Lean On The Holy Spirit | A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start The Day

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
the holy spirit is our helper John 16:7 says but I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the helper comforter Advocate intercessor counselor strengthener standby will not come to you but if I go I will send him the Holy Spirit to you to be in close fellow fellowship with you listen when you are feeling powerless the holy spirit will help you when you are low and feeling tired the holy spirit will help you when you feel too weak to pray the Holy Spirit
will help you when you have the Holy Spirit in your life you will find him to be a helper just as the Bible says now it doesn't mean that life will be easy and it certainly doesn't mean mean that your Christian life will be easy but it does mean that in those difficult and tough moments you have Divine help you have help from above you have the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 1:13 the Bible tells us one of the most extraordinary things and I believe this is something that we all need to know and cherish the
Bible says and you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of Truth the gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit when we heard the message of Truth the message of Truth being the Gospel of Jesus Christ The Gospel that tells us that Jesus Christ died on a cross for our sins and then rose again from the dead when we heard this message of Truth The Gospel of Salvation and then when we believed this message we were are marked in Christ with
a seal and that seal is the Holy Spirit and I find it incredible that the Bible tells us this when you believe in Jesus Christ the lord can identify you as his own by the seal that is upon your life the Holy Spirit and so for anyone who struggles with knowing their identity let me tell you that your identity is in Jesus Christ because he has branded you he has marked you and sealed you with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit authenticates The Believer from the unbeliever this is why the Bible tells us that your
body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit I want to focus on one short passage of scripture Romans 8 verse 26- 27 because it offers a powerful insight into the role of the holy spirit in our prayer life from this passage we can understand that the holy spirit's ability to communicate is beyond human language this passage encourages Believers to rely on the holy spirit's intercession knowing that God understands and responds to our deepest needs now the Bible in Romans 8: 26 says and the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness for an example we don't
know what God wants us to pray for but the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words this verse acknowledges the holy spirit's role as our helper especially when we Face moments of weakness or uncertainty sometimes we might struggle to articulate our prayers or even discern what to pray for the Holy Spirit comes alongside Us in these moments interceding on our behalf with deep groanings that surpass human language the holy spirit's role in our Our Lives is multifaceted here Paul highlights how the spirit specifically AIDS us in our prayer life
he draws attention to our human limitations moments when we don't have all the answers or words to express our thoughts and needs accurately it's during these times that the Holy Spirit steps in Bridging the Gap between our inadequacy and God's perfect understanding the groanings that cannot be expressed in words symbolize the spirit's ability to understand and communicate the depths of our hearts even when we can't articulate them ourselves do you see the importance of the Holy Spirit when it comes to your prayer life he's the one who helps us in our our weakness and believe
me a lot of the time we are all too weak to pray and at times we don't know what to pray not outside of the usual request that we have but you see it's the Holy Ghost who empowers us and he intercedes for us Matthew 6:7 says and when you pray do not Heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do for they think that they will be heard for their there many words you see one of the biggest mistakes we can make is to pray without the guidance leadership or influence of the holy spirit because
on our own our prayers will be empty they will just be vain repetitions but when we yield to the Holy Spirit and pray he's the one who intercedes for us according to the will of God the Holy Spirit is the perfect Helper because he's the one who makes our prayers effective verse 27 and the father who knows all Hearts knows what the spirit is saying for the spirit pleads for us Believers in harmony with God's Own will this verse under scores that God the Father Who ultimately knows our thoughts and intentions comprehends the message conveyed
by the holy spirit's intercession the spirit's plea on our behalf aligns with God's will the phrase Spirit pleads for us Believers in harmony with God's Own will underscores the holy spirit's perfect alignment with God's intentions the spirit's intercession is not not random or disconnected rather it harmonizes with God's plan and purpose for our lives this assures us that even when we don't know how to pray or are unsure of our circumstances the Holy Spirit Bridges the communication gap interceding on our behalf in perfect accordance with God's Will and so once again if I was to
explain this to a young Christian I would tell them to think about their mother and father they know you really well right they can tell how you're feeling even when you don't say anything well God is like that too but he knows us at a much much deeper level he knows everything in our hearts and Minds God knows exactly what we need even if we don't say it in words the Holy Spirit Works to help us and make sure that we are aligned to what God wants for us when we pray so remember when you
want to talk to God and you're not sure what to say invite the Holy Spirit ask him to help you pray and talk to God God on your behalf now let us pray dear Holy Spirit we seek to experience a fruitful fellowship and relationship with you we pray holy spirit that you would rejuvenate our prayer Lives May you stir us up enable us to overcome any besetting sin that is in our lives Holy Spirit enable us to overcome all that is holding us back seal us holy spirit so that the enemy has no sight of
us because we are truly covered and above all else may you create an appetite within us to chase God more sincerely more fervently and more consistently we pray that we would be people who are led by the Holy Spirit I pray that the Holy Spirit would lead us in all of our actions and deeds Holy Spirit lead us when it comes to the company we keep lead us to make wise decisions when it comes to our Inner Circle and those who are in our circle of influence lead us to be surrounded by Godly men and
women who will help me in my faith Holy Spirit help us not to walk in the counsel of the wicked nor to stand in the path of Sinners help me not to sit down and rest in the seat of scoffers Lord Jesus I thank you for sending the helper the Holy Spirit whenever we are feeling powerless I pray that the Holy Spirit would help us whenever we are feeling low and feeling tired I pray that the Holy Spirit would help us father whenever we are feeling too weak to pray May the Holy Spirit strengthen us
to fight on our knees be praised and honored Lord Jesus Christ amen [Music] but I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the helper comforter Advocate intercessor counselor strengthener standby will not come to you but if I go I will send him the Holy Spirit to you to be in close fellowship with you and you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of of Truth The Gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal
the promised Holy [Music] Spirit Luke 11:13 says if you then who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will the heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask [Music] him and do not get drunk with wine for that is debacher but be filled with the spirit addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making Melody to the Lord with your heart giving thanks always and for everything to God the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for you did not receive
the spirit of Slavery to fall back into fear but you have received the spirit of adoption as Sons by whom we cry ABA father but I say walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh for the desires of the flesh are against the spirit and the desires of the spirit are against the flesh for these are opposed to each other to keep you from doing the things you want to do [Music]
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