A Powerful Blessing Prayer Over Your Home | (Leave This Playing)

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god's protection is over your home may he watch over you may he continue to protect you [Music] may the lord keep you and sustain you always may you experience jehovah jireh as a provider each and every door every window is guarded by angels from the lord in jesus name psalms 34 verse 7 says the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them i pray that this will be true for your home may the angel of the lord be encamped around the place that you abide may you and your family
be protected by the precious blood of jesus christ every entry point and gateway into your home may it be fortified secured strengthened and covered by the protective blood of jesus christ [Music] i speak a blessing of protection over your home may it be so filled with the presence of the lord that all forces of evil will find it to be impenetrable i speak a blessing of provision over your household may you lack for nothing i pray that he will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in christ jesus [Music] i speak
a blessing of peace in your home may you experience unexplainable peace may you find your home to be a place of rest a place of comfort a place that you can be refreshed all because a blessing of peace is at your door i speak a blessing of joy over your household may you be of good cheer each and every day may you be of good cheer always may you be of good cheer because jesus christ has overcome the world i speak a blessing of restoration over your home if the enemy has stolen anything from you
may you be restored seven-fold in jesus name may the lord restore to you the years that the swarming locusts have eaten i speak unity over your home unity over your family may your house be one where there is love and forgiveness may you work together and in one accord in your home [Music] may the lord be your hiding place in all seasons through the good times and through the bad times i come against the negative influences of the devil if he tries to sow strife i pray he will have no success in jesus name if
the devil tries to sow discord and disharmony in your home then i rebuke it in jesus name he will be defeated in jesus name may your home be filled with things that edify and build up the family things that can build your faith and invite the presence of god [Music] i pray that the lord will reveal to you and lead you to remove all things that deteriorate and pollute the mind may your eyes be opened so that you can guard your home against anything that can harm your faith or disturb your peace [Music] may your
home be a place where you focus and meditate on whatever things are true whatever things are noble whatever things are just whatever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatever things are of good report [Music] i speak philippians 4 verse 7 over your home and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through jesus christ i declare psalm 84 11 for the lord god is a sun and shield the lord will give grace and glory no good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly indeed may god be
a son and a shield to you may his light burn away any form of darkness may he shield you from every attack and may no good thing be withheld from you may the lord be the cornerstone for your home and a sure foundation for you in jesus name i pray that the armor of god is over each person in your family [Music] your home is blessed you are blessed in your giving and in your receiving you are blessed in your coming in and going out you are blessed in the morning and blessed in the evening
you are blessed in all that you do may the peace of the lord forever reign upon you i pray that the love of god will forever lift you up and hold you tight may the lord pour out his spirit upon you and may it flow through every part of your life i declare that the joy of the lord will be your strength and uphold you day and night the lord will be a stronghold in the day of trouble for you and your family he is and will continue to be your refuge and strength the lion
of the tribe of judah will guard you from every unholy force a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you you are blessed and highly favored by the lord god will keep you in all of your ways [Music] goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life no evil will befall you or your family in jesus name no plague will come near your home in jesus name you will be kept in good health you have been given a sound mind a
blessing of protection is upon you a blessing of favor is upon you may the fragrance of prayer always be around your home may your prayers form a protective barrier against the devil as your family rises in the morning and as your household goes to bed each night may the presence of our lord jesus be strong and prevalent in your home in jesus name amen [Music] when problems arise when battles are before us when we experience spiritual warfare the word of god has to be a source of constant reassurance to us it must be that which
ignites the fire in our faith it must kick-start your hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a divine and heavenly insurance policy which is the word of god [Music] we're backed by angelic forces that come to our aid when we shout the name of jesus in desperate need of help we have security in our father's faithfulness he has never lost a battle he has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so lift your head up high
woman of god keep your head high man of god the battle is not yours but it's the lord's [Music] the fight before you is one that you should fight on your knees and not with your fists this fight before you is not one that you should fight with your own strength but it's one that you should be fighting with god's word i urge you to look at luke chapter 4 closely when jesus was in the wilderness he was tempted by the devil for 40 days and in verse 3 the bible says and the devil said
to him if you are the son of god command the stone to become bread now pay attention to verse 4 and the response of jesus the bible says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god the devil tried again to tempt jesus and his response yet again in verse 8 was get behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only you shall serve now the devil was audacious he thought to try a third time [Music]
