How to Organize Your Life in 7 Days (Full Step-By-Step Process)

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Miles Mochizuki
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I need to get my life together it wasn't that long ago when I used to have this thought almost every week I get fed up feel a burst of motivation and maybe even fold my laundry for once but that motivation quickly faded and I'd slit back into living life on autopilot organizing your life is easier said than done especially when everything feels chaotic and you're barely keeping up with the day to day but it doesn't have to be a painful and overwhelming process and in fact it can be quite straightforward I've put together a simple
7-Day process that anyone can follow to eliminate the chaos get their feet on the ground and start living an organized life with intention I'll leave time stamps down below so you can come back to this video easily each day to complete the next step before we dive into phase one I'd greatly appreciate it if you click the Subscribe button it's a zero-cost way to support the channel and we'll help this video reach more people who could benefit from it all right so phase one is to remove the chaos now before we can start thinking about
our goals or the direction that we want to take our life in we first need to look at our current situation and clean things up there a little bit eliminate the chaos and I like to start here with day one our physical environment so basically what we're going to do is pick whatever environment we work in or spend the most time in in our home so this could be a bedroom home office living room Etc whatever it is just pick one kind of main environment and for this first day we're basically going to try our
best to clean up as as much of it as we can remove any clutter throw away trash organize things and basically try and turn it into a pleasant place to be in and I really like this first step of cleaning up our physical environment because it's super tangible super straightforward you can very clearly see what needs to be fixed and you know you can see the progress that you make as you clean things up and you don't really have to think about it too much so like if we were to jump straight into like setting
goals and figuring out the direction for our life it'd be kind of overwhelming and this is something where it's like okay it's very obvious when your room or your office is a mess you know pick up those clothes throw away the trash organize the desk do all that stuff it's an easy first win that can start to snowball into the next stage and notice I didn't say clean up your entire house on this first day we're really just going to pick one room one piece of our overall environment and and as we start to get
more of our life organized we'll naturally probably find the time to clean up other parts of our environment depending on where your living situation is all right day two is to set up our calendar time is our most valuable resource you know this you can always make more money you can get more clothes you can get more material possessions but you can't make more time so we need to get into the habit of being intentional with how we use our time and the best way that I found to do this is to just use a
digital calendar I think of all the sort of productivity apps software and stuff that you could use the one that's going to make the most difference and really the only kind of required one in my experience is to use a digital calendar and I've gone through the entire process for setting up your calendar multiple times in different videos I think in a recent video on my channel called my simple apple productivity system or something I kind of go through the entire process of setting up your calendar don't have to use Apple calendar but any sort
of digital calendar works for that process so if you want to see more specifically how to go through all that and have the full walkthrough you can go check out that video but basically it's pretty simple open up the calendar create recurring events for different things that are routine events or commitments in your life so for example work your morning routine maybe when you go to the gym maybe you have a class or school or something or your night routine anything that happens consistently every day every week whenever it is we're going to make a
event on our calendar that kind of repeats and so we don't even have to think about it we can just come to our calendar and we see it's there and so basically what we're doing is slowly filling out this calendar think you can think of it as one giant puzzle of of our time basically each day and starting with these things that are set in stone these recurring events and then we can see where we have some free time left or at least where we have time that we can control how we spend it so
once you've filled in those recurring blocks what I do basically every evening is look at my calendar and with any blank spaces kind of update it with any sort of nonroutine tasks or events that come to mind and there's multiple ways that you can do this some people will like to create a new block on the calendar with that specific t ask so let's say it was to record this video I might create an event okay at 6:30 a.m. I will record this video and that lasts from 6:30 to 8:00 a.m. or something but another
way you can do that do this and it might be a little less overwhelming if you're just getting started with this stuff is to just create an all day event so maybe it's just Saturday you want to reorganize your computer files or something H you can just create an all day event on your calendar and you know know that when you get to that day that's one of the things that you want to do whatever works for you you can try different things out I personally find that it helps definitely to assign a specific time
