These 5 Serious End Time Bible Prophecies Are Happening

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prophetic things are happening all around the world today and many people are not paying attention this is why it's so important to have a Biblical world viiew every believer should be aware of what is happening in this world because a lot of it matches up to end time Bible prophecy so let's dive in number one the spirit of antichrist the Antichrist spirit is running rampant in this world today look at what's happening in many places around the world if we go over to China in 2022 CBN reported that China is reportedly rewriting the Bible and
calling Jesus a sinner and then in a separate publication we find out that in April 2021 Chinese authorities arrested 10 Christians for selling and distributing Bibles in hohot the capital city of inner Mongolia one of these believers who was captured was Banyan Hong and he was sentenced on April 15th 2024 to 5 years in prison for illegal business operations or illegally selling and distributing Bibles to Christians in inner Mongolia if you go over to the state of Louisiana one article reports every public classroom in Louisiana from elementary schools to colleges will be required to display
the Ten Commandments starting in January under a new law signed by Republican Governor Jeff Landry on June 19th the law the first such legislation in the ation is already being challenged by parents and several groups including the American civil liberties Union they say the measure is unconstitutional and filed a lawsuit against it on Monday if you go to the UK you'll come across headlines like this church of England dropping Word Church to be more modern and this young adults in the UK open to Bible ban and a line from the article states that a recent
study in the United Kingdom found that nearly quarter of young Brits are open to Banning the Bible agreeing with a ban on books containing perceived hate speech how about today's music here are a few lyrics from world-renowned rapper Eminem in a song called evil he says evil yeah I'm so evil rotten to the core a twisted cerebral I'm so evil so evil it's obvious that I am not like other people then in a song called Luc ER he says now my followers are like a satanic cult yeah they listen to me like when Manson spoke
at least that's what it seems like and I'm Lucifer and Drees the producer for the Antichrist this is just one artist but I'm simply giving you a few examples that illustrate just how aggressive the spirit of antichrist is operating in this world so many things are pitched and accepted and even celebrated in this world when in reality these things are anti-god God the Bible warned us in 1 John 4:3 saying and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God and this is the spirit of the
Antichrist which you have heard was coming and is now already in the world notice how we're told that this evil spirit is in operation it's active already and now we can see that the spirit of antichrist is operating with greater intensity you will see the great apostasy many people who turn away from the faith you will see more and more false prophets in operation with large congregations listening to doctrines of demons moving on the second prophetic thing to note is the groundwork being laid for a one world leader such as the Antichrist to take Center
Stage here are a few interesting things to note US Department of Homeland Security select startups to develop digital identity credentials around the globe work on digital identity credentials is accelerating with the United States the latest country to take a step forward in development Australia passes digital ID Bill the legislation will establish an economy-wide digital ID system and allow for financial organizations and providers to apply and join the government's digital ID platform the benefits of this system will be a stronger and more secure ecosystem for users online and if you go over to Europe there are
some people in Sweden who have started having microchips inserted into their hands the Antichrist will be in power of a globally linked economy one where he will be a one world dictator that controls the means of Commerce and for people to pledge allegiance to him he forces people to take a mark because without this you cannot buy or sell the groundwork is most certainly being laid for a one world leader the third prophetic thing happening is the hearts of many growing cold this is something that we can all see unfolding before us 2 Timothy 3
talks about the last days and I feel as though the theme of the chapter is captured in the first verse because the Bible says but Mark this there will be terrible times in the last days the Amplified translation says but understand this that in the last days dangerous times of great stress and trouble will come difficult days that will be hard to bear as you read through the chapter several things become clear in the last days there is a total rejection of God in this world anything the word of God stands for will be rejected
there will be a time when people will want to have their ears tickled they will want a gospel that gives the blessing but doesn't require repentance they want a gospel that preaches Prosperity instead of sacrificial living and there's a lot of this now a lot of people prefer to have their their ears tickled instead of receiving the pure gospel that will penetrate the heart and challenge every sinful behavior in your life now to add to the corruption that will be in the world 2 Timothy 3 tells us that there will be a total breakdown of
society because people will be treacherous rash slanderous brutal disobedient to parents abusive and without self-control no rules no moral absolutes no restraints of of any kind everyone will do that which is right in their own eyes and woe to the person who dares to question anyone's lifestyle choices now verse 5 says that people will have a form of godliness but deny its power have nothing to do with such people this is the age of religious Rebels men and women who have the outward appearance of godliness but deep down in their hearts they are filled with
