Every Class and Subclass Change for 2024: D&D Ep #177

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d4: D&D Deep Dive
Go back Moonsoon before it's too late! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/skies-of-sordane/moonsoo...
Video Transcript:
do you want a definitive list of every change to every class and every subass for the new 2024 players handbook for D and d5v well look no further because I'm here to give them to you welcome to [Music] D4 hey everybody so here at D4 each week we take a deep dive usually anyways into character builds for my favorite uh role playing games I like to crunch numbers about them Theory craft about them not to tell you the right way or the best way to play a certain character but to explore one potential way to
build something in the hopes of creating a character that's both really fun but also really powerful to play so if you enjoy creating characters for your favorite role playing games almost as much as you enjoy playing the actual game itself or if you're just looking for tips or ideas or advice on how to build something that you're thinking about playing then welcome home this is where you belong and I am so glad you're here so thank you for watching my name's Colby so yeah like many content creators for D and I've had access to the
new uh 2024 players handbook now for a couple of months as I was trying to decide what content to first release on August 1st today the day that the Embargo drops right I immediately thought you know what classes subclasses that's kind of the thing that I'm most interested in the thing that's maybe going to have the biggest impact for the builds that I do the thing that I'm guessing my viewers might be most interested in and my original plan was to make this big comprehensive list then for every single class and subass and then break
it down into like three or four videos but then I got thinking first of all if I just list three or four classes today and then wait until like tomorrow to release part two and then part three after that well if I don't get to the class that you are most interested in today then you're just going to find the info somewhere else and I would rather that you found it here but also historically breaking videos into multiple Parts never performs well I don't know YouTube algorithm just hates mult part series or maybe people's attention
span falls off a cliff after part one I don't know what it is but in the end then I decided screw it we are just going to put every single class and subass into one massive video yeah that's right you're probably looking down at the time for this and thinking 3 4 hours long I'm guessing anyways I just started recording but I know that probably seems a little crazy to some of you but here's the thing you don't have to listen to all of this in one go listen to some now some later maybe some
tomorrow whatever maybe you just carry pick the classes or sub classes you're most interested in and you come back to other ones another time maybe a month or two from now when you're ready to actually build your first character using the 2024 rules I'm hoping this video can be a nice resource for you bookmarket come back and just jump to the class or subass you want to refresher on to remember exactly what it is that changed and as always feel free to bump this baby up to two times speed or sure use it for your
DND ASMR just think now you'll get like three or four times the video length as I lull you to Dreamland with my sleep inducing monotone okay before we jump in I've got a couple of important points to make first off I think the best way to listen to this video will be to have the existing class and subclass features in front of you while you listen or watch so that you can quickly see what it used to be compared to what it is now I'm not necessarily going to go into detail on what every feature
used to be but instead I'm just going to tell you what's new or different now or just mention that nothing changed for a feature so I'm often assuming that you know what the feature used to look like we are already going to be here all day otherwise we would be here all night also if I don't mention a class or a subclass feature it means there's no substantive change as far as I can tell I'll often still mention these and just say no change but not always so just in case you think I skipped something
that's why it doesn't mean the feature is gone finally I am going to miss things and or get stuff wrong this is inevitable I am human there's a lot of content here and I may Mis interpret the way something's worded or miss an important distinction I've done my best of course to be meticulous here but yeah thanks in advance for forgiving my inevitable errors feel free to point them out in the comments if you catch one oh um actually finally finally finally I'm going to try and move a little quickly here the editing also is
going to be done with a much lighter touch than usual just so that I and my friend D who edits these videos for me can actually get this Behemoth prepped and ready to go to drop on August 1 okay we've got a lot to cover so let's jump into DND D episode number 176 every class and subclass change for 2024 right after I tell you about today's sponsor before we continue I've got to tell you guys about Arcane min's now in Kickstarter 5e compatible compendium moonsoon this book looks so freaking amazing it immerses you in
the new campaign setting of moonsoon an archipelago world of Adventure ruled by 12 God moons that are themselves EXP aborable actually those moons this book is over 600 pages long filled with 11 new animal and plant-like races like the enigmatic and friendly cppy a so cute or the mysterious cralon 13 new subclasses I love that like the selenographer wizard or the windrunner Rogue yes please sounds like my new favorite character but there is so much more new spells new monsters new and even craftable magic items uh using the harvesting and crafting system from hela's guide
to Monster hunting so it's compatible with that third party book right while exploring the god moons of this world you might end up having an epic boss battle using uh my good friend will from D and D schs gargantuan monster fighting system from his rioko's book and I love that they're incorporating here these other like third- party creators though no you don't need to own those other books in order to use them in this moonsoon world here which is so lovely and generous to top it all off there's even an entire campaign right inside the
book taking characters from levels 1 to 7 to help you take your first steps of Discovery into this beautiful and dangerous world and it's accompanying moons there is just so much here I don't have time to get into it all I haven't even mentioned the moon deck system they introduce it's sort of like a Tarot deck to give your campaign unexpected twists and heroic feats and deepen your roleplay you really need to go check out the kickstarter page to see all of the amazing stuff on offer with this book when you do I would appreciate
it if you would use the URL that I've put in the video description and the pinned comment as that's how they'll know I sent you but this is important everybody at the time of this video's release there are only a few days left before the kickstarter ends so do not delay just hit pause really quick and go check it out I'll still be here when you get back I've seen some of the goodies you can pick up if you them now and you don't want to miss out on them those liquid core Moon dice are
gorgeous and I mean capy Bara plushy come on anyways huge thanks to Arcane minis big congrats on destroying that funding goal I can't wait to see the final product here and let's get back to the breakdown okay so we are going to do this alphabetically first all of the changes to an entire class and then its subclasses first and then move on to the next class and sub classes okay ready to go first up then everyone's favorite brute the Barbarian Aran at level one rage so we get the same number of rages per long rest
as we used to but we do regain one use after a short rest now that's huge actually extra damage still requires a strength based attack but it no longer requires it to be a melee attack so you could throw it right so thrown weapons were good incoming Throne weapon builds uh now rage also lasts up to 10 minutes and continues each round if you make an Attack Force an enemy to make a saving throw that new or just take a bonus action to keep it going a taking damage no longer keeps it alive but we've
got more ways to continue our Rage that's nice unarmored defense is pretty much the same weapon Mastery though this one is new and a lot of classes get access to weapon Mastery now so I'll just explain it this one time refer back to this part uh when you get to Fighters and Rogues and Rangers and Paladin okay if you need a refresher so for those unfamiliar with weapon masteries every weapon now has an Associated weapon Mastery property you don't automatically get access to the weapon Mastery property just by having proficiency with the weapon you need
a feature from a class or to take a feat that says you get to use weapon masteries okay these weapon masteries are really fantastic I'm going to go over each one of them quickly and as long as you have access to the weapon Mastery for the associated weapon that you're using then you can benefit from it you can use it when you make attacks right first up cleave this lets you do weapon damage to a second target standing standing within 5T graze lets you do ability modifier damage even if you miss your attack Nick lets
you use two weapon fighting without using your bonus action for the offhand attack both happen as part of the attack action that's awesome push lets you push a creature up to 10 ft away from you if they are larger or smaller sap gives the enemy disadvantage on their next attack slow reduces enemy move speed by 10 ft topple forces a constitution saving throw or knocks them prone and vex gives you advantage on your next attack if your attack with the Vex weapon hits first we are going to be having a lot of fun with these
in future builds no doubt I love the power it brings to weapon users and the variety it gives to different weapons in game now now barbarians can use the Mastery properties of two weapons of their choice so maybe you take great Axe and can cleave with it and a maul that you can topple with right you can change one of those after a long rest and you gain more weapon masteries as you level at level two danger sense there's no change Reckless attack though one of my favorite abilities in the game changed so that it
impacts all of your attacks until the start of your next turn it was always weird that if you were attacking recklessly it didn't impact like opportunity attacks right it only impacted attacks on your turn this is a nice fix it does still give enemies advantage on their attacks against you at level three we get our subass uh we'll talk about those in a few minutes but then Primal knowledge is a newish feature we got this in Tasha is cauldron of everything now it's officially part of the player handbook I like that it just gives you
proficiency and another Barbarian skill but also it's updated now to let us use our strength instead to make an ability check that normally uses acrobatics intimidation perception that seems weird stealth I'm so mad that I'm sneaky I don't know or survival uh that's kind of awesome it's kind of weird in some of them but we're told that this works because our strength represents Primal power coursing through you honing your agility bearing and senses I'm not complaining it makes us sort of maybe kind of animalistic I suppose yay for barbarians being slightly better skill monkeys at
level seven we get feral Instinct we still have advantage on initiative roles with this but it no longer says that we can still act normally on our first turn even if we're surprised the main reason for this is because surprise is totally different now in case you didn't know it simply gives you disadvantage on your initiative role but you still will always act normally on your first turn I think I like that it definitely simplifies things it makes getting surprise a lot less powerful that could be good it might balance combat a little bit it
might speed up gameplay even instinctive pounce is a new feature that we get here that says we can move half our speed as part of the bonus action that we use to rage it's pretty nice for those fights where you start off you know far away from your enemy at level 9ine brutal strike ah brutal strike yeah this used to be brutal critical my least favorite Barbarian feature brutal strike now says that if you're using Reckless attack you can give up advantage on one of your attacks on your turn if the attack still hits the
target takes an extra d10 of damage and you can either push them 15 ft away and move up to half your move speed towards them if you want or reduce their speed by 15 ft until your next turn okay I like it it's a little tricky and that it will be good to use against lower armor classes and probably bad to use against higher ones at least on average and that frustrates me if I'm being honest is it an improvement sometimes yes sometimes it's a Nerf because you don't want to use it and thus when
you crit you will do less damage than you did in the 2014 rules right and nerfing a feature even if it's just part of the time that was already pretty bad feels really bad to me that said I do think I like it overall I like that we have options I like the variety but I don't know why they couldn't just say once per turn you get to do this and not have you have to sacrifice Advantage we're level 9 casters are getting wall of force and hold monster right let us get a once per
turn d10 of damage and a push right anyways at level 11 Relentless rage has changed to drop you not to one hit point but to twice your Barbarian Level in hit points or 22 for now much better might not actually be a Difference Maker in keeping you alive any longer we level 11 right but with rage yeah it most likely will at level 13 improved brutal strike gives us new brutal strike options we still have to give up advantage on a re L attack but now if it hits we can also stagger them giving them
disadvantage on their next saving throw that's actually pretty cool and they can't make opportunity attacks until their next turn I really like that you can also Sunder them which says that until our next turn the next attack made by another creature against them gets a plus five bonus to hit okay I can see that being pretty useful depending on your teammates if nothing else it's different it's Unique and it adds to some sort of tactical teamwork gameplay and you kind of see a lot of that that's a pretty recurring theme I think with 2024 I
still wish we didn't have to give up Advantage but I appreciate the different options that we're getting to do stuff in combat that that that's more than just hit things right at level 15 persistent rage now says that once per day when you roll initiative you can regain all expended uses of Rage that's nice but I'm sure there are plenty of tables where you might not even need this especially now that we can regain one use of Rage with a short rest once per day but also with this feature our rage lasts 10 minutes now
without needing to do anything to extend it round to round so it even persists through being incapacitated it does still end if we put on heavy armor I want to see that happen in game Barbarian while raging in the middle of a fight finds a suit of plate mail I'm not proficient in this yet but maybe I'll take the 10 minutes to put it on DM your rage now ends Barbarian no at level 17 we get improved brutal strike our damage for brutal strike goes to 2 d10 and we can can use two different brutal
strike effects whenever we use it okay I'm still a little bugged but it's good it is at level 18 indomitable might now affects strength checks and saves letting you just use your strength score in place of your roll for either which is potentially pretty great at level 19 all classes now get an epic Boon or another feet of your choice if you don't want an epic Boon you'd be crazy to pass on it of course because epic Boons are amazing and while they existed in 5e before they're a little bit more official now let me
go over them very quickly here one time again I'm not going to do this for every single class but we ought to at least talk about them once so combat prowess this increases our strength or dexterity by one to a cap of 30 and this is true for all of these epic Boons and lets us turn a missed weapon attack into a hit once per turn awesome dimensional travel increases our intelligence wisdom or Charisma by one and lets us teleport immediately after taking the attack or magic action energy resistance increases Constitution by one and gives
resistance to two energy damage types acid fire psychic Etc and says that when we take damage of one of those types we can use our reaction to redirect some of it to someone else fate increases a mental ability by one and lets us add 2 D4 as a bonus or penalty to someone else's D20 role once per short rest fortitude increases Constitution by one our hit points by 40 and lets us regain extra hit points equal to our constitution modifier any time we regain hit points but only once per turn irresistible offense increases strength or
dexterity by one and says our bludgeoning piercing or slashing damage always ignores resistance and when we roll a natural 20 on our attack we deal extra damage equal to the ability score we increased with the feat it feels like it could happened just once per turn period and it wouldn't be overpowered still pretty good recovery increases Constitution by one and says once per day when we drop zero hit points we instead go to one plus half hour hit point maximum also it gives us a pool of 10 d10s per day that we can use as
a bonus action to heal skill increases any ability score by one gives Proficiency in all skills and expertise in one skill speed increases our dexterity by One lets us disengage and end the grappled condition as a bonus action and increases our speed by 30 ft vom vroom spell recall increases a mental ability by one and says that when we cast a spell with a level 1 through four slot we roll a D4 and if we roll the same number as the spell slot the spell slot isn't expended ooh I hate chaos that's pretty cool night
Spirit increases anything but strength or Constitution by one and lets us use a bonus action to go invisible if we are in dim light or Darkness though that ends if we take an action a bonus action or a reaction also though while in dim light or Darkness we have resistance to all damage but psychic and radiant finally true sight increases a mental ability and just gives us true sight out to 60 ft done that is an amazing list I certainly hope that you get to play with them sometime finally at level 20 Primal Champion is
the same except our cap is bumped to 25 instead of 24 mostly probably to make room for that epic Boon right okay that's it for the core Barbarian class the other classes shouldn't take this long I think because I'm not going to be going over weapon masteries and epic Boons but let's jump into Barbarian subclasses so every class has four subclasses in the new players handbook the vast majority of them are ones we've seen in previous 5e books but there are a few brand new ones and I'll mention those when we get to them first
up Berserker this was an original subass for the Barbarian and it has had some really nice changes at level three frenzy this is the biggest and best change I think instead of giving you an extra bonus action attack for an entire minute at the cost of a level of exhaustion which made the feature all but unusable despite my own attempt to do so you now get to do extra damage when you are raging to the first Target you recklessly attack the damage equals a number of d6s equal to your rage damage bonus so 2 D6
extra damage at level three right but it will scale with Barbarian levels and that's great barbarians are famously bad at scaling damage wise in 5e at least under 2014 right so anything we can do to address that is a big bonus in my book at level six we get Mindless rage the only real difference here is that you're still immune to Charmed and feared while raging and if you're Charmed or feared when you enter rage it just ends that condition now rather than suspending the condition until your rage ends which was kind of weird level
10 retaliation this swapped places with intimidating presence and I like it it's not much different it just specifies that the reaction melee attack you make against an enemy Within 5T who damages you can be an unarmed strike too at level 14 we get intimidating presence now instead of at level 10 and it got some big improvements Now it only takes a bonus action instead of an action you can attempt to frighten any number of creatures within 30 ft not just one the saving throw is based on your strength not your charisma and you don't have
to keep using your action each round to keep them frightened though they do get to attempt a save at the end of each turn to break it now it has limited uses it's once per day unless you spend a use of your rage to replenish the charge but since it's actually a pretty decent ability now I have no problem with that whatsoever and that's it for the Berserker I love the changes here it is the quintessential raging Barbarian and I think it's going to be a really strong one next up then the Wild Heart Barbarian
that most famous of Barb subclasses the totem Warrior right has now been changed to Wild Heart and at level three totem spirit has been renamed to Rage of the Wilds now instead of being forced to choose one animal when you gain this level and be sort of stuck with it forever you can pick a different one every time you Rage which is cool but there are fewer choices which is fine I think cuz a lot of those were kind of no one ever used them right now we've just got bear which is what 99% of
players would pick before it still gives resistance to more damage types but it's now everything but psychic still but also forc necrotic and radiant so a bit of a Nerf to Bear barbs but hey may have been warranted let's be honest Eagle now lets us disengage and Dash as part of the bonus action that we use to rage and lets us use a bonus action to disengage and dash while our rage lasts wolf is the same as before giving allies advantage on attacks against enemies within 5 ft of you elk and tiger are gone but
that's okay they were bad and I love being able to choose every time we rage very nice level six aspect of the Wilds used to be a aspect of the Beast and this lets us choose three new options affiliated with entirely new animals that give a benefit we can swap out with a long rest owl gives us dark vision or extends existing Dark Vision by ft Panther gives a climb speed equal to our speed and salmon gives a swim speed equal to our speed again some nice utility that we can swap out when we need
to depending on the situation and that's really cool at level 10 uh we get nature speaker instead of spirit Walker but it's basically the same letting us cast commune with nature as a ritual and I mean it's situationally useful sure but it's a decently powerful utility spell it's fifth level depending on your table and Adventure it could really come in handy once in a while at level 14 power of the the Wilds renamed from totemic Attunement this is very similar still but with fewer renamed options and again we can pick a different one each time
we rage Falcon gives us a fly speed equal to our speed when we rage we don't fall at the end of our turn now but we can't be wearing armor any armor lion gives disadvantage to enemies within 5 ft if they attack anyone but you the tanking option that's great Ram knocks an enemy prone if they are large or smaller when you hit with a melee attack all potentially great options and again being able to choose between them depending on the situation is fantastic and that's it for the Wild Heart Barbarian a little Nerf in
one area and lots of increased versatility and diversity and power otherwise I think so I'll take it next up a brand new subass the path of the world tree this might be my new favorite Barbarian subass so let's dig in at level three we get Vitality of the tree this says that when you rage you gain temporary hit points equal to your Barbarian Level not bad but argu better at the beginning of each of your turns while raging you can give a number of d6s in temporary hit points to an ally within 10 ft of
you equal to your rage damage bonus so 2d6 temporary hit points to an ally at level three every single turn that's pretty dang nice at level six we get branches of the tree while raging if a creature starts their turn within 30 ft of you you can use your reaction to force a strength save based on your own strength mod or they are teleported to any unoccupied space within 5 ft of you and you can reduce their speed to zero until the end of their current turn that is freaking awesome such a great way to
force at least one enemy per round to Target you instead of your allies this Barbarian is shaping up to be pretty great protector subass right doesn't say if a willing creature can choose to fail this teleport but I assume that most tables will allow it and that's probably their intent at level 10 we get battering Roots this says during your turn so not if you're like reacting and hitting with an opportunity attack right but during your turn your reach with melee heavy and versatile weapons is 10 ft greater also when you hit with them you
can activate the push or topple masteries with them in addition to any other weapon masteries the weapon you're using may have okay there's definitely some fun things I can think of to do with that super awesome at level 14 travel along the tree this says that when you activate your rage and as a bonus action afterwards while rage is active you can teleport up to 60 ft dang also once per rage you can increase the teleport distance to 150 ft and bring up to six willing creatures within 10 ft of you along for the ride
oh that is going to be fun to use to confuse the heck out of your enemies on the battlefield I really really love this subass but finally we're going to end with path of the Zealot my old favorite I'm glad that it made it into the players handbook officially here right but there's not a ton of changes to it from when we saw it in xanathar's Guide to Everything so at level three divine Fury no real change Warrior of the Gods though big change this now gives us a pool of four d12's that you can
use to heal yourself with a bonus action the pool replenishes on a long rest and you get more d12's with Barbarian Level I mean I suppose this is probably an improvement I kind of loved the old someone who reses you doesn't need to spend material components to do so thing just because it let me feel like I could be even more Reckless with this character it honestly probably saw very little use in game right there's not a lot of actual death that happens at most tables I think and especially not for barbarians so this self-heal
with a bonus action isn't fantastic but it's probably more useful overall at level six fanatical Focus improved in that when you reroll a failed save once per rage you now get to add your a rage damage bonus to the role making it much more likely to succeed nice at level 10 zealous presence the only real change is you can now use it more often by expending uses of your rage to do so and at level 14 we get Rage of the Gods instead of Beyond Death this says once per long rest you can gain flight
for 1 minute when you activate your rage you've also got hover man everybody is flying these days you're going to see a lot more of this I think the old rage Beyond Death might have been more powerful maybe Wizards of the Coast thought it was too good it basically made you unkillable for a minute probably too good did I say that there weren't a lot of changes to the subass most of the subclasses that like weren't in the 2014 Players handbook but then we saw them later and then they got put in the 2024 handbook
didn't actually get a lot of changes this is kind of an exception to that rule I guess so that is it for the Barbarian some pretty great changes altogether overall I think we're getting more damage we're getting more utility we're getting a lot more versatility and yeah this is one of the classes that maybe got the most improvements I think comparing 2014 to 2024 and I love that okay one down 11 to go let's move on to BS BS BS B BS BS at level one let's talk about spellcast it specifies that you can now
replace a cantrip uh you know with another one when you gain a B level before the wording made it sound like that might only work with leveled spells now this is true for all spellcasters who get cantrips while Wizards gain some added versatility also you no longer have spells known as a bar just a number of prepared spells it's functionally the same for this class but it looks different for clerics and Druids for example as for baric inspiration a couple of quality of life improvements to inspiration first it needs to be used within the next
hour not 10 minutes much better second the wordings changed in that it says that your ally can use your inspiration on any D20 check instead of specifically an attack an ability check or save functionally that's going to be pretty much the same 99% of the time there may be another D20 check that you have to throw in there once in a while and you can use inspiration for that now but also yeah they can use it on a failed check instead of waiting to see the role but not yet knowing the outcome uh most of
