12 Habits Of A Person With The Holy Spirit (This May Surprise You)

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Journey To God
Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not about speaking in tongues. The presence of the Holy Spirit ...
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being filled with the Holy Spirit is not about speaking in tongues the presence of the holy spirit in your life is to make you like Christ and enable you to live a supernatural life on Earth do you want to know what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit look at the life of Jesus you will notice some habits that set him apart from others in this video we'll look at the 12 habits of a person with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit bring such a great change to a person's life that it's impossible
to remain the same after the infilling of the Holy Spirit you can't exhibit these habits with your strength because your flesh will fail you the Bible says the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak these habits can be called the workings of the holy spirit in a man they make the ordinary Man live like Christ on Earth still wondering what these habits are here are 12 habits that confirm that a person has the Holy Spirit but before then one way you can encourage us to bring you more of God's word is by subscribing to
the channel and hitting the like button God bless you as you do so one rejoicing in hard times while Jesus was rounding off his ministry he promised the disciples that he would not leave them comfortless and send another comforter to comfort them and truly he did because a few days after he left they they got baptized in the Holy Spirit the holy spirit gives joy in difficult times it's common for a person to exhibit signs of joy and gladness when everything around them is smooth and they are enjoying the best of life but it becomes
increasingly difficult to Rejoice or have hope when things go bad but with the presence of the Holy Spirit a Believer who has the holy spirit in them can Rejoice even in difficult times the Bible says Philippians 44 rejoice in the lord always I will say it again Rejoice this is Apostle Paul's injunction to every believer but it's not something a person can do with his or her strength and this is where the help of the Holy Spirit comes in saying that a person who has the holy spirit will be able to manifest joy in difficult
times doesn't mean they will not feel the pain of whatever it is they're going through still they have the comfort of the holy spirit because he is the comforter living within them because of this Comfort they have hope and they can rejoice in that hope a person filled with the Holy Spirit not only has this joy for themselves but they can also transfer it to others when they visit someone down or going through a hard time they know the right words to say that'll Comfort the person they know when words won't do it and they'll
remain silent they know when to hold the person's hands or or give a warm hug they know when to sing a song and when to quote a scripture having them around is like a rainbow on a rainy day they don't do all this with their power in fact most of the time they don't even plan to say what they've said because they are given to the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit can speak Comfort to others through them two love for their enemy the people were used to the Commandments love your friends and hate your enemies
but when Jesus came he gave them a different instruction love their enemies pray for them and be kind to those who hate them and persecute them you can find this in Matthew 5:44 but I tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you for humans this is a hard saying and difficult to follow no wonder many people stopped following Jesus after his teaching but for person filled with the Holy Spirit this is their lifestyle Jesus exhibited this while he was on the cross he looked up and prayed for those who had hurt
him he said father forgive them because they don't know what they are doing how easy is it to do this not quite in reality they are not doing it with their own strength but with the help of the Holy Spirit a mortal man naturally seeks revenge and pays people back with his own coin Co it's unnatural to pray for your enemy or help them in difficult times Paul wrote to one of the churches that they should pray for those in Authority the government and those who rule over them he didn't acknowledge that those were the
same people who were persecuting the church when you are filled with the Holy Spirit the life of God in you through your fellowship with the spirit will rub off on everyone around you you will not be the one who goes around making enemies but when people make themselves your enemies you will not acknowledge them as such rather you'll see them as God's creatures deserving of love and respect no matter what they do to you you will not stoop to their level to do the same to them rather you'll remain your true self showing them love
in all aspects this attribute of a person filled with the Holy Spirit is one of the reasons they appear as superhumans who don't reason rationally this is what sets them apart from other people even from fellow Christians who have not submitted to the authority of the Holy Spirit three complete love for God a person with the Holy Spirit has complete love for God this love is not the type of love that is based on what he receives from God or what God does for you rather it's a love built on a personal relationship with God
people filled with the Holy Spirit have God living in them now this might sound like a click but having the holy spirit means having God living through your body so when it is God living through your body loving God is not dependent on anything but who he is and your revelation of him a person with the Holy Spirit knows God beyond what he does and has a deeper connection with God through knowing his person and character that is why they love God sincerely this love radiates in everything they do they prioritize their relationship with God
