The Beast of Bolam Lake

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Bedtime Stories
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in the northernmost region of England there lies a small unremarkable Lake formerly known as bolum bog it is part of a 65 hectare Park teeming with deer and red squirrels but some claim that there's something else here as well something far more dangerous since the 1990s dozens of visitors to the area have reported seeing a tall hairy creature with large fangs and glowing red eyes is it possible that the Wilds of North umland are indeed haunted by the Beast of bolum Lake [Music] North umberland is located in the far north of England just on the
border with Scotland and features an extensive often treacherous Coastline along the North Sea with an area of almost 2,000 square miles and a population of just 320,000 it is the least densely populated county in England the relaxed lifestyle rustic charm and relative seclusion give it a certain appeal for those seeking a break from the hustle and bustle of City living meanwhile the Abundant Wildlife makes it a favorite amongst fishermen and Hunters however many experts contend that these factors also make North umland a perfect hiding spot for things that might not want to be found looking
at the description of the Beast of Bolam Lake it's impossible to deny similarities with large humanoid creatures found elsewhere in the world the Beast seems to have many characteristics in common with the Canadian Sasquatch American Bigfoot or Australian yahi some of the most well-known and heavily studied Cryptids of all these creatures are usually described as tall covered in hair and boasting features which seem to be a combination of ape and man the thousand s of eyewitness accounts across multiple continents have led many researchers to conclude that there is a race of unknown primates still inhabiting
our Woodlands from North America to Australia and mountainous Peaks such as those of the Himalayas some say they may be descendants of gigantopithecus a 12ft tall ape that supposedly went extinct some 300,000 years ago others claim these creatures are far more human and likely represent a surviving ancestor from our own evolutionary tree England of course has extensive legends of dragons ogres and trolls however it also has Tales of wild men perhaps the best example is the woodw a figure from medieval English folklore often depicted as a hairy Savage man living in forests the wood wo
appears frequently in art and heraldry across much of Europe particularly from the medieval period but Old English literature also has Tales of other far less evolved wild men unlike the wood woses these creatures are described as more animal than human hulking brutish and violent do these stories hint at an ancient race of primitive people left over from the earliest days of the British Isles or is it possible that what people are seeing is some previously unknown creature or Missing Link perhaps the truth is that the Beast of bolum lake is something we simply can't explain
with existing science in 2002 four men from Newcastle decided to head to Bolam Lake to go fishing for pike most of the day had been relatively uneventful and the group spent much of their time there laughing joking and telling stories as the sun began to set a cool breeze rushed over the water the men had a quick discussion as to whether they should head back to the car but decided to sit out and enjoy the quiet evening a little longer as the sun sank lower It cast a dim light across areas of brush on the
Lake Shore it was at this point that the men noticed something unsettling in the tree line on the opposite bank at first it was just a flicker of movement but then they saw it clearly a figure towering and motionless watching them whilst it was unsettling they were well aware of the fact that Bolam Lake is not entirely isolated there are dozens of farms in the region and a handful of villages they decided it was most likely just a farmer out for an evening walk but as they fixed their eyes on the figure they began to
get a better estimation of its size by comparing it with the surrounding trees and shrubs they determined that it had to be nearly 8 ft tall as they stood in disbelief the Setting Sun fell behind the Tree Line This caused the creature to become less visible but it also revealed its most startling feature yet its eyes in the new found Darkness the men could clearly see that the eyes were giving off a bright red glow and they were completely fixated on the four men the Visage was so terrifying that all at once they began to
hurriedly pack up their things doing their best not to divert their gaze from the creature which was still glaring menacingly at them as they prepared to head towards the car and make their escape the four friends became acutely aware that they would need to Trek through the woods for several minutes in order to reach their vehicle time that could give whatever they were looking at a chance to attack them as if reading their minds the creature creature suddenly began to move stepping out of the Shadows into some of the last rays of the Dying Light
the men could see it far more clearly now it was heavily built covered in thick hair and sported two large fangs that glistened in the Twilight at this the men bolted leaving behind their gear and sprinting down the Muddy Banks towards their car as they ran they noted how the forest around them had become eerily silent amplifying the sounds of their frantic footsteps upon reaching their vehicle they piled in and drove directly home though they initially debated reporting the event at all they soon decided to reach out to Jeff Lincoln from the British hominid research
organization despite their attempt at discretion the local media soon called wind the story dubbing the Beast the Jordi Yeti as with most such sightings people in the area were quick to dismiss it as a case of mistaken identity or of the four fishermen having a few too many pints whilst out on the lake little did anyone know that this was just the beginning of a rash of sightings that still haunt the lake to this day the fisherman's story was quickly lumped in with other sightings of Bigfoot like creatures many crypto zoologists found this frustrating as
it had one feature that made it stand out most crypted sightings feature single individuals not groups Sasquatch is most commonly seen by motorists driving alone in the dark or by hunters who are camping miles from civilization it's rare that two or three let alone four people report seeing the exact same thing as any researcher will tell you explaining away one person's story is quite easy but it becomes much more difficult when you have group sightings like the one at Bolam Lake and this seemed to be a trend that would continue because most encounters with this
particular Beast feature more than one eyewitness nevertheless the authorities never took any real initiative when it came to processing reports let alone performing a coordinated search of the area a year after the fishermen had their terrifying encounter a woman named Naomi decided to spend a peaceful day at the lake with her 14-year-old son David they later described the day as quiet and calm saying that the water was particularly still that afternoon but as they strolled through the car park David suddenly pointed towards the trees frantically telling his mother to look as Naomi followed her son's
