Bullied Loser Dated Hottest Girl After Awakening His Witch God Domain | Anime Recap

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THIS IS THE GREATEST loser was a side-character until his crush turned out to be a witch ANIME RECAP...
Video Transcript:
Anoka was an ugly disgusting worthless lonely loser who sacrificed countless lives and countries for the Awakening of the witch God Aura even reversing the flow of time to resurrect his love from the dead however all of his classmates pretended as if he didn't exist but when he dropped his eraser the hottest girl in the school gave it back to him so her fan club assaulted him after class and beat the disgusting Fu face to the ground before screaming at him to never stare at their princess ever again even while trying to help his teacher one
of the girls tried sneaking up to kill him but pretended as if she was helping his pathetic ass when aaka arrived and so he continued living his miserable life being abused by his classmates until one day while taking out the trash he saw a mysterious rabbit ear in the garbage cam but as he took it out the note said that the weather was clear with a Chance of buildings falling so when he looked up he saw that the clock tower was collapsing directly onto him not a single time in his life was he able to
hold a girl's hand but after the tower crushed him down he woke up in ayaka's arms seeing they were flying above the destruction from the tower at the same time the girl who tried killing him snapped her fingers to summon two rabbit Knights so aaka threw hanoka away dodging their swords as she engulfed them in flames and before hana's miserable life would end she cushioned his fall with her massive missiles even so the bunnies Rose from the Flames so she evaded both of their attacks and used her broom to knock them away before unleashing hell's
Inferno to burn them but when they leapt back she casted a fire blast to knock them away however the bunnies continued rushing forward so aaka attempted to activate her flaming landmines but while they used their agility to keep charging she flashed away to burn one of them to a crisp at the same time a Catgirl tried calling for hanoka to follow her so being a brain dead [ __ ] like always he ran after her into the alley just then ayaka began activating her srank fire spell bursting the bunnies down into flames but realized that
hanoka had disappeared the for his eyes an army of rabbits restrained him and their leader put his head down to execute the worthless loser none of this seemed real so as hanoka began wondering if he was dreaming all of the rabbits were lit a blaze after picking him up ayaka warned him to stay closer to her but he thought that she was beautiful even in his dreams since she would never save him when he was awake but she revealed that it was her mission to protect her princess however hanoka wondered if he heard that last
part right but before he could check to see if his dick was burned off he saw one of the robots rushing towards her so trying to prove that he really was a man with a full 3 in he rushed forward using his manly power to protect her he needs some milk as aaka tried making sure that he was okay hanoka realized that size mattered after all so aaka suffocated him in her massive cannons apologizing for not having burnt them to dust yet as the bunes stood back up she began Awakening her inner demon Blaze commanding
her million clovers to in inate all of them these devastating Flames had earned her the title fire witch but when hanoka woke up from his coma in a different place ayaka revealed that he was in her private room but as he wondered if he was dreaming she told him that he wasn't and revealed that she'd been secretly protecting him all this time as they walked back home she promised to always be by his side from now on and walked next to him without saying another word for the rest of the day the following morning as
the loser thought he was back to his worthless life aaka came up to him on the bus asking to sit next to him and as she kept staying by his side all the girls wished he would end his miserable life and the Gaze from all of his classmates made him sick but as he tried leaving for the bathroom ayaka's fan club kicked his worthless body away threatening to kill him if he kept staying by her side however aaka appeared at that moment commanding them to let hanoka go before fixing his collar and telling him that
she would burn anyone who ever harmed him again but their anger didn't end during lunch and when they started screaming at the princess to get away from the ugly loser that smelled like an anime convention aaka took her wiener out and shoved it down his throat however he was tired of everyone planning his murder so as he ran away he wondered when this miserable day would end until he saw the restored Courtyard where the tower fell just then the cat girl appeared telling him that it was all illusion magic she had been testing him out
to make sure he was harmless and after getting closer to his face she Unleashed her wings introducing herself as Kashi but before she could grabb him away ayaka's Flames burned her off however Kashi summoned her robotic Army revealing that she wouldn't be losing this time since her Army was 10 times bigger all of the knights began aiming forward along with the Lancers so aaka put hanuka's body onto the ground before all of them ran to explode on top of her a few moments later hanoka began regaining Consciousness seeing that ayaka's body had been completely torn
apart and screamed at her for sacrificing herself for him hearing his words she wondered why he would be mad when he's safe but hanoko realized that he hasn't listened to her this entire time and was the reason that caused her to be hurt because of that he realized that he should believe in her no matter what but as he started screaming for an ambulance she told him that she was made of fire asking him to close his eyes if he truly believed in her as soon as he did ayaka's Flames began to engulf her body
and while all the bunnies were struggling to jump down a massive explosion blew them all away with aaka appearing in her second form none of the robots were able to withstand the Heat and as aaka commanded her to burn to nothing hirashi managed to escape after she was gone hanoka opened his eyes again realizing that aaka was back in her normal uniform while walking back home with her he apologized for not shoving her weener deeper down his throat but they kept walking silently with one another once again the following day the teacher announced that there
would be five new transfer students entering their class Kashi tampopo kazari Rin Kats are aotu May menoa and atug Gana however hanoka wondered how more of them appeared and aaka told him that they're exactly what he thought they were [ __ ] so the next day as he began riding off to school he realized that aaka wasn't on the bus with him and began wondering if she was attacked by them however when he arrived in class he realized that she had already captured the Rival witches and was about to smoke them alive revealing that this
was a Witch Hunt as she thought the best way to keep him safe was to eliminate the enemies when Kashi began trying to speak hanoka asked daaka to remove her gag hoping he would discover why they were trying to capture him as she did Kashi began saying that she just wanted to be friends with him but even hanuka's useless brain wasn't going to fall for her lies trying to appear Brave he decided to ask her why they wanted to capture him but Kashi thought his question was as worthless as his face however she decided to
reveal that they actually wanted his body especially the white stuff inside of him what hearing her words hanoka began freaking out because he was still a hopeless disgusting virgin who had never thought he would ever get laid at that moment dark ink began dripping down from the ceiling but as May appeared above them she captured hanoka immediately she was the last one of the group and as she cast a wall before aaka she freed the girls and vanished into the floor as she realized she was safe may began thinking her plan worked out perfectly having