and they will not compromise it for anything in the world they would rather lose everything they have than lose their relationship with God they are always ready and willing to go to any length to express their love devotion and loyalty to God in their day-to-day activities they always seek to glorify God they live their lives solely to please God and make God happy a perfect example of a person who lived a life solely to please God and to do God's will is Jesus he says in the Book of John 829 the one who sent me
is with me he has not left me alone for I always do what pleases him they know that God is with them always and every step of the way every time of the day he is right by their side so they will not do anything that they know will displease him or grieve the holy spirit that is why you will not see a person who is filled with the the Holy Spirit going to the wrong places they know that the presence of God will not permit them to go a person with the Holy Spirit seeks
the kingdom of God and its righteousness all the time their entire life goals are to see Jesus glorified and everything they do is to promote the course of the Kingdom that is why a person with the holy spirit will choose to do Kingdom related things over anything else that will glorify themselves or their flesh their love for God goes beyond that of an ordinary Christian who is not yet filled with the Holy Spirit or who has not submitted to the leadership of the Holy Spirit they operate from a place of intimacy with the Trinity Matthew
22:37 Jesus replied love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind you cannot do this with your strength you need the help of the Holy Spirit to be able to truly love God a person not filled with the holy spirit will only love God because of what they can get from God they'll love God only when things are going smoothly for them and they will deny God in hard times that is why the Holy Spirit helps Believers to love God completely you will see that a
person with the holy spirit will have their entire life built around their love and relationship with God their love for God is Not static or dormant it keeps growing as they spend more time with God it's always as though they are intoxicated with that love this love for God is why a person with the Holy Spirit does not sin the Bible says no one born of God will continue to sin because God's seed remains in them they cannot go on sinning because they have been born of God they know that God is of P eyes
than to behold iniquity and sin Grieves the holy spirit so they stay clear of anything that can breed sin imagine your spouse through intimacy you know what they like and dislike where you deliberately do what you know will hurt them people with the Holy Spirit life like this as well they don't make excuses for sin or Justify any wrong act what are the other habits of a person with the Holy Spirit four selfless in their service to God and Humanity have you seen a person who forgets themselves in service one who is so devoted and
committed to serving others that you'll assume they get paid for it that's a person with the Holy Spirit they totally forget about their pride or ego at the place of service While others look at some things as unbefitting for them to do due to their status a person who's filled with the Holy Spirit does not even see themselves the Mantra what's in it for me sheds light on the selfishness and self-centeredness of humans before they do anything for others they they consider themselves would that be easy for me to do what would I get after
doing it their whole life is focused on me myself this was the state of the rich man in the Bible referred to as the rich fool he was a rich fool because of the focus of his life he was living solely for himself a person who is filled with the Holy Spirit is the opposite they are completely dead to themselves and their needs they live to serve God and others Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me the life I now live in the body I
live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me this is the reality of a person with the Holy Spirit their life is not about them but about living for God they are empathetic to the needs of others and there is nothing they cannot do to alleviate the pain of others Jesus entire mission on Earth was a selfless service to save man from The Bondage of sin man got himself into Jesus wasn't seeking his glory or making a name for himself this is the same habit of a person filled
with the Holy Spirit they live their entire lives serving God and Humanity they cannot look away from people suffering or pretend they have nothing to help when people come come to them whether through prayer word of counsel ministering or whichever means they can use they make sure that people feel better after leaving them than when they came to them this is another way a Christian with the Holy Spirit differs from one who is not a person not filled with the Holy Spirit does everything for themselves and their own gain they won't do it if it
is not convenient and they will never go out of their way for anything five boldness to preach the gospel one of the reasons the Holy Spirit was given to Believers was to help them preach the gospel preaching the gospel is a spiritual act that most people cannot do with their own strength or wisdom because Sinners are always Fierce and aggressive most Believers cannot face them to declare the mind of God to them even while Jesus sent his disciples out to preach the gospel he had to fill them with power to go forth and declare the
word of God without the Holy Spirit Believers will shy away from preaching the gospel and they would rather hide their faith than bodily declare it acts 1 18 but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my Witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the Earth a drastic change comes to a believer's life after they become filled with the Holy Spirit you remember Peter who was very vocal but not not confident enough to declare his faith he denied Christ three times out
