In this video, we will talk about 14 human foods that are toxic to cats.
Video Transcript:
it is understandable wanting to share a snack with your cat but a cat's digestive system is very different from ours and many of the foods that people consume on a daily basis can wreak havoc on a cat's body causing severe health problems as a loving pet owner it's crucial that you give your cat healthy food but it's even more important to know what human foods you should never feed them in this video we will talk about 14 human foods that are toxic to cats why did milk and tuna make it to our list what's wrong with grapes and avocados why are salt and seasonings bad for cats stay tuned to find out number 14. chocolate chocolate is a delicious treat for humans but it is toxic to cats because it contains a substance called theobromine humans break down and metabolize theobromine easily but cats don't dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate varieties are even more dangerous for cats because they contain a higher concentration of cocoa powder although the severity of side effects will depend upon your cat's size and the amount of chocolate eaten experts say only . 2 ounces of concentrated chocolate can be dangerous to cats side effects of eating chocolate include vomiting diarrhea tremors seizures and death number 13.
milk cheese and dairy products many of us grew up with the image of cats drinking milk or dairy products in picture books and cartoons but in reality cats and dairy products don't mix kittens like other baby mammals have an enzyme called lactase the function of which is to break down the lactose from their mother's milk after they are weaned however their bodies produce less lactase this is to prepare the animal for its transition to adult food although some adult cats may still produce some lactase enzyme most felines are lactose intolerant meaning the cow milk and dairy products such as cheese or cream can upset their stomachs they may experience anything from mild to severe gastrointestinal discomfort diarrhea loose stools vomiting stomach pain or gas even kittens should not be fed cow's milk though kittens have lactose in their system there's just not enough of it to tackle the lactose overload found in cow's milk another reason not to give your cats cow's milk is because it's full of fat which is why cats are attracted to milk so much fat and sugar in milk will cause weight gain and diabetes cats need to consume far fewer calories than the average human what might feel like a small treat to you could contain more than a day's worth of calories for your pet for example a saucer of milk for your cat is like you eating an entire 12-inch pizza which is too much on top of all your usual daily food and meals number 12. salt do you offer your furry friend the same food as you cook yourself or maybe offer them your table scraps most human food contains too much salt and salt isn't recommended for cats eating too much salt can lead to a condition known as salt poisoning it causes water deprivation in pets and leads to symptoms like vomiting fever diarrhea excess thirst and tremors in severe cases it may even cause death and excess sodium over time can lead to high blood pressure just like it can in humans clinical findings suggest that salt consumption of more than 41 milligrams a day could become poisonous to cats that's less than 1 16 of a teaspoon of salt that means that you should keep your cat away from salty food such as fries pretzels or popcorn especially if your pet has urinary or kidney problems number 11 citrus fruits citrus fruits such as oranges lemons limes and grapefruits contain essential oils and citric acid that can cause problems in cats while small amounts will likely cause only a gastrointestinal upset large amounts can lead to vomiting diarrhea tremors liver damage and collapse the leaves peels stems fruit and seeds should all be avoided cats can also experience skin irritation if their skin comes into contact with citrus fruits and even simply inhaling citrus essential oils or any other essential oil can cause problem to cats the good thing though is that cats hate citrus and the strong citrus scents will often shoot cats away number 10. raw or undercooked meat eggs and fish raw fish raw eggs and raw meat can contain bacteria like salmonella and e coli that can be very harmful to pets cooking to a safe temperature kills off those harmful bacteria as well as any possible viruses feeding raw eggs to a cat can also lead to vitamin b7 deficiency as raw egg whites contain avidin an enzyme that prevents absorption of vitamin b7 in the body this can lead to skin and coat problems raw fish also contains an enzyme that destroys thiamine another essential b vitamin without thiamine a cat can develop neurological problems number nine bones contrary to what cartoons often show house cats have no business gnawing on fish skeletons or any cooked bones cooked bones are a serious danger to felines because they can splinter and get stuck in a cat's throat or stomach your cat could even break a tooth get a tongue or mouth injury or cause an obstruction that could require surgery number eight avocados avocados contain a toxic substance called person which is perfectly safe for humans but can cause serious health problems even death in many animals person is found in avocado fruit leaves pits and the actual plant so all of these parts are potentially poisonous to your cat in large amounts it can cause vomiting diarrhea pancreatitis and myocardial damage be especially aware if you have a bowl of guacamole out on game day you do not want your cat eating any of this snack number 7.
grapes and raisins cats should never eat grapes and raisins these fruits are known to be extremely toxic to cats grape toxicity in cats can cause serious kidney damage that can lead to sudden kidney failure which can be fatal great products such as grape juice grape jam and even baked goods with raisins should also be avoided and make sure to keep your breakfast cereals away if they contain these two ingredients according to clinical reports many cats sadly have died of kidney failure after eating just a few raisins number six hot dogs your feline friend would probably love to chow down on the hot dog but is that a good idea many hot dogs contain ingredients that are not good for cats such as sugars artificial sweeteners and unhealthy saturated fats that they cannot process hot dogs also contain seasonings such as onion powder and garlic which are toxic to cats and the biggest problem with hot dogs is salt in fact all processed meats are unsafe for your feline these products contain a significant amount of salt fat chemical preservatives and added spices which are bad for your cat's stomach number 5. tuna most cats love tuna to a fault tuna is very tasty perhaps much tastier than your cat's kibble however cats can become addicted to tuna some felines when given tuna on a regular basis will start turning up their nose at their regular cat food hoping you will give more tuna instead in moderation tuna can be a safe treat for most cats but a steady diet of tuna prepared for humans can lead to male nutrition because tuna doesn't have all the nutrients and vitamins a cat needs number 4.