if you review the third paragraph you'll see that this property Clause legally protects both parties Nathan explained as I maintained a polite smile across our formal dining room my husband Marcus sat beside me refilling his glass with the Cabernet i' had selected for this dinner celebrating our latest property acquisition his colleagues listened attentively as Nathan outlined our Investment Portfolio another property another Victory dinner another evening of Marcus claiming credit for my financial strategy Rebecca was concerned about overleveraging Marcus said his arm draped possessively around my shoulders but I assured her that Seattle's real estate market
is Bulletproof the irony was palpable I'd Built My First Property portfolio before meeting Marcus I'd structured the entire investment strategy they now praised him for I'd graduated top of my class in finance while Marcus had barely passed business administration women always so cautious with Investments remarked Connor from the bank his gaze lingering inappropriately on my dress I sipped my water and maintained my composed expression 8 years of marriage had perfected my performance as the supportive wife who supposedly needed her husband's Financial guidance Rebecca's still learning the complexities of highlevel investing Marcus continued his grip tightening
she's making progress though Nathan our attorney briefly caught my eye he knew the truth he'd seen the documentation the structure I'd created the capital I'd brought to the marriage but professional discretion kept him silent as Marcus spun Tales of his supposed Financial Acumen another property added to the Marcus Cole real estate Empire Kyle toasted I raised my glass focusing on the crystal stem the phrase Marcus Cole real estate Empire resonated strangely tonight something about Nathan's presentation had triggered an alarm in my mind after our guests departed and the catering staff cleared the final dishes Nathan
approached me discreetly Rebecca could you sign some final paperwork he asked his voice professionally neutral but his eyes conveying something unspoken in Marcus's office with the door closed Nathan's demean shifted I thought you should see these he said quietly sliding a folder across the desk they came through my office yesterday Marcus claimed you'd already discussed them opening the folder my confusion transformed into shock as I examined the documents property transfer forms my name systematically removed from our real estate holdings replaced solely with Marcus's the paperwork dated back 6 months EX uted gradually property by property
he said you agreed to consolidate for tax purposes Nathan explained the room seemed to tilt my name my properties my Financial Security all being quietly methodically erased I wouldn't normally show a client documents requested by their spouse but given our professional history Nathan didn't complete his sentence he didn't need to he'd handled my finances before I met Marcus he understood exactly what I had contributed to this marriage and what I stood to lose thank you I replied my voice remarkably steady I appreciate your professional courtesy the final transfers haven't been processed yet there's still time
to address this I'll handle it I stated please don't mention this conversation to Marcus after Nathan's departure I sat alone surrounded by framed photos of Marcus with business associates receiving Awards standing in front of properties I had found financed and managed I opened my laptop and began examining our accounts the extent of his betrayal unfolded before me through electronic statements and transfer records for months Marcus had been systematically removing my name from everything we I had built my phone buzzed with a text from Marcus finishing up with the guy eyes taking them for drinks don't
wait up I set the phone down and stared at the folder the trembling in my hands had ceased the shock was receding replaced by something colder and more calculated the mask I'd worn for years had hidden something even from myself a core of Steel that had quietly observed every dismissal every slight Every Act of disrespect it was time to stop pretending it was time time to start planning I spent the night methodically analyzing our financial entanglements what had begun as shock hardened into Focus determination with each new discovery Marcus had been planning this for at
least a year emails with divorce attorneys private bank accounts I never knew existed and conversations with a realtor about investment properties perfect for a bachelor by Dawn I had compiled a comprehensive log of his deception I hadn't slept but adrenaline kept me sharp when Marcus finally stumbled home at 7:00 a.m. I was already dressed for work calmly sipping coffee at the kitchen island late night I remarked not a question client relations he mumbled heading straight for the espresso machine those guys can drink but we closed the Peterson deal another lie the Peterson deal had been
finalized weeks ago by by me congratulations I said watching him over the rim of my cup I was looking at our portfolio last night the Westlake property is showing impressive appreciation Marcus paused mid siip his eyes narrowing slightly you were reviewing our portfolio just catching up I replied lightly I want to understand our investments better don't worry about all that he dismissed his relief obvious that why you have me that was the thing about Marcus his confidence in my financial ignorance was so complete that he never questioned my sudden interest as he showered I texted
my assistant Zoe emergency meeting with Nathan at 10 clear my schedule at my C office downtown a consulting firm I'd built before meeting Marcus but now operated under the radar as a hobby business I locked the door for my meeting with Nathan the transfers are technically legal with the power of attorney you granted him Nathan explained grimly but we can fight this as fraud I don't want to fight it I replied sliding a flash drive across the desk I want to beat it this contains everything I found Nathan raised an eyebrow I sense you have
a plan I need a shell company I said completely untraceable to me and I need 2 months to execute everything Rebecca Nathan cautioned whatever you're planning will be completely legal I finished just like Marcus's transfers were completely legal I'm simply going to play by his rules I outlined my strategy Nathan's expression shifted from concern to reluctant admiration it's ruthless he admitted finally but brilliant just like removing your wife's name from property she paid for I replied set up the meeting with Winston investment I need to move quickly that evening I arrived home early and prepared
Marcus's favorite meal when he walked in I greeted him with a kiss and a glass of scotch what's the occasion he asked suspicious but pleased I've been thinking about what you said I replied about me learning more about investing you're right I should take more interest his smile was patronizing that's my girl I was wondering if you could explain some of these documents I continued gesturing to papers spread across the coffee table I found them in your office his face went pale as he recognized the property transfer forms Rebecca I can explain please do I
said calmly explain why you're removing my name from properties I purchased explain why you've been speaking with divorce attorneys explain why you're looking at Bachelor pads with Linda from Cornerstone realy Marcus's expression hardened you went through my emails just catching up I echoed his dismissive tone what exactly are you planning Marcus business restructuring he deflected but his confidence was slipping for tax purposes it's complicated then uncomplicated I challenged because from where I'm sitting it looks like you're planning to leave me with nothing Marcus set down his glass strateg shifting look we've had a good run