but jesus responded in verse 12 saying it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god [Music] three times the devil attacked and three times jesus referred to god's word three times he responded it is written it is written it has been said so i want to speak to you today that mountain you're facing tell it it is written i am more than a conqueror through him who loves me [Music] when the devil attacks you with feelings of shame when he accuses you or tries to condemn respond and say it is written i
am persuaded in fact i am convinced and i declare that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height or depth nor anything else in all creation can separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus my lord [Music] i encourage you to not entertain the devil's attacks don't tolerate them we have victory in the name of jesus we have victory and should declare that we are winners when we open the word of god [Music] lord jesus i thank you for your grace
and mercy i thank you for making me victorious in your name i pray and declare deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 the lord will cause my enemies those who rise against me to be defeated before my face they shall come against me one way and flee before me seven ways i pray and declare luke 10 verse 19. i have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy and nothing will harm me in jesus name i pray i bless you lord for the power that is in your
word i take confidence from the word because it tells me that you are a god who will fight for me at your command are a host of angels that can come and defend me in the middle of my battle i know that i am not alone and because i know that you are with me i will neither be shaken nor fearful i will neither be afraid because god emmanuel is with me [Music] i am never alone in the battle because god goes with me my god goes ahead of me preparing the way for me to
walk in safety to walk in peace and victory i confess that the lord is the one who will deliver and rescue me from the enemy what may be too strong for me is not too strong for my lord and savior jesus christ what may be too difficult for me is no match for my god what might trouble me will be no trouble for my god [Music] and i thank you lord jesus for you are greater than anything i could face you are greater bigger mightier than goliath than any red sea you king jesus are bigger
than any problem any storm or situation and i am so truly grateful that you are on my side you are my pillar of support my chief cornerstone i declare that the eternal god jehovah is my refuge he is my shield and his everlasting arms will not only hold me but they will support me and uplift me to new heights father i ask that you would fill me with boldness boldness so that in the middle of a spiritual battle i can stand and believe on your word so that i can stand on your promise that tells
me in second timothy chapter 1 verse 7 that the spirit god gave me does not make me fearful no the holy spirit gives me power love and a sound mind i invite the spirit of the lord to always be with me may the holy spirit fill me with bold fire and conviction so that i would not be intimidated by the enemy and his forces but instead i will rejoice that god's strength is made perfect in my weakness i thank you lord and i confess that i have a sound mind i confess that i live with
and i am accustomed to the power of god operating in my life and above all i thank you for the richness of your love a perfect love that drives out all fear [Music] may you take all the glory and all the praise for each and every single one of my victories your word in revelation 5 verse 12 says in a loud voice they were saying worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise my heart cries out today in praise and adoration thank
you jesus thank you in advance lord for that breakthrough for opening that door of opportunity thank you for pouring out your most wonderful and divine blessings i praise you in advance that my cup runeth over filling with favor and blessings from above you are god almighty in jesus name i pray amen there are five bible verses that i believe we should be speaking over ourselves when it comes to god's protection and before i read the word of the lord i would like to remind you not to place your faith and hope in this world a
good diet and exercise alone is not enough to keep your body protected against illness and disease you need jesus christ the chief physician and master doctor a security alarm or bolts and locks on the door is not enough to protect your home from the attacks of the devil you absolutely need the blood of jesus christ to mark your home with his presence eight hours of sleep self-help books and music aren't enough to give you peace of mind you need to hold on to jesus christ the only one who can provide peace beyond understanding in summary
the point i'm trying to make is that we should rely only on god almighty should have faith only in god elohim have confidence in him he offers full protection mind body soul spirit he offers you complete and absolute protection when you are fully surrendered in faith to him and so here are five bible verses that you should meditate on promises of protection that you should hold on to if ever you feel that you need reassurance psalms 32 7 you are my hiding place you shall preserve me from trouble you shall surround me with songs of
deliverance hebrews 13 verse 6 so we may boldly say the lord is my helper i will not fear what can man do to me [Music] isaiah 46 4 even to your old age i am he and even to gray hairs i will carry you i have made and i will bear even i will carry and will deliver you psalms 3 verse 3 but you o lord are a shield for me my glory and the one who lifts up my head proverbs 18 verse 10 the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run
to it and are safe and now let us pray lord jesus i commit myself and my family into your hands in the name of jesus [Music] i speak the blood of jesus christ upon each and every door post of my home upon each and every window post of my home for protection in the name of jesus christ your word says that the angel of the lord in encamps around all those who fear him may your angels surround my home lord i pray that a holy pillar of fire may be seen where my family and i
