride amen amen did did y'all um yeah I'm trying to think of some of my favorite books when I was a
kid I don't even remember when I was young we the red f girl we had to read all kind of [ __ ] they had a one book they kept killing this dog in it I felt so bad for him how many times can you kill a dog I mean they kept that thing was [ __ ] really dead I don't remember that I don't know who wrote that [ __ ] but I think Stephen King wrote it but oh that [ __ ] was dead bro after the second chapter I said this [ __
] is dead I think only think I only read one book he ever did because like because I couldn't I couldn't read his books without going hey dude whoever writes like this is a demon like and then when he always had his picture on the back and he looks scary like a uhuh yeah yeah he looked like he owned a bunch of Ravens or something that dude yeah everybody he had one book there and the Animals was kept being alive and dead Edgar Allen Poe was that was he was a gangster he had a lot
of women too bring up bring up some of his ladies he had Ed gr and Po's girlfriend he had a flock at the and you know I think he used to live in Virginia you know that edar Allen po click on a couple of his dimes he had look at these broads right here yeah just click on one of them damn Edgar Allen there baby you telling oh shorty w a th he was a clear pedophile come on man come on he was a clear pedophile she looks nine hey R it says she she died
when she was 24 she had tuberculosis boy but before how he liked them that's how he liked him boy oh [ __ ] now she's cute uh she uh no come on now right there francess baby Foster mother that was Foster mother whatever damn bro why you [ __ ] helping me out fire these were supposed to be his hoes this is his family members whatever we got our research department now what about right there Virginia Clen baby that's that's a girlfriend right and that that was the I'm saying even today that That's Heavy filters
um yeah that was her looking good in any age right there that particular pose okay I admit you had to be a virgin to show that much next she was like no one has ever yeah pretty good but what about her though oh wow let me see Sarah Helen Whitman a professional writer who met Edgar through the literary circles in New York fellatio yeah otherworldly that's the original haulk tour Sarah Helen Whitman oh she get those curls going oh you're going to love it bounce bounce bounce milk it Sarah milk it BR she'll slurp you
back to Saturn right there man and then just a wait a minute why did Zuckerberg come are they oh geez I don't know why they brought him up you think you have genius here oh we have the new yeah he has a new hair what do you think about a lot of these what do you think about a lot of these social media sites controlling how people communicate what do you think about that man you fear that kind of stuff um if it exists it will be controlled and regulated that's just a fact whatever it
is that's the game the game is to how quick can we get this new thing controlled and regulated right and we we are counting on them to provide this platform that we use to communicate on right so you know so it's a tradeoff always has been I'm I'm saying the if if if we understood that the internet itself is a government function then how much privacy would you expect right right at that point we're almost the fools for pretending that we would still have it privacy yeah right I'm saying do you feel like in Hollywood
that there are you know I've heard you kind of allude to the fact that there's like kind of um darker forces that kind of like you know uh that present opportunities to people in tradeoff right and trade for their own maybe their own peace maybe their own uh reality maybe a sacrifice of the actual direction that they want do you think that really happens that kind of stuff I think everything is controlled and regulated mhm you think there's ever ways where we can get to the control room and see who's controlling or you think that's
all we're past that we're past that but um we don't protect the Whistleblower right um we don't honor the Scout that would tell us who it is matter of fact when they get him we're going to go ah I could have told you that was going to happen they telling too much truth do you think Hollywood has a lot of things that they like hold against people you know like I had a theory that a lot of this is human nature right so it's not even Hollywood it's as human nature it starts as human nature
right like I'm saying this is in this these things that I'm saying in Hollywood exist in religious circles in politics in the medical profession and like yeah in any circle of business really yeah they had a big bus with Puff Daddy where he got arrested and then they've had like accusations and stuff he hasn't gone on trial I don't think yet but do you think that they there's been speculation that they did that because they the timing of that was they wanted to like use other people that have allegedly been involved in some of his
circles to they wanted to kind of use like okay you could be next unless you help this political plan do you think that's at all possible that's how all cases are handled yeah right so what am I saying I'm saying if it's car theft and we're going to accuse you of having a carjacking ring right we're going to begin by by bringing in people that we caught who were robing cars who said that you was the boss they're first in line and then we're going to bring in victims the people whose cars you stole and
said yeah that was him that's how they build a case so um none of that should be shocking you don't don't put it past them it's part of what an investigation is but do you feel like they would say to someone okay we're going to bring you in unless absolutely that's what they do yeah yeah even like in the rap world like all of the rappers that you know that never been to jail and never never got in any trouble with the law but they talk as if their life is opposite of that like those
