MrBeast on Beast Games

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if this flops and people don't like it then it's like oh he's just you know a YouTuber yeah I just that's just not a reality I can't let that [Music] happen this episode is brought to you by spotter all right Jimmy welcome back to the show thank you this is your third time in the chair I did want to give you some stats uh since the last time we sat down together you've grown over 80 million Subs to 242 million subscribers your videos since that time have done over 3.2 billion views your top video has
over 582 million views right now wow so we last time we said it that was 10 months ago 10 months ago wow you knew that exactly because we gained 99 million Subs in the last year so yeah that's crazy man um and you were in an Instagram photo with Kim Kardashian right that's the most important one the peak of my career which is why we're here yes I know I post that photo they're like another podcast let's do it I I feel like before you continue your scripts we should probably address the hazmats Su and
the giant choca bar I didn't even notice yeah okay well that's that was pretty obvious product placement but this one I have two people trapped in a bunker and uh if they survive 100 days in there they win half a million dollars like we literally built like a real bunker so I I don't really know why but I thought it'd be funny if I wore a hazmat suit every time I filmed there so we were filming that before I came here so that set was nice yeah um obviously we're g to talk about YouTube we're
gonna talk about your main Channel we're gonna talk about Feasta BS but where we wanted to start was with a headline that everyone read you know about a month ago uhhuh YouTu I wonder what headline what headline YouTuber Mr Beast reportedly in talks for competition series on Amazon's Prime Video in a deal worth a100 million care to comment that was a headline that was the thing yes we we're doing um I we've talked about it a lot uh we were doing a a streaming show and uh yeah we're doing one with prime this is actually
we were going to do a press but I knew we were going to do this podcast so I was like let's just make this podcast the press release uh so I don't know if that's a conventional way when you do shows like this but um yeah we've we've uh let me think I probably should be careful what I say too much I've never done a streaming show like this so I don't like with you two I'm super open about everything I don't well I'm just trying to calculate how how much I want to talk about
the you know negotiations there's uh let's just say Amazon will give us the most creative control and by most I mean all creative control and they'll let me do whatever I want and other platforms you know didn't so there's there's there's a lot of I we'll see if we get into it later in this I don't know if we want to dive into it all now but yeah there's a reason we went with Amazon they're awesome I love you guys and I'm gonna try to make the most viewed streaming show in history I do want
to get into negotiation at some point yeah but first that's a great hook keep watching what's the name of the show Beast games right I I I think that fits it perfectly it's going to be wow I've not this will be the first time anyone hears it it's it's going to be the largest game show in history the most contestants any game show has ever had with the largest cash prize in history that I'll probably reveal later but you can imagine what the cash prize was on squid game and it's higher than that so the
largest game show in history the largest cash prize in history and to be honest in my opinion like the biggest sets in history is the biggest everything in history this is this show we have it written now is mind-blowing like the problem is if I say anything about a particular episode it could give a contestant heares it a little bit of insight it's like it's it's like our normal videos but just 20 times better because obviously I mean I don't know if that number you read is accurate or not but I have I have a
bigger budget so money's not a constraint and um uh what we were talking about before is on YouTube I have to make videos around thousand thumbnails but on this show I can do whatever I want I can just make good content and I don't have to revolve it around the title on thumbnails so money's not a constraint on the show and so and like I can also just do anything um which is like a lot more freeing than you would think and so so it's mind-blowing this the stuff we're going to be doing can you
give us an example there of like it's a lot more freeing than you think yeah what can you give us even like one example of like what does it free you up to do yeah that you wouldn't do on YouTube well with the with the YouTube video it's just kind of you know it's uh people are clicking to watch a video around a title and thumbnail and if you view it too far off you know it's just just kind of how it is on YouTube they're just like okay I'll go watch another video or whatever
they just kind of you you just have to revolve like if if I just got up and I don't know someone else like Ryan tryan sat down like your attention would just kind of you know plummet whereas the show you know when you sit down for a movie you're kind of just like there to enjoy it and get embraced or in a show you're just kind of like along for the ride and it's not you you don't expect it to just be super cut dry you almost like when it does take twists and turns you
know what I mean which is just a whole different vibe and so for this I can do anything I literally it's the constraint is I have the most contestants in history I have the largest cash prize in history and that's it outside that I can do anything actually the the the big difference there is that the end of each episode has to operate as the hook for the next episode which is pretty different than your YouTube videos right well that's our we're Reinventing everything I mean like we can like you know sometimes we'll start the
next challenge halfway through an episode and like like the how do I how do I say what some of this stuff is without saying it it's uh it's like we're throwing everything out the like the door and just trying to really think from you know like first principles how what actually makes a show great like you know and like now this will it'll probably be 6 Plus hours of content whereas my normal videos were 20 minutes so like the character building the storytelling will be out of this world compared to our normal videos like the
closest video to what this would be would like our ages one through 100 or you know with the cubes and stuff but even that will pale in comparison I'm so excited I wish I could just say what some of the episodes are H but it's like like the with the the streaming show cuz the budgets are so big it's like one episode we'll just give away you know what I mean and that's just kind of be like a side you know what I mean like a little bit of spoiler but stuff like that it's I'm
so excited I actually think the um the the two people trapped uh for 100 days that one for me like that was I think your longest video is it not 27 minutes uh well I count to 100,000 but long most recent recent of the recent era that was your longest video and and actually one that I really enjoyed and the character development in that one was I think kept everyone watching for a long time like and there was a little bit of question of like you know their relationship and like how they were getting along
they hate each other are they actually in love like there was this like a lot of interesting stuff there that um tapped into the character development that I think we're used to on reality TV so on that one you know if I would have done that video 18 months ago you know instead of being I think that was 27 minutes it probably would have been 12 you know it's it's crazy if I made content like this four or five years ago instead of like the what people would call the Beast ofic YouTube or whatever uh
I think the videos would have done better I just you know I just kind of grew up on YouTube and I've been making content my whole life and so like obviously I'm much smarter at 25 than I was at 21 and so like at 21 I just thought that's was good content and now I look back and I'm like even some of our older videos I can't watch them like this is this is too much it gives me a headache you know but at the time that's just kind of what I thought was good and
I actually enjoyed it yeah that's it's just if someone gets into making content at a young age you kind of get to see the progression of everything they do on on YouTube and so I I just find that pretty fascinating if that makes sense and now people will get to see it on Amazon which is kind of interesting and in a totally new setting like that's a completely different storytelling challenge I know I'm so excited and when it comes to the show that show is gonna Crush when it comes to the show any c letting
scenes breathe giving people more emotion that's something that you guys have started to do this past year more so on YouTube yep there are people in television that have been doing that and on streaming for like decades exactly yeah are you guys going to bring people in to help with that or how are how are you guys going to look at oh ushering that type of Storytelling in well these these episodes on the Amazon show are massive I mean they are we're we're already hired like 80 90 people to help with it and we're need
way more so I'm bringing a lot of people in but uh no it's going to be more in how we do our our things the YouTube way it's not going to we're not going to take what we do and just completely change it all and and just you know adapt to how the status quo is it's going to be kind of a hybrid because obviously there are things that you know game shows do well but there are other things they don't like one thing I don't really like is like when there's a lot of action
happening and they just cut to someone in a takeaway room clearly filmed after and talking about it like preferably which I we haven't filmed it yet but ideally we'd be able to get those kind of emotions and thoughts in the midst of the challenge right which takes a lot of forethought and a lot of skill because you know these aren't scripted and so like if you miss the shot well then you have to go back and get it so it's like one take either you get it you don't and that's just like one of a
hundred examples of ways I want to innovate and adapt because like I know why they don't do it because it's very hard right if it's not scripted you know how do you get these lines you want from people while they're doing this intense challenge so you you know and then their heads you can't so then they just after the show they go hey say these things to a camera and so cut from a challenge to them in a takeaway room and like you know I might end up having that but ideally I don't so that's
like one of the things we're really prepping for and so like really knowing the pace of all the challenges and things we're going to do and know where people will be most likely to say things and then making sure you have a good camera shot there and like you're capture because I can't go hey say this and then put a camera on them because it's not scripted you know what I mean so just like really thinking through things at like a level that I don't think anyone has ever thought about before um and that's just
like one example of it and then just doing that like to a thousand different ways I think we'll add up where it just will feel nothing like a normal game show it will have the Beast feel and just look more you know High budget if that makes sense I also think you have another tool which is your yourself like you are a character in the game show so so the reason why a lot of times I do that is to cont the emotion oriz whatever is happening but you can do that right I'm saying like
with your voice or with even you as the host like if you miss some context oftentimes you go over and do voiceover to explain what's going on in the scene yeah well ideally they're like paired together it's like while it's happening I'm talking to them cuz like again yeah I would prefer to while they're in the heat of the mod and feeling the emotion I talk with them then and we get it like live as opposed to afterwards but agreed I mean the big thing is the sets are just going to be things you've never
seen before I mean it's actually crazy the kind of stuff we're building um oh my gosh it's I mean it's essentially like cuz I don't know it'll be 10 or more episodes you know I don't know like if we fully finalized the episode count yet but like these each one of these episodes will be bigger than the biggest YouTube video I've ever made right so these are like like we're talking monsters upon Monsters of projects like picture our squid game but like that's just a normal episode in this series like that's a episode you know