sin and deceit religious Rebels will ask all of the right questions but watch their actions because they will follow all of the wrong answers religious Rebels may go as far as quoting scripture but their hearts will be far from God and even further from his word at number four we have wars and rumors of wars the Bible told us that in the last days perilous times will come and the word perilous means dangerous it means threatening times will come so we should not be surprised when the World falls into an alarming State Jesus warned us
about wars and rumors of wars to come he warned us that Nation will rise against nation in the news today every other story is almost always about the potential for a World War the reporting of a potential conflict or the reporting of an existing conflict but I would like to tell you that in these uncertain times you should not be worried because God's word has already told us the future we know what's to come we know how it all ends we don't have to worry because God's word tells us in Luke 21:28 when these things
begin to take place stand up and lift up your heads because your Redemption is Drawing Near we don't have to worry because Matthew 6: 25-26 says that is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food and drink or enough clothes to wear isn't life more than food and your body more than clothing look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are the fifth and final prophetic thing that
is happening that I would like to highlight is the incredible growth of technology in the past Mark Zuckerberg ber has said Holograms of digital things will be commonplace in the near future in the future not too far from now you're going to walk into a room and there are going to be as many Holograms of digital things for you to interact with as there are physical objects is it crazy to picture a day when people don't go to church but instead a hologram image of the pastor can be seen right there in their living room
preaching with the development of AI it's not far-fetched to see a day where someone will just say to an AI platform I want a sermon by Charles Spurgeon talking about the love of God and then boom there it is a hologram of Spurgeon delivering a sermon all powered by AI don't get me wrong AI can be used for good when it comes to Christianity especially entertainment AI can enable more Christian producers to publish cinematic and godly content and help people move away from the secular and sinful entertainment options out there but there is a danger
AI can also be used to feed you a lukewarm gospel a sugarcoated gospel all in all as children of God when we see these signs we should always seek refuge in the Bible God has told us about what's to come God has warned us of the dangers ahead but he has also promised to cover us protect us and fight for us as his children so you and I should always have a biblical worldview whereby we pay attention to what's going on in the world but we are not affected when it comes to our peace or
faith in God I credit all that I do to God I he's given me a gift he's given me a drive to uh just want to continue to improve upon myself and I have a platform and I want to use it to glorify him and so whenever I step on the track it's always the prayer of God let me be the vessel in which you're glorified whatever the result is I almost let go I was quiet at the edge of a breakthrough but couldn't see it the devil really had me but Jesus came and grabbed
me he help me close so I wouldn't let go God's mercy kept me so I wouldn't let go after all of the controversy surrounding the opening and even closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics after all of the talk talk about mockery Satanic rituals evil agenda and blasphemy isn't it just like God to raise people up from within the chaos isn't it just like God to still have people who are faithful enough to be a light in the darkness to be salt in the earth think of it the devil would love nothing else but to have
every Christian believer caught up in the Fanfare of what was done by the organizers or what wasn't done however can we take a moment and realize that despite the headlines despite the outrage there still arose Brave women Brave believers who gave God all the praise despite being in a seemingly hostile environment and this is what God does he raises people Noah lived in a society that was wicked yet God raised him up to be a voice that proclaimed the gospel Paul was called out from a life of violence where he persecuted Christians then he became
a Christian himself when Whenever there is Darkness God will always raise people up who will be a testament of his power and they will become voices that give him glory Christians have been saying things like this one article from a Christian publication reads as follows and I quote the opening ceremony of the Olympics is supposed to be a celebration instead it was an Abomination it was supposed to be a festivity instead it was blasphemy end quote now Billy Graham once preached a sermon titled What's wrong with the world and today I'd like to pose the
same question to all us today what is wrong with the world the answer is sin sin is what's wrong with the world and dare I say the love of sin is what makes everything worse the Amplified translation of second Peter 3:3 says first of all know without any doubt that mockers will come in the last days with their mocking following after their own human desires a mocker is someone who Jers and scoffs at something how many mockers do we have in this present day how often are we seeing the Bible Christianity being mocked every believer
