Jehovah's Witness BIBLE Exposed by SAM SHAMOUN

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Sam Shamoun exposes some of the teachings of the Watchtower Society and the Jehovah's Witness "New W...
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right same thing with this guy so if you listen to this guy you were gonna find out we have with us if you can get past all the issues we have one of the greatest Bible teachers in the world we have the greatest apologist against Islam not in the world in history and if you know me you know I do not toss around comments like that Jack I'm dead serious here you go to all of history this is the guy all right so with that said he's going to be talking about not Islam Jehovah's Witnesses
but he's just as epic at that all right it's my habit to always begin by invoking the father of our Lord Jesus Christ so father we love you and we love your son the Lord Jesus Christ and we love your Holy Spirit I asked for the sake of your son that you bless this session anoint me by the power of your spirit to speak truth clearly for the glory of Jesus and bless your people here who are present father without your Holy Spirit I'm not up for the task so I depend on your spirit father
so Abba have mercy on us and use me to strengthen your church use me by your spirit to cause your church to fall more passionately in love with your very heart Jesus Christ who became flesh because Christ is your heart your love that became flesh and we thank you for the gift of your heart we thank you for Jesus and we thank you for the Spirit we need you ABBA I need you we need your son we need your spirit have your way be magnified and I say on behalf of the church we love you
the Lord Jesus we love you in Holy Spirit we love you in Jesus name now before I begin again as you can see I don't know if I should cry or rejoice after that introduction but one thing I do want to say and it's not I'm not complimenting him because he complimented me he's actually proof of predestination I had no choice working with this man it was predestined before the foundation of the world so I'm stuck with it but no I thank the Lord for David Wood and vocab it is an honor truly an honor
that I'm part of this apologetics team because in my estimation these two brothers are the best and I love them from my heart and I mean this when I say this I'm willing to die for them for the sake of Jesus so I thank God for them and I want to thank the pastor for allowing me to come because he doesn't really know me but he trusts vocabs decision to allow me behind the pulpit to be use of the Spirit to bless his people god bless you Pastor bless the members of your church and watch
over you and shine his face upon you and help you for the sake of the Lord well that said I just want to take I know because they set 55 minutes but you don't understand when you say 55 minutes to the middle Easterner that's three hours you need to repent of your Western ways Jesus was Middle Eastern he worked on Middle Eastern time so when it says 55 minutes we'll be out of here no later than midnight and you're gonna love it right well that said I want to see where what happened at his guy
James did he disappear oh I just want to take a moment to do some people that are dear and near to my heart James Dylan and I want you to stand up he's probably one of the ugliest decisions you'll ever meet but besides that this man me and him go back pre-christian days him and his three brothers were actually the first Assyrians Assyrians to become professional boxers and now he's a fighter for Jesus and evangelists he is someone dear and precious to my heart so James yawnin god bless him sitting over here we got four
special guests that came to hear me tonight they too are my family my relatives you have two Sargon's here sargans Amaya and Sargon coma and their better halves their spouses they're here because they believe that the Lord is going to show up in a mighty way and they happen to be Assyrian for those of you don't know the Assyrians are if you want to make sure you're going to enter heaven you need to learn the language of the Assyrians you know Muslims tell you Arabic is the heavenly language that's a lie it's a Syrian and
now the reason why I say that all joking aside a Syrian are actually people found in your Old Testament there are two books in your Ebru Bible that describe my ancestors can anyone guess which two books in the Old Testament speak of my ancestors the Assyrians not Syria we're not from Syria we're not Arabs we're much older than the Arabs but you'll find the Hebrew Bible speaking of my ancestors quite often and there are two books in particular two books that deal with my ancestors can any want to guess which book some I'm referring to
yes who said that hallelujah the Book of Jonah he was going to the great city of Nineveh now take one look one good look at me and you see why he didn't want any of my ancestors to be saved right but thank the Lord that God is not like Jonah God has a heart for all nations that he created in his image and he's going to call out a people from every tribe nation and tongue and Here I am an Assyrian slave of Jesus Christ what's the second book what's the second book everyone knows Jonah
the book of Nahum you guys remember Jay Vernon McGee everybody's old-time preachers with the Lord he used to pronounce these names like the book of Nahum right bucum now home it's also about my ancestors in Jonah we got saved and now whom we got destroyed so those two books are dedicated to my ancestors and Here I am living artifact archaeological proof those four and him we are archaeological proof of the truth of the Old Testament because the Assyrians are still alive because Jesus Christ our Lord was faithful to preserve a remnant out of this nation
and that's I stand before you as an Assyrian slave of Jesus Christ and finally last but not least I want to also give glory to God for this brother Ryan this man here has been used of the Lord to be a great blessing in my life currently I'm going through some trials of the devil to discourage me but we know that the devil has been crushed under the feet of Jesus Christ and he that is in us is greater than he and it was in the world so same can try all he wants as long
as I'm in the hands of the shepherd he will fail to destroy me because my trust is in Jesus and the Lord in His goodness raises up people to help you in your time of need and that brother was one of them and I thank God for you Ryan may he bless you and your family and your little princess and watch over you you truly are a brother from my heart and I thank you I love your brother now that said are you ready to go home alright now you see here on the screen praise
God I over the years I've gone into a bad habit when when I teach I have people read for me it's a habit I picked up early on because it becomes easier for me just to mention a verse and have someone read it out loud but thank God for modern technology because we're talking about Jose witnesses here is the Java witness official website JW org it's one of the best-looking most professional websites that I've seen this gives you an idea of their zeal and their passion and trying to promote a gospel that they think is
the gospel of Christ but we know it's no gospel at all at all is a satanic counterfeit but now look at their zeal look that tells you they're spending money and trying to sell their product a gospel that they think is the gospel of Jesus Christ one we know it's satanic at it's very core but look how beautiful it is we're going to be using this website because I'm gonna be using their own translation to try to prove the biblical basis of the Trinity and I'll explain to you why I want to use their translation
but if you scroll down brother thank you and this is where I need you guys to get your Bibles ready get your Bibles ready because time is fleeting I'm going I'm going to do my best to cover as much ground as possible by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ now go back to the main Bible page brother go back to the main Bible page here online for free they make available their various editions of their corrupt version of the Bible as well as if you scroll down a little more brother I don't think he