the time that's going to be the same thing but sometimes not I guess anyways a nice little Improvement level two jack of all trades is basically the same though it can no longer benefit your initiative roles make note Boo at level three you still get your B college subass right we'll talk about those later at level five font of inspiration is slightly improved in that you can now also spend a spell slot to regain a use of your Bic inspiration no action required you know what that might not be slightly improved that might be massively
improved I love that at level seven counter charm is actually half decent now received at level seven instead of six but it just says that if we or a creature fail a save against being Charmed or frightened we can use our reaction to cause the save to be rerolled and with Advantage nice and no limit on how often you can use it either I do wonder if we can use this against something that like is already affecting an ally but they get to make a save at the end of their turn to end the condition
and then they fail that save right I don't think so the way this is worded makes it seem like you can only use it when the effect that appli Charmed or frightened first takes place but I could be wrong at level 10 magical Secrets arguably the best barred ability got some Buffs and some Nerfs now we don't just get to choose two spells from other classes spell lists here and then again when we get the feature later instead we're told that now and any time going forward that the prepared spells number in the B table
increases which will be every level from here on out except 12 14 and 16 then any of our new prepared spells can come from The Bard or cleric Druid or wizard spell lists so no more taking Swift quiver and being a better Ranger than the ranger though I would argue and have actually a long time ago that that spell isn't actually as good a choice as you might think or holy weapon though or find greater Steed which actually doesn't exist anymore so yeah no more fine Steed I guess I'll talk more about that when we
get to paladins also whenever we replace a spell prepared for ourselves we can replace it with a spell from those lists I love this in that we get a lot more magical secrets I'm sad that it's not just two new spells that we can add to our existing list and that we don't get to pick from Rangers and piali I think overall I'd still rather have this than the old version but it's not just a straight buff anyways at level 18 we get Superior inspiration it used to be the B Capstone now we get it
here and it's better in that when we roll initiative we regain up to two uses of Bic inspiration if we have fewer than that some of us might not benefit from this much at all now that we get them back on a short rest and can spend spell slots to replenish them but it's nice to know that we'll always have at least two every fight at level 19 we get epic Boons just like every class now check the time stamp go back if you want to hear more about the Epic Boons right at level 20
words of creation the new barred Capstone it says we always have power word heal and power word kill prepared and when we cast either we can Target a second creature with it if they're within 10 ft that's potentially awesome maybe especially for power word heal I think since power word heal just straight up restores an ally to full health and cures them of all kinds of conditions and even lets them stand if they're prone and actually to be fair power word kill is better now it still has the if they have fewer than 100 hit
points they die no Save which I don't know how do I know how many hit points they have and 100 hit points is like close to death when you're fighting enemies at level 17 plus right but now if they have more than 100 hit points they take 12 D12 psychic damage and hey if you can hit two creatures that's pretty awesome you're pretty sure one is almost dead and you want to take a chunk out of a second it's pretty nice of course why not just meteor swarm maybe you don't want to hit your friends
I guess this will be good sometimes now I'm going to make a note about spells here that is applicable for all spell casting classes any class who can cast spells gets a lot of their power from those Spells Of course and while a lot of spells have changed and spell lists have changed and new spells have been added etc etc trying to go over all of that here is too much for me to try to tackle with the scope of this video I was considering doing a video on spells and another one on Feats and
another one on all the species changes and in the end I decided you know what I'm just going to stick to classes and subclasses and then jump into character builds which is really what I most love doing anyways and I'll let the other content creators tell you about all of the changes that are coming I promise you Chris Triant monk um over at triamp Monk's Temple has in incredible Spell analysis right on the new stuff on what's changed so go check him out over there all right so that's it for the B Base Class on
to subclasses First up is the brand new subass the College of dance which makes monks the world over just green to the gills With Envy eh maybe at level three dance BS get dazzling footwork this says that when you're not wearing armor or using a shield you have advantage on Charisma checks that involve you dancing I try to persuade the bartender to give me my drinks for free and I'm tap dancing while doing so sweet Advantage we have unarmored defense here where our armor class equals 10 plus our dexterity plus our Charisma the first time
anybody gets an unarmored defense where they're adding their Charisma bonus also when we expend a use of Artic inspiration as part of an action a bonus action or a reaction we can make an unarmed strike at the same time and when we make unarmed strikes we can use our dexterity for the plus to hit and damage with the damage being equal to our Bic inspiration die so it scales right and yes for those counting that means The Bard's unarmed strike damage scales slightly faster than the monks ouch at level six we get two features inspiring
movement says that when an enemy ends their turn within 5 ft of us we can use our reaction and a Bic inspiration die to immediately move up to half our speed and we can have an ally do the same neither of you provoking opportunity attacks and of course thanks to dazzling footwork that means we can make an unarmed strike at the same time which is kind of cool a reliable ond demand reaction attack H and then we get tandem footwork which says that when we roll initiative we can spend a bartic inspiration to add that
die roll to not only our initiative role but that of every one of our friends within 30 ft that's pretty dang nice it's almost like giving you're entire party the alert feed at level 14 leading evasion is basically regular evasion no damage when you make a dexterity saving throw right if you succeed half damage if you fail but you can give evasion to anyone within 5 feet of you who's making the same dexterity save so group up when that Lich casts meteor swarm right and that's it for the dance part I'm interested I'm not sure
it will be an amazing damage dealer I mean they don't get extra attack they don't get weapon masteries or anything but still if you're a full spellcaster there could be some potential there might need some heavy multiclassing if you want to make them a real Gish right but no it's possible I'm sure I'll explore it probably sooner rather than later next up then we've got the College of Glamour and the art for this one is like one of my favorite pieces of Art in the whole book it is truly truly truly outrageous at level three
uh beguiling magic replaces enthralling performance and says that we always have charm person and Mirror Image prepared cool and that immediately after casting an enchantment or illusion spell with a spell slot one creature of our choice within 60 ft has to make a wisdom save or be Charmed or frightened of us for 1 minute our choice they can try to save out of it at the end of each turn and we can only do it once per long rest but we can do it again by spending a baric inspiration charge and once those charges come
back to us on a short rest we can potentially be doing that a lot mantle of inspiration is mostly the same as what we saw before except that first off it doesn't seem to work on yourself anymore since it specifies other creatures you can see and then instead of granting allies five temporary hit points that scale with more glamour barred levels it just grants two times your baric inspiration die at level six mantle of majesty is mostly the same what's new about it is it says that we always have the command spell prepared and that
we can use the feature once per long rest for free as before or by spending a level three spell slot or higher that's nice otherwise it's the same you can cast command each turn as a bonus action as though you were concentrating on a spell and creatures Charmed by you automatically fail your command which coupled with beguiling magic might be a pretty great way to keep at least one enemy locked down anyways at level 14 unbreakable Majesty has changed it says that once per short rest as a bonus action we can take on a majestic
presence that for 1 minute causes enemies who hit us with an attack roll for the first time on a turn they have to make a Charisma save nice or they miss us Instead This glamour bar can potentially be very hard to kill uh just like my glamour B tank was I suppose it's too bad that can't give themselves those temporary hit points anymore oh well in the end glamor Bard still a great subass probably even stronger than it used to be let's move on to lore so lore BS the quintessential Bard right at level three
cutting words bonus proficiencies are the same and cutting words is mostly the same the only real differences are that it no longer doesn't work on a Target who can't be Charmed and that you can specifically use it after an enemy has succeeded on an attack or abil or an ability check not just after the role but before you know if it succeeded which again always feels a little wonky to me I was really hoping that they would go the way of bal's Gate 3 with this and let it work on enemy saving throws as well
alas at level six magical Discovery so additional magical Secrets is now magical discoveries and just like the new magical Secrets the two new spells that you learn are restricted to the Druid cleric or wizard spell lists which is a small bummer it does say we can replace what those spells are though when we gain a Bard level as long as the spell meets the requirements so that's nice because it means we could gain a fourth level wizard cleric or Druid spell when we hit B 7 for example or a fifth one when we hit Level
9 one level earlier than our usual magical Secrets at level 14 Peerless skill is improved in that it now works for both ability checks and attack roles not sure why you're making attack rolls as a lore Bard but maybe a spell attack right anyways we now can choose to add our Bic inspiration die after we know it fails and if it still fails anyways our Bic inspiration diet isn't used so that's nice and that's it for the lore Bard not a ton of changes but some nice little tweaks and perks still a super solid subass
let's move on to the Valor bbard yeah swords B didn't make it but doesn't mean you can't still use the swords B just means that they haven't changed the Valor Bard at level three gets marshall training uh still this ability still gives us proficiency with medium armor Shields and Marshall weapons but includes the very nice bonus that our weapon can now count as our spell focus for barred spells Hallelujah stupid freaking warcaster attacks combat inspiration is mostly the same except that your ally can use it to increase their defense after getting hit and I appreciate
that they're getting rid of all of that after you see the role but before you know stuff cuz it was all a bit silly at level six we still get extra attack but we got the blade singer treatment ooh little blad singers aren't quite so special anymore and you probably don't want to be a swords bar now so yeah now you can replace one of your attacks with a cantrip and that's really awesome super fun and pretty powerful at level 14 uh battle magic no change still letting you make a bonus action weapon attack when
you use your action to cast a spell and that's it for The Bard sub classes and that's it for bards our favorite uh all singing all dancing craps of the world let's move on to the holy of holies the clerics first up the base class at level one spells so clerics no longer prepare a number of spells that increases based on their wisdom modifier just like every class now the number of spells you can prepare is a set number that increases with more levels in that class simplifies things a bit clerics no longer get their
subass at level one that's crazy right they have to wait just like everybody until level three which is going to mix things up a bit they do get something called divine order now which basically asks do you want to be more of a marshall character or more of a spellcaster so you get two options The Protector option gives you proficiency with heavy armor and Marshall weapons that's nice okay and thge lets you learn one extra can trip and lets you add your wisdom modifier to your Arcana and religion checks it always felt odd to me
that most clerics had such a poultry religion bonus since it's an intelligence-based skill right not anymore unless you go for that armor and weapon proficiency thing which it just seems like most cleric would just me maybe I don't know anyways at level two channel Divinity we now get two charges of Channel Divinity per long rest instead of one per short rest but then we get one more charge back every short rest so basically one more use of it per day which is nice but you also get more uses of it per day as you gain
cleric levels but then all clerics can use it not only to turn Undead which is basically the same except that it also incapacitates Undead that failed their save against it in practice that basically means that they can't Dash or Dodge since they still can only just try to move away from you on their turn also it now ends early if you become incapacitated but in addition to turn Undead all clerics also now get Divine spark to use their Channel Divinity for it if they want and it lets us uh use our action to heal or
deal damage equal to 1d8 plus our wisdom modifier it's not a ton of damage or healing but it's something and it scales with cleric levels nice to have a use for channel divinity when you're not fighting Undead and don't end up needing your subass option for it either I guess at level three we get our sub classes right like I said we'll go over those in a few minutes at level five we get sear Undead uh it this upgrades turn Undead akin to what we saw in balers Gate 3 actually which I liked no more
destroy Undead which was cool when you needed it but kind of worthless otherwise and yeah that seems to be a theme by the way that Wizards is doing a good job of with I think in this update getting rid of stuff that's cool when it works or you need it but that rarely happens and then it's worthless otherwise so kudos to them now when you turn Undead anything that fails at save will also take radiant damage equal to your wisdom modifier number of d8s and this damage won't cause turn Undead to end so that's pretty
nice at level seven blessed strikes they kind of ported this feature over from Tasha but bumped it up to level seven from eight and altered it slightly now you have to choose one option right when you get this feature and you have to choose one or the other right Divine strike does more damage with weapons a d8 once per turn and potent spellcasting does more damage with cleric can trips equal to your wisdom modifier was there really a problem problem in characters benefiting from both of these things seems like a bit of an arbitrary change
but okay at least we officially get a choice now at level 10 a divine intervention speaking of getting rid of things that are awesome when they work and worthless when they don't this is just so much better you call on your deity as an action once per day and can cast a cleric spell of fifth level or lower without spending a spell slot or material components looking at you expensive diamonds needed to resurrect someone and that's wonderful ant fifth level spell slot perfect this is something that we're probably going to use all the time now
instead of once in a while and most of the time when we did use it it didn't actually even work anyways and then when it did it was usually up to the DM what actually happened at level 14 improved blessed strikes just improves the Divine strikes or potent spellcasting option that you took at level seven Divine strikes does 2 d8 damage now and potent spellcasting does the same amount but also grants temporary hit points to yourself or a friend equal to twice your wisdom modifier okay at level 19 epic Boons check the time stamp if
you want a synopsis at level 20 we get greater divine intervention and in true Capstone fashion says that now when we cast divine intervention we can choose the wish spell as an option that's what I'm talking about don't make the DM decide what the result of you calling on your God is just make your dreams come true if you do this though you can't use divine intervention for two D4 long rests but totally worth it all right yeah I like where the cleric is at let's move on to the subclasses first up the maybe most
quintessential of the cleric subclasses the life cleric at level three we get disciple of life this got a little Nerf it's basically the same in that it restores extra hit points when you heal two plus the Spell's level but now it specifies that it only happens on the turn when you cast the spell to prevent things like good Berry and or of Vitality from getting big healing Buffs I'm sure that seems a little too bad to me but since healing generally kind of got buffed otherwise thanks largely to Healing spells healing for more then maybe
it doesn't hurt quite as bad preserve life though the Life clerics channel Divinity feature is essentially the same though it specifies that a creature must be blooded for it to work this is a new official condition I know a lot of tables use this anyways but it basically is just when a creature has half of its hit points or fewer then it's officially blooded also though this doesn't say that it won't work on Undead or constructs anymore so that's something now prepared spells the list of spells that you always have prepared as a life cleric
is altered slightly now we have Aid instead of spiritual weapon which makes a lot more sense I think Mass healing word instead of Beacon of Hope at level five Aura of Life instead of Guardian of Faith at seventh level and greater restoration instead of raised dead at 9th level all told maybe a better spell list for someone focused on healing I think at level six uh blessed healer no real change at level 17 we get Supreme healing and no change either so nothing major for the life cleric other than maybe some small Nerfs it seems
to me and an arguably better spell list still with the o with the changes that the cleric Base Class caught and considering that clerics in general and maybe life clerics specifically were I think in a really really strong place for what they were built to do I don't feel too bad about it I still think this is a great class and subass if you want to be a good healer all right let's move on to the light domain the nuker of nukers when it comes to ercs and really just about any other class if you're
looking for AOE damage anyways level three the prepared spells here the changes here include sea invisibility instead of flaming sphere at level three and Arcane eye instead of Guardian of Faith at level seven so a little more emphasis on Illuminating things right shedding light with a little less emphasis on nuking stuff warding flare has changed slightly in that it now works to impose disadvantage on an attack against you or an ally that's nice and apparently even works against enemies who can't be blinded Radiance of the Dawn the light cleric Channel Divinity option is mostly unchanged
it still does an area of effect from you out to 30 ft dispelling darkness and dealing the same amount of damage to enemies it's just not prevented from working against enemies behind total cover at level six uh improved warding flare used to let us use it for allies to now we can already do that right so instead we get to regain our uses of it after a short rest that's nice nice and the recipient of its benefit gains temporary hit points equal to 2d6 plus our wisdom modifier I feel like temporary hit points are a
lot more abundant in the new rules it's too bad they still can't stack anyways this is a nice buff at level 17 Corona of light was altered in that the light it emanates imposes disadvantage on radiant and fire damage spells still but also against your Radiance of the Dawn in exchange for that massive buff you can only use it wisdom modifier times per day now instead of whenever you want that feels like an overall Nerf to me but again for the light cleric not a lot of massive changes some small Nerfs a decent buff bit
of a change to the spell list but light clerics were really good before and continue to be really good let's move on to the trickery domain then one of my least favorite subclasses in 5e I never did a build in the 2014 rules for the trickery domain one of the only cleric subclasses I can say that about I think let's see if it got an improvement at level three blessing of the trickster buffed to give advantage on stealth checks all day instead of an hour okay still not great sorry not sorry so you canceled out
the Paladin's disadvantage from wearing plate armor now they just make the stealth check regularly they still have a plus zero to stealth or you gave the Rogue with a plus eight to stealth Advantage I mean I guess that's nice for when they roll poorly but I don't know it's still just kind of meh to me invoke duplicity got some Buffs thankfully it now takes a bonus action not an action and blessedly doesn't does require concentration you can still cast spells as though you were in your duplicates space but frustratingly it still takes a bonus action
to move it every turn I don't know I'll force myself to do a build with it one day now that it's better and hopefully I'll be convinced that it's even better than I think the spell list for for trickster clerics is a little different at level three they get invisibility instead of mirror image at five hypnotic pattern and non- detection instead of blink and dispel magic okay at level seven they get confusion instead of polymorph that feels like a downgrade probably so maybe a little better thanks to hypnotic pattern and invisibility I suppose at level
six a trickster's transportation replaces cloak of Shadows and is way better it says when you use the bonus action to move your illusion you can teleport and swap places with it okay yeah that's pretty cool and then at level 17 improved duplicity is much better as well instead of giving us four illusions that kind of still don't really do much we're told that we and our allies get advantage on our attacks if just our illusion is within 5 ft of the target we don't need to be anymore also when the illusion ends a creature of
our choice within 5 ft of it heals hit points equal to our cleric level that's not bad your illusion can't be killed or dispelled or anything so just move it next to the Target you're Focus firing and now everyone has Advantage no saving throw no nothing and a little heal okay I feel like we could have gotten this earlier though and it wouldn't be particularly overpowered we're level 17 now you know there's a lot of ways to get advantage in this game okay I'm going to stop complaining clerics are still good and trickery clerics are
a lot better than they used to be so that's something finally then for cleric subclasses the war domain the cleric Gish I mean when you don't have extra attack I don't know we'll see at level three War priest got a nice bump the number of charges you have of it that bonus action weapon attack are still based on your wisdom modifier but they reset on a short rest not a long rest and that is huge also you don't necessarily have to take the attack action first also huge and it can even be an unarmed strike
if you want so yeah some really nice changes here though for my money I still think it might be better with multiclassing anyways guided strike has been improved in that you can now use Channel Divinity to give your own attack or an allies a plus 10 to hit however when you use it to benefit someone else's attack it costs your reaction still pretty nice if you're not necessarily trying to build a Gish here right the prepared spell list here at level three guiding bolt replaces Divine favor at level 7 fire Shield replaces Stone skin and
at level 9 steelwind strike replaces flame strike all right some pretty nice changes all around I think at level six War God's blessing used to just let your guided strike do what it now does by default give the plus 10 to hit to an ally right instead now we are told that we can use our Channel Divinity to cast Shield of Faith or spiritual weapon without spending a spell slot and when we do it this way it doesn't require concentration either that's pretty great wait a sec spiritual weapon are already didn't require concentration you might
say actually you'd be wrong it does now don't get mad at me I didn't make the change and hey at least it doesn't still for war clerics potentially finally then at level 17 Avatar of battle is only changed in that it now just grants resistance to bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage regardless of whether it's magical or mundane and I think that's basically because we're not going to see resistance to non-magical bludging piercing or slashing damage Dage anymore all of those things have been removed from the game as far as I can tell but that's it
for war clerics yeah they got buffed and that's it for clerics all in all still in a very solid place though I will say I do like the war clerics changes a lot more than other subclasses no doubt no surprise I guess considering how much I love playing gishy spell swords right but e they still don't have extra attack feel like you need five levels of a marshall in order to really make a gishy War cleric maybe I prove myself wrong all right let's move on to Druids those quintessential hippie nature lovers so for the
base class first up with Druids know that by default they now not only get Proficiency in light armor and shields not medium armor but blessedly in my opinion all the verbiage about them not wearing armor made of metal is gone and thank goodness sorry for the DI hards the old school but that was just weird weird they'll use weapons made of metal but not armor metal comes from the earth anyways it always just bugged me I know there are valid lore reasons for that being a thing but I just never jived with them anyways at
level one four spells maybe I don't need to repeat this every time but yeah Druids no longer prepare a number of spells that increases based on their wisdom modifier just like every class now the number of spells you can prepare is a set number that increases with more levels in that class this is a change that I like but then similar to clerics Drew s now get a primal order feature at level one which kind of lets you choose if you want to be more Marsh or more casy the magician option lets you learn an
additional C trip and add your wisdom modifier to your Arcana and nature checks and Warden gives you proficiency with medium armor and Marshall weapons so seems like probably the better option to me but anyways at level two wild shape okay lots of changes with wild shape first off everyone can transform as a bonus Action Now great second like Channel Divinity you can use it twice per long rest now but you get one charge back after a short rest so overall that's less right it used to be twice per short rest you do also gain more
uses of it per day though with more Druid levels now also instead of just being able to transform into any Beast of one quarter challenge rating or lower you can choose four forms of beasts one quarter challenge rating or lower that you know and you can only use those forms they can't have a a fly speed but they can have a swim speed right when you get this ability when you finish a long rest you can swap out one of those forms for something else and when you gain more Druid levels you can learn more
forms you can speak while wild shaped now but you don't quite like take on all of their stats like you used to you retain your own hit points your creature type your class features and your Feats nothing about species features that I could see now you do gain temporary hit points equal to your Druid level when you wild shape but it's not like before right where you had the beast's hit points and then when you when those dropped to zero you fell back into humanoid form you just have some temporary hit points your normal hit
points and you're a bear or whatever when you become incapacitated or die you lose the wild shape so it's definitely a lot less tanky everything else about wild shape is the same though as far as I could tell so if I didn't mention it it probably didn't change they also brought wild companion over from Tasha's cauldron of everything made it official here in the phb but better you can spend a wild shaped use to someone a familiar like via the fine familiar spell but it just lasts until a long rest now thank goodness of course
