[CM P] Data Limite Segundo Chico Xavier [CM P]

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Lançamento: Agosto de 2014 Por: Pozati Filmes Cinemakers Direção: Fabio Medeiros Roteiro: Juliano ...
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All the world religions point to a single moment in the future of mankind in which reality will be dramatically transformed by a singular event Because we will understand that we are all part of an universal family That event will start a new existential age for all human beings who share the planet Will be a time when mankind will find its origins and discover its role in the universe in which it’s inserted But when will this happen? Does have the mankind a deadline for moral adaptation in that new reality? What is the deadline?
TV show with the widest audience in the history of Brazilian television Pinga Fogo was also the scene of one of the most extraordinary demonstrations of mediumship The Pinga Fogo TV Show was to the history of spiritualism, no doubt a divider! Inside public curiosity among journalists and the large audience was Francisco de Paula Cândido Xavier Because of his unique mediumship his kindness attracted people of all faiths and even those who had no religion Chico Xavier was born in Pedro Leopoldo city on April 2nd, 1910 and became worldwide known He was an unique person To me, considering the existence of discarnate spirit entities I feel that they are also extraterrestrial beings Man of kind heart and soul, great philosopher and popularizer of spiritual doctrine Chico manifested spiritual gifts and paranormal abilities like all great masters who passed by planet Earth That wasn’t an ordinary man he wasn’t a normal, ordinary human being He was an extraordinary person who had a very strong connection with the real spirituality Chico Xavier is one of the greatest Brazilian writers of history He psychographed 468 books and although he has sold over 50 million copies worldwide he always assigned the copyright to charities He also psychographed about ten thousand letters without charging a penny from the receiver Chico Xavier was a medium with an ability to reception of an absolutely wide range of possible sources of messages Regarding Chico Xavier, he was one of the greatest sensitive that mankind has noticed I used to send him some letters that I had not signed my name, wondering he would be a very busy person and for my surprise when my great-aunt introduced me to him, he called me by name he said my name "Geraldinho" and said that he didn’t understand two things: I was sending letters that made him very well but I didn’t sign and I didn’t leave an address to write back And I was totally surprised by his reaction because not even my family knew I wrote to Chico, right? The strength of his mediumship was unquestionable But could Chico Xavier, at his time, have foreknowledge of future events?
Chico Xavier had the ability to receive extraterrestrial messages Messages from outside of planet Earth Chico Xavier, in the Spiritist language one of the greatest ‘mediums’ of the world, which made na amazing work but he was a fantastic sensitive within the scientific terminology And Chico Xavier had not only the ability to receive but a deep and huge ability to analyze the received message Furthermore to synthesize the analysis with his own conclusions He had this ability, Moreover, scientists say that all of us, me, you and you we all have this latent ability that parapsychology indicates which are telepathy clairvoyance psychokinesis, that is the action of mind over matter and precognition I mean, the knowledge of the future is a science studied in universities, school of parapsychology worldwide! Where they exist! How Chico Xavier, that little man, as many said that ugly little man, bulging eyes coming from Uberaba, is talking about it all?
Who is Chico Xavier to say that? Chico silent and humbly listened to the critics, read the reviews, many sad comments about him and continues his life Life that was often marked by public incredulity in unimaginable events, which he predicted in a such extraordinary way Especially in Pinga Fogo TV Show in 1971 The problem of transplants deserves our respect and lets ask for our medical science to continue forward So, we should not despise the organs called “plastics” as much as possible in the replacement of organs in the physical body But transplants deserve our consideration and we should proceed The questions that I made to Chico Xavier What is the fate of transplanted people in Brazil? After Barnard, the first transplanted by José Zerbini in Brazil, was João Boiadeiro, the man who had this nickname Chico replies, speaks of their destiny, and says: “Dr Bezerra de Menezes tells me here that the problem of rejection will be subject to medicine solve for many years” “Dr Bezerra de Menezes suggests that men study plastics equipment to replace damaged heart until transplant rejection is definitely solved” The world just saw a few months ago the revelation of scientists in France who applied in a human being the first plastic heart in the world He even made the prediction that Brazil would discover the largest oil reserves in the seabed and I confess to you that I was absolutely skeptical of what he was telling me, thinking that he was very vainglorious And he was very emphatic saying that Petrobras would become a major oil producing companies in the world that Brazil would be a giant oil producer not only major agricultural power, but also a giant oil producer to the world So, it is very likely, very much he has received types of messages like we approach now including forces of nature drawn his own conclusions that there was too much oil on the Brazilian coast Now there is that subsalt showing us and other predictions he made I mean, Chico always had a foretaste of the future that is an inherent faculty of great souls, the power of prescience We certify that naturally “Then, on the moon it’s possible that men build the cities of glass greenhouses cities where scientists can establish support points for observation of our galaxy Chico predicted, justifying, trying to advise people to understand that the billions of dollars applied to the conquest of space was not a waste but a pressing need for mankind to dispose of it Right now, while we’re talking there are at least six hundred men’s machines scattered throughout the solar system either on the Moon’s surface or around the Moon either at the surface or around Mars taking photography of Saturn’s rings, the Jupiter satellites asteroids, that’s it!