but let's be realistic I built this portfolio my connections my strategy there it was the truth behind the mask I see I said nodding slowly and what about the initial Capital my capital A small contribution he dismissed I multiplied it tfold I stood Gathering the papers well thank you for clarifying I appreciate your honesty confusion flashed across his face at my calm reaction that's it he asked no drama I smiled thinly what would be the point you've made your position clear as I walked away he called after me this doesn't have to be messy Rebecca
be reasonable and we can both walk away happy I paused at the door doorway oh I intend to be very reasonable Marcus very reasonable indeed he had no idea that the game had already begun the next morning I awoke to find Marcus already gone unusual for a Saturday a text notification explained his absence meeting with Kyle about restructuring back tonight perfect timing I called Zoe immediately is everything ready I asked Winston Investments confirmed the 11: a.m. meeting she replied and I have the documents you requested and Marcus GPS shows him at Kyle's Country Club they
have a tea time at 10: I smiled Marcus's predictability was becoming my greatest asset two hours later I sat across from Eliza Winston founder of Winston Investments and one of the few female investment bankers I trusted implicitly your husband's quite Z she observed reviewing Marcus's Financial Maneuvers but not as clever as he thinks these shell companies have obvious patterns can you trace everything I asked Eliza nodded given time but Rebecca you should know the offshore account in bise has nearly $3 million money that never appeared in your joint finances the Revelation stung less than it
should have I'd suspected something similar after discovering discrepancies in our investment returns that's why I need emis I said referring to the Shell company Nathan had established for me yesterday everything needs to flow through it untraceable to me and legally defensible added Nathan who had joined us we walking a fine line here so is secretly funneling money offshore while planning to divorce your wife I countered I'm not doing anything illegal I'm simply protecting what's rightfully Mine by afternoon Artemis financial consulting existed on paper backed by Winston Investments through three separate holding companies my plan was
taking shape back home I made a show of researching investment strategies online where Marcus would see my browsing history when he returned from golf I approached him with feigned excitement I've been thinking about investment opportunities I said deliberately using simplistic terminology what about cryptocurrency my friend Emma's husband made a fortune in Bitcoin Marcus laughed condescendingly those are high-risk gambles not real Investments stick to understanding our current portfolio first you're right I agreed appearing chastened maybe you could walk me through it help me understand the big picture his ego sufficiently stroked Marcus spent the next hour
explaining his investment strategy one I had originally developed and implemented I nodded attentively asking carefully crafted naive questions that prompted him to reveal more details about our Holdings what about those new forms from Nathan I asked innocently the ones removing my name Marcus tensed momentarily before his smooth explanation it's just consolidation for the upcoming Reynolds acquisition having multiple names complicates The Lending process of course I nodded that makes perfect sense his relief was palpable once we close that deal we'll restructure everything properly translation once we close that deal I'll file for divorce I was thinking
I ventured maybe I could help with some of the preliminary work learn the process Marcus considered this clearly calculating the benefits of having me handle tedious paperwork against the risk of me understanding too much actually that's not a bad idea you could organize the documentation for the Reynolds property nothing complicated just sorting papers I'd love that I smiled the perfect picture of an eager tolearn wife that night while Marcus slept I photographed every document in his home office paying special attention to the Reynolds acquisition a commercial property worth nearly $7 million according to the paperwork
Marcus planned to close the deal in 6 weeks through coal Investments one of his shell companies from which he'd carefully removed My Name by morning I had sent everything to Eliza and Nathan with a simple message Target identified proceed with phase one the following Monday I took a calculated risk and initiated a seemingly innocent conversation with I'm thinking of taking a more active role in my Consulting business I mentioned over breakfast some interesting opportunities have come up Marcus nodded absently that's nice honey just don't let it interfere with our social obligations my Consulting business which
actually generated six-figure revenues he knew nothing about had always been dismissed as my cute hobby of course not I assured him just keeping my mind active as he left for work I called Zoe it's time transfer the first installment to Artemis and contact Reynolds directly I had six weeks to execute my plan before Marcus did Mr Reynolds will see you now the receptionist announced leading me into a spacious corner office overlooking Seattle's Waterfront Robert Reynolds a silver-haired man in his 60s stood to greet me m Chen from Artemis Financial a pleasure to meet you I
deliberately used my maiden name for this meeting thank you for seeing me on short notice Mr Reynolds your proposal was intriguing he replied gesturing to the chair across from his desk though I was under the impression that coal Investments had exclusivity on this property that's what I'd like to discuss I said opening my portfolio coal Investments has certain vulnerabilities I believe you should be aware of before proceeding for the next 30 minutes I outlined select aspects of marcus' financial structure enough to raise serious concerns without revealing my connection these shell companies Reynolds noted they're legally
established but the pattern suggests potential tax complications exactly I confirmed should the IRS take interest any property transaction could be frozen indefinitely Reynolds leaned back studying me what's your interest in this Miss Chen you're not just a concerned citizen Artemis represents investors interested in the property I explained smoothly we prepared to offer 5% above Cole's bid with a guaranteed 30-day closing and none of these complications that's an attractive offer Reynolds admitted but I've given my word to Marcus Cole I place a folder on his desk these are the financial disclosures for emis complete transparency compare
them to what Cole provided Reynolds opened the folder scanning the contents his expression shifted subtly exactly the reaction I'd anticipated Cole's disclosures were less comprehensive he acknowledged we value transparency Mr Reynolds all we ask is fair consideration back at my office I briefed Nathan on the meeting Reynolds is interested but loyal to his word I explained we need leverage Nathan's expression was troubled Rebecca this is aggressive if Marcus discovers he won't I interrupted not until it's too late has Eliza traced the offshore funds yes Nathan confirmed reluctantly the money came from the Westlake property refinance
Marcus claimed that Capital went into to the Bryant Street development I nodded another piece falling into place which means Bryant Street is under capitalized perfect that evening Marcus was in an unusually good mood bringing home champagne and takeout from my favorite restaurant what are we celebrating I asked maintaining my oblivious facade just us he said kissing me with calculated affection I've been busy with work and I want wanted to make it up to you the performance would have been convincing if I hadn't seen the divorce consultation on his calendar that morning information Zoe had discovered