can see me but he's going on you see right here it says the kingdom interlinear translation of the Greek scriptures thank God for modern technology because now they make available their own resources which you can use against them to show how they perverted the scriptures and one of the best ways of showing a Java witness that their Bible is perverted is by using their own interlinear Greek New Testament and you will see the point in a minute as we delve into the topic so here are line for free you can access the various Bibles they
make available they also make available the American Standard Version the Bible of living English and the King James Version one of the reasons why they make available the American Standard Version because this is one of the few English translations where in the Old Testament the word Jehovah is used repeatedly in the Old Testament the word Jehovah is used repeatedly and the reason why they want to endorses translations to show you they didn't come up with the name Jehovah it's not something unique to chose witnesses Joe jehovah is a name used by other translations even by
Trinitarians in reference to the one true god because they're convinced that in order to be saved you must know the name of the true god and so they'll tell you does God have a name and they'll ask you what is it if you know now many people are not comfortable saying the word Jehovah they're more comfortable saying Yahweh I have no problem saying Java because Jehovah is also used in the King James Bible and contrary to vocab that heretic if the King ain't on it the King ain't in it if you don't got a King
James you need to repent so why say you're gonna be the greatest church planter human history every church you go to you divide it into two right no I'm just kidding let's go to Exodus chapter 6 well you know what I forgot let's not go to Exodus because you know how many of you guys have a King James with you alright here's what I want you to do if you have a King James you get King James alright he's gonna read from me out loud go to Exodus chapter 6 verses 2 to 3 where does
the King James translation use the word Java and a sharp Java witness will point to these passages from the King James translation to show you that the word Jehovah is not unique to the organization it's not unique to them they didn't coin the term Jehovah it was used before there was a Java witness before there was a Charles taze Russell the founder of the Jose witnesses so if you go into King James you'll only see this in the King James unless you have American Standard Version or the New Jerusalem Bible and the New Jerusalem Bible
it uses the word Yahweh Yahweh as opposed to Java but in Exodus chapter 6 verses 2 to 3 in the King James read out loud for his brother so they can hear you wait in verse 3 of the King James Version Exodus 6:3 what is God's name Jehovah cities are one of the four passages that they'll point to to convince you we didn't come up with the name Jehovah it's in your King James Bible and don't forget for roughly 300 years the chief English translation of the Bible for english-speaking Christians was the King James for
roughly three is three hundred years and I'm not trying to sell you in the King James but that's just simply a fact until in the nineteenth century with the rise of modern versions so this is what they'll do another one Psalm 68 verse four and we'll get into the meat of the matter because I'm just laying a foundation because we're going to dive into some meat and you know I'm not vegetarian I love meat I'm a meat-eater so I love spiritual meat right amen you didn't say it like you meant it right Psalm 68 verse
4 the King James Version again how does it render the divine name Psalm 68 verse 4 read it for me jaw is the abbreviated form for Jehovah and this is the King James it's not the New World Translation how does he ride the clouds by the power of his name jaw abbreviation for Jehovah or what we call the Tetragrammaton now go to Psalm 83 verse 18 Psalm 83 verse 18 and I'm going to explain briefly what they believe about Jesus Christ and then show you the do's and don'ts of witnessing to Joe's witnesses remember I
have a lot to cover in 55 minutes that means I have a lot to cover in two and a half hours Middle Eastern time Psalm 83 verse 18 now what translation are you sure that's not a job witness Bible so you're telling me the King James Version uses the word Jehovah as the name of the true God see this is where they try to catch you right they try to prove to you see we didn't come up with the name Jehovah it's been there in your Bible that's his name you must know it now one
way in one area they're correct God does have a unique name in the Hebrew Scriptures right God's name is not God God's name is not Lord in fact the Hebrew terms used for God Elohim I'm sure you've heard of it in these were names used for gods and goddesses these were the names used for the gods and goddesses of the pagans in fact the word Elohim is used for day at that Dagon or if you want to say Dagon in judges 1623 bagging or Dagon the god of the Philistines he said he said to be
their Elohim so the word Elohim is not unique to the true God neither is the word Lord in Hebrew Adonai that's used for others as well so then how do you differentiate your God from their gods how do you differentiate your Elohim from their Elohim your R&I from their Adonai and God says this is how my name is Yahweh Jehovah Jehovah that's my name to distinguish me from the gods and goddesses of the nations and that's how you are to know me and call me by now the New Testament changes things quite drastically the New
Testament and it's ironic you will not find a single occurrence of the Divine Name in the Greek New Testament the New Testament nowhere uses the divine name Jehovah but here's what's interesting in the English translation of the Joe witness Bible they've inserted the word Jehovah 237 times repeated again in the English translation of the Jobos Witness Bible they have inserted the name Java 237 times without any manuscript basis to do so they just decided to do it let me let me prove my point every one of you turned in your Bibles to Revelation 1:8 and
brother if you're over there go to the 2013 edition of the Java Witness Bible go to Revelation 1 verse 8 hope I'm not boring you yet if you if you if you're born now wait till we're done in fact one thing I I praise God for David Wood he's the greatest cure for insomnia listen to him for five minutes and he'll knock you out alright relation chapter 1 verse 8 now you don't need to be reading the King James here you can read some other translation view on you have ESV okay as we the church
uses ESV of course man you guys are five-point Calvinist baby ESV is the Bible for Calvinist fact if they could invent another five points they would it to be the ten points of count but anyway that's another story ESV English standard version revelation 1:8 now can you read an ESV but wait notice in the new world translation I'm the Alpha and Omega says Jehovah God it's right there on the screen did you see they substituted the word Lord which in Greek is kit EOS if you want to pronounce it the irassman way kiddie use with
Jehovah I am the Alpha Omega says Jehovah God the one who is and it was who is coming the almighty even though if you go back to the main page rather the Bible the Bible page I'm gonna show you something go back to the Bible page go to their interlinear go back again now go to their interlinear the kingdom interlinear you'll see it's right there the blue one yeah right there click on it thank God for modern technology it makes our job so much easier to expose the cults for the glory of the triune God
here's their own Greek into and you don't need to read the Greek they provide an English translation of the Greek words go to relation 1:8 watch here relation 1:8 here's their own Greek the Greek they use to produce the English translation when you click on 1/8 go now is verse 8 we're just gonna read English you don't need to read the Greek if you can do your geek praise God I'm the Alpha Omega so it's saying Lord there it is that's the Greek the word job is not there they inserted it do you know why