When men went to the moon and all the derivation of this fact results that we have internet online easier faster communication cable television, but not on cable anymore, satellite television all these are a derivation of this great step taken And probably, water will be supplied by lunar soil itself Only 40 years later a NASA scientist brought to public the official version hat a space probe, when dropped on certain region of the Moon found in that crater, 1 billion gallons of water! Then it ends with NASA scientist on behalf of his team with the team present, giving the official information to the world These cities are not dreams of science! These cities, of course, with so much sacrifice of terrestrial mankind, can be made and probably, it will obtain nitrogen and oxygen let's say, aluminum plants glass and plastic material from Moon itself for the construction of these redoubts of the earthly science Then he speaks of the elements that give shape condition to human life which will be found on the Moon and then the creation of laboratories that will be called glass laboratories But before that, he clearly describes what we are expecting the news and I think it will not take long due to the many NASA releases that came out more recently The Moon Treaty was signed and in that treaty men had established that the Moon would not be used for not peaceful purposes The Moon should serve as a reservoir for human life or maybe to give more advanced jumps toward other planets other galaxies and infinity!
Today we see, maybe at that time we didn’t pay attention because it was something out of time, out of period but today seeing the achievements of science, seeing the progress of civilization we look back and surprises us Everything is contained in conversations, words, writings or revelations of Chico Xavier Who was that man, who was here by our side and maybe we didn’t have a sense of his evolution and spiritual presence so advanced for what we didn’t know yet The accuracy of future events, anticipated by Chico Xavier showed the strength of his paranormal, in an undeniable way But was in the early mornings in Uberaba with close friends that his mediumship brought extraordinary informations about mankind’s destiny From the moment I began to attend his home in Uberaba we talked a lot into the night because Chico was a person who loved to talk, to tell stories and one early morning in 1986 I asked about that book, which he psychographic, ‘Brasil Coração do Mundo Pátria do Evangelho’ and from there, we developed a conversation and then he asked me to recall an excerpt from the book, ‘On the Way to the Light’, authored by Emmanuel, his spiritual benefactor where Emmanuel said that towards the end of the 20th century, it was scheduled a meeting of the angelic powers of the entire solar system in the surroundings of Earth That meeting predicted by Emmanuel in 1938 in fact has happened it happened on July 20th, 1969 when man first set foot on the Moon That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind if he had known all the consequences of that phrase and all the results of that process , I think he would be much more proud of the creation of this phrase that he created so brilliantly For Chico, on the occasion of the arrival of man on the moon in July 1969 a meeting happened with the heavenly powers of our solar system to verify the moral advancement of the earthly society According to Chico Xavier, the angelic powers of our solar system were concerned about the harmful influence of terrestrial mankind in the planetary balance considering that the most powerful nations on earth had armed so strong there was the nuclear issue, issue of weapons of mass destruction which were a huge danger and because of it, they had convened that meeting and Christ, once again, advocated for our cause in favor of terrestrial mankind requesting an extension of time for we readjust in the path of peace mutual respect among nations And from then on it was decided, after much debate, according to Chico a period of 50 years was given from July 20th, 1969 so extra time that expires on July 20th, 2019 If we do not enter into an extermination war in the next 50 years so we can expect extraordinary achievements of human science starting from the Moon The heavenly powers decided to grant us a period of 50 years for mankind to evolve morally and coexist peacefully without provoking a third World War So Chico started talking about the two possibilities we would have because that time, he called the last hour I mean, the last chance to mankind progress in peace and we should have two paths to follow the good path the path of mutual respect among nations the most powerful and responsible nations on Earth should avoid a nuclear war If mankind lives in peace until the deadline would be ready to enter in a new age of its existence and magnificent feats would be seen everywhere We will get faster in a planetary regeneration from July 2019 if, and only if, the