and this is you You' just been born the Apex of apex predators 200 kg and 2.5 M long you are already the size of a fully grown tiger shark and with a similar IQ to that of a 15-year-old human your family around you will be the only people you'll know for the rest of your life and one day you'll become the ruler of this pod and destroy everything in your path all your family is here except from your dad because you're the captain of another pod but don't worry because your brothers will take you under
their wing gifted with the absolute genetic jackpot you will begin your journey to conquer the seven seas and rule the oceans luckily even you as a baby have nothing to contend with and more importantly nothing will dare contend with you your mother is your bodyguard for the first two years of your life as she completes prob mbappe to turn you into a living weapon that can hunt anyone or thing except anyone in these areas cuz it's too warm so you're pretty much confined to these parts of the world so you started off living a good
rich life but now it's time to face the real world and learn how to hunt each Orca Clan Has specific stats and hunting techniques and controls a specific region of the sea where your hunting methods suit the type of location you're in a bit like choosing a particular role in a video game based on the mission you're about to do and just like a monarchy that ranks in each member of this pod and given your weight and age you at the bottom as a baby the first few years your life are very easy protected by
your mother however as you enter your teenage years she she now begins teaching you the wise hunting methods pass down Generations this involves simple fight tactics with hunting small fish and prey by just swimming at them you are still in a low rank in the Pod but gaining XP is a slow process you have now unlocked the Echolocation perk that allows you to scan large rages when there are blockages in the signal this shows that moving pray are present you and your pod locate this sh of fish and drive towards them to the shore where
they are pinned in making it easy snack at this point your position within the Pod becomes solidified and your progress onto harder captures drawing towards more adulthood your selection of prey has now been expanded to larger animals seals and whales with your whole pod now some members seize the P of the well which attempts to immobilize It While others draw pressure around it so it cannot Escape you and your Orca family now have a meal that feeds a whole family for a while so you can lay low for a while after this one at this
point you're sitting with the top dogs of the Pod as they ask you to join them on a much more dangerous mission to hunt leopard seal your prey lays a top a flat sheet of ice which is too wide to be able to sneak up upon you each take turns bobbing your head from out of the water to scan the surrounding area and prepare an attack each of you charges and sink with each other under the sheet of ice creating a huge wave that washes the seal off and breaks ice sheet into many layers this
makes the seal much easier to take on and for an attack like this you have to have pretty high XP which means you are officially an ad Ora except there is one final boss to tackle before you can become leader of the Pod you guessed it the great white shock being an adult killer whale you weigh 5 tons at 8 m long this adult great white shark is 3 m long and only about 1 ton you have both the weight and size on it having reached adult hood except it's really not that simple going for
one of these is less of a necessity and more of a last minute option because you've eaten everything for the nearest 100 miles you and your brother decide to take on the shark sprinking up from the depths at it before grabbing his major fins to paralyze it having defeated your rival apex predator dominance has been asserted as you rise up in your pod you would think after such a feat you'd be leader of the Pod except this rank always remains to the a mother life is good as you and your pot hunt and live with
ease except there is one major danger that awaits as you and your part swim casually through the oceans oras started getting grabbed and Nets out of nowhere as they were dragged aboard boats for captivity unfortunately this is the brutal nature of the human captivity service and is now down to you to help your pod recover everywhere you go there are signs of human effect with oil swills meaning parts of your territory are off bounds reading the local newspaper you hear of a group of teenage orcas who are so outraged they started ramming into boats near
Jala as you begin to wonder whether your rank as apex predator is being challenged but that isn't you so you think of something else to do having reached full maturity it means that you are larger and stronger than other oras so it is competition time as you attempt to protect your Dynasty going head-to-head against other orcas these moments will be one of the most difficult in your life as you attempt to secure a mate and each season you compete with other orkers for this reason unfortunately as a male orer you may never see your child
again as you must return to your pod and stay with them indefinitely eventually as your pod rebuilds from new members being born you continue to now share the hunting methods and popular fishing spots that were once taught to you by your family with a lifespan of about 50 years your age is not necessarily a disadvantage as the younger orcas look up to you for Guidance with this experience comes both size and weight and a bit like the retired old master from every other action movie you now lay the low life and become the teacher for
younger orcas as you pass on your own ways to them your family now looks and cares for you as you hunt with them and you live an old peaceful family oriented life surrounded by the same people that were there when you were born as your days come to an end