[Music] there is no other way of salvation except through the cross of christ jesus said i'm the way the truth and the life no man cometh to the father but by me the only way to the father father god is through his son jesus christ now while jesus he's the only one that was born in this world without sin but more than that he was a righteous one and when you come to him you're clothed in his righteousness god no longer sees your sin he no longer sees your own heart he sees jesus [Music] now
i don't understand all about it there are many things about the cross and about salvation that i do not understand and i'm not told that i have to understand it all i'm told that i'm to believe and anybody can believe a blind man can believe a deaf man can believe an old person can believe a young person can believe and that word believe means commit i commit my life totally to him [Music] jesus christ from the cross says i will save you i will forgive you i will change you i'll make you a new person
if you come to the cross by repentance and faith come to christ [Music] when you come to christ you come by the way of repentance repent means to change to change your way of living and turn from your sins and turn to jesus christ and say by my son i need forgiveness and i know that you're the only one that can change me [Music] home went dark that violent day the whole earthquake [Music] [Music] crown [Music] opens up [Applause] indeed [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the bible says in spite of our rebellion and rejection god loves
you he loves you so much that he gave his son to die for your sins and when christ died on that cross he became guilty of lying he became guilty of slander he became guilty of jealousy he became guilty of the most filthy dirty sins christ took the hell that you and i deserve now god said receive him believe in him put your trust in your confidence in him and i will forgive your sins and i will guarantee you eternity in heaven it's all yours and it's all free all you have to do is receive
today i'm asking you to put your trust in christ i'm going to ask you to pray this prayer sentence by sentence after me dear heavenly father [Music] i know that i'm a sinner [Music] and i ask for your forgiveness i believe you've died for my sins and rose from the dead i turn from my sins i repent of my sins i invite you to come into my heart and life i want to trust and follow you as my lord and savior in jesus name amen he's alive i've given my life not to a dead christ
but to a living christ and he's given me a song to sing he's given me a flag to follow i have reason for existence i know where i've come from i know why i'm here i know where i'm going do you you