familiars are weaker than they used to be they can't take the help action now uh that's probably a good thing but it's also the thing that I most used them for so you might not see if I familiar show up in my builds as often as you used to right but I don't know maybe that was unbalanced if nothing else it was probably a little wonky and lots of tables used it a little bit differently so whatever at level three subclass right we don't get it at level two now we get it at three just
like everybody talk about those in a minute at level five we get wild Resurgence this is kind of nice it says that once on each of our turns if we have no uses of wild shape left we can spend a spell slot to regain a use of it no action required perhaps even better once per day we can spend a use of our wild shape to regain a first level spell slot I appreciate the flexibility at level seven we get elemental Fury similar to what clerics get at this level you can choose here to either
gain a bonus to weapon damage or a bonus to spells potent spell casting adds your wisdom modifier to cantrip damage and Primal strike adds a d8 of cold fire lightning or thunder damage to a weapon or wildshape beast attack that's a nice Improvement at level 15 we get improved Elemental Fury this just Buffs the option that you chose at level seven potent spellcasting now says that any Druid canant trip with a range of 10 ft or greater now has a range of 300 ft and that the extra damage from Primal strike increases to 2 d8
at level 18 Beast spells replaces Timeless body which was mostly just kind of a ribbon feature right this says that we can Now cast spells while wild shaped that's pretty awesome and it's kind of what we used to get at level 20 partly anyways again the only exception is if the spell has a material component with a cost specified or is a spell that consumes its material component level 19 we get epic Boons just like everybody else check the time stamp if you want to see a synopsis of those at level 20 the Druid Capstone
Arch Druid has changed so that we regain a wildshape use when we roll initiative if we don't have any left once per day we can convert a number of our unspent wild shape uses into a single spell slot with each unspent wild shape counting towards two spell levels so if we burned two wild shape uses we could get a fourth level spell slot right and then we get the same benefit that we used to have with Timeless body which is still fairly worthless we age more slowly okay I'll admit on the whole I like these
changes a lot level 20 is a Nerf though you used to be able to Wild shape unlimited times but that wouldn't matter all that much anymore since yeah it was amazing because you used to take on the hit points of the Beast that you changed into right that's kind of the big Nerf here with that gone unlimited wild shape forms is less powerful but aside from that Nerf everything else feels like a nice Improvement to both quality of life and actual mechanical Power in my opinion and that's the Druid they're still really solid class their
spell list is still awesome and they got some tweaks maybe some little Nerfs but also some Buffs so I think they're in a good place let's move on to the subclasses first up we have the circle of the land kind of the quintessential Druid subass right at level three first of all let's talk about their spell lists now first of all there are fewer Landscapes that you can specialize in now as a land Druid you just have Aid polar temperate and tropical however impressively you can swap which land you're affiliated with after a long rest
as really nice because each has their own set of automatically prepared Spells Of course really quickly arid gets blur burning hands Firebolt Fireball nice blight and Wall of stone polar gets fog Cloud hold person Ray of frost sleet storm ice storm and cone of cold temperate gets Misty step hello shocking grasp sleep lightning bolt freedom of movement and tree stride and tropical gets acid Splash Ray of sickness web stinking Cloud poly morph and insect plague no time for analysis here they've all got some good ones and some less good ones but being able to swap
between them every day makes for a lot of spells that we can get access to Land's Aid now replaces natural recovery here though we'll get that feature later and all Druids get some spow recovery now right so that's okay this ability lets us spend a use of our wild shape a common theme among all Druid subclasses now which I appreciate to create a 10-ft radius sphere that both harms and heals enemies have to make a constitution save or take 2d6 necrotic damage and one Ally in the area heals 2d6 hit points it's not a ton
of damage or healing but I really like that it does a little bit of both right the damage and healing scale a bit with more Druid levels an extra 1d6 uh at level 10 and then again at 14 at level six uh natural recovery moved from level two but it's also improved now it lets us cast one of our free Circle spells once per day without spending a spell slot and let us recover spent spell slots in the same way it used to so it's not super exciting but still better at level 10 Nature's Ward
makes you immune to The Poisoned condition but then also damage resistance based on what landscape you're currently attuned to uh ID gives fire resistance polar cold temperate lightning and tropical poison okay that's cool especially because we can swap them out right at level 14 Nature's recovery is very different now you spend your action and a use of your wild shape to cause spectral trees and V L to appear in a 15t cube they stay for 1 minute and you and your allies have half cover while in the area which as a reminder is plus two
to your armor class and your dexterity saving throws and all of your allies also get resistance to the damage that you get from Nature's Ward right it's pretty nice it doesn't require concentration and it can be moved up to 60 ft each turn as a bonus action it used to just make it harder for beasts and plants specifically to attack you so again getting away from the great when it works but worthless otherwise features and I'm so glad for that so all in all I really like the changes to land Druids here especially the increased
versatility they get let's move on to a circle of the Moon that probably most popular and most controversial of Druid subclasses at level three Circle forms this got a nice buff to make up to the survivability Nerf that wild shape generally got hit with circle forms still lets us transform into beasts onethird of our challenge rating rounded down but also adds a bump to our Armor class equal to 13 plus our wisdom modifier which is pretty decent and gives us a number of temporary hit points equal to three times our Druid level instead of just
equal to our Druid level considering the hit point bump and that we don't drop out of wild shape when those temporary hit points run out or anything this might be better overall for those who want to transform into a beast and do most of their fighting that way right I mean yeah I'm thinking about multiclassing potential here especially as for Circle spells now I mean Moon rids didn't used to get any additional always prepared spells like the other subclasses with 2024 they not only get some but we're even told that we can cast them while
wild shaped awesome at level three we get cure wounds moon beam and Starry wisp this is a new C trip that does a little damage and makes an enemy light up at level five we get conjure animals uh the new and improved conjure animals which is so much better I don't have time to go into it right but like it's not just create a bunch of creatures that potentially clog up the battlefield and slow down gameplay it's now like a thing that you can move around that does damage to enemies when they get near it
at seven you get Fountain Of Moonlight this is another new spell that gives radiant resistance makes your attacks do more damage and can potentially blind enemies and at level seven they get mask your wounds Some solid all-around Buffs to our level three features the real question for Moon Druids of course is what are the cr1 2 and three Beasts going to look like when the new monster manual comes out alas we will have to wait and see for that but at level six we get improved Circle forms in addition to letting us transform into CR2
beasts now at this level we can have our wildshape attacks deal radiant or their regular damage which will be nice for overcoming resistance again we're not going to see I don't think like resistance to non-magical bludgeoning piercing or slashing damage like we used to we also get to now add our wisdom modifier to our constitution saving throws that's kind of huge uh no need to start level one in a different class right to get con save proficiency or take the resilient feet for Moon Druids that's especially great for our concentration checks of course at level
10 Moonlight step replaces Elemental wild shape which bums me out a bit if I'm being honest being able to transform into an earth Elemental that was my favorite was pretty dang cool this now tells us that wisdom modifier times per day we can teleport with a bonus action and then get advantage on our next attack roll this turn uh kind of like the Shadow Monks Shadow step pretty cool pretty useful we can also do this more often if we spend a level two Spell slauter higher so sure it buffed Misty step right but since it's
not a spell we can do it while wild shape better than being an elemental I'm skeptical but thanks to the Buffs that we've seen and one that's coming uh I think I'm okay with it because yeah at level 14 we now get lunar form instead of thousand forms which really wasn't that great in my opinion but this now lets us do an extra 2d1 of damage when we hit with a wild shape attack once per turn okay I mean that's like a free Smite once per turn and tells us that when we teleport with lunar
step we can bring a friend within 10 ft with us cool pretty useful pretty hard-hitting and thanks to the way our survivability scales with Druid level and wisdom modifier we could be fairly tanky here we'll see how well our offense scales when we get a gandered the beasts from the new monster manual but overall I think I'm on board with the new moon Druid it might be a little less powerful than it used to be right at level two right but I think it's going to scale better of course this is going to depend on
what the beasts look like but even if they were the same you're still better off than where you used to be with the4 rules in most ways next up we've got another brand new subass the circle of the sea and this might end up being my favorite Druid subass I think I don't know let's jump in I did use it in a build uh check it out there the hand of the Open Sea I think I called it it was kind of a play test build um but not a lot has changed from the way
the Druid of the sea worked in the play test compared to the way it works in official release so at level three we get Circle spells of course the circle spells for sea Druids are at level three fog Cloud gust of wind Ray of frost shatter and Thunder Wave at level five lightning bolts and water breathing at level seven control water and ice storm and at level 9 conjure Elemental and hold Monster not a bad list there Wrath of the sea at this level lets us use a bonus action and and a use of our
wild shape to extend Ocean Spray from us 5 ft in every direction so not a big emanation it lasts 10 minutes and lets us use a bonus action to force an enemy within that Ocean Spray to make a constitution save or take a number of d6s in damage equal to our wisdom modifier and be pushed up to 15 ft away from us that's pretty awesome the Constitution save gives me pause I wish it would do half damage on a save or something but generally I really love this at level six aquatic Affinity simply causes our
Ocean Spray Wrath of the sea to grow to 10 ft from us instead of five and gives us a swim speed equal to our speed at level 10 Stormborn which continues to enhance our Wrath of the sea they're really leaning into this feature uh while that's active we can now fly uh everybody's flying like I said and we have resistance to cold lightning and thunder damage great at level 14 Oceanic gift is pretty cool it just lets you put your Wrath of the sea around another creature instead of around yourself but they get all the
same benefits that it was giving you and if you spend two charges of wild shape let let it put it around both yourself and them that's pretty awesome one question I do have if we put it around someone else do they use their bonus action to push someone away or do we I assume they do and when they do do they use our own spell save DC that would be my guess but I do think they could clarify that we might need to get a tweet from Jeremy Crawford on that one anyways that's the circle
of the sea Druid I love it I especially love it with some multiclassing and finding ways to make good use of pushing which The Druids just kind of innately have a lot of now so maybe you don't even need multiclassing to make this a pretty decent uh little cheese grater and then we have the fourth and final subass the circle of the Stars my favorite Druid subclass prior to the Sea Druids anyways being a thing and I'm really happy to see this in here though it really doesn't see a lot of change from when we
saw it last at level three star map is almost totally unchanged we still get guidance and guiding bolt and can cast it for free it's just wisdom modifier times per day instead of proficiency bonus times per day star form as far as I can tell there's no change here from what we previously had bonus action to use wild shape to take on an Archer chalice or Dragon form that are functionally identical at level four Cosmic Omen is again almost exactly the same wheel or wo to add or subtract a D6 to a d rooll with
your reaction the only difference is you can do it wisdom modifier times per day instead of proficiency bonus times per day seems like they're really getting away from push proficiency bonus times per day on a lot of stuff in the new book at least when it's tied to a class or a subclass feature maybe not if it's a species thing I wonder if that's mostly to try and curb multiclass dipping it won't completely get rid of it but it might reduce it on some builds where you'd be really mad if you tried to pick up
a low-level feature but didn't necessarily have a good like ability score modifier for that class you know what I'm saying anyways at level 10 a twinkling constellation is again identical to what we had more damage or healing from Archer and chalice forms flight and hover with dragon and you can change which one you're using at the start of each turn at level 14 full of stars same goes for the final feature here which just gives you resistance to bludgeoning and piercing and slashing when you're in your Starry form so in the end I might not
be all that excited about stars Druid getting included here I mean it's fun that it's in the player handbook now and I love the new art but since we use features from Tasha at our table I could already use and play with this subass and since I didn't really change much with it I might have preferred to see something else that could have used a bit of a revamp you know oh well all good Druids look better than ever now especially because some of their new spells which I'm not going to go into on this
video but you can find them again check triamp monk if you don't check anywhere else I bet dungeon dudes will have stuff on it and a slew of others I'm sure okay I think I'm going to end things there for the day I'm going to go home going to get some sleep I'm going to take a shower and I will come back and record a few more tomorrow all right we're ready for part two eight classes to go I'm refreshed I've had some sleep I've had some food I'm ready to jump into part two let's
keep it going so next up we have I mean what is apparently my favorite class in D and D if you judge by how often I use them in my builds at least I honestly would not call them my favorite class but it might have been historically my favorite class to dip around half of my builds seem to have at least one level of fighter usually thanks to the defensive bound you get by starting there armor and shield and Constitution saving throw proficiency right two levels if I'm building for burst damage thanks to the strength
of action Surge and in case you were wondering how I know that it's because I have a table of contents that I link to in the video description of every video right and it just breaks down every class with a little description as well as like the number of levels that I took in each class and subass for the build what its purpose was right sustain damage burst damage Etc and yeah um check that out if you've not seen it it can be a nice resource uh if you're trying to find the next video to
watch or the next character to build anyways let's see if the changes that they have made for 2024 will encourage me to go a different route in the future or keep doing what I've always done I'm also curious to know if we get more reasons to stay in class longer once we start as opposed to multiclassing into usually a spellcaster class right okay let's dive in at level one you still get a fighting style but they've changed it so that fighting styles are all considered Feats now if I'm being honest I'm not 100% sure why
they did this um maybe it's just more efficient to tell classes hey you get a fighting style feat and move on rather than say hey Fighters you get these Feats paladins get these ones Rangers get these ones what's nice is that it's a buff actually to paladins and Rangers since they have access to all fighting styles now anyways they do let you swap out that fighting style feet every time you gain a fighter level now as well which is super nice as for what those fighting style Feats are the following are for all intents and
purposes unchanged archery blind fighting which yeah is official in the phb now defense dueling interception Throne weapon fighting two weapon fighting and unarmed fighting the only ones they've really changed are protection which got a nice buff in that it still lets you use your reaction to interpose your shield on an attack made against an ally within 5T causing the attack to have disadvantage but now all attacks against that Ally are made with disadvantage until the start of your next turn so long as you stay within 5 ft that's freaking awesome it makes you feel like
a real tank or a protector it's like a soft taunt that always works at least for one Ally and I love it the other one that got changed is great weapon fighter and this is a real head scratcher for me because they took what was I think the worst fighting style of all and somehow made it even worse I think now when you roll a one or a two for damage with a weapon you're holding with two hands it just counts as a three no more roll so on a 2d6 weapon that's an average of
one point better on a D12 it's an average of25 more damage yikes I really am flabbergasted by this surely they knew that this feat was mechanically really weak right and I mean great weapon Master got nerfed pretty hard so are they just sick of heavy weapons being better than other melee weapons I don't know it's so odd anyways people rarely took this fighting style before I suppose now they'll just continue not to use it maybe the saddest thing for me is that they got rid of superior technique the one that let you learn a Battle
Master maneuver that was new and tsh's cauldron of everything I was hoping that that would make it to the player's handbook here and maybe even that they change it from a D6 to a d8 cuz the D6 was always weird but oh well also at fighter one we still get second wind it's mostly the same at this level but now we get two uses of it per day and recover one use on a short rest so basically one more use of it per day for now we gain more uses of it as we gain fighter
levels we also get more ways to use it with more fighter levels instead of just healing so it becomes a more interesting resource now which is cool we'll get into it as we go Fighters get weapon Mastery at level one we've already discussed weapon masteries uh check the time stamp uh under the Barbarian discussion right so I'm not going to repeat myself here they are awesome and make Marshall characters both more powerful and more interesting and versatile and I'm a big fan the difference between Fighters and others who get the ability is that Fighters get
three kinds of weapons to have Mastery in right off the bat and gain more with fighter levels at level two we still get action surch but there is one big huge massive change to it and it's that the extra action you get once per short rest can be used for anything except to take the magic action for those who don't know they've gotten a little more precise in naming different types of actions with this player's handbook so using your action to cast a spell or use a magic item or use some other sort of magical
feature maybe from your class or subass is now called taking the magic action and any feature that requires us to use the magic action will specify as much thus we are a lot more limited now on what we can do with action Surge and it seems to be intended to kind of keep cters from being tempted to dip fighter so they can cast two spell slotted spells in the same turn like they could before and I guess this might mean that there's no longer a way to do this in D and D 5 if we're
using 2024 rules right cast two spells with a spell slot in the same turn I'm not complaining it's probably a change for the best and yeah it should mean seeing a lot fewer fighter dips from me going forward though there still will be plenty of them on burst and Nova builds that are weapon users as well as for builds that are looking for easy weapon Mastery strong defensive features so yeah I still think we'll see a fair amount of fighter dips we also get at this level tactical mind this is a new feature it gives
us our first new use for second wind it says that when we fail an ability check we can spend a use of Second Wind roll a d10 and add that to the total potentially succeeding instead best of all if the check fails you don't lose the second win charge so use it with abandon if the ability check is important right really cool at level three we get our fighter subass still we'll go over those in a few minutes at level four um we still get an ability score our feet just like everybody I'll just mention
that Fighters still still get the most Feats of any class getting an extra one at 6 and 14 like before at level five extra attack is unchanged but we get another new feature here called tactical shift this Buffs Second Wind some more uh saying that when we use it as a bonus action whether to heal or whether for something else that we can get later we can also move up to half our Speed without provoking opportunity attacks nice at level 9 indomitable ah that least favorite fighter feature of mine what was up with level 9
for barbarians and Fighters both crappy features previously it is way better now hooray now when we fail a save once per day we can add our fighter level to the result of the roll and that is going to mean turning most failed saves into successes so much better and we still gain additional uses of this per day at levels 13 and 17 we also get tactical Master here and that says that when we attack with a weapon whose Mastery property we can use we can replace that Mastery with either push sap or slow for that
specific attack it's pretty dang cool maybe we have topple but they're already prone push them instead right maybe we have cleave but there's no second target standing next to them and slow them down instead I love the versatility and options this provides is so fun at level 11 never fear Fighters still get that Supreme third attack when they take the attack action right I like to call it extra extra attack but at level 13 they get yet another new feature do Fighters get more new features than any other class in this version of the player
handbook I think I think they might anyways this is studied attacks it says that if we miss an attack against an enemy our next attack against them has Advantage before the end of our next turn so great I mean get yourself a Vex weapon and just always have Advantage after the first attack every round maybe I don't know at level 19 uh just like everyone else we get epic Boons again check the time stamp uh from our initial discussion on the Barbarian if you want to see a little breakdown on those and then at level
20 yes the Capstone is still extra extra extra attack hasn't changed and is still amazing and that's the core fighter I really love what they've done added a ton of Versatility and utility and options to make the class that's often thought of as pretty boring or vanilla a lot more interesting and fun not to mention just a straight up power increase pretty much across the board with the exception maybe of action surge so let's see what they did with the subclasses first up Battle Master the favorite subass I think by most 5V veterans um at
level three we still get student of War it still gives us Proficiency in an Artisan's tool of your choice but now also adds Proficiency in another skill of your choice that Fighters can get Proficiency in at level one so just a little more utility as for combat superiority the rules here are all exactly the same the same number of Maneuvers learned same number of dice Etc as far as the Maneuvers themselves are concerned they are all the same as before with these exceptions brace is just gone dang it I love that one for getting me
more reliable reaction attacks guess they didn't want to step on the toes of polar AR Master maybe especially now that the feet got worse a commander strike doesn't require you to use a bonus action anymore that's nice but otherwise is the same evasive action has you use your bonus action to disengage and then gives you the AC bump not until you stop moving but until your next turn so much better grappling strike is gone uh probably because grappling is considered an unarmed strike now right and this might have stepped on the toes of the tavern
brawler feet lunging attack is totally different you take a bonus action to take the dash action and if you move at least 5T before hitting with a weapon attack you add the superiority die in damage better I think Perry now allows you to reduce the damage by the superiority di plus your decks or strength mod your choice I appreciate that Precision attack language is just simplified stating that when you miss you can use this to try and hit quick toss is just gone and that also makes me super sad it was one of my favorites
to find ways to build around like with the needle or the blad singer Nova builds why take it away Wizards come on rally is improved in that the temporary hit points it grants equal superiority die plus half your fighter level rounded down uh no more Charisma and that's it for the Maneuvers no new Maneuvers uh they just kind of cut some and changed a few others a little bit sad overall I think but oh well some of those got buffed so maybe in the end it's kind of a wash at level seven the know your
enemy feature got a change that's a lot more useful in combat you still get to know stuff about others but instead of needing to study them for a minute once a day you can just spend a bonus action or if you want to do it more than once a day a superiority die I love that now the info available for you to know is less but still useful any immunities resistances or vulnerabilities they may have I have a feeling that we're going to see a a much more varied approach to resistances and vulnerabilities for enemies
in the new rules and the new monster manual I certainly hope so at least and if that proves to be the case then this gets even more potent right at level 10 uh improved combat superiority there's no change your superiority dice become d10s now and at 18 they're d12's at level 15 Relentless this is so much better than it used to be and it really encourages me to just want to stick Battle Master once per turn we can now use a d8 for a maneuver and it doesn't cost us a superiority die that's freaking awesome
once per turn this is the kind of scaling that all classes need wizards thank you and that's it for the Battle Master yeah the biggest changes came from uh the changes to their Maneuvers I think but in addition they got some nice little tweaks and improvements so in the end the favorite subass might continue to be so next up Champion meaning we go from one of the most beloved fighter subclasses to the most bemoaned Champions have historically been the most vanilla subclass of the most vanilla class let's see how they've been improved at level three
uh improved critical there's no change but remarkable athlete okay we already get an improvement giving us what used to be the level seven ability right at level three and making it better this now gives us Advantage On Athletics checks and initiative roles nice also when we get a critical hit which happens twice as often for us right we can move up to half hour speed without provoking opportunity attacks not bad at level seven uh we still get an additional fighting style no change except that we get it at 7 now instead of 10 so everything's
kind of getting moved up right that's cool now at level 10 we get a new feature heroic Warrior this says that whenever we start our turn without inspiration we get inspiration dang that feels really potent now inspiration no longer grants Advantage right it just gives you a roll if you fail a thing but for most builds that's actually going to be even better and now we get that once a round you're not going to be missing all that often on the champion and you're going to be critting a lot more at level 15 we still
