all right let's get to some news it's four minutes after the top of the hour the White House is defending its decision to send hundreds of alleged gang members to a super prison down in El Salvador and president Trump is thanking the country for taking all of those illegal migrants in good job El Salvador one of the great stories in Central and South America Matty Rivera is live in Washington Maddie hi guys good morning the president of El Salvador says more than 200 Trend araga members arrived in the country over the weekend he also says
they received almost dozen MS13 gang members from the US a senior Trump Administration official tells our bill maluan 261 illegal aliens were deported to El Salvador in total 101 were Venezuelans removed via title 8 and 137 were deported through the alien enemies Act of 1798 and that's what's been causing a lot of controversy this wartime Authority gives the president the power to deport non-citizens without a Judicial hearing during a period of war or invasion the ACT has only been used three other times in American history this is the first time it's been invoked since World
War II but the president is justifying its use well this is a time of War because Biden allowed millions of people many of them criminals many of them uh at the highest level uh they emptied jails out other nations emptied their jails into the United States it's an invasion on Saturday a federal judge ordered the Trump Administration to stop stop removals under the ACT to see if its invocation is legal and he ordered deportation flights to turn around but the White House says the planes were already outside of us airspace so they argue the judge's
ruling no longer applied White House Press Secretary Caroline levit says the administration did not refuse to comply with the court order levit goes on to say federal courts generally have no jurisdiction over the president's conduct of Foreign Affairs adding a single judge in a single City can not direct the movements of an aircraft carrier full of Aryan alien terrorists who were physically expelled from us soil the temporary restraining order is in effect for 14 days a hearing is scheduled on March 21st Lawrence anley and Brian all right M it's an incredible thank you so much
when you look at their wrap sheets it's it's hard to believe that some judge was saying keep them here in America because they're alleged gang members and their rap sheets are long these are career criminals that were in America in this great country of El Salvador the president there working hand inand with Donald Trump decided they can come here and you see in the video their heads were being forced down they're being transported one by one they're getting their head shaved they're walking with their hands behind their necks and this is all at a Detention
Center that the El Salvador terrorism confinement Center and the president down there says they will stay for at least a year yet again I find myself amazed with the Democratic party and even some of the members of the media uh they're talking about process again and they're not talking about the evildoers that were in our country because Joe Biden decided to just unleash the Border remove all the security barriers that were there because he didn't like the the president that came before him and you had 10 million people come into the country we didn't vet
these people and some of these people right here were the ones that came into the country rapists murderers people that uh committed assault as well and so you have this this unifying message 80% of the country I'm sorry over 70% believe that we should have mass Deport a of these people yet they defend the actions of these criminals so the way I understand it a couple days ago I think it was Friday where the president enacted the 1798 era alien enemies act and he said because that he was setting the table to get rid of
TDA MS13 and all these criminal gangs that have come into our country next thing you know we have lined up I guess 21 of the Most Wanted uh El Salvador MS13 guys 250 alien enemy members of TDA uh they were all decided because I think Marco Rubio worked out with the El Salvadorian president to open up their prisons they clean up their country by putting them all in jail and they said the ones who came into America will take them back we pay them but it's going to save us money to put l El Salvador
keep them in a a complete lockup for at least a year because we know not have the confidence that Venezuelan will be able to hold them so a judge Dees wait a second I don't think you should be able to do the 1798 act turn the plane around turn the plane around no no we're already out and in turn a Cong Congressman Brandon Gil of Texas has announced plans to impeach the judge for trying to assert himself in this process and his James bosberg uh he wanted a 14-day hold to examine this forget it and
okay Democrats go ahead you go stick up for these guys run on this you said that bar the family this judge is of Barack Obama appointee and Donald Trump said too too late uh you decided this they're already out of us airspace they're flying down to El Salvador now the migrants are already out of us a space when that judge ordered the planes to return and he said the order came too late 81 illegal aliens also arrested in Kentucky on Ice raids so we've kicked out about 37,000 illegal aliens with criminal uh backgrounds and Crim
or did some type of criminality once they were here this is exactly what Trump trying to do I just asked the question Bri again is this you see the this images of these violent criminals that that were in our country do you guys want to be the party of these folks right here do you want to be the party of Defending these folks something has to also be done at Brandon Gil he's the youngest Republican in the house represents my home state of Texas um he's he's offering these articles of impeachment I don't think it's
