I Had To Learn These High-Income Skills (If I Wanted To Make Money)

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Dan Koe
Acquiring the right high-value skills turns you into a self-reliant individual going into an uncerta...
Video Transcript:
my business Journey was simple I tried everything and failed but as we all know here failure is a blessing it is a data point that reveals what can be improved those that don't fail don't succeed it just doesn't make sense when you think about it to expect success without failure when success only exists from a reference point of failure if you were successful since the day you were born which you were in many ways would you see it as success or would you see it as normal life you must set a new goal as a
high Embrace massive failure as a low and dance through the struggle to marry the meaningful contrast this brings up an important point which is self-reliance rich kids as an example aren't self-reliant because they didn't teach themselves to be success is normal to them so much so that they don't have new potentials to discover in their life they don't have that journey to go on they don't have a goal of making a thousand dollars a month doing their own thing and embracing the one emotional labor that comes along with that and learning from that and increasing
your emotional tolerance and second just all of the failures that come along that that lead to nuanced understanding and experience that when you achieve that goal of let's say making a thousand dollars then the next one that reveals itself is that the aim of your life it's what gives you meaning is to consistently make progress and not all rich kids are depressed and socially inept but many many are because they didn't have a reason to cultivate a skill set that would allow them to reach a self-generated goal nobody can teach you self-reliance otherwise it's not
self-reliance to become self-reliant in any domain from money to relationships to health you need the skills that bridge the gap between where you are and what you want most people don't know what they want and even more don't see where they are as a problem notice the word need in that paragraph before there are skills that you need to learn in order to achieve self-reliance they aren't optional I repeat these are not optional skills these are fundamental and they are something that you should at least have a big picture understanding of and learn first so
that when you learn any other skill set or let's say you want to learn Photoshop you need to learn the skills that we're going to talk about in order to maximize the effects of Photoshop these are the meta skills that umbrella every other modern skill that changes every 10 years that you will learn and these are also the skills that you should have a big picture understanding of regardless of what kind of company or business you are building if you're building a one-person business like I recommend then you're going to have to understand all of
them but even if you're going to hire out something or eventually hire on a team you need to understand how to get results for that business in the first place I feel like you should have a big picture understanding of the skills that you're going to hire for so you can hire correctly so I failed at seven ish different business models and the reason that I failed with them is because I didn't understand the skills that led to success with any business model because business has a specific skill set attached to it that applies no
matter what technicality you go into like if you're doing email marketing freelancing or doing graphic design freelancing or you're doing something else what is the glue that makes those business models work and so once you understand what we're going to talk about in this video through your own study I can't give you I can't give you 50 to 100 hours worth of information in a 30 minute video it's not how it works and so once you truly understand these skills and practice them and gain experience in them and see results then you can really make
money whenever you want so let's talk about the Evergreen skills and to frame this I am building a software company right now and I have no idea what I'm doing I have some idea of what I'm doing but I'm figuring it out along the way because hiring for a company and actually structuring it like a company is different from one person business or self employment or freelancing where it's just you you don't really need anything crazy for it but when it comes to hiring and legal compliance and all this other stuff these are things that
you can learn on the go and that I am learning on the go and I'm talking to people and understanding it and starting to learn but all of the other skills that make the business work aren't something that every single person can figure out and learn just step by step on the Fly that's the point that's the perspective I'm trying to paint here is that there's actually starting and running a business and then there's what allows you to make sales and money so what I'm saying is that the technical skills that you learn to start
a business are different from the Evergreen skills that allow you that require creativity and experience something that can't be outsourced is something that must be cultivated those are the drivers of business success so the first two skills that we really need to understand and harp on here is marketing and sales they require creativity experience and big picture understanding of your industry to make work marketing in sales are the differentiating factor between those that make money and those that don't so let's take a tax startup for example and why it's always weird saying like why all
I will be so far ahead of other startups is that most startups or even just most coders let's take developers coders programmers as an example where they're like I'm gonna build an app and it's like that's awesome I'm gonna make a billion dollars doing so it's like okay you're a little delusional there because you don't understand Marketing sales you don't have the experience you don't have distribution so they build an app they launch it in crickets and then they can't sustain their life's work simply because they haven't studied marketing and sales and have given attention
to the content side of things because on the internet there's code content you need both in order to create product and attract people and all of that fun stuff so for me when I'm building a tech startup I'm going to make a video going over my entire strategy of how I'm going to make it work I have three to four million followers that have built up over the last four to five years years I have sold products and services that have changed the lives of people that I will sell the product to they understand my