get Superior Critical no change critting on an 18 or better now and then at level 18 Survivor still lets us heal at the start of our turn in the same way but now in addition we both have advantage on death saves and also when we roll an 18 or better we critically succeed on our death saves which heals you one hit point meaning you're back in the fight right okay yeah this version of the champion is way better it might not bring as much variety as other subclasses but combined with the base fighter improvements and
weapon masteries I I think it could be a powerful and fun character maybe especially if I could get some Divine Smite in there somewhere for even bigger and more frequent crits okay moving on to the eldrich Knight what many thought was the most powerful fighter subclass arguably outside of the echo knite which a lot of people couldn't play with right because I mean they get spells and that has not changed at level three we still get spell casting um the rules here are largely unchanged they still get spells and spell slots like a onethird Caster
right but there is one massive change here and it's that we're no longer restricted to the abjuration and evocation schools of magic with those spells Hala freaking lah the shackles have come off now we just get to pick any wizard spells we want for all of our spells perfect weapon bond is now called war bond but it's functionally the same at level seven War magic in addition to getting second level Spells at this level War magic is vastly improved it's basically again the blade singers extra attack letting us replace one of our attacks with a
cantrip that has a casting time of one action much much better so yeah now we're seeing that on three potential classes right uh The Valor bar the blad singer which you can still use as long as your table allows you to use previous material and here the eldrich Knight though eldrich Knights get it one level later than those other two they get regular extra attack one level earlier right at level 10 there's no change to eldrich strike um but its potential is a lot more potent now that we can cast a cantrip as part of
the attack action I think no change to Arcane charge at level 15 and at level 18 improved War magic is well improved now it says that when we take the attack action we can replace two of our attacks and remember we have three now with a first or second level spell with a casting time of an action that's fun and keep in mind that there's no prohibition against still replacing one of our attacks with a cantrip so we could potentially say cast a second level spell and a cantrip all with our action that feels pretty
unique we still have our bonus action and potentially action Surge and I'm just thinking out loud here but I said earlier that there was no way to cast two leveled spells on your turn thanks to the action surge Nerf but if we action surge take the attack action and can replace one of those attacks with a spell maybe this is the only way that that can be done now granted you're capped at first or second level spells but still I don't know that's cool it's fun it's Unique I'm a little sad that it came so
late in our career here but whatever it's a nice Capstone and that's it for the eldrich Knight let's move on to the fourth and final subass they announced this a while ago but some of you may have missed that and will be surprised by this we are getting the S warrior in the players's handbook officially and I love that because it is such a great subass but similar to a lot of these we kind of had a version of this before and now they're getting put in the players handbook there's not a ton of changes
here at level three psionic power One Small Change is that it no longer requires us to use a bonus action to recover our once per short rest cionic energy die but otherwise the number and size of the dice are are unchanged and the powers that we get protective field psionic strike and telekinetic movement are pretty much unchanged as well at level seven a telekinetic Adept again no changes to the new ways we get to use our psionic energy die here side powered leap and telekinetic thrust pretty much the same level 10 guarded mind no chain
at level 15 bullwark of force no change at level 18 telekinetic Master no change so no real changes here to speak of except for the one little recover die not having to use your bonus action anymore thing and that's it for the fighter All Things Considered they are undoubtedly looking better than they ever have and I'm really curious to put some builds together to see how they Faire now both with and without some multiclassing it's going to be fun but then we come to my actual favorite class in DND D the Monk and if you
cannot tell by the look on my face I am so happy with the way that the monk has been improved for 2024 I would say that the monks got the most love out of any class and to be fair they were in need of the most love in my opinion maybe I'm biased but I think someone looking at it objectively would probably agree with me nine times out of out of 10 and yeah they just got a lot of love so let's go over the details at level one proficiencies now include simple weapons and Marshall
weapons that have the light property this gives us a few more options now for what can constitute monk weapons and that's great then there's martial arts so first up it's important to note that martial arts scales slightly better it starts our martial arts die starts at a D6 it goes to a d8 at 5 a d10 at 11 a D12 at 17 also we can now just take an unarmed strike as a bonus action no need to take the attack action first and this is honestly one of the best changes I think especially for open
hand monks we'll get into that but really just I love being able to just make a bonus action attack without it being tied to anything and being able to do it first on our turn if there's a good reason to do so it opens up a lot more possibilities and versatility for us depending on subass maybe depending on multiclassing right aside from that no real changes to martial arts at level two um instead of key we now get monks Focus um not discipline points Focus points and honestly while I prefer key to either focus is
way better than discipline that's what they were using in the uh play test right we still get the same number of them per monk level they still reset on a short rest but everything we can do with them has been improved we can now Flurry of Blows without needing to take the attack out action just like you know making an unarmed strike with a bonus action right again that's awesome and patient defense and step of the wind let us disengage or Dash for free as a bonus action now and only cost a focus point to
also disengage and Dodge in the case of patient defense or disengage and dash in the case of step of the wind such a great quality of life Improvement and it just feels like you're better than like a subpar Rogue right uncanny metabolism might be uh my favorite new level two buff though there's a new feature that says once per day when you roll initiative you can just regain all Focus points and heal for one roll of your Martial Arts die plus your monk level that is just so huge and I'm so glad they bumped it
to level two here from level seven where they originally had it in the play test it makes early and midgame monk so much better at level three you now get deflect attacks instead of deflect missiles so it used to only work on ranged attacks right now it just says as long as the attack coming in includes bludgeoning piercing or slashing damage you spend a reaction to reduce it by d10 plus your dexterity plus your monk level if you reduce it to zero you can redirect that with a focus Point even a melee attack but in
that case when you are redirecting it it has to be towards someone within 5 ft of you but then in order to avoid that attack you're not like making an attack roll uh the enemy that you're trying to hit just makes a dexterity save or they take two times your Martial Arts die Plus your dexterity bonus that is so awesome it really increases monk defensiveness and is a potential bump to the damage that you can do as well we also then at level three still get sub classes we'll talk about those in a minute at
level five I am sad to announce that stunning strike pretty much got nerfed it got a minor buff too but overall I'd considered it a Nerf now we can only use it once per turn instead of anytime we hit right and when we stun the enemy they're only until the beginning of our next turn instead of the end of our next turn which is a pretty big deal now if the enemy makes their save against it we're told that our next attack has advantage and their speed is haved until the beginning of our next level
and this bums me out because in the play test they had the target taking damage if they saved and this felt to me like a little bit of a gut punch it's tough right to give somebody something cool and then have to like take it away that always feels bad and so yeah I feel bad right now to be fair I mean I appreciate that they didn't want to get to a place where you were like hoping that an enemy made their save against an ability right because there could be times where an enemy was
almost dead and you're like oh I'm going to stunning strike I really hope they fail so that I can do some damage to them and kill them that feels sort of counterintuitive and weird but just kind of slowing an enemy and giving you Advantage I mean it's better than nothing it's better than what it was right where if they made their save sucks but it just kind of makes me feel like I'm probably going to go back to not actually using stunning strike all that often unless I feel pretty confident that the enemy is going
to fail and now that we can only try to stunning strike once per turn it almost feels like a bit of a trap to try and use it in a lot of fights unless it turns out that Constitution saving throws aren't as high in the new monster manual as they are currently so yeah I mean considering all the other Buffs that monks got right I'm still thrilled with where we are I just wish that they would have stuck with the version of stunning strike that they had in the play test I think anyways at level
six we get empowered strikes it's similar but now it just says unarmed strikes can deal Force damage or the regular damage again resistance to non-magical bludgeoning piercing slashing damage is going away at least by all indication at level 9 the feature is called acrobatic movement instead of unarmored movement Improvement but it's functionally the same at level 10 we now get heightened Focus instead of purity of body this gives some nice Buffs to all of our Base Class ways to use uh not key Focus my my favorite of which is that Flurry of Blows now does
three unarmed strikes finally it feels like monks are kind of getting back to this place where I think they have been in the past and probably should be where they are just like I mean a Flurry of Blows they're making potentially as many or more attacks every turn than any other character I know there's Exceptions there but still three unarmed strikes with a bonus action that feels awesome what's more patient defense now adds two rolls of our martial arts die in temporary hit points when we use it and step of the wind lets you bring
a willing friend who's larger or smaller with you as you're dashing right and doesn't and neither of you provoke opportunity attacks that's pretty awesome and brings kind of some nice utility and even kind of support feel to the monk that they didn't have before we also get self-restoration here and it kind of replaces the old level seven Stillness of mind but it's better at the end of the turn you can just end the Charmed frightened or poisoned condition on yourself there's no action required so it should get rid of any questions of like can I
use this I don't know I'm not in control of my character kind of stuff right also it tells us we don't suffer exhaustion from from not eating or drinking at level 13 a tongue of sun and moon was replaced with deflect energy thank goodness this lets you use deflect attacks on any damage type not just bludgeoning piercing or slashing this is just super fun now it still has to be an attack right so you can't deflect a fireball or whatever but you could deflect a scorching Ray it's so cool and just feels really like I
don't know at one with the universe monastic feature I just love it at level 14 Diamond soul is now called disciplined Survivor but it is essentially the same still really good proficiency in all saves and it lets you spend a focus point to reroll a failed save at level 15 the really bad Timeless body has been replaced with perfect Focus which is basically an improved version of the old monk Capstone perfect self which was kind of bad this says when you roll initiative you regain up to four Focus points if you have less than that
not bad there will be plenty of times when this does nothing for us but when we really need it we'll be glad to have it at level 18 Superior defense replaces empty body this lets us spend three Focus points to gain resistance to all damage except Force damage for 1 minute no concentration no action or bonus action when you've got 18 Focus points giving up three doesn't hurt much a really nice buff to monk survivability especially because now we can have both resistance and deflect any incoming attack right at level 19 we get an epic
Boon just like everybody else check the time stamp if you want uh a little synopsis of what those are and then at level 20 the monk cap stone is body and mind and this just Buffs our dexterity and our wisdom by four so good so that's it for the Bas monk subclass by and large tons of awesome Buffs and improvements and I love it let's see what they did with the sub classes first up we've got the warrior of Mercy we first saw this subass in Tasha's cauldron of everything and it was previously the best
monk subass I think it's pretty tough to argue otherwise at least mechanically but I got some bad news this version of the mercy monk only sees one real change and it's a Nerf it comes to us at level 11 the flurry of healing and harm feature it used to be usable once per turn uh with no other limit other than your key points right since you have to be using Flurry of Blows now it can only be used wisdom modifier times per day boo boo that's the only real difference I could find here so they
included it in the player hand for the sole purpose of nerfing it it feels like I mean of course yes and to make it maybe more official for people who couldn't use Tasha's cauldron of everything but yeah this makes me sad and again they buffed the Base Class by quite a bit and yeah this was the strongest monk subclass before so maybe it was warranted but I can't help but be a little annoyed here let's move on to Warrior of Shadow at level three Shadow Arts now just gives us the minor illusion and darkness spells
so you might think that that's a Nerf but you can now cast Darkness with only one Focus point and without any Spell components which is so awesome not even a verbal component just bam instant Darkness with no warning you can see inside of it as well and at the start of every turn you can move it within 60 ft you gain dark vision if you didn't have it or extend the range of your dark vision by 60 ft if you do so yeah it's kind of like you just get Darkness but they really buffed what
you can do with the darkness and they're kind of leaning into that which makes sense right you're a Shadow monk at level six there's no change to Shadow step but being able to see in your Darkness spell is going to make this a lot easier to use at level 11 improved Shadow step replaces cloak of Shadows that would give you some limited invisibility instead you can now spend a focus point when you Shadow step to make it so that you don't have to teleport into or out of dim light or Darkness you can also get
a free unarmed strike immediately after teleporting which I love it's like a cool blink strike and makes giving up your bonus action which you'd usually be using for an unarmed strike or Flurry of Blows a lot less painful right now you can both teleport and still hit somebody at level 17 cloak of Shadows replaces opportunist and says that when we're in dimlight or Darkness we can spend three Focus points to become invisible for 1 minute or until we're in bright light attacking does not break this so it's kind of like improved invisibility we can also
pass through occupied spaces while in this form though at half speed and can Flurry of Blows without spending Focus points so this is really powerful especially if you've got your Darkness bubble going right and I will say that as much as I love the way that they're kind of leaning into this Darkness as someone who's been guilty of building around and even playing at the table with the darkness spell this can potentially be problematic right most of us know putting a 30ft sphere of Darkness down on the battlefield when your allies can't necessarily see into
it can create some problems so I don't know um definitely a subass that you're going to want to like talk with your friends about before the campaign starts in a session zero right maybe make sure that your warlock buddy picks up devil sight or that your fighter gets blind sight as a fighting style in that case yeah then it becomes even better right so I don't know I like it I'm just a little nervous about it anyways let's move on to the next subass Warrior of elements uh the most drastically altered subclass right this was
previously the way of four elements everything here is different we used to get a bunch of spell options that would cost us too much key in my opinion and few of them were all that good now instead first up at level three we get elemental Attunement this tells us that at the start of our turn we can spend a focus point to imbue ourselves with elemental energy no bonus action required to do this then for the next 10 minutes your unarmed strikes reach 10 ft further so 15 ft total and whenever you hit with an
unarmed strike you can do Elemental damage instead of bludgeoning so acid cold fire lightning thunder and force the target to make a strength save or be moved 10 ft towards or away from you every time no size restriction incoming monk cheese grader right you also learn the elementalism cantrip this is a new spell that's mostly for show is similar to prea digitation or thury but with fire and earth and water regardless total Avatar Bender stuff awesome at level six we get elemental burst this says for two Focus points and your action you can have a
burst of damage in a 20ft radius sphere same as Fireball right but it can be any Elemental damage type they have to make a deck save or take three rolls of your Martial Arts die and half on a safe so that's only 3d8 which is nowhere near Fireball but could still be useful to clear out waves of weak minions and things situationally useful pretty cool even if you don't use it a ton at level seven we get stride of the elements this says that when your Elemental Attunement is active right you have a fly speed
and a swim speed equal to your speed like I said everybody's getting flight these days and hey it's still really good and powerful at level 17 the elemental Capstone here is Elemental epitome again while Elemental atun is active you get resistance to one type of Elemental damage and you can change it every turn also when you step of the wind you get 20 ft more move speed and can do damage equal to your Martial Arts die to any creature you get within 5 ft of of an elemental damage type of your choice now any creature
of your choice means multiple enemies every enemy can only take this damage once per turn so you can't like move away from them come back move away from them come back and keep doing damage right this is similar then to the shardon stride spell which is so fun and cool and this is awesome finally once per turn here it says that when you hit with an unarmed strike you can do an extra martial arts die in damage all together and combined with the Bas monk Buffs a vast Improvement to this subass right I am really
excited to play with this one finally then for monks um previously my favorite subclass conceptually some might say it's the most boring but the Warrior of the Open Hand it's just kind of the most Kung Fu I suppose at level three open hand technique uh the biggest change really is that we can now Flurry of Blows before taking the attack action if we want right that came to us from the Base Class otherwise this feature is pretty similar to the 2014 rules in that when we hit an enemy with a strike from Flurry of Blows
we can Addle to prevent them from making opportunity attacks push to force a strength saving throw or push them 15 ft away from us or topple to force a dexterity save or knock them prone and yeah this is great because it means we can potentially knock them prone at the beginning of our turn now and enjoy advantage on the rest of our attacks that turn if they're prone right at level six we get wholeness of body still lets us heal ourselves with a bonus action now for martial arts die plus our wisdom modifier but we
can only do it wisdom modifier times per day it's better but it still feels a little underwhelming to me still it's better at level 11 Fleet step when you take a bonus action up other than step of the wind you can also step of the wind as part of the bonus action I assume that would only be the free Dash version of step of the wind now though I'm sure you could spend a key uh sorry uh not discipline Focus point to also disengage so okay some potential utility there and then at level 17 quivering
Palm alas it is no longer a save or die ability now we spend four Focus points when we hit them with an unarmed strike to set up you know the vibrations and then when you end them either with your action or by replacing one of your attacks from the attack action they have to make a constitution save or take 10 D12 Force damage half on a save it used to be 10 d10 necrotic on a save so in that way this is better but then yeah they used to just die if they failed their save
is this a Nerf it seems that way at first first glance but 6 D12 damage if they make their save isn't that much less damage than the old 10 d10 right uh 39 versus 55 and we still get to make one of our attacks with the same action whereas before ending those vibrations to force the saving throw cost our entire action so with a successful attack the damage is pretty much the same if the enemy makes their save and let's be honest it's a constitution save and we're level 17 most enemies at least ones that
we really want to use this on are probably making that saving throw right most importantly though because we can do unarmed strikes with our bonus action and at the beginning of our turn if we wanted we could unarmed strike spend four key points to initiate quivering Palm then with our action make attacks and replace one of those attacks with a 10 D12 or 6d2 damage if they make the save and so long as we had the focus points for it we could do this every turn as opposed to setting this up one round then activating
it with our entire action the second and not being able to make any unarmed strikes right with bonus actions of Flurry of Blows because it used to be tied to taking the attack action so overall I think this is a lot stronger when you really break it down yeah I'm a little sad about losing out on that save or die thing cuz it was really the only feature in the game that worked quite like it did right power word kill has limitations 100 hit points for Less right this was just anybody as long as they
fail a constitution save and that was fun and cool and Powerful but this is probably in game both more useful and also potentially less frustrating for like a dungeon master right who might set up this big boss battle and then get a bad role and have their boss instag gibbed or more likely spend legendary saves right and then it just does a little damage but it cost your whole action so it's ineffective really to use as a monk so yeah in in the end I think this is going to be a lot better and I
would say that I do like way of the Open Hand even more than I used to though to be fair I still think that the biggest Improvement at least for most of us who aren't going to be playing the game until Level 17 comes from the fact that we now get to Flurry of Blows at the beginning of our turn if we want to and it doesn't have to be tied to the attack action anyways that's it for monks and yeah I do think that having having looked at every class and subass now in great
detail they probably got the most improvements out of anybody and I am so happy about that thank you Wizards can't wait to do some builds and see how they actually Stack Up numbers wise when you get into the nitty-gritty okay next up what I think is probably my second favorite class in the game i' I don't know if I've ever said that I always talk about how monks are my favorite class but paladins are I think are my second a big tanky protector tends to be the second character I play in any game whether video
game or like ttrpg and P just scratches that itch so nicely now they have long been known as one of if not the best base classes in the game did Wizards re them in at all let's jump in first up great news at level one paladins now get spellcasting so even though they're half casters they work more like artificers now in that they get spells right out the gate and also so like artificers paladins and Rangers get half of their level rounded up instead of rounded down when you're trying to figure out your spell slots
if you multiclass with another spellcaster right that's nice I really appreciate that now we get two Paladin spells to prepare at this level and instead of preparing half our Paladin level plus Charisma modifier we just gain more prepared spells with more Paladin levels just increases one per level the lay on hands feature is mostly the same with the really nice buff that it can be used as a bonus action now not an action also spending Five Points doesn't cure diseases because diseases it seems are just gone from the game there will still be things I'm
sure that function like a disease used to but yeah there don't seem to be any more like official written into the rules diseases so not being able to cure them shouldn't be much of a problem then we get weapon masteries now paladins get two weapon masteries um for an overview of what those are check the time stamp right down in when we were talking about the Barbarian Fighters are the only ones who get three but everyone who gets them it seems can swap out which weapons they have Mastery with at least one uh on a
long rest that's awesome at level two the biggest and most dramatic change paladins see in my opinion is the change to Divine Smite we now get a feature at this level called Paladin's Smite and it just says that we always have the Divine Smite spell prepared because yes in case you didn't know Divine Smite has been changed to a specific spell now we can cast it once per day without spending a spell slot for it that's nice especially since we're a half cter we don't have a ton of spell slots but importantly the spell now
takes a bonus action to cast interestingly we use the bonus action immediately after hitting an enemy with a melee weapon or yeah an unarmed strike now so characters looking to Smite with their fists or their knees or their elbows Rejoice but in this way we still can wait say to see if we crit and then use our bonus action to Smite Etc but just be careful not to use your bonus action before attacking or you'll be left without a Smite option and you know that almost instantly kills like the monk Paladin fantasy that I had
in my head because one of the Monk's strongest features is their Flurry of Blows which they need their bonus action for and so yeah you can Smite with your fists now but who's smiting with their fists I guess you know Tavern brawler type characters um that could still happen and to be fair multiclassing monk with Paladin was really difficult because of all of the minimum ability score requirements but anyways and yes of course this also means that you cannot Smite more than once on your turn nor can you smite with a reaction attack if you
got one you can still upcast it for more damage and the Damage doesn't appear to cap at 5 d8 anymore so if you multiclass and get higher level spell slots feel free to go nuts and yeah it still does an extra da8 of damage to fiends and Undead but yeah this is a Nerf to paladins I don't think there's any other way to really look at it we get to use it one more time per day for free and yeah that free casting is only going to be done at the first level right not at
your highest level spell slot since doesn't specify that that's kind of annoying it'd be a little better if we got to do it at our highest level spell flot I think I'm more troubled by the Bonus action casting time than I am the limit to once per turn honestly I know I've built a ton of Nova characters in the past that were like if you burn all of your spell slots in a single round of combat then you can burst for insane damage by smiting a ton but I think that in practice at the table
in the combat encounter that kind of thing happened pretty infrequently but making it so that we have to spend both a spell slot and our bonus action and preventing us from using it on like an opportunity attack Etc that stings quite a bit and I think makes me feel like I'd be a lot less likely to Smite maybe only if I got a crit or thought the Smite would be the difference between life and death for the enemy arguably you should be doing that most of the time when you smite anyways you're a paladin you