they inserted Java 237 times in order to indoctrinate brainwash their followers from seeing Jesus as God Almighty because if you read revelation 1:8 without the word Java that's Jesus speaking not the father but the moment I put the word Jove in then to the Java witness that can't be Jesus cuz he can't beat your ova see what they did you understand how subtle this deceit is of the enemy insert the word Jehovah in the right passages in order to disconnect Jesus from being God Almighty in the flesh because if you read the ESV and you
read in context the one who's speaking there is Jesus Christ he's the one saying I am the Almighty not if you have the Jove written his Bible now let me prove to you it's Jesus Christ let's go back to Revelation 178 using the ESV again context is keen for everything now again if I had time I would unpack these arguments and solidify these arguments presenting an irrefutable case that they can't get around but let me remind you of something I don't care how strong your case is apart from the work of the Holy Spirit all
you do is bring greater judgment on the witness because the more truth he hears and the more he rejects the greater his judgment so I want to deceive people and I don't want you to be naive your apologetics does not make a person a Christian even your evangelism doesn't make a person a Christian unless used by the spirit to open hearts and minds to accept the truth because first Corinthians 12 verse 3 is quite clear 1st Corinthians 12 verse 3 no man can say Jesus is Lord apart from the Spirit of God and I'm not
saying Jesus is Lord in the Java witness sense when Paul says Jesus is Lord he means no man can say Jesus is Jehovah because their Lord in that context means Jesus is that Jehovah who became flesh and I'll prove it to you because a lot of people don't know that when Paul tells you that if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord he means if you confess that Jesus is Jehovah of the Old Testament can I prove to you guys because I know you're a bunch of skeptics oh you don't believe Assyrians because you're
haters but that's okay I forgive you let's go to Romans 10 let me show you let me prove to you from Romans 10 I will come back to Revelation I promise you there's a method to my man but - there's a madness to my plan whatever yeah okay Romans 10 verse 9 let me now conclusively prove from the context any good bible expositor Ettore preacher will tell you context is king in understanding a passage sometimes the context means looking at the entire chapter or looking at the verses before and after or looking at that verse
in the context of the book as a whole or in the context of all the writings of a particular author right now in Romans 10 verse 9 it says that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus literally it's the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart God has raised him from the dead you shall be saved my question to every one of you is what does he mean confess Jesus is Lord in what sense do you confess Jesus as Lord meaning your master your sovereign your owner or does he mean confess him as
Lord in the sense of confessing that he is Jehovah how do we know if you don't need to guess verse 13 tells you there it tells you what it means to confess Jesus is Lord now by the way the Joe Witness Bible butchers this too we're gonna read from the ESV but if you don't mind brethren go to their 2013 edition go to Romans 10 verse 13 in there you not jehovah that you need to confess and call on is none other than Jesus Sir Paul what are you trying to tell me I'm telling you
Jesus is Jehovah you don't get it in other words the confession of the Christian faith isn't simply Jesus is my master when you say he is Lord you mean more than master you mean he is Jehovah who became flesh for my Redemption but here's the problem what do you have a Joe witness Bible look what they do again Romans 10:13 is this romans 10:13 or instill in Romans 13 like man we can't keep up with you right what what are you at now cuz I have no idea where you guys are at Romans chapter 10
verse 13 in the new world translation that's not Romans 10 verse 13 you're okay now let's go to 30 now notice what they did again notice what they did forever who calls on the name of Jehovah there's that word Jehovah again why do you think they answered the word Jehovah so that their followers who have been indoctrinated to see that Java is the father alone will not make the connection between Jesus as Jehovah because right now for a java witness you know what he just read I have to call on the name of the father
to be saved but you say hold on Joel the witness verse 9 says no it's Jesus will you call on as Lord why the disconnect from 9 of 13 when it's the same context the same point why are you shredding the Scriptures in this manner to avoid the plain teaching of the Bible Jesus is your Jehovah because once you buy into a system that tells you it's God's mouthpiece on earth then that system tells you what the Bible can and cannot mean and so the society has already told its followers Jesus can't be Tova so
it can't mean that it's gotta be the Father now here's what's beautiful is the word Java in their own Greek interlinear go back to the interlinear let's look at this let's go to their interlinear here's what's beautiful let's go to enter lane here thank you Lord for using even this website to destroy this cult and bring you glory you see how amazing God is God is so sovereign he's even left a witness of himself in this corrupt Bible and corrupt organization and you tell me God ain't sovereign what an amazing God we serve right Romans
10 click on in the Greek Romans 10 that's the Greek have the word Jehovah okay go down to verse 13 now here we're just gonna read the English everyone for who likely might call upon the name of Lord kiddy you the word job is not even in their Greek the word job is not even in their English translation of the Greek so then why did you insert the word Java in order to deceive people from the truth of who Jesus is but if you see it for what it is now notice the word 13 it
says kiddy you that's Lord go back to verse 9 who is that Lord kitty you in verse 9 now watch your verse 9 that if ever you should confess the saying in the mouth of you the lord haughty curious Zeus he is the KTU he is you it's inescapable from the Greek this is why you have to get familiar with their resources to use it by the power of the Spirit against them until every Java witness knew boughs and every Jehovah Witness mouth confesses Jesus you are Jehovah to the glory of God the Father so
God has made evangelism very easy for those who have a hard to reach the lost he made it easy I mean look how easy he made it for us we just need to use the resources that God has made available for his glory now that's it let's go back to revelation let me make that point and we'll talk a little bit about what they believe about Jesus and how to use their Bible the do's and don'ts of witnessing now I don't know what time I started what time did I start what was it I love
this guy you need to leave LA and come move here all right yeah I really don't know what time I started but the pastor looks like he likes me right he's like he's smiling he's like he's loved me thank you brother for that I'm gonna do halal Hogan for you at the end before I leave I won't do Halle Hogan all right now revelation 178 I said if you read a translation that doesn't insert the word Jehovah the context makes it clear Jesus is the one speaking as the Alpha Omega context is king you can't
do that in a java witness bible unless you use their interlinear but now you're gonna see why they inserted the word java very sneaky and you can see that the origin of this translation is satanic it's diabolical you know Satan moved this organization to produce such a perverted Bible translation but because God is greater than the devil even in his perverted Bible God has left a witness and I'm going to show you but let's read revelation 1:8 in the ESV I want to start at verse 7 no you guys don't need you can just stay
there for now and I'll tell you when to turn revelation 1 let's read verse 7 carefully to see who in the context is speaking to John as the Alpha and Omega the Almighty revelation 1 let's start at verse 7 read for me verse 7 now if I ask you who's coming according to that verse how do you know it didn't say Jesus well the father also comes in the clouds think about it it's right there it's in the verse it tells you can't be the father those who pierced him so Jove witness was the father