abide every night [Music] i plead the blood of jesus over my life today my spirit my soul my body i plead the blood of jesus over everything in my life today i submit all that may trouble me into your hands i place my fears any anxiety any worries into your hands psalm 16 verse 8 says i have set the lord always before me because he is at my right hand i shall not be moved [Music] so each and every day o lord i pray that you will be with me i don't know what each day
holds or what it will bring but be with me father and i ask that you would go before me [Music] direct my steps this day into the way of peace and strengthen my heart to obey your commandments watch over me king jesus be my protector and be my strength i pray that whatever the devil meant for evil you almighty lord will turn into good what the devil intended to destroy me with i pray that you will use it to lift me up whatever the enemy wants to use to discourage and depress us with i pray
that the lord will give us joy instead and the joy of the lord will be our strength your word has given me a promise that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and i declare that no weapon formed against my family will prosper i decree and declare that no weapon formed against my mind shall prosper i confess that no weapon formed against my health will prosper in jesus name and lord even while the enemy roams to and fro looking for whom he may devour i stand by the power that's in the name of jesus [Music]
i stand by the blood of jesus which rises up to defeat all evil i stand by the blood of jesus which is my source of victory [Music] if you o lord are with us there is none who can be against us there is none who can oppose you and that's why we come to you for safety in you we can find true protection we can find divine safety in our homes safety with our families safety even within our bodies lord jesus at this time let your power fall in our lives let your hand move in
the midst of my affairs as i call on the name above all names i pray that every feeling of doubt is destroyed every feeling of fear is thrown away and every anxiety is no more hear my prayer king jesus and have mercy your word says it's better to take refuge in the lord than to trust in humans your word says be strong and courageous do not be afraid or terrified because of them for the lord your god goes with you he will never leave you nor forsake you i thank you for the battles that you
fight for me not only those which i know about and those which i can see but also those battles that i don't know about and those which i cannot see father i ask for divine protection i ask divine intervention you know my struggles lord and you know where i am weak and so i call for your help i call for a higher power which is you watch over me each and every day watch over my coming in and going out the world is full of selfishness and cruelty i look around and ask the question who
can i turn to but you mighty god where else shall i find protection from the devourer your word assures me in psalms 34 7 which says the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them oh taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him thank you for your word that offers such blessed hope lord jesus i pray that you guard my steps each day protect me in all my endeavors and give me the strength to accomplish my daily goals lord i am comforted
by proverbs 18 verse 10 which says the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run to it and are safe and so i call upon your name lord jesus i call on the name of jesus christ today i ask you to be my strong tower i know that you can keep me and my household safe and that you wish above all things that i will prosper and be in good health i pray that you will deliver me today as you surround me with your glorious presence as i pray lord may you remove
the burdens which i'm wrestling with remove every burden that is fighting my spirit my mind or my body [Music] i thank you for being a god who sustains me and a god who delivers me i bless your name amen god's protection is over your home may he watch over you may he continue to protect you may the lord keep you and sustain you always may you experience jehovah jireh as a provider each and every door every window is guarded by angels from the lord in jesus name psalms 34 verse 7 says the angel of the
lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them i pray that this will be true for your home may the angel of the lord be encamped around the place that you abide may you and your family be protected by the precious blood of jesus christ every entry point and gateway into your home may it be fortified secured strengthened and covered by the protective blood of jesus christ i speak a blessing of protection over your home may it be so filled with the presence of the lord that all forces of evil will find it
to be impenetrable i speak a blessing of provision over your household may you lack for nothing i pray that he will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in christ jesus i speak a blessing of peace in your home may you experience unexplainable peace may you find your home to be a place of rest a place of comfort a place that you can be refreshed all because a blessing of peace is at your door [Music] i speak a blessing of joy over your household may you be of good cheer each and
every day may you be of good cheer always may you be of good cheer because jesus christ has overcome the world i speak a blessing of restoration over your home if the enemy has stolen anything from you may you be restored sevenfold in jesus name may the lord restore to you the years that the swarming locusts have eaten i speak unity over your home unity over your family may your house be one where there is love and forgiveness may you work together and in one accord in your home [Music] may the lord be your hiding
place in all seasons through the good times and through the bad times i come against the negative influences of the devil if he tries to sow strife i pray he will have no success in jesus name if the devil tries to sow discord and disharmony in your home then i rebuke it in jesus name he will be defeated in jesus name may your home be filled with things that edify and build up the family things that can build your faith and invite the presence of god i pray that the lord will reveal to you and