who knows their Bible should know that when we see the increase in the mockery of Christ we're drawing closer to his return when we see the moral decline of society when we see evil being called good and good being called evil when the spirit of antichrist is so clearly at work we are edging closer to his return recently Elon Musk has been talking a lot about Christianity in one interview he recently said while I'm not a particularly religious person I do believe that the teachings of Jesus are good and wise I would say I'm probably
a cultural Christian end quote now more recently following the Olympics controversy musk tweeted this unless there is more bravery to stand up for what is fair and right Christianity will perish here's why he's wrong Christianity true biblical Christianity is not the practicing of a religion it's the acceptance that Jesus Christ died for our sins he rose again therefore defeating the power of death the devil and sin so that in Christ when we accept him as our Lord and savior we too would be saved from the wrath of God Christianity is submitting to Christ as Lord
now for anyone to say that Christianity will perish unless there is more bravery to stand up for what is fair and right is literally saying that what Christ did on the cross was not enough we need to add something to it this is not the case Christ's work is perfect absolute and complete regardless of what anyone thinks the Christian Community needs to do secondly the Bible has warned us that in the last days scoffers and mockers will come everything we see happening today is not necessarily calling us to directly engage with those who mock Christ
but rather rather when these things happen Believers see it as a confirmation of God's prophetic word this then inspires us to evangelize even more to demonstrate the love of Christ even more to be brave and calling out sin even more so it's not necessarily about engaging with the mockers directly my third point to say unless there is more bravery to stand up for what is fair and right Christianity will perish this implies that the devil wins but the Devil is a defeated foe the Bible tells us his fate Revelation 20 verse 10 says and the
devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur where the Beast and the false prophet had been thrown they will be tormented day and night forever and ever the devil's Fate has been sealed he's no match for Christ my fourth point is Christianity has been attacked for centuries Jesus himself was persecuted and crucified the disciples suffered horrible deaths for the sake of Christ the early church was persecuted by many including Nero and today there are many examples in movies and music where Christianity is mocked however Christianity has withstood all of the persecution
and attacks for centuries I believe if it were going to perish it would have perished years years ago but it hasn't and there is a reason for that the reason is that Jesus Christ cannot be defeated now my final point is this the Bible says in Matthew 5:4 to6 you are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a stand and it gives light to all and in the house in the same way let your light
shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven Jesus Christ is the light of the world and if Christianity were to perish then there would only be Darkness on the earth there would be no hope no salvation and no tomorrow but this will not be the case because the darkness of the world will never defeat the light of this world and that light is Jesus Christ have you ever felt like God placed a special calling on your life has your heart ever been tugged
and pulled in a certain direction to such a point where you realize it's the Holy Spirit leading you have you ever noticed that you're particularly sensitive when it comes to Discerning that which is from the devil that which is from God today I want to discuss a few major dangers to people who have been called and chosen by God the first dangerous area for a Believer who's been called by God is found in this place that we call being comfortable we love Comfort whether you're a Christian or not whether you're a pastor or an atheist
whether you're a rock star or a janitor we all love to be comfortable it's natural it's human but the danger in being comfortable or rather too comfortable is that we get complacent so easily so so easily in this world in your everyday life including in your career being comfortable can very quickly lead you to be in the same box as being lazy because if there's no fire in your belly to work hard for something if you're not focused and working towards something this will lead to less success less money less skill less recognition but in
your Christian walk being comfortable leads to being lukewarm we have to consciously choose to live with a fire in our heart for the Lord and know that everything we do is about Jesus everything we do is for Jesus we have to we must make sure that everything we do is unto Jesus everything we do is to better our relationship with the Lord It's to give him glory and praise now it won't always be comfortable to do this there'll be times where it means you have to sacrifice there'll be times when you'll have to humble yourself
there will be times that you'll have to serve and if you're in a comfortable place you'll be unable to do any of this but if you have that fire in your belly that fire in your your heart for God then your attitude will be the one that says Lord wherever you lead me I will follow so remember it's a dangerous thing to be too comfortable as a child of God it's not to say you can't be comfortable but rather don't let your comfort mean that working for God serving God becomes an inconvenience it should be