pierce know was Holy Spirit pierced no only the son so who's coming notice John says behold he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him even those who pierced them so the one coming is the one who's pierce that's when you start verse 8 now let's connect verse 8 with verse 7 who's now speaking the one who's coming I am the Alpha and the Omega says the Lord God who is who is who is to come according to verse 7 the one coming is the one pierce the Almighty you don't get any
clearer that's Jesus Christ claiming to be the Almighty clear not if you use the Java Witness translation because they inserted the word Jehovah and why is that important why do I am at the point Jose witnesses are conditioned that when they hear the word Jehovah their mind has been programmed to think father alone so when you say to a Joe witness Jesus is God you just said to the jovian as Jesus as the father because they don't define terms the way you do see when I say to a bunch of Trinitarians Jesus is God this
is what ran in your mind second person of the Trinity not the father not the spirit who became flesh that's already in your mind do you actually think Java witnesses share that assumption when you say to JoVE witness Jesus is God what he heard you say is he's the father how can he be the father was he pranked because they don't define the words the way you do so one of the ways not to witness to Jose witnesses is simply throw out words assuming they share the same definition that you do you can't just simply
say Jesus is God you are miscommunicating to a Java witness so you're gonna have to be able to enter their mindset put yourself in their shoes and see how they define these terms and then present the gospel in a manner where you don't miss communicate and that's exactly how Jesus preached is it a coincidence that Jesus never came out if you read the Gospels he never came out and said I am God in those exact words I challenge anyone to read the four Gospels show me a single place where Jesus says in the exact words
I am God he never does do you know why because the Jews similar to the Joe's witnesses assume God is the father in heaven so for Jesus to say to a Jew in the first century I am God that you would have understood him to say that he's the father in heaven and he's not so then what way could Jesus communicate to the Jews though I'm not the father I'm still God the way he does in the Gospels he claims to be the son in such a manner where he's one with the Father but this
thing from him and they got it well so clearly you're not the father but you still make yourself out to be God so we're getting what you're saying you're not the father but you're claiming to be God blasphemy and let me prove it to you let's go to John 10 John 10 am i putting you to sleep yet I'm trying to do what David Wood does best put people to sleep it's not working all right let's go to John 10 let me show you John 10 and we're gonna use the Java Witness Bible well no
we're not gonna use it yeah yeah let's use it we're gonna use both versions because another thing that the Joe witness translation suffers from its I call it other situs it's more dangerous than the corona virus it's called other situs and also the Joe witness translation suffers from what I call the lower case G syndrome lower case G sin and what do I mean you will find quite often verses that you quote to prove Jesus as God in their Bible they translate it as a God lower case G so I call this the lower case
G syndrome like in John 1:1 their translation says in the beginning was the word the Word was with God reward was a god if they do it in John 10 33 for the sake of time ESV John 10 33 and brother if you can go in John 10 33 this is what I call lower case G syndrome and other siteís it's a disease found all throughout the Joe witness Bible so another rule of witnessing to Joe the witnesses you have to be familiar to translation to know what verses not to quote let repeat that again
if you want to be effective to the Joe witness you need to know their Bible translation with such familiarity that you know what verses to avoid in discussion and because I'm familiar I know what verses not to turn to so I know not to turn to John 1 because John 1 would then entail the exposition of the Greek now how many of you have time to break down the Greek for a job witness let's be honest right thank you so avoid those controversial passages and go to the passages where they translate it correctly at least
for this version I'm assuming that in later versions when enough people start using these passages they're gonna miss translate them too right cuz that's their pattern now what do I mean in John 10 33 ESV how does it read John 10 33 ESV how does it read read aloud now do you want to see this disease called lowercase G this is lowercase G syndrome look at their translation the Jews answered him we are stoning you not for a fine work but for blasphemy for you although being a man make yourself a god easy hey God
lowercase G this is what I call the lowercase G syndrome it's a disease right right now but I want to show you how Jesus in this chapter claimed to be God without claiming to be the father and the Jews got it let's put this translation aside for now most people will quote John 10:30 I'm the father 1 not good enough folks John 10:30 and when Christians do it I understand either it's because they think it's sufficient to prove their case but a sharp anti Trinitarian is ready to refute you when you quote John 10:30 I
in the father 1 he's ready to take you to John 17:11 well the disciples are one as Jesus is one with God does that make them God so they're ready for you they're studying your arguments to refute you but you're not studying their objections to refute them for the glory of Christ because Paul says we demolish every argument in order to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ how are you going to demolish arguments if you don't know what their arguments are how are you gonna do that you don't start at John
10:30 when you want to prove that Jesus is claiming to be God but not the father you do not start verse 30 you start at 27 let's break it down you ready John 10:27 30 now remember what I said Jesus being the perfect communicator knew what to say and what not to say in order to make sure that his audience got the point I'm not the father but I'm God one with him right so he knew his audience and he knew how to communicate his deity perfectly because he's the god man and the perfect speaker
so let's learn from his example how not to witness and how to witness now notice they're going to get it you're not the father but you are a man claiming to be God that we got you're not the father but you're a man claiming to be God and that's unheard of because only the father is God and God is in a man and Jesus says surprise surprise no the father's not the only one who's God there's another who is God and he did become man namely me his son now how did he do it John
10:27 28 read that for me John 10:27 20 see I'm putting him to sleep now he's yawning what a hater bro I just praised you my goodness it's the last time you're coming okay John 10:27 28 okay if you like to underline your Bibles or mark them up underline my sheep my voice my sheep my voice underline that right and I know them so my sheep my voice and then keep going underline I give them everlasting life and no one can snatch them out of my hands so let's let's again repeat what Jesus just said
my sheep hear my voice I give them everlasting life and no one can snatch them out of my hand now let's compare the language of Jesus with the Old Testament are you ready no one can snatch them out of my hand they are my sheep to hear my voice go to Psalm 95 Psalm 95 and let's read State Psalm 95 68 guys remember the words of Christ let it echo in your ears my sheep my voice right my sheep my voice no one can snatch them out of my hand and I get ok now let's
see why that's significant Psalm 95 6 to 8 in the ESV read out loud for me brother the Sheep of his hand my sheep in my hand today if you hear his voice and they hear my voice you make the connection Jesus just sounded like he's as if he's the god of the psalmist the psalmist says we are the sheep in his hand and we are tears voice and Jesus says they are my sheep in my hand and they hear my voice who do you think you are why are you taking the language of the