lead you to remove all things that deteriorate and pollute the mind may your eyes be opened so that you can guard your home against anything that can harm your faith or disturb your peace may your home be a place where you focus and meditate on whatever things are true whatever things are noble whatever things are just whatever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatever things are of good report [Music] i speak philippians 4 verse 7 over your home and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through jesus
christ i declare psalm 84 verse 11 for the lord god is a sun and shield the lord will give grace and glory no good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly indeed may god be a son and a shield to you may his light burn away any form of darkness may he shield you from every attack and may no good thing be withheld from you [Music] may the lord be the cornerstone for your home and a sure foundation for you in jesus name i pray that the armor of god is over each person
in your family [Music] your home is blessed you are blessed in your giving and in your receiving you are blessed in your coming in and going out you are blessed in the morning and blessed in the evening you are blessed in all that you do may the peace of the lord forever reign upon you i pray that the love of god will forever lift you up and hold you tight may the lord pour out his spirit upon you and may it flow through every part of your life i declare that the joy of the lord
will be your strength and uphold you day and night the lord will be a stronghold in the day of trouble for you and your family he is and will continue to be your refuge and strength the lion of the tribe of judah will guard you from every unholy force a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you you are blessed and highly favored by the lord god will keep you in all of your ways goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of
your life no evil will befall you or your family in jesus name no plague will come near your home in jesus name you will be kept in good health you have been given a sound mind a blessing of protection is upon you a blessing of favor is upon you may the fragrance of prayer always be around your home may your prayers form a protective barrier against the devil as your family rises in the morning and as your household goes to bed each night may the presence of our lord jesus be strong and prevalent in your
home in jesus name amen [Music] how do you find peace and joy in a world filled with struggle [Music] how do you find peace and joy in a world where many people's daily lives can be marred by conflict and turmoil well there is an answer [Music] there is a savior called jesus christ a provider of peace peace that surpasses all understanding he is a divine supplier of joy joy unspeakable now what you and i have to do is to choose to believe in him choose to accept him we need to make the choice to allow
the peace of god to infiltrate our hearts and minds and we do this by deciding to run to god we have to choose to trust in him no matter what no matter what others say no matter what they don't say the choice is ours jesus said in the bible peace i leave with you my peace i give to you not as the world gives do i give to you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid therefore it's up to us to choose whether or not we accept the peace that jesus christ
gives us we find peace and joy by choosing to pray in all that we face instead of letting yourself get anxious i encourage you to choose faith over fear choose not to stress but to believe that god is always with us and he is always in control dear friends we can choose to have peace by setting our minds and our thoughts on those things that are true and right on those things that are above and not on this earth a few days rest a vacation time alone or music will not give us lasting peace all
of that will not give us peace in the midst of a storm but when we set our minds on jesus and when we set our minds on the word then we'll truly understand that the bible says in isaiah 26 verse 3 you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you don't you desire perfect peace and the bible says you will keep him it's a state of constant peace meaning during seasons of pain god will keep you in a state of perfect peace during stormy seasons where the
clouds are gray and there seems to be no sunshine ahead god will keep you in perfect peace so i encourage you to keep your mind fixed on the one who is the true source of peace jesus christ now let us pray my dear lord and savior i know that in whatever i face whatever challenge is presented before me not only are you my good shepherd but you are my peace my joy and my refuge in mark chapter 4 verse 39 your word says then he arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea peace
be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm rebuke the storms in my life jesus those storms that come only to discourage me those storms that come only to disturb i ask that you lord in your mighty power arise and rebuke those attacks as you speak the words peace be still i now declare a great calm over my life and my family the wind has ceased the disruption has ceased no more turmoil and unrest because jesus christ has promised me peace he has promised me to be anxious for nothing and so i
call on your name lord i come to you with praise on my lips i come to you with an expectant heart i say that you are holy jesus you are majestic deserving of all praise your name is worthy to be reverenced and adored your name alone is higher than every other name so today i do call on the one who is the lord of lords jesus christ the living son of god proverbs 16 7 says when a man's ways please the lord he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him i pray that
my ways would please you jesus so that even my enemies even those who oppose me those who don't like me will have no choice but to bow down to your word and be at peace with me because my ways please you i am chasing after you because you offer a peace that is lasting you offer a peace that makes me confident you offer what is real and what is true peace and joy your word lord jesus fills me with deep assurance in the midst of all that i may face your word brings peace to my
