welcome to the prayer for open doors and new beginnings this is simply a prayer I've put together where I'd like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice all I ask you to do is to agree with me as I pray and together we will seek our Heavenly Father please continue to meditate on this prayer for yourself speak it daily or listen to this over and over again and allow the Word of God to reach deep into your spirit let us pray Heavenly Father we gather together and come into agreement in the wonderful
and powerful name of Jesus where two or more gathered there you'll be in the midst of us and anything we agree upon is touching you will surely do the Bible says if there's any unforgiveness that it should be dealt with before praying therefore we release any anger bad feelings resentment or any other wrong attitude before you now we laid at your feet and we release and forgive those who have wronged us father in Jesus name there is no distance in the spirit and we thank you for the listener who desires a prayer for open doors
and new beginnings sometimes Lord when it seems like nothing is changing and we want an open door or new beginning it's because you've instructed us to do something that we've neglected to do right now we lift up anything the listener should have done but didn't do that you asked them to father please remind them and show them so that they can get back on course thank you now the listener presents themselves before you father all that is theirs is yours their spirit their soul and their body they present their body as a living sacrifice holy
and pleasing to you right now they present their spirit in their mind to you as well all is yours we look to you for open doors and new beginnings father we acknowledge you in all our ways and you promise to direct our steps we thank you that it's not on the listeners own strength that change will come but it is you in them all the while effectually at work in them yes Lord you are energizing and actually creating in them the power and desire both to will and to work for your good pleasure amazing as
doors open in their life we believe they will and as new beginnings in full before them Lord the listener will not drive back and fear for you have no pleasure in that you've not given them a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind hallelujah we bind all fear anxiety worry concern any and all negative and weighty sort of burdens father that maybe trying to latch on to the listener we cast it all into your capable hands Lord the listener is free in Christ they are light in Christ freedom is theirs a
fresh start is theirs now together we thank you for this fresh start and new opportunity that you've given to make serious changes in the listeners life yes you are the god of open doors you are the god of new beginnings glory we ask that your power rise up within the listener to help them choose to do your will and to walk in your ways with diligent obedience as you show them what the next step is and the next and the next it is you through them that will allow them to walk out your plan for
their life Holy Spirit we ask to receive your help to fulfill the will of God for the listeners life in Jesus name whatever happened in the past is gone their past is not a prophecy of their future today they were making a solid decision to put aside memories of past failures and even successes and by faith stepping into the future father that you have planned for them hallelujah Lord we thank you so much for this new fresh start we declare that doors that were once closed are open in Jesus name we declare that what once
appeared as a dead end is opening into a new beginning in Jesus name glory we decree and declare that the listener is even more fruitful than ever before by your grace father they will accomplish more for your glory than ever before as they go from here Lord please help them to set goals that are realistic and attainable so that they can reach them by the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through them we ask you to strengthen them within their inner man or woman to apply the consistency determination and commitment the persistence father
reach these god-given goals we exalt and praise you for your supernatural ability at their disposal according to the power that is already at work in and through Jesus in Jesus name we look to you to empower the listener as they press forward toward the finish line before them success in Christ belongs to them when you say turn they will turn when you say stop they will stop you call the shots father you take the wheel of their life they will do whatever is required to move forward into the Blessed an abundant future you have planned
for them from this moment on the listener will run this race with their eyes fixed on Jesus it is in and through him that they will triumph we confess that the listener can do all things you've called them to through Christ who strengthens them you will complete that which we have committed to you here the listener will finish what they start and accomplish whatever they set their heart to do we declare abundant breakthrough for the listener now open doors are happening now new beginnings have begun we believe and receive everything we prayed and give you
glory in advance for this prayer is answered in the wonderful and precious name of Jesus we pray amen you