what I mean like that's how far we're going with this you know like it's going to be pretty mindblowing uh so it's like physical challenges mental challenges and when can we expect roughly to watch it it should be later this year but obviously I'm not going to put out something that I don't like so fingers crossed I it's over six hours of content so the editing you know might end up taking an extra month or two but should you it should if everything goes to plan be the you know like November December back half this
year what is the average Beast video main Channel video cost right now oo that's a fun one um well obviously it varies CU like seven days on a deserted island is completely different than um the video we're filming a couple days where we have 100 people ages one through 100 and we're redoing that so I think the average video right now is around $2.1 million um just for the production of the video and then obviously I have a lot of people that I pay and things like that so if you include every cost it's probably
$3.5 million a video now which wow yeah it's pretty expensive you remember the first time we came out here and we sat with your mom and looked at your what was the cost back then I mean there was videos that were around $200,000 yeah and and half a million was high half a million was high yeah H can I go back to that world yeah I mean it's crazy that was in remember that yeah I remember I have so many memories of um I don't like I just remember you guys sitting there and I handed
you guys pieces of paper you handed us books yeah yeah like physical copies of it and then we were flipping through it I do remember that yeah yeah I just so 500k was like 500k was like a a big one yeah yeah like 500k is like a low prize in our video now like not even the cost of building the sets it's just what I give out the uh squid Game reality show have you seen that I did yeah the budget on that at least what I read was a million an episode and your YouTube
videos you're saying sometimes are like two to three oh yeah I mean those are some of our videos were spinning four or five yeah I W just makes me think I I I can imagine but it's hard to imagine the cost of an episode for the streaming show oh you don't understand like it's it's going to blow your mind like I can't I after we should do one of these like the literal day after it goes live so I can like explain like the cost and how we're building all these things like I mean I
might build a city you know what I mean build a city like like there the constraints are not there for this show you know what I mean so it's going to be crazy so what I feel like the closest comp is obviously your videos but then also squid game the reality show do you feel that way or no no it's it's completely different it's in a whole different Universe than what they did okay got it yeah it's like that but I mean on steroids times a billion but yeah do do you have things that you
liked and didn't like about that show I didn't finish it to be honest so I don't know uh it was there just there were I thought they did good at building up certain characters and there were like people at the start the part episodes I did watch that I was like I really feel like I know this person their personality but then there would just be like 25 minutes of them just in the bunk bedroom and nothing really progressed and you know I thought there were some very clever things they did I thought they built
some very interesting characters I just uh I guess I don't know more of the pacing but yeah also that's just for me personally other people might have liked the pacing so yeah are there any unscripted shows out there that you watch or have watched in the past that you do like that have been a bit of inspiration for you um no not really I mean what we're creating is just like a different animal than anything anyone's ever done I mean I've I've told you guys some of the episodes that you know a little creative that
I can't say and it's just like it just doesn't exist like it really doesn't so no I mean to be honest it's this will be interesting it'll be very very interesting and how does it play with your YouTube like will you still up you'll upload YouTube videos at that time as well and how does the show does it intermix with the YouTube channel or how does that go yeah well we're actually we're we're going to upload more main Channel videos this year than last year while doing that monster 10 episode or plus uh streaming show
so no I mean I don't I don't want it to mess with the YouTube channel in anyway that is has always been my number one priority and always will be because you know at the end of day we get 200 million views a video and that's like why I'm able to do all this other stuff so um that's why we're hiring so many people to work specifically on the streaming show and so I have like a literal mini Army on it you know um and well I mean the you so the videos also would be
a great way to make people aware of it so yeah I I want to also upload on YouTube around that same time as well so be like hey we got more over here and the first episode is going out on YouTube yeah is that that one you'll have to fact check if I can say but assuming they let this through yeah we're gonna upload a oh not even episode one just kind of like a uh like episode5 yeah episode zero on the YouTube channel so people can see what it's about before they go over to
Prime to watch it which um you know cuz if I just say hey go watch the show on Prime people be like I don't know but if I put you know uh Prelude to episode one on my channel so they can really understand the vibe and be like oh my gosh they're going all out then I think it'll get more people to watch it yeah which with how much effort I'm putting into this I need everyone to watch it like I'm going all out I'm probably I'm probably going to film you know for this like
60 days straight and like we're pouring every fiber of our brains into writing this show and like like I said this is this is every episode will be bigger than my biggest video ever like it's it's going to be disgusting what does success look like for the show for you um I mean ultimately at the highest level I just want people to enjoy it so like success would be people watch the show and they're like that was awesome like this is you know they're not like obviously people watch it because I'm making it but you
know watch the first episode but ideally by the end they're like this was phenomenal and regardless of Jimmy making it or anyone or YouTuber making it this was just like a phenomenal show and I deeply enjoyed it like that success and that for as many people as possible got it quick break in the episode to tell you about a new AI tool that will help you write better YouTube titles it's called title Exploder and it's made by the sponsor of today's episode spotter if you've been watching our Channel you know that over the past 2
years spotter has been developing a suite of AI tools alongside top creators and AI experts these tools have been super helpful in our brainstorming process specifically title Exploder which is now going to be available to creators with over 100,000 subscribers so here's how it works you start with a title you can also add a description of your video then you you can rephrase the title shorten it Reverb it or explode the title to give you a ton of different variations now as you're going through this process if you like part of the title you can
actually edit it and then use that new title to keep going once you get to a title that you like you can save it and then keep brainstorming to get more variations one of the coolest parts of title Exploder is that it's conversational as you're going through the brainstorming process you can click this button that says this butt and write in exactly how you want the title to change it's a really collaborative process and title Exploder is is directly connected to your YouTube channel so the AI learns from your top performing videos all of us
as creators get excited about Concepts or ideas for videos but it doesn't necessarily mean we have the right title to get people to watch those ideas so click the link in our description and sign up to see if you're eligible for title Exploder you'll also get updates on the latest tools from spotter right when they drop is there anything in it for you in terms of your uh reputation as a Storyteller of like yeah okay people know me as a YouTuber yeah well of course my my Pride's on the line because obviously if this show
doesn't do well then it's like oh he's just you know a YouTuber you he can't but it's not even just me it's also other creators like it's I take it very serious this is why I'm putting so much effort and energy into it because like if this flops and people are be like yeah YouTubers aren't capable of you know making on streaming platforms and I I recognize it could either have a massive positive effect and that every stream platform is going to be throwing deals left and right at creators or negative effect and people are
going to go if Jimmy could have make a hit show what makes you think you can and like that is one of my biggest fears is the inverse which is why I'm not going to let that happen you know without get into specific numbers like I could you know try to film it in like you know a week or two and just like look at this as how can I make as much money as possible and just like pocket a disgusting amount of money but that's not the goal here the goal here is to make
the greatest streaming show possible so people you know look at the YouTuber you know economy and like wow they can really move the needle you know what I mean that I mean this is a big deal for that this is a like a historic deal in in in our space and like in the past creators and and traditional media have tried things but it's never really worked I know right it's never worked and so this is like a historic moment and also like an inflection point it is I know they don't work because every time
I talk to stream platforms they would always you know mention all the previous things they did with influencers and like oh it didn't work and I'm like well there's a big difference between me and them you know they have like two employees and I can told you that would have bomb but you know um but yeah I I agree like if if the show doesn't do well people are going to use that as a means to be like well you know basically platforms would be able to use that as a way to underpay creators and
be like well you know yeah so but if it does great then creators can use that as an nor star to be like we are valuable we can succeed on other platforms basically what I just said so agreed gota is there something to like the previous creators didn't have their own production companies so like they were relying on traditional production to make the show and they were just yeah there's that but it's also like we have the most natural crossover because we're already making big budget high production multi-million dollar shoots and like so it's just
very natural for us I'm just taking what I'm doing and then just like if you picture as like a fire I'm just pouring like gas on it but the gas is from a truck and the hose is wide open like that's essentially what I'm doing so when when we did come out here I wanted to play a clip for you oh boy because uh this was in 2021 and we're talking about the budgets for your shows and we're also talking about you producing something for streaming oh really what did I Studio but you're actually even
at spending $200,000 for what you're making the beard back then my hair yeah look at that totally different guy man you are I actually don't think I would recognize you I told you I'm I got a new hair I'm unrecognizable this is human I would think this is your brother If I Didn't Know Better dude it's been three years well you have color in your beard and then yeah the hairstyle the combo of both and you don't wear like colorful shirts like that you've changed man you really CH yeah anyways for what you're making for
the type of distribution you're getting uh it's actually way less than TV spending yeah right I know no it's it's interesting too because if I go to them I'm like hey just for fun you know ask like hey you want to give me some money to produce a TV show like no it's like oh it's like okay guess I'll just I have no interest in doing that type of stuff but uh it's funny cuz sometimes I poke at them to like see if they'll give me money and uh and no one is I guess they
just believe that I can do dope stuff with like a million dollars like even just something as simple as like a million dollars an episode yeah no agreed I back then I had no interest in doing a streaming show because back then on my YouTube channel I was strolling just to barely keep up which I mean I guess I still am but the difference is you know uh how many views of video was I doing back then like 10 10 yeah so I mean now we're doing an average video of 200 250 million like every
