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🔥 Aquí tienes el remedio definitivo para la tendencia a aburrir a otros en tus conversaciones: Clav...
Video Transcript:
Being a boring person is a chore. Why if you are boring you have everything to lose in personal relationships. And the worst… is that boring people hardly ever know that they are.
Not even when we put them in front of his face all the signs and because he is boring us. But do not worry. If it happens to you, you have the possibility of going from being a person boring to be a charismatic person with an incredible social appeal,… a person memorable and with whom everyone loves relate.
And today I'm going to explain exactly how to get it quickly. If you want to work it more in depth, I recommend the Expert Course in Influence and Persuasion, which you have included in the Campus of Personal Power. I leave you the link to the Campus: https://www.
30kcoaching. com/poderpersonal260520 You know: Symbolic price of $ 12 / month and you have access to impressive training. Tea I leave it up here and in the information box.
But let's start with this, because you're going to notice an abysmal difference if you apply it. Let's go there with the 5 tricks he shares the Science of People research team to go from being a boring person to being a person with whom it is a pleasure to speak. Let's start!
1: Involves the other person's brain It involves the other person's brain. The molecular biologist at the state university from Washington John Medina explains that our Brains are like hungry babies. Sue interesting bites all the time.
So that when you want to stop being boring, you need to activate the other person's brain. Literally what you have to do is involve the other person on an emotional level. And is that most of the interactions Social are like flat dashes.
We keep the same boring conversations over and over again with different people, and we are so used to them that we reproduce them on autopilot with an almost non-existent brain involvement. So what you need is to give small electric shocks (metaphorical, of course) to the other person's brain. You need to give impulses, sparks that make your brain: first be surprised (and there comes into play emotion), and second, be stimulated.
make to use it, to use your brain when talk to you. And so, it is impossible that person is bored. And how we do it?
Well, for starters, stop using precooked social scripts. Generally, we go to a party, to an event networking, or introduce us to someone on an informal context, and we always have the same boring conversations and we do always the same boring questions . .
. How about the job? What is your job?
How do you know the host? Absolute boredom. Are conversations predictable and don't stimulate anyone's brain.
Instead, what I propose to you is that, once you've introduced yourself (you know, "Hi, Hi, I'm Sandra ”). Start the conversation with a question that dislodges your brain. I am going to propose 3 ideas for disturbing questions: "What has been the best part of your week?
" It is not a complicated question. However, is definitely going to be a question that your brain is not expected. It is going to look like "oh!
. . .
the best part of my week ! ? ”.
The next question I want you to try is this: “Apart from work, what do you Makes you want to get up in the morning? Here we are invoking your passions. AND no doubt his brain is going to be out of whack because nobody starts a conversation like that.
But it's a nice question at the same time how surprising. So you are going to have to use your brain, and you're going to like the feeling. And we go with a third question idea: "Are you working on a project What are you passionate about lately?
This use it with people you just met just if you feel the context allows it. By example on a first date it might fit very good. Without a doubt, he is also an initiator fantastic conversation to use with people you already know.
For example, you meet again in summer with an old acquaintance or coworker, and you ask if you are working on a project that passionate lately. Perfect. You will be activating his brain and you're asking him for something he loves to talk about, for sure.
Starting your conversations in a disorderly way and not precooked, you will get, for a aside, that person is not bored, because you are stimulating his brain; and on the other aside, you'll get me to remember you. Why I assure you that a few months later, when see you, think "ohh! It's Sandra, the girl to which I was talking about my novel in that summer party ”.
And the memory It will be very good. Imagine the difference between being remembered like that or being remembered like "oh . .
. the girl that told me it was cold lately ”. No Yes The conversation was about time, no I would remember you.
Let's go with the second trick! 2: Show interest to be interesting This is something that I insist on a lot my students from the Campus of Personal Power: https://www. 30kcoaching.
com/poderpersonal260520 Show interest to be interesting. The researcher at Columbia University John Dewey discovered that there is something that everything human being needs food and coat. Guess what it can be?