are federal informants like you know you think they're really out there yeah yeah that's part of the job is to acquire those it's like saying you know if you're playing chess do you have any pawns you have to don't you you can't start without them right right wow right man how do you know who is that's part of the game huh you don't know it's part of the game yeah it kind of makes it exciting too when you think about it it can be exciting and depressing mm did you ever do a rap album yep
you did several I didn't know that I'm sorry man I didn't I didn't research that no problem I didn't put them out oh you asked me did I do oh yeah yeah who did you have uh some uh collabs on them with anybody do you have somebody help you produce some stuff Master P maybe anything like that I'm sure he would be honored that help all people you name dropped him I just take it to somebody from Louisiana right what a blessing when I was in college he they had um it was like Master it
was like Silk the Shocker like that whole cabal was really really vibing right yes so they used to have all they would all come to LSU and play at the basketball courts and they would have these guys who would stand on the side and hold their clothes and they were dressed like kind of Native Americans like almost like Black Indians kind of and some of them would have like little headdresses and stuff and they would have them all their clothes and shoes on the side of the Court it was a Vibe man yeah all all
through that period of time that whole no limit uh Empire was um really really magnificent to the fan base like they really went the places where people wanted to um see them and delivered a show like we weren't used to um cuz cuz there was so many acts yeah they had a lot of their whole group you know what I mean like there was they had uh they all came together and like like put on a show that was just unbelievable in all venues it was extraordinary to watch did you ever tour with a um
with a rap did you ever cuz some have like musicians and rappers kind or musicians and comedians tour together yeah you have mhm I just to know some people like that some people don't yeah I I have Lil Mo on um has been on our tour probably for the last three or four years and uh the Lady of Rage as well comes out music is a wonderful partner to Comedy you know and um we try to use that music and comedy art interspersed in my life so it's always a part of my set and um
yeah I'm I'm a huge music fan are you a instrumentalist you play anything no no no I play nothing and I cannot sing can't sing can't play anything which makes me one of the greatest music listeners you know what I mean yeah like that's what I like and I and I like immerse myself you know like like there's there's like albums that represent like whole periods of my life you know what I mean like um like that album Counting Crows um August and oh yeah everything after d up in New Amsterdam like I know every
song Every Beat every word like because where I was at the time and them Pearl Jams um yeah 10 at home drawing pictures of mountain top yeah with him on top like you know what I'm saying because I was listening to stuff that it made me feel like like they're really singing about me like how I think or feel some moment all of it like yeah remember shy remember that group came out Andy If I Ever Fall remember them I can't sing either I do you did pretty good thank you bro appreciate that they would
be proud they were good bro they were good but that was a great time for music of all genres you know what I mean like good music was just good music and yeah yeah yeah I remember one of I'm trying to think of one of the first oh I went to a Green Day you got to make a great black guy oh yeah and they had Tevin Campbell remember him can we talk right for a minute Devin Campbell girl I want to know your name I'm like well [ __ ] just go talk to her
then [ __ ] no like tell the truth when we saw him and we heard this song we were like are you sure you want to talk to her you no no wonder you're so trumid that's true that's true that's true that's true he really had a different right the sequel the sequel to that song was a surprise would it say like that man the sequel was a surprise that was a good time though right that was a good time it was a good time when was that uh that was late 90s I think did
you ever get to meet Michael Jackson before no I got to meet Prince you did yeah did you ever get to go bike riding with him or anything like that who's that Prince um I think bike riding May been the only thing we yeah no no no I don't he wasn't doing bike riding um he had had an experience let's see so when I meet him I'm 12 I guess he's 18 19 oh you met him when you were 12 yeah I knew him I knew him my whole I'm saying from 12 till he um
uh left that was like I knew him the whole time like yeah he was a magnificent uh oneof a kind individual like I got to um he um he lived um different lives like he wasn't where we are and we're talking about how we need to you know reinvent and and he was like uh the master at that you know what I mean like he was only going to be this version of his for a very short amount of time until he had mastered it and then he was going to go to something else and
he always had that energy huh huh yeah from the yeah yeah he was yeah but but when I met him he was already a millionaire and so I I couldn't initially understand what kept driving him you know because it just seemed to me like he was never happy because every time I would see him he had achieved like 30 new things and I purchased like a hundred new things and still yet he was working like he didn't you know yeah and um I probably was just not understanding what work ethic was you know but yeah