already paralyzed hana's body with a spell but while she was still celebrating her success Flames spewed down from the ceiling and she realized that iaka had somehow neutralized her poison after already burning the other witches as she began approaching her May threatened to kill hanoka with her witch wolf but ayaka wouldn't back away as she threatened to burn her until there was nothing left of her however as May grew desperate her wolf bit into hanuka's neck but his body exploded with a flame sending him rolling away just then may realized that the bite mark actually
transferred to ayaka's body but disappeared before she would get burned later that day after hanoka woke up he noticed that his wound had healed but realized that iaka was wearing a scarf around her neck this was to conceal her neck wound but she told him that she was trying to stay warm for the weather she told him that he would never be safe with the witches lurking around and said that they were better off eliminating the superior witches behind the attacks realizing that she was putting her life in danger because of him hanoka begged her
to make him her apprentice and asked her to reveal the truth behind the attacks but she thought it was too early to reveal the secret God inside of him the following day as they met in the street looking to spend the weekend together hanoka realized her cannons were truly massive as they began walking through an alley aaka decided to reveal that she was employed by a workshop to protect him from the tower witches an evil colony of witches whose only desire was to create chaos in the world their only goal was to awaken the demon
king and would turn the entire world into a catastrophe if they managed to obtain a the white thing inside of him after arriving inside a store hanoka helped aaka in carrying her bags like a [ __ ] maid but when he noticed a girl crying he tried helping her to find her family however it was just another trap from a new witch who realized he was exactly the same person on her wanted poster so she knocked the girl aside but as aaka arrived she Drew her blade and took him down immediately at the same time
two other witches appeared but when hi told them that aaka was a workshop witch they revealed their true form at that instant however aaka was unfazed by their presence and Unleashed a massive flame around them before throwing them at the ceiling as hanoka escaped with the help of the distraction he saved the girl from getting nailed so as ayaka decided to protect them hi began shooting at her but she shielded with her Cape by the time she ran out of bullets hi tried using her blade but it was already overheated from hanuka's Flames just then
she spilled all the bullets and blasted the useless girls away in the most convenient position possible so as they realized they stood no chance against aaka High fired a rope into the roof and managed to escape with the rest of the losers as they began to leave aaka told hanoka that she's accepted becoming his mistress but said that the battle wouldn't end until the witch boss was defeated by the time they arrived at school aaka revealed that their school was secretly a witch Workshop a hidden residence that was built for witches but when they arrived
inside the principal's office she began wondering why they were so late as she came closer she revealed that aaka was actually her daughter telling him that she'll teach him how to become her new Apprentice but the only thing hanoka Learned was where aaka got her massive tip a few days later as Kashi and her Squad ambushed hanoka on his way to school aaka told hanoka to watch from the side like a useless ugly dog as the girls began charging towards her in their rapid stream formation she turned her broom exploding them into the sky but
hanoka wished she would explode him already good day in school hanoka wondered why I AK didn't have love letters filling her locker but as he opened his own locker a pile of letters fell on top of him but instead of being filled with love they were all death threats and voodoo dolls to erase his disgusting existence and aaka knew it must have been her fan club members when they arrived in class aaka gave him a pile of books to read telling him that it was the start of his training but as her hot face and
body pushed up on him he realized everyone wanted to murder his ass later at the tennis court the instructor decided to pair up hanoka with haaka but while the two incher was still afraid of being close to her haaka told him that it was also part of his training as the game began she kept smacking the ball back to the opponents but hanoka missed every one of his shots and by the time the game was over he was already gassed out however she picked him up and pushed her massive cannons onto him showing him how
to hold his Rod while returning home aaka noticed a magical fish flying around the bus but as the next stop changed to dead end she tried protecting hanoka realizing an enemy was inside at that moment sunlight revealed their bodies but aaka realized that the bus was moving on its own right then Darkness began spreading across the windows so the lady approached them but her magic ocean expanded at the same time she was cronar a powerful tower witch that was renowned for her witchcraft Powers but as aaka tried covering hanoka chronoir froze her with a spell
and tried blowing up her body but realized that aaka was unscathed immediately hanoka decided to protect her but she called him a clueless [ __ ] because no matter what attack she made ayaka's flaming body couldn't be damaged just then cronar stabbed him in the belly but as he began screaming from the injury he realized that he had healed up again this made no sense to him but as he began wondering if it was an illusion aaka passed out at that moment as he noticed her injury he realized that his wound actually transferred to her
body pronoir revealed that ayaka already performed a damaged transfer spell and would continue getting injured every time he's attacked before he knew it the other witch seized him so kronar told him that aaka already borrowed his power to become invincible and that they were connected by a strong bond she said that his best shot at saving her was to share the rest of his magical power with her and revealed the Dark Orb for him to swallow she told him that it would unleash his power but hanoka knew that it was a trap when she tried
putting it into his mouth a green flame erupted as aaka managed to rescue him but as she was still too weak she passed out again how however she told him that this wasn't enough to stop her and as green Roots Began appearing across her body she told him to close his eyes and to keep thinking of her the dormant witch's power began Awakening kicking krono War's throat and revealing her flaming plant demon but as the fires burn chronoir she promised to return for her revenge at dusk when hanoka woke up he discovered that aaka was
unconscious and managed to take her to the hospital while inside he realized that chronoir had slipped the orb into his pocket but decided to to hide it inside his drawer a few days later as hanoka decided to continue with the training she told him to jump as high as he could so as he ran towards her he tried jumping over but the cape helped him to fly high and raised him to the ceiling but as he grew afraid and began to fall IA managed to catch him revealing that the cape made them lighter than feathers
in an instant she summoned her broomstick and told him to summon his however the professor of quantum rzx couldn't imagine holding a Long Rod since the only Rod he's ever held was his 2-in persuasion out of pocket for that [ __ ] way out of pocket just then the students began entering the gym but as hanoka started freaking out afraid of getting noticed aaka told him that the robe protects them from being seen by anyone before long they began trying to find a new place to train but as aaka thought that hanoka was afraid of
heights she began running off with him bent on making him lose his fear as she flew away on her broom she circled around the school and eventually took off Towards the Sky she continued through the city and even flying in between Towers before they eventually rested on a railing while watching the sunset hanoka thought it was beautiful but his lazy ass eventually fell asleep a few minutes later after waking up on the flying broom he noticed a group of girls bullying his classmate but when he suggested they rescue her aaka told him that her Duty
