in 1971 an international ban on psychedelics began a long line of negative propaganda and horror trip story today after Society emerges from these cascading effects we find ourselves looking to unearth these substances again looking for new routes of thought Consciousness and therapy but this is no party these are shamanic drugs mindbending ego challenging experiences in truth the media has been either lying or willfully ignoring realities associated with these drugs maybe they are avoiding sounding like the propagandists that came before them let me explain how these individuals are painting a grand psychedelic picture that frankly isn't
the whole truth we need to talk about what these drugs actually do why would someone take them they are in fact very much not what the media portrays them to be you will likely not see cool patterns and Designs weird mythical creatures or fall into a portal of rainbow I do not blame them for not portraying the true reality of these chemicals it would be hard to artistically show someone on them without showing how they think because these drugs are very much changing the internal mind emphasis on internal what these people really search for when
they're on these drugs is an ego death the thing you think about when you see yourself when you picture yourself in your mind your accumulation of thoughts and emotions dissolves away even when I'm saying this to you now I'm not entirely sure it truly captures what that means in many mystical senses it leaves nothing but the soul the book The Power of Now grapples with this idea of ego he mentions the ego is just your mind constructing the past and the future making them real when in reality the only only thing that's real is right
now why would someone want to go through an experience that is literally the death of oneself well the thing is many individuals report significant improvements in depressive and anxious symptoms and increased emotional well-being these improvements increase in magnitude with increasing exposure meaning the higher the dose the bigger and better the results were eventually there was a ceiling effect but what's crazy is all of these improvements were recorded with a single lifetime use you don't have to do it more than once this could be life changing for individuals and the fact of the matter a lot
of individuals are stuck in a dead end the mainstream chemicals used to treat these symptoms would be ssris from 2016 to 2022 over 220 million anti-depressant prescriptions were dispensed to over 18 million individuals and the side effects of these drugs are not to be taken lightly they range from feeling agitated shaky anxious feelings or being sick diarrhea loss of appetite movement problem all the way to seeing or hearing things that aren't real and these are just a couple of the side effects so undergoing a one-time ego death experience with the possibility to cure your depression
seems like a no-brainer to some but this is not an easy spiritual journey if you want to disrupt your hardened neural Pathways you must experience something extremely disruptive if you do not let go during a trip let yourself die then that also comes with some terrifying effects the worst nightmares can come to life on psychedelics think of the worst nightmare you've ever had in your life and then imagine it being manifest as real or even more real than this physical reality that you're in right now and imagine that lasting for two three five hours and
in fact it's even worse than that because when you're in these psychedelic Peaks there's no notion of time so some of these horrific trips can seem like they last for for eternity literally eternity but in truth you must weather the storm to get to Paradise you must experience trauma to gain post-traumatic growth amazing things coming from traumatic experiences are not uncommon what do I mean by this and why does the media mostly leave it out of the discussion well in October 2002 a man was driving home from a late night music recording session in Los
Angeles when he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into another car the Collision left him with a shattered jaw which had to be wired shut during reconstructive surgery he proceeded to record a legend record called Through the Wire and this was the beginning primer that rocketed his career into the stratosphere of stardom you get [Music] that I'm speaking of course of the famous and now controversial Kanye West history is littered with individuals that have been forged from extremely difficult situations ones that shatter their very essence kill their ego make them question everything yet they
grow from it Thrive from it allowing them to rise above all but I think even these bad trips although they can be difficult are beneficial and are a learning experience in the same way that a bad meal could be you'd learn not to go to that restaurant or maybe you learn something about what makes you sick or what to be careful of in the future I genuinely believe and this is what is maybe the hardest thing to communicate about psychedelics is that it's the difficult ones that are often the best those are the ones that
really teach you something and when you're trying to talk about psychedelics with people who've never used them it's not a great selling point to say oh you know the best thing that can happen is you're going to think you're going to die but that is arguably the best thing that can happen is to think that you're going to die because that's a confrontation with the overarching fear the fear that generates all other fears and if you conquer that fear then your life will almost certainly improve well that's the truth they don't tell you growth is
hard psychedelics especially at a high dose are extreme difficult they are not a shortcut to Enlightenment they challenge the very core of who you are your literal self essentially they're a death simulator sure it is Mystical and spiritual and can be filled with love and positive emotions but it should not be taken lightly if not taken seriously it can destroy you there's a reason some don't grow from trauma post-traumatic growth walks a tight rout between overwhelming and just enough if you do choose to do these substances be prepared prepared and be safe I'm not trying
to encourage drug use or self-medication I am also not trying to scare any individuals either I think culture's pendulum of opinion was unfairly swung negatively in the past and now is swinging back in an equally unrealistic positive space this is simply my honest take the truth lies somewhere in between these are powerful drugs powerful experiences and Powerful results