of fear but after the Holy Spirit came on them on the day of Pentecost he stood before a large crowd and declared Jesus as Lord from that one sermon about 3,000 Souls were added to the kingdom not only that when the rulers captured them and put them in prison they called them and told them to stop preaching Jesus but Peter and the other disciples replied that they would rather obey God than men at another time they said we couldn't help but speak this is what happens to a person who is filled with the Holy Spirit
they can't just keep quiet about the gospel they use every Avenue and every opportunity to declare Jesus Lord in the Old Testament Jeremiah makes a tangible statement that clearly declares how the word of God is to a person filled with the Holy Spirit he said your word is like fire in my bones I cannot keep quiet even when I want to it is exactly like that a person with the Holy Spirit cannot keep quiet about the gospel just like Jesus always had compassion for Sinners a person with the holy spirit will have the same compassion
The Compassion will make it impossible for them to keep silent until they Minister the gospel to the person and even after ministering they will keep praying for the person until they fully surrender to Christ they go everywhere in obedience to the Commandments of God that Believers should go into all the world and preach the gospel they are not afraid of the faces of the people they are going to preach to they are more particular about witnessing Christ than being afraid of whatever consequence might come their way that is why a lot of them suffer persecution
and insults yet they do not stop preaching the gospel they can approach anyone and boldly declare the gospel six passion for the things of God another attribute of a person with the Holy Spirit is that they have a great passion for the things of God you will recall that the disciples went back to fishing after Jesus was crucified and Jesus had to stay with them for a few more days teaching them more things to gear up their faith this was the same group of people after they received the Holy Spirit who Moved with great Zeal
for the work of God they were unrelenting in their service and Devotion to God that is what comes when someone is in contact with the Holy Spirit this passion is not something that comes from a natural inclination rather it is the moving of the Holy Spirit working in them to Will and to do of God's good pleasure when you see a person who has a passion for the things of God who always seeks God's will to be done and who is moved to always promote the things of God you will be sure that Beyond every
form of Doubt such a person is filled with the Holy Spirit seven growth in the knowledge of God's will a person with the Holy Spirit continually grows in their knowledge of God and His will this growth comes from a place of intimacy with the Holy Spirit the teacher who teaches all things the Bible says that the holy spirit will not testify of himself but rather of the things of Christ John 2613 14 but when he the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth he will not speak on his own he
will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is Yet to Come he will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you the more they work closely with the Holy Spirit the more they know of Christ and his will their lives go beyond knowledge to experience so as much as as they know of God's will their lives align with that will a person who is filled with the Holy Spirit has a deeper understanding of who God is than a person who is not
filled with the holy spirit that is why when the Devil comes with lies like God doesn't love you God is not there for you God has given up you you are all alone God is not with you and all those deceptive thoughts that the devil uses to get Believers to a place of worry and anxiety a person with the Holy Spirit knows immediately that those are lies because they already understand who God is and everything he does this is why a person with the Holy Spirit has a more stable Christian Life they are not the
ones who believe in the morning that God loves them and in the evening they doubt if God truly loves them they are not the ones who believe after listening to a sermon that God's plan for them is for good and not for evil and then by the end of the week they don't even know anymore those filled with the Holy Spirit continue to grow in their knowledge of God and each day they can live their lives more in a way that reflects God's will they know what to do and what God wants them to do
and they are always ready to do it when Christ came into the world he said then I said here I am it is written about me in the scroll I have come to do your will my God Spirit-filled Believers life just like this what other attributes show that a Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit eight they are led by the spirit this is one of the Hallmark characteristics of a person filled with the Holy Spirit the Bible says in Romans 814 for those who are led by the spirit of God are the children of
God the Holy Spirit controls the life of a person filled with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit shows them where to go what to do and how to act in every situation this is why they can act and live like Christ many Believers are led by their selfish desires hunger quest for fame ego Etc they have not submitted themselves to the holy spirit's leading and they'd rather do things their own way than wait on the holy spirit this is in contrast to a person with the Holy Spirit have you heard a person say I'm waiting