unwarranted you got these federal judges that are acting like activists um trying to make sweeping measures uh for something that should that the president has the authority to do right so think about this if you're a lak and Riley's family and you find out the Democrats and this judge is saying turn the pl around bring back to America you know how many crimes that they would have perpetrated had president Trump not won the election and led the charge but Tom Holman the executor uh of these of these plans to get rid of these people right
away so I just think overall it's a great message this is what they keep telling me like kenry qu was the first to say it it is so valuable to show the world the video of people being turned around don't just tell me numbers show people being turned around because it bre Bridges languages they go it's not worth it to sell my mud hut and come here with all the money I have to get into America I'm staying so this morning hundreds of illegal immigrants some with alleged gang ties are no longer in the country
the Trump Administration deporting them to in El Salvador in mega prison it comes as an obama-appointed judge temporarily blocks the president from using a wartime act for deportations White House borders are Tom homman joins us now so Tom this is is a promise made a promise kept but it looks like a judge is trying to stop this why I don't know why I don't know why any judge would would want terrorists return to the United States I mean uh you first of all the video what a beautiful thing to see incredible look the president Trump
by proclamation invoked the authorities of the alien uh Alien enemies act which has your right to do and and and it's a game changer and we removed over 200 violent criminals from United States just not TDA but also MS13 the actions of President Trump made this country safer every Criminal Alien every criminal public safety threat and and and national security threat remov from this country makes this country safer that's what American voters voted for that's their mandate at the president president's keeping his promise this president president Trump's a game changer the alien enemies act has
been used in a long time and when when I watched the video and I saw and I was involved this week with this whole movement this a an extraordinary thing with the president Trump is doing to keep his promised American people to make this country safe again is and is going and he's doing a fabulous job so Tom I I look at this judge the flights were already in the air in an international waters how did the judge get involved did these uh immigrants that were in the country illegally did their lawyers get involved and
make a petition to the judge how did this happen how did the judge know about the flights being in the again information information was leaked some I I don't quite know how it got leaked but there there was there was a court emergency court hearing on five five people that were uh were on scheduled to be deported the judge had a written order that say these five people can't be removed right now it wasn't until this flight was already international waters heading heading down to El Salvador that the judge made some comment about returning the
flights we're already in international orders we're outside outside the borders of United States I'm the borders are once you're outside the Border you know it is what it is but they're in international waters already on the way South close to Landing you know what we did what we did what we had to do remove terrorists public sa significant Public Safety threats from United States by the order of the Proclamation by the president of United States we did the right thing Tom you say that it was five they were on there with this emergency hearing was
coming so why is the judge asking for the entire flight be returned your guess is good as M law you know you got some radical judge who makes a decision you know that just defies logic I mean who in the right mind whether you're a judge or not wants known public TDA a recognized terrorist organization sent here by the Maduro uh regime to create Havoc to unsettle the United States she use a fentanyl to kill thousands of Americans violence to American citizens raping and murdering young young women in this country they are enemies of this
country and president Trump treated them as enemies and they we did exactly what we should have done again president Trump is going to make this country safe again he's going to do it one illegal alien at a time and this weekend we did 261 so Tom so Tom what's next because I'm getting a little worried about the Manpower these guys are they have to be tired you got 30 guys in the stack going on different bust every single day you're going to run out of money it doesn't look like you're getting support from the Democrats
on this you got you're going against the judges now what's next another flight another flight every day he teams the teams are going to be out there every day every day the men and women of ice are going to be in the neighborhoods of this nation arresting criminal illegal alien Public Safety threats and National Security threats Lawrence you're not going to stop us we made a promise to the American people the president Trump has made a promise to American people we're going to make this country safe again I wake up every morning loving my job
because I work for the greatest president in the history of my life and we're going to make this country safe again I'm proud to be a part of this Administration we're not stopping I don't care what the judges think I don't care what the left thinks we're coming yeah I just love seeing you going through uh these protesters just crunching on the apple as their liberal tears just just flew out the hallway Tom Homan thanks so much for joining the program I'm Steve duy I'm Brian killme and I'm Angley aart and click here to subscribe
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