[Music] this [Music] why have you come I sense suffering here Spirit do you need help you know nothing all suffering this is my home my [Music] Village turn back spirit guide I saw him here [Music] somewhere where did he go [Music] [Music] [Music] hi there [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi oh it's all right what happened here little guy m [Music] let me help you I can heal these spirits and restore balance to the forest I know you're kind you sense the power that flows through this land but you do not fully understand it
death and Corruption all remain here this land can be healed but you cannot stay here Spirit you must move on you are the one who does not belong oh will never abandon my people [Music] [Music] now w [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] you can come out it's safe [Music] now look s she cleared away the poison the little guys can eat it they love it my name is Kaa what are you two doing out here alone in the forest don't worry about us we've been here a long time and take care of ourselves I
can see that you both look very strong do you know who that Spirit was with the horned mask we don't know but when he shows up the gross poison grows stronger hey what are you doing here in the forest I'm searching for the sacred Mountain Shrine can you take me there if you want to get to the mountain shrine you have to help us with something first our brother tar was trapped deep in the forest we need you to help him great idea SAA that'll be easy for her did you see what she did to
that stick guy help us freur and we'll take you to the mountain Shrine woohoo come on our village is this way [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the rot seem quite fond of you they're usually timid something tells me you did not come to our village looking for Forest creatures hello spirit I seek passage to the sacred Mountain Shrine har is bound to the shrine's energy but that power faded long ago trapped Spirits linger here Tangled in the tragedies of our past you must help these Spirits if you wish to reach the mountain Shrine on my way
I met two children they asked me to help free a boy named Taro I'm not surprised that Benny and Saia found you they are clever children and would do anything for their [Music] brother we have always crafted wooden masks to honor those who have passed on placed here The Masks slowly turned to dust aiding the spirit's journey into the next life my father was a spirit guide our Traditions are different but he helped many spirits pass from this life to the next so you know what happens to Spirits unable to move on take taro's mask
it is bound to his spirit and will help you fulfill your promise to the children I [Music] [Music] [Music] too what happened what did you see when you put on taro's mask Taro is here but he's forgotten who he is we need to find three relics to help him remember the forest is huge how do we know where to look maybe this Ru can help us his house is up that way hey Mr russu we've been looking for you we brought our friends Ka she's here to help Toro the power of the mountain Shrine is
connected to everything in this Forest the trees here grew strong drawing on its energy and the land was once in Perfect [Music] Balance but like all things the mountain Shrine follows a natural cycle one that our village struggled to understand as the shrine's power began to fade a devastating famine struck our village to lost his parents and he was left to take care of Benny and sa I should have done more to help Toro and now I can only watch as his Spirit struggles we can still help Taro rusu there's a relic covered by the
corruption at your house but I need a way to break through that weapon you carry I sense it holds a deeper power the staff belonged to my father it's been in our family for Generations he must have been a great spirit guide I may be powerless against the corruption but I can teach you a new way to fight it back a trained Dodger the bow is simply an extension of the body a spirit guide staff is no [Music] different Penny ground yourself feel the energy of the mountain draw on its power [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I made that knife for Taro when he was a boy he love these woods and I tried my best to teach him the old ways consumed by the Troubles of our village I was not there for Taro when he needed me most I hope we can bring him peace more relics are hidden in the kantan forest I'll wait for you there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no one knows the true age of these shrines the people who built them have long been forgotten but there were work Still Remains watching over
the forest like ancient Guardians taro's Spirit sealed the entrance to the Guardian Tree I can feel taro's presence there we leave offerings at the Guardian Tree asking it to protect the ones we love Taro left this for the children he must have been so scared when he lost them many of the offerings here were placed by the first Village leaders skilled Hunters who use spirit energy to create powerful weapons I'm sure the Guardian Tree won't mind if we use them to help taro [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I found taro's Lantern he must have lost it
searching for the children bring the relics to the fallen tree it's time to help Taro find peace here [Music] [Music] [Music] on sh [Music] [Music] the sickness that took our parents was spreading through the village spirits of the forest walk with our people guide them on their Journey to the mountain [Music] Shrine food was running low everyone was scared I never felt so helpless sayia wanted to stay but I thought we could go to rousu for help I was sure he would know what to do something was not right in the woods I had never
seen rousu so worried he sent us back to the village and I knew we were [Music] alone I was all that Benny and Saia had left I had to protect them [Music] [Music] [Music] it happened the next morning [Music] [Music] [Music] the explosion from the mountain Shrine covered the land in darkness oh no no Benny SI where are [Music] [Music] you it lasted for days I searched everywhere for them [Music] [Applause] I was their older brother I was supposed to protect [Music] them even now it's hard to forgive myself [Music] Taro the children know how
much you care for them what happened in the village wasn't your fault you will always be their older brother and they still need you [Music] I'm sorry K we can't take you to the mountain shine [Music] it's okay you have to go now [Music] [Music] [Music] your thought don't my [Music] [Music] [Music] tarrow rests with his siblings now I imagine the corruption in the forest has cleared as well I know it was time for Benny and Saia to move on with their brother but the forest won't be the same without them it's natural to build