single video so we've just gotten so much bigger where platforms are taking us more serious like back then it like a deal for me back then to do something on a streaming platform would have been they tell me what I spend the money on they tell me like what the the thing is like I would have to write the whole show line by line borderline script it and then they'd have to go through and Redline it and then like all this stupid stuff like there would have been no creative control it would have been Beast
games but whatever platform would have like told me what to say and do what the challenges are it would have been cringe like why do they know better than me so that's why I was so disinterested back then because you know I it's cliche but I didn't have the leverage to say hey I know what I'm doing look just trust me no one would trust me now I mean a lot of them still didn't trust me but one of them did Amazon I love you Amazon um so now it's a lot more exciting because when
it can be when I can just do whatever I want and just do what I think is a great show which is why 200 million people show up to watch every single one of our videos then it's like infinitely more exciting instead of you know a world where I could put all this time effort and money into something and then EXA could just go I don't like it yeah you know what I mean like which I don't even anyways don't get me started like I feel like I've proven myself at this point so it's still
crazy but whatever when it came to the negotiation what was most important to you hold on I'm G give you list of three yeah okay money creative control M ownership o money creative control I the first one's easy creative control control like if there's no creative control it's not even creative control there's just no control of every single frame that's going out of the show then I'm not doing it like it's like there's no what I'm coming from YouTube where I can just do whatever I want whatever I want in the videos and then to
a world where someone else tells me because there's just not fair to the audience right they're trusting when they come over that it's content that I back and like I just don't care what some exec says is good content like I literally couldn't care less you know what I mean I just want to make which is what I do on YouTube what I think is great content what I really think the fans will enjoy and Innovative push boundaries Etc so control of course then the ownership of money it's like it's hard because I still reinvest
everything my YouTube channel makes like people don't believe it when I say that people didn't believe it when I said that four years ago but still to this day I just P it all back in so money to me is just a means to make great content and so money was I prob oh well creative control and then control over the IP of course would be number two because obviously I don't want someone to be able but they're kind of the same thing because I don't want so those two yes and then the money I
just want as much as possible so I can make the show as good as possible but not from the standpoint of making money so that would be the third but it's also equally important because you know an extra $20 million allows me to you know make that price full way bigger and do a bunch of other stuff you know I mentioned those three because I assume you got to a place where you're happy with all three of those I'm very happy and I feel like uh the reason that a lot of creators don't succeed when
they work with a streamer or with traditional media is because they end up having to give up creative control yep they don't have ownership over the IP they create some new joint IP uh and uh the last one being the last one being money yeah the money is is actually not that great in comparison to what they can make on YouTube if they're a YouTube Creator at a certain scale yeah no agreed and that's uh I don't know how like hard I want to go at them right now but it's it's pretty interesting because I
mean obviously I'm the biggest YouTuber in the world so like you know just by Nature I will have more leverage than anyone else and even me you know I'm having to tell these people why they should just let me do what I think is good content because I built the track record of it and I've proven myself i' I've proven myself more than any YouTuber could ever you know hope to prove them and even with me you know a lot of platforms are just like they just don't trust you and they want creative control and
they want control the bigger one is like control of the edit so like you know if they don't like things they cut it out or they can make you put things in or you know fabricate things if they wanted to not that that might be why they want but that's just a thing they can if they have control of the edit you basically decide everything The Narrative what goes in what goes out you can you know and so yeah if I'm struggling to get that as Mr Beast then I couldn't fathom someone with a couple
million subscribers or 20 million subscribers like you know um it's it's pretty wild because that also there's just so the the waterfall why that's a bad idea like I could talk for hours on because obviously then you're less passionate about it and you know I can't bring up examples from other creators but obviously I've talked to a bunch of other creators that did shows and that's like a very reoccurring theme especially with a certain platform that we don't need to go in depth on but you know that like they didn't give up the the platform
you know had the control over the edit and then you know the jokes were removed they forced them to put certain things in that you know because quotas and other stuff and it's just like just kills it kills the vibe and it doesn't feel like they're show anymore and then it flops and the Creator's like well yeah because you know this isn't what my fans were expecting and that's a reoccurring theme so hopefully if this as well I would love to you know uh cuz I can't talk too much game because I have I I
needed to crush first the more I say now if it ends up flopping I'm screwed you know I already said so much but hopefully it ends up crushing and then people can go like look they trusted Jimmy and look what he delivered trust me you know what I mean but it's also a little bit too if you want them to be more trusting you're probably especially if you're smaller and you haven't proven yourself on YouTube as much probably just need to take a little bit less of a pay cut because like the more you're going
to push these platforms for like a season one of something you haven't proven the more they're going to want control to like kind of hedge their bet but if you're like hey I'll let me prove myself on season one I'll take a little less money and then if I crush it season two just pay me what I'm worth and you get a deal like that I think that also would help creators but like if you ask for the world on season one and they have nothing to base it off of because you've never done anything
on streaming then obviously they're going to be like okay well now we're a little scared like we want some control but you know so then just like take that take your number cut it in half and then just say hey season 2 pay me what I'm worth and then you know Season Two they'll be way more trusting because they have like a a thing they can reference if that makes sense so it is a little bit in nego negotiations there too and a lot of creators haven't done these kind of highle very intense you know
things and there's very serious ramifications because some of these deals you know they'll own the IP for 10 seasons you know what I mean and if you're making a season every 18 month that's basically your life you know and so there's like they don't understand the ramifications of that and a bunch of other waterfall stuff like it's stuff we just don't deal with over here on YouTube and like the of like really realizing like oh like if I sign the wrong deal and this show does well they just own me you know what I mean
so you got to negotiate very hard which a lot of people makes them uncomfortable you know yeah I'm assuming you were actively negotiating of course yeah I mean I got this is my first time stepping out of the YouTube Lan I've been 14 years non-stop this way and I'm like I'll go dip my toe over here a little bit but you know it it's very scary yeah what did you learn about negotiating I most of it was I just what I said there because I could have obviously pushed for more and more money but the
more you push the the less control they're going to give you so it's kind of like hey you know let me just prove myself and then we'll talk for season two and stuff like that um and also Amazon was just great it's like it was they're just letting me do whatever I think is great content and trusting me and I love it did you like fly out and like sit in a like I'm trying to imagine the actual negotiation room were you like in like a big boardroom with them I was with uh a certain
one but uh no not Amazon uh and the certain one it was it it was an interesting conversation um which you can probably pick up what I've based off everything I've been saying but uh no Amazon they just got it they never really it's weird like other platforms like they would never give it up but from the first call they were just like yeah that makes sense you can have control they they were literally like we don't want it you we you're the master and I was like I was like yeah why can't everyone just
think like that you know what I mean was there any Feasta bles tie in with Amazon was like that part of the conversation or is it pretty separate yeah you'll see when the the show comes out obviously I'm not going to make six hours of content without talking yeah is that like my thought when we were talking last night about the show I was like are the contestants going to be selected through like people who buy febles like golden ticket Vibes well this is where it is a little different I do believe there are like
regulations for you know game shows on streaming platforms I'm still reading them so you know YouTube's a little different than this um yeah because YouTube I can just do stuff like that I just be like you know what pull up a database of 100 people that bought chocolate bars and pick 100 Rand ones got it I think I can do that over here I don't know so I don't want to say anything and then someone be like yeah actually that's illegal right all lawyers wear glasses yeah yeah yeah I mean I think that like that's
that's the obvious like it seems like as you're starting to move into New Deals like having the Commerce tie in and the Feasta bles tie in is yeah yeah it obviously makes sense mhm yeah oh wait is the camera over there let me there we go that's your camera bad yeah I wasn't even in frame I'm bad at this so can you tell us what the like what the prize is you tease that uh no no but it's the largest prize it's the largest cash prize in history yeah yeah my hope for the show outside
of it being the largest cash prize outside of it having the most amount of people is that it still feels very YouTube oh it will having just watched your uh abandoned video seven days yeah there's a clip where you're flying a drone and you fly it and you land it right next to a cat yeah Mark Rober is there as well like my hope is that it's this really massive show at a crazy scale but we still have cameos from creators at times and it still feels at times like youtubery in a way that like
100% when does the host of a show ever fly a drone and then you watch the feed of what it actually looks like you know like I want it to feel still like connected to you and doing some things that you would only expect to see on YouTube well it's funny you saying that cuz it feels like some high level thing but I literally was just like that's a cat and I just grabbed a drone totally yeah there there's nothing like super strategic about that exactly especially that one because you could argue that was very
drawn out but I was just like it's funny a cat walked up to the Drone agreed I mean same thing but the the thing is just it's just me and the voice are just naturally a little stupid and silly and so yeah onstead we're just gon to be doing dumb things the whole time and then since there's always a camera on you know well the editors will be like wow that was funny put it in I mean even just being at some main Channel shoots today with you like Chandler were just actually making each other
laugh yeah and then it was being caught on camera and it was making me laugh too just sitting there and I was like this this is like the beauty of of YouTube and I really do hope it translates I will say the other thing is that as we were talking about this interview Colin and I were like is Jimmy still a YouTuber like being on the you know the cover of Time Magazine like where you're now you know ending up and and now having an Amazon streaming show it's hard to wrap our heads around you
being a YouTuber and we were having this conversation with some of your team yeah and then they showed us this picture oh gosh okay this is you recording voiceover yep with mattresses like a makeshift vo Booth yeah for your most recent video and I was like this is YouTube of course and that was one of your best performing the vo ended up in one of your best performing videos I mean that's top 10 most view YouTube videos 24 hours in history not music so yeah I mean uh agreed he's referencing uh so I spent seven
