Education for the 4th Industrial Revolution | Dr. John Baruch | TEDxBradford

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John addresses the impending replacement of 50% of our jobs that use the human physical and mental d...
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good afternoon everybody it's a pleasure to be here I have spent all my life in Bradford what Leeds University worked abroad for the University and now I'm a director of education for the 4th Industrial Revolution the center we've set up at Leeds Beckett University with a parallel Centre in Beijing in China who have made me visiting prof. there so what I want to talk about education for the 4th Industrial Revolution see if this works oh yes so the basis of this is around a whole number of projects which we call gem projects they're diamonds but
it actually means giving education meaning and one of them which I'll talk about later is called robot rallying so the big thing that we're all going to face and we're all in the middle of and our young people and our grandchildren or my grandchildren anyway it's presenting to them is that the world in the next 20 years will change more than we've ever seen it before and that was that was going to be true before what happened at Parliament last night so it'll be even bigger as we've already heard and the changes are being driven
by technology and science and other people have referred to that all right and so what we're going to see is that the physical and mental work that we do will mainly be done by artificial intelligence be done well we use the word robots there but basically computers and computerized mechanical systems which we call robots so the first Industrial Revolution replaced horsepower and what we saw with steam and steam engines and the whole bradford was covered with steam engines covered with people using this newfound form of energy to drive all their machines and this is a
picture from Salt's actually and so what we're seeing now and what we're going to see in the next 10 10 years is that the list of people here from the doctors the lawyers the GPS the accountants doctors perhaps not nurses but doctors because instance if you've got a robot that's connected to the internet every time you've got a you know I've got green spots behind my ears what's going on the robot will know everybody in the world was Grad green spots behind their ears and they'll be able to tell you the right things to do
as your doctor might never met green spots before so but what you do need are you need the people like the nurses who link you into the machines and ask the right questions and make you feel comfortable and we're going to see also in the next in the next few years self-driving vehicles and so and that's going to be the most dramatic thing that we'll see in our everyday lives it's quite likely that large cities like London and possibly broad for them Leeds and Keith Lee will say we only have driverless cars in our cities
we don't want accidents and you might decide well I like driving my cars and we'll go and we'll go for Halloween iceland and drive around iceland or something but i think what we're going to see is basically that it will be a liberation for people who are disabled and don't drive cars or young people or old people in making Transport much more accessible and we're actually working with Dame Laura and Mercedes Benz as they're called here to develop their transport and the way in which people can move around using self-driving vehicles and how people will
interact with the cities to do this and so what we see now on production lines are robots doing things what we see this is a concept car done by mercedes-benz this one actually has the driving a steering wheel in it but what they're making what they're talking about now on top steering wheels this is one that's already operating any of you've taken your cars to Heathrow and wanted to impart on the airport and to find the plane and they and their terminals you'll be taken around on one of these self-driving via but that what so
what we see and what we're likely to see is that it's reckon there's about 50% of the jobs that we now have will disappear and so where will the new jobs come from and what will happen we're reasonably sure that the new jobs will come through science there's an explosion going on in science whether you're following the changhie thing going on in the back of them and the far side of the Moon or you're just using your mobile phone to help you drive from here to here to Ilkley or somewhere space is an enormous part
we've already had health measured health mentioned and what we're seeing with the genome and all the Sun and the implications for health of our science developments and also what we could do and the impact on that so I'm talking about the good side of it but there's also it does enable you and empower you to deal with the difficult parts many which some we've already had mentioned really in many ways mental health which i think we have to address but not having a future is an enormous impact on mental health you've only got to go
around the schools in Bradford and I don't think it's untrue to say that 50 percent of the kids in our schools today feel totally disaffected they're saying where's this education taking us what's going to happen I'll be joining the gig economy hours the only contract I won't know how much I'm going to earn this week or even tomorrow and it's no future and there's nothing that you can have you can look forward to it we've got to give our young people a future and the future economy is likely to be is will be built on
