How To Read Anyone: Mind Control Skills | Cold Reading | Face Reading | Body Language PsychologyTips

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Dr. David Snyder Psychological Tricks | How To Read Anyone Instan...
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so now we're getting into where we started this whole journey last year is about emotions in the face when we start looking at profiling people like I said before I I do it in a very systematic way the way I was taught we learned all about Jing first then we learned all about Chi which is personality and temperament then we learned about the Shen which is the sexuality the romance psychopathy things like that there's a lot of things that are they're all it's all important but depending on where you're going to be applying your information
some things are more important than others right so the first thing we want to look at we began with was separating into yin and Yan right so we have this divide across we have yin and yang to the right yin and Yan to the left right so when we start to look at people the first thing we look at is we try to look at the head you know the overall features that jump out at us we want to look at their inner nature versus their outer nature right so we look at people through our
right side we look at the right side we will see the face they want us to see we look at them through our left eye at their left side we'll see the face they keep behind closed doors but what do we look for we look for emotions we look for differences in the symmetry okay so as we look if we have lines above our eye in this area this indicates somebody who has a healthy degree of skepticism right these are people who don't take anything at face value they have to see it they have to
experience it and they can it's an area so if you see someone like that you say you know you don't really you might say something when you talk about traits by the way you don't say you're a skeptic that's no I'm not right you might say something like you know you have these lines right here they indicate a healthy dose of skepticism so you don't always take things at face value do you know that's you know you want it you want to describe the trait not the label does that make sense right because no no
there's not a lot of people who'd like to admit they're stubborn right most stubborn people I know think they're pretty easygoing and if you try to convince them otherwise right so skepticism lines very very by the way well would it be good to have somebody what kind of job would we want to put somebody in a position of skepticism yeah an auditor might be good right quality controls wait what's that police absolutely right so pretty you know and if you see if you working with a cop and all of a sudden you seen this stuff
you know he's probably pretty good at his job right right skepticism next line yes you are seeing healthy skepticism is there a point where you can tell me it's too much if they're very deep remember the intensity of the trait is measured by the depth and the breadth of the of the of the marking okay just like in handwriting analysis the intensity of emotional expression is related to the handwriting pressure and the slant okay we can look at the intensity or the depth of a feeling or a motion or an issue or a trait by
how deeply it's marked that area okay but um for the skeptics in one there it seems to be on the her left side you keep pointing to your right side is this a mirror isn't symmetrical okay yeah right what we're gonna do is we're gonna look at first we look at the big picture which is where are they marked right and then we look at yen right versus left or inner nature versus outer nature right so we can I can look at you and I can see how you're marked in general if I want to
go deeper now I split exterior persona internal persona and I can I can because I may notice that on on your external persona your lips turn up on your in general persona they turned down this could show somebody who stood two cents to give a positive face to the outer world but inside they're not very happy they're very disappointed okay yes go inside I'm not sure I understand the question hold on a second guys and let me have let's finish Daniels question restate your question would that show up in a smirk where the person has
a skew if there's a defined asymmetry that and there's no obvious reason for it then yeah it could be well well I'm talking about an expression not necessarily again if we're looking we're not looking at expressions we're looking at an expressionless face more or less and seeing what the wrinkles show us if we take when you take your facing app you're gonna do this in a minute first you're gonna do just a generic reading of people then you're gonna take you're facing app and you're gonna take picture of yourself you're gonna look you're going to
look at how your face combined with itself and these think you'll see a different person you'll see when all the right side is together you'll see what your public persona looks like when all the left sides are together you'll see what your inner nature looks like and you can do this reading based on what you have already and get a bit much better snapshot when we're doing this in person if I'm looking at Kim if I look at her I'm right eye dominant then I'm gonna see her public persona right because I'm right eye dominant
so I focus on that information if I want to see her inner persona then I look at her through my left eye or I can cover my left eye and I'll see a different side of her follow me okay you'll the ending again these can be very sullen sometimes they can be very very obvious right they can be very very obvious so Robert you had a question I was just looking to build on what Daniel said because one of Eggman's in micro-expressions is if you turn down one corner of your mouth that's skepticism and I
think that's kind of what you were getting at and so that could be if you're skeptical enough on your private side then you could eventually well again that that particular characteristic it doesn't have that definition in this system right and it's a microexpression so what we're not looking like I said before we're not looking at micro expressions we're looking at the consequences of a lifetime of expressions right how the the constant use of that that trait or that expression of feeling of that emotion marks the face and the musculature of the face sort of like
the canvases today mm-hmm yeah anybody else okay let me make this picture bigger okay these are ones that we want to spend a lot when we look at people we spend most of our time looking here just so you know if you want to be systematic about it I would start I would divide this into three sections we'll cover that anyway so when we look at the eyes now we're gonna do this in count in a counterclockwise rotation looking at the sides of the eyes here this is a joy when the lines go up not
past the eyebrow the eyes are when you have this little crow's feet we're looking at somebody who's experiencing a lot who it has experienced a lot of joy most of you have some degree of joy markings right if you if the line see the trachea I'm gonna talk about is right here but I'm gonna diagram it over here when the line travels up past the eyebrow you now have mania excessive joy becomes mania this is your bipolars your manic depressives right these are people who are just joke up at 4:00 in the morning tweeting hey