nations understand each other not getting into a war of extermination which would have devastating consequences So I was the devil's advocate I asked: “And if the war happens? What will happen? ” Then he told me: “Look, if mankind chooses the worst choice then the man would start a nuclear war but who would put an end in to the nuclear war would be the Earth itself exhausted of human excesses, human exploitation of natural resources the devastation of nature the Earth itself would respond with devastating earthquakes and volcanoes bringing unimaginable consequences, especially for the northern hemisphere of the planet which in this case, would eventually become uninhabitable If humanity has learned the lesson There won’t be a World War we will continue with these localized conflicts that surround the whole planet but the global involvement in a conflict that can actually be classified in this way it would be a catastrophe, unacceptable, unbearable I think we will not get this Yes, humanity today, despite the evolution of all things is in a slightly more complex point because there are many more people with much more ability to have a negative effect on society We are capable of such atrocities, these bellicose acts Because we are still very bellicose!
Men want to defend themselves from what they don’t know yet attacking! Today we have 6-7 thousand nuclear warheads admitted by the different powers of the nuclear club The probability of a third World War happens it seems to me at present, somewhat uncertain because the world wouldn’t gain anything especially considering that the weapons that exist today are far more lethal and destructive so I don’t want to believe that someone will have the courage to push the button knowing that if he explodes others, then he can also be blowed up Because a war, in the present circumstances would have disastrous and totally destructive results without having a winner Stop, Think, Reflect and Love! then the men will give hands, the weapons will be forgotten the world will move in the other direction If we could overcome this period of 50 years without war none of us could foresee the advances that would occur from July 2019 advances in science, medicine, public and social welfare including contact with other forms of life resident on other planets who would bring resources and expertise far beyond what we know today then the Earth would enter a hall of progress, a circle of unimaginable progress According to Chico Xavier if countries manage to avoid a nuclear war until the Deadline and achieve peace in the international relations mankind would finally be ready to join the planetary community and to contact other civilizations of the universe To Paul Hellyer former Minister of National Defense of Canada the reality of these civilizations and their contact with mankind are intimately connected to concerns about the nuclear issue on the planet Earth And it was a great concern for them, when we finally touch the energy that spins the universe which is the nuclear power When we finally had access to nuclear energy, which is the energy that moves the universe The energy released in a nuclear explosion that is today no more nuclear fiction but nuclear fusion is the same energy that makes the Sun or any other star works And this caused concern because our big steps while species are observed by these bigger brothers for these older brothers If we decide to self-destruct with chemical warfare, finish the life in the soil of the earth maybe they do not mind, I don’t believe it because they also have a very advanced spirituality but they can not care about but with a nuclear war with the risk of affecting the vertical axis of the Earth splitting our planet then they will not like We can set fire on Earth!
in theory, because it’s ours no other civilization has to do has anything to interfere, it’s our planet we can! Our insanity is ours, we can touch fire here but these galactic forces these beings say when they come here that a cataclysm on the planet, not only affects the planet affects the entire solar system, and a big area of the universe So we're dealing with something that can produce a greater effect than our own home and only in our own home So we're dealing with something that is present in the universe when we had access to it and the degree of devastation that it is capable of the civilizations who were observing us for a long time appeared with much more intensity and not rarely throughout history whenever there was an atomic experiment, a development of a weapon the explosion of a test, a construction of a nuclear power plant or where the nuclear missiles are stored the flying saucers are unquestionably invariably and recurrently present Especially during the Cold War but also since then in the 80s, the 90s where there is something related to nuclear energy they are present and in the contacts they make with us, they say: “You don’t know what you are dealing with! ” This is very serious!