don't have a lot of spell slots right but yeah and this also like prohibits Barbarians from smiting if they're raging and that was kind of a big thing that a lot of builds would do several of mine included right now it's like you got to choose between raging and smiting okay I should add here that Wizards of the Coast have also changed all of those other Smite spells Thunder Smite ser Smite banishing Smite Etc in a way what they're doing here kind of reminds me of what they're doing with the Rogue and sneak attack which
we'll get to later but yeah you could Divine Smite or you could once you get access to these other Smite spells anyways give up some Smite damage to instead do other things those Smite spells no longer require concentration and they work like Divine Smite in that you cast them as a bonus action after you hit but then you're giving up some of the Smite damage to Blind them or light them on fire or make attacks against them have Advantage etc etc I appreciate the options and the versatility and maybe I'll be convinced before long that
this is actually overall a buff for the class it's definitely more interesting and tactical but yeah it's also just less potential burst damage for our character anyways and that's a little bit of a tough pill to swallow but it's okay paladins are still amazing let's move on we do get access to fighting style still at level two which comes in the form of Feats now right and happily we're no longer restricted to certain fighting styles we can choose any of them so stay tuned for dual wielding and maybe even ranged Paladin builds in the future
we do also get access uniquely to the Blessed Warrior fighting style if we prefer which still gives us two cleric cantrips at level three PES still get their subass or oath uh like all classes more on those later but we are also just told now that we get channel Divinity like the cleric we can use it twice per day but regain one use of it on a short rest so one more use of it per day basically uh two more once you hit Level 11 but now it's used not for turn Undead that's the cleric
thing but for well your subclass stuff of course but also for divine sense you're probably wondering what happened to that this is slightly improved but is still only situationally useful I'd say it lets you with a bonus Action Now detect the presence of Undead celestials and fiends or a place affected by the Hallow spell within 60 ft uh not for a round but for 10 minutes better but still pretty situationally useful and requiring a use of your channel Divinity now at level five we still get extra attack and second level Paladin spells but instead of
going yay I get the fine Steed spell now we just get a new ability called faithful Steed this gives us the fine Steed spell for free and lets us cast it once per day without spending a spell slot before you get too excited though fine Steed has been nerfed or at least I think nerfed when compared to the way that most people have historically used it at their table in 5e Wizards of the Coast might simply argue that they've clarified the wording but in a nutshell the spell now summons a creature an otherworldly Steed with
a specific stat block that stat block is always the same no matter what you make them look like and you get to decide what they look like right their creature type is a fiend Celestial or Fay your choice they are large sized and they are writable however we are very specifically told that while we write in combat it is a controlled Mount period the end there's no you can communicate telepathically and fight as a seamless unit verbiage here anymore meaning no more treating it as an independent Mount that also kind of went where you wanted
it to like I think most tables played it now if you're incapacitated then it takes its turn after you and acts independently focusing on defending you and it has some decent stats and abilities even being able to fly if you cast it as a four level spell or higher essentially taking the place of find greater Steed which no longer exists in the player's handbook I'm not going to go into the stats of this Steed too much otherwise because I've still got a lot to cover and we're not going to be using them that much in
combat anymore going forward other than for some nice improved movement right and that's not nothing but yeah it's generally not going to be any kind of damage thing to take into consideration any longer and yeah in case you're wondering the mounted combat rules are pretty much unchanged from the 2014 Players handbook and that really bums me out actually I have a hard time believing that everyone at Wizards just looked at mounted combat and went yeah this works great no changes needed never any confusion or clarification that we got to make right apparently I'm wrong or
I guess the only change they saw that was needed was to just keep people from using fine Steed like both a controlled and independent Mount at the same time feels like a bit of a missed opportunity to me but let's move on at level six R of protection gets a small Nerf here it's still incredibly powerful but now the bonus to saving throws that it grants can be turned off not just if you're unconscious but even if you just become incapacitated so getting stunned for example will turn your aura of protection off and all of
its accompanying Buffs which will increase with Paladin levels and P subclass features I don't think this is a terrible change the ability might have been just a had too powerful before now it's still amazing but there is a potential counter to it outside of just flat out making you go unconscious right at level 9 we now get a new ability it's called abjure foes it's similar to turn Undead but both stronger and weaker it works on any enemy not just Undead but only up to our Charisma modifier in number of enemies we use a channel
Divinity charge and a magic action to force them to make a wisdom save or they are frightened for a minute or until they take damage uh they're not incapacitated they can still do stuff but have to choose between an action a bonus action or movement only one that's some pretty strong control especially considering that we don't have to concentrate for it or anything and they don't get to save against it at the end of their turn either so very nice at level 10 Aura of Courage is essentially the same but gets some Language clean up
now they just talk about it like a buff to your aura of protection though it's functionally the same they also clarified that if a frightened Ally enters your aura then their frightened condition has no effect on them and yeah this is kind of a pattern that we see all of these all of these things that used to say you get a new Aura now you get a new Aura now are just like your your AA of protection is improved in this way at level 11 improved Divine Smite gets a name change to radiant strikes and
is further improved just like Divine Smite by adding a d8 to all attacks with a melee weapon and unarmed strikes now at level 14 restoring uh cleansing touch gets changed to restoring touch and nerfed a bit I think now it just says that when you use lay on hands which again can be done with a bonus action so that's nice you can also spend Five Points to not just end the effect of a spell on someone but to remove specifically blinded Charmed deafened frightened which is weird since supposedly they aren't affected by frightened when we're
close enough to touch them now but uh paralyzed or stunned that's a lot of things we get to remove which is great in some situations I guess you'll be glad to have them this but it still seems a bit weaker to me than just ending any spell I guess that depends maybe they're under one of these effects from something other than a spell right in which case you know this is better either way it's pretty potent at level 19 we get epic Boons just like everybody check the time stamp if you want to break down
on those but then no change to the fact that our Aura expands to 30 ft again it's just called our Aura of protection all told I think the Paladin core class is still in a really really great place there were some Nerfs sure but some Buffs too and in the end I think it's still one of the strongest core classes in the game so let's see how the subclasses fared first up oath of devotion this has gone from one of the most meh subclasses to me to maybe my favorite at level three first up their
spell list has changed a bit uh they get Shield of Faith instead of sanctuary and then at 5 they get Aid instead of lesser restoration but no other changes still I think better overall as for for their Channel Divinity abilities so one one interesting change is that all Paladin subclasses now only get one additional use for their Channel Divinity from their subass on the one hand that's a bit of a bummer but I think if we're being honest almost all of them seem to have one channel Divinity that was a lot more useful than the
other the really good ones at least so I'm not going to lose too much sleep over it also a lot of the other channel Divinity options that are gone now have kind of been replaced by ajur foe now granted that doesn't come until much later but it works on any enemy all paladins can do it and it's a pretty serious debuff so yeah I don't miss that other channel Divinity option being gone all that much as for devotion paladins I am so freaking thrilled with the sacred weapon change it now doesn't require an action or
even a bonus action to activate Hal freaking luah we're simply told that when we take the attack action we can expend a channel divinity charge to give our weapon that sweet bonus to hit equal to our Charisma modifier for 10 minutes man that is just so much better I just love Buffs that don't require any setup I wish there were more of them in game it continu now this continues to also emit light and lets us choose the normal weapons damage or radiant damage when we hit again they've gotten rid of the whole magical versus
non-magical blending piercing slashing thing which I'm so happy about also this no longer ends early if you go unconscious which is pretty cool so yeah this is just so much easier to use and you can bet that I'm going to be building around it a lot at level seven Aura of devotion got a bit of a buff in that it now works like our Aura of Courage but for Charmed so not only can enemies not be Charmed within 10 ft of us but if they already are the damage the Charmed condition has no effect on
them so devotion P can basically make your whole party immune to Charmed and feared which is awesome at level 15 purity of spirit gets replaced by Smite of protection which feels like a weirdly named thing but instead of now just always being under the effect of protection from Good and Evil we're told that when we use Divine Smite we and our allies inside of our R of protection now benefit from half cover which again is a plus two to Armor class and dexterity saves until the beginning of our next turn okay A little bit of
an optional protection ability there kind of cool and then at level 20 paladins I think they're the only class that get their Capstone their level 20 feature from their subass right um holy Nimbus here gets some mostly minor improvements we can activate it with a bonus action now instead of an action that's great we get advantage on any save an undead or fiend forces us to make not just spells cast by them the damage enemies take is our Charisma modifier plus our proficiency bonus so at this level that's probably one more maybe just the same
depending on our build and we can use it again if we expend a fifth level spell slot yeah in the end I freaking love devotion paladins now I want to play one immediately or at least build one okay let's move on to oath of Glory another P subass that I didn't really find myself using all that often in the past did they get just as good a treatment their spell list is totally unchanged except for at 17th level where where both spells are changed they now get Legend lore nice for utility and then a brand
new spell called Yolanda's Regal presence this is sort of like Spirit Guardians you cast it as an action it requires concentration and then gives you a 10-ft aura basically that does a bunch of stuff if enemies fail their wisdom save 46 psychic damage they get knocked prone no size restriction there and can be pushed 10 ft away no size restriction there pretty awesome very interestingly we're told that these things can all happen not just when a creature enters the area or ends their turn in the area but yet yes when we move the area of
the spell onto them and here is a huge change that you might not have known about as far as I can tell no spell in the game now does damage both when a creature enters the area and when they start their turn there only when they enter and end their turn there making a build that focuses on pushing an enemy into a Spell's area of effect a lot less likely to double up on damage every round I'm talking moon beam cloud of daggers Spirit Guardians the new conjure animals spell all of them but they all
also let the damage happen when you move the Spell's area of effect onto them always with the only once per turn exception I feel like I might be to blame for this I have done so many freaking builds that took advantage of that double up if you push them feature right where they take damage when you push them in and then at the start of their turn if it was my fault I apologize for breaking it but at the same time I think overall I like this change it was getting to the point where like
the best thing to do was almost always find a way to push an enemy into a spell like this and then just scale the spell as much as you possibly could and that was starting to get a little redundant if I'm being honest plus it just makes sense that a creature would take damage as soon as you put a damaging spells area of effect onto them whether it's your turn or theirs right so yeah yeah arguably a nerfed these kinds of spells but a buff as well and overall probably a change for the better and
now yeah you can cast Spirit Guardians on yourself for example if you have it and run around the battlefield and do damage to every enemy that you get within 15 ft of that makes sense and is really cool so yeah I think I like this as for the channel Divinity option that Glory paladins get to keep uh sadly perhaps is peerless athlete farewell inspiring Smite they changed it to last for an hour instead of 10 minutes but it still gives the same arguably questionable most of the time benefits especially now that grappling doesn't have you
make Athletics checks though they removed the hole you can drag and push more to verbiage inspiring Smite wasn't amazing but I think I'd prefer to have that instead is it too late to change Wizards probably at level seven AA of alacrity got improved a bit uh simplified anyways to just say anyone benefiting from your R of protection also has a 10t speed increase basically sometimes that'll be exactly what you need at level 20 glorious defense is so far as I can tell unchanged it's still pretty good but living legend was changed to last 10 minutes
instead of one and is otherwise unchanged it's still really nice and that's it for the glory Paladin still a strong character and still probably one of my least favorite Paladin sub classes I don't know their late game features are a lot better than their early game ones that's the issue I guess and I'm always the the guy multiclassing to pick up lowlevel class and subclass power right maybe next time I start a campaign at higher level I should go glory and I would probably appreciate them a lot more bringing us then up next to our
oath of ancients Paladin the nature lover the Green Knight at level three there is absolutely zero change to the ancient paladin spell list uh which was pretty decent continues to be so but turn the faithless got axed as a uh Channel Divinity option the good news is that Nature's wrath got buffed it now works on each creature of our choice instead of one uh it's within 15 ft not 10 and they have to succeed on a strength save not choose between strength and dexterity and then yeah they're restrained if they fail their save saving again
at the end of each turn but it only lasts a minute instead of theoretically forever which I guess you could say is a Nerf but in practice not really right at level seven Aura of warding unfortunately got a bit of a Nerf I mean in most scenarios I think now instead of just giving an aura of resistance to damage from all spells it gives resistance to necrotic psychic and radiant damage so sure there will be times when this is better a creature is doing psychic damage to you but not via a spell right but when
someone casts a fireball on you you'll be sad you don't have the old Aura right uh maybe it's a side grade I suppose it's still good and depending on what you're fighting fantastic or worthless at level 15 undying Sentinel got a nice buff in that it not only prevents you from going unconscious when you drop to zero hit points but now it both puts you at one hit point instead and heals you for three times your Paladin level so 45 hit points right now which is pretty decent and yeah this is something that we're seeing
a lot of right those old get you instead of dropping to zero hit points you drop to one getting kind of a buff finally at level 20 Elder Champion now works with a bonus action instead of an action that's happening a lot on all classes and sub classes right uh but then it can be reused more than once per day if you spend a fifth level spell slot for it the benefits of the ability are otherwise unchanged though and it is still potentially potent I still think ancients paladins are one of the better subclasses especially
for defense and tanking and protecting right but maybe a little less so with their Aura of warding change they got some other Buffs though so maybe it's a wash then finally every burst damage dealer's darling the oath of Vengeance Paladin where are we at here um first of all at level three their spell list which is one of if not the best pal spell lists of any subass is completely unchanged but par for the course uh abjure enemy got nied oh stop pretending like you ever use Channel Divinity for anything other than vow of enmity
anyways and you'll be thrilled to know like I was that it is even better now way better like with devotion paladins you can now just gain advantage on your enemy when you take the attack action right you use that vow of enmity without taking an action or bonus action or anything so awesome but even better when you fa your foe before the one minute timer is up you can transfer vow of enmity to another enemy no action required holy cow that is so freaking good I mean is it better or worse than the devotion Paladin's
Charisma modifier to hit depends on the enemy AC depends on your charisma modifier right and your hit chance though sacred weapon lasts 10 minutes not one and can potentially have your weapon do radiant damage but yeah Advantage is advantage and being able to use it on more than just a single enemy is so fantastic at level seven Relentless Avenger got a nice buff which is great because it was pretty lame before now when we hit an enemy with an opportunity attack we not only can move up to half our Speed without provoking opportunity attacks but
also can reduce the enemy's movement to zero uh like the Sentinel feet and that's pretty dang nice then Sol of vengeance at 15 is essentially unchanged except for some wording clarifying that your reaction attack is made after they have made theirs but avenging Angel at level 20 has changed to use a bonus action instead of an action again nice but to only last for 10 minutes instead of an hour not nice otherwise the ability is unchanged so that's it for the Paladin they are still fantastic and amazing but I might argue that devotion paladins could
get an edge over vengeance for damage to say nothing of their superior protection based abilities I don't know but I can't wait to see for myself in game don't tell anyone but dipping warlock for paladins is maybe better than ever it's going to be really hard not to do especially as a devotion P but we'll get more into that later when we talk about warlocks and that brings us then to Rangers a lot of people used to think that Rangers were the weakest class in the 2014 Players handbook I'd still argue that they were monks
but they were definitely kind of down there bottom of the barrel most people's opinions with the changes that came to Rangers from Tasha's cauldron of everything I think that changed mechanically though it didn't seem to change a lot of people's opinions they still kind of thought Rangers were lame I think I'd disagree with that statement but maybe like in the bottom half or maybe even bottom third of like mechanical Power when it came to classes uh that would probably depend on if you were playing a gloomstalker or not I suppose anyways let's see what they've
changed about them for the 2024 players handbook in a nutshell they've changed a lot first up at level one like paladins yes we get spells here at level one which is fantastic we also get to prepare more spells now than Rangers used to have spells known right it's now the exact same amount as the Paladin and I appreciate the consistency and just like the P we can change one prepared spell after a long rest which is great for versatility Rangers also get weapon Mastery here they get two weapons to have Mastery with now like all
Marshalls except Fighters and monks who get none lame I didn't even mention that when I was talking about monks can you at least give us one weapon Mastery or maybe like give unarmed strikes a weapon Mastery feature like just for monks or something I feel like I have to dip fighter one on every monk from now on or maybe Ranger actually or Rogue anyways we get favored enemy at this level too and thank goodness that both the old favored foe from Tasha's cauldron of everything is gone I really didn't like that ability and favorite enemy
is better than the 2014 Players handbook in that now it just gives us Hunter Mark that quintessential Ranger spell and lets us cast it twice per day for free and more often as we gain Ranger levels but wait I thought Hunter's Mark was a bad spell first of all I don't think that was necessarily true even in the 2014 rules but I think it's even less true now mainly because there actually just aren't as many ways to weaponize your bonus action I mean thanks to the crossbow expert Nerf and like even two weapon fighting can
be done with just your action right thanks to the Nick weapon Mastery property it feels to me like Wizards has really tried to keep bonus actions for doing things other than making attacks with the 2024 version not always of course there's exceptions but I'm a little torn on how I feel about this on the one hand it's nice to not have to feel obligated to always try and find ways to get more attacks or damage out of your bonus action and instead keep that free for doing other fun flavorful useful things in combat that pretty
much every class or subass has some ability to do on the other hand there are still ways to get bonus action attacks and I can't help but think that at least when I'm building for the spreadsheet right I'm going to be almost a little more pigeonholed than I was before into doing things to get damage from my bonus action I guess we'll see regardless Hunter Mark now does extra Force damage not weapon damage and you can upcast it to make it last longer I'm really bummed that you can't upcast it to do more damage plenty
of spells in game do damage on every hit and upcast to do even more it seems really odd that they wouldn't allow that for Hunter's Mark and that's just the beginning of the things that I'm a little bit frustrated about when it comes to Hunter Mark we'll get into more as we go at level two um they pulled Deft Explorer from tshas to replace the pretty bad and only situationally useful natural Explorer and even made it slightly better we get expertise in one skill now as well as a couple new languages we also get a
fighting style here just like Fighters and palys and yeah it can be any fighting style now but including unique for Rangers druidic Warrior which lets us learn to druidic cantrips level three we get our subass just like every class now more on those later and then at level five no changes to extra attack or anything but at level six we get roving which again came from the Tasha's improvements but it's a little better in that it now increases our speed by 10 ft instead of five as well as giving us a climb and swim speed
though it does have a restriction now that we can't be wearing heavy armor not a huge deal not a lot of Rangers were wearing heavy armor but it's there at level8 land stride is just gone which is fine cuz it was kind of bad but instead at level 9 we get something in addition to third level spells and it's another round of expertise though now we get to choose two more skills to gain expertise in I love 10 hide and plain sight is gone which some people might be a little sad about but it really
wasn't all that useful in most situations instead we get tireless uh again from Tasha's but the only change to it is that we can use it wisdom modifier times per day instead of proficiency bonus times per day and we still get to drop an exhaustion level with a short rest like we have since Tasha at 13 we get something new again a Relentless Hunter which just tells us that that damage can't break concentration on Hunter's Mark anymore that's cool and I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth but I mean why not
just make it not require concentration anymore instead it's just a D6 of damage we are level 13 you know oh well it's a buff at level 14 Nature's Veil replaces vanish and it's a bit better and a bit worse uh wisdom modifier times per day it lets us just have the invisible condition as a bonus action until the end of our next turn so we don't need to have the right conditions to hide in or make a stealth check or anything which is great but it is limited in use use overall I think I like
it better even if it removes the you can't be tracked by non-magical means wording out of curiosity has anyone ever found that useful in a campaign that you can't be tracked by non-magical means let me know in the comments at level 17 uh precise Hunter yet another new feature this just straight up gives us advantage against our Hunters marked Target not bad Wizards really wants us to use Hunter's Mark here which again I have mixed feelings about like yeah it's a quintessential spell yeah it's good not great and sometimes you might want to be using
something else in which case this feature does nothing right and I feel like we're sort of even more pigeonholed into Hunter's Mark when we get to sub classes at least some of them anyways at level 18 feral senses is similar but better and simplified telling us that we just have blindsight now out to a range of 30 ft that's awesome at level 19 we get an epic Moon just like everyone else these are amazing check the time stamp if you want a little breakdown on what those are and then at level 20 faux Slayer the
old faux Slayer was a little underwhelming letting us add our wisdom modifier once per turn to either the attack or damage role of a favored enemy or favored foe now it increases the damage die of Hunter's Mark to a d10 so I mean if we're attacking twice in a round that's five more damage on average if we hit both times compared to four or four four or five damage uh once per turn like it used to do and now that's assuming that we're using Hunter's Mark and if we're not it does nothing so yeah we're
probably using Hunter's Mark but this just is making me a little nervous I feel like as a level 20 Capstone feature it's pretty lackluster still and in fact I think I'd rather have the option to potentially add it to my hit chance since the increase to damage is negligible especially at level 20 regardless overall I think you'd have to argue that when compared to The tsh's Cauldron of everything Ranger or the 2014 Ranger we mostly got buffed here we might not love the Buffs but it's not like we got worse so let's keep that in
mind as we move into subclasses so the first one that we're going to talk about that most quintessential of Ranger subclasses the one that was most thoroughly hated in the 2014 version but that got the most love in the update from Tasha's uh the Beast Master how are they doing now well basically the changes from Tasha's cauldron of everything are being used as the model for this version of the Beast Master you get a primal companion at level three it can be Land Air or sea and you have to either give up one of your
attacks to have it attack or use your bonus action did I say earlier we weren't often seeing weaponized bonus actions yeah sorry about that and that really actually kind of frustrates me here I complained about this in the play test as I'm sure many of you did as well but it looks like those complaints might have fallen on deaf ears if we're so heavily encouraged to always use Hunter's Mark but so much of this subclass's power comes from a bonus action ction pet attack can we not see the conflict here Hunter's Mark requires a bonus
action to use and a transfer to the point at which you're probably having to spend at least half of your bonus actions of every combat encounter to manage it right it's going to make playing a Beast Master super frustrating I think and I'm kind of shocked they didn't either change it so that the pet didn't require a resource to command or and which might have been too powerful or make it so Hunter's Mark isn't so bonus action dependent which would have been my preference G at as for the beasts themselves I wouldn't say there are
