Reviewing My Old SMMA Proposals

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Iman Gadzhi
Going through my old SMMA trials from the start of my agency journey! *** Hey! If you’re new to th...
Video Transcript:
so ladies and gentlemen welcome to what is gonna be a very interesting very funny it's gonna be a huge throwback this video and what I'm doing in this video is I'm actually going over some of my early proposals some of the early yeah I don't know how to phrase it some of the early proposals I sent out to clients after our first meeting after I went ahead reached out to a bunch of clients secured the meetings and then went ahead and sent the proposal and first things first basically in this I do everything that I
tell my students not to do that I'm so vehemently against these days so yeah it's gonna be uh it's gonna be a real real throwback so first things first I'll leave like time stamps the reason I found this cuz obviously it's been almost like three and a half years since all these proposals is my iCloud it was backed up to a cloud and then it was on my desktop and then I was in the folders on my desktop so yeah I'll go ahead and leave the date stamps like you can see the last edited on
just so you can see that these are actually from three and a half years ago I found these like I found the skinny yoga one maybe like a couple days back and then this first proposal to my football club the first ever clan I signed that I found that I found a while back but then I started finding all these other ones and just thought I'd make a video because it's just hilarious I just want to do you guys I just want to make this video just to laugh in myself and just kind of reminisce
on how much has happened since this point now before we get into this video quick heads up I'm wearing the youth never satisfied hoodie this isn't actually what the final product looks like the final product has the raised finished and just a couple couple different things are mended heads up this is running really low on stock we restocked it for the last final time so once this final stock sells out it will never be available again the way we do it is with gadji my clothing line is you know seasons and then occasionally we'll do
resource of products that are selling really well but the season will never last more than like four months so this is coming to an end a new season is dawning upon us very very shortly or at least within the next couple months so yes this hoodie which I live we live in I love this thing so much you know I've said this time and time again like I've traveled to multiple countries with this thing I've closed clients in this thing not with the hood up though I've closed clients in this thing I've gone to Jim
in this thing I've like you know I've been on dates in this like I've literally like slept and just lived and just been yeah just I love this thing so much I just can't say better things but um yeah last chance to get it go ahead click the link in description before and said this final stock sells out and then we're done with this season forever so on that note let's get straight into it so there's four proposals I'm gonna show you you know there's gonna have a good laugh I'm gonna laugh at myself and
just tell you I guess maybe well things I would do differently so let's get straight into it so this first proposal is for the first client I ever signed in sue Graham platforms that Instagram is a platform I absolutely know and dominate blah blah I'll put anywhere from two to four photos a week blah blah so look at the bottom here we've got two posts plus engagement and plus the growth 15-week do you mind I was curating this content as well so as literally potentially gonna charge his clients 60 pounds of months to create you
know to do like a photo shoot and then create those two posts and manage growth and stuff like that they've got four posts plus engagement plus 25 pounds a week blah blah Facebook is the platform we're gonna hit hearts in order to attract people to a club parents pay for the fees and all the kids blah blah does that not much interesting stuff there only thing is that seven post plus engagement plus grows 20 pounds a week snapchat this what I was actually managing their snapchat setup grow audience plus masterclass booklet and I have no
idea what the masterclass booklet was I just thought I could make fancy sounding things basically what I was is just kind of like I would make an instructional PDF just a sense of the team because the thing is they're their members are sorry their team members would have to manage the snapchat because it's something you have to do in the moment so I know I just thought I'd make a masterclass booklet whatever the hell that is and then Twitter okay Twitter is a platform to squeeze that is being squeezed by Facebook and Instagram oh okay
so he at least I had the common sense not to do Twitter for this client YouTube Jesus Wow guaranteed weekly growth plus search engine optimization movie slash project so I would charge five to twenty files for movies last project Wow I can get campaigns for trial and sure the pants are at ease with the closures through a meet our coach series we can provide so much value according five-part miniseries on set pieces etc but here's the kind of like where the juicy stuff comes in I hate constraints trust me I'm not the type of person
well where you'll be chasing after you provide value or keep working I'll be consciously finding new ways to grow the club social media presence to mold the club's brand and get the word out there which will result in more signings which will lead to more revenue for you my ultra proposal is a weekly fee of seventy five pounds for that price you'll get all the top pick packages listed on Instagram weekly growth as well as four posts a week and it's kind of read through there I will get hundreds of 200 people falling it within