Old Testament and applying it to yourself who do you think you are God in the flesh but what are the other things I give them everlasting life and no one can snatch them out of my hand deuteronomy 32:39 Dharana me 32 39 is it too hot on you guys you're okay none do I can you know nothing I can do about the heat unless it's my good looks just no I'm just kidding all right they're on me 32 39 and the ESV donar me 30 to 39 and ESV read out loud I am he I
make alive and Jesus I give everlasting life here's the proof that I Jehovah alone am God I alone make alive but Jesus wait I give them everlasting life and there none who can deliver out of my hand jesus says no one can deliver out of my hand who do you think you are why do you speak as if you're the God of the Old Testament why are you claiming the perogative x' that makes god god in distinction from creation who do you think you are Jesus of Nazareth I am God in the flesh but I'm
not the father do you see the language was it clear this man is speaking as if he's the god of the Old Testament and they're getting it but does that mean that they thought he's claiming to be the father no this is where verse 29 comes in my father who has given them to me is greater than all no one can snatch them out of my father's hand and then that's what he says I and my father 1 that's the context the context is not verse 30 it's 27 to 30 I am one with my
father in our ability to preserve the Sheep incorruptible and there's no power that can ever pluck the Sheep out of our hands because I'm one with the father I'm just as mighty as he is in preserving the flock that's when the stones come out now okay you just claimed to be God in the flesh though you're not the father who do you think you are God in the flesh who's not the father hello you say what's beautiful about the original language so you don't see it in the English and this passage by the way destroys
modalism a heresy masquerading as Christianity let's let the Java witness interlinear help us here John 10:30 if you go to the intern Lehner John 10:30 here's what's beautiful the verb are in your English language you don't see it in the English but in the Greek it's s men that's minutes plural it's we are showing there not one person we are one so I'm not the father the father's not I were distinct but were one in our power and ability so notice how he communicates his deity perfectly he just clearly said I am NOT the father
okay we got that you're not the father but like the father I am God who can do only what God does that's where your blaspheming because as far as we're concerned the father alone is God and Jesus says well here let me let you in a little surprise he's not the only one who's God his son I am also God with him along with the Holy Spirit and here John 10:30 do well here you see where it says in even translate the plural for you see it says we are s minutes and estimate that's plural
not we are the same person we're not we're two distinct persons that's why it's plural we are one in our ability to preserve the flock you don't get any more clear and communicating the fact Jesus is not the father but he is just as almighty as the father is because he's one with him in essence who became flesh see so why didn't Jesus just come on say I'm God that would have miscommunicated just like if you say to a Joe witness hey Jesus Joe you know you told to Joe goodness hey Jesus is the father
and they're scratching their head how can he be the father what are you talking about man was he praying to who set him right why would he say the father is greater than hawkins because they don't define language the way you do so one rule is know how to communicate your belief effectively to the person that you're sharing the gospel with if he's a Muslim think like a Muslim share the gospel in a way that a Muslim can understand it Joe witness think I could put yourself in their shoes if you really want to see
them get saved and be an effective tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit before I move on to the next point I'm gonna keep asking reason even though I was joking about two hours it's 9 18 how long how much more time so I can time myself pastor saying don't even ask me brah today you're gonna lock up the church okay what was that mom man I Love You Man I'm gonna see a lot more of you because I live here now right anyway I should have told you what they believed about Jesus Christ
let me put that in perspective cuz this is all preparatory the job witness believed and some of you already know this I'm preaching to the choir but when I actually found out the specific details of their belief it blew me away I thought I knew what they believed he's the Archangel Michael it gets a little more complicated if you ask a Joe witness who's the first creature that God made they'll say the Archangel Michael well who's the Archangel Michael Michael he's the human Jesus but here's where it gets baffling in Jehovah Witness theology the Archangel
Michael sees too when the human Jesus was conceived in the womb of his mother so God took the life force of the Archangel Michael and his memories and implanted it in that human seed but Archangel Michael ceased to exist when the human Jesus came into being so he wasn't an angel in the flesh he was just a man with the memories of Michael and the life force of maker Michael whatever that means what does it mean he has the life force of Michael good luck can try and get a Joe Witt nough six plain what
that means but as far as they're concerned when the human Jesus came into existence Michael ceased to be so then what's the connection I thought he is Michael he had the memories of Michael and the life force of Michael but he wasn't Michael he was just a man Jesus that's what they believe don't take my word for it ask them you think that's confusing and baffling what happened when Jesus died Michael was recreated and the man Jesus disappeared there is no more man Christ Jesus it's now the Archangel Michael who's recreated with the memories of
the human Jesus there is no Jesus in Java witnessed theology he's gone this is what they believe don't take my word for Assam so it's Archangel Michael Jesus is he the actual human Jesus they'll say no he's the spirit creature the Archangel Michael who was recreated with the memories of the human Jesus so Angela witnessed theology Jesus is dead and gone he does not exist that's what they believe is it sinking in or no somebody just looking at me someone's the guy going finished or is it like you're shocked I don't know what it is
right is it shot Gore's I don't know because you're like all right there is no Jesus Christ and Joel the witness theology though they'll use the name Jesus though they'll use the name Jesus Jesus the man is gone it's now the Archangel Michael recreated and exalted to a higher status with the memories of the human Jesus that's what they believe does that sound like you're Jesus so their God is not your God their G is not your Jesus and their spirit is not the spirit you believe in but this is what they believe so this
is what they believe now how do we show them they're wrong the do's and don'ts of witnessing to Jose witnesses number one try as much as you can to use their Bible against them and know what passage is to site and what passage is not to cite let me give you example some of the most powerful passages showing that Jesus is God deliberately mistranslated in the New World Translation I'll just give you yeah let me give you John 1 the 18 because ESV would read only God John 1:18 can you go to John 1:18 in
the New World Translation John 1:18 in the New World Translation and then we're gonna read ESV remember I said you had other siteís going on that disease called other situs and the lowercase G syndrome you're gonna see it again alright John 1:18 in the SV translates the Greek words mano kinase feyo's in a very amazing manner if you read the SV the two words mahogany's they us are rendered only God so Jesus is said to be the only god powerful now some would debate the translation of mahogany's but that's irrelevant let's put that aside your
