so I know that some of you guys watch my videos and quite frankly you hate me and to be honest that's fine with me you see I've been uploading my life now on YouTube for 9 years I'm talking about the UPS the Downs The Good The Bad from starting my first business to take care of my mom to hiring my first employee at 17 to dropping out of school to making my first million to then making over $100 million since then and documenting the whole journey now for some people I'm a hero for some people
I'm a villain but quite frankly I don't really care and I don't mean that in any egotistical way it's just I'm a human okay I'm a real person who lives life who up who succeeds and then just shares what works for him and if you find that valuable watch and if you don't that's cool as well some people love me some people hate me but no one can deny that I set out with a mission I said what I wanted to do I did it and I recorded the whole entire thing so what you're about
to see is nearly a decade of dedication delusional belief in the grace of God so here is my journey from a 15-year-old kid to nine figures and let's start with 2016 when I made the best decision in my entire life without even realizing it picking up a camera and building a personal brand yeah uh I basically just want to talk about why I'm doing this before I end off um and where I want to go with it um I started on Instagram maybe 2 and 1/2 months ago and I can honestly say in that 2
and 1/2 months mons lots of opportunities have popped up and it's really really been just a great decision I you know I start off one photo now I have 60 odd whatever um and yeah in that 2 and 1 half months I've gotten sponsorship offers I've gotten so much feedback I've gotten people telling me that I Inspire and motivate them and all these things are just amazing for me to hear and they really just make me quite happy um uh I've given out advice when asked I really just tried to help people out with their
journey and I've tried to share mine and if that's interesting to people then so be it and I'm happy they're on my Instagram and enjoying my content um and really just the next step for me is YouTube um I'll be honest this is maybe the third day I vlogged and this is probably the first day I've gotten it properly as I wanted it and I'm still nowhere near what I want my video production to be and what I want my videos to look like um there really is just quite quite a distance to go before
I reach that place um and I'll be honest YouTube vlogging is just so so hard uh especially in the gym so hopefully something I'll get better at practice makes perfect same applies for literally anything in life that's really what I want guys I I want I want to help I want to inspire I want to motivate um if you guys have any questions feel free to ask me I will answer um because at the beginning I had so many questions and I asked as many people as I could and they really helped me out and
now what I want to do is I want to take what I've learned and help other people out um I want to provide value is basically what I'm trying to say so now what I want to do is I want to take this I want to share my journey and if that inspires and that motivates people along the way I've done what I I've I've accomplished my goal basically my goal is basically just for another 15 14 16 19 20 whatever however old you are to see my video and think wow you know if you
stick in there if you put in the work great things can happen credit what credits do I mean when I used to look at all these YouTubers saying they'd get home and then they'd have to do editing I would think how long just putting together a couple Clips take it took me an hour last night to put together overlay some music render a 13-minute video this vlogging things harder than I thought hey guys so I want to end off today's Vlog by inviting you to ask yourself why are you here what's your purpose what's your
passion you know it's 11:30 I just did my second workout of the day and the reason I can do that is because I know what my purpose is I know what my passion is and I don't ever think you're too young to figure it out I think it even at 15 16 17 18 it's important to know it will change over the course of your life and there's nothing wrong with that for some people stay the same but I don't want to offer you guys a subpar service so I'm going to continue studying I'm going
to keep learning and then one of these days guys I will offer nutrition workout online coaching and I'm going to make sure it's an amazing service let's hope this focus is in Focus yeah there we go um guys I get a lot of questions and a lot of DMS asking um you know will you make a workout plan for me will you make a meal plan for me and they're offering money in exchange a lot of people actually do online coaching and I think it's a great thing I don't think you need to pay insane
amounts of money to have a personal trainer there by your side I think if you get a solid workout a nutrition plan and you just get some support it's it's really not that hard um guys the equipment at the end of the day it doesn't matter what matters is the narrative the message you're putting across and the way you put together all the clips and edit it and the way you present that message and that's once again something that I need to work on and that's something that I'm continuously striving to improve because this is
this is the way in which I share my message it's through YouTube it's through my Instagram it's through what I write on Instagram it's through my periscopes the way I message back and the amount of detail I message you back with and the thought and the care I put into things so guys this is just my sort of way of saying you got to hold yourself accountable you have to constantly evaluate what you're doing if you don't know I train maybe three four people like on a consistent basis and I make them workout plans uh
sometimes even meal plans help them achieve their goals because these are friends of mine it's easy to think in times like these that you're useless you're worthless you're undisciplined you can't push past challenges but guys everyone has off days bad days honestly I can say that today I mean I was sick um but I genuinely got nothing done or at least very little done and that's not something I'm proud of I think it's important to still be able to push past obstacles like that and make sure you're getting everything done daily which you need to
but you are going to have days like these guys and don't beat yourself up about it reflect on the day think about why it happened and then move on and make sure tomorrow is a really really great day and you make up for everything that's happened today so that's exactly what I'm planning on doing I'm just going to go home reflect on today and set all my goals and my to-dos for tomorrow and tomorrow I'm going to crush it I want you to be I want you to switch on to my video and I want
you to see me say my message and then actually go through with it I want you to see me you know motivate you guys and then I want you to see me within the Vlog you know lift lift to the best of my ability read books uh study do all these things that are helping me and making me a better person and I just want to inspire and motivate you guys through that and that's what I'm best at so that's what I want to play towards um and yeah that's pretty much it guys I just
want to talk about something that's been on my mind and that's disassociating yourself from negativity negative people I think we we take for granted just how much negative people and Ne negativity in general actually how much energy it actually saps from us honestly guys you can go for a 30 minute run and you can talk to a negative person for 5 minutes they'll have the same effect once you just walk away from having a negative conversation with a negative person you just feel drained you feel as though they stolen energy from you and that's not
how you should feel you should always try and surround yourself with positive people you should have positive thoughts and you should go about things in a positive manner because there's always a negative and a positive way to go about things um even something like not fulfilling your duties that's negative you know putting in the work when you don't want to that's positive I mean I I look at everything like that and as I said I think we take for granted or not sorry sorry not take for granted but we underestimate just how much it has
an effect on us and guys I'm just saying try and take negativity and keep it the hell away from you because that's not what you need your thoughts should be positive because positive thoughts lead to posit positive outcomes um and your friends and your the people you are around should be positive because if they're not it's just going to sap so much energy from you and guys I'm not saying you should be an optimist and look at everything with uh sheer positivity and whatnot I don't think that's healthy either I think it's definitely right and
it's understandable when sometimes you are negative and you know you just want to complain or you want to take the easy route or you you just had enough and you're in a negative bad place I think that's understandable and it's fine but what I'm trying to say is live a 90% positive life live a 95% positive life and go about everything in a positive manner because that will yield much better results getting better becoming the best version of yourself is just such an important concept it's and such an important idea that I want to remind
myself because you know sometimes I feel like being Idol I feel like just not accomplishing and not moving forward because that takes effort and sometimes you're just so tired you really don't want to whatever your reason or excuses so that just reminds me of my core value which is always move forward always find ways to improve and always find ways to become the best version of yourself all right guys just to end this Vlog off I thought I'd show you something I'm quite proud of and something that's continuing to grow and that is my sort
of book collection here on my sort of desk in my room not desk like what whatever I can call this um these are pretty much just like 35 of my favorite books I have maybe 50 more hard hard copy books um in my actual like bookcase and then I have like 50 more on my Kindle which I never use anymore um I just use the app on my phone when I'm in the tube just to read so we've got books like Total Recall um Arnold Schwarz and Egger uh autobiography what everybody saying book on body
language way of superior man one of the best books I've ever read science of persuasion Richard Branson losing my virginity Power of Now man search for meaning uh Sam Walton made in America contiki Marcus aelius meditations so this is more autobiography biography spiritual side um all this stuff sort of inspires me intrigues me um makes me understand myself better um here's more along the The Real World um so we've got stuff like asra Campbell winners forour Work Week D let get more um free economics Thinking Fast and Slow personal MBA uh basics of economics how
to speak money making habits Breaking Habits power uh The Power of Habit willpower Mastery uh 48 Laws of Power and my Kindle and then I've just got my nasm notes um some investing notes some personal notes um and goal setting from like a year ago which is always interesting to look back at I've had people offer me offer to pay me for online coaching and for online Co consultations and whatnot I don't want to do that yet because I don't feel as though I'm ready and I don't feel as though I can offer you an
amazing product an amazing service whatnot guys I'm training people in real life I'm reading Sports Science um you know textbooks and then distilling that down into notes and really revising it and studying it I'm learning my craft in order to provide value so that one day I can feel I have the right to be paid for my services right now I don't feel as though that's the case because I don't feel as though I'm providing enough value in order to be paid for it so I'm just trying to be completely transparent with you guys I
don't want to you know give you a horrible service in return for your money I want every single person who I charge in the future to be blown away by what I give you and what I present to you when I'm not motivated I just think about the people I'm helping and all the questions I get and you know the positive effect that this will have but the point is I'm taking time out of my day and this isn't easy but I'm taking time out of my day to create this for you guys oh yeah
guys Ben Francis followed me if you don't know who that is let me just show you one sec wait wait oh God I'm feeling it okay there we go um he's actually the co-founder and owner of gym shark even before he followed me I knew all about him I mean his story and what he's done with the company is absolutely amazing it's insane and I don't know I find it really really cool that he actually followed me sponsorship coming soon I'm telling you guys whenever you put yourself out there you have to expect that you're
going to get criticized laughed at people are going to think you're stupid or they're pretty much going to taunt you but don't give people that right it's your life you have to do what you want to do to me honestly I'm just enjoying the journey so much that it doesn't even matter how many subscribers how many views how many likes but the fact that every day there's usually around 150 people who watch my videos 150 people who take out 10 to 15 minutes of their day to watch me talk to a camera to watch my
life that's incredible um so I just want to thank you guys either you achieve something or you don't so find a way to achieve and accomplish your goals and if you fail don't make excuses go to the drawing board look at what you did wrong readjust make some more goals and make sure you hit them next time all right guys so I hope you enjoy that edit what I'm going to leave you with right now is a couple clips from earlier on in the day it's okay man crazy story all right so so it was
uh outside on the street yeah on the road outside on the street yeah saw MacBook Pro and then took a while to look through your papers listen I've got to say thank does it I mean it doesn't matter you guys have got it and that's I mean it's amazing how the laptop is SM yeah it's just I can't believe it's not whoops all right guys so found him right now here he is can I say guys um especially all torn up and stuff but yeah all T guess what this is why you should buy an
Apple it lives through anything so what you saw right there was yesterday while I was on my way to the gym my mom drove me and our car my mom thought there was just some PL black plastic bag in the middle of the road and my mom ran over something and we kept driving heard like a little hiss and I realized there must be something underneath the tires underneath the car itself so I stopped uh looked underneath and there was a bag um not going to lie I was a bit freaked out yanked it out
um it was just a black bag and uh there was a MacBook Pro in there um an iPhone uh plane tickets like just a bunch of stuff and it was someone's belongings guys someone had lost it you know I tried my best I I looked and I looked um you know my mom and other people were telling me to take it to the police station but never underestimate the power of the internet these days so I looked online spent quite a while and finally found the company he worked for found his company email through a
link from an expo that I think he's going to uh uh got in contact with him and was able to finally give it back to him today it was the best feeling in the world guys um he his wife had just given birth and uh he has two kids um you know so he was really in a rush and he dropped his bag with all his belongings in it and guys what I'm trying to say here is honestly you know I don't think the world is completely righteous I'm not completely righteous I don't always do
the moral things I'd be completely lying to you if for Split Second it in you know occur in my mind that I could sell this stuff for two like 1,500 lb 2,000 lb and buy myself new camera equipment and a new phone and all this crap but guys I think in this world I do genely believe that you attract what you are and if you do the moral thing I do gen I don't believe in karma but I believe that that's what you'll attract and you'll receive that back if you're a high value person you'll
attract high value people if you do the moral and the job thing I do genuinely think that it'll come back to you one day so that's my final message to you guys you know be the change that you want to see in the world set the example and you know sometimes you'll get [ __ ] over but in the end you'll always be you'll always come out on top so if you enjoy this video please like comment subscribe and have a great day guys all right guys so I just hit 500 Subs that may be