value they understand the power in the systems that I can offer and me turning that into a software to make their lives easier the marketing strategy is already tested validated laid out for me I already know it's going to sell because I made millions of dollars already selling it in a different medium that isn't software so as an example I have a course which took me zero dollars to create and making millions from it taking the system from that course and just turning it into a software which takes me a bit more money now that
I have it in order to create that so I already know the software is going to sell because it's sold before so with developers or coders they don't have an audience that trusts them they don't have promotions that catch the attention of their target market they don't solve a specific burning problem they don't plan to raise problem awareness over time they don't create their own customers through content they don't have any of the Firepower in place that would allow them to write good content ads and turn viewers into customers so with that marketing and sales
paired with writing and speaking is how you create value marketing and sales are the psychological kind of Cortex or meta structure of what you're going to write or speak so that it is impactful and persuasive and valuable because marketing is perception value is perception so you saying something and being able to use marketing principles or psychology to frame what you're saying to catch attention hold attention and May make what you're saying valuable and understandable that is the most valuable skill because I'm not you're not on think about this like actually think it through right I'm
not saying Marketing sales writing and speaking so you go and start a social media brand how that is important right that's a very good thing to practice this thing on I'm speaking to you here I wrote the script for this before this but what about everything else when I'm selling a course do you think all of that knowledge just goes out the window and my curriculum is just a load of an unorganized mess what about texting or messaging high-level business people and getting what I want from them in exchange for something else a value exchange
what about every single [ __ ] thing you do because communication is writing or speaking and if you don't know how to do that correctly from any medium even if it's just a software or selling the software whatever it may be you need to understand these skills if you want to see any form of success because if you want money someone else has the money that you don't have and you need to be able to persuade them to give it to you in exchange for something valuable that you created called a product or service and
whether that's just in a social situation where you're not exchanging for money but you're exchanging the value you have to offer packaged up in your head distributed via words in order to get them to do whatever you're doing because you're a survival based creature and you're manipulating your environment at any given moment I'm manipulating you guys right now not in a hopefully negative way in a positive way Mutual benefit and that's what you're doing in any situation I'm tired of saying marketing speaking writing a sales is are the skills to learn and then someone else
comes in and they're like oh email email marketing will make you ten thousand dollars a month it's like first that's writing and speaking and marketing and sales two email marketing is such a myopic way of viewing the skill set that comes along with those and you're going to fail because you think I only have to learn this specific tactic how to write emails and land clients in order to make money when that business model is going to go to the ground in the next five or ten years you're not not stacking the skills that allow
you to make money in any situation because you understand the root of all being so I'm dragging on let's summarize the principles of Marketing sales writing and speaking first you need a desired outcome and then you need a burning problem that stands in the way a proven path to reach that outcome unique to your experience the level of awareness of the person you are targeting how aware are they of their problem an angle to talk about that problem based on the eight human desires a list of benefits and how solving the problem impacts their life
proof from yourself or previous customers that you can solve that problem a big idea that catches attention in the sea of Internet noise and a risk reversal or guarantee that tips them over the edge and so you may have seen those before like if you study copywriting or Marketing sales whatever I've also talked about them in the value creation video It's called value creation colon the single skill That Built My one-person business because all of those things are like Legos they're Legos for your writing and speaking so that you can do it in a a
persuasive way so as I said you're using these skills whenever you're selling anything selling is synonymous with exchanging value or selling what you have to offer and persuading someone that it is valuable right you're doing that in any situation it's not just in exchange for money when you're talking to a girl or a guy or a friend you're selling your ideas and world view so that they want to be with you so remember how we discuss self-reliance because the rest is on you you have to go and study those things and frame your mind in
a way that allows you to get results this isn't a marketing and sales course if you want that get to our writer or digital economics this video just is to make you aware of what you actually need to be studying so next what you need to understand is the Evergreen vessels so we talked about the Evergreen skills which is about communicating value and getting what you want but most people fail to make money because they don't understand how business works you need a good product which has a host of skills involved in making and you
need people to send to that product so that they purchase it and they purchase it because one you led them to the product with writing speaking marketing and sales and when they saw the product that's writing speaking marketing and sales and when they got into the product in order to spark positive behavior change and make it so they actually use the product that's writing speaking marketing and sales so let's run through a scenario I want to sell a planner so I experiment on myself first why because you need experience and results most businesses fail because
they're trying to sell to people that have a problem they've never experienced so I buy four to five best selling planners on Amazon I buy productivity books and courses I drown myself in podcast social media accounts and videos on productivity hacks I structured my days map out my work and put what I've learned to work by this point I have an idea of how to improve the planner I want to sell or do something entirely new based on what I discovered with my research I've also exposed myself to the entirety of what makes that business