through a contact at his office how's the Reynolds acquisition progressing I asked innocently his smile faltered momentarily how did you know about that I adopted a confused expression you mentioned it last week when explaining the consolidation paperwork right he recovered quick it's proceeding well should close within the month another lie the closing date was 6 weeks out that's wonderful I replied I'm so proud of everything you're accomplishing his ego sufficiently stroked Marcus launched into elaborately false details about the deal's complexities I listened attentively noting each fabrication while appearing suitably impressed after dinner he received a
call and stepped onto the p audio through the glass door I could see his expression darken when he returned his mood had visibly shifted problem at work I asked nothing serious he dismissed just a complication with a property later I received a text from Eliza Reynolds requested additional meeting phase one successful the next morning Marcus left for the office earlier than usual I waited 15 minutes before calling Zo Zoe what happened with the Bryant Street property I asked building inspection failed yesterday afternoon she reported major structural issues identified the city's halting construction until resolved I
smiled the routine inspection I'd arranged through Winston Investments connections at the city planning office had revealed actual problems I'd simply ensured they wouldn't be overlooked is the Reynolds meeting confirmed I asked tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. Zoe confirmed and Marcus has scheduled an emergency meeting with his investors for today at 11: Perfect the Bryant Street crisis would force Marcus to explain to his investors why their money hadn't been properly allocated meanwhile I would be presenting Reynolds with a clean complication-free offer contact Eliza I instructed time for phase two my phone buzzed with a text from Marcus
working late don't wait up he had no idea how true that was the next morning I arrived at Reynolds office 10 minutes early impeccably dressed in a charcoal gray suit that projected confidence and competence my presentation materials were meticulously prepared Financial projections development plans and a certified letter of credit from Winston Investments Miss Chen Reynolds greeted me his demeanor noticeably warmer than our first meeting please come in I noticed two additional people in his office a woman in her 30s I recognized as Reynolds daughter and successor Catherine and an older man I assumed was their
attorney thank you for this opportunity I said setting up my presentation I've prepared comprehensive documentation addressing your concerns before we begin Reynold said I should inform you that Marcus Cole contacted me last night he was quite distressed to learn another party was interested in the property I maintained a neutral expression competition is the nature of business Mr Reynolds indeed Catherine interjected especially when that competition exposes concerning patterns for the next 40 minutes I presented emus financials proposal a clean offer with transparent funding sources Regulatory Compliance documentation and development plans that aligned with reynolds's vision for
the property one thing puzzles me Reynolds said as I concluded your knowledge of coal investment structure is unusually detailed almost intimate a calculated risk Financial intelligence is our specialty Mr Reynolds in a competitive market due diligence extends to understanding potential counterparties the attorney spoke for the first time your offer is compelling but coal Investments is threatening legal action if we breach our verbal agreement a verbal agreement isn't binding I countered smoothly and our attorneys are prepared to defend any challenges Reynolds exchanged glances with his daughter we need to discuss this privately we'll be in touch
by end of day back at my office I found multiple missed calls from Marcus I returned his call with deliberate casualness hey is everything okay you called several times just checking in he replied his voice tight with controlled anger how's your day going busy with client meetings I said truthfully is something wrong you sound stressed nothing I can't handle he answered dinner tonight I thought we could try that new Italian place sounds lovely I agreed recognizing the invitation as an attempt to probe for information I'll meet you there at 7 after hanging up I immediately
called Zoe what's happening with Bryant Street three investors pulled out this morning she reported and the bank is requesting additional collateral for the construction loan the odd timing couldn't have been better Marcus would be scrambling to salvage both Bryant Street and the Reynolds deal simultaneously spreading his attention and resources thin at 4:30 p.m. my phone rang with an unknown number M Chen Katherine reynolds's voice came through my father and I have reviewed your proposal we'd like to move forward with Artemis Financial excellent I replied signaling Zoe to activate our next phase our attorneys will draft
the paperwork immediately there's one condition Catherine added we need to close within 21 days not 30 is that possible absolutely I confirmed knowing Eliza had already secured the financing we'll make it happen at precisely 700 p.m. I arrived at Vincenzo's to find Marcus already seated nursing a b whiskey the strain of the day showed in the tightness around his eyes you look beautiful he said standing to kiss my cheek thank you I smiled you look tired rough day nothing significant he dismissed though his knuckles whitened around his glass just the usual complications of business throughout
dinner I watched him check his phone repeatedly his tension mounting with each glance is everything truly okay I asked with manufactured concern fine he snapped then immediately softened sorry just some idiots trying to sabotage a deal that sounds frustrating I sympathized anyone I know some new Financial Group he muttered came out of nowhere I reached across the table to squeeze his hand Youk handle it you always do his phone buzzed again when he checked it his face drained of color Marcus what's wrong I need to go he said abruptly throwing cash on the table emergency
with Bryant Street of course I nodded understandingly I hope everything works out as he rushed out I calmly signaled the waiter for another glass of wine phase two was complete Reynolds had chosen Artemis and Bryant Street was imploding now for phase three the most delicate part of my plan Marcus didn't return home that night his text at 2 a.m. claimed he was working through the Bryant Street crisis with the investors but Zoe's surveillance confirmed he'd spent hours at Kyle's house frantically making calls the next morning I initiated phase three with a call to Eliza it's
time to approach the bank I said has Nathan prepared the documentation everything's ready she confirmed but Rebecca once we do this there's no going back Marcus crossed that line when he started removing my name from our properties I replied proceed as planned by noon I was sitting across from Richard Harmon vice president at Pacific Northwest Bank and the loan officer handling Marcus's various property finances M Chen he greeted me glancing at my documentation I admit I'm confused about this meeting these properties are under coal Investments management that's precisely why I'm here I explained sliding a
folder across his desk I'd like to draw your attention to specific discrepancies in their loan applications Harmon frowned as he reviewed the contents these documents suggest the Bryant Street project used funds allocated for other development properties including Westlake I added which has been refinanced twice in 18 months with the capital disappearing his eyes narrowed how did you obtain this information Miss Chen I placed a second folder on his desk my authorization as Rebecca Cole co-owner of these properties my husband removed my name without ENT the Revelation visibly startled him you're Marcus Cole's wife I am