the first two weeks at the end of the day not having a strong social media is losing money and weakening our pfcs brand it's something you need to sort out and if you go to an agency they'll quote you hundreds of pounds a week and it's very true I can tell you that now except sometimes a thousand pounds a week or a couple thousand pounds a week depends on the size of agency you're going to keep in mind as doing as being a full-service agency for for this first client so not very unrealistic for someone
to charge two thousand three thousand five thousand a week some of these a bigger scale us full service agencies considering the amount of work I'm doing for this blah blah to do to ultimate proposal okay so some just the main thing we need to focus on here I signed this client for seventy-five seventy-five pounds a week and that was my first ever client and it was August of 2016 so hey we all have to start somewhere and this is where I started so I've said this story quite a few times so I don't think there's
much else that I want to talk about in in in this and portion the next one is a company called skin yoga so let's get into it so at this point this is probably three months on from three months on from signing my first kind I've been reaching out to clients this that setting meetings nothing's looking promising so at this point I wouldn't say cocky but a few more confident about myself for sure which is why you'll see Instagram content distribution and account management one hundred fifty pounds a week so blah blah I actually managed
there I actually mentioned there the thing is so few companies care out there most fortune 500 companies out there have never applied to tweet them and mentioning and what sort of company what sort of message are we sending out if we don't apply to our own customers well that'll be part of the job as the account manager we've already sat down I have a clear blah blah that's why the company's social media grows so the thing that the thing that I kind of want to like there's obviously a lot to digest here but the thing
that I want to go over is the fact that I'm literally telling this client not only will I manage the account distribute the content grow it but I'm also basically gonna be customer service and respond to comments and questions basically I'm now customer service as well and this is the thing that so many agency owners out there do when they first start is they stack they stack a bunch of [ __ ] that the person doesn't want like your client doesn't want all of this extra [ __ ] they just want the thing that will
get them the result and this is what I didn't understand when I first start with an agency was I just thought okay if I can add as many if I could add a master class booklet if I can add a basic via their customer support if I can do all of this added stuff surely that means that it warrants a higher retainer no because the thing is all the client wants is their result and that result is for a lot of these clients to be honest for a lot of clients at these points the result
and the main result that I was giving them was increased social media reach increased social media following stuff and and you know great content that was mainly the pitch at that point it wasn't so much I'm gonna bring you know there's no mention here if I'm gonna bring you more customers it's insinuated it's insinuated and it's a byproduct of all the work that I was doing but it wasn't something that I was kind of you know selling per se it wasn't a deliverable that I was selling but my point is I just kept throwing in
all this extra [ __ ] that I thought the client would want but it all it did was all it did was mask the fat mask my insecurities my insecurities and how much that I was trying to price and how much I was trying to charge the client some let's get on to account management and content creation who were 300 pounds a week so everything that is included on the last page you can expect four to eight hundred new followers every week build rapport brand loyalty at that point I was actually starting to charge 150
200 pounds an hour for videography so yeah I was doing freelance work there so you can see that mention there seven posts weekly why do I offer this service it's such a cheap price because I want congruence I want congruence between a message the company's trying to send the content is posted if you decide to go for the first package you have very little control over the message the content is sending unfortunately should be a constant okay so I see what I'm trying to say here basically the way I'm saying why is the second package
you would imagine the second patch because I'm curating all the content as well the first package is basically 600 pounds a month and I used to break it down into weekly fee because I thought that sounded better I love looking back at some stuff like Ozzy this makes me so cringe and so happy at the same time but I would break it down to weekly because I thought that was more manageable or was more likely to sign the clan but anyways I the point that was trying to make here was why is there such a
you would assume that fm charging 600 pounds for just repurposing content managing and growing the channels if I'm you know doing all that but I'm actually curating the contents well you would imagine that I would charge more than 1.2 K and I'm saying here the reason that I offered such a cheap price you know the extra the next tier or the next package is because I want your brand to be congruent to the content that we're posting so what I mean by that is I want creative I won't creative reach I want to be able
to curate all the content as well as distributor and grow the channels and stuff like that rather than having to just take random just random content out there lastly oh I love this lastly we'll be in constant communication there will be a time when you need an online campaign done you are a venturi blah blah blah blah to use every comment this is true suffer lands built its self-reliance that's built when opting for this package I hope that gives you a good idea of what each service offers and the importance of investing your social media
