BIGGEST ALIEN DISCOVERIES OF 2024 Compilation | The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

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Check out these top moments from 2024, in this The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch compilation. New epis...
Video Transcript:
well we got Yan back out guys hey Yan hey hey guys welcome back thanks for having me back we welcomed ground penetrating radar expert Yan Frank back to help us with another one of our current investigations between the area known as the triangle and the Mesa where we've detected a possible underground structure we had a team come out and do a balloon based uh deep penetrating radar survey okay we also have some magnetometer data from a few years ago that shows magnetic anomalies okay which suggest that we're looking at something metallic possibly even a tunnel
of some kind okay over the past 3 years we've conducted a magnetometry scan as well as an aerial radar scan in this area and both of them identified a possible metal tone running underground between the triangle and the Mesa so today Yan is going to use a special ground penetrating radar device to get us more data and help us figure out if that could really be true our ambition is to do a survey in this area with the triangle absolutely we can do that yes well guys so this time I brought a much deeper penetrating
system I've improved it over the last year that'll give us much higher resolution perfect Yan is going to scan back in and forth across the area in what's called a push broom pattern as he does this the GPR will send radio signals into the ground that bounce off of objects or structures if any are detected the device will produce an image on what is known as a radar gr now while Yan's GPR is mainly designed to send radio signals into the ground some of them will actually go up meaning that he could also detect things
above him that would be a good thing for us because we've documented a lot of anomalies above the triangle so if anything passes over him we might be able to image that as well okay got it all right let's start assembling it while Yan and Caleb were running the GPR scan at the triangle and off we go me Thomas and dragon went about a half mile over to the east field to conduct a different experiment to follow up on something strange that happened 2 weeks ago let's put the Launchpad right here we were conducting a
drone-based infrared liar scan when Jim Royston suddenly began losing GPS data at very specific spots above the East field uh-oh what happened Eric something that we couldn't explain was blocking the GPS signal let's go launch this thing Okay so we've decided to launch rockets equipped with GPS devices up into those same dead spots to see if we could get repeated data or even stimulate some kind of phenomenon that might help us figure out what's going on in that area Eric the Rockets armed and we're ready to launch copy you standing by for launch in five
4 3 2 1 K launched right yeah so something's going on with the signal there yes very interesting we got this weird bump above the ground I can't explain that I yeah what the hell hey Eric and Travis if you guys can hear me as Yan and I were dragging his GPR through the triangle Yan said about 5 to 10 seconds after that rocket launch that he was getting something interesting above us do you hear what he said that radar picked up something in the air when we launched the rocket at the triangle I wonder
know if we did have some kind of interaction or we did get some kind of reading of something moving above us so that's that's really interesting I can't wait to see that data we couldn't believe it when yon detected something in the air with his GPR device above the triangle after our first rocket launch he was trying to find an underground tunnel but clear clearly some of the radio signals bounced off of something over his head we're ready to launch the next rocket with the GPS tracker on it are you ready standing by for launch
we had no idea what it could have been so we wanted to launch another rocket as fast as we could to see if it would happen again hey Caleb be advised that we are going to launch the rocket in L than 30 seconds be prepared if we're going to launch another rocket we should stand s and we watch for it and see if we see anything in us okay okay battery's going to go hot right now preparing to launch in 5 4 3 2 one what can the hell is going on this makes no sense
at all that is not what that rocket did I want an explanation for this during the rocket launch the rocket didn't go straight into the Mesa but what it appeared to do was to Cork screw on its way up um the the altitude that it is reported to have reached is nowhere near where the rocket actually went how is that even possible Caleb you copy yeah go ahead Eric are you still seeing any of that artifact at 30 to 40 ft uh Roger that I am yes it is definitely there and it occurred maybe four
or 5 seconds after the launch wow we saw the exact same effect five or 6 seconds after that rocket launched we see movement at a range of about 40 ft I can't explain that at all I need to process that data but that's something of real interest hey guys come on in before we jump into Yan's data I want to look at some rocket launch data with you guys I want to show you the GPS data for that first flight I'm excited to see what you got the next morning we couldn't wait to see if
