let's begin our meditation practice today by coming to a comfortable seated position wherever you are closing your eyes placing your hands in yanam mudra bman index fingers touching placing them on your knees as you take a deep breath in and exhale everything out settling into this present moment this present awareness of your body of your mind and of your energy no matter what may be going on in the external part of your world right now is a time for us to go Inward and to connect that energy that exists inside the energy of love peace
and joy even if it is covered by temporary Sensations and emotions such as anxiety stress or worry when we can look deeper in peace heal away all these layers of pain we truly get to experience a glimpse of our truest nature which is love compassion and peace so let's take another deep breath in together and make the decision for this moment to let all of it Go allow yourself to feel supported and held by the ground underneath you allow yourself to let go of any tension or physical worry in your face relaxing your forehead allowing
the eyes to be heavy relaxing your cheeks unclenching your jaw and allowing your tongue to rest softly in your mouth feel any tension that may have been carried in your face today become liquefied and slowly drip and roll away from your face all the way down and then continuing to melt and fall away from your shoulders your heart your lungs your ribs your belly hips all the way down to your legs Falling Away giving away to the Earth inhale and exhale now let's slowly bring our awareness to the center of your being your heart noticing
the wrist mical beat of your heart as you gently inhale and as you exhale notice the speed of your heart very gently slow down now slowly bring your awareness to the center of of your chest visualizing small opening beginning to appear like a secondary set of nostrils placed within that Center of your being take a deep breath in into that Center and begin to visualize yourself welcoming light into that part of your body seeing these rays of light gently begin to penetrate your skin and move themselves all the way into that Center all that you
are beautiful radiant rays of light welcome them and then as you exhale I'd like you to visualize yourself exhaling all the heaviness that you may have or continue to carry within your heart seeing this energy in whatever shape or form or color that it manifest to you and slowly releasing this energy out of the these imaginary nostrils are the center points of your heart of your chest watching this energy slowly leave and melt out of your body leaving and detoxifying out of your body out of your mind out of your being inhale bring in the
healing the peace exhale it's time to let go of this energy that isn't serving you that isn't serving your highest being it's time to let go of this fear to let go of worry feeling of uncertainty it's time to trust that Light Within allowing the breath to guide you through this release watching and giving permission for all the negative energy inside of you to leave your body at this time watching and welcoming coming the beautiful radiant light to enter your body with peace with love and with compassion that you deserve inhale exhale stay here now
just for a moment practicing total present awareness of this conscious energy exchange within breathing in and breathing out letting all of it Go watching your thoughts as they come and go and if you begin to feel yourself become pulled away away or distracted by the details of any of these thoughts then simply come back to the breath come back to the sensation what it feels like to inhale air into the body to Exhale it out of your body it's that simple just the in and the out inhale and and exhale [Music] for [Music] [Music] inhale
and exhale slowly allowing yourselves to take another deep breath in together at the time and then exhale all of it out give yourself the permission to Simply Be In This Moment without any expectations or judgments simply allow yourself to be one with the light that you have cultivated from within whenever you're ready to move on with your day you may begin to welcome slow movement back into the body if you like placing your hands in unul mudra and prayer position as a gesture of gratitude to yourself and to all the beautiful energies that are present
with you right now remember no matter how noisy the external world world may become you always have the power to invoke this light this peace within you it is who you truly are and nothing and no one could ever take that away from you from my heart to yours thank you namaste [Music]