and you can kind of uh expand or Shrink the event to fit the amount of time that you think it'll take but really I would just make it your goal each day to just try and follow your calendar so every night when you kind of are setting things up mapping out what you're going to do for the next day just making your main goal to really try and stick to it and we want to get to to this point where we can kind of live by our calendar we kind of treat our calendar as Sacred
Space we don't just throw a bunch of junk on there anything that goes on that calendar we're actually going to do and follow through with all right day three is a brain dump this is really just going to be an exercise that we're going to do to kind of get everything out of our mind that is sort of bothering us Weighing on us everything that's kind of just stressing us out any sort of tasks errands that are coming to mind projects we want to do anything really that we're just is plaguing our thoughts and our
conscious what we're going to do is open up just a basic Notes app you could do this on paper I personally like using digital stuff um so you can use basic apple notes or any sort of note taking application and just write down everything that comes to mind so any sort of tasks any sort of thoughts worries anything just write it out spend you know 30 minutes an hour however much time you need to just really sit there think about everything that's going on in your life don't hesitate to write certain things just don't think
about it don't even press backspace just write everything else that comes to mind we're going to sort through things later from now on we can basically take this document and I label it just ideas or or thoughts or something and we're going to use this to just dump anything that comes to mind throughout the week or or throughout the day so first we're going to do this initial dump of everything and then moving forward every day let's say we're working on something else and we remember okay we need to go do this era and go
return this package to the post office or something we're just going to write it on this document and try and start the habit of each night reviewing this kind of brain dump document and picking out anything that is urgent or that you've already committed to and then adding it to your calendar for the next day so so in the previous day we talked about setting up the calendar and how every evening we'll kind of review our next day add in any events or tasks that we need to do so part of this process now we
can add on is looking through this document where we've just kind of added random things that come to mind and looking at them and saying okay well this I actually need to do tomorrow so then I'll add that to my calendar at this point while we're still just trying to eliminate the chaos when we look through this list during our daily review we're just going to focus on the urgent things that we know we actually already committed to so if it's things that you've written down that are just kind of random thoughts or things that
you want to do at some point in the future or something we're just going to keep them there for now and focus on our current commitments and don't really worry about taking on anything new at this time we're just trying to get our current situation flowing well so that we can free up some mental space to start thinking about new things so the reason for implementing this kind of brain dump inbox quick capture system is one so that we actually remember the things that we think of so you've probably heard that our brain is really
good at coming up with ideas and things to do but not so great at actually remembering those things for the long term human memory short-term memory at least is not too great so we want to get into the habit of as soon as we think of something drop everything and just quickly write it down and then we can go back to whatever else we were focusing on at that time and the second reason is that once we get into the habit of unloading these thoughts and tasks and ideas onto a page and we can trust
the system that we have in place there then we free up real estate in our brain to start to think about other things and often times more big picture ideas like the direction that we want to take in our life you know we can take a step back and think to ourselves okay is this what we actually want to do with our life or do we need to head in a different direction whereas before I started doing this sort of system and really wrting out my thoughts and also implementing the the calendar stuff I was
just focused on the day today and keeping up with my everyday life and tasks and I didn't have the mental capacity to think if I consider whether I was heading in the right direction at all I was just kind of almost like in this tunnel vision all right and that about does it for phase one these first few days are really just about setting up solid foundations cleaning up our environment the chaos and implementing some good systems for managing our time and the thoughts that come to our mind if you feel like you need a
few more days to really dial things in here feel free to take them just know that we're going to continue to build upon things and dial in these systems over the next 7 days and beyond that so we're going to continue to use the calender continue to use the brain dump so if things don't feel fully comfortable quite yet that's okay we'll get there eventually but now we're going to move on to phase 2 which is finding direction and this all starts with day four for energy analysis and this concept is based on the book
essentialism by Greg mchan but basically what we're going to do is draw a little diagram and in the middle we'll have a circle and we can just call that me or my energy and from that Circle we're going to draw a line to each major aspect of our life that we're contributing our energy towards and by energy I mean both physical energy kind of mental energy time all kind of bundled up together so the main idea behind the book essentialism is that that the more things we have in our life taking up our energy so