a small deal to other people that but that is so so impressive to me I still can't believe I hit 500 subscribers just to think that 500 people looked at my YouTube channel and they're like oh okay this guy has something to offer is pretty crazy and it's only been like 3 months so I really appreciate it guys and I'm going to continue to work to make this channel better and more enjoyable for you guys put out free content guys my number one goal is to put out as much free content before I you know
and if some of you guys want to take it to the next next level and really change your lives I've got my online plans I've got my in-person clients I just came back from training two clients so the message I want to leave you guys is give first of all give before you take get out of this taking mentality find ways you can always provide value find ways you can pump out free content before you expect people to buy a $300 online coaching package all guys so what you saw right there was a workout with
my girlfriend uh it was last week's episode so you know it takes a lot of courage to be completely honest about what's going on in your life and you know the UPS the Downs here on YouTube it's really easy whether you have one subscriber or a million to show you know just the good side show how awesome your life is um and when you've got a personal uh YouTube such as myself when you decide to share your life such as myself I think it's important to show the ups and the Downs um so point is
I just want to be like completely honest with you uh going forward you know the next couple episodes uh next couple Vlogs might be a bit more mellow um not as happy uh basically today was my girlfriend's last day in London uh she moved back so that's just something I'm warning you about right now so guys if you know if you do YouTube If you know if you're trying to put on a facade with your friends if you're trying to act like everything's okay and your life is just up up up um which is I
find it easy to do especially because a lot of people are like oh wow 16 you've got this in order this in order this in order I can't believe you're 16 blah blah blah show your struggles because you honestly don't know who you could be helping just be completely real and there's someone who could learn from your journey when you do good when you put great stuff out there that's what you're going to get back I think just being on I know I deserve this because the amount of free content I put on YouTube the
amount of time I put into my Instagram replying to every single person who you know asks me a question or anything like that this is the byproduct of all that work and giving all that effort when you give you receive simple as that and I've given a lot of value recently and I guess now's my time to receive so I think in yesterday's video I told you guys about how I was hired to manage my old Club social media do their marketing and their branding so I'm just having a call with the owner right now
to discuss a few details use something like Photoshop or Lightroom just to make it look more professional work the first billable um so that's YouTube okay uh also there's a lot of analytics that I want to look on on this um see when you're getting most traffic uh and then optimize to post at those times what I want to talk to you quickly about is enjoying the proc now you're not going to find happiness from when you get that first 1,000 subscribers or when you make that first million maybe in my case it's not a
first million but when you make a th000 in a month which I've done which I did last month actually so you're you're not going to find enjoyment from that guys what you are going to find enjoyment from is the tedious sort of stuff you know making channel art or talking to clients it's a little sort of things and it's literally about enjoying the process and if you can find a way to do that then maybe you're doing the wrong thing and that's something you should think about you could be doing this as well if there's
you know if you're looking at something expensive that you want maybe you want to go on a trip look at something you're you know okay at or maybe even good at and find a way to monetize it don't use your age as an excuse if you know you're whatever 15 to 18 but because people will still hire you for quality as long as you know what you're doing as long as you can Market yourself well there's a lot of money to be made out there in whatever your Niche is so I hope that's number one
answered your question as to how I can afford the things that I can afford and number two I hope that's inspired you to seriously take a look at your life and think okay how can I make money off of the things that I love doing or the things that I'm great at let me just be honest with you my main like my set point is I'm very negative I make excuses a lot um I'm very lazy like I'm serious this is genuinely where I come from I'm not very clever I don't retain information very easily
but what I am is very hardworking I've you know weeded out all those bad attributes um things like not being able to remember or retain information easily that's why I've realized that and I highlight and I make information packets and I look over things again and again you know things like I'm lazy I'm naturally very lazy I find out what motivates me I make sure everything around me is um you know success oriented everything from the music I listen to to the audio books I listen to to the books I read to the people I
have around me to the things I watch and even my own selft talk I got at least four or five comments asking how do you afford this crap it is a lot of money guys first of all my parents my mom isn't helping me in the slightest uh pay for this this is literally all my own money and you may be wondering how I can afford something that's 1,500 lb and that's simply I worked for it like simple as that and I've always looked at people who can Iz their passion and I've never thought they're
cheating the system or they just got lucky I thought wow that's genuinely incredible that they were C able to cultivate something that they're good at and then they were able to find a way to Market themselves so people paid them for their service and that's precisely What I've Done guys I've you know I started getting into the gym and then I built up a brand on Instagram you know just for no reason to begin with and then I started building up this YouTube started building up my Snapchat and you know throughout this time I was
getting people asking me do you do online coaching and I'd always say no and then I started thinking about it and it actually became an idea in my mind so I started studying uh nasm NCA notes you know I really got into the technical side of things and then I spent over a month building my website and through all of that I've been able to make money through online coaching through personal training uh as well as now I'm making money through uh social media marketing and branding these are all stuff that took a long time
to cultivate so what I you know the thing I want to leave you guys with is if you have a passion and especially if you guys are young I mean I know a lot of you guys are young out here if you want to go to college um you know it's such a good thing to have it's a good way to make money on the on the side whether you know you can do personal training freelance or videography freelance or you know whatever it is whether you can consult for uh or give advice on meditation
and be a meditation coach or you know literally whatever it is if you can cultivate a skill from an early age and you don't have to be you know brilliant or amazing I get that common a lot guys guys I was just making an invoice for my first billable next week um next week is basically when I start getting paid for my uh social media work um with the football club I'm working with I just find it so crazy guys um you know I'm creating invoices and I'm like learning all the stuff and it's super
cool that you know I'm learning this stuff at 16 and I remember the the reason I tell you guys this is because I know a lot of you guys are sitting behind your screens and you're thinking wow like you're I number one you're either jealous and that's mainly because you're like I there's no way I could do that and the only reason I'm saying that is because I know what it's like like I you know even a year ago I never would have imagined this I I looked it you know you hear all these Su
success stories of these 16 17 18 year olds making so much money off stocks or Commodities or you know even for their service or you know founding these startups and then selling them and I always thought there was something weird about it or you know I thought there was something unique or special to them that there's no way I could do something like that and I'm not comparing myself to someone who creates a startup and sells it for a million but you know I'm at a point where I'm still in school and I'm getting paid
for you know coaching people I'm getting paid for running people's social media people are paying me for my service I've gone to a point where you know I provide so much value that people are you know paying me to go to the extra step and do even more for them I just find that so cool guys I really do find that crazy um and I never would have imagined half a year ago and that's why I'm I'm telling you guys this because put out your first video put out your first post you know [ __
] look for something in your house pick it up and make that your first sale on eBay whatever it is just try stuff all right guys so from one call to the next this one is not a client this one is a follower um he's looking into get he's looking to get into the online coaching realm and asking me how I can sort of TR how I can sort of transition into that um and how I can build credibility and Rapport go ahead say hi to my Vlog apprciate it hey what's going on Vlog massive
fan um definitely subscribe to this guy if you haven't already he's dedicated he's only 16 he's killing it all thanks man I'm incredibly grateful for that day and I mean how crazy is that guys I go to the gym truck meet by myself I get so many people talking I get so many people's contact information I you know I start talking to Dan I start talking to Ben I start talking to NL they invite me to lunch and then they invite me to go work out it's crazy day guys crazy crazy day and what it's
made me realize is you know those are the sorts of people that I should be hanging out with obviously it's hard I'm 16 it's hard to find people who are in the same sort of mental space as me it was just it was just so motivating and invigorating being around the that sort of mentality you know when I came back to London I really got serious and I looked at what goals I wanted to accomplish I have eight for this year um or the from the point at which I said it one of them was
to make 15,000 um you know just make 15,000 that doesn't mean have 15,000 in my bank account at the end of the year or whatever make 15,000 lb in a year's time I set that goal on the 19th 11 days ago and since then I've made 514 l89 so 11 days 515 lb I'm on track that is 13th of the way there um in 11 days so hopefully I can keep it up up um and you know it's just it's crazy to think where I am it's crazy crazy to think where I am um I
don't know I guess it makes these late nights a bit more bearable 1,4 subscribers we broke the 1K barrier thanks a lot guys four times a week I am bringing in food myself because if I go off campus my options are prer McDonald's Subway even if I try to Uber eat or deliver to my school you know something like the good life Eatery that's like 15b some a place like the good life eery the micronutrients the nutritional content is really good but I can't pay 15 for that maybe not now maybe who knows in a
year I'll be uh I'll be doing that every day but at this point that's not something I can afford now you hear all these big YouTubers talking about how in their first year they had maybe 100 subscribers 200 300 400 subscribers you know within their second third year like after their third year they got to 5, 10,000 subscribers and you know I'm at 1,200 and it's been around 7 months and I grow around 200 250 each month I don't give a [ __ ] I seriously do not care at all and guys I do social
media consultation if you didn't know that and whenever I'm working with someone who's trying to build a personal brand I tell them please just stop looking looking at the damn analytics stop looking at the numbers and start looking at what are people saying to you how are people responding to you how are people opening up to you and guys the sort of messages I get through snapchat through Instagram even through the comments on YouTube it's insane seriously some of you guys are so incredible you some of you guys are working so hard to achieve your
dreams and the fact that you're coming to me you know the amount of humility you guys have so you guys coming to me me for advice for help is incredible all I care about is the quality of interactions I remember four or five around like 4 months ago I made a commitment I looked at my Instagram I looked at my social media and I thought okay I have you know I'm growing in numbers but who's really there and since then I've decided to care more than anything and wow the response has been incredible I'm getting
you know even even things like having all my friends watching all this Vlogs like all these Vlogs like it means the world to me if you're one of my friends seriously thank you for watching these things I know you're super busy I know IB kills the fact that people who I don't know are sending me huge paragraphs about how I've inspired how I've inspired motivated them I've had a couple people tell me that I'm the reason they've started YouTube how how crazy is that so I want to end off this video by saying a huge
huge thank you I want to make a commitment that I'm going to keep going and I'm going to try and help as many people as I can I'm going to keep trying things myself keep experimenting see what works see what doesn't I'm going to share it with you guys so if You' enjoyed this video please leave a like I'll see you in the next one so guys people will always wonder how do you work so hard how do you hustle so hard and guys it's it's pretty much down to you like for me it it's
not even something I think about at this point because I wake up every morning to messages like these you know messages telling me I inspired you to start youtubing to start you know shifting away from your personality and all caring what people think to start meditating to start reading start going to the gym to start working on your business start monetizing your passion I can't tell you how grateful I am guys the amount of energy you give me in the morning to keep pushing through my day pushing through adversity pushing through challenges like the transitions
please please guys can we get 60 likes on this video um if we get 60 likes on this video then I promise the quality will maintain at this level we hope you guys liked it like seriously I love YouTube I love engaging with you guys a lot the responses I get responses like this and other stuff like that I mean I I'll just put some stuff on the screen like those sorts of messages on Instagram on Snapchat stuff like that that genuinely keeps me going like when I'm burnt the [ __ ] out when it's
super late when I just want to go to bed like that's what keeps me going that's what keeps me creating content uh doing client work is that has carry over into my personal account um you know just practicing my craft really you guys are what keeps me going then there's the entrepreneurial side of it you know I'm trying to monetize my passion I'm trying to you know go into this business Endeavor and this business Endeavor and I'm getting really creative and that comes with a lot of work and when I say a lot of work
I mean a soul destroying amount of work and sometimes it's hard for me to keep up and it's a sacrifice that I kind of have to make and especially at my age at 16 I I'm sure you guys must have seen recently if you're following my Snapchat and stuff like that you know I'm getting tempted to go out and party and be with friends all the time as a lot of 16-year-olds do but I guess it's something that I have to sacrifice going forward if I reach my bigger Vision my my lifestyle goal rather than
you know just a shortterm hedonistic goal just having pleasure and whatnot all right guys so fast forward 6 hours we're with this one oh I thought you going to f we're on our way to Chipotle dude I can't wait in like 2 years 3 years where we're ubering everywhere but uh you're going to be [ __ ] loaded with Fitness money Mr iig Fitness I'm going to be a peasant in college $70,000 in that so one step at a time okay but yeah still no okay well I'll pay for the Uber love you yeah dude