any major differences in their stats and abilities though they're even more dependent on your wisdom modifier now than they were before to hit to damage and even their Armor class now meaning yeah this Ranger is probably going to be matter than most right multiple ability score dependent at level seven exceptional training is much better now in that it says if we use our bonus action to command our companion to take any action they can also Dash disengage or Dodge or help with their bonus action not bad that's either helping them stay safe or get into
combat range or give us advantage on an attack maybe right also the damage can be Force damage if we want instead of being magical physical damage which again is kind of going away at level 11 beastial Fury is improved as well telling us that when our Beast strikes they can attack twice and the first time they hit our Hunters marked Target they do extra Force damage equal to the damage of the spell so it's like they get to use Hunter Mark too at least once per turn but obviously you see the conflict here right I
mean I guess on turns that we need to we're probably going to be transferring Hunter's Mark with our bonus action and then giving up one of our own attacks to let the Beast attack a couple of times depending on how good our magic weapon is what our wisdom modifier might be and in that scenario again yeah kind of frustrating to me that we sort of have to choose between Hunter Mark or pet attack or I guess now our own attack right I would like to make both of my attacks and have my pet attack and
transfer Hunter's Mark if need be please thank you very much but alas at level 15 share spells is essentially the same so again everything we're seeing here is either the same or better than what we saw in tsh's I think I just really wish they wouldn't have set us up for such a bonus action traffic jam so it's not like we got nerfed there are these are improvements they're just frustrating improvements I guess I'm just saying I wish they would have gone a little bit further right but it's not like we're worse now or anything
like that so let's keep some perspective here okay next up my very favorite Ranger subass of all time at least conceptually the Fay Wanderer H Whimsy at level three first up uh one change to uh one change to the spells that Fay Wanderers get at Ninth level they learn summon Fay instead of dispel magic makes sense there's there's no change to Dreadful strikes or other worldly glamour here though at level seven the only change to beguiling twist is that it just clarifies that we have advantage on saves to both avoid or end the Charmed or
frightened condition at level 11 the only change to Fay reinforcements is that it doesn't say we know the spell because we automatically learned it at level 9 right it's now part of our Fay Wanderer spell list still my favorite Fay Wanderer ability I love the option to potentially have two little fa out fighting for us so cool and there's no change to the Misty Wanderer feature so kind of like we're seeing with most of the subclasses that came out after the original players handbook but are added to this player's handbook we're not getting much change
but I'm still happy to see them officially in the players handbook now all right that brings us to the unarguably I'm sorry you cannot argue with this most powerful Ranger subass the gloomstalker is it still the Undisputed champion of Rangers at level three there are no changes to the Spells that gloomstalkers get to learn but dread ambusher has been nerfed instead of getting an extra attack on the first round of combat we now get an extra 2d6 of psychic damage to a weapon attack uh no more than once per turn and wisdom modifier times per
day only I mean that's still decent it's like a mini Smite that you can use a few times per day right but it's just not overpowered like it used to be sorry I think it was and hey umbrell sight got a slight buff if you already have dark vision it's r range increases by 60 ft and you still get to be invisible to creatures that rely on Dark Vision to see you so still really really good right and overall a super solid set of features here even if it's a bit of a Nerf taken allog
together there's no change to iron mind at level seven but at level 11 stalkers Fury tells us that our Dreadful strike damage increases to 2 d8 instead of 2d6 and when you use it you can either make another attack with the same weapon against a different creature within 5T of the original Target and within range uh kind of like the Hunter's hord breaker or Force the Target and every creature within 10 ft of them we don't get to choose so potentially allies too here to make a wisdom saving throw or be frightened for a round
sometimes frightening a bunch of enemies will be better than turning a Miss into another attack but sometimes not and yeah kind of gives us back a little bit of that you can attack more stuff that they kind of took away from us at level three though it does have to be against a different enemy and some sometimes you're not going to have a different enemy within 5 ft of the original one that you attacked right but at level 15 shadowy Dodge got a buff now you can use it even if the enemy has advantage against
you though that would just negate it right and the attack would be made as normal but then afterwards you can teleport up to 30 ft that's pretty awesome no limit on how often you can use this either so if you're not reliably getting opportunity attacks you could be Bing all over the battlefield every round and making yourself a lot harder to hit so super cool in the end and yeah I think gloomstalker got some needed balancing tweaks but they're still super strong and it's not like they only got nerfed they got some Buffs too so
yeah still one of if not the most powerful Ranger subclass and then finally we've got the quintessential Ranger subclass the hunter at level three hunters and Beast Masters don't get extra spells for some reason uh sucks to be you guys I guess these were kind of an attempt to be the more simplified subclasses right but then at level three Hunters do get a new feature Hunter lore which lets you just know no action required the immunities resistances or vulnerabilities of your Hunter's marked prey pretty dang cool honestly depending on what you're fighting might be incredible
and also super thematic I also love the reworked Hunter prey feature here giant killer is gone which is fine because no one took it anyways right but Colossus Slayer and hord breaker while they're unchanged you can now swap out which option you choose after a short rest that is so awesome man I have been wanting that for so long I know I've even asked about it in multiple videos was someone from Wizards of the Coast watching probably not at level seven similarly defensive tactics has lost the steel will option which is fine and yeah Escape
The Horde and multiattack defense are still there but can be swapped between with a short rest though multi-attack defense has changed now it says says if a creature hits you with an attack roll they have disadvantage on all other attacks against you this turn instead of a plus4 to your armor class that might be better might be worse depending on their hit chance and your armor class probably worse on average it's going to prevent Critical Hits most of the time so yeah maybe it's better regardless it's definitely better because you can swap between the two
options now right at level 11 uh multi-attack is gone which makes me a little sad though the ability could have been pretty Niche right instead we get Superior Hunter prey which says that once per turn when we deal damage to an enemy marked by Hunter Mark we can also deal Hunters Mark damage to a different creature within 30 ft of them so 3.5 damage on average that's not amazing and again we're really getting pushed towards using Hunter's Mark and I continue to wish that it was a little better in that case let us upcast it
for more damage let us either not concentrate on it or better yet not need to use a bonus action to transfer it anyways at level 15 Superior Hunter's defense has also changed quite a bit uh simplified instead of getting three choices we're told that when we take damage we can use our reaction to get resistance to that damage and any other damage of the same type until the end of the current turn sort of like uncanny Dodge which was a previous option but better I don't know I get that they're trying to make Hunters the
less complex Ranger Choice here but I really love the changes that are coming at levels three and seven giving us choices that we could swap out with a short rest kind of wish they would have stuck with that theme but hey this is a solid feature and overall I'd say Hunters are improved especially at early levels and yeah that's it for Rangers are they better are they worse I mean I think it's difficult to argue objectively that they are worse I think it's difficult to argue objectively that they're not better they are I just am
a little frustrated by the pigeon Hing of Hunter Mark coupled with kind of the lack of improvements to Hunter Mark but but yeah aside from you know the Nerf to gloomstalkers that prevents them from getting potentially a couple extra attacks on round one right if you're action surging like so many gloomstalkers would do they're they are generally improved I just I hope you like the hunter Mark spell okay let's take a Lune break had a quick wardrobe change and yeah this is day three of recording this video for me um it might be day three
or more of watching it for you I suppose but we are coming down the home stretch here uh we got four classes to go so next up is the Rogue and I kind of went over a lot of this stuff when I did that Assassin Rogue build that Wizards of the Coast asked me to put together back in June um yeah watch it there uh check it out if you haven't seen it but I want to be thorough here for this video and also discuss the other subclasses that I haven't yet so let's review quickly
things that are changing for Rogues at level one expertise it doesn't mention uh doubling our proficiency bonus in thieves tools anymore just skills but also we're given in the tool section of the book like a flat DC for disarming traps and picking locks now I'm sure that a DM could decide to up that if it was a particularly difficult lock or trap but generally speaking it feels to me like if you've got a high dexterity and Proficiency in thieves tools picking locks and disarming traps might be easier now than it used to be I don't
know we'll see sneak attack itself hasn't changed at level one but we will get more from sneak attack later so stay tuned happily though we do get something awesome and new at level one weapon masteries we get to pick two weapons to use these masteries for and can change them after a long rest again I went over the weapon masteries in the Barbarian section so check the time stamp uh down below if you need a refresher there having weapon masteries on a rogue is really great especially for the Nick property I think for melee Rogues
anyways as that is going to free up our bonus action and we have so many great uses for our bonus action as a rogue right at level two no changes to cutting action at level three we still get our subass more on those in a minute Steady Aim is now officially part of the Rogue Arsenal in the players handbook right and I love that it says that we can use our bonus action to give our our El advantage on our next attack this turn so long as we haven't moved yet on this turn and then
afterwards our move speed is zero for the rest of the turn that no movement thing is a bit of a bummer especially for those of us who will be in melee still I think this feature is a whole lot better with weapon masteries first of all because thanks to the Nick Mastery we no longer need our bonus action to make a second attack on our turn freeing it up for this or cunning action right which is just so great for Rogues second of all because thanks to the Vex Mastery even though Steady Aim only gives
us sadly advantage on one attack our next attack this turn well if we make that attack with a Vex weapon and so long as we land that attack then our next attack will have Advantage as well meaning that we could Steady Aim attack with a Vex weapon right assuming we hit which we probably will because we have Advantage we'll have advantage on our next attack too and the Synergy there is just perfect at level five there's no change to uncanny Dodge but the other feature Rogues now get at level five cunning strike is where things
get really interesting cunning strike gives us some new ways to use our sneak attack right or rather it treats sneak attack dice like a resource that we can expend every turn to either just do maximum damage that would be 3d6 right now right every time we use it or if we choose we can now sacrifice one of those d6s and only one per instance of sneak attack for now anyways to attempt one of the following three things poison which says as long as we've got a poisoners kit on us we can force the enemy to
make a constitution save or have the poisoned condition for 1 minute a pretty solid debuff they do get to attempt to save out of the condition at the end of each of their turns of course trip says that if they are large or smaller they have to succeed on a dexterity save or be knocked prone always nice and finally withdraw lets us spend a D6 to move up to half hour speed without provoking opportunity attacks might not be super needed for those of us with cunning action but hey maybe we want to use our bonus
action to hide this would let us also scoot away first for free so not terrible at level six no change to expertise part two at level S no change to evasion but then gloriously reliable Talent gets bumped from level 11 all the way up to level seven evasion was already good adding reliable Talent at this level makes it super juicy as reliable Talent says whenever we make an ability check that uses one of our skill or tool proficiencies we can treat anything rolled low ler than a nine as a 10 this is such a fantastic
skill monkey ability and makes me want to go to seven on like every Rogue level 10 we still get an extra feat at 10 which is great level 11 improved cunning strike now just tells us that we can use two cunning strike effects when we use sneak attack now we still have to pay the die cost for each but you could be like poisoning and tripping or withdrawing on the same turn but then at level 14 we get devious strikes and this just gives us even more and more powerful things to spend our sneak attack
dice on if we so choose and yes they are considered cutting strike options thus we could do two of them on the same turn if we wanted to First up my favorite I think days this costs 2 D6 but says that if the enemy fails their constitution save against it they on their next turn can move or take an attack action or a bonus action but only one of those things that is really really potent similar in many ways to like the slow spell sure the con saave might prove to be a bit of a
bummer but it might not be so bad we'll see when the new monster manual comes out next knockout which is the most expensive cunning strike option we get we've got to give up most of our sneak attack dice here 6 D6 but it is the most devastating in that if an enemy fails their constitution save against this they're just straight up unconscious for a minute or until they take any damage they do get to try and save against it at the end of every turn but unconscious that's pretty much the worst condition you can inflict
other than the dead condition right if nothing else this would set them up to be automatically critically hit by us on another turn or by an ally that might be worth giving up 6 D6 this turn to do big burst damage next not to mention taking them out of the fight for one or more rounds right the last of our new options obscure costs 3d6 and says that if the enemy fails their dexterity save against it they are blinded until the end of their next turn which means they their attacks are made at disadvantage and
attacks against them have Advantage I love the flavor of these abilities and they are pretty potent debuffs every one of them at level 15 slippery mind has changed to give us Proficiency in both wisdom and Charisma saving throws can't complain about that at level 18 no change to elusive at level 19 we get an epic boom just like everyone else they are amazing check out the time stamp again in the Barbarian section if you want a overview of what those are and then at level 20 Stroke of Luck has changed in that it works when
you fail any D20 test now including saves it's otherwise the same but better than ever so yeah that's the base class for the Rogue and let me maybe just address um something that I have been seeing a lot of even in the comments on my own assassin build video people are complaining that Rogues are kind of the weakest class now I see where those people are coming from I do and part of me tends to agree a little bit if I'm being honest and at least when it comes to damage I think compared to other
Marshall classes they probably are going to be weaker than any I'd love to prove myself wrong and I'm going to do my best to try and prove myself wrong in future rogue build videos right sneak attack damage just doesn't scale enough still to keep up with things like extra attack right kind of like I said at the end of my assassin build video right the added control and debuff options that Rogues get here here might make them more powerful than we're giving them credit for I know a lot of these uh cunning strike debuffs are
giving Constitution saves so that might lead us into a similar place that monks have been right where oh stunning strike is so good well yeah but everybody makes their save against it so it's really not that good but I mean dazing enemies blinding enemies flat out knocking them unconscious yeah like we're not doing as much damage but we could potentially do that every single round there might be fights where we've got two three four bodies just lying on the ground just flat knocked out while our party deals with the rest of the enemies right so
I guess I want to just encourage caution when it comes to passing judgment on this Rogue until we see it in action I mean it's definitely stronger than the 2014 version the complaint and I get it is that other Marshal classes got more Buffs than Rogues did and they were already kind of behind in the damage area and you know the counterargument to that used to be well yeah they might not do as much damage but they bring a lot more utility and that's worth something that's important it might not necessarily show up in combat
or on the spreadsheets but it's valuable and that continues to be true but now they've got more versatility and a lot more power in the debuff and control Realms and while yeah their damage might lag behind other Marshall characters I don't want to Discount that too much much okay let's jump into sub classes so first up we've got the Arcane trickster what used to be I think the most powerful Rogue subass is probably still the most powerful Rogue subass because spells but at level three the spell casting that we get got some nice improvements you
still learn three can trips right away one of which has to be Mage hand but we're now told that we can swap out we can swap out any of them that isn't Mage hand anytime we gain a rogue level as for leveled spells we still get them at the slow one3 caster rate but now blessedly we are not restricted to certain schools of magic just like the eldrich Knight and that is so awesome Mage hand Leisure domain leure de is essentially unchanged except that we can Now cast it as a bonus action I mean I
guess that's a pretty big change otherwise the language is just simplified telling us that our Mage hand is invisible and that we can control it with a bonus action to make slight of hand checks at level 9 magical Ambush is essentially the same it just says that if we have the invisible condition instead of if we're hidden then creatures have disadvantage on their saves against the spell this turn yes invisible is now a condition at level 13 versatile trickster is quite different probably because Steady Aim is officially in the player's handbook though the old versatile
trickster was much better than Steady Aim due to it not restricting movement and giving advantage on all attacks this turn now the ability says that when you use the trip option from cunning strike to try and knock an enemy prone thanks to our Mage hand we can try to knock a second one prone as well if they're within 5 ft I mean I like that I don't have to use up my bonus action now but yeah enemies get to save against trip and you're not always going to be fighting two enemies standing next to each
other so it will be better in some situations but worthless in others I guess I don't necessarily love the change if I'm being honest at level 17 spell thief the only change here is that the saving throw your enemy makes to avoid the effects of you negating their spell and stealing knowledge of it is specifically an intelligence saving throw not their spell casting ability that'll be nice against some enemies right Charisma based wisdom based casters no change against others it's still pretty good ability but admittedly our own DC for this is probably not going to
be amazing I'd guess since intelligence will probably be at best our second if not third or even fourth highest ability score right unless we're trying to make an intelligence first Rogue maybe with a battlesmith or an armor artificer dip I mean there's potential there but then I guess you wouldn't be getting this ability until Level funny anyways that's it for the Arcane trickster looks like the most powerful Rogues Hub class got some small to large Buffs and then arguably a side grade maybe a small debuff some will say that versatile trickster change is a Nerf
I'm not 100% sure on that yet even though I don't necessarily love it I'll take it though if it means all my wizard spells can be from any school heck yeah next up we've got the Assassin and again I went over the Assassin stuff in actually two videos now so in the name of keeping all the changes together in one place I will briefly review them here but if you don't need that review feel free to skip ahead level three assassinate has changed in that you no longer automatically crit a surprised enemy instead you do
extra damage equal to your Rogue level when you hit any Target on round one with sneak attack I know a lot of people don't like this I think I prefer it because surprise was so unreliable right and I mean surprise has changed in the new players handbook right there's no longer like a oh I'm surprised I don't get to act on my first turn in the first round of combat it's now you just have disadvantage on your initiative roles so I don't even know if you know critting a surprised enemy would really work the way
that things are worded in the new players handbook I mean maybe it would anytime I played an assassin I got so frustrated that I wasn't able to use like my main ability most of the time right that said yes one damage per Rogue level is not very much damage they could have made this two very easily and it still would not be overpowered I think if I were dming at a table and somebody brought an assassin I'd probably home brew that I mean it is only one round per combat encounter after all but yeah it's
to whoever you do sneak attack damage too so if you can get a reaction on that opening round a reaction attack that is and deal sneak attack damage to a second target you could double up on this extra damage that's not nothing at level 9 infiltration expertise lets you both mimic someone else's speech and or handwriting if you spend an hour studying them and doesn't reduce your move speed to zero if you use Steady Aim but again the way it's worded even though Jeremy Crawford kind of seemed to say otherwise in the like Rogue Reveal
video that watsy did I'm pretty sure you still can't move before using Steady Aim which could still hobble us a bit but it is better you just have to make your attack first and then you can move at level 13 in venom weapons says that when we give up a D6 to use the poison option of cunning strike if the enemy fails their save against it they take two D6 poison damage that ignores poison resistance I like it I just wish it were a little more damage and I'm a little bit nervous about how much
poison immunity we're going to see going forward as well as high enemy Constitution saves hopefully those things won't be as prevalent in the new monster manual also though one thing that I saw a lot of comments uh about in my assassin video that is true and I kind of missed this keep in mind when we poison an enemy they're potentially poisoned for 1 minute they get to make their save at the end of every one of their turns but this ability says that we do an extra 2d6 of poison damage every time they fail they're
save against the poison the poison cunning strike that we inflicted on them so yes rules as written that should mean that we can hit them with this once and if they fail their save we'll do 2d6 damage then and potentially every single round for the next minute if they continue to fail their saves and we won't have to spend the extra sneak attack die in order to get that extra damage right that Buffs this ability and it's one of the only instances in D and D 5e I think that you could call a DOT right
a damage overtime thing which is cool and is kind of how poison should work I think at level 17 death strike is fantastic it doubles our damage on round one against anyone we hit with sneak attack if they fail a constitution save against it yes that means we might get it against two enemies again on that opening round right here's hoping enemy Constitution saves get a little Nerf in the end yeah I I like the assassin I think they could have gotten even more damage I do like that the poison can potentially tick every turn
that helps but yeah surprise strikes I think should have been more than just one per Rogue level that's my biggest complaint about the subass I still like them I still like them more than the 2014 version the only time I won't like them as much is when I get surprise on an enemy but based on experience again that's not very often so if I like them 90% of the time more and 10% of the time less feels like a good trade to me next up then we've got the soul knife I'm super excited to see
this subass in the players handbook now admittedly kind of like the S Warrior fighter and other like new subclasses that weren't really new there aren't a ton of changes here from what we already got with Tasha but hey this is easily the coolest subclass of all Rogues right so putting them officially in the PHP now I like it anyways at level three psionic power tells us that we can just recover a psionic energy die with a short rest now it doesn't require bonus action their scaling in number and size increase at the same rate as
before and the S bolstered Knack and psychic Whispers abilities are essentially unchanged though they did remove the you don't have to share a common language to understand each other verbiage from the psychic Whispers description so I guess you do need to share a common language now with psychic blades it now specifies that we can summon and attack with the blades on an opportunity attack as well as the attack action how of freaking L you so that's nice though it doesn't specify like on an attack that we make with our reaction and there are some things
in the game that give us a reaction attack but that aren't called an opportunity attack right so that still feels like they missed something there and I hope that most people just Homebrew that and allow it at their table whether it's specifically an opportunity attack or just an attack made with their reaction also the properties are the same for this weapon that you are summoning except that now it has the Vex Master property and you can even enjoy the benefit of that Mastery if you hadn't taken it for one of the two that you get
as a rogue and it doesn't count against those two meaning you can effectively know three weapon masteries that might be unique among nonf Fighters and this could be interesting especially since the weapon gets summoned into a freehand and vanishes right anyways the blade still has a very nice 60t normal range if you throw it and even a long range now too 120 ft sadly I think the bonus action second psychic blade attack is unchanged and that bums me out a little because now that we've got the Nick property it's hard to imagine anyone wanting to
give up their bonus action for a D4 weapon attack when they could get a D6 weapon attack as part of their action instead you know would have been cool if they could have buffed that second psychic blade attack I think but oh well at level 9 the soul blades feature is basically the same still giving us homing strikes and psychic teleportation to very cool and potent abilities and they work the same as before so hey at least they didn't get nerfed at level 13 psychic Veil is unchanged to letting us go invisible with an action
etc etc and then at level 17 Ren mind is also unchanged still letting us stun a target for up to 1 minute potentially with a wisdom save and you have to spend three psionic energy dice if you want to do it more than once a day it's a better stun lock than monks get that's for sure a wisdom safe right with a DC based on our dexterity I am actually really jealous of that said the monk who apparently is me so yeah soul knives still cool my biggest gripe is that that offand uh psychic blade