translation ESV it would say if you want to read it read it for me is we the English yes no one has seen God want read it again isn't it Jesus is the only capital G God powerful witnesses DD not if a Joe witness reads it from his translation so learn what passage is not to quote so you don't get into a debate on Greek grammar syntax do you really have time to go into the Greek grammar and you think they're gonna trust you because the Joel Witnesses are taught one thing I thought I brought
my bud did I bring the Joe with anyway forgets over there Joe witnesses viable Joe Vanessa's are taught you have little clock and the great crowd the little flock of 144,000 anointed they alone know the interpretation of the Bible and the great crowd needs them to tell you what the Bible means that's what they're taught they'll tell you the Bible was not written for the masses it was written for the 144,000 they alone know what it means so you need them to tell you what it means so now if you're a joke witness and you're
taught only The Anointed class can tell me what the Bible means and here you are you're not even a trove witness let alone part of the anointed class and you're now telling him what the Bible means he's going to look at you with suspicion this guy's at the devil he won't listen to you he's been taught this man is an agent of the devil he's part of corrupt Christendom there's no way he can know the Bible because he's not part of the anointed class see that's what they're taught right so when you tell it your
witness this is what it means they've shut you down there's no way you can tell me what it means because you can't know because you're not anointed and it's not for you it's for them to tell us what it means well that said John 1:18 notice here notice their translation your translation said only God capital G notice their translation no man has seen God any time the only begotten lowercase G God now what do you think that will happen when you quote john 1:18 and they turn through their bible oh yeah see he's an only
begotten God a lowercase G God created by Java so what are you trying to prove to me no no it doesn't say that my Bible says what your Bible is corrupt this is the only perfect translation because it's produced by the anointed class and they got it right so I don't waste my time I don't quote John 1:18 because I don't have time to go into Greek grammar as if they're gonna listen to me once I start talking Greek they're gonna sell whoo there goes a mouthpiece of the devil shut them out never come back
put a mark on this house don't come back here so if you're trying to win the argument and not the heart then argue and destroy the argument but if you want to win their heart don't argue ask questions and let them think and probe never tell them what it means ask them questions to start thinking and questioning man how was a good question yeah he's got a point here and this response that the Society's it's not an effective response so again I'm trying to hammer know how to use the Bible and your witness - Jones
witnesses so know the passages to avoid like John 1:18 I never quote this to prove the deity of Christ because now I got to convince them Jesus is not a lowercase G God do you think I have time or John 1033 you will man make yourself out to be a God I don't quote that I'm not giving you other examples let's go to acts 20:28 and ESV I think the SV translates is like the NIV I don't know I mean use the ESV in awhile but I'm going to show you passages to avoid and passages
to use and no we'll wrap up maybe I'll take a few minutes on questions if that's if that's okay with you guys if you want like I said I can be here till 2:00 in the morning I'm a lonely person I need a lot of love and attention any time I'm invited I try to take advantage of the time because I need a lot of love can you tell me I'm great please all right okay easy as V says it daddy purchased with his own blood does it say there Oh beautiful ESV acts 20:28 in
the New World Translation look now this will work for those who are not raised as yos witnesses believing their Bible is the best translation quoting acts 20:28 powerful witness to the two nature's of Christ acts 20:28 is one of the most powerful witnesses to the fact that Jesus is God and human two natures one person not if you are witnessing through joven us in acts 20:28 read it for us in the ESV God has blood God has blood yes this heretic is saying no you're ready to become a Jove a witness what's wrong with you
man yeah God has blood you're scaring me bro I think we brought you here to expose you man a secret a strange oval witness talk about an oxymoron right there right anything right yes God has blood it said it God purchased the church by his blood this clearly is a reference to Jesus as God and human he is God who became human and shed his human blood to purchase the church clear right everyone see it clear not in the Java Witness Bible you can see it over there here's the Joe witness Bible pay attention to
yourselves and to all the flock among which the Holy Spirit and by the way did you notice Thole spirit the h and the s is lowercase because they don't believe all these sort of persons so they put it lowercase deliberately right there which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers to shepherd the congregation of God which he purchased with the blood of his own son guess what folks even the Greek that they use the word son is not there they added it so in their translation it isn't God that shed his blood to purchase the
church God purchased the church with the blood of his own son but wait mister witness when I go to your interlinear and let's go to their Greek are you guys okay that I'm navigating with their translations or are you guys with that to show you right what better way to show you then use their own sources right wait mister witness when I go to your Greek interlinear the word son is not in the Greek why'd you insert it we know why right why do you think they want insert a word that's not in the Greek
to rob jesus of the glory of his deity acts 20:28 let's keep going you're gonna see it here you don't need to read the Greek just three think let's go down okay right here be you paying attention to selves into all the flock right in which you the Spirit the Holy put overseers to be shepherding the ecclesia I don't know why do they translate that and notice they never use the word Church in their translation by the way they never use the word church because they believe churches are part of a corrupt satanic system so
they translated congregation that's why even their churches they're not called churches they're called Kingdom halls they don't like to use the word church because of its association with corrupt Christendom so notice ekklesia of the God which you reserved for self to the blood of the one where's the word son where's the word son it's not even in their Greek let me give you a couple more examples and I'll give you one example where you then you can use their Bible prove that Jesus is over God and then we'll open up a couple minutes for the
questions let's go to which translation should I use here Titus 2:13 yep Titus 2:13 the English Titus 2:13 there's so many I can give you but I just want you to see this pattern these are the verses I never use and my witness - Jose witnesses I never use these passages because I'm aware their Bible mistranslate and I don't have time to spend an hour going into the Greek grammar and sewing grammatically for example Titus 2:13 and you'll hear this a Grandville sharp construction and because of this Greek rule right that Grandville sharp discovered he
discovered six rules and how the Greek New Testament uses the definite article da and his first rule it clearly establishes that Titus 2:13 is calling Jesus the great God and Savior now do you really think a Joe witness is going to give me 20 minutes to impact the Grandville sharper rule you actually think he's gonna sit there say oh yeah can you tell me about Granville sharpen how it proves my society satanic please I'm all ears so avoid passages that are controversial because of mistranslation and go to the clear-cut ones that they've even translated correctly