have world where people are watching TV ads anymore they're on their phones looking through Instagram feed there's no binding contract involved okay it's a weekly service unit of what's to come in at the beginning of each month at for example after three months you decide you know learn enough to delegate it to team member staff you're no longer in need a service then there's nothing binding you I would like to remind you that December is the busiest month of growth for an Instagram page out of the whole year okay so once again very interesting package
a very interesting proposal a couple things there I have no clarity on what on what service the get on what service what service fulfills or or mitigates the clients pain point like I have no concept of what like I'm just trying to throw extra [ __ ] into these two packages like that's kind of what I'm trying to do just try to add as much value in there when that's not really what they want the other thing that I'm trying to do here is the communication bit like I man like I've I remember there was
this this video I saw once there was this video I saw once and I just watched and I just cringe so hard because I was like this person is you know no disrespect to a person it was just a random video that came up on my recommended like it was just a you know no no disrespect to the person I just you know what I will say is I would I strongly disagree with the way they handled that objection they go on objection I forget whether it was on a live call or they were just
saying how they would deal with it but the objection was like why should we choose you over a larger agency and their objection the way they handle the objection is like at a larger agency you have to go through you know multiple points to get to you know the agency owner where's me if you call me I'll pick up and I'm just like that is the force objection addling I've ever heard because if my client tried to pick me up I would give him tried to call me first so they couldn't because they don't know
my number and if they tried to or if they tried to message me on messenger or try to email me or anything outside of slack I would one say I would be polite the first one or two times but once again I would remind them I made it very clear in the onboarding this is how we do it and it's for your benefit because that way when we all keep it on one platform all of our clients can get the fastest communication time possible so if one of my clients tried to call me these days
and keep mine I didn't know what I was doing back then this is like this is me my infancy stage as an agency owner but never at the kind of the point that I'm trying to make is never take pride in the fact that never take pride or never tried to sell the fact that your on-demand 24/7 that is not first of all that shouldn't be a plus to your you know like the thing is like I've had service providers stuff and stuff like that before for glory agency for various aspects of the business operationally
like I don't need them to be on call 24/7 just if I send you a message within 24 hours out of courtesy respond like for me as long as you do that like we're cool you know so never ever try to sell it as this positive or this plus or try to you know press on the fact that try to press on the fact that you know you will be on call 24/7 like that's how you become a slave to your agency so that's one thing to note there and once again i'm i don't know
what i'm doing here i'm in my infancy like i mean you know it's just it's cute looking back over this but hopefully you guys can take some lessons out of it especially if you're a beginning agency owner now actually one thing that would be fun to note is did i actually get these clients first one i signed obviously that was my first ever client the second client skinny yoga didn't sign yeah never signed him i was looking very promising but never signed him now this next client david lloyd and you probably hear like why are
you pitching to David Lloyd their revenue is like I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure that manager told me that the general manager told me that their marketing budget was 2 million a year because they also they have gyms and like Holland I know that for sure and like other place in the world and he told me their marketing budget was two million a year but this is back in like 2016 I don't know how much the revenue is but they're definitely an eight-figure your company like 100% has to be and yeah the reason that I
got in talks with them is the reason that I got on talks with them is basically Saurez just getting some slack notifications there the general manager the general manager at the branch that I went to and once again one of my like my best friend growing up his family actually had a family plan and they put me on his family plan because his sister moved away so if you're watching this lots of love dude he was like my best friend growing up so I have a nice fancy David Lloyd membership and didn't have to pay
so I was very sweet of his family but anyways I was gonna miss Jim and I was gonna Jim and like that's the thing as an agency owner you need to understand that if you go to a networking event if you're out of your dream if you're at a restaurant anywhere in the world there's in my opinion there's two businesses where you are useful to anyone and that's having an accounting firm because everyone needs an accountant and having a marketing agency the thing is with an accounting firm like like I don't know I could have
the I could have the sickest accountant or like I could have someone pitch me on to be my accountant and like I wouldn't change my like it's just too much hassle where as an agency it's not as much of a hassle a lot of times most most businesses out there just aren't even doing any marketing or aren't working with an agency they're just having some sloppy intern doing it in-house so the reason I'm telling you this is because I started talking to I I don't know what happened you know over the past four years I
used to be a lot more charismatic to be honest if you meet me these days I'm like I'm pretty I'm very introverted like I think I'm naturally introverted I used to be able to I used to be really good at being able to step out of that she'll and be extroverted times but these days to be honest like I don't really like fight it or this or anything like I'm just I'm a very low and no low energy well I don't know how to describe but I'm not a very like I kind of like to