days on deserted island right after I finished I had to do vo but I couldn't go to a booth or anything so we just set up a booth in a random hotel room on a random Island and I had to crank it out so we could quickly throw it in before video went up I mean yeah I still film you know some months 25 days out of the month and then the five days I'm not filming I still got to do voiceovers and all this other stuff so I I'm about as YouTuber as a k
I'm more of a you spend more time filming than probably any other YouTuber on the planet and this setup is like DIY and it's like one of the most W like you just said one of the most watched videos on the platform and it's like traditional media does not can't can't like comprehend that right like that vo can just be recorded on the go and it's like just makes it into I literally just took all the blankets and pillows and put it up and just had this little microphone threw it in there because if not
we would have uploaded so you know you gotta do what you got to do when we talk about scale Prime Video has like 220 million subscribers okay it seems low I feel like I think it had more does it have more I thought it was closer to 300 okay so around let's say 300 million then yeah that's still your most viewed video is you know 580 um do you like when you think about like scale what do you think about when it comes to like going on a streaming platform where the the ceiling is actually
potentially lower than it is on YouTube right well that's one of the beauties of Amazon is a lot of people do have Amazon Prime and um what's interesting is like you know you say you could say the same thing about squid game right like probably back then only 200 million people had you know Netflix accounts but somehow everyone on the planet watched squid game you know what I mean so a lot of people a lot of households have one accounts a lot of people go watch it with their friends or or whatever so it's like
for the most part that applies to most shows but like the the shows that really do well and Crush for some reason they somehow manage to just kind of transcend that barrier a little bit obviously it happens a little more on Netflix than it does other platforms but um more people know about the bo than like actively probably watch shows on uh Amazon video if that makes sense so it's uh I'm hoping I can get to that point where I don't know you just people just find a way to watch it like it's a great
show they just they just do you know yeah C because essentially you can think about it as like if someone has a Prime video account there might be four people in the household exactly right so and obviously a lot of people sign up for Prime too so which would be great because then season two I could have a bigger budget and go even crazier is it all gonna be dropped at once all 10 episodes or is it it's not weekly is it um that uh I'll be honest I don't I haven't put any thought into
you know all I put thought into is like how do I make this the greatest show ever I haven't even thought of that what would you prefer or what do you prefer as a viewer ah H at some point I'll probably look at the data and just kind of do whatever the data says people like I don't know if people like the anticipation of waiting and talking about it especially contestant based stuff and theorizing so I I I will want whatever makes the best experience uh best experience for the viewers so which I I don't
know I can tell you that on YouTube back of my head like streaming services I'm not even gonna like I am a toddler in the Stream and like I've spent a ton of time watching every game show and like you know studying cont but the actual backend application and like all that other stuff like oh weekly drops all at once I know nothing and I'm not even to act like I know anything and so at some point I'll go like deep dive you know pull all the data you know Amazon will probably give me you
know anything I want and help me with that and then figure it out but like right now because we got to shoot in a couple months like we had to like make sure we have you know just the perfect greatest most insane episodes ever with that con um and then now we're starting to like bring them to life and it's like like it's also one thing to write like a you know episode that you're going to spend $10 million on and and you know build like 20 just ginormous massive sets and all these inner workings
and you know just to think of it and like that you know even just but then like to actually build it it's like it's just a whole different animal and so like we got to start that process now because there we're gonna fail a lot again it's like every episode's going to be like our biggest YouTube video ever so it's like yeah and you can't really adjust in real time like you can on YouTube yeah like video to video on YouTube you could probably make some pretty drastic changes oh no we will like just in
the sense of like you know like I mean this is what we do like nothing ever turns out how you want and there the thing is something can always be better it literally can't like an episode will you can never like write an episode and say this is factually perfect like um so even even the day before you're going to be looking at the sets and be like actually this could look better this way or we could tweak this or actually if the lighting was there that would hit this Vibe like all the way up
into the literal millisecond of filming we're going to be like you know optimizing and making it look better and blah BL blah because the thing is it's never uh uh something you film is never like okay it's now perfect it's just it's close enough to perfect where I don't care to spend more time fixing it right it's like this but it can always be better it's just yeah but once the 10 are locked they're locked right and they just start coming out uh once they're filmed yeah like you start to understand some data about how
people perceive episode one episode two oh yeah yeah yeah that stuff 100% ex there's nothing you can do if it's in episodes three well of course especially because it's unscripted I mean whatever happens happens I um is there any on on the streaming show on the Amazon shows I love how you keep bringing back well I'm it's I'm very curious about it it's like a it's such a new thing yeah you know and maybe it doesn't feel as new to you but if you zo I've been in the Weeds on this project for so long
if you zoom out it's a really big deal like it really is and again as fact and metaph factually it is the biggest deal in our space but metaphorically it's a big deal I think to to because we've been on YouTube for so long and fascinated by this space for so long and this this convergence event feels like it feels like a bigger deal to other people than me because people a lot of creators have always been like sell YouTube as a Launchpad to stuff like this yeah whereas for me I mean if I never
did a streaming show I'd be like okay you know business as usual last 14 years like I just want to be the biggest YouTuber in the world you know what I mean um so maybe that's why it doesn't like people keep saying that everyone's like like they're just so like emotional over the show and they're like dude this is such a big deal and I'm like I like I literally make like many movies every two weeks like I've been doing this for years now like it's is like was expecting but I thought we were going
to come here and every employee everyone was going to be like Amazon Amazon it's Amazon week like this is the Amazon week and then you realize everyone's like focused on today tomorrow the day after and the next two weeks you have a lot of shoots over the next two weeks for main Channel but that's where so if and Amazon's employ watching though don't you worry I'm all in I'm going to make this the greatest show you've ever had I'm putting every ounce of brain power we have and it will be phenomenal so don't worry I
got you um and and I am very bullish I do think it's going to be a big part of our future um but you know I know uh Samir asked like do you see yourself as a YouTuber and I think about that of like yeah everyone's always thought of you as a YouTuber and probably still does but 10 years from now when you've got Feasta bles I wonder do people think oh Mr Beast he's the chocolate guy or do people think you know the let's say the Amazon show goes really well and you launch an
entire Studio yeah of unscripted Television streaming whatever do people think oh that's more of like kind of a Hollywood style always going to be a YouTuber first I love this platform this platform is what made me who I am and this is this is my number one focus and it always will be because at the end of the day like you know um anything behind a pay wall just will never be as big as something fore like YouTube like I hope to keep our viewership growing and just I'm all in on YouTube so um like
there's YouTube everything else below it and nothing else will ever be more important to me than YouTube like CU that's what got me here and I'm not letting up now I I'm all in I'm I don't even care if the platform starts dying I'm a YouTuber till death like that's that's the thing I always want to you know keep as my North Star because like that just stupid Obsession of that you know is what got me here and I do believe it'll keep taking me to other places you know here's my question the majority of
all of the space that you have here is dedicated to YouTube for the most part yeah where are you going to shoot the show like where where the problem is if I said it it would give away things and also people would camp out there but it it'll make sense when you see it it's a it's a monster of a project a lot of people so yeah it's gonna I also I don't we we haven't even got to spend too much time together because we been working so much but our studio over there the the
other campus we're building an expansion on the back is uh two times bigger so that won't be done in time for this but when we do season two I will have a lot of space and is that in is that in mind I mean we saw the mockups of it are you announcing season two well I mean that's assuming season one does well if season one doesn't do well then I'm just going to you know cry and you know hope no one ever remembers it yeah I mean we saw the mockups of the new studio
well but but that's mostly for the videos so obviously I mean I've said this before but our biggest ball neck is space because you know um like ages one through 100 those Cub that took up 40,000 ft like almost all over studio and so it's just like um if I want to upload more and like you know we're trying to get to the point where I eventually upload three videos a month and you know if I can find the time and not go ins four videos a month weekly that's my end goal but that would
be hard because I film on average like six seven days a video so that would mean I'm literally filming every single day I'm awake right so I don't know if we'll ever take it that far but um even then um let's say we need to work on Six videos I've told you this before you know and one video takes up the entire Studio space which is you know because our sets are so big and we go so all out when building these things like they're these are monster projects and they take months and months to
build everything and make it look good it's like well then how do you work on the other five you know which then results in us having to do things like go film $1 versus a million dollar hotel room and other stuff like that because we we can't film local because like a single video took up our whole studio space and like got it to me the answer isn't make the video smaller that's I don't want to do that yeah so that's like been a problem and so that's why we're building more space so I can
like do two or three really really big epic set build spectacles which I really love doing and it's really fun because you can be super creative and I like just seeing the vision come to life uh at the same time yeah so and when you build this I'm from what we've heard it'll be the largest Sound Stage in North America uh well to be totally transparent I've never looked up the database of largest soues but I've had multiple people that I do trust what they say say that so take it with the grain of salt
because I don't I don't know but people are telling me it will be I'm just like this is what I need to make my videos CU my videos are getting so big and they're like Jimmy this is larger than anyone else has I'm like okay I don't I don't care I need it like can we start building you know what I mean so that's kind of how these conversations keep going yeah it is interesting that there was a time where when we first came here this was the only space this was was like the main