Yan was able to find evidence of a tunnel underground in the triangle area but first we really wanted to review the G PS data from our Eastfield rocket launch when Yan's GPR device simultaneously detected something above ground at the triangle okay so you tell me what's wrong with this picture H the rocket went straight up to 2,000 ft mhm and you see these points over here they're inside the Mesa now yeah they are look at that look exactly where they went in wow that's right where we saw the UAP last year going to the Mesa
that's a good point the entry point right there crazy man the GPS data shows this rocket flew straight at the Mesa and directly into a spot that we called the endpoint now that's where we've seen a UAP enter the East field Mesa and then exited a half a mile away before disappearing into thin air near the triangle we don't know what's causing the GPS errors but it is obvious that something has prevented us from getting accurate data on Skinwalker Ranch and at the exact same time Yan was picking up those radar anomalies that's right Yan
had the GPR set up when we did this launch and he picked up a something in the sky that seemed to be 40 ft above him over the triangle yes exactly we can actually see that on this data set let's take a look okay so the radar is continuously running it's taking readings 10 times a second now what is the radar really detecting it's detecting changes and we're in an open field and there's no cows or anything else moving so if we just stand still and nobody moves then there shouldn't be any changes at all
so what I want you to do is take a look at the bottom of the screen okay so here's what's interesting the launch happened I happened to get get the time stamp off of it right here okay about 6 seconds later 5 seconds later we have this blip it's probably sitting around 40 ft above the ground and that's a very very strong blip okay now what does that mean okay something changed and created an interference so we launched a rocket a mile away from you and uh you detected some sort of anomaly yeah uh happened
about 40 ft above you yeah well I assure you there was nothing above us but okay nothing that we could see nothing that you could see yeah that's exactly that's the point and I saw that and I was like what just callused that it happened twice if I remember correctly that's right so here's the interesting part repeatability right that's how science Works check this out so we'll go along in time and it happened again right there look at that this happened after your second launch so that means somehow other launching a rocket in the East
Canyon field down there somehow at the triangle we detect an electromagnetic disturbance that well no we detect an object we detect an object that appears and disappears that appears and disappears for just a few seconds what on Earth is that Eric you copy yeah Jim go ahead hey we've been out at the triangle and I got to tell you we just picked up some really strange liar up there that we're trying to figure out what do you mean by strange we got this weird anomaly over the triangle what do you think he's talking about I
don't know last week we recorded images of a UAP that suddenly appeared right above the spot that we call the triangle so this morning Eric and I asked Jim Royston and Sam dero of aitech to scan the area with their drone-based infrared liar device to see if it could reveal what might have caused that phenomenon we flew the Drone one time got some very interesting kind of crazy liar data uh that does kind of confirm some of the things we saw last year all that recorded yeah we have it recorded and uh I'm going to
send you the data right now and then we'll come in and take a look at it copy that go ahead and shoot it over I want to see it this is my controller for the lar yes I called Sam over and had him go ahead and pull out his cell phone is what he's capturing this on so if you play this that's right in center right above the triangle you'll see as I turn this around you'll see won this weird symmetry it's like a dut floating there turn keep it going let's look at the different
views what you give us okay so what the hell is generating these returns and look how clean the lines are around it that's what just kind of blew my mind you know the interesting thing to me is it looks kind of funnel shaped wow you know the the really crazy piece to this is this looks like it could be extension of whatever that is you saw last year that bright Circle Perfect Circle you measured last year on the ground it's in the same location yeah yeah that is just analyzing guys it looks like a that
gum hourglass or you know the pictures that you see on papers and Graphics of traversable lorenzian wormholes I mean think about it wow for much of the last century scientists such as Albert Einstein have theorized that wormholes which are passageways between two distant points in space could actually exist and what Jim and Sam have captured on their lar device appears to have the very structure of a theoretical Wormhole could that be what exists above the triangle and is that what's causing all these phenomena to happen in this area I want to catch this thing again
Absol I want us to do whatever it takes to catch that thing again yep this triangles got us yep we need to load all that in the truck after what Jim and Sam showed us on their light R scan Eric and I wanted to get the team out to the triangle immediately all right here we go we wanted to see if the phenomenon would reappear so we could figure out exactly what it was you got the plate yep all right because Rockets have repeatedly helped us observe phenomena on the ranch our plan was to launch