work I've listened to high performing social media content that I can recreate to promote my planner and build a following without ads I've purchased the planner books and core courses from people that make a living from them so I can reverse engineer their marketing and web pages I've gotten results so that I have direct experience of the problem desired outcome and system to get there which composes my marketing strategy it's all right in front of you but you aren't paying attention if you want to make money outside of your job you need distribution and a
product if you want to do it as one person without the Restriction of a physical location then you need code and content code is the back end of the internet content is the front end of the internet code is how you host content content is how you capture attention you don't need to learn how to code because technology has advanced to the point where you're at now what used to take 10 employees to build a membership site can now be done by one person who purchases a software you can hit post on social media have
one big account see that post share it and get hundreds of thousands of views without ever posting before you can build a readership that allows you to do anything you want with your life you aren't bound to one static Niche all in all I'm saying that content is not optional anymore it was a few years ago but markets evolve here is a tweet from cold email Wizard or Daniel Fazio says sales Cycles are getting longer prospects are investigating you more Whoever has the most and best content will win and specifically long form content like YouTube
videos and podcasts that allow you to actually prove the value you have to offer and show that you are experienced and can get results and are an expert and can actually make sense with what you're saying cold email Wizard or Daniel Fazio he's also on YouTube good content he's a good dude so content is how you distribute your product marketing and sales are how you create products that are actually valued by the market those are the main skills that you need to learn no matter what else you learn you see where I'm saying content which
is writing and speaking it's a vessel either visual or written to distribute the value that you have to offer that is crafted by marketing and sales or psychological principles so if content doesn't make sense to you then check out to our writer or 70 genius ideas which is a free like note taking and journaling thing but it has a lot of these principles in there it may help you if you don't actually want to just buy a course right now so let's talk about the modern career path because I like philosophizing about the future of
work but we see here at the top you have you or your topics interests and Curiosities it branches off into code and content so on the code side you have websites membership software funnels automation AI these are like either no code or something that you can learn to program then on the content there's writing and speaking which involves social media video email design branding those both Branch into marketing and sales which are psychology mechanics attention and awareness and then that pulls you in an audience and to the audience you sell the offer and that's where
you make money and that's just like one offer right there's more you can create a funnel you can create upsells down sales offer Stacks cross promoting whatever it may be we're just focused on like one offer or make some money then you already know what to do next so I have faith in the Creator economy even when people don't see it I see it as Nature's Way of correcting what went wrong in the industrial revolution schooling is decentralized with content and courses students can pursue their curiosity and adapt to the times fast eight hour work
days in wage slavery come to an end for individuals that self-educate and acquire skills to work for other creators and eventually themselves I mentioned wage slavery there if you haven't already watched my video on how to escape wage slavery highly recommend it so here's the career path for both the present and the future first code and content code and media are permissionless leverage they're The Leverage behind the newly Rich you can create software and media that works for you while you sleep Naval popular I'm supposed to be a professional forget that I said popular so
most people will have to start with either code or content so you either become a programmer or a Content marketer you can learn both with time and this is one of the most potent skill Stacks is both code and content that's a full stack Creator the programmer can work for creators startups and really any modern job they can freelance or be employed by all of the above the content marketer can do the exact same everyone has a Content Marketing sales or any form of media team businesses need content businesses also need programming depending on the
business so that is where you're going to find jobs and just work and customers for your business in the future and now is online on the internet in the collective Consciousness where we're documenting our mind and we're slowly becoming more and more virtual we're transcending to the mental plane of existence through the Internet you may not see it but that's the next phase of evolution we are automating our physical bodies to the point of being able to interact with much less restriction than we can in the physical world like even just imagine being able to
read someone else's thoughts like there's going to be some laws imposed there but I'm I'm just excited to live to the point to see if like one this will actually happen or what will happen when we solve the hard problem of Consciousness and can literally hack the material world with the underlying fabric that allows that to be there I wouldn't say material world but relative world so your personal brand is your online character or your online avatar and if you choose that you don't want to learn to code that's perfectly fine because all of the
tools available to you you can build a website you can build membership dashboard you can use zapier to hook literally everything together you're fine so number two marketing and sales so you go the code or the content route and then you have to learn both marketing and sales that's second step that's fundamental learn to sell learn to build if you can do both you will be unstoppable so both pass code and content will converge into the need to learn marketing and sales and it's better to learn them from the start simply because then you're framing
everything else you learn if you learn any new skill that will go away in five to ten years because of how rapidly technology is evolving but if you learn a modern skill like graphic design or email marketing then you're doing so from the lens of marketing and sales so that from the get-go the first iterations of whatever you create is just more valuable than the person who's going around and doing absolutely nothing thinking about how the other person will perceive it most software companies and coders fail because they can build a product but they can't