hey so extreme joy mania right when the lines come down this way you're seeing sadness lines we've all had a healthy degrees of sadness in our life when they start to travel down the cheeks through the lung area now you're dealing with sorrow these people may start to develop lung problems in fact what you'll find out in cases like emphysema COPD asthma allergies as you unpack them usually a lot of times grief and anger come up grief goes to the lungs which is the next trait when those lines extend beyond here now you're looking at
grief so those are the three degrees you have sadness sorrow grief okay humor lines they're not real they don't show real well here humor lines if you were to look let me do this can you guys see that back there okay I mean a little bigger humor lines are usually seen in the lips themselves they're usually seen with a little line down the center sometimes you can have lines like this so if you see lines in the lips there's usually someone especially a big one in the middle that's using indication that they have a pretty
good sense of humor some of you know people like this right right my I'm not up being pled in on the joke one in each a stick okay so the humor yeah okay going from the center down people are asking about this two lines indicates impatience there at the south light stoplights only 30 seconds away from changing they're already gunning the engine right you know right when you see three lines this is usually indicative of somebody who has managed has learned how to manage their temper has managed learn how to manage their anger right so
you might say something like you know what there was a time in your life when you were really had a bad temper when you really got impatient with people and over time you seemed to learn to really manage it well you manage it much better than you used to ain't you say yeah I yes I really do need a mic runner for this okay some of the ones you're gonna see a lot in therapy our lost love lines Oh actually disempowerment and loss level start with lost love lost love lines start at the inner canthus
and they descend down sometimes merging with or parallel to the sorrow the grief lines or the purpose lines now if you notice lost love and the sadness if you extend those lines out they all end up at the same spot and aren't they don't they seem related and see there's a there's a there's an orderliness to it there's an organization to this that kind of floats to the surface right lost love does not necessarily mean romantic love lost love means there was some part of your life that was extremely important to you that was a
very big piece of who you were or are as a person that you enjoyed and at some point in your childhood or your teens or whatever something happened and that part is no longer there and what I mean is what I mean is it's not us that's no longer there it's that your ability to do that is gone you know sometimes you know athletes who are very very strong very very talented they have an injury and they can no longer play don't get one of these sometimes you'll meet somebody you have a lifestyle that you
love and things you enjoy doing you meet somebody that you fall in love with that person doesn't like or approve of those things you stop doing them it could also be a person right something that was a big part of who you were as a human being that was in many cases part of your path you've lost it in some way your face will mark okay question do you find that the lines that come down coincide with the blockages like for not following their road or their their golden path and light life can you restate
the question I'm not saying so if they have a lot of sadness grief and sorrow that that's creeping in do you often find that there was a blockage where they're not following their path in life like this could be caused by no no in fact they're usually very different okay but they can be they can be related in the sense that the person that caused them to not be able to do this is draining them in forcing them to nurture and take care of them so they're separate but related does that make sense okay because
this is this is a lot of what happens in in bad relationships you get somebody who is a control freak who is very suspicious very paranoid someone who's very you know demanding many times it'll happen is they'll start to slowly cut you off from your friends they won't let you do things with other people they'll start to take these they'll start to demand all of your attention and all of your resources so now you'll develop loss love lines because you can no longer do the things you love to do and you'll start to develop bitterness
and over nurturing lines because now all of your energy is being sucked by this person does that make sense okay someone had a question just why you're on the eyes I notice a lot the people kind of have like almost like a checkered lines under their eyes or the puffy bags mm-hmm just wondering with those what would be on the area under the eyes relates to the kidney and fluid fluid management so many times what you've got here is either tired kidneys especially if they're dark or purplish many times when you have these puffy bags
under the eyes these are tears we haven't finished shedding yet there's through tears we haven't finished shedding okay when you have that crisscross pattern in an area like that remember we talked about a drought what a dry riverbed looks like those are areas where you've got Jing depletion yeah you know we talked about what a dry riverbed looks like how you get those cracks he was asking about these crisscross lines this is usually indication that there's a there's a deficiency or a weakness of the Jing in that area it hasn't progressed to a big line
because it's not trauma based it's just overuse that makes sense this is kidneys this is lung okay so if they have if they have a lot of those wrinkles they're asked that they have lung problems or allergies or stuff like that right questions yeah we're good so far you go this all right these are big - these right here these are called disempowerment lines i don't call them disempowerment lines but that's what lillian calls them because i'm much more interested in describing what this means can you see that okay when you have lines that extend
down almost inside one lady looked like somebody took an exacto knife and just itched lines down the side of her nose from the inner canthus down in cases like this in this case in this behavior it's very very similar to the suspended needle where somebody expressed anger right and the pushback was so severe the ramifications of that anger were so strong that they just put themselves held themselves in check it's not exactly the same though because with a disempowerment line at some point in your life or some point in a person's life they express their