doesn't get uh some sort of buff I don't think I would use it if I were playing a soul knife most of the time anyways but yeah still an awesome subass so finally then we've got the most quintessential arguably of the Rogue subclasses the thief at level three fast hands is basically unchanged they've just clarified the language a bit and use terms like native to the 2024 handbook like the utilize action or use the magic action to use a magic item Etc and that's awesome because yeah we could now use a wand of fireballs with
our bonus action stock up on those magic items Second Story work got a small tuneup simply giving us a climb speed equal to our speed and just letting us use our dexterity to determine our jump distance rather than our strength some potentially nice utility level 9 Supreme sneak is way better I don't need advantage on stealth checks I'm a rogue with expertise and now at level seven reliable talent instead we get a new use for our cunning strike stealth attack this says if we have the hide actions invisible condition yeah hiding gives you the invisible
condition right then if you spend a D6 of your sneak attack damage this specific attack doesn't end that invisible hidden condition on you if you end your turn behind 3/4 or total cover the bummer here of course is that it only works on one attack per turn so forget making multiple attacks whether because you're using light weapons or you've multiclass to get extra attack etc etc so you're sort of the ultimate hit-and Run character here which is cool to keep you hidden relatively safe but you're not going to be doing a ton of damage every
round I fear something Rogues admittedly kind of suffer from a little I think I know I'm trying to change my own Paradigm it is very hard at level 13 used magic device got a nice Improvement as well first up it just lets us attune to up to four magic items now instead of the usual three depending on your table that alone might be incredibly powerful I think we underestimate that ability that artificers get right the ability to attune to more magic items especially cuz they can make their own yeah uh magic items make such a
big part of so many tables and the best ones almost always require Attunement right also whenever you use a magic item that has charges remember with our bonus action right you roll a D6 and if you roll a six you don't expend a charge one the Fireballs just got even better finally we're told that we can use spell Scrolls using intelligence as our casting modifier if it's a cantrip or a level one spell no problem but if it's a higher level spell we have to succeed on an Arcana check first so make sure you grab
proficiency here so you can benefit from reliable Talent right uh the DC of which is 10 plus the Spell's level and if you succeed the spell is cast but if you fail the scroll disintegrates with no spell cast ouch still cool interestingly this sort of replaces that thing from spell Scrolls in general for the 2024 rules it used to be that even if the spell was on your class's spell list you had to make that check to cast the spell on the scroll if it was a higher level than what you could normally cast now
in 2024 as long as it's on your classes spell list you cast the spell from the scroll period though the DC is always 13 and the attack bonus is always plus five so that kind of sucks still makes me want to dip level one Wizard and hoarde spell Scrolls on every character kind of like uh Ballers gate three take a drink at level 17 thief's reflex is unchanged still granting two turns that first round of combat uh with the second turn taken at a minus 10 to your initiative role overall the thief got some really
nice changes the best ones are prettyy magic item dependent I think but the rest are still either the same or improved so that's happy and that's it for the Rogue I kind of already gave my my let's talk about the Rogue meta Spiel earlier so I think they're in a good place I love the feel the flavor the utility the debuff options I wish the damage were a little bit higher but maybe that's unnecessary maybe that's not their role and I'm at least open to the possibility of being okay with that all right let's move
on then to the three Arcane casters to finish things off right first up the sorcerer I think Sorcerers might be my favorite new full casters now they got a lot of love let's talk about it at level one uh spell casting first up Sorcerers get a lot more prepared spells than they used to have spells known especially at higher level and and I really appreciate that a little less constricting also it specifies that you can now replace a cantrip you know with another one when you gain a sorcerer level before the wording made it sound
like that might only work with leveled spells we no longer gain our sorcerer subass at level one and thinking about it I'll admit I can see why they used to do that with Sorcerers clerics and warlocks right because those three classes kind of get their power from the thing that their subass is right whether it's a deity or your sorceress origin or your Patron so moving it to three makes sense mechanically to kind of keep all classes even but I will say that it feels a little weird to me from like a concept point of
view right when I'm dipping just one or two levels into warlock do I have a patron yeah I think so but they maybe just haven't like manifested themselves to me yet and if I like get out of the class and never go back what happens to my relationship with that Patron I don't know some interesting questions that you'll have to figure out and maybe even discuss with a DM anyways so yeah we don't get our sorcerer subclass at level one anymore but we do get a new feature innate sorcery and it's awesome this says that
twice per day as a bonus action we can give ourselves a bonus to our spell casting that lasts for 1 minute doesn't require concentration and it increases our spell save DC by one and gives us advantage on the attack roles of sorcerer spells specific specifically that we cast that's pretty awesome honestly makes Sorcerers feel even more blasty I think especially which I appreciate since that's kind of their Niche right free Advantage dang at level two uh font of magic got a change in that converting spell slots to sorcery points no longer requires a bonus action
and that's a really nice quality of life Improvement sometimes you're going to need sorcery points that you didn't know you needed and you maybe don't want to spend your bonus action to get them right now you just have them creating spell slots now requires you to be of the appropriate sorcerer level to create uh that level of spell slot right so no creating fifth level spell slots until you're a sorcerer nine for example for those who might be multiclassing best of all you can actually use those sorcery points on metamagic as soon as you get
them because yes metamagic got bumped up to level two woohoo let me go over all of the metamagic options that have changed because there are a lot of changes careful spell got buffed so that if a creature would normally take half damage on a save they take no damage as though you were an evocation Wizard and I love that so much go ahead and Fireball with abandon extended spell got buffed so that you now have advantage on concentration checks for the spell you're extending if it requires concentration and that makes it a lot more appealing
I think even if you don't necessarily need to extend the duration of the spell heightened spell got buffed to only cost two sorcery points and it no longer works on the target's first save but all saves against the SP spell awesome quick and spell didn't change but they did add some language to remind you that you still can't cast a leveled spell more than once per turn regardless of whether you're using your bonus action to cast it or not and I mean that's okay I still think quick and spell is probably the most powerful metamagic
option at least it's the one that I like to use the most that's for sure uh seeking spell got buffed to only cost one sorcery point and I guess I should note that it's now officially in the player's handbook brought over from Tasha's cauldron of everything along with transmuted spell which is unchanged subtle spell got buffed to include material components as well woo freaking who unless of course the material component is consumed by the spell specifically or that has a cost specified by the spell and then finally everybody's darling twin spell got yeah nerfed sadly
it's the one Nerf here now it just says that if a spell can usually be upcast to Target an additional creature then you can spend a sorcery point to increase the Spell's effective level by one so you're basically just saving yourself higher level spell slots here right fairly well twinned haste because that and many others that people liked to Twin can't just normally be upcast to impact more creatures right and yeah that's sad I will greatly miss being able to do things like that so yeah basically a ton of Buffs here and then one major
Nerf overall I'll take it a lot more interesting and compelling options to choose from now no no doubt okay at level three we get our subass now just like everybody else and they're no longer called sorceress Origins actually uh more on those later at level five we get sorceress restoration that's right the previous sorcerer Capstone at level 20 is brought all the way down to fifth level that's incredible now it is significantly nerfed but I still love the change now once per day after a short rest we can recover sorcery points equal to up to
half our sorcerer level rounded down so only two at this level but three next and hey that's more spell slots potentially or more metamagic uses and I think it's great we need a lot more at level five than we did at level 20 right at level seven sorcery incarnate is a nice buff to my new favorite sorcerer toy it says that when you don't have any uses of innate sorcery left that thing we got at level one that gives us advantage on our spell attacks and a plus one to our DC right we can use
it again if we spend two sorcery points to do so better yet from now on when our innate sorcery feature is active you can use two metamagic options on every spell you cast that's going to make some potentially really interesting metamagic combos Super Fun level 19 we get an epic Boon just like everybody else check the time stamp if you want to get an overview of those early on in the video at level 20 the new Capstone instead of sorceress restoration we get Arcane APO apotheosis which says that while innate sorcery is active again we
can use one metamagic option on each turn without spending sorcery points on it okay that is really nice it sounds amazing right depending on the situation and the metamagic options you have but admittedly we have a lot of sorcery points here right we're a level 20 sorcerer as well as a way to recover some and plenty of spell slots to cannibalize as well if need be so if I'm being honest I think this might sound better than it actually is maybe if twin spell hadn't gotten nerfed it would feel particularly powerful but I don't know
we'll see maybe I'm wrong we'll definitely be like flinging out metamagic options on pretty much every spell uh from this point on if we weren't doing that already right and yeah sure I mean it makes things like heightened spell that before were arguably not super efficient more attractive right okay so yeah base sorcerer class got nice Buffs and I don't even think I mention mentioned that the sorcerer spell list the Spells available to Sorcerers also increased so yeah just overall Sorcerers are in a much better place than they were and they were already really good
let's jump into the subclasses first up we've got abernant sorcery not aberant mind but still the psionic based subass at level three psionic spells the Spells we get access to here are the same but there is one big massive change here that I'm kind of shocked that they didn't mention in the sorcerer Reveal video that I just watched today at the time of this recording I know it was like 3 weeks ago for you guys and maybe I'm not surprised cuz it's a huge Nerf aberant mind Sorcerers no longer get to swap out enchantment or
divination spells from other classes spell lists and I'm pretty shocked they went that route it sort of makes me wonder why they decided to include aberant mind and as I'm sure you can guess Clockwork soul in the players hand book at all since they were relatively new subclasses that don't see a lot of change otherwise I I kind of have to think that maybe they just felt this feature needed to be officially nerfed and maybe especially since Sorcerers got some nice Buffs otherwise including more prepared spells and a bigger spell list anyways I'm sure a
lot of people will be upset by this I didn't necessarily love or make a lot of use of aberant mind and Clockwork Soul anyways but yeah I can see this really upsetting some people at level six uh psionic sorcery got nerfed actually in that you do still have to have material components for the spell if they are consumed by the spell or have a cost specified with them and of course a big indirect Nerf in that there are a lot fewer spells you can cast as psionic spells now no real change to psychic defenses other
than it specifies that the advantage is on saves to avoid or end the Charmed or frightened condition and there are no substantive changes to Revelation In the Flesh or warping implosion so that's pretty much it for for the aberant Mind basically a Nerf to their spell list but again the sorcerer spell list is bigger than it was in 2014 phb and the base subass got a lot of great Buffs so aberant minds are still doing absolutely fine I think let's move on to Clockwork Soul this is going to see a very similar treatment to the
aberant mind at level three Clockwork spells the only change here is that again we can't swap out Clockwork spells for abjuration or transmutation spells from other classes lists rip triamp monks do it all mage the Clockwork spell list is unchanged uh and the only change to restore balance is that you can use it uh Charisma modifier times per day instead of proficiency bonus times per day that's pretty standard for class and subass features right now there are no changes to Bastion of law trance of order is only changed in that counting any role treated as
a nine to be a 10 works on any D20 test not just a tax ability checks or saves granted those are basically all of the D20 tests but there might be other on occasion your DM might ask you to roll a D20 to do something right and now you could use this on that and there are no changes to Clockwork cavalcade so yeah still a really good subass arguably less good now but coupled with the Buffs to the base class maybe better than ever probably better than ever in fact I would say definitely better than
ever all right let's move on to draconic sorcery might be my favorite like players handbook sorcerer subass now I think so at level three one big change here is that right off we aren't required to choose a dragon ancestor we still basically do later but it seemed an important thing to note but then draconic Sorcerers get additional spells prepared Now draconic spells at level three we get alter self traumatic orb command and dragon's breath at five we get fear and fly totally on point thematically at seven Arcane eye and charm Monster and at nine Legend
lore and summon Dragon nice draconic resilience is greatly improved we get three hit points at level one and one for each sorcerer level thereafter so a couple more hit points but then our AC gets bumped 2 10 plus our dexterity and Charisma modifiers when we're unarmored so we've got a Charisma based unarmored defense ability in game now incoming sorlock Gish ooh and an unarmored like sorcadin there's a fun concept hold on I got to write that down on my to-do list unarmored draconic Soren at level six uh Elemental Affinity this is kind of where our
Dragon ancestor stuff got shuffled to We Now choose acid cold fire lightning or poison gain resistance to that damage type we don't have to spend a sorcery point to only gain it for an hour that's nice and then can still add our Charisma modifier to one damage roll of a spell we cast that does that damage type at level 14 dragon wings now only lasts an hour well that's still plenty of time but then we can only summon them once per long rest unless we spend three sorcery points but the fly speed they give is
a whopping 60 ft now and there's no prohibition against wearing armor that's not made to accommodate them and we're not in danger of ripping our clothes off when we Sprout them which could definitely lead to some awkward role playing moments at level 18 draconic presence is changed to Dragon companion which lets us cast the summon Dragon spell without material components and once per day without spending a spell slot I kind of love how they're really leaning into all the summoning spells we got from Tasha right best of all we can always modify it so that
it doesn't require concentration woo in that scenario the Spell's duration is only 1 minute instead of an hour but that's still really nice yeah I think this is my new favorite sorcerer subass maybe I mean Divine soul is still pretty dang awesome and there's no reason why we couldn't continue to use it right we just have to shift those level one features to level three I think and then we're good but yeah dragon dragons I like dragons I'll tell you what is not my favorite subass wild magic sorcery unpredictability just gives me the heebie jeebies
but let's talk about them anyways cuz actually they got some nice changes so at level three wild magic surge the first and best change for wild magic Sorcerers is that we now get to decide when we roll that D20 to see if we get to roll on the wild magic surge table instead of our DM oh thank goodness also we get to roll on the table when we roll a 20 not a one as it should be right because everyone who's playing wild magic Sorcerers of course sees rolling on the magic surge table as a
good thing not a horrible catastrophe that it so often is tides of chaos also gives us some more player agency it just says that we get that Advantage until we cast a sorcerer spell with a spell slot or finish a long rest but then if we do cast a sorcerer spell with a spell slot before we finish the long rest we automatically Roll On The Wild magic surge table wait so what you're saying is so long as I use up that Advantage then cast a spell I'll get to roll on the table yeah you know
that every freaking wild magic sorcerer in the world is just going to constantly be like making Insight checks on stuff that don't need Insight checks so they can use up the advantage and always be rolling on the table right uh I'm going to Insight check that rock woohoo everybody has feather be we s can't wait for that okay but we should probably take a look at the table itself right I'm going to put it up here for you to see in all of its Glory you can pause the video and hopefully get a gander at
everything hopefully it's not too small for you to actually read Because yeah there are a ton of changes to this table and generally there seems to be a much lower chance of like random just silly things happening like having bubbles come out of your mouth when you speak or having a beard of feathers and a greater chance of some actually pretty cool stuff happening like getting an extra action or getting to cast all spells as a bonus action or you and your friends turning invisible but there is still some potentially bad stuff too like you
could randomly poison an ally for a number of hours or well turn into a potted plant and okay I will be honest after going over the entire table yeah I kind of want to play a wild magic sorcerer it looks pretty hilarious and mostly like a good thing when you roll on that surge table enough so that I think it would be worth the risk so yeah bring on the chaos at level six Bend luck got buffed in that it only costs a single sorcery point to use very nice there's no change to Controlled Chaos
at 14 which is an exceptionally great ability greatly reducing the chance that something catastrophic will happen with the wild magic surge but at 18 spell bombardment is now tamed surge this says that once per day immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell with a spell slot you can create an effect of your choice from the wild magic search table instead of rolling that's awesome now if the chosen effect involves a roll which many do now you still have to make that roll right that second roll so like you might have to roll a D4 to
determine which creatures appear for a certain effect or you might get to cast a random spell but you have to roll to see what the spell is ETC you can choose any effect in the table except for the final one which has you roll a D6 and have you or an ally regain hit points or spell slots or sorcery points I guess they deemed that a little too powerful for you to just choose all the time I get it so yeah for reals this subass looks way better now than ever and I'm super tempted to
try it out maybe just in a one shot I think I could do a one shot let's move on to everyone's favorite uh I'm really not evil I promise characters warlocks and maybe the only thing I'll say at the beginning here is warlocks are the new hex blade it's going to be really hard not to dip into warlock for Charisma based characters I think like all Charisma based characters at least gishes we'll get into why at level one talking about the base class spell casting despite some initial changes early on in the play test nothing
significant has really changed with the way warlocks cast spells the number of spells they learn how their spell slots work etc other than maybe it specifies that you can now replace can trip you know with another one when you gain a warlock level again the wording before made it sound like that might only work with leveled spells but yeah even though we don't get our subass anymore uh at level one we've we've got a patron but we don't know who it is or something I don't know we do get invocations right at level one at
least one invocation so let's talk about all of the invocations first of all we get one at level one like I said but then three at level two five at level five six at level seven and basically one more every two levels from there so more invocations huzzah but also there are a ton of invocations that have been removed from the game like maybe half so first up aspect of the moon is just gone H I wonder why as are beast speech beguiling influence bewitching Whispers Bond of the Talisman and anything else involving P of
the Talisman for that matter book of ancient Secrets chains of careri did I say that right careri and a cloak of flies I'm pretty sad about that one actually Dreadful word eldrich sight eyes of the RunKeeper far scribe ghostly gaze gift of the everliving ones grasp of Hadar ouch improved packed weapon ouch Lance of lethargy boo maddening hex minions of chaos me the Mind Relentless hex sculptor of Flesh shroud of Shadows sign of ill Omen thief of five fat tomb of listus a that was a fun one trickster's Escape undying servitude and voice of the
chain master that is quite a list in general all of the you can cast the spell one time using a warlock spell slot things seem to be gone which I'm fine with honestly they all seemed a little lame to me and then yeah some eldrich blast Buffs are removed a lot of the pack of the chain and toome specific ones are gone and a bunch of others that were maybe a little niche or circumstance stantial I guess they were just wanting to simplify the list and clean things up for new players mostly As for the
rest I will just mention the ones that have changed significantly agonizing blast now doesn't just add your charisma modifier in damage to eldrich blast instead you get to choose the cantrip it adds damage too now because of the unique way that eldrich blast still fires multiple beams thus potentially letting you get multiple Charisma mod damage bumps with a single cast right at later levels I think it's still the go-to but you may have good reason for a different option maybe Thunderclap to get a damage bump on an AOE cantrip also the invocation is repeatable meaning
you can take it multiple times choosing a different cantrip each time ascendant step is now available at fifth level instead of ninth that's nice devil sight requires level two so you can't take it right away and we see that a lot on a lot of invocations we've got a new invocation we've got a few of those actually but this is the first devouring blade this requires the pack the blade invocation more on that in a minute and level 12 but check this out tells you that thirsting blade gives you not just one attack but when
you take this invocation you get two extra attacks from uh your packed weapon that's right warlocks can now have as many attacks as a straight fighter at level 12 anyways that's that's nuts right I'm not complaining but that feels a little Loco so much for that Marsh Caster divide yeah the First full build that I'm going to do has to be a packed of the blade warlock I think now I mean it's somewhat poetic right was the very first video I ever did okay anyways um eldrich spear now applies to any c trip that deals
damage is repeatable uh this is a theme and increases by a number of feet equal to 30 times your warlock level instead of a flat 300 ft on eldrich blast fish Vigor has a level two prerequisite but gives the maximum number of temporary hit points when you cast it no dice roll needed gaze of two minds has a level five requirement but now only costs a bonus action to maintain doesn't blind and deafen you while using it and perhaps best of all lets you cast spells from your Target's location or your own as long as
you're within 60 ft gift of the protectors now allows you to write a number of names equal to your charisma modifier instead of your proficiency bonus investment of the chain master has a level five prerequisite and causes your familiar to do radiant or necrotic damage instead of magical bludgeoning piercing slashing damage which is not a thing anymore lessons of the first ones is a new invocation that allows you to take a free origin feat of your choice nice it's repeatable life Drinker sees a Nerf and a buff instead of Charisma modifier in extra damage it's
just a D6 of necrotic psychic or radiant and worse yet it's only once per turn it's prerequisite is lowered to ninth level though and it lets you also roll one of your hit Dice and heal like you do when you take a short rest so you're actually life drinking right it makes sense I'm a little sad about the damage loss but still stoked about getting a third attack so yeah I'll take it mask of the many faces now has a level two requirement uh master of myriad forms level requirement gets lowered from 15 to 5
dang Misty Visions has a level two requirement one with the Shadows is way better letting you cast invisibility without spending a spell slot when in dim light or Darkness but it's just the invisibility spell it doesn't necessarily End early when you do like anything right I mean it still ends when the invisibility spell normally ends but that's much better otherworldly leap has its level prerequisite lowered from 9th level to Second nice repelling blast works on any can trip that requires an attack role is repeatable and has a level two requirement again this is a common
theme right visions of distant Realms had its level requirement lowered from 15th to 9th Whispers of the Grave was lowered from 9th to 7th and which sight just straight up gives you true sight now out to 30 ft so almost every invocation got changed and we haven't even talked about packs yet so packed Boons are no longer like a thing that you get at level three instead they are invocations packed of the chain now lets you cast the spell without spending a spell slot and adds a bunch of other potential familiars a skeleton a SLO
tadpole a sphinx of Wonder a venomous snake super cool packed of the to now lets you add two first level ritual spells in addition to the cantrip so it's like the book of ancient Secrets invocation worked into it right and then we have the pack of the blade the darling of gishes everywhere because yes with pack of the blade you can now use your charisma for your attack stat for your packed weapon meaning we can stop already with all those freaking xplay tips oh and there was much rejoicing against all of the hex blade haters
now it can be the Warlock subclass dip of our choice or frankly no warlock subclass we just take a level one dip and we're out because yeah these packed invocations are among the only ones that we can get at level one warlock also with packed the blade the weapon can now do necrotic psychic or radiant damage if we want and we decide when whenever we attack with it that is pretty fantastic and considering the third attack option we get at level 12 yeah I'm thinking warlocks might be leading the pack on Gish damage for 2024
rules maybe for all weapon user damage okay that is it for invocations I think let's move on finally at level two we get a new feature magical cunning this tells us that once per day we can spend 1 minute performing a right that will let us regain half of our maximum imum packed magic spell slots rounded up that is nice we still get them back on a short rest but now we can get one or two back once per day with a 1 minute ritual in a pinch and we're seeing a lot of this kind
of resource recuperation stuff happening uh for almost all classes and I really like it at level three we get our subass are packed now just like everyone else at level 9 uh here's something new contact Patron it tells us we always have the contact other plane spell prepared and then once per day can cast it without spending a spell slot to contact our Patron I love this some actual game mechanics to let us interact with our Patron so on point also when we cast the spell in this way we automatically succeed on the saving throw