they prevent us, paralyzing the missiles making the heads of nuclear warheads completely deteriorated codes of releases deteriorated the warheads are replaced like a proof of power and at the same time a demonstration of a message that we should not be doing that Today our power to destroy the Earth is 80 times the capacity of the Earth to be destroyed in other words, we could destroy us 80 consecutive times with assumed arsenal admitted by the countries not counting the arsenal which it’s not admitted by them Because nothing is loose in the universe we will bother them, there where they are a change in the solar system, that will surely disrupt the solar system will disturb the balance and they do not want it what they can do to avoid this kind of war, they will do It's the equivalent of you live on second or third floor in a twenty-story building the apartment is yours, you just bought it, you can tap fire on the curtain if you want you can make a fire in the room but the guy upstairs will not like who lives in the 20th floor will like even less But the apartment is yours! Wait a minute! You cannot touch fire on it because you will affect other life forms, as much this as in other planets and it seems that will not be accepted by them We are on the threshold of a remarkable age If the most advanced countries of the globe can withstand the pressure of their own problems without coming into destructive conflicts such as: war of extermination that will leave unpredictable consequences for all of us on the planet then we will see an extraordinarily wonderful age!
If we get in 2019 in peace which is the great goal of all of us to win this period with tranquility, with mutual respect between nations between families, breaking down the walls of separation I believe then we will enter in a age of dramatic changes and how Chico told me, these changes would bring knowledge would bring unimaginable benefits to human social organization and among these advantages get contact with civilizations more advanced than Earth , residents in other planetary orbs Chico told us, for example, they accompanied the evolution of the Earth but always discreetly, without directly interfering, but they were very concerned about the nuclear arsenal of mass destruction that we store and if called to responsibility, Yes! they would intervene in a event of a nuclear war not allowing mankind destroy the planet Now, regarding the mutual exchange, if we get in 2019 peacefully surely they would have the permission from the Christ to speak openly to our populations bringing new knowledge, bringing new ideas furthermore stimulating the development of the Earth in this world of regeneration Chico only would say what is within the divine plan and for his long experience of mediumship he would bring us a revelation that deserves credibility and could be confirmed later According to the deadline predicted by Chico Xavier the mankind would actually be on the verge of this singular event that will completely transform the reality in which we live We will pass through a process process where we will have the opportunity to adjust our differences or leave our differences as nations aside to speak the same language, at least among those minimally civilized nations Why? You cannot expect the whole world becomes one thing to receive extraterrestrials because there are nations who do not care for the extraterrestrials and will never care about them even if they appear So, I believe a big part of the civilized world will take a period to adapt to this process Things will happen gradually there will be a preparation because you can be sure that the gap the scientific gap is so big, it's huge that men would have much difficulty to face a contact like that We are already living this transition period according to the spiritual benefactors the Earth is evolving because planets also evolve in the view of spiritualism, the Earth is an inferior planet because those who inhabit are inferior spirits yet as we develop our inner Christ the moral values that adorn our personality and our individuality will change the vibration pattern and the planet too As perhaps a transformation of the human being from the birth of a new generation prepared to change this world Today a three years old child knows things in greater quantity than one who was born ten years ago, when he was three years old or was born twenty years ago, when he was three years old in other words, children are coming increasingly better it can be the product a refinery an improvement of the human race from the delineation of a directed reincarnation project Genetically, we are paranormal beings and in this process of evolution we will be able to develop our paranormal abilities not just to psychically tune with beings from another dimension beyond Earth but also in a better world where the possibilities of communication are more feasible to keep close encounters Parapsychology is showing us that you are able to dive dive into another space condition, independent of the three dimensions it would be a fourth dimension in space which would require a new dimension of time because we live in a four-dimensional space three dimensions of space and one of time You need length, width and height to see an object and a period of time to understand this object then we live in a four-dimensional space when you get a fourth dimension of space time will be different for you then you will enter in a hypertime and some who are already in these studies how they say: Yes!