the more lines that we have coming out of this Central bubble on this diagram the less progress we'd be able to make in each individual area whereas if we were able to reduce the amount of commitments and theoretically just have one line one main focus in our life we'd be able to make not just twice as much progress not just three times as much progress but exponentially more progress by focusing in on just one Pursuit now for most of us is it realistic that we could just go all in on only one thing no probably
not but the purpose of this exercise is to really just look at all the different things that we're kind of focusing on and so we can start to think okay what could we potentially cut out here because that's one of the sort of secrets to productivity and stuff is not just being able to do all these different things and do more things but to actually do fewer things because then we'll see exponentially more results in that single thing and so at this stage we're not going to make any big decisions or cut off any commitments
we're just trying to do a little analysis see where our energy is going and start viewing things through this lens of the more things we do then the less progress we'll be able to make in each thing and we want to get to the point where we can try and identify what are really the essential things that we really care about we really value in life and will help us make our greatest contribution to the world and the subsequent days we'll start to decide what actually to focus on all right so day five is The
Wheel of Life and this is an exercise that I first heard about after reading the book a miracle morning it was one of the first self-development or self-help books that I read and basically how it works is there's this wheel with a bunch of different categories that are relevant to most people's lives so these are things like career Health friends family finances environment Etc and basically what we're going to do is go through one by one through each category and rate our satisfaction with that area of our life on a scale of 1 to 10
and I would say you can't pick seven so for a lot of these 1 to 10 ratings people will just pick seven because it's kind of like in the middle it's not actually in the middle but it's kind of like not good nor bad it's kind of okay but if you take out seven then you're really forced to you know you have to say either eight or six so that really indicat case whether it's good or bad but we're going to do this rating for each category and then we're going to go back through each
category and describe what our life would have to look like for us to rate it a 10 out of 10 and so this is just a really helpful way to kind of do an analysis of where things are at in your life and try to really think about think about things through your own lens so try and tune out all other influences telling you how your life should be and just really take the time to think about what you genuinely want as a person it's easier said than done but it's a very powerful exercise and
this is something that you could do every year during your annual review or on your birthday or anything like this and so we're just going to do this analysis rate everything describe what our 10 out of 10 life would look like in each area and then we're just going to sleep on it let it kind of marinate before moving on to the next step all right so day six is to pick your your season now hopefully it's a new day you've let things kind of marinate and sit with you for a little bit but basically
we're going to review our Wheel of Life exercise that we did and pick one area one kind of category that we want to revamp or go all in on for the next one to two maybe three months and during this time period we're basically going to keep everything else in our Wheel of Life at a healthy mainten main level and so the reasoning behind this connects back to the essentialism Energy Management idea from day four but basically that by focusing in on one thing having one kind of season for this short period of our life
it will allow us to make exponential improvements in that area compared to if we tried to focus on a bunch of different things the truth is you can't really have multiple priorities priorities should be a singular thing I read somewhere that it wasn't until fairly recently like with in the last century that priorities became an actual word because priority should just be one thing so we're going to make one priority and um have everything else at an healthy maintenance level now one thing I'll note is that by making a big push in one area I've
found in my experience that it will naturally start to bring along the other areas of our life even if we're not really focusing on them I found that how you do one thing is really how you do everything so for example let's say for this next season we really want to focus in on dialing in our health so this means getting into a good exercise routine cleaning up our nutrition fixing our sleep schedule Etc and let's say we're not really prioritizing our career during this time period you could easily see how let's say we start
to dial in our sleep we start to exercise more how that could benefit our career so we might have more energy we might be more focused on our work we might have greater discipline to do more difficult work that we normally would have procrastinated on can really start to see how improving our health would help us also improve in our career even if we aren't directly focusing on improving in our career and finally on this day what we're also going to do is go back to our brain dump document that we've been adding through over
time and identify things that we've written down tasks ideas that might not be super relevant to this season of our life so this is anything that'll kind of take significant effort away from this main priority and isn't really required to maintain the other areas of your life so going on with this health example let's say on our brain dump document we also wrote some ideas for where we want to take our career some potential projects we could start at this point I would just either delete these things entirely or move them maybe to another document