I learned a lot from that guy I met Shaq when I was 16 damn where at you think no where in Orlando is Rookie year yeah because he played at LSU man yeah great guy great guy B sh yeah right dude if I was that big I I couldn't get my big ass out of bed at that size man it'd be so hard you know hard because some of it's kind of hard even a regular size to get I don't believe that dude you know how hard it is to get a big old look at
it right there it's so hard to get up when you big right I watch my aunt get up sometime like she ain't gonna get up you know what I'm talking about you ever see her somebody and you're like she ain't gonna get up that's when and they figure it out when all of the places were catching on fire that was my first thought was like nobody on my 600 lb life is going to make it out of none of this like what like yeah that that show was over bro there's a whole portion of the
population that can't get up like everybody's like evacuate somebody just [ __ ] in the bed I did I did evacuate they evacuate they just look the other way that's that's their evacuating just lean away from the warm flip the pillow man yeah did you uh what did you in Prince do y'all go to eat or nothing like what did he like to do cuz he's no no so like you know how some people have chefs like he was beyond that like he he wanted he he wanted Chef a Chef to know what he was
preparing like I don't know how to explain it but like he wasn't vegan the whole time I knew him you know he was just vegan for this portion and but before that he had a whole different thing but he was he would have an Italian chef to make Italian when that's what he was having and he like to the extreme right yeah so you know you you would get the most beautiful meals around this dude cuz he he was a foodie so you know damn I'd love to watch him eat a little eat a little
snack or something little creme brulee or little big scoop of ice cream I'd love to see that cuz he was kind of smaller wasn't he I'm I'm 5'5 so it never really factored in oh you bigger than him I think yeah but but I'm saying I wasn't gazing at him while he was eating yeah we always had enough women around for oh yeah yeah I wasn't there in a longing fashion yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry some is like a watch a small person if they get up against a like a real hard scoop of ice
cream they [ __ ] can't handle that [ __ ] you know um no no I didn't get it yeah rewind that again somehow I miss that and I can't accept it no I no I just sometimes if somebody you know I know like if I get up if if it's a real cold scoop of ice cream and it's it's hard to you know get with a spoon or something I just imagine like a smaller guy battling that uh battling that [ __ ] bro just [ __ ] oh [ __ ] so that's what
acknowledge how funny that I just want to Invision in my head Prince just got two or three spoons going on that b he gonna get in there he whooped your ass in here he probably would have and blessings man I had to pull him off he's a man he's a purple superhero and he is the king man in real life and yeah I I'm just joking Prince if you're it is here I'm sure it is somewhere it is indeed yeah and he had a great sense of humor oh I saw him stop in I was
in Minneapolis they used to have this place called uh trying to think of the name and he got more [ __ ] than you did he yeah oh yeah of course he did what the [ __ ] am I talking about there yeah it took me half a second to realize that uh of course he did damn boy yeah well no they had a place though that he would go perform sometimes on a certain night it was in Minneapolis and a lot of musicians would just show up and when night he showed up there man
and it was amazing it was just random random people would get together and play but no he loved that probably more than anything El like he loved that more than touring he loved that more than anything is Jam sessions and he he had places all over the globe and um he was welcomed at I'm saying you talking about a guy that played 26 instruments you feel what I'm saying like we're talking about a guy that like most PE he he yeah if if you couldn't learn from what he did then you just pass learning you
know what I mean like the [ __ ] resonates regardless of what it is you're trying to do right and so um yeah I was blessed to even be around him huh yeah yeah just to uh be able to witness um a short um young black guy um navigate the highest echelons of entertainment and still be um holding on to things that he doesn't do and won't do and um still feeling like um he needs to look out for other musicians and other artists and still um trying not to bring uh shame on his fans
or other black people or music lovers or you know just a um a wonderful human you know that's what you can learn [ __ ] now I feel bad about making that joke but I feel okay still I mean I feel it's okay yeah I'm just joking yeah [Music] um yeah but did um when you were growing up did you ever have like a TV like a like a TV father kind of you know like I had like I'm trying to think of like just trying to think of like influences that you had when you
were young like I had like Little House on the Prairie was a show I would watch that they had Michael was on it and then they had like in the heat of the night I really like that show um now wait a minute I'm trying to who who was the father figure on In the Heat of the Night oh they was the black guy your father figure who Virgil tibs Virgil tibs yeah brother he was good I will tell you this I met his wife at a uh or not his wife but um the lady
that played yes that's her right there Virgil and sopia was his wife in the show I think she was way smaller than you thought right she was very beautiful and I saw at her breakfast place and I was like I cannot go back in there and tell her and I did and it was she I think she kind of appreciated it but it was still pretty awkward I think but she's very beautiful but yeah I like Tam and Carol o Conor was in it but uh in the of my right that [ __ ] was