stay to myself I'm the person that when I go in a goober I love this because on who lux and uber execs or at least in London you get to put quiet like preference and I always put quiet preferred so you know I don't want to talk in ruber I want to like do some work or reply to some messages but anyways back to my point which is I started talking the general manager about what I did growing Instagram accounts curating content stuff like that and that's actually how we actually had a meeting and then
from there I went ahead and curated this proposal so I'll show you guys so what the service I've been managing the club's Instagram account blah blah this engagement gross is very easy to measure ROI isn't okay okay this is interesting the second measurement of growth will be how many likes you get compare tours you have all right amen this is known as gauge min as quantified as a percentage growth is very easy to measure ROI isn't asking what the ROI of an online platform is like asking what the ROI of a friendship through the club
social media we're trying to build brand loyalty and spread awareness I don't want to see someone in Germany flying into London for a weekend to end up at another gym simply because they have a socially a presence and we don't I love how you use we as inclusive the gym is amazing now that spread the word blah blah I do like the fact here that I set the expectation that this isn't an ROI driven service we robbed I made it clear what KPI world we were optimizing for which was growth growth engagement etc etc I
like the fact that I did that the thing is few companies care out there oh I use a canned response to you terrible event I talk about I say the same thing I said for skinny yoga about you know not responding and once again Here I am trying to make myself a company's customer support team and responding to comments and concerns and stuff like that on Instagram so Instagram and other platforms so anyways in terms of content so once again in this package and this is a package that I never wanted people to get the
hundred fifty a week so 600 pounds a month because I always say in terms of content I would simply have to redistribute photos already taken my gym members the post on Instagram and you attack David Lloyd no idea over the club was something we still definitely be able to grow up with this limitation most of time I want to make this one out to be really really [ __ ] because obviously I wanted people to get the calf management and contact creation so kind of similar to the last one I talked about I flex on
them how much are charging at that time for my videography and photography services I mentioned this will be much better than iPhone photos Oh once again canned response I want congruence Oh even your terrible terrible I sure I really should have I really should have gone ahead and and and done a actual bespoke spoke for pros here but uh lastly we've been in constant communication Wow alright you man you could have put a bit more creativity into this alright once again very interesting so it seems like I pretty much took the exact same proposal from
the previous company and just slapped on David Lloyd so didn't get the clients um guess I'm you know looking back I'm glad I didn't go out on my out of my way to make a entirely new one so yeah that was David Lloyd and that was my very very CUTE attempt at signing David Lloyd as a client when they make eight figures probably multiple eight figures a year considering that my marketing budget of two million here yeah very very CUTE attempt on my part that said this actually did get a decent way down this the
in the pipeline and the thing is this was for one specific branch this wasn't for all of David Lloyd so yeah that's another thing to mention there what else quiche mich social media services alright so this is actually a restaurant this is actually a restaurant this is a restaurant and I met the owner and a networking event so once again like networking events just being out and about even a restaurants or being at the gym storing conversation when people stuff like that as an agency owner you don't know where the next client could come from
offline you know so I'll just keep that in mind like you you can find clients from everywhere like I remember I just start up conversations with like just people next to me at a restaurant like if I saw that they happen we're on had business manager open if like you know just kind of from like all you can find clients from all different directions it's kind of what I'm saying that's the beauty of being an agency owner is you get referred to like the amount of times you know the amount of times in 20:17 where
I was like you know people were like oh you should meet this like marketing whiz kid or like even now like people like oh he's the marketing like guy like he could really help your business with this or that so you need to understand in agency although you should never rely on it a lot you know a lot of business will definitely come from referrals so even if you stop doing outreach which obviously I never recommend you do even if you stopped all your external efforts and you just got really good results for your clients
just kind of naturally the compounding effect through friends business partners naturally just in life you're gonna end up with a good amount of clients so we've got amazing restaurant blah unfortunately it's never the best product or service that wins you are right there Eman old age ads don't work people slip through the ads on magazines they skip forward on their tebow boxes they don't look at billboard ads all right social media no it's not enough just to have great content oh okay so I flex on on my entry influencer connections which by the way I