space that we're in right now we're so we're um this is what we would call just uh you know Studio A it's uh I don't know 10,000 square feet we used to film all our videos here but yeah you see all the names written up like that's from a video yeah there's a lot of history here I actually I haven't been here in a bit and it and when I walked in I was like oh man yeah I mean even even I felt that because when we walked in here two years ago like all your
play buttons were on the staircase remember that and like walking around here I was like that's crazy that we thought this was you like this is crazy that a YouTuber has like a warehouse space they shoot everything in yeah but now it seems like you don't have much space like even the the shoots that we went to today weren't inside Studios one of them is happening inside a studio other ones are happening and then also the other ones are happening that need like you need like three months to finish those videos exactly well he's talking
about the survive 100 days win $500,000 again that's why I have a has done yeah um but do you they're going to think I hate them I'm just I'm selfishly covering Prime because I want to promote my brand but not because I don't like Prime to be clear the Logan's going to feel like what the heck last time we spoke with you you said something interesting about your brand deals you said that like your viewership is getting to a point where it's exceeding uh marketers budgets yeah like they can't really afford oh that that is
a massive problem yeah and when I hear you say that some of your videos take like three four million yeah the pr the cost of the video seems like it keeps going up yeah yeah I know you have Feasta but how do the economics make sense well luckily as I spend more the views go up as well so that that seems to help um I'd have to look at the data it's been a little while but I'm pretty sure we're doing over 200 million uh views we're doing um I think the first 30 days the
average video right now does 140 million views in the first 30 and then in the first year I think it does like 220 so it's just like name one other Avenue in the entire world right now where you could reach 220 million people literally yeah yeah it's not possible um it's literally the only way to reach that amount of people even you know you could do the Super Bowl but you know which also works very well if you want to Target Americans the beauty of us too is we're literally all over the world so like
you can like factually get something in front of leral percentage points of the human population by when you sponsor one of my videos so like people who really want a global presence it's like perfect you know what I mean um and uh yeah it's just worth a lot of money to so advertising is making more sense it it's it's definitely going up yeah it's like the thing is basically my brand deals for the videos are just basically go up as like overall the world realizes YouTubers are valuable and their marketing budgets go up because I
like it's just basically oh 2024 we're going to allocate more to spending on YouTube videos which means there's just more for me to make but it's like obviously these companies they just they just have a set amount of money and I they just can't really go above it so I just kind of go you know my brand deal rates or just whatever people have you know so when we looked at we pulled some of like your videos and and the kind of General categories I would say of the videos in the past couple months and
then when you and I were sitting down together in Montana at spotter Summit you showed me the thumbnail mocks basically for the whole year yep right all the videos planned out and there you could have taken a screenshot of that and printed view you could have predicted Trends before they popped up but well I mean what's interesting to me is that I sat next to you and I was like well dude some of these aren't the trends that worked last year for you like you doing new things and I found that to be really interesting
that like oh I have so many new Concepts this year D you're gonna get me so excited I asked you about $1 versus I was like why aren't any more like what's going on you're like well that's that's done yeah and I thought it was really interesting that like that that is a really I mean that that format performs really well for you yeah it crushes but you're it's some of the literal most few videos in the history of YouTube yeah I think plane ticket's one of the most viewed you can look at uh you
know uh you can see the most vied videos on the entire platform last 365 days uh well you can't see I don't even know what I can see the so we can't uh here let me let me just pull it up so I don't actually missp speake hold up uh let's see so these are the most few videos on the entire platform last year this is an ad by Google so obviously it's inflated so if you remove the Google ad the most Su video in the last 365 days on the entire platform is $1 versus
$500,000 uh private jet or whatever and the second most vi video on the entire platform was ages 1 to 100 so 348 million views no no video at lost 365 days on YouTube got more than 348 million views that's excluding music obviously right yeah so that to me is interesting then number uh six is $1 versus $1 million yacht and number1 is $1 vers $100 million car and number 14 is $1 vers $250,000 vacation yeah I mean they're all up here these are all world record videos and do you have you don't have any $1
versus no I'm not doing them anymore because when do you abandon a format that's working that well well at the end of the day it's just like the way every every year we've had formats that do really well but if I just you know if I kept doing the formats that were crushing back in 2020 I wouldn't be where I am now eventually they would fizzle out I'm a big believer in like ending on a format while you know it's not too old and if I did like and I'm not that's not to say I
won't do another $1 versus I might do one here and there but for the most part like if I did another we I think we probably did seven or eight and yeah all seven or eight just absolutely just went you know nuclear but if I did like another five it just like probably around the third or fourth people would start to be like okay like I've seen 10 of these like Jimmy how many times did I need to see you look at something that cost a dollar and then go look at something expensive like I
kind of get the gist and the the ultimate problem is I only can upload so many videos and we have so many viral great like ideas that I want to bring to life that it's like for other creators I don't recommend you do what I do you should probably milk the format more but there is just like so many videos I want to film and like so many different ideas that no one else is doing that I want to bring to the table that it's like I don't want to do 15 of those because like
those other eight that I would do I could have done something more original and creative like I already gave the world like what I had in that format if that makes sense and like people feel that energy and that keeps them excited because it's always fresh and new and like that's why the the viewership keeps coming up you know yeah because you actually do like a quite a wide range variety of content on your channel yeah M it's actually pretty crazy weird thinking about that this morning I was like it's wild how like uh I'm
G to pull up the channel um yeah so like the newest video is just me and the the gang spending seven days in abandoned city and then before that it's a single contestant um facing his V fear and before it's us going on the private islands in the world and then it's a person trying to protect $500,000 for me blowing up and then it's me spending seven days in solitary confinement and then it's uh rescuing 100 dogs and there's two people trapped together Building 100 Wells yeah it's kind of crazy just how they're AIG pretty
big variety especially when one of them is you spending seven days in solitary confinement like some of the other ones it's like you're the game master yeah but I would imagine there's only so many you can do where it's like oh I'm buried alive for seven days like I mean I can't believe I did that that one was crazy alive and solitary solitary was rough can we expect to see anything like that in the Amazon show where you're actually putting yourself the only problem is that it wouldn't fit because the whole point is down to
the one to win the world's largest cash prize so I would I mean I'm always down for a challenge and I like doing those because it shows that I will never put someone through something that I wouldn't do myself and I actually mean it you know mean I I'll be myself alive for a month you know what I mean to prove a point I I prefer not to but I can't do it I think you should put yourself in some sort of Challenge and have the contestants bet on whether they think you can do it
or not all future me when you watch this write that down I think there might be something there or just me or maybe not even me but just the gang like being a part of which I I'm thinking through the there's a little bit of that in there I think it's just like it's the competitive Advantage yeah it's just I have to be careful because there's so much just disgusting amount of money on the line that I I don't want people to think I'm like influencing it or being biased and so if I'm involved in
any way then you could be like well Jimmy did this because of this or you would never so if I am it has to be in a way where it's like random or I can't see them or I don't know like yeah like imagine you lose you know millions of millions of dollars because you know I just you do something that's not fair you couldn't last another day doing something or well because I just like pointed and said like you're out or I did something that like so yeah it's a it's just a delicate line
because there's so much money on the line on that show gota yeah yeah that makes sense so can we talk about why your most recent video uh trapped on an abandoned island or exploring the Days Seven Days abandoned city like why do you think it's performing how it's performing because it's performing really well right now yeah well one thing I'll say at the start because I I might forget is uh uh we had the the guest STS on it um so that um do you know who it was yes so I I went through so
if you guys don't know what Jimmy's talking about if you go to like the multilanguage audio on your video yeah I was poking through it this morning and it has all the normal languages I mean not normal it has 14 languages more it has more now okay I was going say it should be 20 yeah it has a ton of languages you're scrolling through and then it goes it says klling on Y and then it says Zulu I was like what yeah what's klling on and I clicked it and that's a guest dub from fed
right uh no that one's uh that oh that's mythpat yeah mythpat uh he did a guest St and like actually if you look at it like 15% of my comments are about him um yeah doing the D and the two videos ago before that we had fed which a lot of you might not know who he is unless you do dubs which you should unless you hate views then a lot of you will um he's a large uh Spanish speaking Creator he did my voice um on a video and like 20% of my comments were
about it and I did like his audio track on that video got like 5 million views like 5 million people clicked on the the wheel switched it to his language to listen to him voice act me uh it's a really interesting idea to have other YouTubers voice act did he promote it obviously like say he mentioned it yes but I mean his fans smart like that's yeah well and I did some stuff for his channel and so it also helped him as well but he's just like there are a lot of people just really love
uh fet and mypat it's just like just yeah it's kind of like a winwin cross po yeah is that something is the Amazon show dubbed oh of course it'll be dubb most of my audience doesn't speak English anymore so if it's not dubbed there going to be a lot of confused people and what what's the impact of dubbing on the channel right now like how how many more views do you think are happening because of Dubs the problem is I'm not a if you would asked me like a year ago I would know all this
I'm so like just filming all the time I'm not as in the weeds but I we have a large Spanish speaking audience we have a large Japanese speaking audience we have trying to think of some of the other hotpots Portuguese I mean just honestly all over the world uh dubs are crushing on our Channel yeah yeah we got to start dubbing I mean this one's a great one because this will have the most natural flow in because you know um because it'll get recommended against my videos and people watch it I think that would make
this the first dubbed video on our Channel you never dubbed the last one we talked about it we we walked down a street at 2 a.m. in Pitch Black we're still working on putting graphics on the screen when you bring them up man like give us some time all that was crazy I have memory of it it was like aing street light it was super dark super late we saw a turtle on the side of the road and I'm explaining to them why they needed to dub the podcast you're right and I was like you're