I can't wait until like 2 years until we Uber everywhere but for now um for now it's bus so what you just saw in 2016 was the bubbling up of potential I will say that when it rains it pours in 2016 was the year that things were heating up before what was about to be the most life-changing year of my life 2017 was truly the year that everything changed for me so guys I hope you enjoyed this video it was pretty all over the place I think it was over the span of 5 days and
as I said that's because I had the shoot and then I had two more since then so I've had to do a lot of photo editing video editing and haven't really focused on my Vlog that much all I can say is stop thinking how you can take things from people and start giving value because when you give value people's guard is let down and they sort of bring you into their world now I'm actually going to be working with affle really really closely in terms of content creation and building the brand so there's going to
be a lot of exciting stuff coming soon so guys this year I'm not playing around the past 2 months have been insane and I'm telling you this is only a start I can live every single day with passion and you're seeing the results now and I haven't picked up the camera in 2 weeks and a lot has happened in 2 weeks a lot of big deals more clients signed on new you know what maybe this doesn't work out maybe I fall flat on my ass but you know what I enjoyed the journey I love the
journey and it's very rare that when someone's really passionate about something and they have the drive and they have the motivation and the self-discipline that they fail at what they're doing because even if they get knock down they're going to get recreative they're going to work not harder but they're going to work smarter this time and they're going to achieve their dream lifestyle I cannot tell you how proud I am for being able to travel for work for my passion for something that love doing and get paid for it 2017 already has been the craziest
year of my life and there are big things coming I'm telling you and I want to tell my story because I know it's a very unique one not many people are like me at this age but I know a lot of people have the aspiration to do something like me at this age and they just need someone to show them how it's done because to be honest I don't know any other 17-year-old who's like so into entrepreneurship is out there making his own money at this age networking with really influ IAL people getting paid to
travel for what he loves to do so that's something I really want to share with you guys so we are at the athlete HQ just waiting on the first of the influencers second one's coming we're shooting a couple videos today um I'll see if I can plug them in lot of excited content all right guys so we're on location here currently trying to set up the crine um this is a really really dope 3 AIS stabilizer only problem with this is if you don't have a tripod this thing is it's tough wait wait wait wait
for it no oh damn it damn it I just have to I nearly had it it's like 3:00 a.m. right now I'm just bleeding my eyes out just trying to put up as much content as possible trying to get daily uploads for YouTube and um posts on Instagram every day so all right guys so meeting all done very very exciting stuff uh I can't tell you some of the stuff right now um I found out some really good news this morning which I mean will materialize in like 3 weeks or so but we're here with
Jacob um this place is really cool it's uh what is it Clifton nurseries okay yeah this is our secret spot but um yeah in terms of our personal brand big things coming this year the fact that you can have freedom you can have personal freedom I get to choose my hours I get to travel for a living I get to travel for my work I get to you know like my honestly my hour my um my work week is like 20 hours and uh I can make that even less if I delegate um more to
like my team of uh graphic designers content creators marketers to announce that today is the day where I have my last day at school I I'm officially the 17-year-old High School Dropout and um I came to the decision after having an incredible 3 months incredible 6 months getting to a point where I have mentors who I trust and I've learned so much from getting to a point where financially like I know I'm going to be okay even with this decision getting to the point where I have so much passion and drive for what I'm doing
that I I just can't sit there and learn all this stuff and deal with the opportunity cost that comes with wasting all this time so so yeah this whole the the point of this whole video was basically just to show you in like one day how much hustle there is um and then in terms of like as I said it's 3:00 a.m. in the morning so like the amount of editing involved with it as well is crazy uh in content creation it's way harder than you could ever imagine even though my work week is only
15 20 hours which is what is you know bringing my income my Revenue I put so much pressure on myself outside of that and I um you know I end up getting like four or 5 hours of sleep most nights just because like there's so much opportunity out there I'm so excited and I I I can't contain it honestly guys I genely find it incredible the fact that nowadays you you have zero excuses if you have internet and a phone you know you can start your personal brand you can start your business you can um
you can travel you can see the world like there's nothing you can't do on an iPhone or any phone for that matter nowadays so um you know like I basically I want to crush any excuses that you guys have um I want to give back I want this to be an opportunity for you to realize do and like now's your time to start start your personal brand now's your time to start your business if you were thinking about making YouTube videos this has at 1080p front-facing back facing camera if you were thinking about starting your
business any sort of app you need um Evernote Trello Google Docs Google Drive anything you need is on here you even have stuff like canva design apps uh photography apps anything you need to start your business anything you need to start your personal brand this is all on here so you know I want to give that person that you know maybe maybe hasn't had the chance in the past and that's not necessarily their fault um maybe they come from Bad circumstances I want to give you the chance to as I said make 27 year year
uh 20 2017 your year because so many people talk about it not too many people execute on it so um as I said I'm really really happy that I can give back like this now once I've woken up I've gone to the gym steam room sauna and I come back home I meditate then I read like 30 pages to 50 pages of a book depending on um whatever it takes to read a book a week that week so as I said I've gone to the gym meditated read then from the notes I've written last night
I look at what I have to do which is on Evernote I use Evernote as my to-do list I use the Calendar app to see you know the week ahead and the weeks ahead and then I use a system called Trello which um sort of is like a more precise to-do list um a more long term so I have like my client work my personal brand SL business work um and I just have different sub subcategories videos to edit um sales funnels to create like potential clients and you know six steps along like how close
I am to sealing the deal with them so after waking up at around 8:00 I'll be at this desk at around 10:30 ready to work and after I have a quick shower that's precisely what I'm going to do so I think uh I'll talk to you guys in a little bit I'm just I just have plans to change the game and even you look at my client base I've just signed a couple companies furo systems zebra fuel a couple others that are like right at the um we just have to I have to sign over
the contract they have to sign it and they'll start next month as well so like I just have so many clients that I'm I'm so excited and interested in and I'll go the extra mile for them cuz they reflect me as a person things are just like going at a crazy rate that I never would have imagined I think I dropped out of school around like 8 weeks ago like 2 months ago maybe like 10 weeks ago honestly it has not been long and ever since then I think it's just been the best decision I've
ever decided to make for me personally that is because it's just giving me so much time and so much leverage to go out and build up this business also it is scary as hell look I mean guys I'm 17 years old I've just hired my first employee my second employee is coming on board in August like I'm 17 years old and by by the end of this year I'm I'm running a sixf figure business and I never would have imagined if you told me that even like two 3 months ago I would have thought you
were ridiculous I mean I have high Ambitions but a sixf figure business that's pretty ridiculous um well I mean literally a year ago I was in uh I was in a mfie Coast Italy with my ex-girlfriend and her family and I remember I remember the plane ticket was like 100 pound or something like that and um her family literally had to pay for it because broke as [ __ ] yeah um I mean obviously Two Dads who just kind of stepped out of my life entirely um my mom single mom unemployed just bless her she's
she's done everything she's she could for me and she's all put her opportunity in front of me but so guys it is 4:30 right now and I'm done with my work day 6:30 to 4:30 I'm sure I must have come off as very bored and tedious and menial and that's exactly what it is let me take you back exactly a year ago I was actually sitting in the room right behind me with my mom and I made her the promise that I would take her to Paris now I had absolutely no idea how the [
__ ] I was going to do that a year ago I was dead broke as a person I was valuable and I knew that but I didn't know how to make money I didn't know how to monetize anything so I I had not a penny to my name so when I made this promise to her it wasn't so much a promise it was more an aspiration or a dream and fast forward a year here we are and I get to make good on my promise a lot of you guys saw the three ways to make
100,000 from your computer in 2017 well that was very long uh ebook that I put out there and that is a funnel for my own personal brand because I want to get into coaching I want to come out with some courses and you know now that I know I can do it myself now that I've built a successful business and I've found other ways to make really good income online I want to share that with you guys so anyways so by doing all these coaching calls I'm kind of leaving a lot of money on the
table but honestly after the first one seeing like the spark in someone's eyes when they realize how much something like this can change their life and their family's life it kind of brought me back to my journey over this last year where I've started to take all this stuff really really seriously and how much I've been able to improve my life and the lives of everyone around me and it just it clicked to me that I need to continue with all this coaching I need to continue bringing students on because look if it can change
my life and I say this a lot on here and I don't think you guys believe me I really do have a tough time grasping onto Concepts I'm not naturally very clever I've just sought out really good mentors coaches I spent countless on courses and books and humbled myself by being a student for so long so if I can do it trust me you guys are probably four times as smart as I am so really that's why I'm looking to come out with a course pretty soon because at that point I can help unlimited amount
of people and yes it might be 2 to three months of hard work actually creating an amazing product to that point I can Market it and it's somewhat of passive income really those are the three main ones and keep in mind I'm 17 years old there's things for example like real estate that I can't yet get into now to give you guys an example in August so this month I've actually lost around 40% of total revenue from my marketing agency and look some of that lost Revenue wasn't in my control but some of it was
and some of it was because I got so numb to what brought me to success in the first place which is constantly being a student constantly keeping my ego intact not staying comfortable constantly learning and as I say keeping myself as a student that that is what brought me success in the first place but the problem with Comfort is it breeds complacency because as I said when you think you have everything that you need even want then you've hit the glass ceiling there's nowhere left to go I control what clients I take on from my
marketing agency I take on what companies I decide to take a percentage in I in full control and I know that if I don't make 300K next year it's cuz I [ __ ] up personally so once again I like to be super transparent with you guys my goal for next year is 300,000 I think that's roughly 375k in uh in dollars and I am rest assured that I am in the right Financial vehicle to get there between obviously my personal brand which I'm focusing on a lot right now between my social media marketing agency
affiliate marketing as well as I have equity in some companies I do their marketing in return I have a percentage between all these vehicles I I'm pretty confident that I'm going to get there next month I have another huge product launch one of my clients I'm doing their digital marketing for their indigogo campaign and I get a percentage of the revenue FM H we're looking to do conservatively 200 to 300,000 I'm aiming for 500,000 so half a million so that's going to be a 4 to 6 week campaign and once again I'm going to need
to give my all for that this time it's not a course launch for my personal brand there are people relying on me and I have to execute everyone keeps saying dude you look exhausted and if I'm honest I am I am working myself to death but that is okay because I know that things come in cycles and that's how I like to go about things you know I like to go through cyclical periods where you're giving your all one week or one month or one quarter and then you can go through downtime so okay so
I go I need £10,000 basically and I need to get £10,000 and I need that either lump sum in deposit or written contract right binding written contract so I go all right what's my time for to do this cuz you need a time frame for these goals I go okay if I can do it in the next 8 weeks then I'm going to drop out and I did it in 2 and 1/2 roughly in 2 and 1/2 I signed 32,000 a month pound in retainers binding contract um and those contracts all those contracts were for
3 months so if you average it out the last month lost it made roughly 2,500 lb so that is uh that was my thinking behind how to drop out of high school one of those things was actually going to Amsterdam um for a little like project now I think I made overall from that trip maybe 800 lb uh and I had still had to pay for my flights and stuff like that um but it was such a proud moment in my life and plus 800 lb literally even in this was February was still good money
to me uh so it was such a proud moment in my life and I remember I sat on the plane back from Amsterdam to London I looked out the window I had a window seat uh I looked out the window and I'm like dude this is the most proud moment of my life you know I I traveled I made money from it I did what I loved and you know I'm like how do I how do I do this how do I make my life this uh and yeah you know my friends would call me
up and be like Yo dude you want to go to the movies and i' check my pockets and go I don't I don't even think I have enough to pay for the bus to get to the movies let alone the movies um sort of my leads and my sales for influencer IGN for my digital products for my coaching they come for my personal brand and I have to actively maintain my personal brand I have to constantly make sure that I'm providing you guys with tons of value so that you go okay if this guy's providing
this much amount this this amount of value for free like I don't even want to start to think about what the paid stuff looks like um it's good by the way um um you know people literally watch me like nearly kill myself to create the course that I did and go into that level of detail and that level of value um you know that was so much work but now it's passive income you know I wake up I get stripe payments on my phone of people who have bought the courts you know I I make