was to protect the town from Bad witches if he was too bothered by the bullies she suggested he calls the police instead saying that she couldn't afford to put him in danger however hanoka decided to play Hero and luckily summoned his broomstick at that instant so he leapt towards the ground but his moronic brain soon realized that he couldn't actually fly the broom luckily as aaka decided to unleash her power he managed to command the broom but the backlash of the wind wrecked the entire area as he began flying through the city barely maneuvering his
way through traffic he eventually crashed into the bullies however he was still a weak loser who couldn't get his ass up so one of the bullies sat on top of him ready to make him pay for his actions as they began wondering if he was some Walmart Harry Potter and were about to kill him ayaka appeared behind them and Unleashed her Inferno spell leaving them burnt alive when hanoka wondered why she killed innocent citizens she told him that it was a trap to lure him out and revealed that they were Tower witches on the other
hand Kashi and the rest of her Squad were wondering how they could finally defeat aaka but as Ren suggested they attack Hana when he was finally alone chronoir appeared before them offering her support by the next day as hanoka began preparing for school his sister Kasumi tried asking who his secret crushes she already suspected that he was hanging out with the school princess but hanoko was afraid of revealing their secret and called it a coincidence as he started heading to school Kasumi began following him like a crazy stalker but with the bus about to leave
he began running towards it until he tripped on a rope just then curi asashi appeared before him flanked by two bunnies at the same time aaka had been cornered by the rest of the squad and may began saying that they already figured out her power and have come to eliminate her once and for all so she Drew her Whip and they attacked at the same time on the other hand hanoka had successfully been restrained and Kashi began telling him that aaka has also been captured the previous day when konor visited the girls she had suggested
they separate aaka from hanoka revealing that it was the only way to make aka's magic grow weaker so with their plans having succeeded Kashi commanded her witch bunnies to take hanoka away but in a Flash they were wiped out and as a giant appeared in the city they realized it was actually a teddy bear while hanoka was still in shock he realized that Kasumi was in control of the teddy and discovered that she's also a witch she had come to save his sorry ass and directed her Teddy to hurl the captured bunnny away however as
Kashi grew angry she decided to create her own giant-sized bunny looking to to even the fight so as she rushed forward she bumped into the teddy but it managed to steady itself ready to retaliate it raced towards the bunny and close sled it Knocking it to the ground with the teddy ready to attack again the bunny began begging for mercy afraid of getting its ass kicked but as the teddy LED down its guard the bunny poked its eyes causing it to reel back to utilize this Advantage the bunny rushed at it but as it dodged
its attack the teddy appeared in front of it and tried suplexing it luckily the bun bun managed to land but as it flew with a kick the teddy began spinning it around eventually throwing it at the transmission lines but as the bunny bounced back the teddy missed its kick and got poked in the neck before it could recover the sick bunny spilled a green Mist at its face and using the transmission lines as wrestling ropes it returned with a blow but the teddy punched its useless face and sent it reeling back until it eventually fell
down while Kasumi was gloating over her Victory a bone dinosaur knocked her Teddy from behind but it managed to regain its balance so as the bunny reemerged to make it a two-on-one fight the teddy began expanding until it reached into the sky as the bunny and dinosaur began attacking its foot like tiny ants cumi revealed that she would never fail in her duty to protect her weak and useless brother so she smashed them causing an explosion in the city at the same time the principal tried relaxing in her office but as she turned on the
TV she realized that half of the city had been destroyed on the other hand Kashi and ren managed to survive the explosion and their bunnies escaped with them so as Kasumi descended to the ground hanoka thanked her for saving his ass but she told him that she has always protected him every time he was away from aaka right then hanoka realized that aaka had not arrived and began saying that they must rescue her immediately but Kasumi revealed that she was safe already as the teddy set her down hanoka began wondering if she was wounded but
Kasumi grew angry that he didn't care as much about her however ayaka thought her presence was irrelevant and began telling hanoka that she would protect him every second of the day saying that she would move into his room at school the principal discovered that Medusa the second strongest witch in The Realm had escaped after several decades in prison later that day as hanuka's mother thanked aaka for always saving her son's ass she decided to reveal that aaka was actually his fiance and that they have been betrothed to each other even before they were born she
had patiently waited for this very day and was glad that she would finally kick him out out forcing him to become a real man just then Kasumi grew angry and began saying that she wants a piece of hanoka but as they thought she was an ugly bitter [ __ ] hanoka hurried off with aaka after getting far away from Kasumi hanoka used his classic Reddit pickup line saying roses are red just like your lips and mountains are massive just like your tip sorry I meant he said roses are red lemons are sour lift your skirt
up and give me an hour [Applause] however she revealed that they might have known each other for much longer than they actually remember the memories were faint in her mind but she was certain that they've always known each other and that a witch had wiped off their memories however her duty to protect him remained unchanged so she told him that she would continue to protect him forever just then they arrived at a limo and as they rode off to her crib hanoka realized that ayaka's family were extremely rich so if he was going to live
a luxurious life with her then two in wasn't bad after all after arriving at her home hanoka realized that it was the most beautiful place he's ever seen but she decided to lead him to the upper floors offering to share her room with him but as the elevator opened aaka noticed that all the maids have been turned into stone and that her room had been invaded by Medusa realizing the danger she told hanoka to return to the 12th floor as the doors shut immediately right then Medusa decided to introduce herself and told aaka that she's
come to eliminate her and to EXT crack the white thing inside of hanoka hey yo what the [ __ ] however ayaka would not go down without a fight so she prepared to unleash her full Powers as she flew towards Medusa the giant serpent blocked her attack and managed to repel her but as she returned the snake smacked her aside and hanoka tried opening the elevator at the same time he thought the enemy was definitely powerful and decided to wear his magic robe thinking he needed to help aaka for once just then the elevator doors
began to melt before B bursting outside as hanoka found aaka injured she immediately closed his eyes so that he wouldn't see her ugly tree hands but with Medusa preparing for another attack she told him to run away saying that she would stop Medusa from pursuing him just then a girl started blowing a flute and the power of the tune began turning aaka into stone desperate to save her hanoka tried offering himself in exchange but Medusa told him that he was useless to her revealing that their souls were linked together with ayaka's death meaning his own
Medusa thought aaka was better off abandoned as a stone but hanoka spotted KRON War's orb before him he still thought it was a trap but was desperate to restore ayaka to life so he swallowed it at that moment right then the white princess evermillion appeared before his eyes so as two monsters charged at her she cast lights that sliced them to Pieces but when Medusa flew at her she cast a greater light that weaken the foundation of the entire house meanwhile Kazan was still inside her office but as she prepared to head home the house