life because it says the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace numbers chapter 6 verse 26 i am persuaded that nothing in my past present or future nothing in the kingdom of darkness or here on earth can steal your peace or joy from me when i constantly abide under your shadow remove that which wishes to rise and choke out your peace out of my life remove that which wishes to rise and disrupt the joy you have given me instead i only welcome your presence i only welcome your spirit which brings wise
counsel divine comfort and real freedom from bondage i am blessed because i can declare psalm 55 verse 18 he has redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me for there were many against me i am blessed because i can declare romans 16 verse 20 which says and the god of peace will crush satan under your feet shortly the grace of our lord jesus christ be with you i come into agreement with your word the word of the lord which gives me strength and confidence indeed i will crush the devil under my
feet because of the awesome peace from my lord jesus christ indeed the lord has redeemed my soul in peace from all who stood against me i am of good cheer because nothing is too much for me to bear as i am in christ nothing can make me shake or leave me trembling because my god is a very present help in times of trouble may the holy spirit continue to remind me that i am not alone when i face adversity when the storms of life come along i can run to jesus christ who will offer me
shelter and be my deliverer be blessed and glorified in jesus mighty name i pray amen [Music] as believers we need to be calling out to the lord daily we need to be calling out for his hand to touch our lives we need to be crying out for his love for his grace and for his tender mercies and he is good and ever faithful because he is a god who gives us what we don't deserve i don't deserve eternal life but yet the lord offers it to me i don't deserve unconditional love but yet he still
offers that to me i don't deserve even his amazing grace but yet he gives it to me and i want to encourage you to call on the name of the lord jesus christ and he will hear you he will see you he is a god who loves those who feel unloved to the one who is lonely he is a god who will stick closer than a brother for those who are tired and weary he invites them to come into his presence and cast their burdens unto him god is caring loving and ever faithful so i
encourage you today to call unto him and now let us pray jesus you are ever faithful you are my hiding place and you have charge over my life lord you are a god who is trustworthy and able to deliver all those who place their faith in you and my dear lord i pray that there may be a hedge of protection around me a hedge of protection around my family around my loved ones i place my faith in you for you to keep me safe and secure i ask that the blood of jesus christ the risen
king will cover my steps from the moment that i start my day to when i lay my head down at night may you be with me lord you are a god who watches over me a god who is caring and loving you are faithful not to let my foot slip you are a god who never sleeps nor slumbers and so i praise you today and i confess that victory belongs to you jesus healing can only be found in you even restoration father that can only come through you and in this time where there is uncertainty
in this world in a time where there is a lot of confusion and fear lord i pray for peace peace and protection under the blood of jesus the blood that never loses its power bring peace to my home lord peace in my mind and in my soul let my heart not be troubled or unsettled by the things of this world i believe that you are a god who knows the beginning and the end i believe that you are a god who provides shelter for your children you are the only one capable to sustain me lord
you are the god who was who is and who will forever be the god of abraham isaac and jacob and although i don't know what tomorrow or the future may hold i will place my trust in you because your word in the book of psalms says that i have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread [Music] you are a god who will never forsake his children and so i cast all of my cares and worries unto you lord i surrender it all to you because only in you can i find true peace
and serenity i am grateful for your mercy lord i thank you for your grace and i declare that my trust is in the lord god almighty [Music] i declare the time like a tree planted by the waters and i am rooted in jesus christ and i praise you because all of the honor belongs to you lord i bow before you lord in recognition of how much i need you in my life i need you for direction i need you for counsel i need your protection and your favor daily i refuse to lean on my own
worldly understanding because when i look at the way things are on this earth and i see the situations and circumstances that i find myself in nothing makes any sense however i will trust that you lord will make a way where there seems to be no way you will turn things around for my good and i will live in the promise that surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and so when i place my trust in you i am able to believe that there is a purpose greater than what my
physical eyes can see i am believing that there is a divine plan that you are in control of you are ordering my steps and your word shall be a lamp unto my feet i pray that the holy spirit will remind me in difficult times that there is a reason that i face each trial there is a purpose for every test that comes my way and if i must go through challenging situations because it's in your will lord then i pray that the holy spirit will give me the strength that i require to overcome give me
the faith to stand firm and endure i pray that you will stand with me lord jesus i may not be able to see what the next step is however i submit to you because you will make my paths straight your word in the book of isaiah gives me the reassurance that i need as it tells me that when i pass through the waters you will be with me and when i pass through the rivers they will not sweep over me when i walk through the fire i will not be burned you are a stronghold in