I confirmed and I'm exercising my right to protect my interests in these properties Harmon's demeanor shifted from suspicion to concern Mrs Cole if what you're suggesting is true this could constitute loan fraud I'm aware I replied calmly which is why I'm requesting an immediate audit of all coal Investments hold Holdings with your institution his expression was grave this is a serious allegation against your husband it's not an allegation I corrected it's documented evidence of financial impropriety your bank has significant exposure here Mr Harmon the implied threat wasn't subtle if the bank ignored these issues they
could be complicit I'll need to consult with our legal department he said finally of course I nodded I've prepared copies of everything for them and Mr Harmon time is of the essence back at my office I found Zoe waiting with updates the Reynolds contract is being finalized she reported and the Bryant Street investors are calling an emergency meeting for tomorrow perfect I nodded has Marcus made any unusual Financial moves he attempted to access the biz account this morning Zoe confirmed but the authentication protocols have been temporarily disrupted another piece of my plan falling into place
Eliza's connections had ensured Marcus would face technical difficulties accessing his offshore funds what about the other properties I asked to have pending sales transactions through coal Investments Zoe reported both scheduled to close next week I smiled just in time for our our final move my phone buzzed with a text from Marcus business dinner tonight with Kyle and investors don't wait up the perfect opportunity Zoe call the locksmith it's time to secure the home office that evening while Marcus tried to salvage his crumbling Investments over dinner I supervised as a locksmith installed a high security lock
on his home office door meanwhile Zoe meticulously photographed every document inside before returning everything exactly as we'd found it these will help with the audit I explained reviewing the images make sure Nathan receives copies tonight after the locksmith left I called Nathan to confirm our next steps Pacific Northwest Bank has initiated an internal review he reported their legal team contacted me an hour ago and the Reynolds contract ready for Signature tomorrow morning Nathan confirmed but Rebecca Marcus is going to realize what's happening soon are you prepared for that confrontation more than prepared I assured him
in fact I'm counting on it when Marcus finally returned home at midnight I was waiting in the living room reading calmly you're still up he noted his surprise tinged with suspicion I was worried I replied you've been so stressed lately how was your meeting his smile was strained productive we've found a solution for Bryant Street another lie the project was beyond salvation that's wonderful I smiled everything's falling into place then Marcus loosened his tie studying me with Newfound weariness yes everything's proceeding as planned little did he know but not according to his plan the next
morning I dressed with particular care a power suit I rarely wore at home subtle makeup hair perfectly styled when I entered the kitchen Marcus was already there staring at his laptop with increasing agitation everything okay I asked pouring coffee he barely glanced up fine just some unexpected complications with a property anything I can help with I offered innocently no he snapped then moderated his tone no thank you business matters I nodded sympathetically I understand I'll be out most of the day with clients his eyes narrowed slightly your Consulting business seems busy lately just a few
projects I replied vaguely nothing too demanding his phone rang Kyle according to the display Marcus stepped onto the patio to take the call his gestures becoming increasingly animated as the conversation progressed I texted Zoe status update her response came immediately Reynolds contract signed funds transferred to Escrow Bank audit underway perfect timing I gathered my things and headed for the door just as Marcus returned inside his face Ashen Rebecca he called his voice naturally controlled did you change the lock on my office I turned the picture of confusion your office no why would I do that
someone did he said studying my reaction my key doesn't work how strange I frowned maybe the cleaner accidentally damaged it I'll call the locksmith don't bother he said turly I'll handle it I smiled reassuringly well I'm off good luck with your property issues the moment I reached my car I called Nathan he's discovered the lock how's our timeline Bank Auditors have already flagged three properties Nathan reported they're freezing all related accounts pending investigation and the Reynolds closing completed 30 minutes ago Artemis Financial is now the official owner I smiled time to accelerate meet me at
the office in an hour with the final documentation at my downtown office I found Nathan waiting with Eliza and a woman I recognized as Jennifer Torres lead investigator for the State financial regulatory board M Torres has some questions Nathan explained his expression grave Mrs Cole Torres began we've received concerning information about potential Financial improprieties involving coal Investments I adopted a worried expression what kind of improprieties misappropriation of funds falsified loan applications and potentially fraudulent Property Transfers Torres explained as co-owner of these properties we need your cooperation I nodded solemnly of course whatever you need for
the next hour I presented myself as the shocked concerned wife discovering her husband's Financial malfeasance I provided selected documents answered questions with calculated hesitation and appeared increasingly distressed by each Revelation I had no idea I said finally my voice cracking convincingly I trusted Marcus completely with our finances torres's expression softened slightly Mrs Cole given the evidence we'll be opening a formal investigation you should prepare yourself for significant disruption I dabbed at nonex existent tears I understand I just want the truth after Torres left Nathan turned to me with reluctant admiration Oscar worthy performance necessary misdirection
I corrected Torres needed to see me as a victim not an orchestrator well it worked Eliza confirmed the regulatory investigation gives us perfect cover for the Final Phase my phone buzzed with multiple notifications three missed calls from Marcus two from his attorney and a text we need to talk now he's discovered something I noted possibly the Reynolds deal or the bank audit are you going home Nathan asked concerned not yet I replied HEK too volatile right now let him stew overnight I checked the home security cameras through my phone Marcus was pacing the living room
making frantic calls the locksmith was working on his office door Zoe I called to my assistant contact security about changing the entry protocols at my condo downtown I'll be staying there tonight I texted Marcus working late with clients don't wait up his response was immediate where are you we need to talk about Reynolds properties so that was it he discovered Artemis had secured the Reynolds deal I replied simply can't talk now in meetings home tomorrow I turned to Nathan and Aliza tomorrow we move to the Final Phase is everything prepared Eliza nodded all assets secured
through Artemis bank records documented offshore accounts flagged and the house I asked title search complete Nathan confirmed the transfer removing your name was filed but never recorded due to a clerical error our contact at the registry discovered I smiled perfect the board is set I spent the night in my downtown condo a property Marcus knew nothing about purchased through my Consulting business 5 years earlier his messages grew increasingly desperate as the night progressed evolving from demands to explanations to finally near dawn thinly veiled threats whatever you think you're doing you're making a terrible mistake read