on God to lead me or God led me to do this and this that's the life of a person filled with the Holy Spirit they listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit they go where he wants them to go and do what he likes this doesn't mean they don't take the initiative to do things or suspend their brains rather they are open to the holy spirit in every situation they do not perceive one part of their lives as too small to bother the Holy Spirit they involve the holy spirit in every decisionmaking process and
everything they do in every area of their lives that is why they come up with unconventional ideas and Innovations they solve problems in ways that are Beyond human reasoning or ability you will always find them in the right place at the right time doing the right things how beautiful it is to have a life like this truly being filled with the Holy Spirit is a must if you want to have a radiating Christian Life nine they forgive easily another habit of a person with the Holy Spirit is that they easily forgive those who hurt them
because of the witness of the holy spirit in them they don't go about with pain in their hearts for long no matter the gravity of the hurt the Holy Spirit strengthens them to be able to forgive even when the offender never apologizes a person with the holy spirit will go to the offender and tell them what they have done and if if they do not apologize they will still forgive them so they do not hold grudges against anyone the holy spirit is indeed holy and cannot dwell in a place filled with defilement hurt grudges and
bitterness prevent a person from being in the right state of heart and if that state is prolonged such a person can lose fellowship with the Holy Spirit but a person with the Holy Spirit maintains fellowship with him all the time that is why when a person offends them they reconcile easily so that their relationship with the Holy Spirit is unaffected the Bible says that when you bring your gift to The Altar and remember that a person has something against you you should first go and reconcile with the person before you offer your gift to God
so that your sacrifice and offerings will be acceptable before God a person with the Holy Spirit knows this and that is why they always keep their heart free from every offense Apostle Paul said he strives to ensure conscience void of offense toward God or towards man when you see a person who easily forgives others who offend them you know that such a man or woman is filled with the holy spirit because a man cannot do that with his own strength or abilities forgiving others especially when the hurt is deep is not easy but with the
help of the Holy Spirit it becomes possible 10 bearing the fruit of the spirit a person who says he or she has the holy spirit with no manifestation of the fruits of the spirit is definitely not saying the truth when you see a person with the Holy Spirit one of the outward manifestations of the infent of the spirit is the fruit of the spirit the book of Galatians gives a list of the fruit of a person who is filled with the Holy Spirit these are love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self control
when you look at this fruit you'll see that a Christian without the Holy Spirit can still manifest a dimension of it because they have the presence of the Holy Spirit within them in some measure but it will be limited compared to someone truly filled with the Holy Spirit this is because the holy spirit is living within that person and is in control of everything the person does and this frission is the manifestation of that inward presence 11 manifesting the gift of the spirit the gifts of the Spirit are abilities that only the holy spirit gives
to people they are like visitors visiting you with a gift the evidence that they truly came to you is going to be the gifts that they have brought Paul gave a list of those gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12 a person filled with the Holy Spirit Will manifest some of these gifts to one there is given through the spirit a message of wisdom to another message of knowledge by means of The Same Spirit to another Faith by The Same Spirit to another Gifts of healing by that one Spirit to another miraculous powers to
another prophecy to another distinguishing between spirits to another speaking in different kinds of tongues and to still another the interpretation of tongues all these are the work of one and the same spirit and he distributes them to each one just as he determines the gifts are given not for self- glorification but for God's work that is why they are not given to just anybody the person who is filled with the Holy Spirit already has the passion and sealed to do God's work so those gifts are like tools that are given to them so that they
can do the work more effectively when you look at the life of a person filled with the Holy Spirit the way they do the work of God will be different from that of a person not filled with the Holy Spirit this is because they are doing it with the help of the gifts of the spirit while the other person who is not filled with the holy spirit will be doing it with his strength and ability limiting the work greatly if you desire to work for God and exploit the Lord you must also desire the infilling
of the holy spirit because without the gift of the spirit you will be greatly Limited in what you can achieve for God 12 living a life of gratitude gratitude is the second nature of a person filled with the Holy Spirit they look at life from the perspective of the spirit of God dwelling within them and cannot help but be grateful the holy spirit is a spirit of rejoicing wherever he is there cannot be sadness or Mourning a person who with the Holy Spirit is always grateful they are grateful for the presence of the holy spirit
in their lives they are grateful for the grace they have received to be children of God because they know that everything they have is not their own power their might or their strength it is not even because they are qualified for it it is just by Grace so they live their lives in appreciation for the grace that they have received from God they see God in everything and appreciate him for everything including those others will look at as nothing their intimacy with God helps them Manifest this heavenly quality of praising God submitting your life to