that that spell requires sweet at level 11 um Mr garum the only change is that we can now swap out the spell we chose when we gain a warlock level that's nice I'll admit I really wish they would have allowed us to spend the use of the Mystic arcum to upcast one of our existing Morlock spells if it could be upcast but I understand why they wouldn't allow that at level 9 we get an epic Boon like everyone else check the time stamp early on in the video if you want to refresh on those and
then at level 20 the Warlock Capstone eldrich Master is changed in wording but it's functionally the same still feels a little meh to me for a Capstone especially since we have magical cunning now but oh well overall it feels like the base class is in a really really solid place all right let's get into the sub classes so first up we've got Arch Fay and this one looks like a freaking Riot it has been changed so much from the 2014 version you're basically Nightcrawler teleporting all over the place at level three um first off let
me say that subclass spells for warlocks are now just added to your spell list like every other class that gets extra spells with their subass thank goodness as opposed to the way it used to work where they were just added to your spell list but you didn't just like automatically have them prepared right as for what Arch phas get the only difference is that at level three they now also get Misty step which totally tracks for what we're about to see steps of the Fay uh here replaces Fay presence and is totally different now this
ability says that we can cast Misty step Charisma modifier times per day without spending a spell slot also whenever we cast the spell regardless of whether we use a spell slot or not we can choose to either use refreshing step to give ourselves or a creature within 10 ft of US 1 d10 temporary hit points after we teleport or use taunting step to force creatures within 5 ft of the space that you left to make a wisdom save or have disadvantage on attack rolls against anyone other than you until your next turn another warlock tank
incoming now one note it doesn't specify creatures of your choice here so I guess rules as written this would affect allies as well which is weird I wonder if they'll erot that maybe not just make sure that you don't have friends standing nearby when you teleport away so that they don't now have disadvantage on attacking enemies other than you or else they might start attacking you at level six our feature is still called Misty Escape but is totally different it says we can cast Misty step as a reaction when we take damage and we continue
to like enjoy all of the cool Buffs and benefits to Misty step when we do it in this scenario too right also we get a couple new options of things we can do when we cast the spell disappearing step makes us invisible until the start of our next turn or until after we attack do damage or cast a spell nice that it's after so we could still attack with Advantage for example while Dreadful step says that creatures within 5 ft of the space we left or appear in our choice have to make a wisdom save
or take 2d1 psychic damage we are getting a nice bampy bag of tricks here at level 10 beguiling defenses still makes us immune to The Charmed condition but now when we get hit by an attack roll we can use a reaction to cut the damage in half and force the attacker to make a wisdom save or take psychic damage equal to the damage we take so it's kind of like a forced warding bond that you put on an enemy pretty cool we can only do this once per day uh unless we spend a spell slot
to do it again at level 14 bewitching magic says that immediately after we cast an enchantment or illusion spell using an action and a spell slot you can Misty step as part of the same action without spending a spell slot and yes again we could choose one of our fun tricks to add to that casting as well I can't wait to try this one out in game it just sounds like so much fun definitely the most fun Warlock subclass and maybe the most potent too the celestial warlock up next is again pretty similar to the
old version that we got in xanathar's Guide to Everything with some slight adjustments at level three the only differences uh to the spells here are that first we don't automatically get the light and sacred flame cantrips not a huge loss but then for our leveled spells we get to add Aid to the list at level three and at level 9 we get Summon Celestial which was new to Tasha's cauldron of everything which came out after zanthar instead of flame strike makes perfect sense at level 10 we get Celestial resilience there are no changes to healing
light there's no changes to radiant Soul so moving on to level 10 Celestial resilience now grants temporary hit points when you use your magical cunning feature or finish a short or long long rest otherwise it's the same at level 14 searing vengeance is the same except for this big buff you can now use it on yourself or an ally within 60 ft who's about to make a death save makes Celestial warlocks an even better healer than before they're looking solid but yeah that's it for celestials not a ton of changes but some little tweaks some
little Buffs and still a great healer option maybe rivaling your Druids and clerics now if they weren't before and bards of course of course BS are good at everything okay moving on fiends that most quintessential of warlocks they get some mostly Minor Adjustments uh level three for spells um they now get suggestion instead of blindness deafness and at level 9 instead of flame strike and hallow they get GES and insect plague quite different a little more Decay is dark one's blessing got the balers Gate 3 treatment take a drink in that it works if you
or anyone else within 10 ft of you reduces an enemy to zero hit points and that that's awesome actually that's that's maybe more than a minor buff that's a lot of temporary hit points coming your way at level six dark one's own luck was changed in that you can now use it Charisma modifier times per day no more than once per roll for most people that's probably going to be a buff over once per short rest right at level 10 fish resilience got buffed in that there's no damage from magical weapons or silver weapons ignores
this resistance verbiage you just have your resistance to a damage type of your choice period at level 14 hurl through Hell A lot of people are going to be sad about this as it got nerfed but it also got buffed at the same time so you now get to try and save against it it's not just automatic but hey it's a Charisma save so it'll probably work also the damage is lowered from 8 d10 to 10 d10 but good news we can now use it more than once per day if we spend a spell slot
for it I mean in the end I think I'll take this version over the old one it's still a great ability and that's pretty much it for the fiend mostly just Buffs here so you know previously one of the maybe good not great subclasses is now great and speaking of great uh let's finish this up with great old ones the gcks and yeah I think this is my new favorite and I don't even like iths or tentacles but this is just plain awesome so okay as for our spell list here at level five we now
get Hunger of Hadar instead of sending makes sense at level seven we get confusion and summon aberration instead of dominate beast and ever's black tentacles I would have thought they'd give us like summon aberration and black tentacles but whatever and at level 9 we get modify memory instead of dominate person I like some of those changes sad about others still a decent list though awakened mind at level three got buffed in that you can now keep your telepathic link alive as long as you're within a number of miles equal to your charisma modifier it does
cost a bonus action to establish the link though we get a second feature at level three though psychic spells which says that when we cast a warlock spell that does damage we can change the damage to psychic that's pretty good also when you cast an enchantment or an illusion spell you can do so without verbal or sematic components like having the old subtle spell mam magic for free on certain spells anyways pretty cool pretty psychic at level six a clairvoyant combatant replaces the old entropic Ward now when you use awakened mind you can force the
creature to make a wisdom save or they have disadvantage on all attack roles against you and you have advantage on attack rols against them you can do this once per rest or again if you spend a spell slot and I love this feature so much it's basically like using the old Darkness devil sight trick or shadow of moil or greater invisibility at higher levels but it doesn't require concentration now granted it only works on a single enemy but yeah getting to use this and like hex for example is going to be fun wait why would
you use hex at this level you might be asking well it's because at level 10 we now get a little feature called eldrich hex and this says that we always have hex prepared and when we cast hex and choose an ability for them to have disadvantage on ability checks for right A lot of people even forget that that's part of the hex spell then they also have disadvantage on saving throws for that ability wow yeah I am definitely thinking about ways to build around that feature for sure now granted a lot of the most powerful
saving throw spells are concentration spells right so we couldn't hex and do something else but this is great to combine with something that an ally is doing or think of uh a really potent spell that does require a saving throw but not concentration I'm thinking of some right now oh we also still get thought Shield at this level and it hasn't changed at level 14 create thrall is way better now when we cast summon aberration a potent summoning spell we can modify it so that it doesn't require concentration in that case the Spell's duration becomes
1 minute and the aberant gains temporary hit points equal to your warlock level plus your charisma modifier also the first time each turn that they hit someone under the effect of your hex they deal that extra 1d6 and psychic damage so similar to what we see with the Beast Master's pet and Hunter's Mark right but I feel like this is a more potent combo here hex your target causing them to take extra damage and have disadvantage on save of your choice and still be able to summon an aberration to boot because it's not requiring concentration
right that's going to make us tankier it's going to make us hit harder I love it and I love this subass I think it probably is the most like mechanically powerful of the Warlock subclasses now especially now that we don't need hex blade H Genie loocks are still great and Undead is good and I mean all of the new subclasses are really potent now I mean yeah there's a lot of good warlock subclasses to choose from now more than we had before I think and the Base Class got buffed so warlocks are looking fantastic all
right we have arrived at the final class the previous reigning champion of most powerful class in D and D 5V right I mean some people might argue that it'd be something else maybe the Paladin maybe the cleric I don't think so but I mean come on it's the wizard their spell list is so massive they're so good do they continue to reign supreme let's find out so at level one spell casting you can now replace a cantrip you know after a long rest some added flexibility there that we first saw in tsh's uh also the
number of spells you can prepare is no longer affected by your intelligence modifier you simply have a set number just like all other spell casters though Wizards get significantly more they can prepare compared to other casters basically starts at four and goes up by one every level except for level 12 for some weird reason your spells known still starts at six and increases by two with every wizard level right so you've still got a spell book and there's a difference between how many spells you know and then how many you can prepare ritual casting has
been changed to Ritual Adept ritual spells have changed slightly for 2024 in that any class can cast a spell as a ritual if they have access to that spell as part of their class spell list Wizards however can still read a ritual spell they know from their spell book and it needn't take up one of their prepared spells so that's nice benefit for wizards at level two there's no change to Arcane recovery but we get a new feature called scholar this says that we can gain expertise in Arcana history investigation medicine nature or religion so
long as we have proficiency of course nice little utility bump but I'm not sure if it makes up for having to delay our subass by a level honestly level two wizard feels pretty weak now compared to other casters I think oh well at level three yeah we get our subass now like everyone else more on those in a minute at level five we get a new Fe feature memorize spell which says that we can replace one of our prepared leveled spells with another one from our spell book with just a short rest it'll be nice
in a pinch if we come upon a huge Cliff we need to scale but we didn't have fly prepared before or something like that right jumping all the way to level 18 spell Mastery now specifies that the Spells have to have a casting time of one action that's kind of rough no Shield spell no Misty step no Shadow Blade and nobody else cared about Shadow Blade except me also it says that you always have them prepared it doesn't go on to say that they don't count against the Spells you can have prepared I mean I
have to assume that's the intent and maybe I'm just misinterpreting that but otherwise yeah it's essentially unchanged level 19 we get an epic Boon like everyone else and uh you know check the time stamp Down Under The Barbarian if you want a recap of the Epic Boons but then at level 20 signature spells is essentially unchanged still really good but yeah unchanged so not a lot different with the base wizard subass it doesn't really feel more powerful to me again if they were the most powerful class in the game previously maybe that's fine right but
yeah some people are going to be a little bugged let's jump into subclasses first up we've got the abjurer one of my favorite changes to all wizard subclasses is how they took a mostly useless feature from before and made it pretty dang good now most wizard subclasses would get this Savant feature that used to let them copy spells from their spell School faster and more cheaply right now it just says we get to pick two spells from the school no higher than level two and add them to our spell book for free and also whenever
we gain access to a new level of wizard spell slots we can add a wizard spell from the school for the spell slot for free as long as we've got the appropriate spell slots notice that it doesn't say like we have to have access to that level of wizard spells interestingly so potentially if we were multiclassing and say had six levels of clar or something and then added three levels of wizard well we'd have fifth level spell slots and could I believe with this feature pick up a fifth level abjuration wizard spell even though we
aren't a ninth level wizard if that's true I'm going to have fun with that one but anyways it's just one more way for wizards to get even more spells than anybody else now at level three here for abjuration wizards there's a subtle but important change to Arcane ward in that it specifies we have to cast an abjuration spell with a spell slot in order to buff the Ward thus no cheesing it with the warlocks armor of Shadows invocation that lets us cast Mage Armor without spending a spell slot to max out our W for free
right it's okay I'm fine with them closing up loopholes like this also they clarify that if we have any resistances or vulnerabilities we apply them before reducing the Ws hit points which is really nice if we can get resistance and really bad if we have vulnerability but we don't typically suffer a lot of vulnerability so mostly that's going to be a great thing for us we also are told that that as a bonus action we can expend any spell slot and the ward will regain a number of hit points equal to twice the level of
the spell slot expended just as though we had cast an abjuration spell a really nice option if we're trying to buff ourselves up before a fight but don't necessarily have any reason to cast an abjuration spell right or we're in the middle of the fight and we want to cast a spell with our action but it's not an abjuration spell and we want to buff the hit points of our Ward one note there are more spells that are listed as abjuration spells than before too I'm not going to go into that here sense I just
don't have time I mean this video is already so long but I'm sure you can find a really fantastic resource that's going to go into all the changes to all the Spells at level six the only difference to projected Ward here is that it specifies that we need to apply resistances or vulnerabilities that the Ally we're protecting may have before we reduce the W's hit points making this especially good on like barbarians right or anybody else with like a lot of good resistances at level 10 spell breaker replaces improved abur and says that we always
have counter spell and dispel magic prepared that we can cast topel magic as a bonus action and can add our proficiency bonus to its ability check even and that when we cast either with a spell slot the slot isn't expended if the spell fails to stop or dispel a spell that's pretty awesome though it is a bit of a bummer that we lost that counter spell proficiency bonus too right feels to me like Wizards is pretty interested in nerfing counter spell for 2024 which I think I'm okay with finally there's no change to the spell
resistance feature so that's it for abjures some Buffs a counter spell Nerf uh still a super solid subclass still really tanky and kind of a fun almost anti-mage Mage right next up the diver previously thought by many to be the strongest wizard subclass is it still at level three divination Savant as with abjuration Savant same changes but for the Divination school right so we get more divination School spells very nice but what about portant that arguably overpowered feature definitely their most famous one I don't actually think it's op personally but also it's pretty much unchanged
it just specifies that it works for any D20 test at level 10 the third eye is changed in that the benefit we choose only takes a bonus action no longer ends if we're incapacitated and then the dark vision option gives dark vision out to 120 ft and C invisibility lets us cast the C invisibility spell without spending a spell slot which is better than just being able to see invisible creatures within 10 ft right especially since it also allows you to see into the Ethereal plane so no need for the Ethereal sight option which has
been removed as an option one question I have we're told the third eye benefit lasts until we start a short or long rest but the C invisibility spell only lasts an hour I'm not sure which one is the specific that overrules the general here I would think we'd have the spell on us until we took a short rest But be sure to discuss with your DM but then there's no change to the level 14 greater Port feature so that's pretty much it for divers and yeah still super solid still Wizards and their most potent ability
basically went unchanged so I like them let's move on to evokers one of the most common maybe the most quintessential of wizards at least for blasters at level three we get evocation Savant again same as the others but with evocation spells so now we're just going to have like every evocation spell in the game probably potent cantrip this is an interesting change to me uh so they basically took the first evoker ability sculpt spells and swapped it with the six level ability potent cantrip which we now get right here at level three and they buffed
it now when we miss with an attack roll cant trip or the enemy saves against a damaging saving throw cantrip they still take half the canant Trip's damage that feels like yeah I like that a lot and I guess the main reason I really like it is because it makes me want to do a lot of level three wizard multiclass tips now I mean I'm already thinking about hrich blast builds and death cleric builds that are really going to benefit from this and having it at level three makes it so much more attainable than level
six right but then at level six yeah we get sculpt spells now and it's unchanged except that they moved it to level six and you know what this makes a lot more sense because honestly how many of us were casting burning hands or dragon's breath and being so glad we had sculpt spells right maybe once in a while but no we want it for Fireball and that didn't come until like wizard level five so this swap is a fantastic move by Wizards for wizards no change to empowered evocation here it's still really nice for blasters
but overchannel clarifies that you only deal Max damage with the spell on the Turn You cast it just to avoid questions about spells that do damage over multiple rounds I guess but no other changes for evokers and I mean I already really liked evocation Wizards just because I'm just one of those guys right like if I'm going to play like a casy Caster wizard not a blade singer I probably want to be throwing out lots of fireballs and lightning bolts and they're just better now at doing the thing that they were already really good at
so I love them all right bringing up the rear the one that had maybe the most changes I think and that a lot of people are really loving based on uh Wizards of the Coast kind of Reveal video The Illusionist so at level three illusion Savant same as the others but with illusion spells right you get more illusion spells and then improved Illusions is vastly improved the Buffs to minor illusion are still there but also says that we can cast minor illusion with a bonus action that's really nice also this feature now lets us cast
illusion spells without verbal components which is great if we're silenced or hiding and if an illusion spell we cast has a range of 10 ft or or more the range is increased by 60 ft that's pretty great at level six fantasmal creatures replaces the malleable Illusions and gives us something a lot more useful and concrete we just always have summon beast and summon Fay prepared two very strong summoning spells and when you cast either of them you can change the school to illusion so no verbal components right and an enhanced range yeah now when we
do so it makes them appear spectral and also once per day we can cast The Illusion ver version of each spell without spending a spell slot but doing so does have the creatures hit points still worth it at level 10 illusory self is changed in that you can use it after getting hit and not just when someone tries to attack you thus ensuring that you won't waste it that's awesome also you can now use the feature again before you rest by spending a second level spell slot or higher no action required pretty nice defensive option
to just force an attack to miss potentially even better than Shield if more expensive though it only works against a single hit right doesn't raise your AC until your next turn like Shield does but situationally yeah if that hit is a crit or is otherwise going to knock you out you'll love having this but then at level 14 illus reality is basically unchanged so illusionists are in a great place and I have never played an Illusionist in game before nor have I built one I'm probably going to need to modify that I get a lot
of requests for it it's always just to me been challenging because so much about Illusions in the game kind of depends on your DM and how they run things it can just feel a little wishy-washy to me things aren't always super concrete but I feel like we got a lot more sort of concrete tools to play with here and that's exciting so all in all it feels like Wizards had the least amount of changes to me of all classes maybe but like I've said I mean to be fair they were arguably the strongest class in
the game before and they might still be depending on your definition of what makes a class strong and there are more spells available for them when you compare to the 2014 handbook so yeah I really like the tweaks and the shifts and the little extra things they got and they're still in a very very good place but guess what that was the last class we did it you guys can't believe Ito that took a long time but I hope you found this a really useful resource and guide I hope you'll return to this video often
to pick up on stuff that you maybe missed out on I am so excited to start now building character using the24 r book but just a little warning the video that I'm coming out with next week is actually about another ttrpg it's not about DND D I know that might feel like weird timing but believe me I am thrilled to be doing this video and I know that a lot of you will be too so please tune in uh on Tuesday to check out this third party ttrpg that's going to be launching a Kickstarter that
day there's a little clue you might be able to get guess what I'm going to be talking about but yeah after that I'm just diving straight into 2024 rules builds and I'm super excited about it I hope you guys know that I love you I do thank you so much for watching for supporting I'm so grateful for you I truly am I hope that you have a fantastic day and a great week and if you don't I hope that you will not give up you can do this yes you can I hope that you do
good and be kind and stay safe and that I see you again very soon but until then take care [Music] bye [Music] sleep sleep tonight and may your dreams be realized if the thumb th Cloud passes rain so let it rain rain down on him so let it be so let it be oh I used to sing that song MLK um to my youngest daughter when she would when she was little to help put her to sleep and it seemed like a really fitting end to this Marathon that you have just slogged your way through
I can't believe you're still watching the outtakes Actually I don't even know how long the video is because I'm just about to start recording the first sitting of it but I'm guessing it's probably 3 to four hours so yeah you deserve a medal or hopefully you're fast asleep and um that little lullaby there just kind of gave you some nice dreams I don't know I moved the light back to be centered instead of off last couple videos it was like off to the side let me know what you think feel like one or the other
more I'm thinking I might kind of like the direct a little better after sort of watching it but maybe that's just because this what I'm used to I don't know I have not even started recording this yet and I'm already exhausted because my script is like 69 pages [Laughter] long usually for reference they're like 13 14 so I'm either going to have to talk fast or cut some stuff out I don't know how we're going to get through this but we're going to do it it'll be worth it whenever we take this attack action or
make an opportunity attack specifically yeah that's such a silly oversight that I don't know how they could have missed but whatever um okay I think Sorcerers well let me save that I'll save that for the end well no I'll say it now oh I already said that this abil now well just go keep going maybe rival ring uh maybe rival ring your rivaling rival ring well I don't need to say that uh confirm that with Triant Monk Is that available for warlocks let me just confirm that first real quick all right I got to pee
and that's it for the wild totem what's the name of this one again I'm going to have to get used to these new names wild heart thank you was it Tasha's that that came in or was it zanath go I feel like I'm doing like a I don't know some sort of like Jerry Lewis Marathon ton trying to raise money for some charity no Shepherd no focus on Shepherd gosh I thought I fixed this if I would have just kept reading my script I wouldn't have had to look that up Archer chalice I always get
crap about how I pronounce that um all right should I try and bang out one more no tired my voice hurts I'm going to go home I'm take a nap actually you can include this in there that was tough those that was the first one I took notes on and my notes were not as coherent or written out I was almost more of a bullet point thing and I I do better with a complete and full script I've been working on this video since I was 12 years old all right Snake Eyes you ready you
ready to do this coming down the home stretch day three day three of the same video oh but there's so much good stuff okay let's see here got to scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll why do I always do this Parts did I like fit straight on better but do I contradict myself very well I contradict myself I contain multitudes oh what's the Walt Whitman line it's like my favorite line from Leaves of Grass I think I got the mic problem solved at least I just kind of turned it around and yeah it hasn't moved
for a while so hopefully this will just be the new Norm two monks we're getting close getting close Paladin pal gave my hair time to dry got out of the shower dryish it's always hard to it's hard to just go into like a cold open or just like right onto the next class without some sort of Preamble I need I need like a warmup maybe that's why my preambles are so long for each video all right I kind of went over a lot of this when I did that assassin oh my gosh my thing's moving
too fast what happened scroll speed 26 no it's supposed to be like six you threw off my groove I'm sorry you've thrown off The Emperor's Groove unfortunately but you could be like poisoning and tripping tripping we did it D yay
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