not going to do it and they didn't but this time we'll see this time maybe okay wait so hold on there is no maybe this time this time we have to that way I can like look at the difference okay um this this most recent video like the one thing I did think that was interesting you tweeted obviously kind of like a big magnum opus uh version of a tweet of like it's time to slow down videos all YouTubers let's let's chill out a bit um I do feel like what you did in 30 seconds
in the int is what you used to do in 10 seconds yes in this intro it doesn't feel like it but the intros are definitely way less over they're still they're still fast-paced there's still a bit of like we're here on this you know like there's like the style of talking there's the text it's louder you borderline yelling agreed but then there's these interesting moments where like there's like a sweeping drone shot after 30 seconds and it just slows down a bit the midle islandlike seen in your vide yeah so I was interested like is
do you feel like because when I looked at this video the main thing that stuck out to me was actually the thumbnail yeah it was great the thumbnail was really different I know I love it what do you think it's like that mix or like what this is a really well performing video for you thumbnail is more based in realism yeah it is which you know um I want to make my thumbnails more real over time it's just uh you know there's so much to do but that's one of the things we're obsessing over now
and I think we we just nailed it perfectly on the abandoned city but in the content uh that's yeah I mean that's I think what I said 10 months ago like what's interesting is like 10 months ago that was when we really just started going all in on it and we had a couple videos on our Bo like the ages one through 100 I believe maybe like one other now we've had a bunch and it's like I'm seeing the impact like grocery store like that is a like I think that's 25 minutes or something I
don't know might be misquoting it but it's a long video we really built up that guy um and just let a lot of things breathe and the retention was phenomenal I mean that video is almost on 200 million views same thing with trap together you know so that format did really well just like making the videos longer letting things breathe letting you really get to know the character and just like adding a little more depth to it and um you know same thing with the seven days videos everything like my average video probably used to
be like 11 minutes and now they're closer to 20 like I've factually almost doubled like the link of my content and um which is a big deal like I no no one really notices it because it just kind of like subtle like the videos went from like 12 to 13 to 15 to 20 o 25 over time but like my videos are twice as long as they used to be and they're like 30 40% slower than they used to be and I'm yelling probably 50 60% less than I used to which Mr Beast with 50%
less yelling yeah I know which I mean like I looked at the old videos I'm like I don't even know why I was yelling I don't know I just kind of that was just what I did um I think it was cuz like I used to not wear Lael and so I talk really loud to the camera mic and kind of I didn't even realize that was a habit and like our videos were screaming yelling too yeah and I I catch myself sometimes I'm filming and I'll just like start talking absurdly loud and I'm like
I don't even know why I'm doing that it's kind of like an old habit um so we kind of just like you know and these are all things people you know used to tell me and give me feedback on the videos saying they're too fast-paced and it was just like I just wasn't you know good enough to know how to like act on that information because it's just something you have to learn over time and it's a skill set I never learned and so we're we are just so much better at all of it now
and it just took time for me to really figure out how to do it my way not like the you know like I could have easily done what someone in traditional would have but it was like figuring out how to slow down a video but in a Myster be style because they still are fast-paced but they're like yeah they're F like they're slow compared to my old stuff but this is how it should have always been you know what I mean this I feel like we hit a good medium now where it is just very
very enjoyable and you feel something and you leave more fulfilled watching the content and it doesn't like hurt your head to like keep up because it's so quick you know what I mean so where we're at now is where you know I wish we always were but I just kind of I think that's a that's a really good lesson for other creators watching that like you just said this is how it always should have been yeah because I feel like the whole Mr beastify thing a lot of the problem was people were trying to copy
what you were doing and mimic your pacing and mimic well the problem is too it's like people copied what I did but the there were still things I was doing right back then but they didn't know why they just thought fast equals good and so it was even worse than what I was doing before so like I was overly fast-paced and like I was just missing the mark on certain things because I'm ignorant this you got to you know takes time to improve and learn yeah it's the the beauty though is like I will never
stop learning and improving I'm going to look back in my content three years from now I'm going to look back at the content I'm making today probably stays similar things like oh that was garbage I should have been doing blank blank and blank because I'm just obsessed with always improving and um but yeah back then you know they were a little too fast all these other stuff lacked a little bit of depth here and there and storytelling and so that's me but then these other people they don't even know like the things I was doing
well uh they don't even they couldn't even recognize that so they were just like you know just deducing fast equals good loud equals good you know what I mean and so it's an even more extrapolated out deductions from my videos and yeah it was some I mean a lot of content um I mean honestly I mean I'm a little grateful for it because it like it's what really made me take Serious like slowing things down because yeah I would watch a lot of other like I guess people would call it like Mr be's clones or
whatever and it would like physically hurt my head and I'd be like I I just don't understand why this has a million views and I was like is this how people perceive my content cuz it's so like this is bad because like I like sometimes would put a video on like 75 speed and like turn the volume down I'm like this is just this is aggressive you know when I watch these like Mr P clones I can't think of like a better thing to call it and so uh it was pretty eye opening and like
actually one of the best ways for me to improve was just to watch all these uh I again I can't think I I some people would call it Mr Beach ripoffs I don't know I don't really care too much I mean um but uh and I'd be like i' just kind of write down the things I thought was annoying and then I just take all those things and i' be like okay well let me make sure that's not annoying and I'm not doing that in my videos and that was like one of the best ways
to improve so so without like the beas ification all the the just weird you know low effort copies I I don't know if I would have had uh if I would have adjusted and learned as fast as I did so it was it was a pretty interesting thing it's interesting for creators who are currently being copied maybe spend some time watching those watching those videos and seeing what you don't like CU it's likees I always wanted to tell better stories and it's not like I I was oblivious I just didn't know how to and like
genuinely looking at other people and instead of going how do I make my content better just looking at other content and being like well let me just write down what I don't like that and then like kind of just try to apply that to mine weirdly worked very well so it's like that's why like you could just if youen in every podcast we've ever done it's like your videos are never perfect you can always improve and like that's just like such a simple thing that I'm saying but that for whatever reason unlocked a third eye
in my mind and allowed me to look at the problem a different way and somehow worked you know what I mean yeah I feel that way with our thumbnails like every year thumbnails get more and more important than I thought they were and I realize how bad our thumbnails were the year before yeah you know you guys have improved a lot I remember our first roast sessions years ago much much different than well it wasn't just thumbnails actually it was just packaging as a whole we we weren't thinking just in the direction of like what
is packaging I remember those conversations they were pretty brutal it was yeah you guys uh it's the difference between like now I feel like I'm talking to like an adult theoretical back then it felt like I was literally talking to like a YouTube toddler like a little baby and now we feel that at times and I know we have so I feel like we're not an adult we're like in our teenage years yeah I I feel like though when we talk to other creators and we recognize that they can't bridge the gap on packaging yet
it's I mean it is interesting that you brought that up about the Amazon show that pack I mean packaging in general the concepts the theories there matter but the visualization of it per episode is not going to matter I can do whatever I want exactly which is crazy because that is the whole thing on YouTube that is the entire thing the the problem is like you get it I get it and maybe some of the people watching get it but like most don't understand like how important I think actually got it until recently and I
know that sounds CRA the problem is you never actually get it because it's always more important than realiz it's more important me it's I'm constantly every other month going dang I forgot like just how important the title and thumbnail is and I like you almost have to like every day like sit in a corner and go the title and thumbnail matters more than you think and tell yourself that 10 times because if not like it just it's you just I don't know it's because it seems so insignificant until you like really think about and you're
like at the end of the day if they don't click they don't watch and that like you can make the best content ever but if they don't click you're dead yeah uh it's crazy yeah I was looking at these sketches um like these yeah that that that come together these like multistep sketches that you do so you're starting with like a lot of sketches for your thumbnails oh 100% how many sketches I mean it depends that one um let me pull up the thumbnail chat I can uh run you through a bunch of them a
lot I I look at a lot of thumbnails it is funny that concept of like every year you realized like it almost sounds like dumb and cliche to keep saying it that packaging matters but I feel like every year we've realized it's like it's on another level that we never used this one but look at that oh that one's really cool is that for this week uh no we didn't even AB test it yet we AB test it next week that one that's the one that won the ab test yeah that that one lost the
ab test that one's cool but it doesn't like you think of that one that one's cool but it doesn't look like you make sense well it's Al it's yeah it's it's definitely it's like further away and like not as much contrast on your face agreed it's the buildings are more the focus I know this is subtle but I couldn't believe in your thumbnail for your most recent video that you were wearing a maroon jacket I know it was so ridiculous to say it was very weird you look at your other thumbnails it's like wow that
is Bri red these are real images of me like that was the only time I've ever worn a jacket like that in my whole life like I the photo shoot I was like you look qu line like you got styled in that yeah I actually I uh well honestly we could jump into that like when we were doing that thumbnail I was like man I should dress like this all the time and then two seconds later I forgot it ever existed brought it up look at this isn't stylish what this isn't fashion for the record
we were wearing them too and we took them offit you're telling me if I took this off the the feable shirt this isn't [Laughter] culture I can't tell what's more culture the peaceful shirt the it is funny though like that is completely different aesthetic those like Earth Tones that's like toned down everything's toned down this well I've been so focused on storytelling like the content now we're we're setting our sides more on like cleaning up the thumbnails like the first step was like you know it was just like on the content I realized like oh