the transformative power of the holy spirit is a decision you must make to live an allr Victorious Life you can't get these characteristics without surrendering to the Holy Spirit as you surrender you become more and more like Jesus the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 3 18 and we all who with uniled faces contemplate the Lord's Glory are being transformed into his image with ever increasing Glory which comes from the Lord who is the spirit when you Embrace and submit to the ministry of the Holy Spirit your Christian Life can move from ordinary to Supernatural to
become filled with the Holy Spirit you have to come to God ask him to cleanse you from all sins and unrighteousness then surrender to the Holy Spirit and ask him to fill you wait in his presence until you are filled with the power of the highest let us pray father thank you for your Holy Spirit truly your love for me is undeniable which is why you're giving me the precious gift of your presence living within me father I open myself up to the ministry of the Holy Spirit I surrender to you Lord and ask that
you fill me overflowing I don't want to be full of myself rather I want to be full of the holy spirit so that I can manifest everything you have created me to manifest I'm I know that without the Holy Spirit In Me There is little I can do that is why I'm asking that you fill me with your spirit today so I can serve you in a greater capacity than I would have with My Own Strength I desire to love you more with all my heart spirit and soul I pray that you will fill me
with your spirit which will enable me to have a genuine unconditional love for you so that I will not continue to deny you when life doesn't go my way father I want to Bear the fruit of the spirit that will make me a child of God I ask for the grace to love everyone including those who hate me I will not continue to count scores rather I will leave Vengeance to you just as you have said in your word that Vengeance belongs to you and you will repay give me the grace to forgive those who
have offended me and no matter how many times help me to let go so that I can have a conscience that is void of offense towards God and man help me to reconcile and to live in peace and harmony with everyone around me Holy Spirit you are the spirit of patience help me to Bear the fruit of patience in every part of my life give me the grace to be able to wait on you not to rush out of the waiting room but rather to stay with God until I am fully made in the image
of Christ father help me to serve you with all of my heart and and all of my strength I will devote my entire life to serving and glorifying your will I will Delight in doing only the things that please you help me to be compassionate like Christ was I will not be able to look away from those who are suffering or going through a hard time help me always lend a hand of mercy and compassion to those going through hard times so that through the input of my life they can receive comfort and help I
pray that you help me now to grieve the Holy Spirit my life will not become so repellent that the holy spirit will not be able to dwell within me help me to be obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit to do what the Holy Spirit asks me to do no matter how hard it is the Bible says that those who are led by the spirit of God are the children of God I want to be a child of God indeed I don't just want to be a professing Christian led by my interests rather I
want my entire life to be under the leadership of the Holy Spirit I Surrender my will to the Holy Spirit I will always seek the face of God before making any decisions for my life help me to be a witness to the power and might of God everywhere I go I will preach the gospel as this is the essence of the power of the holy spirit that is living within me I will not close my eyes to people who are wallowing under the the bondage of sin and oppression Lord I pray that you will make
my life a Channel of blessing to others I will bear the fruits of righteousness through my life many will come to the knowledge of Christ I will be a blessing to everyone who comes my way and through my life many will be delivered from the hand of the devil help me to build intimacy with the Holy Spirit I will activate the gift of God within me and not allow it to my dormant I'll prioritize my relationship with her Holy Spirit and will not allow anything to come between me and her in the face of Oppression
persecution and opposition help me to stand firm in my faith not to deny the Holy Spirit but rather to declare the mind of God not minding the consequences my life will radiate the beauty of a life filled with the Holy Spirit and I will not just claim to have the infilling of the Holy Spirit without its manifest ation in my life I pray that you help me grow in my knowledge of God's will as I spend time with the Holy Spirit Enlighten my heart of understanding so that I can know you beyond what you give
me when the enemy comes with lies the presence of Light Within Me will dispel the lies and I will hold on to the Revelation I have about you Lord you gave me the Holy Spirit to enable me to fellowship with you with deeper intimacy I I pray that you'll help me spend more time with you in prayers and supplications so that my life can be the way you want it to be I lay my weaknesses before you I know that you know me better than I know myself I pray that you help with my infirmities
strengthen me and Empower me to be a true witness indeed thank you Holy Spirit for your presence in my life for always interceding for me and for answering my prayers I pray in Jesus name amen if you're still watching you are part of the Christian family because of you I can create more videos and offer insightful Bible inspiration thank you for being part of this family I hope you have an absolutely beautiful day God bless you
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