good I love that what else did I like trying to think of a show where I had like a TV dad did you have like a TV family or someone that you kind of liked um as a black man um I had a real father so um I I wasn't looking at um TV for the images of a real good black father cuz I had one you know what I mean so for me it was um a little interesting just to see how um other fathers were portrayed you know and um I I'm more enjoyed
like seeing the Dynamics of other families and how things went for them because that's the only way that I knew oh I don't have that type of upbringing at all wow that's yeah like yeah I I didn't I didn't even know my mother was supposed to love me like I didn't know that was sorry laugh she never kissed me in my life I didn't I didn't know she was supposed to like me like saying she made sure I ate but I had clean clothes but I'm saying I didn't it have been shocking if I oh
my mom was always working I I would be like Mom tell me you love me she' be like I got to move this box over here that's what she would be like I'm like Mom how do you feel about me she's like oh we got to put all these boxes away she always had something to do you know like if a feeling came up my mom just couldn't have it you know no I love you Mom I'm just it's funny now it's funny right but now you can [ __ ] was ridiculous though I'm like
Mom how do you feel about me she like we got to get this car to start like what the [ __ ] are you talking about where's the vacuum right yeah that was it that's what I think I that's what I always was looking for for me but these are the things that guarantee success that's what I'm telling you yeah it's part of what's on that list that you know you got certain things against you you're going to be successful right yeah yeah you're going to be in a position where you can Rectify things you
know that you're way more appreciative of love because of that you're you're in a position where you can still be loved you know by the black lady at the airport yeah 2025 my my little layover lady that's I'm call him my little layover um I've seen you this is something that I thought there's only two things that I think that I've seen and I'm not sure one of them was that Santa Claus when I was a kid that they brought us outside and they had a real sleigh go by in the air it was an
airplane that they disguised as a sleigh in our town mhm the second one is I thought I saw you riding bikes down Sunset Boulevard right so now the funniest part of all of that true story is because all of your stories are true right but the whole thing is when you're telling the story We Ride by on these bikes with lights on them from the future bik circus members but really really this is a million and a half dollars worth of Canam spice eight of them 200,000 a piece me and Suge going down Sunset oh
yeah I didn't see those man I'm sorry I saw some [ __ ] somebody covered them [ __ ] Cat Williams came by and with a shling pony had neon lights on the hes somebody spray painted Silly String on the back stood up with a violin stop playing do you after yeah I swear to God I'm standing on the porch I look over there right and you had done one of those things where you stand up but keep you know what I'm saying it's just you know when you're riding down the street I'm 5'5 so
I do that better than most okay and I said damn there he goes bro right and by the time I got anybody's attention nobody believed me so that's why I think it had a lot of that same like when you saw Santa you know type of energy right um well understand I didn't take away from the myth I just clarified yeah no good cuz I thought I was crazy for thinking that right um what do you see happening in 2025 Kat this is where we get to where like what do you feel like what do
you feel like are things we can look forward to things we can stay conscious of can I bum another cigarette by chance man you got to know on you absolutely let's do it yeah so um let me get that [ __ ] get my lungs up we're already in 2025 aren't we yeah yeah so so you right already yeah see there so the whole thing is we're not um this this this thing does not happen in yearly Cycles like it's not a every 12 months thing it's not how it works so the age of Truth
is not one year it's it's the beginning of people having more of a thirst for what is true than an appetite for lies so if you sell lies it's a harder Road for you if you have truths to tell people are hungry for that and now pay you handsomely to hear the truth wasn't always that way it's that way right now in real time whatever that means to you um that's the battle that's going on is people who profit from the manipulation of others by getting you to believe something that's not the case and that's
how they make their living and it is now a difficult time for those entities do you think that there is actual cloning going on we have we know that there's actual cloning going on the question I believe you're asking is human cloning oh yes sir but let's start with the real question the real question is is cloning going on yeah yeah it is I knew it yeah well well I'm saying let's just say animal cloning right let's start there that that's not a myth or no that's been known that's not a conspiracy theory that we
are at the point where we have no problem cloning animals if you lose a pet you can send away to these companies and they will they'll [ __ ] remix that [ __ ] and C B right yeah as as close a proximity as you can imagine yeah right that we know is possible okay so now through viagen pets right there so that's in the animal world so now in the human world we know that there are multiple surgeries that we know we can replace this with that uh all the way up to um what's