science and innovation and creativity with a fast amount of things that are going on and being developed in science and it yes and so it would be dealing with the new new things that are going on so but we what we really need is an education system that deals with innovation and creativity what we have at the moment is an education system that you listen to me and go into the exam and write down exactly what I've been saying you get a good mark it's absolute rubbish it's useless robots are much much better at being
creating down or everything that I've said everything the teacher said or what needs to be done in the exam what we need are people who are creative and innovative and to be creative and innovative first of all you've got to have the freedom and the confidence to try and do it you've got to also recognize the value of diversity and the value of working in teams so when somebody who perhaps well girls and boys for a start that the the boys actually listen to what the girls are saying and if you're working a team learning
how to listen to what people say we actually are destroying creativity in our education systems and so we want everybody to look the same we're just we're removing a lot of the courses the arts courses the drama courses and the science we've removed one of the most creative areas of science which is which is practical science practical science is absolutely essential for giving people confidence to work in science to try and do things and to be creative what we what we need is as an education system that does all these things it was just in
a way like the first Industrial Revolution the first Industrial Revolution you had people who could grow corn you had people who could look after sheep and what we had to do in Bradford we had to Trek we had to educate them so they could run steam engines the thousands of steam engines we had instead of electric motors in Bradford and you could also operate power looms and so we needed a completely different approach and that was led by Bradford by people like Forster his gestures in Forster Square and OWSLA sat you know the square they
were the people who propelled education and to say that what we need what we need for education changed and were behind the Education Act that took place in the UK and so what what we want in the new economy and what we want to give young people of faith and an idea in what we can do in the future and ideas for the future is to give them the confidence to actually work in work in gone off all right working new ways to be innovative so we've been developing these what we call gem projects these
are open projects where there aren't particular answers there's lots and lots of different answers and so the robot rallying one is is a project in which we address the problem of self-driving cars of what we call the urban complexity problem so when you when you're driving a car on the motorway Lane it's not too difficult and actually by this year on next year and already can buy trucks in the United States that you the driver picks up the a New York picks up the load in New York drives it onto the freeway and then goes
to sleep the truck will drive all the way to San Francisco and they can then drive they truck out to where at the factory or wherever they're taking you to they'll drive on the freeways and the motorways but what we really need are vehicles that will drive down streets which have bicycles which have proms which are buses which have trucks going all over the place and that sort of thing urban complexity the urban complexity problem and what we want to do with the urban complexity problem is give the young people or we don't mind where
they're young or old the challenge and set it up using new technology in a way that when people have good ideas of how to do it they can record it and they can the ideas can be attributed to them and they can get the benefits of it so the new economy will be riding on will be riding on ideas like that and my going forward just going forward well we can do it again arrow row of caught up to robot rallying yes so what we're doing with robot rallying we're setting it up and we want
to we want to use vehicles and we want to take out the computing problems because the actual the actual computing again everybody talks about code but the coding will all be done by robots anyway but the ideas can't be done by robots and what we want to do is to separate the ideas so we want something like this which is a little car that you normally would drive with a radio control and we've thrown away the radio control put a camera in it some computers and set up the software so that people can use the
ideas and just put the ideas on without having to code they can implement the ideas and this has actually already been done in China with a very simple system that just addresses the problems of running round a track and racing around a track and what we want to do here is to set it up very similar system but we will actually use we will actually use tracks with other vehicles on them and we'd use tracks with other things that we can set on and run not national competitions and international competitions to do it so here's
the this is an example of ups sorry it's gone on how do I get in the next bit to go new how do I get this to show it's to show well anyway this is the track and if this machine if I press one of these it should just start but it goes on to the next slide if I got a pointer nope so well the idea was that the net if I clicked it again oh there we go go on click it on the left lung button there we go the sound actually works so
you can see that little car rushing round there that's completely driving itself around there in all the things it's actually a lot lot simpler than it looks look at the lighting levels look the fact is walking that student is walking around in bare feet to keep it really clean but actually that is very good there you go thank you so we'll do better than that we'll have urban complexity you
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