$1,000 last week I remember I made $4,000 in one day from Court sales um you know for some people that's tiny for me I was happy about that um you know and that's passive income but nonetheless I had a I didn't do this weekend still made money I always make money I woke up this morning I made money um so passive income for the people that actually know how to do it right um it's it's a godsend that means you know it's created all these like digital Nomads where like you know you can travel anywhere
in the world run your business from your computer um so it's amazing so the people that are actually doing it and creating that for themselves well they're actually winning and they're having a lot of fun but one thing that I wrote down which was quite interesting is I actually wrote down that my ideal lifestyle would cost me like I'm talking like Financial abundance here would cost me look like let me pull this up I'm trying to do this one-handed um roughly okay so it cost me £8,500 lb I don't know how well you can see
that uh £18,500 lb is how much like my ideal ideal like Financial Freedom Financial abundance would cost me um and I wrote that 6 months ago and I thought hey [ __ ] like in two three years I'll get there and uh I made this actually much more than this last month so 6 months later um and that's kind of an amazing feeling you have zero ex dude I I could have been [ __ ] born in the middle of no I could have been born in Mongolia you think I would have had a chance
funny enough I was pretty much close near I was born in like near like it's it's aeran Kazakhstan like I'm from the south of Russia like I was born in a village in a village and I don't know I still to this day I don't know how my mom managed to get me out of there you know and my mom managed to get me out of there and you know we may not have had any money but at least I had the opportunity you know how cool that is you know so you know your parents
may have you know your parents may have not you may not have that much money or you know maybe some of your parents have done things that are really fed up you know I know how that feels like um you know maybe your uh maybe your mom hasn't been there for the way in the way that you wanted her to or like me my mom is just the biggest angel in the world my just my literally my hero but you know maybe you have a dad who is just done unexplainable things you know and at
the end of the day like I think that just makes you so much stronger as a person and I think when you do get better when you when you get past that bitterness and you get [Music] better it's it's it's the proudest moment of your life who cares if I went through years of hell and torture to get here I have the pride of going this is my anything in here anything I own is mine and it's always been mine and I remember all of my friends would have Canada Goose and I wanted a Canada
Goose so bad but I couldn't afford it cuz I I I had no money I had no money my my mom had no money we broke like struggling to pay the smallest things let alone $1,000 jacket and like to me to see like from it's just little things like this just for me to see like from there to now the fact that in my opinion this all came about because I went you can get bitter you can get bitter I've never actually shown you like kind of what my house looks like I'll give you like
a brief look around this this is my wardrobe um at least some of it yes used to have doors but that broke in a bit of a family incident um this is actually where I went so I guess it's kind of convenient I guess I have another mirror out here now one thing about my house it is hasn't been renovated in like 14 15 years so it is quite literally falling apart and obviously me and my mom never had any money to fix things um so we just kind of dealt with it up to once
again that's my shower broken the shower had that was a long time ago everything in here is pretty much broke um yeah this is my it's my uh bathroom as you can see just like everything in this house on another level is broken um yeah basically in general I would uh I not call my house a nice place to live uh but then again at least I have a roof over my head you know like I made N I had a big sale as you guys know around like 10 days ago um now we're at
like 98 influencer ignited students uh overall for my personal brand I've made over anywhere from 90 to $100,000 I still need to tally up in the last 80 to 90 days you know so like in the last 3 months I've I've literally made roughly $100,000 for my personal brand which is crazy crazy so as you just saw 20177 was the most transformative year of my life but I knew that it could be taken away from me I had done enough reading I had enough of these virtual mentors from YouTube to know that people get success
they get complacent and then it gets taken away from them so I knew that I had to double down I knew that what I accomplished at the age of 17 was incredible but in the grand scheme of things it wasn't and I needed to focus in 2018 on making it permanent you see in life once you lock in certain skills and certain wisdom certain life lessons it's impossible to go backwards and that is why I knew that I needed to go even bigger in 2018 which is exactly what [Music] happened I've to get to this
point today I've worked so hard I have worked so hard and my journey you know I talk about how I went from you know first month of of 2017 $1,200 to the last month 50 ,000 that wasn't a one-year Journey that was a 3 foure journey and that you know that three-year Journey started you know you know that Journey started 3 four years ago where I picked up a book you know things like uh you know one of the books that changed my life was a Rich Dad Poor Dad you know I read that book
and I'm like [ __ ] I you know I I have to rethink everything here and I picked up that book and I started reading and I started reading more and more books and I gone to personal development and it's been 3 four years of me doing this it hasn't been a year where things just completely shooted up okay so um so when I say that I'm really not doing this for the money probably part of me is bullshitting and still tricking myself every single day because you know you like to believe your own truth
but the reason why I got into this Niche for the first place is because it's the reason that you know my mom doesn't have to worry about money anymore it's the reason that she's taken care of it's the reason that when someone's birthday comes up I don't get stressed that I don't have any money to buy them a gift when my best friend's birthday comes up you know I don't I don't think about what can I sell to buy them a gift I don't think about could I give them something used from my house I
just I felt so helpless cuz I'm like you know if I don't take care of my family even though it's just me and my mom no one is you know and to this day that's the case let me tell you guys a story and I was probably around 15 going on 16 at this point and look I'm sure a lot of you guys have gone through the same thing I remember just day after day walking downstairs and seeing my mom just clip coupons and you know it's not I never had I never had things terrible
I was never homeless but I also didn't have much growing up and I like basically you know it talk about like dropping out of high school if I had gone to college I would have been like on another level [ __ ] because I I did I have you know I've never had a father in my life who's properly supported me you know my real dad was a alcoholic abusive runaway you know never met him my stepdad literally just gave up on me uh and gave up on me and my mom uh and you know
my mom just she just did the best that she could for me but you know I just remember day after day coming downstairs and just seeing my mom clip those coupons and I just remember thinking like no like this is not this is not going to be my life this is not going to be our life the thing that went through my mind but funny enough when I got that $330,000 fake cash that same month was the first month when I made $30,000 and then I went on to make $4 $50,000 last month and this
month we are I think we're 15 days exactly through the month and I'm on 30,000 right now so let's hope we hit 60 plus th000 this month uh yeah we are on F Focus 29,400 29 29,500 which basically 30,000 and we're halfway through the month so your inner reality I'm telling you it manifests whatever it may be you know diversify your income streams me personally I've got my social media marketing agency then I've got my personal brand then then I've got affiliate marketing um and yeah that's me uh that's kind of me sorted and you
know if one month one of them dip it's not really an issue you know I think um what's sort of like the agold saying isn't it like the average millionaire has I think like eight income streams uh and it's really important it's really really important just to diversify your income streams I one stage of my life where I'm just like I am so grateful that I didn't follow rules I'm so grateful that when everyone else told me to go this way I went that way you know because if I went that way I would have
had what everyone else has which is just a life and once again ethic any anything could honestly happen but this year looks like I'm on track to make a million right uh last month was $50,000 of profit you know at the time of recording this I'm only halfway through the month and I think it's going to be anywhere from 75 to 100,000 I I honestly don't know that's want to Prelude by saying I've had days where I've made $35,000 um literally in the space of 24 hours actually a bit more than that uh and I've
had days where I've made zero and I've had weeks where I've made zero so I've experienced it right I've been through it and I just want um to the other person or or the relationship in of itself I have no as I said I have no money I have no mentors no father figures I have no one to look to no one to turn to and um that I would say that was the reason I am here today because I had to look at myself top to bottom and go look who are you as a
man right now even though I was only 16 at the time and and who do you want to become as a man and two years later now at 18 um you know I'd say I've gone ahead and I've pretty much done that you know uh I look at who I am now and I'm I'm pretty proud um so that's one one instance I'll show you this because this is like you know everyone says I had a vision and I had a dream I [ __ ] wrote the thing down and it happened and I want
to show you exactly what happened here right so I put Financial Security rent 2,000 utilities 500 transport 500 food 500 50 uh and like Insurance bills utilities stuff like that around 550 right so my total came out to 4,000 if you can see right there 4,250 is what I wanted to do um is what Financial Security meant to me okay and the reason you're seeing those bigger numbers is he saying look if you want to basically not work for the rest of your life just take that times it by 12 then times it by 20
so if we go look at Financial Independence all the same stuff I had with security but now I want to have 750 a month to travel I want to have 1,000 a month to spend on personal brand or projects I want to have 250 a month to spend on giving 250 a month to spend on self-education and then toys and luxury 1,000 a month so now my total is gone up to 7,500 and that's what Financial Independence meant to me back in May I have a very different very very different definition of it now but
once again I just want to show you how I [ __ ] manifested this thing right um then we move on to financial a big speaking event you'll want to have that evidence or or you know those photos or those videos or that process there with you and that's why I've made it such a priority of mine to LIT like I've literally had my coaches on here I've had my coaches on here all of my like clients and stuff like that they are all documented on here right you guys have seen people like aete you
guys have seen people like zebra fuel furos systems if you guys follow me on Instagram you can see me in their offices you see me with the owners I've like literally posted all of um like screenshots of Bank transfers to me right with 2,000 3,000 5,000 6,000 lb right if you guys are in sixf fig SMA you guys see whenever I get a new client or a contract I'll put it in there right you see me as I said on Instagram the other day when I'm in Nice Bridge Dental Care and I'm literally taking like
an Instagram story with my dentist who's now also a client of mine so I have made it such a point and from you know I just want to give you for me it was so trippy because like I remember this is like two years ago I would always all my rich friends were going out to like clubs and like this and that and obviously I had I had no money to even get in let alone like buy drinks luckily the fact that I don't drink or very very rarely drink has saved me so much money
in the past month anyways I would watch this on like Snapchat or Instagram and I'd be like like if I could just get in that club with them like if I could just be at that table with those hot girls and like oh like you know it was just like you know I know you know I know what that's like if you're using your anchor your girlfriend as an anchor you know I know what it's like to have your girlfriend pay for your lunch because you literally have no money you know and then to go
from that to where I'm at right now my girlfriend being able to take her on holiday you know being able to treat her because I think you know it's not about the money it's just the fact that you can take care of the people that you know have given so much to you so guys use that as an anchor seriously 10 years probably since like I went like a solid like 7 8 years without traveling pretty much at all when a family was uh going through some issues but uh yeah here back now Airport's not
that bad or this terminal's not big agency last month brought on one client nightsbridge dental care I think I mentioned that to you guys uh this month I've got a really big Consulting gig as I said the financial services company and I have a lot more Consulting clients uh coming to me because one of my clients um we had a 2hour call and then they ended up making $35,000 from that over the space of the next 7 days so they've referred me to quite a few people so uh guys that's how that's going uh if
you're in my because look when you actually have had nothing when you've had nothing and for example with me when I was in the [ __ ] bathroom of my school meditating and then I you know because I just needed some time to get ahead cuz I was getting so little LC between school and trying to run uh you know trying to start up a business when I had all of the teachers tell me I was a disrespectful piece of [ __ ] because you know I wanted something that that you know was against the
status quo when I had everyone tell me you got to go to college or you're going to be a failure a little [ __ ] you know when you go through that and then you finally get a bit of success you want to get the Ferrari to stick it to people you want to get the Rolex to stick it to people you want to go on all these extravagant trips and stuff like that to stick it to people so there's nothing wrong with that I don't look at any of that with judgment I think it's
a phase you need to go through it's a phase I'm still going through I actually want to pick up the McLaren um I think I'm going to be doing it next year not this year uh cuz I'm leaving London for around four months uh you know I want to pick up the McLaren obviously I picked up the Rolex um you know I picked up my dream apartment so you know it's just a phase you go through but my point yeah um I really didn't think it was going to go well but IM man kind of
gave gave us the confidence to give it a go and uh yeah [ __ ] you were right I don't know I was I was wrong you were right but that's actually that's why we pay you D and in October you know one is confirmed it might be a second one I have two two-day trainings I charge 10K a day for both trainings right so next month I'm probably going to be doing $40,000 from my marketing agency from the Consulting aspect of it right I know in 3 years from now it'll be $100,000 for those
two days sorry guys that was ANM bulp shoe but um yeah I use stripe PayPal and go- card list so I'm going to go ahead and put up the same thing I put up on Instagram which is my stripe U my PayPal and the date terms of it I'm also going to show my client invoices so there's one on there for 9.5k plus vat uh there's one I think for 7K I want you to meet my friend Iman what's up guys jack and Aiden and and Charles know very well and then this is Steve and