our last achievement is it heart the guy passed away with a pig heart but it worked for I'm saying let me see that bring up that pig hearted guy right there yeah two two people have received a genetically modified pig heart transplant David Bennett and Lawrence Fett both were performed in Maryland H so um there there's not the evidence is there very much left on what it would take as far as abilities go um so do you think there's any artists now that you think are not the same artists that we thought they were if
we're only speaking of biology ology I've heard that um a man's g-spot is in his anal passage which means I'm going to go my whole life without ever experiencing it yeah by the same token everybody is a reflection of what they got to go through to get to where they at right and I just know that the people that have been in positions where they decided to do some stuff that they said they weren't going to do they don't be the same on the other side um nothing they can do can make them seem like
what you remember them as um have you ever call spiritual cuz I don't know what else to call it but yeah have you ever faced uh that in your own life where they where people try to come at you for offers like that do you think that like stars and get offered that kind of thing like to compromise themselves sexually for entertainment again the things that we are discussing exist in each of the fields right any field right right not entertainment exclusively politics religion science everywhere right some of this is human nature right right because
we listen and we don't [Laughter] judge where there things that you didn't take in your career that you feel like were like uh like are there things to look out for do you feel like like there there wasn't for me because I knew I wasn't going to take it but I did want to get offer it yeah you know what I mean and most of the stuff I wouldn't have believed until I had to get to a certain level to get to see the proof you know what I mean so um I was as shocked
as anybody about how powerful Harvey Weinstein was at the time that I was meeting with him and how I had how [Music] he could not be told no that he get whatever he want you follow what I'm saying they'll figure out some way right so I thought that didn't apply to me cuz I don't care about nothing but [ __ ] in good business right and then he offered me two actresses like they was playing cards and I was like what like he just J to like he was like I know you damn right like
what some Aces damn no my personal Aces yeah did you think about it look I'm not in these scary situations I don't even leave it up to me like I'm going to do what the superhero would do in this part of the movie regardless and deal with what happens after yeah just cuz it's a story and I know it's a story it's my story you know what I mean so I can't that's a good way to think about things in general yeah what with the super superhero do right now yeah yeah because I'm saying I
I read about Jesus getting to the mountain top and the devil saying you can have all of this and [Music] him saying you don't have anything to offer me like you know what I mean so that's what I got to look up to so I'm going to follow suit in the best version I can regardless of anything else um do you have a comedian that passed away that you really like that you miss a lot I mean I know there's been a lot of them but do you have like a I was just going to
say I miss so many like did you have like a brother in comedy like I miss so many I like what was Bernie Mack like was he a super guy cuz I never seen anybody like him that's a great place to start no you never saw anybody like him just because there wasn't anybody like him you know what I mean like um the things people pretend to do and talk themselves up to be and uh he was that already um yeah I um I went went down to his Show when he was taping and they
were saying he wasn't feeling good I left there feeling like they're they're murdering this dude like he he had a lung problem right and the doctors told him that he just had to take time away from the show and he could come back when he was okay right and his contract was let him oh yeah and they made him work through like yeah yeah but I I miss I miss all of the comedy angels that I came in contact with from um from Charlie Murphy to um Heavy D I miss heavyd uh John wither spoon
you know like we lost some really great Comics I miss Ronaldo Ray I miss yeah it's been a lot bring up a picture of Ronaldo Ray I'm just not familiar with him just so I can see what he looks like oh yeah yeah was didn't he didn't he play in The Cosby Show was he the grandfather he was a brilliant brilliant um individual like he he had multiple master's degrees and was a art collector and a real legendary guy ralo mhm yeah what other it what about Bill Cosby you ever get to meet him or
not before he had all the problems is being a rapist one of the problems oh sorry you said it like before he got [Laughter] scurvy sorry bro that was yeah that wasn't that was uh yeah I I did um but yeah what was he like before that man right right I don't know I don't know he he he comedically like he has some works comedically that you could put up there in the pantheon of joke telling oh yeah he had so many albums when I was a kid that like our parents would play in the
car stuff like that right and he spent a good portion of his um televised career really making um black men and black families look really good in a time when that was not a popular thing to do um none of that supersedes rapist no but um yeah I was um I was glad to not be a fan of his just because you know we liked Richard prior and you had to kind of like which way are you are you Richard Pryor red fox or are you Bill Cosby yeah so yeah yeah that's a that's definitely