eyeline she saw something off in the woods a huge Shadow moving in amongst the trees she initially brushed it off thinking it was just a trick of the light but David's voice only became more urgent as she squinted she was just barely able to make out a massive shape standing there watching them instinctively she pulled her son behind her in a protective gesture as she did she could feel that he was trembling unsure of what to do she kept her eyes fixed on the shadow which she could now tell was dark solid and enormous though
she couldn't make out any features she had a strong sense that whatever it was was watching them this made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end and she had to fight an urge to scream finally the shadow suddenly vanished back into the woods in retellings Naomi remains adamant that she did not see the creature to walk or run away just that it faded into the trees behind it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to those following the sightings Naomi's story seemed to have a more Supernatural tinge to it at no point did
she use the words ape or hairy beast when describing what she saw instead she claims to have seen a huge black figure and an enormous Shadow as the weeks wore on tales and reports persisted people claimed to see bent branches and what they described as makeshift nests others claim to hear bizarre screaming at night coming from the areas around the lake at the height of the sensation crypto zoologist Jonathan DS and his team from the center for foran zoology traveled to North umberland to investigate the sightings firsthand for 5 days and nights the team scoured
the woods around Bolam Lake interviewing eyewitnesses and setting up their equipment but from the very start things didn't go as planned their advanced technology designed to track and capture any signs of the creature malfunctioned inexplicably as if the very environment around them resisted their efforts on the second night things went even further as with the fisherman sighting it was Twilight and as this is typically the noisiest time in the woods the team was unsettled to hear the forest fall into complete silence no nesting Birds no insects coming out to feast in this disconcerting quietness the
18 team members soon realized that they could just barely make out the sound of something large moving through the undergrowth they frantically used their torches to try and identify a source for the sound but the brush proved too thick that's when one of the members got the idea to hop into his car and point his headlights towards the trees as he did five of the 18 members including DS himself watched in horror as a massive humanoid figure mov swiftly from One Tree to another before disappearing impossibly the creature then reappeared back in the original spot
before bounding off again the entire encounter lasted just a few seconds so fast that three of the team members never even saw it BRS would later report that the figure he saw stood at least 7 ft tall and had a barrel chest and muscular limbs he and his team made no report of glowing red eyes but they did photograph some strange Footprints they found at the site which they maintained were from a different creature to the one they saw this implies that there were at least two and possibly a family of creatures living in the
Bolam Lake Region although there have been several multi-person sightings since 2002 UK authorities have shown little interest in the creature or in identifying what it might be even Jonathan DS remains uncertain about just what he and his team saw that night he would later describe it as a quasy human piece of nothingness stating that it moved far too fast to be human and had angular features like a character from a mid90s video game this only exacerbates the question what exactly is in the woods at Bolam Lake the idea that there might be a missing link
or other evolutionary throwback is not entirely far-fetched whilst we generally think of the UK as being separated from the rest of the European continent by the English Channel it has only been an island for around 8,000 years before that it was directly connected to France Belgium and the Netherlands this allowed early homonyms like homo antecessor to arrive in what would become the Isles around 800,000 years ago back when massive Apes like gigantopithecus was still very much alive could a group of giant primates have crossed the same landbridge and taken up residence in the UK it's
certainly possible but it would be difficult to explain how they've managed to sustain a breeding population let alone stay hidden for so long Skeptics of the Bolam Lake sighting state that the reports stem from either a case of mass hysteria or misidentification if the latter is true it would be challenging to determine what these people might be seeing the largest animal native to the UK is the Red Deer which can grow to around 225 kilos and stand about 4T at the shoulder this doesn't account for sightings of a 7 to 8T tall hairy bipad neither
do allegations that what people are seeing is an escape zoo animal like an orangutan or gorilla not only were no Apes reported to have escaped from nearby zoos during the time of the sightings but even the largest silverback gorillas are only around 6 ft tall when standing on two legs of course neither of these theories address the glowing red eyes though glowing eyes aren't reported in every sighting there is a high frequency of this particular characteristic as it stands the only known animals to have red eyes are certain types of doves and pigeons as well
as certain insects fish and reptiles however some nocturnal animals like cats raccoons and owls may appear to have red eyes when light reflects off the blood vessels in their retinas still they do not give off a glow anything like what the fisherman described taking all of this into account we must consider the possibility that what is haunting Bolam Lake is not of this Dimension or perhaps this Earth There Are Places all across the UK and iseland that are strongly associated with Spirits fairies and Ray s not to mention the vast amounts of lay lines could
the magic of these places be a portal into a different realm or Dimension this might explain why sightings tend to flip between apik wild men and formless shadows is it possible that the entity is able to shapeshift but appears formless and black in between these [Music] formations since the early 2000s sightings of the Beast of Bolam Lake have dwindled however whenever a film podcast or documentry mentions the phenomenon the comments are always full of anonymous North umbrians claiming that they too have had run-ins with the creature which they simply prefer not to report for now
the lake remains a popular area for fishing and Hiking boasting a visitor center and a Charming Cafe still no amount of rebranding can make people completely forget what's happened at the lake during 2002 and 2003 likewise no amount of reassurance can allow us to dismiss the notion that there are things out there that we just don't yet understand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] time Glory
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