and I'm going to give you two examples from their translation to whet your appetite to go deeper into the subject deeper into the subject now in the ESV Titus 2:13 how does it read Wow Jesus is our great God and Savior and for a Jew the only great God is Jehovah so Paul just identified Jesus as Jehovah not in the Joe witness Bible look how to reads while we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestation of the Great God and of our Savior Jesus Christ they make it seem as it's referring to two persons
the Great God and Jesus Christ our Savior so now do you have time to unpack the granville sharp rule to show them that this is a mistranslation and do you think they want to hear your arguments so avoid these now let me give you example one example of other cytus what I call other side us and then show you some verses that you can use to prove the Trinity deity of Christ now again this would entail a series of lessons to walk you through the use of the Java witness Bible I don't have that so
I'm hoping to whet your appetite that you begin the journey if you really feel God has called you to witness to the witnesses you got to know their sources and I can show you from their sources clear irrefutable evidence from their own Bible Jesus is Jehovah and they can't get around it but remember what I said you can give them an irrefutable case that still doesn't mean they will see unless Holy Spirit opens their minds so what you need to do is Holy Spirit please use these verses from their Bible to open their hearts and
bring them to the feet of Jehovah Jesus not this fake Archangel Michael that they think is Jesus who doesn't exist but Jehovah Jesus because Christ has a people even from the chosen witnesses that he's going to redeem for his glory if you believe that right or you believe that there are no elect among the Jews witnesses and if you believe that how would you know are you claiming extra biblical revelation then we're gonna stone you you hear a ticket I'm just kidding let's put that aside now let's go to Philippians 2 verse 9 other siteís
this is now an example of other sizes and then I'm going to show you some of the verses you can use effectively and then I'll open up the Q&A by the grace of God Philippians 2 verse 9 in the ESV how does it read Philippians 2 verse 9 and ESV read aloud does your translations say every name Jesus has big him in the name that's higher than every name not according to the Java witness for this varies and God exalted a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name so
Jesus doesn't possess the highest name imaginable which would be the name Jehovah he possesses a name that's higher than every other name because there's still one name higher than his the name Jehovah because he's not Jehovah do you see to another am i making it up you see the word other right guess what it's not in their Greek boy do I love their interlinear it destroys the Satanic organization go to Colossians 1 Colossians 1 one of the most powerful passage is proving Jesus is the eternal creator of all creation not if you read a Java
witness Bible Colossians 1:16 2:17 Colossians we're almost done folks I hope I didn't torture you too much you guys okay man I love you bro man Colossians 1:16 we're not going to read in the newer translation add Colossians 1:16 17 ESV look how powerful a witness this is to Christ being eternal uncreated almighty creator of the heavens and the earth pay attention to language and it's not about Christ if you've started 15 it says he is the image of the invisible God the firstborn over all or of all creation then it says in 16 rui-zhi
the firstborn reach 16 some things wait before you go on some things most things well my brother now I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but I am smarter than David Wood that's another point here's what I want to ask you if it says Jesus created all things meaning all creation that means Jesus existed before all creation right but if he existed before all creation then he's not a creature is he does the only thing you have before creation is eternity so you're telling me that here Paul's saying Jesus is he turn because he
created all things Mitch means he's older than all creation which means he's not part of creation that's what Paul is saying absolutely now finish it all things were made by him created by him so weight all things what about 417 though an you missed out 17 you use secret over witness you okay verse 17 now right there if I tell you Jesus is before all creation coz all things is all creation can you get any clearer that Jesus is uncreated if I say Jehovah is before all things no job witness would be confused as to
the point they would understand I'm saying he's before all creation because he's uncreated but Paul said that about Jesus he is before all things and in Jesus in him all things consist he sustains everything you don't get more clear than what Paul wrote that Jesus is the almighty creator and sustainer of all creation not if you read a Java witness Bible notice there translation go to Colossians 1:16 2:17 remember I said other cytus Colossians 1:16 2:17 are you there in Colossians 1 I think you are yeah go down 16 now watch watch there translation because
by means of him all other things were created can you I like the word other brother they inserted the word other four times in this translation all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth the things visible and the things invisible where their Thrones or Lordships or governments or authorities all other things have been created through him and for him he is before all other things and by means of him all other things were made to exist four times they inserted the word other nh-- attacks that clearly shouts Jesus is no creature
he's uncrate he's got almighty four times they inserted the word other but thank God for their Greek let me show you their Greek now let's go to the Greek interlinear and then we're gonna end up with one example how their Bible can be used to prove the deity of Christ and I'm just gonna give you one of dozens of passages that you can use but for the sake of time I will just give you one that actually even works with Muslims but I'd have to unpack this but that's alright go to Colossians 1 it he
actually works with Muslims I don't know if you have a cron any of you guys would have cron you guys came to church without a cron what kind of Christians are you Colossians well let's go to Colossians 1 this last time I'm coming to this church no cron and a church what's wrong with you guys man Colossians 1:16 notice the Greek can you show me where the word others in their Greek this is their Greek because in him it was created the all things top on top there's no other their Greek top anta all things
and the heavens and upon the earth the things visible things invisible whether Thrones or Lordships or governments or authorities the all things do you see the word other in their Greek its top panca all things all things through him and into him it has been created and he is before all things brawl pontén and the all things in him has to together how dare you add the word all therefore times when even your own Greek interlinear exposes your corruption and fraud do you want more proof that this Bible is diabolical and that Satan's fingerprints are
all over it if there is one Bible that I could say was satanic Lee produced its this Bible because you see the deliberate systematic attack on the Trinity and the glory of Jesus Christ you know that's from the bit of Health you know that's from Satan because he wants to rob Jesus of his glory but instead of seeing Joe's witnesses of the enemies may your heart break for them because they are victims of the enemy they are victims the see by the enemy and you are the only thing that stands between them and hell right
so clearly you can use their own sources to show the deliberate shameful butchering of the Bible okay how do I then now use the Bible their Bible their perversion to my advantage I'll just give you one example for the sake of time and believe me when I tell you I can be here for days giving you example after example no exaggeration I'm not lying but for the sake of time unless you guys don't want to sleep and you want to fast from sleeping and some of you do need beauty sleep so I don't want to