the day of trouble you are my refuge and my strength the lion of the tribe of judah and with everything going on around me with everything that's going on in this world i praise you for shielding me from any illness i thank you for protecting me from any struggles or violence i thank you for protecting me in each and every way physically and spiritually i pray lord that your hand will continue to be over my life your divine protection will continue to be upon me and my family may your presence surround me and my family
wherever we go we invite your presence into our lives lord into our homes and into our hearts your word has assured me that there is safety in abiding in the presence of the lord and so i will seek your presence daily [Music] father i stand and believe in your word that says a thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you i stand on this promise today lord that indeed a thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but it
will not come near me because you lord jesus have formed a hedge of protection around me and so i confess that nothing no evil or darkness will come near me or my family because you lord jesus the king of kings and the lord of lords the most high god you are my refuge and my shelter a present help in the day of trouble i thank you father god for your word that is living and true i bless your holy name and i praise you for listening to this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ
i pray [Music] amen [Music] god's protection is over your home may he watch over you may he continue to protect you may the lord keep you and sustain you always may you experience jehovah jireh as a provider each and every door every window is guarded by angels from the lord in jesus name psalms 34 verse 7 says the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them i pray that this will be true for your home may the angel of the lord be encamped around the place that you abide may
you and your family be protected by the precious blood of jesus christ every entry point and gateway into your home may it be fortified secured strengthened and covered by the protective blood of jesus christ i speak a blessing of protection over your home may it be so filled with the presence of the lord that all forces of evil will find it to be impenetrable i speak a blessing of provision over your household may you lack for nothing i pray that he will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in christ jesus
i speak a blessing of peace in your home may you experience unexplainable peace may you find your home to be a place of rest a place of comfort a place that you can be refreshed all because a blessing of peace is at your door i speak a blessing of joy over your household may you be of good cheer each and every day [Music] may you be of good cheer always may you be of good cheer because jesus christ has overcome the world [Music] i speak a blessing of restoration over your home if the enemy has
stolen anything from you may you be restored seven fold in jesus name may the lord restore to you the years that the swarming locusts have eaten [Music] i speak unity over your home unity over your family may your house be one where there is love and forgiveness may you work together and in one accord in your home may the lord be your hiding place in all seasons through the good times and through the bad times i come against the negative influences of the devil if he tries to sow strife i pray he will have no
success in jesus name if the devil tries to sow discord and disharmony in your home then i rebuke it in jesus name he will be defeated in jesus name [Music] may your home be filled with things that edify and build up the family things that can build your faith and invite the presence of god i pray that the lord will reveal to you and lead you to remove all things that deteriorate and pollute the mind may your eyes be open so that you can guard your home against anything that can harm your faith or disturb
your peace [Music] may your home be a place where you focus and meditate on whatever things are true whatever things are noble whatever things are just whatever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatever things are of good rapport i speak philippians 4 verse 7 over your home and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through jesus christ [Music] i declare psalm 84 verse 11 for the lord god is a sun and shield the lord will give grace and glory no good thing will he withhold from those who
walk uprightly indeed may god be a son and a shield to you may his light burn away any form of darkness may he shield you from every attack and may no good thing be withheld from you [Music] may the lord be the cornerstone for your home and a sure foundation for you in jesus name i pray that the armor of god is over each person in your family [Music] your home is blessed you are blessed in your giving and in your receiving you are blessed in your coming in and going out you are blessed in
the morning and blessed in the evening you are blessed in all that you do may the peace of the lord forever reign upon you i pray that the love of god will forever lift you up and hold you tight may the lord pour out his spirit upon you and may it flow through every part of your life i declare that the joy of the lord will be your strength and uphold you day and night the lord will be a stronghold in the day of trouble for you and your family he is and will continue to
be your refuge and strength the lion of the tribe of judah will guard you from every unholy force a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you [Music] you are blessed and highly favored by the lord god will keep you in all of your ways goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life no evil will befall you or your family in jesus name no plague will come near your home in jesus name you will be kept in good health you
have been given a sound mind a blessing of protection is upon you a blessing of favor is upon you may the fragrance of prayer always be around your home may your prayers form a protective barrier against the devil as your family rises in the morning and as your household goes to bed each night may the presence of our lord jesus be strong and prevalent in your home in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you
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