David and Denise all right awesome I say a lot like you want to blow up your bank not your ego like you don't you don't want to have all these followers and stuff like that just as like you know as some like vain thing but at the end of the day like it doesn't matter if you are you know so for example with me with my personal brand when I was first starting my personal brand it was to get higher ticket uh agency clients you know because at the end of day if you're building an
agency like the main way to do it is you know bust the cold calls it's um you know cold email it's cold Instagram it's all of this stuff you know and at the beginning you got to do that the same thing when you're an entrepreneur say for example if you're a personal trainer you got to just like hammer it out right and then eventually you can transition from Force into power and power is where you leverage systems where you leverage processes and it just kind of comes to you and it's like really trippy when it
starts happening cuz you're like I'm doing like a lot less work and making a crap ton more money like what the hell is happening you know kind of swinging back to my point personal brand it doesn't matter what space you're in it doesn't matter if you're in accountant and you're trying to get more accounting leads it doesn't matter if you're a personal trainer and you're trying to get more personal training leads it doesn't matter if you run an agency and you're trying to get more agency leads or if you trying to BU build a coaching
and Consulting business right at the end of the day no matter what it is attention is income everyone talks about uh passive income no one talks about passive attention right because at the end of day every single night when Craig is going to bed there are thousands of people who are getting exposed to stuff either through his ads right you're running you're running a lot of ads um either through his just like organic like through all of these different methods and it's the same thing with if you guys are using YouTube like you know so
say someone types in uh how to get more memberships from my gym or whatever um if they type that into Instagram nothing's going to come up whereas if they type that into Google a YouTube video is going to come come up or if they type that into into YouTube a YouTube's video uh is going to come up so that's free organic traffic right which is why I love YouTube and I've seen more millionaires made off of YouTube than anything anything else in terms of like the info product space in terms of the coaching Consulting space
because it's like while you're sleeping there are people typing in things and you are ranking um I am currently on boarding a new client and I thought I'd show you guys something it's pretty cool so I'm onboarding a client called oring uh we've been in talks for like 2 months now so it's like this little piece of tech right here uh it's pretty dope thing I think this thing's like Titanium or something like that but anyways I'm onboarding them as you can see and uh if you take a look at my screen like on boarding
them uh yesterday or like a few days ago uh Prince Harry actually got spotted like wearing it um and ever since then like sales have been just freaking like blowing up and and website traffic as well this has giv us like a crap ton of website traffic so uh yeah that's the company ordering right there they they got some pretty cool um some pretty cool rings like honestly I can just I mean they're a clan of mine but I can genuinely recommended after having this for like a month now so um yeah we've been a
bit slow to on board because they're they did like 10 million in the last 10 months um in Revenue so they're like a big big client and they have a lot going on right now uh especially now with this Harry thing um so been a bit slow to on board but uh I got a text from harrey he's like hey dude we like got to speed this thing up like ASAP because of this new uh Prince Harry thing we're getting crap tons of traffic we really got a start we targeting so that's all going ahead
this week weekend we're trying to speed up the onboarding uh even though they're like a massive company there's a lot of like steps you have to go through um so I don't have an NDA with them like some of my other clans so with there's some Clans where I don't have an NDA but I'm still kind of on the edge whether I'm allowed to talk about it um like there's some Clans where like I just know I can talk about it it's fine uh like for example I'm sure you guys saw maybe at the time
of posting this maybe like a month ago or something like that I was with motivate design uh in our contract it was literally like I'm allowed to say that it's motivate design I'm allowed to say that I charge them $20,000 for 2 days like it that was like important to me uh with aura I don't have one so I'm just going to say it and then if I if they tell me to take it down then I guess I'll take it down but uh yeah hopefully they don't mind so they're a client um they're signing
this week it's 7,800 lb a month that's a retainer with them uh just Facebook ads and within the first uh within 90 days we want to get to 100K a month in ad spin so pretty cool I'm actually going to get an AAL to put in like a screen capture of my stripe um my PayPal from the last few months so you can really see how things have started to scale um as well as I'll try to throw in some screenshots from some client invoices and whatnot or not invoices client payments coming through so 2019
was a year to breathe a bit really just kind of enjoy the fruits of my labor pick my head up and just kind of take it all in for a second you know I've been working all of these years but I never really like spoiled myself I never really treated myself to anything I was just kind of like it was all go go go go go and I never just had a second to like take it in and be like wow I made the money I became who I wanted to become I've done it this
is insane and 2019 was the first time I was like it's okay you can go on holiday like it's okay man like it's it's fine you gave it everything and and now you enjoy yourself a little don't go off the rails don't be another one of those people who just had some successes and that was it that was your Peak but enjoy yourself a little and that's what I did in 2019 kept breaking records in the business but for once I was just like yeah you know like you deserve it man I'm proud of you
my end goal is to revolutionize education forever and to do that through e-learning creating the best programs in the world and then long term you know for example like this is as you guys know this a client of mine or ring like I mention them a lot cuz I I wear the ring all the time having this this holistic approach to education where like you know someone learns something and then they get feedback from a ring that tells them how well they slept and then they get feedback from this Muse meditation headband or whatever technology
is out in 2030 years that tells them oh this is how your and your mindfulness is going you know really taking this like holistic approach to education rather than like learn regurgitate pass that is not a good way to learn things so cuz you guys need to remember I still have my agency you know I have my agency it's teetering on around 40 $445,000 per month profit I know I could scale that far far past six figures I like to keep it at that point and have minimal time commitment on that so that I can
focus on you know my real passion and purpose which is as you guys know reforming the education system and then you know the first step in that is making sure that I have the best online programs possible and that's a that's a tall order but either way you know making like $4 $45,000 per month from my agency you know that's quite a sizable chunk of income for me so I'm like dude do you really really think that I would base my business around something that's going to be gone in 3 4 years am I do
I look like that much of an idiot too here's kind of what I'm an example and I'm a testament to number one Rick parents contrary to some people's beliefs My real father was an alcoholic abusive I've met him once when I was 9 years old I come from a place called dustan skog in dagistan which pretty much no one knew about until if you're familiar with MMA khabib like I'm actually like my biological father is the same bloodline as him so like pretty much no one knew where I was from until that so my real
father was an alcoholic abusive I've never was going to say I've never met him I met him once when I was 9 years old my stepdad he was an absolute tyrant um and by the age of 13 14 me and my mother were completely cut off and I had to just fend for myself you know so I can tell you at 18 years old you don't or actually I'm 19 now you know at 19 years old you don't accomplish what I do and continue to work as hard as I do unless you've gone through pain
that would be undescribable to other people and that's what I've gone through is it's pain that I I doubt very many people have gone through the amount of pain the amount of stress and the amount of just like like pressure that I have okay like so really 2017 was my breakthrough europeo in the space of 18 months I went from making 500 to 250,000 a month like 500 lb to 250 2 years 18 months my point is for me my name and my brand and the trust that I built with you guys means so much
to me that when it came time to create this clothing line I didn't care if it took let you know it took 16 months I wouldn't care if it took 4 years I'm going to give a little bit of context of how I know you um so I have been one of your clients um and uh I think that makes our friendship and relationship even more special um for me he was someone that um just threw some goalposts right out there I had a preconception about your age as you I think we met when I
was 17 18 yeah yeah 17 yeah and I was just like okay um keep an open mind I've been in business for over 20 years and I have to say I I meet people every day people put proposals forward to us every day IM man was one of the most slick professional uh mature and just excellent proposals that have been put in front of me for a hell of a long time in business and it shifted everything for me like new levels of respect and it taught me a lesson not to be so judgmental um
so I love everything that you just said July 2019 was the first month where I've actually managed to hit $100,000 profit from the agency granted there was a $40,000 2-day training and what that means is charge two $40,000 for two days of my time and the other $60,000 came from retainers agency retainers but nonetheless it just totally expanded my perception of what was possible with this agency business model now 2020 was the hardest year of my life I ended up getting a horrible autoimmune condition that was crippling both in terms of its effects on my
life and also just in terms of my mental head space and I was just so good at dealing with all this stress and all this weight on my shoulders and all this pressure and everything but 2020 was the first year I just felt like helpless now the funny thing is the businesses were still growing in that time it took took everything I had and I'll be honest I give 100% credit to my team during that period honestly I was so grateful that over the last couple years I had hired some amazing people the team was
pretty small back then it was you know maybe four to six full-time employees I had but man they really carried me through that period cuz there was 3 or 4 months where I was crippled like all I could do was wake up manage my health condition and focus on staying alive because a lot of my health condition had to do with my gut and they say your gut is your second brain there's a lot going on in my life and I had to give a 100% unequivocal Focus to my health and all I can say
is to my team to my friends the experts that actually worked with me in that period I'm not talking about the most expensive doctors I went to in the world that say you're going to be stuck with this for the rest of your life I mean the actual people who were there who coached me through it who helped me through it I don't even want to talk about the rest of the stuff that happened all I want to say is thank you 2020 was my little dark night at the soul moment and I'm forever indebted
to those people to help me go through that so ladies and gentlemen just pour myself a little glass of water about to hop on this team call it is currently 12:45 turned on my phone and uh lo and behold got a stripe notification from one of my clients this is a 3,600 lb a month retainer but most of it comes from the back end from the percentage of return on ad spend I think most of you guys know by now that our minimum retainer is £4,000 a month that is the lowest that will go and
if we do it it's rare we're not happy about it but it's because we see potential in the clan and being a clan that could stay with us for a long time I can't show you guys the name obviously so I'm going to try and get Pete to like pull in at 70 so my fingers are lit so you can see payment of 3,600 invoice paid by yeah that's pretty much about it as I said it's not much just trying to find a document in in my old archives it's it's it's so funny sometimes I
just find stuff that just just sends me on a throwback to when I first started my agency so this is one of my proposals I actually used to make all my proposals in canva as you can see by the quite obvious temp actually wait no I think I made it in Pages no I think I yeah no I think I made it in pages I think I found this as like um as an image yeah I definitely made this in Pages anyways my point is that uh yeah this is a proposal I sent to a
company called Skin yoga we were in talks and you can see here Instagram content distribution account management 150 and then for account management and content creation so an extra 150 lb a week to actually curate the content you can see right there this is a proposal uh and then I end it off and I say uh I would like to remind you that December is the busiest month of growth for an Instagram page out of the whole year we could really get the ball rolling December as well as campaign for 2017 let's build momentum on
our social media so you can have the best fourth quarter in the whole company history so I actually said the remember is probably around October 2016 so my question to you is have you done enough for you have you done enough for your family for your friends over the last 30 days over the last 90 days of the last year 5 years this first proposal is for the first client I ever signed um Instagram platforms that uh Instagram is a platform I absolutely know and dominate blah blah uh I would put anywhere from two to
four photos a week blah blah so look at the bottom here we've got um two posts plus engagement plus growth 15 lounds a week keep in mind I was curating this content as well so I was literally potentially going to charge this client 60 pounds a month to create you know to do like a photo shoot and then create those two posts and manage growth and stuff like that then we got four posts plus engagement plus growth 25 lbs a week uh blah blah um Facebook is the platform we're going to hit hardest in order
to attract uh people people to the club parents pay for the fees not the kids blah blah this that um not much interesting stuff there uh only thing is I said seven posts plus engagement plus growth 20 pounds a week Snapchat so this what I was actually managing their Snapchat uh set up grow audience plus masterclass booklet and I have no idea what the masterclass booklet was uh I just thought I could make fancy sounding things um basically what it was is just kind of like I would make instructional PDF just to send to the
team because the thing is um their their members or sorry their um team members would have to manage the Snapchat because it's something you have to do in the moment um so I don't know I just thought I'd make a a master class booklet whatever the hell that is um and then Twitter okay Twitter is a platform that's squeezed that is being squeezed by Facebook and Instagram uh oh okay so at least I had the common sense not to do Twitter for this client uh YouTube uh um Jesus wow um guaranteed weekly growth plus search
engine optimization um movie SL project so I would charge 5 to 20 pounds for a movie SL project wow um I can get campaigns for trial andure the pants are at ease with the coaches through a meet our coach series uh we can provide so much value recording five part Min series on set piece Etc um but here's kind of like where the juicy stuff comes in I hate constraints trust me I'm not the type of person you where you'll be chasing after me provide value or keep working I'll be constantly finding new ways to