exploded before her eyes angered by the sight she thought Medusa must be responsible and commanded her witch toy to summon all the workshop witches in the city at the house hanoka was desperate to return aaka back to normal so as he began asking for help ever Millian offered to Grant him a solution in exchange for his eyes thinking it was a good deal hanoka agreed immediately even willing to lay down his life but she told him that his entire life was useless and decided to reveal the solution however hanok was afraid of kissing her and
began saying that his virgin lips aren't ready but evermillion told him that this was the only way to restore aaka she told him that Medusa can't use her full Powers seeing as her hands and eyes were still sealed due to this she only managed to turn aaka into stone because hanoka would not believe in her so she told him to ignite both of their powers by believing in their bond as she let out those words Medusa's Soul revived so evermillion told him that she would soon attack them again unwilling to save his a this time
she began to disintegrate telling him that his first seal has been broken but suggested that he stays out of trouble at that moment Medusa appeared before him eager for Revenge but as hanoka realized he was hopeless on his own he decided to plant a kiss on her face causing the stone to start melting off so with aaka revived Kashi and her useless Squad decided to attack her but she blasted them aside immediately she ascended but as Medusa attacked her with a flaming serpent they began clashing in the air sending Sparks across the sky as ayaka's
hand began turning into stone she broke it in an instant but as their serpents clashed again Medusa's snake disintegrated as aaka eventually suppressed her when hanoka regained Consciousness that night he was glad to see aaka safe again but she decided to show him Medusa revealing that she's on their side but would explain later and kissed his face for saving her life however hanoka climaxed at that instant but she told him to never trade his life for her own as they began leaving the school they spotted all the workshop which is arriving for the Emergency meeting
later that night they decided to return to hanuka's home seeing as ayaka's house had already been destroyed but when hanoka announced that they were both moving inside takir realized she would be having grandkids sooner than she thought and immediately welcomed them in however the following day Kasumi was excited to develop more ciscon plot with her brother Sensational during lunch she screamed at aaka and began threatening to kick her out when Takia tried telling her to relax Kasumi began screaming at her to shut her [ __ ] mouth but her words made her mother enter apathy
mode so with tameia becoming nothing more than a dead weight hanoka decided to drag her into her room at school the student council president Mio began telling the members of her fan club to kick hanoka out of their school as she thought he was a distraction for iaka however with everyone at the table completely useless she decided to command mkay to get the job done but threatened to fire him if he fails so that morning when the pair arrived at school mikay decided to invite them to his laboratory inside the lab he began telling hanoka
that his useless face has only been causing problems in the school and has been distracting ayaka from performing her duties as the school princess he thought hanoka could not have chosen a possibly worse time to tag around her like a leech and reminded him that her Duty was to represent the entire school as a model student however when he asked Hoka to stay away from her ayaka said it was impossible as she would rather bend the school rules itself and with the princess of the school having the second most powerful Authority she could pretty much
rewrite everything realizing he couldn't separate both of them mikay revealed that he would soon be kicked out of his position in the council but aaka promised to create a plan at that moment mikay revealed a green experiment but as the orb exploded Ed disintegrating aaka hanoka teleported to a mysterious Dimension when he tried asking how they appeared in this world mikay revealed that they were inside a scientific experiment and said that aaka was safe in the real world as he showed him a replica of krono War's orb he told him that one of the five
seals inside his body has been broken by the orb and that the seals that were created to imprison evermillion would start weakening until they were eventually destroyed her Freedom would create chaos in their world as evermillion would annihilating kaini for sealing her away several decades ago on top of that he already discovered that aaka was hiding Medusa away from Kazan but hanoka began saying it was impossible but wondered if mikay would believe him even so mikay knew the truth already and began asking him to become his Prince saying that he would protect him forever at
that moment the illusion cracked and iaka pierced him with iron bars so as the spell broke revealing a wooden toy in his place aaka took down hanoka but realized he was not wounded as they began leaving aaka decided to lead hanoka to the announcement room and made him summon all the students to the gym by the time they were all gathered she decided to take the stage and with her Authority as the princess of the school she fired me for being a useless council president just then hanoka appeared before them so aaka named him the
new council president with the loser afraid he began wondering if she was trying to get him killed but she told him that he could never be attacked by anyone that same day as they had another council meeting a girl introduced aaka as hanuka's new vice president but another girl grew angry and began demanding to know why aaka dumped meal for this loser after school as they began heading home Kasumi spied on them from a distance and thought that abducting her brother was the only way to keep him close forever so while hanoka was trying to
buy stuffed animals in a store the teddy snuck inside and started running off with him before aaka knew it while she was still in shock a car crashed into the shop blowing up instantly and tranquilizers pierced her body forcing her to pass out Kasumi told hanoka that she came to abduct him and said that ayaka would remain unconscious for a few days so as they flew away on a paper plane she began telling him that she's prepared a new house far away from the city and was looking to hide him away forever however hanoka wondered
what the [ __ ] was wrong with this chick and began saying that he does not wish to be separated from the love of his life at that moment a large tree Dragon appeared above them and they realized that I AKA had found them immediately she tried blasting their plane but as she narrowly missed she started launching continued blasts destroying the entire city in the process desperate to escape Kasumi directed the plane to fly into the sky but they crashed into a building and began Falling Towards the ground luckily ayaka saved hanoka and managed to
catch Kasumi but as she used her body as a shield they crashed through a glass ceiling and landed hard on the floor however by the time a group of witches arrived they reach realized they were gone already as aaka began dragging Kasumi sleeping ass all the way home that night when hanoka woke up ayaka told him that Kasumi managed to survive and was already sleeping in her room but as he decided to thank her for saving his useless sister aaka asked to become his own sister having admired his special bond with Kasumi however hanoka wasn't
raised in redneck Alabama but ayaka begged him to call her own aan and made him keep repeating it the following morning he realized that his two sisters weren't getting along and wished they would be closer at the same time as the phone announced that Kazan would be visiting their home the shock of the news finally awakened tameia so a few moments later she decided to reveal The Greatest Secret in their family confessing that she cheated on their father and had a baby she'd abandoned the child when it was born but since their father still hasn't