we're too quick and people want more story more depth and that went great the first thing I did on thumbnails was like let me just close my mouth right because I do that whole open mouth thing I you know I don't know I thought that was just what people wanted and but I always saw people kind of complaining about it I was like all right I'll address it and I finally got around to do an test where it was just me smiling or just a normal face instead of the overly expressed open mouth and every
AB test the like less over the top cringe expression one I was like oh I've been doing this for for quite a while I need to go fix that and so it's uh yeah and it's kind of funny because in hindsight once I started closing my mouth and smiling and making a little less cringe um a lot of other creators started switching over and I was like probably should have done that sooner yeah uh but so I mean yeah people d look at us and you know for the most part copy a lot of what
we do and obviously not everything I do is perfect so that's a good example and so that was step one the next thing is trying to make the thumbnails look a little more realistic and like just take them to the next level and so abandoned city I think got it right we're still going to miss the mark on future ones but I think like that is like a good indicator of like where I want the thumbnails to go yeah do do you think more realistic thumbnails that are toned down slower videos will mean that less
younger viewers will watch no I don't think like younger I mean like even Disney shows right that young people watch like they they have stories you know what I mean and they're not just like go watch up you know what I mean like the first two minutes of up exactly like and like I mean it's you know older people watch it but the average person who watches it is probably a kid you know so it's like the narrative that kids are over stemmed and don't have attention spans is not true I mean people just want
good content and just just because you slow something down doesn't mean it's good content right like the thing is you know even though my opinion I was doing things slightly wrong back in the day I still was doing cool original epic viral things that were inherently interesting right and so like if what you're doing is just not interesting then no one's going to watch it doesn't matter how you the paace it you know what I mean so it's like I wouldn't like asking like oh if the video slowed down what kids want to still watch
it like that's it's just not even like that's like asking like if you eat an orange well you know what an apple tastes like it doesn't like it doesn't even make sense it's like kids like or whatever people of all ages will watch content if it's just good content and then you know then you just optimize the pacing for what they would like which it just needs to kind of fit you know what doesn't hurt your head yeah so uh dubbing is um something I've been thinking about is like dubbing is a form of syndication
where it's like taking the same video and then being able to distribute it in other ways yeah that's also something you've been doing on X I'm curious your experience with that it's so weird still hearing it I know I was gonna say Twitter but I was like like cuz I X just sounds so dirty still does I know x videos sound good it really doesn't like I post my videos on X it's like yeah I mean maybe it'll catch on no I don't I tried I've tried a few times yeah it doesn't it's twiter yeah
even when you said it I've heard it many times it still caus a little bit of a repulse in my head it's just like yeah it's like I don't even want to go into it it's yeah I I don't think it's the best especially with videos it just sounds even worse sounds terrible you know I posted on X it's like fine but when you say like I posted a video on X it's just that's very a dirty connotation of course it is yeah yeah and the Twitter logo was great we don't need to go into
it but tell us about your x videos well I mean [Laughter] you just cut the Pod there is this the end have we reached the end but I closed my eyes and I was like oh I'm tired but not this is actually a lot of fun um but uh yeah I mean they're doing very well like I mean you you probably know more than me I looked at you're in like the hundreds of Millions views per per upload which is kind of crazy the same videos that do you know I mean I don't know what
the retention is on there like last time I looks way lower than YouTube people are not it's not the same consumer Behavior act to watch videos yeah and so it's it's it's not there like YouTube um but it's definitely a different audience and so it's pretty fascinating because uh when I post a video there it's like sometimes when I post my YouTube videos and they go outside my core audience like you know people for whatever reason just get a little mad about certain little things I do here or there because they don't know the full
context of everything and like reposting those videos on X generates sometimes a little bit of that as well and it's so fascinating because it's like wow these people have just never seen this video before you know what I mean because there's a lot of people that use uh X that don't watch YouTube I bring it up because I I've been thinking about I I said this to you on the phone but I've been thinking about like new audience and like the context of how much of the Amazon show or how much of your videos you're
posting on X is like net new audience a lot a lot a lot of people crazy to think about because I was already reaching like I think last 90 days 7 20 or 30 million unique people have seen my main Channel Unique users that you can see on the back end that's not views like we've done billions of views but that's unique so like I mean there's eight billion people on the planet so it's almost 10% of the world like has seen one of my main Channel videos on YouTube in the last 90 days and
like which is pretty wild when you think about it but then yeah I post a video over there and there are millions some of them even tens of millions of people who have seen it who have still never seen a Mr Beast video it's pretty right pretty crazy but we're definitely like I've started posting more on Instagram and those have been taking off and now we've got multiple videos on um X that have done over 100 million views and then obviously YouTube we've been crashing so and Tik Tok you know have been crashing so we're
definitely hitting the point now where it's pretty gnarly the amount of people who see my face and see my content and it's a it's a just a different world uh like now than it was before which I think I said last time I was on the podcast and yeah it's more 10 months later it's a more it's a different you say people who now know your face like a different world because of your exposure like every 10 to 12 months just a lot of people know who I am I mean it's like of all ages
like people a lot of people still assume that it's only kids that watch my content but I mean I take photos with 30y olds 40y olds 50y olds 60 year olds like I mean people of all demographics know who I am I mean like The Joe Rogan episode I did with him is one of the most Jo episodes of all time like and those things do numbers I I don't know if he's public about them but like there tens of millions of like people in their forties that know me just from that Joe Rogan episode
and um but also a lot of younger people watch the videos with their parents and then their parents just end up liking it because these are Concepts that are are just very you know Mass appealing you know what do we do whether you're 40 or you know 15 like you can watch it like it's interesting to see what an abandoned city looks like it's interesting to see difference between a $1 hotel and a$1 million Hotel if anything videos like that appeal more to people in their 40s than they do to people that are 15 and
so it's just like some things just take time right there's a difference between pulling theoretically 100 million views of video for a year and pulling that kind of viewership for years and like it just you know compounds and grows on you on on itself and just so many people have seen my content now that it just like is a different world like I everywhere I go like people recognize me of every culture age everything what about Kim Kardashian uh like oh my Instagram photo just selfishly curious what was that like like did she oh she
was super uh friendly she's holding a Feasta bar yeah uh I me she didn't have to do that that I mean I'm grateful she did uh for the photo um no I just uh bumped into her at the Super Bowl and um she she had seen some of our videos which I was like I don't even know if she's going to know who I am but uh yeah she uh maybe it's because of her kids I don't know but maybe also because of Pete uh Pete was oh that's right he was connected dos yeah well
so she was uh ask just asked a couple questions about some of the stuff we do and I was just asking her about how her stuff is going on I mean it was Super Bowl it's loud so it's a couple minutes but I mean she seems super chill it was fun it's always um you know in a different environment you know where I could actually talk to you know people of that Cali it's always fun because you know for the most part I just work all day so it's always nice to like see other people
who are in similar situations and just like it just feels it's very relieving to like be surrounded by other people who kind of get it because uh yeah so can we talk about uh just back to um X yeah like what do you think is there opportunity for video to work there on that platform and if so how like what's your advice to the platform on well so the thing is like you know part of why my videos do well with dubs and stuff is because the the content transcends you know culture blah blah like
I keep saying people of any age can watch it so that's why no matter what platform I put my content on it always does well because it's just like whoever no matter whoever you are you can watch it that doesn't apply to 99.9% of people and so that's where I don't know how like a lot of on um X like how things do well as people retweet it and it just hits a lot of people it's not very targeted so if you have like Niche based content it's a lot harder to like hit that audience
especially because they don't really have an algorithm for videos yet Etc so the answer is it's honestly probably wild wild west and they just need like a year or two like build it out why aren't you posting shorts there like short form content I could I didn't really think about it I mean I it kind of started because they uh I was curious how much revenue video would do and then now I just do it because it gives me more money to spend on my videos yeah also why not like it's it's the one of
the few ways that's like I did it and it got over 100 million views and I was like okay I post another one I got 100 million views and I was like I guess I'll post another one and got 100 million views I just keep doing it because I just keep getting views yeah I feel like the short form content would do well there too yeah I can give it a try like let's try it out I literally haven't even thought about that so this is now more of a revenue question but CNBC reported that
you were doing somewhere between 600 and $700 Million last year uh last year no no no but I think they might have said that's what they thought we would do this year this year okay got it yeah but anyways I don't know I don't I reinvest everything so and I mean I guess the revenue I do is a little irrelevant to me because I just spend it all I don't I don't make money I mean I I can see that like I also just spending time with you I have no idea when you would spend
money I don't have the time to and also on what I'm like literally I'm at the point where I'm like you know yeah it's anytime I want something I have to like slightly spin Less on a video because that's how hardcore we go and like it has to come from somewhere so I'm like can I maybe spend a little bit less on this video so I can you know get a new car because my car has these problems it's kind of funny the life I live because I have technically full control over everything and no
one's pointing a gun to my head of making me reinvest all it's just like I don't even know why you have full control but you've built a situation where you barely like you're not in control in in a certain way where you're right you're like the inertia of everything I'm doing just kind of goes forward and it's like yeah you get in the car and I'm like what what's happening next you're like just just come I don't know let's go I really don't just I know I'm doing something important but I just like yeah yeah
I guess the question for me was like when do you become like you're you're closing in on becoming a billion dollar company uh in Revenue yeah uh yeah H the problem is I don't like to talk about money because people don't understand they're just going to assume I have tons of money I really like we throw it all back like yeah I yeah I one point earlier this year my personal net worth was negative cuz I I uh you know I had a tax bill and um you know I yeah so I had to like