grow the club's social media presence to mold the club's brand and get the word out there which will result in more signings which will lead to more revenue for you my ultim proposal is a weekly fee of £75 for that price you'll get all the top P packages listed on Instagram weekly growth as well as four posts a week you just kind of read through there um uh I will get 100 to 200 people following it within the first 2 weeks at the end of the day not having a strong social media is losing money
and weakening rpfc brand it's something you need to sort out and if you go to an agency they'll quote you hundreds of pounds a week that is very true I can tell you that now except sometimes 1,000 pounds a week or a couple thousand pounds a week depends on the size of agency you're going to keep in mind I was doing I was being a full service agency for for this first client so not very unrealist unrealistic for someone to charge 2,000 3,000 5,000 a week some of these bigger scale uh full service agencies considering
the amount of work I'm doing for this uh blah blah um uh ultimate proposal okay so just the main thing we need to focus on here I signed this client for 75 75 lbs a week and um that was my first of Clan and it was August of 2016 um so yeah obviously you've uh you've met uh Danny at this point um so Danny was uh around uh Danny Danny I've been working together for like two years now so he uh is the the myth behind yeah the my yeah yeah he's he's in my little
Colombian secret get the logistics set up um take payment and then might as well cuz we're here we might as well just uh on board you guys as well and get access to everything etc etc all right so ladies and gentlemen um this should be a good lesson for each and every one of you don't talk with cheer G in your mouth that's lesson no so um I'll lace in little pieces of the uh sales call agreed on it it's a 10,000 and by the way this is very different from what we normally do it's
a 10,000 L setup fee within that we're we're helping build out their new case study funnel outside of that it's a 30% return on admen we worked with the client within their Niche for what like almost almost a year no but when I first started I had zero website in fact I didn't even have an agency name I got to $10,000 a month with no website no agency name I was just selling myself as like a service provider without even a name no limited company or LLC or whatever depending on where you are in the
world I was just a soul Trader I was just self-employed I can speak from experience cuz I started with a Sho string budget I started with nothing and then I realized it wasn't recording let's see let's see if this will work there you go you can see 1,500 plus invoice paid on strip yeah guys that was the first breakdown of the first deal support me and my mom financially by building my online marketing agency you know I always say people do things out of inspiration or desperation and I built my business out of desperation you
know I really built my online business out of desperation for a better future for me and my mom and now over 4 years later I've actually built my agency to the point where I'm hitting $80,000 months profit so then we move on to 2021 now 2021 was a big year of change for me right at the beginning of the year I made the decision I'm moving from the UK to Dubai these days it seems like everyone in their mom is moving to Dubai but even at the beginning of 2021 you know what 4 years ago
at this point I had a lot of push back from people I was living in London I still absolutely love London as a city it's just some things change in your life and to be honest I know everyone has this idea of Dubai we're here at my home gym in my villa that's on the water I live in a private gated community I'm so incredibly blessed once again by the grace of God by having incredible people around me by building up my personal brand by having incredible people that I get to work alongside and work
with every single day at my companies and to give myself a little bit of credit you know definitely some work in dedication I've been able to get to this point in life where I get to call basically the beach my home for the past few years I live the most calm chill peaceful life in Dubai I have my dream in my house my sauna in my house my cold plunger in my house and everyone has this idea of Dubai for me Dubai is like my peaceful place but of course it was a massive life change
you know going from living in London for 17 years to moving my base to Dubai but honestly I'm so grateful that I did because 2021 business was going incredibly well my investments were going incredibly well listen I'm sure as you guys remember the second half of 2020 all of 2021 one was just insane if you were invested in the markets it was an incredible time and yeah as I said that year things were going incredibly well at the agency at the info business and we were working hard all year to eventually launch what is now
my main software company Floy so in class I would actually be doing Outreach so while I was in class I don't know how it worked at your school but you know personally in my school and maybe that's just more of a European thing but once you get into like your last 2 years of school 3 years of school you know the you have your iPad or your computer in front of you uh as a notetaking system cuz you know it's just a lot more organized than having pen paper etc etc so I would always have
my computer in front of me and I would be doing Outreach in class at lunches I would not hang out with people I would sit alone and I'd be reading business books or doing more Outreach when I first started my agency in fact for the first basically from August of 2016 all the way to uh April of 2017 so that was like the first eight months or whatever I had no agency name I was just operating as me and obviously because I had no agency website or or domain I didn't have a personal business address
you know I remember back in the day uh I'll try to get Tristan to uh put it up on YouTube Just you can just look back at 2017 at some of the unlisted videos uh anything with audit in there I literally used to put down the camera like this I would have my yellow notepad in front of me I would write down notes I would shoot an audit I'd put it on my computer I'd edit it like the little ums and a and then I put it as an unlisted video on YouTube each audit took
me around 990 minutes or so so I could only get through probably two three if I was lucky 4 a day you can see as well it is the 6th of July 510 our sales call started at 4:30 um and yeah it's 5800 lb a month which is let me actually find out what that is in dollars um $8,100 a month so yeah just shy of a whale Clan is that a whale Clan is clan that pays $100,000 a year in servy which is $8,300 a month um so yeah just shy well plan so yeah
2021 went incredibly well and as we go into 2022 I'm assuming that most of you probably heard about me in 2022 because 2022 was when my personal brand absolutely blew up I'm going to be completely honest with you it was the first year I actually gave any attention to my personal brand I'm sure as you saw going back to eclipse in you know even 2015 I think it was 26 December 2015 I uploaded my first YouTube video but before then I even had Instagram accounts I was posting to and that's actually how I made my
first bit of money was building Instagram accounts selling promotions buying and selling them but anyways that's a separate story but throughout this entire time I'm sure you saw back in those videos like I wasn't focused on my personal brand it was just kind of like something I did on the side but going into 2022 it was the first year I actually set a subscriber goal and you know my subscriber goal was I think I put it actually on my Instagram it was like 500,000 subscribers and we ended off the year with like 1.3 or 1.4
million something like that and as I said it was the first year I actually went you know what I want to grow my personal brand but it was so close to not being it and I'll tell you what I mean by this most people don't know this I don't know if I've actually ever even told a story but during Christmas period in 2021 I was actually in Switzerland at my co-founder Chalet and basically I told him like listen you know I've been on social media all these years like I'm just going to delete all my
socials I'm just kind of done with this to be honest it's just a unnecessary distraction and he was like yeah absolutely no chance like no way you were going big in 2022 and the reason why was because we were just about to launch our software company it was actually called agency flow when we first launched it because it was only focused on agencies whereas these days it's mainly coaches personal Brands I mean really any service provider but a lot of coaches and personal brands use it to run their entire operation as I said we were
just about to launch it and if you guys know anything about software most software companies have to take on tens of millions even hundreds of millions in funding because they're always advertising and they're always acquiring customers at a loss so for the first 3 or 4 months they're in the red until a customer actually becomes profitable now we were fully bootstrapped we didn't have that kind of money so Pier knew that listen you go build your brand massive and you help grow the software company and I was like okay actually you know what you're right
and he basically made me realize like I was being selfish not doing this because even then he acknowledged and when thought about more I acknowledge it doesn't matter if you have an e-commerce business which I have multiple doesn't matter if you have software which I have multiple it doesn't matter if you have a info business which I've been honestly one of the most successful people ever in the infos space which basically means selling different forms of digital products even he knew that like a personal brand whatever it is that you do it will guarantee it
is successful and it removes the cost of acquisition it removes the cost of actually getting a customer which means that we didn't need to take on tens of millions of funding and boy was he right so let's get into 2022 [Music] that is genuinely my dream if I could do that at the age of 22 like buy my mom her dream house uh cuz we've never really kind of owned our own house or like had a house that is like ours like my mom has never really had her own house right and I know it's
something that's very important to her um we also kind of had just growing up we had no stability or security um or like kind of we had we never grew up with a feeling of safety like we were safe um so I just think this house outside of obviously being a house like being kind of her dream house being in London where we grew up and that's what she all she knows even even though I did get her uh apartment for 6 months in Dubai in the same building that I'm at just so I always
make sure my mom was close to me um nonetheless like London is her heart that's where her heart is if I could do that this year it would be very meaningful to me uh in many many ways uh both uh as a symbol uh for us and the fact that I was able I think like just having her own house is just her own home that she can call her own is like just very uh it's very symbolic for a lot of things that we went through growing up uh that weren't so pleasant or fun
so that's a big goal of mine but nonetheless I was very proud of that I was very proud of the fact that um when things were tough me and my mom were basically on government benefits which is basically if you can prove your income is below a certain point stuff like that yeah that helped us get through a bit of the rougher period that we had guys I don't come from money like I'm new money me and my mom are on government benefits my mom worked for the NHS and even me when we were poor
I looked at wealthy people and I'm like I don't blame you like you're being villainized and you're not the villain I believe that most people who are Ultra successful have a massive insecurity that they're not enough and I can tell you that's 100% the case with me and it's something I'm working on and at least I'm cognizant of it whereas most people aren't ladies and gentlemen like you don't push as much as I do without looking at yourself in the mirror and always questioning are you enough you know there's clips of Me on YouTube saying
like hey I can't wait to be able to take Ubers I used to ride the bus cuz it was free under the age of 16 in the UK so you know everything's documented everything from a to z um I've always put being real before anything else so a year ago I started agency flow with my co-founder now the story of how my co-founder I actually you know kind of came in contact my co-founder Pierre his wife actually was a client of ours over I think like 18 months ago you know we were working together and
then just organically a conversation started with Pierre he had been working for the past 2 or 3 years on a software for influencer marketing campaigns on this video the quality of agency float is like I I still stunned by how incredible this thing is how beautifully it functions on desktop the mobile app that we developed in in record-breaking time the voice function the billing the CRM they just like the project management it's just it all comes together so beautifully but as I said they both flew in for this power week here in Dubai normally everything
is remote and of course there's like a daily team huddle uh I'll be most of the time I'm not there cuz I have to manage the other companies yeah let's go downstairs and I'll introduce you to Pierre and Luis kind of run you through what we're working on today and as I said tonight is very exciting there have been people who have been on free trial with us for 5 months we've given them a 5 month free trial and this evening we are finally billing them and we're giving them the founding members price of $49
a month when we launch publicly it will be $95 a month so they keep that price forever as long as they don't cancel so anyways yeah let's go downstairs and run through our morning huddle Luis want to introduce yourself I'm Lise I started working with man good while ago almost two years I started the agency right now helping with agency flow with grower agency and we're building everything here in terms of marketing a pier is taking care you're going to meet pier in a while he's taking care of all the development of everything and yeah
building everything together here so that's pretty much about it let me introduce you my co-founder now so as you can see right here we have just uh built out the agency F mini course it's the first module uh of six modules where we just kind of talk about setting that 12 week Sprint um sort of action plan you can see right here this is where we're going to be talking about internal projects uh moving on communication tasks and basically just how to optimize all of this for your agency now if you come inside of agency
flow this is the main sort of dashboard bear in mind this is just sort of a burner account so you'd have you know your recent chats you have your upcoming task your recent flows uh on the top uh obviously your chats flows clients tasks invoices so you see right here where it says um a daily reminder to your future self you can put in whatever you want here right you know right now it says progress It's not Perfection but instead you could type in right here daily reminder to your future self uh I Comm to
signing 10 clients the next 12 weeks go for 3 hours okay I got to make sure that6 people okay I got to make make sure it doesn't show like people's names and stuff like that but like that is okay just in if there's anything at all oh I don't know how well that CH all right let's try just if there's anything at all that might potentially you can see like someone's email I'm going to try to move this like a little further back but yeah oh my God man this is just going to go on
for like an hour B see now all of our free trial customers are finally getting build and this is just going to keep going on and on and on oh man it's bumping oh this cool oh my God I think I got doe just I mean fail on but anyway yeah but as I said like I mean some people on free for 5 months that makes that makes a lot sense yeah but okay we are not filling anymore yeah like now some good ones look there you go I actually still have the proposal and I
initially offered them an ultimate proposal of £75 a week so I actually landed on £95 a week and they ended up accepting the offer and I still have some of the invoices to show for it so I started training in early 2015 and I got really really into it to the point where I actually would find people on Instagram that had you know certified personal trainer in their bio and I would reach out to them because I wanted all the NCAA books and the material and basically everything I needed to become a personal trainer even