a connection with the spirits we help we give up a part of ourselves when they move on but the bond still REM thingss the path of a spirit guide is a only one there is still work to be done if you wish to reach the mountain Shrine a skilled Woodsmith once lived in our village and built structures Beyond anyone's imagination search the fields Beyond The Storehouse for her troubled SP [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my name is Kaa I helped Benny and Saia free taro's spirit I'm on my way to help the Woodsmith do you
know her yes I know adira she was a great Woodsmith together we found a way to capture the energy of the mountain Shrine she believed we could harness the resources of this land to sustain The Village forever but that dream faded long ago we've only just met but I can tell you have a strong connection to the spirit realm you carry the same energy that flows through these roots it must be what Drew you to this [Music] place with Focus you can gather that energy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a see [Music] [Music] no a [Music]
the ancient people who settled here were drawn to the mountain Shrine but they didn't fully understand its potential Han andai found a way to focus the scattered energy of the mountain I thought it would last for [Music] Generations but the village heart started to fade this was just the beginning of our problems something was wrong the crops failed and poison covered the land Hana left to search for food and supplies to save our village I watched her go that morning knowing I would never leave our home without her weeks turned to months and she did
not return we tried everything to help restore balance but nothing worked worked I knew our home was lost but I couldn't leave Hana behind I had to help her find her way back so I started to build hul [Music] H yeah ah a a [Music] [Music] I could not accept what I mean in my heart to be [Music] true somehow I felt leaving would make me forget her the life we shared would slip away that fear Blinded Me and I I tore apart everything we [Music] created I've lost someone too and the thought of forgetting
them scares me but I've met Hana and I know your love is strong even after all these years what you built together is still a part of the land your bond will never be broken [Music] that means say [Music] Hana and adira shared something special it lifts my heart to know they are together again adir knew she was powerless to stop the poison but she never gave up hope that Hana would find her way home zaju I saw something in de's memories some kind of creature it seemed to be connected to the troubles in the
village was there no way to drive it out you were not the first to ask me these questions our leader Toshi struggled to accept the will of nature Toshi loved this place and it broke him to see it wither away the leader of your village I've seen this Spirit on my dream he's at the heart of the corruption that blocks a path to the mountain Shrine he will not move on quietly make sure you are prepared before confronting this final Spirit look for torsi in the village leader Hall along the path to the mountain shrine
a [Music] you have come far spirit guide but what is it that you truly seek what are you hiding why are you here I can feel your true intent you pretend to care for this Spirit but really you only Serve [Music] Yourself you cannot hide your weakness from me [Music] [Music] Dad Dad where are [Music] you you can't stay here [Music] dad I want to go [Music] home my dad is gone can you help me find him don't worry we can look for him together this is his staff he can't get home without it can
you carry it for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] take it slow new Trav a great distance crossing over is no easy task toi's Spirit was different stronger than the others he was able to push me from his memories Toshi wields an untamed power but that is not why you failed corrupt Spirits feed on the conflicts within ourselves [Music] my father told me stories of the Sacred Mountain Shrine and its connection to the spirit realm after I lost him I set out to find the shrine hoping it would make me a better spirit guide I've always known
he was gone but I thought if I could help enough Spirits find peace he would see me and be proud many Spirit guides have come before you but they have all failed your father would be proud of who youve become [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your will is strong spirit to guide the power of the mountain Shrine is mine I took it to save my people it's time Toshi let go and we can restore your home together you want to challenge me come a [Music] together the rot are quite powerful but I have faced him once
[Music] before you may think you know these [Music] creatures let me show you their true nature w [Music] what [Music] there y [Music] [Music] our ancestors trusted in the PA of the mountain Shrine its Waters nurtur all Village gave us life strengthened our connection to the spirit [Applause] realm I could not understand why he would betray [Music] us our home was crumbling and the people look to me for answers I failed them and could only watch us life trained from the [Music] village so we should do nothing you should take action the creature is connected
to the balance of the land its presence the famine they are part of a natural cycle the land needs time to [Music] heal we must cross the mountains it's time to look for a new home your faith in the old ways has blinded you lead our people people and they will follow you Ziro you have the power to stop this we should drive it out but down St to I will end this suffering [Music] why are you punishing us why what did we do answer me how many people must die why tell me don't turn
your back on me listen to me [Applause] [Music] [Music] m we devoted ourselves to you we don't need you [Music] this is it [Music] Ziro once told me change was an essential part of life he understood the Roth God's purpose fear drove my actions and I destroy something beautiful if I had just listen to airo how many could have been saved I'm sorry [Music] toi we're not meant to suffer such pain grief is natural but it can imprison Ison us change who we are your torment has lasted long enough nothing will change what happened here
you must forgive yourself so the land can [Music] heal come Toshi our time here is over [Music] [Music] [Music] goodbye K there is only one Spirit left for you to [Music] help goodbye little friend [Music] to [Music] your [Music] St so [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] J you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] s [Music] you [Music] love I am [Music] [Music] St all I you oh [Music]