spend a little bit less on videos so I could like pay myself some money which was annoying because then I had to pay taxes on the money I pay myself so then I had to pay myself more money just so I could cover my tax bill so I'm like a little uh I mean I I own my house but outside I'm kind of like net neutral right now in my personal life so hopefully my videos don't just stop getting watched yeah the tax bill that's good because I was going to ask you what's uh it
seems like everything is just generally going well ask you what's what's not going well for you right now uh what's not going well yeah or what's like hard sleep schedule what's hard for you right now I mean this is a lot it's um you know I uh I was pushing myself to my limit when I was just growing the YouTube channel because obviously we' grew faster in any YouTube channel ever in history and that was hard but now doing that again like we talked about before while doing the streaming show while trying to lift weights
I mean because I used to be like fat as hell you know and I'm working on that and that's still a struggle and then while building Fe at the same time it's like I'm essentially doing what I was doing before and I was already at my limit going harder than any human could like not listening to music not playing video games not doing shows this full on obsessed but now I'm doing that kind of across four things yeah and it's uh it's a lot it's very very like intense and you know and and this is
one thing I've always said is like I don't creators shouldn't emulate me and want to be me like this is the lifestyle I'm living like I I mean I don't think anyone would really find fun I mean I I don't know I'm just a little different and it's i i i there are hundreds upon hundreds of people that like you know if I just take weekends off and I don't film like it would be hard to pay them you know because we go so intense like there there's a lot of pressure on my back there's
a lot of people that depend on me in my own company that feed their families there are 100 million people that you know everything I put out they watch and they they have very high expectations and uh yeah so it's a a lot it's a lot of pressure it's a lot of money it's a lot of people that depend on me it's a lot of eyeballs it's of everything and and to have all that and to just also go non-stop every waking hour of the day it's like it's pretty intense but yeah weirdly this is
just I'm in control and like this is just the life I for whatever reason want I don't I don't I really couldn't tell you why I structured my life the way I am I mean it's funny seeing it come to fruition because when I was 20 I was like I'm going to remove everything that isn't you know growing the the channel and all these like stupid things and like I got rid of video games um outside of like for the gaming channel but we don't really do that anymore so I act like literally I don't
play video games I got rid of everything in my life and I just like made it as efficient as possible to work and I was always like this is you know this is where I want 100% of my time to go and it like took a while but now like I've been in that like Flow State for like two years now where it's like literally all I do is I sleep and then I'm pushing forward one of the companies or whatever and it's it's pretty intense so anyways the the to bring it all back um
definitely don't recommend creators emulate My Lifestyle like I don't I don't think they should like I don't I don't even know why yeah I mean it's not aspirational for me like when I come here I'm like I I really like spending time here but like my the thing I want the most right now is just sleep like that it's not even like you know the the say you know a sick man only wants one thing a healthy man wants a bunch it's like you know like a person who works this much only wants one thing
and it's to just have a full sleep one night you know I like I like Chandler's like I was looking at Chandler and Nolan I was like that looks like a fun job a nice role they're they're great it's like I mean they they put in the work like they do the sday videos but obviously it's not to the level I have been like yeah that would that would be like where I think most people would like find their happiness and Rhythm uh yeah this I don't know this is just this is weird the the
life I'm living right now is like very intense very weird um so that's where yeah anyways the closing statement is please do not model your channel after this you don't want to I don't I don't know why you'd want to film 25 days a month and spend the five working on all the backend stuff and everything else you know what I mean yeah does anyone or can anyone convince you to slow down like on a random Saturday morning the problem is what would I spend the time doing like I I try to play video games
now I just can't I try to you know I watch I still keep up with YouTube because I want to understand what's going on so I'll watch a little bit of YouTube but like what else would I do H yeah I guess if you don't want to do anything else you do I don't that's the problem I keep running into is like I did carve about like 3 or 4 hours one day and I was just like I I I sat at a computer I was like I don't even like I tried play for I
know dude we played basketball for hours and that was fun but that's where in my my schedule I do working out and so that that is something I currently do um that was a good time yeah and I I would I would love to do that but that the problem is um I got to get my sleep hours up because just like the the lifting weights just draining enough I had thre basketball on that like I wouldn't be able to keep my eyes open during the day so I got to get my sleep back up
before I can start doing it that would be great but then but outside of exercising it's like just I don't know really I mean what are you guys do in your free time I actually yeah not that much take walk around walk around with my wife yeah that's all and so it's just like what even is there to do I but I it's yeah that's a whole theoretical thing we could talk about for an hour plus but yeah is there a philanthropy tie in or do you have like a big philanthropic effort this year like
like you do yeah okay it might be a little too early to talk about that's another thing that's been taking up an absurd amount of my time is obviously like you know team trees team C's it's been a few years we might do something this year you're picking this year to do another if you're a big YouTuber let me know if you're interested um but yeah that's it's a little too early yeah but yeah does the negative feedback that you get at times about like altruism as content does that affect you at all no I
couldn't care that as long as I what I am doing I believe is morally good and actually helps people why does it matter that someone is like pretend being mad or maybe they're really mad I don't know but I mean I'm not going to not go cure a thousand blind people because someone isn't okay with it it's like sorry yeah I'm just going to do it anyways I don't know what to tell you I me I'm of that belief as well it's the alternative is what it doesn't happen exactly if you let like the internet
P your like Compass it's like it's going to be wishy-washy all over the place you're never going to please anyone you have to like at some point like decide like this is where the line is and like for me like I know what I think is good and actually makes a positive impact and as long as that's what I truly believe then like I really couldn't care less you know yeah which I think it's very freeing and a lot of creators need to be able to get to that point uh if not it's like that
kind of stuff would torment them I I do think that takes work as a Creator sometimes is to understand like where's your line what are you truly confident in and then just being like yeah that's what I'm confident in I'm happy to say it I believe it yeah you know and to make your actions with what you truly know you believe yeah there's always going to be a loud minority definitely you know I mean but yeah I don't know it's like I also get you know 200 million views of videos so like you loud minority
exactly like okay 10,000 people might be like that's what I mean blah it's like like literally one% you know what I mean so it's like who cares and um especially the Beast pH anthemy Channel too the the videos will been getting much better we got some crazy projects this year as well yeah which uh that I'm very excited yeah it's a lot man you're doing a lot this year I know there's all kinds of stuff might bring back the gaming channel at some point seriously potentially really we'll see that's interesting because that that to me
like I I fully understand the like scale back on the second Channel sort of like the additional like Beast problem the gaming channel a was honestly fun to film if I have the time but also be those videos were averaging like 70 million views and they were they were really funny I kind of missed honest to God I would I would love watching the videos like they were just really fun to watch it's also more of your personality exactly right well that used to be the nice part about it when my videos were less personality
our our personalities are more in our main Channel videos so it's not as big of a deal yeah um like the newer video like I'm talking more in that video than I ever have in a video so but yeah like two years almost like a vlog feel to the most recent video yeah yeah you're you're obviously not always holding the camera but there's a vlog that that video will probably do 250 million views somewhere around there 300 million and yeah it's like that many people are just you know hanging out with me for a couple
days and I'm just talking to them it's pretty crazy when you think about it it is crazy for like literally 10 minutes they just watch me talk like I think they're probably watching you talk for longer here but yeah yeah I know what you're talking about yeah yeah I mean hundreds of millions of people are watching you talk for 10 minutes yeah I think the average duration on video be like 11 minutes so yeah like on average they'll watch 11 minutes and me just blabbing away it's kind of funny when you think about it it
built a totally different connection I like to think about it like too like think about it like uh pre-television pre- radio so like whatever 100 years ago it's like how how much time would have taken to talk to that many people like forever you imagine like even if you filled coliseums like it would take like your entire life just to reach it's so fascinating what the internet has done in like in such a short amount of time you can film something and reach more people than people 100 years ago could have reached in their entire
life if that's all they did in just a single YouTube video yeah it's uh pretty pretty interesting there's going to be a lot of YouTube content around the Amazon show I think oh 100 IM the finalist re I'm going have a lot of YouTubers in it I mean a lot lwig is going to react to it live everyone's it's going to be yeah everywhere I yeah a lot of YouTubers will be in that and a lot of celebrities will be in it too I wish I I can't say them but a lot of celebrities people
are like that the trailer I could literally just list the people in it and people would be like this is the greatest thing ever like just just just not even show any content just be a slideshow of the names of the people that will be in the show and like people are going to lose their minds so yeah it's like I'm not like leaving any stone unturned look think of all the people like celebrities we started having our videos think of that times like 10 I'm like I'm going as hard as I can to get
as many people that uh everyone would find interesting as possible it's great I'm just excited because there's there the buck stops with you and everyone knows who you are it's very different than like a lot of the reality shows out there where it's like if a reality show or an unscripted show a competition series is bad I'm just like all right next yeah there's so much more this is it's kind of like boxing you know God ask this is your YouTu this this is my version of YouTube boxing that you get in the ring and
you either come out Victorious or you look like a dork and you know you just got the piss knocked out of you in front of millions of people and like you know it's winners take all in terms of like brand and boxing it's so a little bit like that for me here it's like I'm putting it all on the line you know and either like there there is no failure like if it doesn't do well and people don't like it then it's like yeah I just that's just not a reality I can't let that happen
it has to be a phenomenal show all right let's see what happens I agree well this was fun thanks for having fun man we'll see you next year I'm going to go to bed time to go get some sleep [Music]
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