his final text I've built everything we have remember that the irony wasn't lost on me by morning Zoe reported Marcus had called an emergency meeting with his Attorneys at their offices perfect timing I arrived at our home precisely 30 minutes after Marcus had left according to the security systems log the locksmith is waiting Zoe informed me as I entered have him him remove the new lock I instructed I want access to everything while the locksmith worked I called Nathan is Torres ready she's proceeding with the formal investigation today he confirmed Bank record subpoena Property Transfers
flagged and the offshore accounts Frozen pending review and Marcus's attorney received the preliminary findings an hour ago they're in crisis mode once the locksmith finished I entered Marcus's office and began methodically photographing the updated contents several files were missing likely taken to the emergency meeting but his laptop remained on the desk still logged in he left in a hurry Zoe observed and made a critical mistake I agreed accessing his email there it was a frantic exchange with his attorney about Artemis financials sudden acquisition of the Reynolds property the bank's freeze on coal Investments accounts and
the regulatory investigation the most damning email was from Kyle Reynolds confirmed the deal was signed by a woman named Chen your wife's maiden name is Chen coincidence marcus' reply was telling impossible Rebecca knows nothing about Finance or business structures she's completely in the dark about everything his fatal underestimation of me captured in writing I forwarded the entire exchange to my secure email before carefully returning everything to its original state Zoe call The Car Service I instructed it's time to meet Marcus at his office 45 minutes later I walked into the offices of Cole Investments for
the first time the receptionist's eyes widened in recognition Mrs Cole I didn't know you had an appointment I don't I replied calmly but I believe my husband is expecting me before she could respond the conference room door opened and Marcus emerged with Kyle and two men in suits his attorneys presumably Marcus froze when he saw me Rebecca he managed his surprise quickly masked with forced cordiality this isn't a good time we're in a meeting about the Reynolds property I asked innocently or the bank audit or perhaps the regulatory investigation which crisis are you addressing first
the color drained from his face Kyle and the attorneys exchanged uncomfortable glances my office Marcus said turly gripping my elbow to guide me down the hallway once inside with the door closed his composure shattered what have you done he hissed his voice vibrating with Fury I took a seat smoothing my skirt calmly I've protected my interests Marcus just as you've been protecting yours what are you talking about I know everything I stated simply the Property Transfers removing my name the offshore account in Biz the plans to divorce me once the Reynolds deal closed he stared
in disbelief recalculating his perception of me in real time how could you possibly no I finished for him because contrary to what you told Kyle I understand Finance quite well I built most of our portfolio before I even met you realization dawned in his eyes Artemis Financial that's you technically it's a holding company with no direct connection to me I corrected just as your shell companies have no direct connection to you except yours have been flagged for potential fraud Marcus slamed his fist on the desk you've destroyed everything I've built everything we built I corrected
or more accurately everything I built that you tried to steal his expression shifted from Rage to calculation we can fix this together whatever you think I was planning save it I interrupted standing to leave check your email the state investigators will be here within the hour I suggest you prepare yourself as I reached the door he called after me desperation creeping into his voice Rebecca don't do this you'll get nothing if I go down I turned allowing myself a small smile actually Marcus I already have everything you just don't know it yet sound part N9
I maintained my composure until I reached the car where Zoe waited with updates Tores and her team arrived at the bank 10 minutes ago she reported Nathan says they've already pulled the loan documentation for Bryant Street I nodded watching Marcus's office building through the window and the house our contact at the County Records office confirmed your name was never successfully removed from the deed Zoe replied the error we discovered prevented the final recording a small smile touched my lips perfect timing for a clerical error my phone rang Nathan Rebecca Torres is requesting Your Presence at
Pacific Northwest Bank he informed me they're questioning Harmon about Marcus's loan applications tell her I'll be there in 20 minutes I replied signaling to the driver at the bank I found Torres interviewing Richard Harmon in a glass walled conference room Harmon's face was pale his tie loosened the picture of a man realizing his professional judgment had been severely compromised Mrs Cole Torres greeted me her expression professionally sympathetic thank you for coming we have some questions about these loan applications for the next hour I played my role perfectly the increasingly distressed wife discovering the extent of
her husband's Financial deceptions each document Tores presented prompted carefully calculated reactions of shock confusion and finally tearful betrayal I trusted him completely with our finances I explained voice trembling I had no idea he was removing my name from Properties or diverting funds offshore torres's assistant entered with a message after reading it Tores turned to me with renewed interest Mrs Cole we've just received information that your husband is attempting to liquidate several properties immediately including your primary residence my genuine surprise must have been convincing he can't do that my name is still on the deed apparently
he's claiming the deed transfer was completed but not properly recorded Torres explained I frowned allowing appropriate indignation to surface that's impossible I never signed any transfer Torres exchanged glances with her colleague wek need to place a temporary freeze on all property transactions until we can verify the proper ownership of course I agreed readily whatever you need to get to the truth back in the car I called Eliza immediately Marcus is trying to liquidate the house I reported how quickly can we secure it the trust documents are ready she confirmed we just need your signature to
transfer your legitimate interest into artemis's protection I'll be there in 15 minutes I promised at Winston Investments I found Eliza waiting with legal documents prepared to Shield my interests from Marcus's desperate Maneuvers once you sign these your portion of all joint properties will be protected by the irrevocable trust she explained Marcus won't be able to touch them regardless of what happens with the investigation as I signed my phone buzzed repeatedly with calls from Marcus I ignored them all what's his next move likely to be Eliza asked he'll try to access the offshore accounts again I
predicted when that fails he'll approach Kyle or his other friends for emergency funds those friends may not be so friendly once they learn about the regulatory investigation Eliza observed I nodded exactly Marcus is running out of options and allies simultaneously my phone buzzed with a text from Zoe em arrived home appears agitated security system shows him searching office time to return home for the next confrontation I said Gathering my things are you sure that's safe Eliza asked concerned Marcus won't risk violence I assured her his entire strategy depends on maintaining his respectable image besides I've