returned from getting milk she decided to take the child back revealing their older sister Yeah Boy the worthless loser woke up screaming but aaka managed to sneak away as he walked around he realized that aaka was making him food in her apron and that Takia and Kasumi had left home early but he thought they were trying to allow him to make the first move on aaka meanwhile Kashi and her useless Squad were spying on them with aaka having smuggled them into her room she had decided to keep them close hoping to hide hanuka's secret from
Kazan as she thought her mother would seal him away when she discovers he's broken the first seal that was created to imprison evermillion so later that day when the girls returned home haaka told hanoka to take a shower something you haven't done in two weeks you disgusting [ __ ] that one there was a violation personally I wouldn't have it her true intention was to keep him out of kazan's sight but as hanoka tried entering inside the bathroom he found the ugly witches inside but they bound him so he wouldn't Escape however he managed to
fall outside but as Kasumi wondered how they invaded her home Kazan knocked her unconscious before sending Takia to sleep she had been searching for the witches and was glad to have finally found them however as she summoned her robe vowing to capture them aaka attacked her with her broom but kazen repelled her immediately stunned by her attack Kazan told hanoka to man up and command her to step aside but hanoka remembered mikay's words at that moment who already told him to keep the secret of his seal away from Kazan so as he made up his
mind he told aaka to prot protect the useless witches no matter what immediately her fires burned brighter and ayaka decided to reveal her secret contract summoning Medusa to merge with her so as the snakes began encircling her body Medusa appeared next to her and started draining ayaka's juice but the sight made hanoka sick and caused him to pass out however inside his unconsciousness the memories began replaying before his eyes and he discovered that aaka had intentionally spared Medusa's life after their battle her plan was to form an alliance with with her hoping they could stop
Kazan when she eventually discovers that hanuka's seal was starting to break and release the apple of discord to strengthen their merger so Medusa had accepted her offer at the same time fixed scales began spreading across her body like armor but Kazan thought that Medusa had brainwashed her and that she was looking to make aaka her successor as hanoka realized that her mother was just another [ __ ] after all Medusa called her the confused detective because she was too moronic for her position however kazen was determined to break their Union but as they struck broomsticks
her face began turning to Stone even so she wouldn't stop and eventually took down aaka before turning into a stone statue as aaka managed to free herself she tried preparing for their escape but keni knocked her from behind and immediately saved her from falling as the stone dissolved from her body kazen told aaka that she had grown weak and said that her Union with Medusa was making her grow even weaker with Kazan ready to knock out her teeth hanoka wished he had the power to do something so realizing that he had already released one of
the seals he decided to awaken his witch God Powers before he knew it he swapped positions with aaka and Kazan punched his useless teeth out of his mouth by the time he woke up he discovered he was trapped inside a cell and aaka realized she couldn't burn the iron bars as she told hanoka that they are inside a punishment chamber she revealed that kazen defeated them all and that even Medusa had been captured she thought this was the worst thing that could have possibly happened and told hanoka that Kazan would force Medusa to confess all
her secrets with Kazan having warned her to protect hanuka's seal aaka realized she was screwed right then she decided to break his chains and thought that he was manly for switching their places and for taking kazan's blow for her hearing those words hanuka's two Ines finally grew to three but he decided to ask why she protected the witches in the first place so aaka revealed that it was the only way to keep their secret safe as her mother would force them to reveal the truth once they were captured to protect him in this case she
had decided to become Medusa's Ally but hanoka was glad to Ally himself with her giant cannons when he wondered if she had a new plan aaka told him that they must defeat her mother and make her their new ally she told him that his body was filled with sticky white valuable insides and that she would protect him from terrible witches who intend to steal it away from him meanwhile kazen was trying to interrogate chronoir but when the girl wondered how she lost Medusa Kazan grew angry and revealed that she was taken away by a pair
of Workshop witches from another city who decided to return her to her prison and to make it worse they wouldn't even allow her to interrogate the Menace making her efforts completely feudal as kazen grew angrier at the thought she snapped the board in half however as she began saying she would finally enjoy some peace in her City the school blew up from the ground and IA slashed the smoke to reveal their faces immediately she prepared for another face off with her mother but Kazan flew towards her on her broomstick and began wondering why she was
acting irresponsibly when aaka tried challenging her to another fight kazen told her to leave having grown tired of kicking her ass when hanoka and ayaka began returning home the loser was glad that his secret was still safe but remembered that they only managed to escape because of ayaka's hidden Powers by strengthening their bond to increase her own power she grabbed hanoka as he thought she was about to develop plot with him however shoving her small stick down his ear hole had given her enough arousal that she began glowing with a green light that destroyed the
school a few years ago when Kazan first introduced aaka to canny in TOA she had told them to watch over her like guard dogs but from her first day at school all the students had taken her for a celebrity and during Sports she had smashed the ball with incredible power making all the useless girls think she's a goddess however she was as cold as a fish and they sometimes wondered if she fell from a different planet or lost her memories but when when a useless group of bullies tried to cut her hair she smacked their
scissors away and raised their body temperature until they passed out a few weeks later she decided to begin her search for hanoka and even waited outside a boy's only school until sunset as the days passed she continued her search through other boys only schools and eventually crossed out every single school on her list however one day during spring when she began thinking she would never find him for the rest of her life she spotted him for the first time and began running toward WS him but when she met him she realized he was with Kasumi
and had no memories of her when hanoka woke up in the morning he recalled the memory for the first time but thought it was just a dream as Kasumi woke up to eat breakfast she wondered when her home had turned into a mental institution so she ran to ask hanoka what the [ __ ] these [ __ ] were doing for God damn it you can't make this [ __ ] up as they began heading to school Kasumi decided to hold hanoka afraid that aaka would snatch him away at school as hanoka decided to open
his locker a million letters fell on top of him and he discovered that the students were planning to eliminate him for taking over the school council at the same time a notorious gang decided decided to invade the school looking to take revenge for their useless friend who got kicked out from being council president so when the bell rang announcing a change of class hanoka and aaka saw that the school had been overrun by the Invaders and a ball nearly smashed hanuka's disgusting face as if that wasn't enough the gang successfully turned the school into a
biker gang territory and remade the entire Place into a mad house when hanoka wondered why the school was in chaos aaka told him that it's a rebellion because he was named council president she told him that the students wished to kick him out of the position and had decided to start a Revolt to do it just then a bully pushed TOA to the ground and an ugly worthless girl appeared before them her name was renon and she was the cause of all the chaos as her uglier Assistant gave hanoka a letter he realized he was