rob you of that but no I'm kidding let me give you one example let's go to Isaiah 44 verse 6 and this works with Muslims by the way you know Isaiah 44 now we're just gonna use no word translation we don't need to use the ESV no more translation will be good up because now I'm showing you how to use their Bible to your advantage how to use their Bible to your advantage okay so we're just gonna use the New World Translation Isaiah 44 verse 6 Isaiah 44 verse 6 this is what Jehovah says the
king of Israel notice how they translate certain words repurchase her repurchase irhe repurchased you right I mean weird way of translating the word redeem but that's okay the king of Israel has repurchase there Joe of armies I am the first and I am the last there's no god but me I am the first and I am the last okay pay attention to what Joe was saying I am the first I'm the last isaiah 40:8 verse 12 isaiah 40:8 verse 12 let's go there isaiah 40:8 verse 12 watch here we're just going to use their translation
listen to me o Jacob and Israel whom I have called I am the same one I'm the first I am also the last so who's the first in the last job all right what does it mean what it says Joe was the first see it's not enough just to quote a verse you got to understand the implication of these titles what does Java mean when he says I'm the first and the last what does he mean you don't need to guess he explains it in Isaiah 41 verse 4 and Isaiah 41 verse 4 he tells
you what he means so what do you mean that you're the first/last let me explain it Isaiah 41 verse for the world translation is this Bible amazing or what not their Bible I'm just saying the Bible right it's in a when you read the Bible by the parlor spirit you stand in awe you see clearly this is the word of the true god and jesus is risen he's alive and we will see him amen come Lord Jesus we love you Isaiah 41 verse 4 read this was acted and done this summoning the generations from the
beginning I created the generations from the beginning I Java am the first one and with the last ones I am the same he explained it I've been with the first generation and I'll be with the very last generation to catch what he just said with the very first generation I'm there I've been with the first one and I'll be with the last ones so what does it mean for Java to be the first last it means he's been there from the start at the very beginning creation with the first generation of humans and he's going
to continue to be with every subsequent generation of humans to the end of the age it is simply another way of saying that Christ is timeless or instead say Jehovah and Jesus is Yahveh that God is timeless he's not bound to time space in place because he's timeless he was there from the beginning will remain with us to the end of the age because unlike us he's not bound to time in other words it's simply another way of saying Jesus is eternal I keep saying Jesus because you know I'm a Trinitarian Jehovah is eternal we
know it's Jesus but do you want to get them to see that so you get them to see hey who's the first last Jehovah chapter 57 verse 3 the cron free those of you who witnessed the Muslims chapter 57 verse 3 it says he Allah is the first in the last chapter 57 verse 3 of the Chron right it says Allah is the first so at least the Chron got something right the title first last is a title deity even though the L of the Quran is a false God so you can use this for
the Muslims a Muslim who's the first to the last oh right and then David does another Mohammed boom-boom room okay okay Joe the witness who's the first to the last jehovah then i go to revelation 117 I don't read 18 and I love the reaction when I see it in me power relation 117 here's what I do okay so you agree it's all the right Java witness you agree muslima al re relation 117 watch this revelation 117 in their Bible using their Bible this is what I'm trying to show you how to use their Bible
to Revelation 117 I don't read 18 yet I'll either read 117 or have them read it the JAL witness I'll say hey revelation 117 when I saw him I fell as dead at his feet and he laid his right hand on me and said do not be afraid I'm the first in the last so I pause who was the first of us automatically I'll say Jehovah if it's a Muslim will say Allah and then I say when did Jehovah die what do you mean verse 18 and the living one and became dead and look I'm
living for ever and ever when did your hova die Java deny Jesus did but you just said that to Jehovah speaking thank you for admitting Jesus is Jove in the flesh and Muslim stop saying Allahu Akbar say mercy will talk about the Messiah's greater because you just admit Jesus claim to be God that's one of the many ways you can use their Bible to your advantage I wish you had more time I can show you a lot more that's even clearer than this and how to respond to their objections to your arguments but attend na
remember remember how to witness to Jose witnesses how not to witness Jose wouldn't - Jose witnesses be familiar with their Bible to avoid these pitfalls of quoting the wrong passages let me give you a true story what I mean by knowing their Bible enough not to quote the wrong passage in the 90s when I was first getting into politics I went to a Kingdom Hall in Chicago and I was debating the Spanish a witness who was you know for the most part Jose witnesses are good people they're nice people if you meet them guy was
a jerk he actually made me want to do a body slam and you know just like get into my Hulkamania you know because he was so nasty honestly you know just rude so I said hey I'll prove to you Jesus is God so I had my King James Bible for sympathy 3:16 I read it go to first Timothy 3:16 folks if you can brethren and the joven this Bible I read it and the King James and it says great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh I could see God was manifest
in the flesh he opened up his Bible first Timothy 3:16 before the rapture guys I don't wanna leave you behind I'm kidding 1st Timothy 3:16 if you guys nobody there did they leave man they probably left us behind did they get raptured oh they're here ok you scared me bro I thought it was the last trumpet first Timothy 3:16 now the King James says God was manifest in the flesh he opened his Bible and he embarrassed me here's their translation indeed the sacred secret of this godly devotion is admittedly great he was made manifest in
the flesh there's no God and I looked at his Bible and I was embarrassed because I quoted the wrong passage thinking his Bible read the same way see these are the pitfalls you must avoid be familiar with their Bible to know what to quote and what not to quote and another thing don't tell them what it means ask them questions cuz the moment you tell them what it means they will shut you out there's no way you can know what it means you're not part of the anointed class you're not even a joke goodness there's
no way you can know what it means don't tell them ask them yeah but what about this how can Jesus say this I'm baffled you're confusing me you're saying he's ask enough questions and pray Holy Spirit penetrate their heart and bring them to the feet of Jehovah Jesus not this fake Archangel Michael well that said it Kenan you want me to open up for a couple minutes of Q&A so I know what a hater you are bro okay we're done all right god bless you Christ is risen risen indeed right because I'm a Syrian right
I was awesome that was awesome so that concludes the conference for today so tomorrow we will be back at nine o'clock the doors will open and we'll have some breakfast for you guys remember to bring your lanyards please write your names on them so we know who you are and if we got plenty of more topics coming along tomorrow we're talking about homosexuality evidence for the resurrection Augustine Greek we're talking about transgenderism slavery Quran verse the Bible so plenty of topics with plenty of more awesome speakers so make sure you guys show up 9 o'clock
if you want some breakfast but everything is gonna start at 10:30 so I'm gonna go ahead and pray asylum that we can all be dismissed so God we thank you for this conference we thank you for the truths that we're tired and I pray that you would give us hearts to search out these truths so that we may know how to defend your glory in the midst of the colds guard and the people who object you help us just to glorify you and keep us safe on the ways to our destinations and bring us back
safely in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Music]
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