different then um what else is going on please don't have a R Kelly question next I do not have an R Kelly question no no I don't did you ever did you get to go to Bernie Ma's funeral did he have a big funeral um Steve Harvey was at his funeral so I wouldn't have been there anywhere oh I didn't know that yeah um what else I'll be able to tell you when you're when you're black okay okay I feel like I'm not doing that good right now on it you're doing great okay what do
you mean thanks man um did did you get was it scary for you to be a parent whenever you decided you wanted to be a parent oh yeah yeah yeah that's yeah that's one of those things where it's only looking back that you realize oh I was not in any way qualified for that job like like you know but you try so hard you know and um it means everything but um yeah it's it's it's exciting and and scary like you can't so you you you don't have a you don't have any kids no I
want to get I would like to have some children but I well well if you have one child you're not gonna you're not going to have the drug issue to deal with ever again really yeah because it's going to you you're not you can't do them both [Laughter] right you can't do them both yeah and if yeah and if you as soon as you have and it doesn't doesn't matter how you get this child okay the second you become a father and this life is dependent upon you like you're going to devote everything to that
and you're going to have to you're going to have to because only somebody with your experiences will be able to deal with not being able to sleep for like two months you know what I mean just on this Baby's schedule that has no schedule except yeah it's crazy life changing doesn't even say the half of it but you know you have pets see this is the thing yeah right I'm going to get started soon this this is what's keeping you able to be in this world is because you've not given yourself a life responsibility you
see what I'm saying I think that's why I became a commen because I didn't want any responsibilities really right right in a lot of ways I think there's a big part of me that starts to feel like yeah I'm missing out if I don't if I'm missing out but I just want to know I want to have every experience I can you know right right and and you can yeah and this is the vehicle for that you know what I mean that's what a coincidence that all your life will line up for you to want
to do that and and then to meet a girl uh at the airport that already loves to fly and travel and and make sure I don't have any illegal substances on me too at the same time just cuz you're not going to need them um are are you a pet owner you a big pet owner man I've heard that you got some animals over there yeah I love the animals I've heard you got a couple horses things like that they're great yeah ducks like I got W I got how many ducks do you have cat
between 19 and 21 I just say that because a couple were there when I first got the place and they never left right so they're there but everybody else we rais from eggs you know that you go down to what's the name of that place uh Tractor Supply oh Tractor Supply yeah you go to Tractor Supply and oh in the Feed and Seed shop you do the right you do the incubators yeah so it's beautiful cuz they're all black oh really good we need more of that we need everybody diversity in the duck world oh
hell yeah dog I'm sick of seeing these [ __ ] swans bro you know what I'm saying these rich ass long neck [ __ ] bro no we have geese too but I'm just saying we need some [ __ ] bangers in there dog you know we need some dark ducks in this [ __ ] yeah yeah or some um bring up a couple of black ducks man I would love to see those right now cuzz I'm used to seeing malards I've seen for sure but I've never seen some really good darker Ducks oh that's
a beautiful one right there none of these are black ducks oh sorry well get one but no get one of yeah there we go oh that Western black duck that Western black that's an all black duck oh hell yeah yeah but mine are oh that's [ __ ] Mal malard Luther King right there bro that thing dark as hell dude sorry bro you don't to make a great black guy Mard luic that that could be his name that and that is actually a beautiful name for a duck it for that duck specifically it is Mal
Luther the King yes do you think oh some people think that um guys like Martin Luther King were compromised by the CIA do you ever believe stuff like that well this kind of goes back to like there's a lot of conspiracy theory stuff about that you know somebody says it's a conspiracy but that doesn't make it the case in both of these cases that we've had these conversations we are talking about the FBI and the CIA so what do you think they do so maybe we're unclear about what we think these agencies do so now
the question becomes hey do you think they be doing their job I do I do think they'd be doing their job you mean all through history yes yes I think they keep on doing their job you think they get everybody I think they get everybody so again not conspiracy theory at all I'm saying the only way that there could be a FBI file for us to be able to get 30 years after his death is if there's an FBI file correct right right right right damn bro nobody could trust anybody that's a scary part to
me sometimes the Bible said do not put your trust in men it's pretty specific why because everybody can be compromised except you yeah if you don't believe in God then it's pretty messed up cuz now you only got you to believe in but if you got you and God you can believe in both of those you can you can you can have peace then do you have you had times in your life for where you struggled having God in your life or what's that been like for you no do you have a practice that you