being invited to a solo battle at the school gym but as they left hanoka realized he was screwed right then TOA decided to reveal that the former president Mio had summoned the invaders for Justice having lied that took over her position after forcefully developing plot with her her words had made renon angry and she had vowed to help her get revenge by the time hanoka arrived at the gym he realized that all the students were gathered already but renon told him that he's truly a useless [ __ ] for coming alone afraid she would mop
his face across the floor hanoka tried suggesting they talk it out but she punched his useless face knocking him straight to the floor she told him that he's too useless to even exist in the first place and said that his disgusting face was better off replacing the toilet bowl before punching him again as hanoka sensed ayaka's pain renon continued punching his face like a disgusting bag before following with quick Jabs that caused him to sit like a weakling however renon wasn't done and began wondering why a weak Loser Like Him should become council president in
the first place as she tried punching him into Nirvana Hoka managed to awaken his power remembering that aaka already suggested a plan for knocking her out so as he dodged her final punch he shoved her to the floor but realized he was still too weak and useless to knock out her teeth just then he decided to surrender but the light went out at that instant and kashi's useless Squad descended from the roof but as they surrounded her renon pushed him aside and punched them away immediately with Kashi already knocked out renon was ready to rip
her apart but aaka landed behind her and hit her with a fiery punch that sent her rolling Away by the time the lights came on again the witches managed to pick up hanuka's unconscious body to show that he was the winner but all the students only saw hanuka's weak and battered body the following day when the pair returned to school the students paved away for them and hanoka began thinking he was turning into a local hero a few days later as aaka told hanoka that she was finally willing to teach him how to fight she
decided to lead him to a rooftop when hanoka wondered why she was suddenly willing to train him aaka told him that she's trying to save him from getting Bullet at that moment she summoned a flame out of the ground and turned turned it into a fire monster but as she tried helping him summon a monster of his own Ponoka could only summon his micro small sword as ayaka's massive cannons rubbing up and down made him climax as he managed to hide his stain he began telling her to stop treating him like he was some hopeless
loser so aaka decided to get tough with him and summoned a fire beast at that instant she told him that she's decided to choose the hard way and was willing to Scorch him like the loser he is as she decided to leave the monster Unleashed a flame that sent him crashing to the ground and he realized he was screwed however aaka considered this his training and commanded him to summon his own monster immediately the Flaming Beast whooshed past him but as he began thinking he was safe it whipped him at that instant realizing he was
wounded ayaka decided to help him and stop the monster from devouring him with his elbow scratched she decided to end the training but hanoka thought he could still impress her and told her that he was willing to continue so she decided to carry him like a weak ugly baby and told him to summon a monster before throwing him down the building however she decided to follow him on her broom and told him to focus on the image he intends to summon with hanoka about to squash his head ayaka tried saving him but as their fingers
touched the light from their bond erupted into a massive explosion and a huge replica of aaka appeared at that moment while hanoka was still wondering how he managed to summon the spirit she punched the building before her but hanoka passed out at that instant having exhausted all his magic meanwhile mikay and chronoir had witnessed the entire thing and she revealed that hanoka must have broken his second seal at this rate he would break all the seals and she thought that Kazan would uncover their secret soon at the same time renon who was actually a workshop
witch had decided to visit kazen and as they began staring at a magic circle renon told her that a powerful tower witch had visited her and threatened to blow up their entire city meanwhile aaka was already returning home but as hok woke up he decided to thank her for always saving him right then aaka remembered that she once saw hanoka in her dreams and he had told her that they would eventually become friends in middle school this dream had stayed in her memories for years and had caused her to start searching for him when she
first got into Middle School inside a deserted building the powerful tower witch decided to visit kazen her name was weakened and she revealed that the magic circle is actually a magical weapon that can create a greater explosion than an atomic bomb when Kaz wondered if she was looking to trade hanoka in exchange for sparing the city weekend revealed that she actually intends to destroy the city and still capture hanoka with kazen having to protect the city with her magic barrier weeken wondered how many people she could protect at the same time at that moment kazen
realized the imminent threat but weeken retreated immediately and as she revealed her clock the magic circle activated an explosion started going off across the entire city even rocking the school during their exam however while the others were running for their dear lives but as the floor erupted with a flaming wall that burnt her papers and nearly fried hanuka's face she decided to run away with him inside the deserted building weekend revealed that she purposely lured Medusa to the city and had used her as a pawn for her own means her desire was to take full
control of the territory so as kazen passed out from exhausting all her magic on the barrier weaken commanded her followers to lock her up in the meantime aaka and hanoka had made it into an abandoned storage so she revealed a secret tunnel as their Escape Route but with Kazan already locked up weeken told her that she would have successfully captured hanoka by the time her magic was restored just then aaka and hanoka arrived inside a Coliseum and Kasumi was glad to see her brother again as renon decided to properly introduce herself hanoka asked what caused
the explosion but another witch summoned a gun and fired at him immediately to retaliate aaka punched her disgusting mouth and as she dodged Ron's attack she swept her to the ground however the damage from the bullet transferred into her body and she began losing Consciousness but with another witch ready to end her life hanoka ran off to protect her and managed to cover her in time as renon began advancing towards him Kasumi decided to protect her brother but she knocked her out instantly renon began telling him that an enemy was attacking the city and that
he must be hidden away in the meantime so she decided to lead him down the ancient steps and into a dungeon but threatened to eliminate him if he tried to escape when hanoka was finally alone he decided to summon his broomstick thinking he could fly to the top but ayaka woke up at that moment telling him that they can't use magic when hanoka asked her who was attacking the city she told him that a tower witch must be responsible and thought they were locked up because her mother had been captured their best Hope was to
hide until kazen recovers her magic but the thought of getting caught made hanoka afraid meanwhile an ugly Teddy was making its way towards the dungeon but as it fell inside it revealed a hologram of weekend who tried introducing herself however aaka was in no mood to listen to her trash so she squashed the useless doll causing it to explode and eventually creating an opening in the wall while hanoka was still afraid that renan would beat him to a pulp ayaka told him that weekend was coming to attack them on top of that she told him