already activated the home security systems recording features as my car approached our neighborhood I called Nathan for a final check Torres has expanded the investigation to include all coal Investments transactions for the past 3 years he reported the Bryant Street property has been officially flagged for loan fraud and Marcus's professional licenses are under review and the Reynolds property officially recorded under Artemis financials ownership as of 3 hours ago Nathan confirmed the transfer is complete and irreversible I smiled as we pulled into the driveway through the large front windows I could see Marcus pacing in the
living room phone pressed to his ear gesturing frantically perfect I said ending the E call and straightening my jacket now for the final confrontation the pieces were all in place Marcus's carefully constructed Financial Empire was collapsing around him while mine was more secure than ever I stepped out of the car and walked toward toward the house ready to face the man who had underestimated me for the last time I entered our home with deliberate calm the security system chiming softly to announce my arrival Marcus stood in the center of the living room his usual polished
appearance noticeably disheveled Tai a skew hair rumpled from repeatedly running his hands through it where have you been he demanded abandoning any pretense of Civility meeting with investigator I replied honestly setting my purse down they had questions about our finances our finances he repeated with bitter emphasis suddenly you're interested in our finances after years of leaving everything to me I met his gaze steadily I've always been interested Marcus you just preferred to believe I wasn't he paced the room like a caged animal do you have any idea what you've done the Reynold's deal was worth
millions Bryant Street would have transformed our portfolio now everything's frozen or under investigation including the offshore account in bise I asked innocently the one with $3 million I never knew existed he stopped pacing reassessing me with Newfound weariness how did you find out about all of it I finished the same way I built our initial portfolio before I met you through careful research strategic planning and attention to detail his expression darkened you had no right to interfere with my business your business I echoed allowing indignation to color my tone the business built with my Capital
the properties purchased with my initial Investments the ones you were systematically removing my name from without my knowledge his strategy shifted visibly anger giving way to calculation Rebecca you're not seeing the big picture I was restructuring for tax purposes protecting our assets while Consulting divorce attorneys I interrupted while researching Bachelor properties while moving Millions offshore Marcus sank onto the sofa running a hand over his face when he looked up his expression had transformed completely remorseful apologetic the picture of Contrition I've made mistakes he admitted his voice softening the pressure of maintaining our lifestyle expanding the
business I took shortcuts I shouldn't have I recognized the tactic immediately Marcus at his most manipulative using charm and apparent vulnerability to disarm opposition but we can fix this together he continued reaching for my hand you've obviously learned the business better than I realized we'll make a formidable team moving forward I withdrew my hand there is no forward for us Marcus his facade cracked momentarily because of some Property Transfers some private accounts every successful businessman commits fraud I finished lies to his wife plans to abandon her once he stolen her assets the charm offensive evaporated
instantly you can't prove any of that actually I can I countered calmly your emails with the divorce attorney your conversations with Kyle about timing my replacement the systematic transfers removing my name from properties I purchased color drained from his face you hacked my accounts no need I replied you left your laptop open this morning careless Under Pressure a fatal flaw in finance Marcus stood abruptly desperation replacing calculation what do you want money I can get it once this regulatory nonsense blows over the house take it but the business is mine the business built on my
initial capital I reminded him the one now under investigation for fraud I'll recover he insisted confidence returning I always do the Reynolds property was a setback but I have other invest ERS Kyle will back me Kyle's under investigation too I informed him as a co-signer on the Bryant Street loans then I'll find others I'm Marcus Cole he declared as if his name alone could reverse his fortunes I allowed myself a small smile a name that's currently being flagged in every financial institution in Seattle his phone rang his attorney according to the display Marcus grabbed it
like a Lifeline what do you mean further complications he demanded into the phone pacing again how can she he stopped abruptly staring at me with Dawning comprehension Artemis Financial is her company the attorney's confirmation was audible even from Where I Stood Marcus ended the call his expression a complex mixture a fury disbelief and most satisfying reluctant respect you're Artemis he said flatly I nodded once among other things how long have you been planning this since the moment Nathan showed me the Property Transfers you claimed I had agreed to I replied honestly Marcus laughed without humor
all this time I thought I was the Strategic one a common miscalculation I observed one that's proven rather expensive for you Marcus poured himself a generous whiskey his third since our confrontation began his initial shock had given way to desperate calculation as he tried to identify any remaining leverage we can still Salvage this he insisted pacing again Reynolds was one property we have others had others I corrected gently most are frozen pending the fraud investigation the rest are now legally protected in an irrevocable trust he stopped mid stride what Trust the one I established this
afternoon I explained my legitimate interest in all our joint properties is now legally separated from your potential liability Marcus slammed his glass down you can't do that without my consent actually I can I replied since my name was never successfully removed from most properties I retained full legal right to protect my portion his phone buzzed with a text whatever it contained drained the remaining color from his face Kyle's dropping me from their firm's partnership he muttered almost to himself effective immediately self-preservation I observed the investigation is expanding to include all your business associates Marcus collapsed
onto the sofa the magnitude of his situation finally sinking in I'll be ruined professionally yes I agreed without malice the regulatory violations alone will likely result in suspension of your licenses the potential fraud charges are more serious he looked up sharply you'd let them arrest me after 8 years of marriage 8 years during which you plan to leave me destitute I reminded him while living off the Investments I built his phone rang again another attorney based on the contact name Marcus ignored it what do you want he asked finally defeat evident in his voice I
sat across from him maintaining my composure originally recognition of my contribution respect for my financial Acumen basic honesty from my husband Marcus flinched at the Simplicity of these requests reasonable expectations he'd systematically dismissed and now he asked quietly now I want a divorce I stated plainly clean quick and fair fair he echoed with bitter laughter you've destroyed everything I've reclaimed what was mine I corrected the choice to destroy your career was entirely yours Marcus each fraudulent application each misappropriation of funds each deception those were your decisions the doorbell rang unexpected given the hour through the