feelings they express their opinion and the pushback the negative pushback the negative response was so overwhelming they felt the need to appease to placate so I call them placating lions these are people who do whatever they do just to keep the peace understand they don't necessarily they're not just necessarily choking back they're hanging there they're trying to make amends for having a thought over having an opinion and so they spend their life appeasing people right you'll see this a lot you see I see it a lot especially where where abuse is concerned especially where abuse
is concerned mola stations molestation not quite so much but where I swear I see spousal issues a lot right people who had to feel looks like they're apologizing for being alive you'll see this right and if you got them it doesn't mean you're a bad person that doesn't mean you're was it means you did the best you could with the information you had none of these traits are bad they're just like the check engine light on the dashboard they really are right when you're driving down the road the check engine light goes off oh my
god I got to get that light fixed all right you don't do that you owe oil needs changing right engine needs servicing got to put coolant in the radiator that's all these facial things mean they're the lights on their check engine lights on the dashboard yes sir maybe it's a white on nope a little bit longer and maybe an assumption but when you work with children or adolescents I'm assuming you see these less yes in fact Lillian taught me that you shouldn't read children because they're very impressionable they're very impressionable and so the things you
say can become prophecies for them so I was taught encourage children read adults but you can look at children's growing facial structures and kind of see things evolving right but again remember they're still changing they're not stuck they're gonna constantly grow so as you work on your own stuff especially if you're working with you know if you if you have children the fastest way to fix your kids is to fix you the fastest way to fix your kids is to fix you and that's what the Chinese say the Chinese tell us that the Jing markings
the things that you bring from lifetime to lifetime are always present so much like that goes like nine generations back nine generations forward if you fix something in the present moment it fixes it nine generations back it's like that entanglement theory it'll fix it seven generations forward as well so as you resolve your stuff you may find your kids moving through similar issues faster and easier or I'm not even coming up at all I just had a revelation when you're saying that because I was trying to figure out if my daughter was just maturing or
just changing rapidly as I've been rapidly changing I've been noticing mm-hmm her communications become more open she abandoned coloring her hair I guess that was opening on the path today yeah and the science is there now too they did it with insects they found out that if if they caused a traumatic accident a traumatic traumatic event for one generation I think it was fruit flies I could be wrong that changed their genetic makeup their offspring had it too right they've seen the same thing in Holocaust survivors where the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors they carry the
genetic markers from the time the grandparents spent in the camps right they just didn't realize it can go the other way which is that the Chinese are saying it doesn't go just forward it goes backwards now I've had direct experience with genetic memory because I've actually worked with people who've had who've taken on the memories of their transplanted organs and I had to do parts therapy and regression on the organs right cool I get the cool stuff I don't get smoked cessation or weight loss I get the interesting stuff right see where I'm at here
if we go a little further down and we talked about humor lines already this is another one you're gonna see a lot of this this manifests as little dimpling in the shin the chin skin and the skin on the chin they're not necessarily horizontal lines they're just I think that that little dimple ink feeling you see that a lot you got someone who's got he's got a lot of repressed fear repressed fear they're usually very fearful people now that's modulated depending on how strong the chin is it's very big and jutting chin you're not gonna
see that much fear directly because they usually have a lot of stubbornness and willfulness right but when you see a lot of lines and dimpling down in this area and I see dimpling more than anything else fear okay guys are all chanting keep checking your face app yes could be could be my experience has been that this kind of fear is almost always early childhood I don't see a lot of PTSD marking this way unless I'm not thinking when I see PTSD I'm thinking more war type trauma but you can be PTSD have PTSD from
many different forms of of influence but I usually see this in clinic not your experience may be different clinically when I see this it's usually childhood stuff you know lifetime stuff does that make sense I don't it makes sense that's just what I've observed yeah this is where I love my touchscreen okay so have we covered enough traits for you to start playing a little bit or do you want to go through the whole thing and then play you guys want to read each other I can tell all right all right so here's what I
want you to do you want to break up into groups of three we're gonna take 45 minutes for this okay give 10 to 15 minutes for each person all right you're gonna connect you're gonna just kind of get in rapport with them a little bit small talk you don't have to talk about anything in particular and what you want to do is systematically you want to start at the top of the head and work clockwise that's if you want to be linear and logical about it right if you want to do it the old-school way
you just kind of connect with them and notice whatever feature call it your attention first and talk about that feature and talk about those things this will make even more sense when you start putting in the hit the timelines in there right yeah this is by like this is one of the oldest pictures of face reading this is like seven a couple thousand years old so this is not new so the first thing I want you to do I think you know don't worry about the reading too much so much as seeing the the traits
and noticing how people are marking if you would want to you can inquire about certain things I pay attention to what that happens to their emotions when you do this but now it's just yeah it's just what with as many different people as possible and and just look right if you want to take out your face app and and start looking at things in terms of what are they on privately versus what are they doing publicly you can do that but again I just want you to kind of enjoy reading what you know playing with
what you see and seeing if you can isolate and remember what each of the different things are that make sense it's just kind of a little get to know faces kind of a thing so let's break up into groups of three let's take 45 minutes for this and then we'll come back we'll finish the facial map and we'll start talking about ears
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