though I was 15 I couldn't become a personal trainer for a long time and I studied so much and I started networking with personal trainers in different gyms you know really just to find out what does it take to become a highle personal trainer and then what happened was you know my girlfriend at the time and the few friends that I had back then their parents would invite me over to lunch and basically I started selling their parents on Personal Training Services and I would literally sell them on 3month packages so as well as five
six people that I networked with in the gym and actually sold them as well I ended up making my next $10,000 so that brought me up to $20,000 at around the age of 16 and what was really important is I didn't just sell them on Personal Training Services I also gave them extra PDF guides I gave them extra text support I gave them sleep analysis I literally helped them remove more emfs and more blue lights out of their bedroom like I made it this holistic thing and this was a very important business lesson for me
that would translate later on in my career and I realized that it's not about trading time for money people don't want your time people want a predetermined result and if I wanted to make more money I needed to focus instead on selling people this result rather than you know what I'm going to do to get there so instead of selling people on like hey you're going to get x amount of hours of me which was true they still got that instead I bundled in all of this other stuff to make sure that they had more
conviction that I was actually going to be able to deliver on that for them so I ended up doing that for another 9 months until I found my next passion it was one of my best friends sending me a a parody page of my Instagram and basically what happened was some kids in my school found out that I had this page and at that point I was a little bit more open about it like hey you know I've got this business sort of you know running and flipping Instagram accounts and stuff like that you know
was making at that age pretty good money at the age of 15 but yeah quite frankly they didn't care and you know the reason I wanted to throw this in is because I think some people look at me and they're like you know he's super human or you know I could never get to that point in life and I want to make something very very clear with this video I am no different to you whatsoever what you are looking at is someone who's been tirelessly working on themselves for 8 years when I was 14 years
old I started reading a book every single week that's how I was able to write such insightful things and by the way that was me reading a book a week that was non-fiction it was business self-development etc etc I'll be honest growing up I had no friends like I was literally a loner so I used to basically for my birthday I used to ask for water stones gift cards for my mom so I could buy books like if you went into my room they're basically just filled with books at the age of 8 n years
old but I was a loner and what else was there to do so the reason I say all this is because if you are trying to do something and your friends are holding you back and you're getting picked on and I never wanted to use the word bullying like about kind of like the way I was treated in my school growing up I don't know I think bullying is like when someone is helpless like the thing is I have always had a absolutely zero tolerance policy for another person's opinion like I was always that kid
in school who you know people could say whatever they want it's said I was an absolute loner I had no friends I would spend my lunches alone reading and I never cared because I knew where I was going everything that I was writing on that Instagram page I knew it was going to turn reality and of course it hurt and it wasn't nice having like all these people say this stuff to me in school and you know making you know mock accounts while I was literally making an income at 15 years old at that point
once again to support me and my single mom and of course it wasn't nice but then again these are probably the same people who called me lucky when I built four schools for 2,000 children with zero fundraising all with my own money by the age of 21 before they even finished college so just understand when you're watching my videos I am you you are me we are no different there's nothing that I did that you cannot do I just stuck to the plan for long enough and if you do as well I guarantee you'll make
more than whatever I've done 25ish million in 8 years you know you'll probably put me to Shame by then so I guess back then I had no one to tell me this so I just want you to know that I believe in you so as I said for any of you guys watching it right now just understand like all the flashy stuff you're going to get used to it you're going to get acclimated to it so yeah just enjoy the journey that's really where the fun is now I'll be honest 2022 was just insane you
know obviously at that point I'd had multi-million dollar year businesses for many many years at that point but 2022 was the first year where I went from multi-million to multi8 figures a year in my businesses and it was just like once again the power of personal brand I could just talk about it for days it's honestly just the most insane thing on Earth but 2022 obviously a lot of other things happened I mean now I'm getting all this new attention there's famous people reaching out to me there's all these things that are happening like it
was insane but 2022 I was still quite like new to everything and I was focused on the business I I still had my head down 2023 though we honestly can make a Netflix documentary about what happened in 2023 I bought everything this's a drake line at 17 I wanted everything in store at 23 I bought all just to make sure that was literally my life honestly it was insane even though in 2024 the businesses grew and as a percentage the businesses grew a lot more in 2022 than they did in 2023 2023 was just like
I don't know if you've seen that show Entourage I watched that show for the first time when I was already a millionaire by the way and I was like that would be so cool to like live that life with my boys experience life just like that whole thing and that was 2023 and sometimes you have to experience things you have to like live it I'm so grateful that I had lived it and to be honest I feel like in 2023 I just kind of got out my system and once again the personal brand was growing
the businesses were growing everything was good but 2023 honestly I just soaked it all in we have so much footage so much recording I think we probably released 0.01% of uh everything that happens in my life and who knows maybe in 20 years I will release it as a documentary but yeah let's get into 2023 and I say this because please keep this in mind anytime you watch my video or some Tik Tok this stuff does not happen overnight it has been nearly a decade since I started reading a book a week since I started
meditating going to the gym and setting the building blocks in the foundation for the man that I would go on to be so please keep your foot on the gas keep pressing but extend your timeline I can tell you that I have missed out on so many hangout with with the friends grab a beer with the friends watch the football game my childhood and my teenage years had none of that which is why I want you to understand extend the timeline so you think we should start the Vlogs no next week why because I'm busy
so guys I am finally after 1 year doing a house tour I'm going to show you guys what $2 million buys you here in Cape Town so on that note let's come through so this place is I think 12,000 ft that is I'm not going to tell you his name but he's part of my security team so don't mind him say it is definitely quite Serene to just wake up and that's on one side the ocean is right in front of you it is definitely some of the best views I've seen in the entire world
and I can tell you some of my other homes are very very peaceful they're very nice but I think in terms of views this definitely has to take the cake then basically you can look down or up at the rest of the property the outside Bri barbecue area this house isn't homely at all but definitely certain parts of it and the nature it's definitely pretty to look at education is freedom uh education is Liberty education for me personally is everything and today looking at this beautiful building it uh fills me with a sense of fulfillment
so I just want to say a big thank you to all of you so finally I just want to thank all of you for your incredible Hospitality Nepal is an incredible country I've been waiting 3 years to come back here and uh it makes me very happy that I'm here today so thank you all of you oh and uh we're playing football later so if you're good make sure you're on my team please thank [Music] you I left school in 11th grade so you can give me certificate here so I can say I finish school
yeah we we can make you the honorary student you know yes col you I finished school that would make my mom very happy parents like the most random things simple life my mom would be happier that I got a certificate from the school that I actually built a school I'm so proud of you man [Music] about 17 months have passed but it feels like yesterday that grow your agency and bah Nepal completely building our dream of getting educated sitting inside the absolutely secure and Grand classrooms thank you so much for being with us and Hearty
welcome once again at last thank you have a great day and enjoy this Grand celebration ahead Namaste I think that in life the best thing you can give someone is opportunity and with this school you have the opportunity to make something great of your life so the only thing that I ask the only three promises is that you wake up every single day and you work hard you're honest and you're respectful to your teachers thank you very much wow wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful I know Iman I've seen his videos I know who he is
what he shows there's like a line that differentiates where he is and where I am right now so yeah but it's all time bro it's all time like bear in mind you know I was a young 16-year-old kid with acne on my face and you just try to make something out of myself so this stuff takes time it doesn't take a year to get to where you want to get to you know it takes 3 years 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years it's a long long journey so hopefully you took something from today
but I awesome love you small little gift hopefully didn't have to you realize that just like being here being with you guys you know meeting the people I met today just like experience that has a lot of value well I hope the gift helps you remember walk in the moment so I don't know if you're into to Wal wow uh thank you thank you very much pleas you've been a joy to hang out with today I'm I really don't know what to say don't wor about it don't worry about it bro I wasn't expecting it
I told you just being around you there is a lot to learn from you from like behavor stuff I I was not expecting this honestly thank you very much but it wasn't luck I've seen from his from a very young age I'm the only one of probably if not the only one who seen his every Journey every hours every Days Every pretty much I always was there for with yeah uh so for me it wasn't all of the sudden wow how lucky we're yet no it's uh I've seen War there we go that's amazing love
you what did you get T ooh what could it be like I don't know I cannot even pretend by now I know what is in the boook so very nice my baby welcome home welcome to Dubai Habibi you're such a mom there we go so it is a Birkin 25 hardest Birkin to get in terms of size listen I mean I don't know official numbers but I can tell you you're going to find very few of this type of leather it's called Epsom leather compared to Togo which just looks a little bit more rough more
like worn in which most Birkin are are Togo leather and epsom has a lot more structure to it as well congrats thank you very much so I have a new baby in my wardrobe it's nice thank you sweetheart pleasure as I said I appreciate every single one of you it's been it's it's been a crazy crazy Journey bro from being embarrassed when I was 15 cuz it wasn't really a thing back then like taking Vlog Clips in the bus or like in the gym recording myself or in the bookstore and instead just being embarrassed hoping
no one saw the camera all the way from that to where we are today it's been a wild ride now this right here is a YouTube Gold plaque for hitting a million subscribers so we actually got this 5 months ago and we're already at like 2.5 something like that so honestly this is all thanks to you guys I want to get one of these for the second Channel I want to get one of these for the Vlog Channel I want to hit a million subscribers on that channel by the end of the year you guys
will get to see a little bit more of my personal life that don't really show on my main YouTube channel and you guys also get updates which a lot of you seem to like on how boxing's going new cars I'm buying new watches and it's also a place where pretty much weekly I'm interacting with fans doing £10,000 shopping spree for fans uh meeting up with fans and taking them sneaker shopping or taking them out partying with me and my friends or just even doing a simple workout and I'm going to make it even more interesting
if we hit 200,000 YouTube subscribers in the next week I'm going to PayPal one of you $110,000 so all you need to do is subscribe go comment on the latest video if we might actually Hit The Benchmark then I'm going to pick one random comment I'll respond to you ask for your Instagram we'll get in touch there and I'll go ahead and send you the money with all that being said let me go ahead and open this this is sick bro this is stunning wow wow wo wo wo wow congrats bro couldn't have done it
without you I appreciate you bro this one's for the team bro that's pretty there you go that's crazy uh I am late because I come bearing gifts oh Santa Claus Santa Claus lots of gifts wait wait wait wait wait no there's like actually like [ __ ] tons of gifts oh my [Music] God also um wait there's one other thing [Music] [Applause] thank so oh that [Applause] is once I got to a certain age basically my stepdad divorced my mom and my mom got a letter through the mail from his lawyers that basically said you
have 7 days to leave the house she lost her home so at that point obviously I didn't know how long it would take but I promised her that I'd buy her the house and I didn't think I could do it soon but yeah I guess I I made it happen but my house was not a home my house was not a place I was particularly happy at so I grew up in a house like this with it's crazy with no warm water with no heating when my stepdad found out I was starting a business he
cut off the Wi-Fi the walls were caving in in my room there was mold it is a show and to make things worse my stepdad put cameras not on the outside on the inside of the house so I grew up as like a prisoner in my own house like I was had someone watching me 24/7 and yeah when I say this is Bittersweet this is the last place on Earth I would want to buy my M house The Last Place on Earth I have no on my heart is a big part of my life it's
pretty much the only home I know as a home yeah as a family home I live there almost 20 years and coming back it just make me emotional and I I just rather live yeah I rather live [Music] [Music] bro I literally follow all your like content you're literally like everything I've done is because of you the agency everything bro I appreciate that bro everyone tells you you can't do it like even at my stage people are telling me you need to focus on school you need to do this and something inside of me is
telling me well I want to be like self-made and no one actually like helped me reach that and then I saw your videos and it made me realize this guy has done it from like listen the one thing you have is time you know and I'm going to be honest you could pretty much do anything in life thank you very much bro bro what's going on here just chips bro chips in the cook M bro what is this check he what seriously I thought if you ever want to Dess GTC I you almost got notifications
ping on your Apple bro come on man I even said to you bro there's no need man you've done enough it's at least I could do thank you so so much honestly this is this is too kind seriously honestly it's my pleasure bro thank you for everything wow it's the best Co Zer come here real quick uh Sy we got you a little gift cuz you've been so amazing oh my God got your little something to make it easier to call back home are you sure I hope you believe this I hope you like purple