you can glimpse a journey from here to Alpha Centauri and you can go in two or three seconds Despite sounding like pure scientific fiction an encounter of mankind with civilizations from other planets have been studied in areas such as ufology For many experts of the subject it is an undeniable reality I see that at the first moment it will be traumatic for planetary society because any change is traumatic and a revelation like that which I consider the most important to us nothing can be more important for humans than discover itself as part of something much bigger that transcends vastly the Earth that involves numerous planets with much more advanced civilizations This will change our concepts about absolutely everything At the first moments will have an impact and the impact will frighten many people but in the following moments this will produce a full transformation brutal in the good sense, in our lives We will have a cosmic life It is inevitable! Chico was absolutely sure about the existence of these beings from other planets with them he had a conviviality of respect, of authority because above all, Chico was worried about what he represented on Earth to share work with those beings And Chico Xavier claimed this in our private conversations warning me: “Saulo, you are very young” “but you will live to see this reality which the World will know” Despite the evidences the official stance of many governments is to deny Of all, the USA are the best known example however, the silence seems to be ending Let us not delude ourselves! This period has began and the nations already know that they must be prepared for this meeting because the Royal Society in London has already made a meeting, between scientists, authorities around the world to discuss how it will be done in the first contact and the same occurred in a closed session at UN General Assembly in New York to discuss who finally speaks for planet Earth Because it’s likely that some of these intelligent beings coming from another dimension are among us and we don’t realize But look, here and there, leaks are made it seems that the knowledge is stored and from time to time, someone releases a little bit of that knowledge to not shock in the process That is what has made many governments which also has no way to hide these informations anymore the Brazilian government did this the Peruvian government did this, the Chilean government did this Uruguayan government, the Spanish government, Italian of San Marino, Mexican many governments around the world are gradually opening up to this new reality because it is inescapable this new reality has no way to be prevented from occurring it will come and it will change everything and those who have prepared for it will suffer less the impact of change Events are held around the world by activists pro-opening of secret files about contacts with extraterrestrial life They ask for transparency and the truth about the reality which will transform the lives of billions of people on planet Earth Nothing will be as before when a formal contact with this reality happens as an indisputable proof and fully accepted universally whether in the form of a formal presentation of these beings without overstatement!
because that is exactly what will happen when the existence of other forms life is revealed, interacting with us in this way which now occurs, more or less veiled with few visible inroads but it is intense, strong and millennial As predicted by Chico Xavier it can be in 2019, or we can give an extra time it can be 10 or 20 years later Now who will suffer are some very orthodox religions I would not say the Catholic Church would suffer because Catholic church is already prepared for it The Vatican is the institution on planet Earth who has more information about UFO phenomenon because for 500 years Vatican has its own representations around the globe And changes everything changes the history of our civilization because we'll be able to know it integritily not as it has been taught Changes the history of religions changes the way religions are practiced changes forms of government everything changes, the relationship between us citizen of this planet everything changes, because we will not see us only as citizens of this planet but as citizens of a set of planets or of the Cosmos! But from then on, we'll live days that I consider to be revealing, wonderful! Therefore, we need to revere the peace of nations, the tranquility of all with respect to all with the maximum reverence for science for that we can receive these benefits in the future perhaps sooner than later if we do to deserve Do we deserve this?
Are we prepared for this? We have to prepare ourselves! we have to be more qualified human beings for face this moment, living the moment with less trauma and more fullness and to be able to enjoy of what will come from it So we will have, who knows the possibility of get in touch with other communities of our galaxy The first personality linked to a religious thought In the world!
Who dared, I use quotation marks for a television live show to assert the existence of these beings the existence of other inhabited worlds From the view of Chico Xavier the technological advances that such meeting would bring to mankind would revolutionize the way of life on Earth once and for all Explode the transition in unrestricted apex Awaits a new age Pray the new time over the bitter and troubled time Will come a time where we will keep a lucid exchange with beings from another dimension Will these extraterrestrial beings transfer us information, technologies, for example in the medical field, to cure our diseases? I believe so, and if not, what is the sense of contact? If they have nothing to offer us why would they introduce themselves?
If we don’t have nothing to offer too why would they introduce themselves? So, there is something about us that must serve for them and there are a lot of things about them that should serve us I believe there will be an exchange I do not want to belittle our participation in this dual game I think we have things that interest them so much and they have things that interest us very much and they could take it if they wanted the way they intended by force! Through abductions for example Also may come those who do not have a high spiritual formation because we are in a universe that is still expanding toward infinity But certainly, as it is a world of regeneration and blessings the evil disappearing from Earth will provide us communion with high level beings and anticipate the victory of good So they come and from a certain moment our life will transform Then we have to start a more radical exercise of imagination because, how should be the days where we will live in a cosmic society?