that they couldn't use their magic until the barrier was restored before long they began walking towards the exit but as they made it outside they realized that the entire city was completely burned down when hanoka began wondering if everyone in the city was dead aaka told him that kazan's magic would restore them to life once the enemies were defeated however when hanoka began whining like a useless kid saying that he was responsible for the disaster aaka told him to suck it up and said that they must find a way to restore the barrier immediately hearing
her words hanoka finally manned up and began following her as they walked through the destroyed city after entering a secret facility they began climbing down into a cave but when they started making their way around a mountain hanoka slipped and began falling so aaka followed him immediately but as she managed to catch him they hit the ground together luckily they managed to survive the fall but hanoka realized he would remain a two- iner loser forever that the colge ium a new witch arrived and as she revealed an arsenal of bombs she began telling renon that
weekend was threatening to annihilate a group of Workshop witches whom she captured but was willing to free them in exchange for hanoka at the same time Kasumi and the entire Kashi Squad were spying on weekend from a rooftop meanwhile hanoka and aaka were heading down a tunnel but a tower wi appeared in the darkness her name was gilb tar and she revealed that she's been waiting for them realizing the danger aaka threw hanoko way but as a stone monster formed before her eyes it smashed her into the ground and continued pounding her desperate to save
her hanoka tried pulling her outside but the monster eventually did and gilbraltar told her that she's completely useless without her magic so to end her worthless life the monster tried Landing a blow but aaka dodged it and started running towards the girl as she struck the monster with powerful punches she eventually landed a flying neon gilbar causing all the stones to crumble at the Coliseum TOA began telling renon that hanoka and aaka were not answering the dungeon phone and as she thought they must have escaped renon wondered who would become the new bait just then
natsumi began telling them that the bombs can easily be destroyed with a dispel incantation but with all their magic gone renon thought they could only be saved by a miracle meanwhile hanoka and ayaka had arrived at a large tree and she told him that it was the workshop sacred ground where all their magic was drawn from so as hanoka realized his duty he told her that he was ready to create a new barrier inside the school as renon and the other witches decided to confront weekend the nutcase began wondering why hanoko was missing but renon
started asking for more time to find him however weaken thought they were a useless bunch of losers and threatened to kill the hostages one after another at that moment Kasumi began thinking she wasn't the real enemy and thought a mightier witch could have sent her as cover for her own identity she thought the Real Enemy could be spying on them from inside the school and hurried off to find her at the sacred ground aaka began telling hanoka that he would grow weak once the contract was complete but hoped that he would be able to survive
as he approached the sacred tree Vines encircled him from under the water but at the same time weekend was starting to count down the timer for the first detonation but as the bomb dispelled Kashi appeared for support and with weekend about to activate another switch renon and natsumi began running at her and as they sensed that their magic had been restored renon punched her into the ground at the same time hanoka realized that he had grown too weak to walk so aaka suggested he rests until his strength was restored luckily renan and natsumi had successfully
captured weekend and decided to lock her up in a special cell with the girls proud of their success renon began telling her that she could never Escape as no magic could break the glass seal but as they tried to leave ween began telling them that their brains are flatter than a board because with their weak and useless power they could never have captured her on their own she told them that they are actually a pair of morons and revealed the bombs that were strapped to her body immediately it exploded in their faces blasting them away
but hanoka grew weaker from losing more magic however as weaken managed to survive the explosion another witch appeared for support and covered her with a new robe this was precisely what she planned but as hanoka entered a trance he realized that weekend was already blowing up the Coliseum the vision made him grow even weaker but he decided to awaken a healing light that restored Kashi and the other witches however when aaka discovered he was using up too much power she hit his head knocking him unconscious she thought it was her duty to take charge of
the rest of the battle and vowed to avenge her City so she laid him inside a room but hoped he would be safe here just then hanoka realized he had been teleported to the past and as he noticed his mother he realized she was also bullet like he was and that the gene of being a loser had always ran in his family however a younger kazen had decided to kick kick everyone's ass before becoming friends with Takia so by the time hanoka Grew Older kazen decided to take him home but after aaka saw him she
asked her mother to put them in the same class once they were in middle school as she was eager to see her childhood Vision come to life in an instant hanoka was teleported to another dimension and spotted mikay's disgusting face but he began telling him that he only managed to appear in this Dimension because of his signed contract at the sacred tree for this reason his memories were led into the cycle of recollection but mkay told him that they were kazan's memories when hanoka wondered where they are mkay told him that they are in the
space between dimensions and offered to show him the important memories as they arrived in a new dimension mikay told hanoka that the Stars actually represent human life and that they were hidden here every time the city falls into magical chaos however by the time they were restored their memories would be erased and mikay decided to reveal that he's actually the memory erasing mage inside the city kasumi's red bear began running towards a black bear but as it tried nudging it away the enemy bear kicked it far back immediately it returned again and both Bears eventually
smacked each other even so neither was willing to quit so they began trading blows hammering directly into their faces until the red bear eventually kicked it away however as Kasumi began thinking that the fight was over black bear rose up again ready for another round so they began smacking each other both determined to get the up upper hand as red bear dodged the direct blow it smashed the building but as a witch started Falling Towards the ground Kasumi decided to save her but got punched away with Kasumi having exhausted her magic the big black bear
was ready to eliminate her bear and prepared to land its SI at the same time at tor's puppet decided to reveal weekend's whereabouts so as aaka prepared to go after her she asked Dori to watch over hanoka until he woke up inside the city Medusa managed to save Kasumi and turned the black bear into stone before causing it to explode with the useless girls glad to see their mistress again they began wondering how she managed to escape from her prison but she constricted them immediately saying that they were a group of useless followers who couldn't
ever do [ __ ] before running off with them before long aaka started flying towards weekend's location and as she entered into the church she realized that weekend was truly here without hesitating she Drew Ron's magic sword and started charging at her but weeken blew up a bomb at that instant causing her to retreat at the dimension mikay decided to reveal that he actually wiped off hanoka and ayaka's memories so with hanoka in shock he tried asking why he did so but mikay saved him from an explosion right then they realized that a tower witch
had invaded their Dimension inside the church weeken continued igniting the bombs so aaka started flying around trying to evade the explosions as she began charging at her aaka jumped high with her blade but an explosion knocked her aside thinking she could never be defeated weekend began saying that she's practically invincible so aaka started running at her again but as bombs exploded in her face she managed to slice weekend's hair off with aaka unscathed by all the explosions ween realized that she managed to use her magic as a shield and that the blade was merely a