Well and as their social investigations showed, all human beings have the need of feeling important. We have the need to feel special, to feel valuable. Knowing this, what you can do at events and parties where you want to have an impact positive and be memorable instead of boring is to make use of this knowledge.
make that the people you talk to sit important and special. I will give you a trick for this. Of course, you will have already assumed that you have than dedicate yourself to asking questions instead of talk and talk and keep talking about you because that's not going to make the other person feel valued or special.
But not all the questions they have the same effect in this regard. The trick is this: Ask fewer questions "what" and "when" and ask more questions of "how" and "why". For example, it may be okay to ask to the other person what he does, that is, what is dedicated, but that is a question of "what"; don't leave it there.
When I told you what is engaged, ask him how he does his job, what exactly it does. It is a much more interesting question and shows your interest much more broadly than a simple "what do you do", no more. Also, this question prompts the other person to give a longer answer, to open up more to you.
Another example of how you could complement a simple question like "what do you do" It could be using the "why". You can add something like “How interesting! And why have you chosen this profession?
How did you come to the conclusion that this was the professional career you wanted for you? ". It is very simple to make the someone else feels special, and it will be better the more sincere your interest in you're asking.
So turn around a curious person, and you will never be a person boring. Let's go with the third trick! 3: Focus 100% on the conversation Focus 100% on the conversation.
It seems a no-brainer, but you will have seen infinity times. People who are talking to you and, at the same time, they are pending mobile notifications. Or are they listening to you but, at the same time, they are looking nervous, pay attention to who enters through the door, who it goes by… like they're looking the opportunity to replace you with an interlocutor more interesting.
Is it something you usually do you? Confess yourself in a comment, I want know if you sin from this. Do you usually lose the visual focus on your conversations?
It doesn't matter if you do everything else well, if you have your eyes somewhere other than the person speaking to you, that person will instantly perceive your lack of interest . . .
and that doesn't like it, it doesn't feel good. Avoiding this is not complicated, in principle, and instead it is one of the things that most cost. It takes a world for us not to be distracted.
But keep this in mind and focus 100% on the other person, and your impact will be powerful. Let's go with another trick: the fourth. 4: Orient your body towards the other person Orient your body towards the other person.
There is a detail that you can try, and it works very good because you transmit to the subconscious from the other person who is there, with all your presence and interest. And it consists in that place your trunk and your feet pointing the person with the what do you speak. Maybe you think the other person won't perceive it, but I assure you that your subconscious does captures.
People instinctively we point our feet towards the place to which we want to address. It's something we do unconsciously, but it happens. You are upset in one place and you want to leave then your feet point towards the door.
You are in a group of people and you feel drawn for one of them, then your feet point towards that person. It is very telling. Fifth trick!
5: nod 3 times Nod 3 times. Something like that… Do it when you want the other person to continue speaking. It is a very effective trick that transmits that you have interest, that you want to know more.
And psychologically it has a very powerful effect. You do it and the other person keeps talking. It almost never fails.
An investigation carried out by the researcher social Vanessa Van Edwards found that, when in a conversation one of the two interlocutors nods 3 times, the other ends up talking 3-4 times more than I would have. Awesome, Hey? And it's just what you're looking for because, remember, the more the other person speaks, the better it will be his memory of you.
Try doing it, seriously. I guess so It is the first time that they tell you this, the idea of ​​nodding will seem very funny 3 times to see how the other person continues speaking. But give it a try.
It will surprise you see how well it works. Now you may be thinking . .
. "yes, It is very good to apply certain tricks to not being a boring person, but does this going to automatically become a person charismatic? Well they will help you a lot to be, yes, but there are several keys scientifically proven that they will take you directly to raise your charisma.
I tell you in the video that I leave you here: https://www. youtube. com/watch?
v=RACh3aFgPzI And I also leave you the access button to Campus of Personal Power, where you will have included the Expert Course on Influence and Persuasion: https://www. 30kcoaching.
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