several of them equipped with GPS devices straight up above the triangle and then photograph each launch with high-speed cameras the goal was to see if we could cause anything to appear that was potentially related to the ring-shaped lar anomaly that Jim ryston had just recorded rocket hot and while we finished getting ready Eric headed to a brand new observation post we call the black box is located southeast of the triangle and it enables him to monitor the live GPS data from each of the Rockets as they passed through the area where we detected the strange
liar ring we're armed Rockets hot we will be launching in 5 4 3 2 one a that's a good one yeah that's perfect what do we got oh wow hey Eric you copy yeah go ahead Travis yeah Eric I'm looking at this trace it got to about 2,000 ft high with the this is showing it only about 150 ft or something I'm seeing that it looks like it headed right towards the exit point of that UAP from last year holy crap it sure does that is really weird now we all saw that rocket shoot straight
up a couple thousand fet in the air but the data from the GPS device inside of it showed that at an altitude of 150 ft it turned Northeast toward the face of the nearby Mesa where last year we saw you AP exit from that very same spot so could all of this be related to the thing that Jim Royston spotted today on his lar scans maybe launching another rocket could get something to happen that would help us find out all right everybody be advised we're about to launch another rocket in five four 3 two one
so Travis yeah go ahead Eric um the data looks really messed up I don't know what's really going on above the triangle but right where we captured new lar images of a ring like anomaly earlier today the rockets that we just launched are showing GPS data that doesn't match at all with their actual flight paths I have no idea what to make of that that makes no sense okay well we're going to try again you D good right we are hey he everybody be advised going to launch in less than one minute so we wanted
to keep launching Rockets up through the triangle to see if whatever was causing this might actually be revealed you good there I think so all right okay we got juice five 4 3 2 1 the GPS data from that rocket is wrong too it says the rocket didn't go high at all look it just went to the west of the triangle again D hey Eric it looks like it turned and went west of the triangle yeah I get it uh Travis this doesn't make any sense I don't know what we're looking at here at launch
the GPS data looks nothing at all like the actual trajectories of the Rockets I'm watching them in the cameras we really need to understand what is happening in this airspace over the triangle that's crazy right there yeah hey Travis now I'm just going to shut down out here and uh take a look at the data copy that hey everybody that's the last launch we're going to start breaking down thank you Travis what are we looking at today Eric well let me bring up the the uh the camera footage so this is a single camera looking
up this launch Tower you know this is the postprocess where we have that embossed effect and so here you see just immediately after the first rocket launch you can see there is something that shows up that it's not a rocket what is it that we're looking at that's kind of coming out of that thing yeah you're talking about these loes on the other side yeah crap is that so we've got we've got this I'll call it a cylindrical uh Center M it's a line and then we have these two loes on either side I don't
know what that is I'll take this back out to the original so watch as this evolves okay so I'm going to go forward one frame okay go forward again mhm go one more whatever this additional feature is on the side of the main body of this thing and it goes from uh what would be the AFT portion of it to the four portion of it yeah okay at least that's what it looks like to me it looks like wings I mean not like not like bird wings or insect Wings it look like airplane Wings folding
down mhm interesting one more time go one more frame so look at the top it's shinier than you're speaking of this whatever that is it seems to be shinier than the rest of it it has a very defined rigid Edge yeah it seems like it says very consistent yeah so it's got definition and I don't know that I've ever seen anything exactly like this before this is in that same time frame within a few minutes you see it over here look at that oh that's crazy man and then we'll dive in here all right what
I'll tell you my my brains tell me it's the same object as the previous one or same type of object same class of object well let me move to the next one so here we have a third instance of it looks similar to the same thing I think it's the same thing I don't know what it is it looks like it's the same thing so we have three uh videos of the same category of objects right after the first launch but I don't think there's any decision we can make on it right now could Eric
be right that the answers to all the uaps and other phenomena we've recorded between the triangle and the Mesa and the East field might actually be underground is there connection between the ring like anomaly we've detected on lar and the possible tunnel that was identified by lunan last year okay well you know this has been a great review so I appreciate you guys sitting at the table with me thanks guys thank you so much
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