use kind of to like um like one of my goals this year is to have more God in my life right so for me I'm just using like more times where I stop and pray like even some moments my head will pop in like you should hit your knees right now and pray and sometimes I just don't do those I just go and keep doing about my day but now when those hit me I'm trying to just make sure I do that you know just like cuz it's like an intuition that I have you because
I want to have a stronger practice and understand it's it's the reason that it's special is because only you're going to know that is working right there's going to be no evidence other than the evidence but you're going to know that like got I talk to God five and six times a day he has an accurate account of how I'm feeling about everything how I think things are going what I feel like I'm doing good at what I feel like I need help with these are our conversations so um I don't wonder why stuff gets
moved out of my way because I asked for things to be moved out of my way like you asked earlier like aren't you scared like I'm not allowed to be scared because I'm not counting on me like um you can't [ __ ] me up because you're not allowed to [ __ ] me up and I've been in enough situations to know that he ain't let me down yet like every time I needed his safety it was there yeah and will be and the more times you communicate the better the relationship is and then you'll
find that that works with the black girl from the airport too like communication is key oh Lord man literally [Laughter] huh you perfect when you don't even try fail um I've heard you say that you feel like we're about to enter like a golden [Music] era what do you mean kind of by that like what if or What feelings do you have about that and what what can we look forward to [Music] um I was just trying to be super positive at the time I wasn't trying to be actually accurate with the question okay the
question was asked I think almost on New Year's or something like that or Christmas something like that it was pretty close to the top of the year so I didn't want to say anything that would make anybody uncomfortable or awkward um but um the Bible has a book called Revelations right and it gives you this little metaphorical rundown of how things should go um bring it up real quick at Revelations we can get a look at it there we go Book of Revelation or book of the Apocalypse the final book of the New Testament correct
so now it talks about the things that will happen in What's called the last days right um before the second coming of Jesus right because my whole life I was just trying to figure out like whatever it would take for Jesus to come back why aren't all of the people around the world that love Jesus why aren't they making sure that happens yeah so he would come back yeah yeah like Santa they leave milk and cookies out you know what I'm saying you think we [ __ ] leave out a couple of freaking we're willing
to go buy the presentence ourselves and say you delivered them put some sacred snacks out for him or something right so you know it just tells a story of the little key things that will happen that you can look forward to before things get there right and so it talks about things like um all of the Nations will have to come together and make a group called The United Nations you know and this was written way back then and we have a United Nations now and it's talks about there being Wars and reports of wars
on in multiple places and it gives us gives us a little guideline just to uh you know what may be happening in the future like whenever Jesus comes back where do you think it'll be at well the Bible is generally pretty specific about places generally so um like it talks about Armageddon right and there's this actual Valley of armag I'm going to mispronounce it but armag getto but the valley of Armageddon that's supposed to take place there's this Valley that is named after which really exists but wherever it is he's going to bring it up
but there's probably a war there now right right so a here we are the valley of middo also known as jezrael Valley is a large fertile plane in Northern Israel it's known for its historical theological and geographical significance oh wow and there's a lot of war going on right there right now correct so so TVD huh um what are some of the other animals that you have there I have heard that you have horses over there is that a true is that a true cat that you have some horses over there I want the donkeys
are the stars over there but yeah we got a lot of yeah we have cows mini cows those are the best kind mini cows and how big are belly pigs uh probably about the right there a mini cow yeah but bring up a mini cow real quick I want to see one of them they're beautiful too I have my sister has a pi picture of a couple of them at her house beautiful yeah if we can find a white one that'll be like cash if you that's your name cash uhhuh oh that's cool wow and
can are those milk uh he's a boy so I don't need damn well yeah not it right oh look at that so you know the the blessing he doesn't he has no idea he's many oh I see yeah ours is bigger than that but um yeah the beautiful little one right there yeah they're uh really fun and do you name so that one's named Cash and what other name do you have for these animals well all the animals all all the animals have have names um except um except animals that might be delicious like like
I goat is like my favorite meat I think and so we have quite a few you know and are you eating not Billy he's the king of all the goats right right but but you having a little bit of goat how how much goat are you having monthly you think um weekly oh okay D okay so cat got him a little bit money if he having that Weekly goat meal you know that boy I'm accountable you know yes sir yes sir goat e goat hey man goat e goat right I love that um he's making