sell it the same goes for Content creators they can build an audience with good writing but when it comes to creating a product that people actually want they fall short if you want to survive outside of a job that inevitably loses its shine and change you to a paycheck marketing and sales are your weapons on the entrepreneurial hunt so step three is to build distribution build distribution then build whatever you want it's a quote from Jack butcher distribution is the most important concept you can understand in the digital race to riches and distribution methods vary
in leverage Freelancers agencies local businesses and even startups often focus on low leverage instantly gratifying distribution methods like cold email paid ads and direct messages now these are still viable methods to acquire customers but you are often left with nothing if you stop putting effort into you are better off building long-term distribution while mixing the other methods to see profit quickly so like building an audience like a 100 000 follower X or Twitter audience promoting to your network like having a 100 000 follower internet friend to promote your network so not your 100 000 followers
but theirs and renting others audiences like newsletter or YouTube sponsorships to get in front of millions of interested people you must learn social media as the skill to tap into the global distribution Network and so as you write content and build an audience so you have you're building that high leverage distribution it takes time so along the way you can still set aside time to do the low leverage but quicker results ones like cold email DMS Etc so for perspective I get around 12 million impressions per month on X alone with other platforms it's probably
quadruple that number and from a Google search I don't know how accurate this is but a low CPM is around three dollars for paid ads which is per 1 1000 Impressions every month on X or Twitter alone I get what would cost me thirty six thousand dollars a month worth of Impressions if your content and ads are profitable you should be able to make well over a hundred thousand dollars from that each month you see what I'm saying here is that you can either pay thirty six thousand dollars a month on ads to get the
same amount of Impressions that I get after building an audience for three to four years it's Instant versus long term but that doesn't invalidate either one it's do both but aim for the long term and to stress that point again that's only from Twitter Twitter is one of my smallest audiences now so I probably get 100 to 150 000 worth of AD spend just from The Impressions that I get on all social media and if I can't out make that 150 000 a month in ad spend then I'm not getting an Roi so even if
I make 150 000 a month with my own content for free that's bonus but and since I'm not only nurturing the audience but them being with me the entire time and understanding what I talk about and being more likely to purchase my products or Services I should be able to out earn most Roi I should be able to make three four five six hundred thousand dollars a month as one person with the distribution that continues to grow and grow and grow so step number four is just the shift from employable to unemployable because there comes
a point through experience and skill acquisition that you just can never become employed again it's impossible you have too much of a network to fall back on if you need an opportunity let's say my business dies today I message five people I guarantee I will at least be able to cover let's say ten to twenty thousand dollars a month based on my skill set and how I can help them at least for a short period of time they can make room for me simply because I have that Network and at this point your skills compound
to the point where you know how to make money in any given environment or situation no matter where the market's at right if I know marketing and sales like truly not the basic udemy course of oh you need a opt-in page you need to build an email list you need a Facebook page with a good bio I'm talking real marketing and sales a deep understanding of them all studying them for one two three years with practice along the way and experience in trying to get results and failing multiple times with that I can spin up
an offer figure out a distribution Channel and launch it within two weeks and make however much money I want depending on the methods that I choose so the progression that I would follow is this is start learning the skills that all brands need Marketing sales branding content design social media Etc apply for jobs or work for a Creator to get real world experience and earn some money this can be freelance or employment you're gonna have to reach out to people and talk to people online oh no dedicate one hour minimum each day to building your
own thing write content iterate until you are growing and promote your offer as your audience grows start to transition into doing your own thing expand your product stack to Target more people in your audience this way you're making it near impossible to not secure your future and if you have subpar marketing skills a good audience can still make up for that you can't do that with ads because writing the ad itself is marketing and sales right you're gonna have to have all of that in place with an audience people just trust you and they like
your thoughts and they're like oh this guy has a product I'm gonna buy marketing and sales is like a little boost to that so the fifth Point here is just iterative products because most creators fail because they treat monetization as a one and done type of deal your products and services evolve as you do they build off of each other you can't create a better product if you never launch the first stagnation equals Death my web design service evolved into funnels my funnel knowledge evolved into three digital products those digital products evolved into a community
my experience along the way created two more digital products my 10 plus lead magnets evolved into a planner which is now being relaunched with my book in late September all of the above are evolving into the software that I'm building it never ends that's what makes it meaningful it should be obvious that if something isn't selling you have a product or service like freelance or just a course or something and it isn't selling it's your problem it's not the markets if you kept learning and refining your skill set beyond that you would see the opportunity
to improve your products all of this business stuff is just persistence and iteration for life and that is it for this video I hope you enjoyed it to our writer if you want to learn high impact digital writing digital economics if you want to productize yourself or turn yourself into the business both of those are in the description there's also a power planner seven days to genius ideas which is like note taking idea generation other cool stuff down there like subscribe see in the next one peace
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