diversion but as aaka tried to slash her in half ween detonated a bomb to block her path before activating another bomb that caused the roof to crumble however aaka managed to evade the disaster as she began oozing with flames but the Menace only grew excited thinking she's found a worthy opponent even so she eventually subdued her and began saying that ayaka would be useless without hanuka's magic just then ayaka summoned her flames on her revealing that she already swapped shirts with hanoka to keep some of his magic as she thought the fight was over she
tried leaving but weaken managed to stand again and detonated another bomb that threw aaka into the wall immediately weaken summoned huge monsters and aaka noticed that her injuries were healing meanwhile hanoka was starting to burn up from a fever so atori decided to take off his plot armor but realized that the loser was starting to develop a man's body inside the dimension the tower witch continued launching attacks so mikay told hanoka that they were trying to capture him he thought his real body would soon be found so he decided to trigger his soul sending a
shock into his body that helped him to wake up as hanoka managed to dress up he began telling atori that they must rescue aaka immediately however aaka had already commanded her to protect him so she shoved him back on the bed but decided to leave when the phone started ringing after arriving outside mikay began telling her that he managed to capture the Invader but discovered that bombs have been planted inside the dimension where human souls are kept their best Hope was to surrender hanoka to weakend but mikay thought it could be a trap as hanoka
appeared at that moment he demanded to know where aaka had gone afraid she would be killed without his magic but at the church weekend had managed to capture aaka realizing she had exhausted all her magic when aaka wondered how she was able to protect herself from her attacks weaken decided to reveal that her magic helps her to recover from injuries and that she's managed to save up her magic while attacking with her bombs additionally she had carefully prepared her plan and had planted Bombs all across the city however all her regenerative magic had already been
used up and even her magic Reserve was basically exhausted but with a snap she caused her monsters to explode as hanoka and atori witnessed the explosion realizing aaka was at the sight hanoka headed towards it hoping he wasn't too late but by the time he found her he discovered she was unconscious however as she managed to open her eyes he told her to use his magic hoping they could stop weekend from eliminating the human Souls as he passed out from exhaustion an enemy began charging at her but she awakened everm million's power and burned the
enemy in an instant before weeken knew it aaka knocked her to the ground and commanded her to hand over the bomb switch but the nutcase told her that she detonated it already at that moment a magic circle activated inside the dimension and an explosion went off while watching the blast spread throughout the dimension Hoka noticed that all the human Souls were being destroyed and the shock began breaking his mind when weaken began saying that he was responsible for the destruction she told hanoka to release his seal causing the anger inside of him to release his
God power hours as he activated his ultimate spell realizing what he intends to do aaka began running to him but his magic suddenly vanished and he fell from exhaustion when he woke up in a new dimension evermillion began wondering why he wouldn't accept that he's just another weak ugly loser and to quit pushing his luck she told him that he's within her barrier and that she would help him to restore the entire city in exchange for his life with ayaka's life already bound to his own hanoka realized she would die once his life was taken
away but thought that restoring the city would be a worthy sacrifice as he screamed for ever million to give him her power colorful flowers surrounded him and as they began spreading across the church reversing the flow of time they continued stretching across the entire city returning the buildings to their former State afraid hanoka would lose all his strength aaka tried telling him to stop the magic but he began telling her that he made the deal already and had exchanged their lives for the city however aaka thought their lives were worth the sacrifice but asked sever
million to take her own life instead saying that she's willing to fulfill the promise she already made at that instant her magic vanished and she passed out on the floor but as hanoka tried helping her weaken stabbed him from the back and began saying that he ruined all her plans and was better off playing simp into the Afterlife however hanoka managed to pull out the knife and shoved her to the floor but as he tried to end her he stabbed the floor instead deciding to spare her life as he began saying that he would always
be weak and useless but would rather sacrif ice his life for everyone else he lost all his strength and passed out on the floor however weaken told her assistant to heal his wound saying that she would return with a better plan to steal his powers for herself so after her assistant healed him they began to leave but a Tor hid out of sight right then weaken realized that chronoir had been waiting outside and decided to lead her away by the time atori entered the church hanoka revealed that ayaka had stopped breathing but mikay discovered that
the human Souls were starting in to return to the real world as he began speaking from at tor's puppet he told hanoka that the human Souls have been saved but hanoka was sad to have lost the only person he cared about after mikay discovered everything that happened he revealed that aaka couldn't have possibly exchanged her life for his own and suggested that they cast a Revival spell to reawaken her so as hanoka began the spell mikay revealed that his only chance of Reviving her would be by kissing her [Music] to help him man up mikay
decided to reveal that aaka actually broke her contract with him and that he could reawaken her by restoring the contract that bound their life to each other this was the contract that granted her Limitless power from his magic but he needed to kiss her to help her wake up [Music] what the [ __ ] y' God damn God damn inside the city cronar decided to challenge weekend to a fight but in an instant she had kicked her ass and even restrained her under a spell as kronar told her that her plan sucks worse in her
face she revealed that she could have never won the battle while hanoka and ayaka's lives were bound to each other just then kazen arrived but when weeken began wondering how she managed to escape from the prison kazen revealed that she regained all her magic within a few hours but decided to stay away from the fight when she demanded that kronar hand over the Menace Crono War decided to challenge her to a battle as she used weekend as a trampoline she began descending with her claws but Kazan punched her ugly face and and continued to batter
her until she was drained in everm Milan's Dimension hanoka discovered that ayaka had asked the white princess to release their contract if hanuka's life was ever in danger and had offered to sacrifice her own magic for him this was her vow to evermillion but the white princess revealed that hanuka's magic had restored the city even without her help successfully canceling their agreement to take his life as hanoka woke up he realized that aaka was still alive and was glad to see her again a few days later as they began returning to school aaka revealed that
her magic was starting to regenerate but hanoka was glad to have her back alive as he couldn't imagine living without her however the group of mentally ill morons were back for hanoka since the activation of the catastrophe level magic had also transformed him into a full 8 iner and they charged to take the white stuff inside of him but as aaka restrained them back she revealed that she was the only one who'd be able to gargle on his nice white cream watch this next video till next time my fellow legendary plot Masters
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