security panel I saw Torres and two colleages standing on our doorstep that would be the investigators I noted standing to answer Marcus grabbed my arm don't please for the first time I saw genuine fear in his eyes they have questions about Brian Street I explained gently removing his hand the discrepancies between the loan applications and actual fund allocation I can explain that he insisted desperately I believe that's what they're here for I replied moving toward the door Rebecca Marcus called his voice breaking slightly if you ever loved me I turned studying the man I'd married
8 years ago the Charming confident investment manager who'd swept me off my feet only to gradually reveal his true character through countless small dismissals and undermining comments I did love you I acknowledged enough to suppress my own abilities to make you comfortable that was my mistake when I opened the door Torres greeted me with professional courtesy before turning her attention to Marcus Mr Cole we have some questions regarding the Bryant Street development loan applications Marcus straightened his tie his public Persona reasserting itself of course happy to clarify any confusions perhaps we should continue this conversation
downtown tor suggested her tone making it clear this wasn't optional as Marcus gathered his phone and wallet he turned to me one last time this isn't over actually it is I replied quietly I've already packed your things your mother called earlier she's expecting you his expression contorted with humiliation at this final indignity my mother she seemed concerned I noted apparently she's been receiving calls about your financial difficulties Torres LED Marcus toward the waiting car his shoulders slumped in defeat I watched from the doorway as the car pulled away feeling neither Triumph nor Vindication only a
profound sense of reclaiming something essential I'd surrendered years ago my identity my worth my power closing the door I surveyed the home that was now truly mine alone tomorrow would bring new challenges questions from Friends Fallout from the investigation rebuilding my public identity separate from Marcus's disgrace but for tonight I simply savored the quiet and the knowledge that I had finally stopped pretending to be less than I was morning arrived with rain pattering against the windows typical Seattle weather that matched my reflective mood I sipped coffee in the kitchen that now felt distinctly mine reviewing
up updates from Nathan Marcus spent the night answering questions he reported via text no formal charges yet but the investigation is expanding his attorney requested a meeting with us today I replied simply schedule it for 2 p.m. at your office after finishing my coffee I walked through each room of VI the house seeing it with fresh eyes so many spaces designed to Showcase Marcus's success his Awards prominently displayed his preferences dictating the decor his presence dominating even in absence time for change I called a moving company to remove Marcus's remaining possessions to storage then contacted
an interior designer I'd long admired but Marcus had dismissed as to Avant guard by noon zoee arrived with lunch and updates the regulatory board has suspended Marcus's investment licenses pending investigation she reported Pacific Northwest Bank is conducting a full audit of all his accounts and three more investors have pulled out of coal Investments projects I nodded unsurprised any word from Kyle or the others they're distancing themselves publicly Zoe confirmed Kyle released a statement that his firm had limited involvement with Marcus's questionable transactions loyalty among Thieves as fragile as expected what about Reynolds I asked Katherine
Reynolds called this morning Zoe smiled she's impressed with Artemis financials efficiency and wants to discuss future collaborations a small victory but significant Reynolds properties represented not just a valuable acquisition but validation of my business Approach at 1:30 p.m. I arrived at Nathan's office for the meeting with Marcus and his attorney I'd chosen my outfit carefully a tailored navy suit that projected confidence without ostentation Marcus was already there sitting with an older attorney I recognized as James Witman one of Seattle's most expensive divorce lawyers Marcus looked Haggard his usual polish diminished by stress and likely a
sleepless night of questioning Rebecca he acknowledged stiffly Marcus I replied with professional courtesy Nathan joined us accompanied by Eliza whose presence clearly surprised Marcus M Winston is here as Financial counsel Nathan explained noting Marcus's confusion Whitman cleared his throat we've requested this meeting to discuss a swift resolution to the current situation the criminal investigation I asked innocently the matrimonial dissolution Whitman corrected smoothly my client proposes an equitable division of assets to avoid prolonged litigation I glanced at Marcus whose expression remained carefully neutral I'm open to Equitable terms Whitman pushed a document across the table we've
prepared an initial proposal Nathan reviewed it first his eyebrows raising slightly before passing it to me the terms were surprisingly reasonable almost generous compared to Marcus's previous minations this is a significant shift from removing my name from our properties I observed circumstances have changed Marcus replied his first direct words to me indeed they had with his professional reputation in tatters accounts Frozen and possible criminal charges looming Marcus was clearly seeking damage control there's also the matter of the Reynolds property Whitman added we understand Artemis Financial is technically separate but given the timing and circumstances art
Financial is a legitimate business entity with no legal connection to our marital assets Nathan interjected firmly besides I added the Reynolds acquisition occurred after Marcus initiated the separation of our finances without my knowledge Marcus's jaw tightened but he remained silent we prepared to sign a non-disclosure agreement regarding Mr Cole's Financial irregularities Whitman offered revealing their true concern Marcus's Public Image the regulatory investigation is proceeding independently I reminded them my discretion won't change that Marcus finally spoke directly to me what do you want Rebecca such a familiar question now asked from a position of weakness rather
than contempt exactly what this document outlines I replied simply Fair recognition of my contributions and clean separation the meeting concluded with tentative agreement on the divorce terms significantly more favorable than anything Marcus would have offered voluntarily before his downfall as we prepared to leave Marcus asked for a moment alone against Nathan's concerned look I nodded agreement when the others had stepped out Marcus faced me with a mixture of resentment and reluctant respect you orchestrated this perfectly he said quietly I never saw it coming that was your fundamental mistake I replied you never really saw me
at all 6 weeks later I sat across from Katherine Reynolds in the downtown offices of Artemis Financial the space formerly an art gallery reflected my aesthetic perfectly clean lines modern furnishings and walls showcasing local artists Marcus had dismissed as too experimental the development plans look excellent Katherine said reviewing the proposal for the Reynolds property my father is particularly impressed with the sustainability features they'll increase initial costs by 12% I acknowledged but reduce operating expenses by nearly 30% over the first decade Catherine smiled that's exactly the long-term thinking we were looking for coal Investments was focused
solely on immediate returns I nodded accepting the implicit compliment without mentioning Marcus his name had become toxic in Seattle's business Community a cautionary tale of hubris and fraud the final divorce papers had been signed yesterday a surprisingly straightforward process given Marcus's initial efforts to strip me of everything his legal troubles had ensured his cooperation facing potential criminal charges he couldn't risk antagonizing me further by the way Katherine added as we concluded our meeting I mentioned Artemis to the Sorenson group they're looking for new Investment Partners after the coal situation I appreciate the referral I replied