and not terrestrial anymore How those who have power in this world will be forced to relinquish their power! Because it will not be conceivable a domination of the planet Earth when the Earth becomes part of a galactic community Perhaps the transformation process involves a neutralization of our hostile capabilities in a global way Anyway, whatever it comes will be a very special moment the best time for our planetary society the best time to mankind What comes after that contact, certainly, will be for improve But will the mankind be ready for this encounter? We will understand where we came from and where we are going to, and what makes us to so similar to those beings or they to us because we are all one species from a same family a cosmic family and we are taking our first steps towards to understand that Because we will understand that we are part of a universal family we are not the only world created by God Jesus himself, whom we revere as our Lord and Master, said: "In my Father's house are many mansions" In the certainty of there are many mansions at the Father's house let's prepare ourselves and expand our awareness to this golden age hand in hand with our brothers brothers from this universe and other universe!
brothers from this dimension and other dimensions! So, that we can achieve for the greatness of our reason for being According to Chico Xavier if mankind could live in peace until the deadline will be finally ready to join the universal community Other civilizations more advanced will be allowed to formally present themselves getting started a new age for the inhabitants of planet Earth As ufologist who studies these civilizations that Chico Xavier had called galactic powers, superior brothers it brought me encouragement to what we expect we ufologists hope for it for some decades may have its beginning, as Chico spoke 50 years after the man’s arrival on the Moon after it has fulfilled this terrestrial moratorium in other words, from July 2019 Chico predicted that from the arrival of man on the moon a period of 50 years was given to decide which path to choose The War! or the Peace!
Maybe, that's the beginning of the process we have been talking for so long in ufology a preparation that leads to a formal contact with these other life forms who are coming here and will completely change the way of understanding our own existence This contact, that will completely change the life of 7 billion human beings just depends on the evolution, ethical and moral conduct In the past, people had the perception that each one had to take care of their own land and that was all right, if they well cared of it Nowadays, the understanding because of internet, of globalization is that we cannot have that kind of individualism, we had in the past but that we live in a condominium called Earth and this condominium called Earth assumes that everyone shares responsibility somehow We are a child that began to climb up in the cradle it won’t be long to we get out of the cradle and start walking on the floor of the bedroom not realizing that there is a next room, that there is another apartment next door , that there’s another building beside, that there is another neighborhood close that there is another city, another country and another planet around We still have a long road ahead but we have taken the first steps so we are closer to getting there than when we started But if we think about 2019 as a moment of introspection of the human being to himself We have an obligation to find and to leave a legacy much higher than we find in the present moment Chico Xavier, recognized as the greatest Brazilian of all time had a perception of reality that went far beyond his time Chico Xavier reached as an ordinary person maybe, not perfection but he was very close to perfection in all fields of human activity as an ordinary human selfless you haven’t ever seen anyone like Chico Xavier, since his begins a drop of selfishness, full selfless fully altruistic About that, he was a master because through friends. . .
he had nothing, because he was always a man of few resources but through the great friendship he got because of mediumship, because of his own… fraternity he made good friends in São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Rio, Brasilia, Goiania em São Paulo, em Belo Horizonte, no Rio, em Brasília, em Goiânia in the country of São Paulo, all over Brazil and even abroad And those people were a way to he help the afflicted and overwhelmed people Dedicated to the human cause dedicated to the nature of the good things, dedicated to improving what could be improved Therefore an Example! He was always an example! And this, we would like to find in the people who govern the various countries He was happy among people, humble people no culture and poor people He was always in contact with the needy population Always concerned about their needs and always trying to find means and conditions to satisfy the great lack So Chico, during 75 years of his 92 years lived he devoted himself to the love of neighbor, to the good to the honesty toward all to the good of each one he devoted to love of neighbor in detriment of his own health, his own life and leaving us, this extraordinary lesson, that I follow in my life: humility above all!
If the testimony and example of integrity, kindness and moral evolution manifested to the world by Chico Xavier inspire our generation the conquest of the New Age will be inevitable! So worth loving! When we love, we conquer psychological maturity The human creature has been educated to find happiness If we try to be better more peaceful, more affable then the world will be, indeed, much better because our change will transform the mankind so that the important thing is to love So, love is the great supper is the answer to a happy life!
War or peace once again will decide the course of history It only depends on our behavior so that we can experience a new reality And so, finally to be part of our universal family!
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