thank you sir thank you so much thank you for everything we really appreciate you s you're Legend thank you also we got you some headphones because we know Alex likes to play loud music so oh my God you remember that time at 1:00 you played loud music and he didn't remember you in your room and we also know that you never want to use the main TV to watch you don't want to disturb us so uh we thought we gave you little something you can watch Netflix this is all for me for you all for
you and a nice little case oh my goodness I can't believe oh my God thank you so much S I don't know what I will do team hug te hug come here we doing we're going car shopping again again yes and uh except this car isn't actually for me this car is a gift I'm sure you guys have seen I give away quite a lot of gifts um and especially to the people that have been there for me for a long time and have been there with me from the jump so this person I'm getting
a gift for has been basically a part of my has helped kind of support me through the highs and the lows over yeah ever since I basically started my business so as a little token of appreciation I'm buying them a car thank you apprciate it have me to divv first bro yeah that's fair getting next time let's I can't see on camera what are we getting today [Music] so go out there work hard forget the concept of time and one day I know you'll be able to buy this for yourself and hopefully maybe you'll even
be able to buy this for your loved ones and share all of the success and all the blessings that you've been able to bring into your life you go good sir delivery pairs thank you so much how much do I owe you me me that's how it works let me say bro tell me I have an offer I'm going to give you $10,000 if you're turn a Ser on mine turn one Ser has to land on my side between the singles lines what about Charities do you work with any Charities yeah I do one gra
yeah okay what's your favorite charity together for children it's okay if I don't return a serve I'll donate 10K what about 10 serves no no no 20 20 okay 20 serves 20 serves if I return one of 20 in the court I'll give you 10K and if I don't return any then I'll donate 10K to together for children deal deal oh I could even see that up the Vlog couple things to address first things first uh here is confirmation of the €10,000 donation that I sent to the charity that Stephanos works with so big shout
out to Mr TI pass and all the amazing work he does there you know I buy watches for friends I give away maybe 30 watches a year as gifts so yeah you know it's uh I I'll be I'll be honest bro it's it's funny you mention that because I do actually have a little gift to you this right here is youi watch are you actually with no being serious no way I I was going to get to that at the end of the class no way cheers bro oh my I don't even know what to
say yo I've seen this happen before on camera but I didn't oh thank you my Bo I appreciate it just joking I was like I don't know if you noce I started here the plan was to go through all the watches and it was in the top I don't even know where to go from here it's just like all right see you guys the video guys this is crazy thank you brother I appreciate for joining me today good job on the Run once [Laughter] again believe the street of London bro [Music] oh my God Ser
so match match the Tim on boy big night big night B night let's go or the fact that like people make an effort like flying from all over the world and [ __ ] like that it's incredible I need to lock myself in my office for a week after she talk to no one [Music] got you inside [Music] yeah portrait it's nothing much expensive but it's from the heart and yeah [Music] yeah guys we'll try my absolute best obviously we have a 6:00 cut off so but yeah just want to say if I don't get
a chance to say hi just J means the world to me that you guys took hours out of your Sunday to to come and say hi and show support and love thank you to everyone I really appreciate it cheers I'll my best I promise you don't take this in the wrong way um obviously this place is quite near and dear to my heart I have a lot of good memories here I said probably insignificant to you but to me this is always very a safe space for me and yeah you know it's the minutes turn
to hours here so thought I'd give you a little gift um hopefully keep keep the lights on for 30 more years small little donation I hope you don't take it the wrong with but no no you know apprciate yeah it's uh it makes me very happy to hear that love love young gentleman are walking through the door and picking up a book you that was really nice my big thank you for uh having such an open space and not kicking someone out on when they spend 3 4 hours reading I never did hopefully no never
all right Alex happy birthday what birday no what are you doing bro bracelet n you're lying you're lying you're lying all right be quick we got flight to catch oh my [Music] God it suits you thank you does it does it looks nice so yeah everyone will your Apple watches ordered GPS cellular 41 or 45 depends whichever one you want and yeah we're running a marathon as a company first week of [Music] December so as I said going to go ahead and get the team all Apple watches we're also looking to raise minimum $100,000 for
charity and we're going to raise that and donate that and put that towards uh the next school that we're building in Nepal with our continued effort uh with parar trust you know in fact there was even one member of the team that quit got in the car and then like a few minutes later was like what the [ __ ] am I doing like I got to finish this thing and to me that's just that that is just the most beautiful thing that could ever happen you know you taste defeat you taste giving up and
you decide no that's not me that's not us that's not how we act as a company so I just feel like in that moment you know he embodied everything that our company is they're all mentally ill like they're just strong fuing people and they have so much love love and care for each other we all do it's like your little armor you know when we're together it's armor you could put us anywhere you could put us anywhere in the world and tell us okay you see the top of that mountain I need you to get
up there we find a way and I think that's just the culture of our company all right guys I just want to say like I said at the beginning while I'll say it again I'm so incredibly proud of all of you to push through 42 km in very typical London weather and said I'm so proud of you can't put into wordss uh yeah just how taken back I am how Star Struck I am and you guys really are all the real Superstars you guys are the ones the unsung heroes that no one gets to see
unfortunately but yeah today you guys laid it all on the table and all of you guys showed yeah while you're here at this company so all I can say is that personally for me I look at all of you guys and I feel so motivated and so inspired and yeah I just feel like I got to work 10 times harder when I see all you guys so yeah I just want to say go home have a bubble bath have some eat whatever food you want to eat you guys deserve it you guys deserve the world
and more so bless all of you so moving into 2024 which I'm actually recording this right at the end of 2024 honestly this year I feel more strong more wise more mature than ever before the businesses are stronger than ever before and things have really Diversified I've bought a few software companies this year I've expanded into physical products my eyewear business which I don't think I mentioned but I started my eyewear business in 2020 it always did well but I never really focused on it this year I sold 40% to my business partner but yeah
this year we really actually started to focus on it made millions of dollarss in profit from it and honestly 2024 I feel settled I feel good it's been a tough year it's been a challenging year I feel closer to God that I've ever felt before and I also just feel so disattached to anything material now I know that sounds a little funny when I've got Rolls-Royce Phantom Lamborghini torado you won't be able to see behind them but I've got mayback GT3 I've got a few of my other cars there that you can't see and some
not even here at my house I don't think having nice things means that you're a materialistic person I'll be honest like even that car I have to force myself to drive it other people drive that car more than I drive that car and it gives me so much enjoyment seeing my friends get to enjoy things that for me personally I maybe just don't really care about that much anymore but I know for the other people it's a dream so for me personally being able to share these blessings it's why not you know if you've been
so blessed in life I just think you should share your blessings so I don't think just cuz you have nice things that makes you a materialistic person or you know you're a shallow or this or that I'll be honest 2024 I have never in my life felt more disconnected from material things I don't care if I'm sitting in that car this year I bought my favorite car that I have which is a Mini Cooper with 700,000 km on the dash that I've restored and it's been a continuous project over this year the thing [ __
] breaks down every few months in fact it's actually coming back from the shop tomorrow but my point is I don't care if it's that I don't care if it's my restored old vintage Defender I don't care which one of my cars it is I just feel so disattached the glitz the Glam the socialista events the super malls the this that you know maybe I think everyone just has to go through things and maybe as you watch this video you're like oh I don't need to go through something to know that that's not what I
want or maybe you're like hey I want to experience it I've always been one of those people where I want to experience everything life has to offer and come to my own decisions that's just been me personally some people can learn from you know the lessons from others I've just been one of those people I want to try everything you know I want to try every kind of life I want to try every hedonistic desire and then once I go through it I'm like yeah whatever it is what it is so I guess all that
to say that the businesses are in the best place they've ever been I'm the strongest I've ever been I'm the most content at peace I've ever been even though 2024 has been such a difficult year with so many different challenges but I don't know I'm just proud that I always do it with a smile on my face you know I just feel like I always go through life with Grace I don't get too hung up on the highs I don't get too hung up on the loaves you I just got a lot closer to God
I just felt a lot more peace in my heart even though there's a lot of chaos around me you know I really feel like as a business owner entrepreneur and investor 2024 was probably my most important and transformative year you know even though most stuff I didn't talk about I didn't reveal I kept silent about most things but what can I say another incredible year so let's get into it I get that a lot a lot of times people go can you believe where you've ended up in life and I go 100% how the can
I not believe where I ended up in life when I took the steps I followed my own advice I went left right left right I've taken thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands singular steps I can remember every single step I took and what you're surprised you're surprised that I'm not surprised where I got to I used to meditate in my school bathrooms alone pretty much every single lunch and the reason I meditated was because I was in that awkward phase of getting 3 4 hours of sleep every single night and I had to basically
manage both school as well as starting my first entrepreneurial venture at that time I had a a few Ventures I was flipping Instagram accounts and then I started uh personal training my friend's parents and I started picking up a a video camera and and learning how to make videos and photos for companies and doing that freelance so I was getting like 3 4 hours sleep at night so school that sort of lunch period was the best time that I could meditate without falling asleep this guy's like the the Russian Oprah bro there you go Jee
one forly yeah thank you bro you going crazy with the gift today my boy let's go upstairs come on thing that I am slightly ashamed of it's that I don't go back to Dean enough obviously moved to London I forgot pretty much all my Russian so it's something that I need to get better at so I feel like even just a day like today is is nice for me just to once again as I said remember where I come from because to me that's important no matter where you go in life where you're from your
roots your tradition your family that's that's all you have Salam [Music] Salam my gift going to go surprise our friend with something that he's very passionate about without ruining the surprise oh my God thank you [Music] hello oh no I got your little my two favorite sneakers or shoes no way bro tra is I know you got one pair this is uh one of the new colorways you're crazy bro you always oh no let's go man I wear these almost every day but I beat mine to the ground these are sick bro thank you so
much thank you thank you my pleasure thanks and you couldn't leave Dubai without walking out with a pair of L pias okay I could wear my e fit now there we go bro these are the open walks okay these are the old man shoes got my old money vibes going on now all right let's get sweating Let's Do It come on [Music] what oh oh congrats on 4 million you know we at five now holy [ __ ] Bro [ __ ] bro I don't I don't I don't deserve this man [ __ ] I
know what to say I mean from one basically my pleasure bro we parked in our driveway bro what do you mean wagon the wagon Q must have parked somewhere sick car though huh yeah mat just the fleet what the no shut up congrats off bro congrats no off congrats what it's like you it's it's a little rough around the edges doesn't work doesn't work half the [Music] time so we're here at ladles of love in Cape Town packing up some pallets obviously we spend a lot of time in South Africa we try to do as
much as we can when we're here to give back but it's always very difficult finding the right Oran organization so today we've partnered up with ladles of love and yeah we'll be feeding 100 children for the next year which is amazing So today we're basically packing the pallets and hand delivering it to one of the schools so that way we can see the full process of food coming in obviously we're loading ourselves onto the pallets and then hand delivering it so we can see some of lives were changing and you know the kids that were
impacting so for right now just getting a bit of a sweat on and loading it all up [Music] so this is the this is the warehouse so they'll get a selection they get oats they get sugar they get rice they get maze meal they get four vegetables they get cabbage Butternut uh carrots they get uh some salt they get a soyer mins so soy Min is like a plant-based type meat so it's protein it's very high in protein so they get that as well if they come in all these vegetables are grown by our community
Farmers you know they're not perfect but they have the flavor they are beautiful they as God intended there's no pesticides it's as God asked you know you've got these cucumbers I mean the quality the flavor is unbelievable and when you use this it's like it's real you know it's it's wonderful so we try and support the farmers by buying all this vegetable from them I've got to let you taste the carrot oh my gosh that looks amazing [Music] M that one good carrots good carrot carrots in London do not taste like this no exactly this
is the quality you get so [Music] wow and that one Lou one one here one on this [Music] one 5 [Music] six this is IM Elizabeth Elizabeth nice to meet you and I Israel Israel Israel on pleas [Music] yummy yumy yummy yummy [Music] morning go go get ice cream yeah I'm buy ice ice cream I ice cream bring them ice cream ice cream no we can no first for it it one take it fall up what's your name Christian Christian yes I'm Alex nice to meet you you guys go to school yeah how was school
nice it was fun good there you go we are inso it and what do you want to be when you grow up a superhero a superhero yes like who Spiderman and save people yes from Bing houses that's my guy that's my guy there we go my friend that is nearly a decade of a boy having a dream having a vision for what he wanted for his life waking up every single day working towards that the highs the lows the learning lessons all of it so with that maybe for some of you you're inspired maybe for
some of you you watch this and you're like this guy as I said I'm going to keep living my life I'm going to share what works what doesn't work you find Value in that great and if you don't that's cool as well [Music]