that you can review after the season is over and just really focus on anything that will help you progress in this one main area that's going to be our season of life for the next couple months or so all right so we finally made it to day seven where we're going to be defining our actions this is a super important step where basically we're going to write out what actions we'll take to contribute to each area or category of our life so in the previous day we established what our main focus area was that we're
going to go all in on for this next season of life and everything else we're going to keep at a healthy maintenance level so first we need to figure out what does maintaining each area look like at a practical level so by maintaining I mean we basically just don't want this area of our life to decline because then it can negatively impact the main focus area so for example let's say for this next season I want to go all in on my YouTube channel that's kind of going to be my main focus for the next
couple months and so I want to keep my health kind of at a maint maintenance level so I'm not going all in on my health but I don't want to get into you know unhealthy routine or diet or anything because that would take away from the progress I could make on my YouTube channel so for example what that might mean is maybe I'm just going to the gym three days a week and avoiding processed sugar there's of course more I could do to improve my health and really get better results in that area but my
focus right now is just making sure it doesn't decline so by going to the gym a few times a week I'm keeping up my routine my energy levels my strength and things and by avoiding sugar you know I'm just keeping my diet in check and so this will allow my health over the next season to stay at roughly the same level or basically not decline too significantly so so for all the areas that we're maintaining go through and write down specifically what you'll do so whether it's with your career your relationships your friends your finances
what are you going to do that is not going to take away significant amounts of effort from your main focus category but will allow those other categories of your life to kind of stay at the same healthy level all right and then for the aspect of our life that we decided to go all in on for the what does prioritizing this area actually mean and so what I like to start is by identifying some key inputs that we that I can do on a regular basis so these are kind of like habits that would contribute
to this area of my life so the main ones for me if I'm going all into my YouTube channel would be just to get in the habit of uploading videos consistently every single week so right now I've been doing one video a week I think I want to increase that to two videos and breaking that down into the different processes is for me it's like planning out the video filming it editing making a thumbnail and so maybe I could pick specific days of the week when I'm going to do each of those activities and also
another key input that I could do is improving just my general skills for making videos the main one that I think I want to focus on is just improving my speaking skills so being able to speak more precisely rely Less on editing and be able to convey my thoughts in a more clear and concise way to a camera so one thing I think I'm going to do for that is reimplement this habit of speaking to a camera for at least 3 to five minutes per day this is something that I used to do back when
I first started my YouTube channel because I just wanted to get over the kind of discomfort and fear of speaking to a camera which I feel like I've gotten over for the most part but I still want to be able to improve my speech more so I think this will be a good way for me to do that so those are just some examples whatever area you're going all in on maybe it's your health identify you know the specific workout routines how often you're going to do them you know the the specific action Cadence and
the location even if it's relevant and then I would take all of this both for your main focus aspect of your life and all the other categories that you're maintaining and write out basically on a piece of paper or document you can print it out what category it is and what's the spefic specific actions that you're going to take for this season of life to either maintain that category or progress in that aspect of your life you can also write out a clear date for when the season of your life will start and when it
will end and print it out and at the bottom sign your name this is kind of like a little contract to yourself for this next uh couple months or so and I would even if you want to take a further step I would post it up in some prominent place in your home or in your office at your desk so you can always see it in your face and even maybe if you have other people in your home they can see it and and try and keep you accountable so are you going to be able
to completely transform your life in just 7 Days probably not but following this seven-step process will certainly help you remove the chaos from your life and provide an organized foundation for you to start taking the effective actions to build your ideal lifestyle I divided the process up into 7 days but you could honestly get the whole thing done in just a weekend or could take a little longer if you need to it's really up to you the purpose is really just to give you some specific actions a step-by-step process that you can follow so you
can stop overthinking things and just start heading in the right direction click subscribe right now if you found this video valuable do something today that your future self would thank you for
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