a privilege to serve in the kingdom of God and being too comfortable means that you see it as an inconvenience another dangerous area has to do with entertaining ungodly things and ungodly people it's a dangerous thing to expose yourself to the ungodly whether it's through friendship thought deed however it's dangerous you open yourself up physically or in your mind or in your heart when you entertain things or people who don't fear the lord now don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with showing an unbeliever love there's nothing wrong with demonstrating the love of Christ to
people who have fallen away from the faith Jesus did it however there's a thin line between being a witness and being a partaker here's what the Bible says regarding this don't be unequally yolked with unbelievers for what partnership has righteousness with law lessness or what Fellowship has light with Darkness that's 2 Corinthians 6:14 or what about 1 Corinthians 15:33 do not be deceived Bad Company ruins good morals or Psalm chapter 1 blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of Sinners or sit in the
seat of mockers now do you see what I mean it is a thin line between being a witness and a partaker you can love them but don't entertain them Jesus was able to witness to the ungodly and befriend them without falling into ungodliness himself we as human followers of Christ actually face a danger when we entertain too much ungodliness there's a sinful nature in our flesh and if you entertain ungodly things you'll soon find them to have a strong appeal if you're not careful you really do begin to act like the people you hang around
most you really do start to think similar to the minds around you if you allow them to infiltrate Your Heart by letting your guard down there's a reason why the age-old saying stands today if you lie with dogs you'll get fleases this saying is stood the test of time because it's absolutely true as a Christian ungodly surroundings worldly environments and ungodly people they can all influence you and sink your ship if you expose yourself too much strive to be immersed in the things of God be alert be constantly feeding yourself the word of God so
that you can be the influence when you find yourself around the ungodly things and people in this world my third point of danger is pride it's a dangerous thing to have pride in your heart Pride is a deadly sin it will absolutely take you out of the will of God and keep you there God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble we're told to Humble ourselves before the Lord so that he will lift us up in due time it's in his timing that we Excel and that's for the best because he knows what
we need he knows to wait until you're seasoned with wisdom he knows to wait until you're seasoned with a bit more of a prayerful Spirit God knows to wait until you face certain hardships and develop stronger faith in his timing when he sees fit he will bless you people who get to high places without going through the dark and tough places first they often lack empathy and understanding and humility toward others God is wise and he knows the journey you have to go through to prepare your heart for the high points of your life do
not get caught up thinking too highly of yourself because God will humble you Proverbs 16: 18 says that Pride goes Before Destruction a hoty spirit before a fall you are actually setting yourself up for God to bring you down if you find yourself up on your own pedestal you are nothing apart from the God who created you and he wants you to acknowledge that in your heart you really truly have to make it a point to protect yourself against Pride because it creeps in and takes a hold of you when you feel like you're doing
great things on your own pride is easy to store up in your heart so be vigilant ask the Lord to protect you from it because this world can present you with countless reasons to be prideful but at the end of the day Pride will kill your spiritual life because it chokes out the need and desire for God in your life so I encourage you to pray against this Spirit be guarded against this Spirit the final point of danger I'd like to mention is being too busy for God it's a dangerous thing to become so busy
you cannot accommodate the Lord into your schedule people these days seem to think that being ridiculously busy is somehow the way to be it makes some people feel important but there's no merit to just being busy for the sake of being busy there's also nothing to gain spiritually if you're working all the time with no regard for your spiritual life what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul this mindset is a distraction to the Christians walk with God there's real danger in becoming too busy for God Work family
friends Hobbies relationships whatever life may bring there are a world of distractions waiting for you in every corner of your mind there are even people who can't even see they're distracted because the busy work is actually religious work it's sad but prevalent in Christians to get caught up in doing things for God while not spending any time with God the personal relationship is actually being being neglected while outwardly it looks like you're thriving because of religious acts of work I know of many Christians that do God's work but they're starving for spiritual food in their
personal lives God wants us to serve for his purposes of course but don't let anything even religious work be a distraction to your actual relationship with God he wants your real heart your whole heart and he wants it sincerely do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ don't be distracted by the things of this world or even by good things that are not God himself let your life's work overflow from a heart of spiritual fullness where you walk with God you talk with him you commune and you fellowship with him I pray that each
of these dangers are kept from you your heart I pray that you are mindful of any areas in your life that will potentially derail your walk with Christ and may the holy spirit guide you always so that you can live your life abundantly in Jesus and with purpose [Music]
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