a little money sorry I'm just trying toy I think sometimes I was just so I was so nervous about who you are because you seem like such a like you almost seem like something that came down off of Mount Rushmore to spend time with us today so I think that's like the the Mystique about you so I think sometimes I don't know when it's like okay to joke around and stuff you know so you just try and figure it out as you go you know I I hope that that is not correct and you're just
saying that because it is always okay okay to joke around me I appreciate that I definitely feel that for sure more than other interviews um I'm trying to think of what else I want to ask you about this is the best picture I ever got about it someone sent this and they said this is Cat Williams talking to Cam Newton somebody said right and that's what I'm thinking man yeah because here's the thing here's the thing um everything yeah we know that stupid picture of me thanks appreciate it um yeah got oh I didn't even
see that can we take that down that's a believable very racist you see how it became racist to me no but here's the facts the facts are you know everything we know about history we know um because of artifacts things that were left behind you know what I mean and so to be um heavily into the culture in a way that is represented is um pretty cool it's a pretty big deal you know yeah yeah we should make one next year if we made one and we did made some made a charity for it or
something that could be cool right but we would have to do you won too so like there would have to be a theovon as well I mean I would be happy to do that yours is really the yours is the one they're already using without your permission that's what I'm saying they are already doing mine yeah that's true but maybe we'll try to find one that'd be kind of a neat maybe we could do something where we raise some money for something I would love it yeah yeah yeah absolutely yeah okay yeah I'm all about
that that's cool we should do it for yeah we should do it for um um autism we should do it for people on the Spectrum okay yeah and do they have and everybody has autism do they have they have all types of people with Autism yeah right yeah I would love to do that that's a cool idea and do you um my last question for you cat do you know any Native Americans you ever met any over the years what's that been like really cool like like way more I don't I'm trying to figure out
how to say it but like cuz I've just heard these are some of these are just things that I've heard when you I I met this tribe that U several times I've met several tribes but the whole thing is oh yeah you get this thing around them that you understand that they've been standing here you know what I mean like yeah there's um yeah you you you understand how difficult it is to carry legacies and stories even though you're people have been getting destroyed and then when it's all at as bad as it could possibly
be and everything is destroyed of your whole Legacy then they give you unlimited money and have casinos it's um it's a a mindblowing thing to watch uh a people a group of people still carry their legacy along and um that's what you get and they know so much about so much like you know what I mean like oh yeah like and I'm an outdoor guy like and they know everything about everything like fishing with them is like a whole different experience they whistling them [ __ ] in the boat they don't make no mistakes like
that whole part where you don't catch fish they don't know [ __ ] about that yeah they catching [ __ ] and half of them cooked they catching [ __ ] they do it right I want you to come out of the water boneless [Laughter] FS right have with with uh outdoor stuff have you ever done any like camping or anything like that you done any long camps did you ever do like a plant medicine Retreat or anything like that no um but having a 100 Acre Ranch you start getting in trying to make sure
you cuz first you have to figure out what you already have there you know what I mean cuz I'm kind of aren't you like close to Nashville yeah yeah right so I'm out in Mississippi on this Farm you see and so um you know you learning what's out there and then you're trying to accentuate what's already out there and um cuz I think we probably got like 300 deer like wow and they just running around everywhere yeah yeah yeah because the way progress worked they kept getting pinned in MH and then there was a golf
course and so they had a little safe area in between them and then when houses start going in then it became neighborhood community and now there's nowhere else for them to be and this particular area is where they all came to so pretty wonderful yeah I could see you having like a cool pet and zoo or something one day if you wanted to and you're you know you ever quit uh or just wanted to have a peaceful animal type of or a um Safari something like that yeah yeah cat cats I'm never trying to do
something that requires interaction like what I'm what I'm doing is creating heaven on Earth yeah right so that means finding out all of the things that really make you jump for joy and excited and make you go oh and collecting those around yourself so that no matter what it is you have to deal with in the world you can come back to this little Heavenly environment that you have created that's it that fuels you you know yeah that's the tour right there yeah heaven on Earth as it turns out yeah yeah Catman thank you so
much for spending time with me today man just thanks for uh yeah thanks for just so many things so many quotable moments from your life that uh you've shared with us and um yeah it's a honor bro I really feel honored to be in your presence today and just um yeah I can't even believe it so thank you so much [Music] likewise I must be Cornerstone oh but when I reach that ground I'll share this piece of mind I found I can feel it in my bones but it's going to