professionally the Sorenson had been among Marcus's most prestigious clients Landing their business would be a significant achievement after Katherine left Zoe brought in coffee and the latest updates the Bryant Street property is being auctioned next month she reported and Marcus's mother listed her house for sale I raised an eyebrow his mother's house Zoe nodded apparently she mortgaged it to provide his defense funds the legal bills have been substantial I felt a twinge of something not quite guilt but perhaps empathy Marcus's fall had created Collateral Damage I hadn't anticipated send flowers to his mother I decided
anonymously Zoe looked surprised but made a note without comment my phone buzzed with a text from Nathan plea deal offered 18 months mostly probation full restitution to investors better than Marcus deserved but typical for White Collar first offenders with expensive attorneys the restitution would wipe out any remaining assets he'd managed to hide the intercom buzzed M Chen Kyle Wilson is here to see you I hadn't expected this visit Kyle once Marcus's closest had been among the first to publicly distance himself when the investigation began send him in I instructed curious about his purpose Kyle entered
cautiously his usual Swagger notably absent Rebecca thank you for seeing me without an appointment what can I do for you Kyle I asked not offering him a seat he shifted uncomfortably I wanted to apologize personally for my role in recent events I had no idea Marcus was removing your name from properties a convenient claim contradicted by emails I'd discovered but chosen not to release is that all I asked Kyle cleared his throat actually our Investment Group is considering new Partnerships after severing ties with Marcus your work with the Reynolds property has been impressive of course
Kyle hadn't come to apologize he'd come to salvage business relationship ships I appreciate your interest I replied neutrally but Artemis is quite selective about Partnerships I'll review any formal proposal you submit Kyle's expression revealed his surprise at not receiving an immediate welcome oh of course I'll have something prepared next week after he left I found myself smiling at the irony the same men who had laughed at Marcus's jokes about my financial naive were now seeking my professional consideration that evening I returned to the house now redecorated to reflect my preferences all traces of Marcus's presence
removed the latest issue of Seattle business monthly lay on the coffee table featuring an article about Artemis financials Innovative approach to sustainable development there was no mention of my previous connection to Marcus Cole my phone chimed with a text Eliza confirming our meeting tomorrow with potential investors another chime followed Nathan with news that the divorce was officially recorded I stepped onto the patio with a glass of wine watching the sunset over the Seattle skyline the rain had cleared leaving the air crisp and fresh tomorrow would bring new challenges new opportunities New Growth but tonight was
for quiet celebration not of Marcus's downfall that had never been my primary goal but of my own Resurrection the Reclamation of the woman I had always been beneath the raw accommodating mask I'd worn for years Rebecca Chen was finally fully herself again one year later I stood at the edge of the rooftop garden at top the newly completed Reynolds Tower the Seattle skyline stretched before me the Evening Sun glinting off glass and steel below guests mingled at the Grand Opening celebration investors City officials Business Leaders and press quite a VI Robert Reynolds said joining me
at the railing Katherine tells me the building is already 90% leased 93 as of this morning I confirmed the sustainability certifications attracted several major tech companies he nodded appreciatively I must admit when you first approached me about Artemis Financial I had reservations a new company with limited public history understandable I acknowledged but Catherine insisted we look deeper he continued she recognized something in your approach she was right a server approached with champagne as I accepted a glass I noticed a familiar figure entering the rooftop space Nathan accompanied by Eliza excuse me I smiled at Reynolds
my advisers have arrived as I crossed the rooftop I caught fragments of conversation praise for the building's design comments about Artemis financials meteoric rise whispered mentions of Marcus Cole's absence from the business World impressive turnout Nathan observed as I reached them the mayor just arrived and the Sorenson Eliza added their partnership has exceeded projections I nodded surveying the Gathering so many connections forged in just 12 months any word about Marcus Nathan hesitated he completed his community service last week the probation continues for another 6 months I heard he's working for a small investment firm in
Portland Eliza added entry-level position given the licensing restrictions the news brought no satisfaction only a sense of closure Marcus's punishment had never been my objective only reclaiming what was rightfully mine M Chen a young reporter of approached notepad in hand Jessica Winters Seattle Business Journal could I ask a few questions about arus financials remarkable first year I gave Nathan and Eliza a small nod before turning to the reporter of course you've established one of the fastest growing investment firms in the region she began what do you attribute your success to Clear Vision and transparent operations
I replied we approach each project with long-term sustainability in mind Financial environmental and social and your background you seemed to emerge fully formed on the Seattle business scene I smiled slightly I've been in finance for 15 years though much of my earlier work was behind the scenes any connection to Marcus Cole she asked directly some sources suggest you had professional dealings before his legal troubles the question I'd been anticipating for months my prepared answer was deliberately vague acknowledging the past while avoiding details that might generate unwanted publicity Mr Cole and I crossed paths professionally I
acknowledged but emis Financial has always operated independently the vi reporter seemed poised to press further but Katherine Reynolds approached providing a timely Interruption I'm sorry to intrude she said smoothly but the mayor is asking to speak with Miss Chen before his address as we walked away Catherine murmured the Press never stops digging let them dig I replied calmly there's nothing to find Beyond what's already public the evening proceeded with speeches tours of the building's Innovative features and numerous business cards exchanged by the time the last guests Departed the sky had darkened to reveal a canopy
of stars over the city lights I remained on the rooftop alone reflecting on the Journey of the past 18 months from the shock of discovering Marcus's betrayal to the methodical Reclamation of my financial identity each step had led to this moment my phone chimed with a text an update from Zoe about tomorrow's meetings with International investors another chime followed a news alert mentioning emis Financial in a feature about women-led companies transforming Seattle's business landscape I slipped the phone back into my pocket and gazed once more across the cityscape Marcus had sought to erase me from
our financial Empire believing I would remain ignorant and compliant instead he had inadvertently freed me to create something entirely my own something stronger more ethical and ultimately more successful than anything we had built together the irony would not not be lost on him as I turned to leave I caught my reflection in the glass doors confident poised unapologetically powerful Rebecca Chen finally and completely herself