didn't really have any at the time I just you know I I was like you know I just knew that I could get him like I could get him in for free dinners and stuff like that so I don't really have any connections but I knew I could get some that's insane to each they get a free dinner and we get free advertising that has much better return if we went old media route I just knew there was a I knew that there was some broke-broke influencers that like literally will go to a place for
like if they could go with them in their girlfriend for like and just get a free dinner and posted on their story yeah so a blah blah social proof [Music] okay let's see I have some more good news okay so I remember we meet we met in person and I was like he asked what the price was and they actually had an agency at the time and their agency I don't know how like some agencies can like even survive off this amount of money but like their agency was quoting them 500 pounds a month and
they were like how much would you do before and I was just like 400 a week and it was just like a flash thing like I had no idea like it was just like a I was kind of put on the spot I have some more good news I quoted you 400 pounds a week for the management of Instagram Twitter and Facebook as well as the photos and videos I'll be taking on a weekly basis with that well that was a very that was very off-the-cuff quote after breaking down the house it'll only cost 250
a week it's come on board as the restaurants marketer and photographer all right awesome oh and here is this is terrible I work 10 hours a week for a Koosh Koosh five of those hours blah blah the remaining files go towards so ten hours a week so oh no even oh this is this is so cringy look back it's so 250 a week with ten hours work leaves me at 25 pounds per hour what is very specialized work once again I flex on them with the fact that I charge 200 for videography an hour the
service charge five days before the beginning a month which you were paying for I also offer very generous discount if you decide to come in stay on for longer so if they stay on for three months I give him a 15% discount I actually still do this with clients although I give them 10% if they pay upfront for three months and after that that's just like they can do that but I don't offer any other discounts after that but if I they decide to commit to six months you can get 30% discount Wow all right
Wow well all right ladies and gentlemen I think that last page was the funniest where I try to justify my price like by hourly rate at you know talking about how when you know it's very specialized work so um and this is just so so so entertaining and so funny look back at I hope you guys are enjoying this and getting some value from it as well yeah I just never try to breakdown hourly what you're like what's your worth or like how much you're working or like because they think it doesn't matter how much
you're working it just matters are you getting them result that they want you know like if your client if your client has ever dumb enough to ask you how and how much hours how much worker you're gonna do just go if it takes me in a hundred hours I'll do it in a hundred hours if it takes me one hour I'll do it in one hour the only the only thing that I can promise you is that you I will work to get the result that's intended you know so I say I kind of say
the same thing to you know people in my life or you know even even my team like technically there's the set amount of hours or whatever that they're meant to work a week but if they do it in in less time or it takes more time like I don't mind the only thing that it matters to me is is it done that's the only thing that matters I don't care how long you spend on it we're trying to justify how much you worked or your value by the amount of hours you work that doesn't matter
to me so yeah just another thing like you can just see so many rookie mistakes here and in those four proposals alone I hope you have you know this is this is coming out to be a very sort of raw uncut video a lot of ohms and ons so I don't want to let this go on any further but you can just see a agency owner that has no guidance and I had no guidance at this point I had no guidance I had no direction I had no one to tell me this is what you
should what you shouldn't say this is the this is the value proposition that you should press on because this actually matters to the business owner and this is the stuff that you should just disregard because it doesn't help you sell the client and it doesn't deliver any added value or extra value to the client so yeah ladies and gents this is looking back at proposals between August of 2016 and the last one was December of 2016 I believe so yeah you know that that's the thing that that's thing that didn't this is why I love
having an agency so much it's just year on year you learn you learn you improve every aspect of yourself as an agency owner and every year that you have your agency it builds on itself because you get better and better results you're on your you're gonna inevitably get better and better results your clients you're going to get more and more referrals you're gonna solidify a solidify yourself as an expert for your niche and things just get easier and easier year-on-year I'm telling you right now I've seen it usually it's after that one twelve to eighteen
month mark having an agency just becomes so light it just feels so easy that doesn't mean you don't have to put in the work or you don't have to continue to do all the things that got you to that successful point but there's just it's hard to explain I think I mentioned it before in another video like it just something happens does this switch that happens and you just you just get it you know you just get it like you've just had enough reference experience to get it if you'll confer that you can deliver your
services and you're starting to get a lot of inbound and referrals because of the track record that you have so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope it was quite amusing for you a lot of stuff I look back at and cringe on but Edison you know we all start somewhere and this was my starting point so yeah hope you guys enjoy the video and see you the next one
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