MANY so called "CHRISTIANS" are ON THEIR WAY to HELL because...

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DLM Christian Lifestyle
Many Christians are on their way to hell because... In this important video, Daniel tells you why yo...
Video Transcript:
I want to ask you this  question with a lot of love. Are you a true Christian? If you die today, where will you go?
Examine yourself. Ask yourself and be honest. Will you go to be with God for all eternity  or will you go to hell, that's been prepared for the devil and his demons and everyone  who wants to continue to live in darkness.
Where you will be gnashing on your  teeth because of regret and pain. Let me ask you this: Are you a lukewarm Christian? Because God says in Revelation 3:16: [Revelation 3:16] Again, I'm asking you this with a lot of  love, because I genuinely care about you and many of you are just so focused on  this rat race, this temporary world that is passing away.
You are a vapor. One day you're here, the next you are gone. Both my two brothers died in their early 20s.
You need to take your faith seriously. The Bible says that we have to examine ourselves. [2 Corinthians 13:5] Let me be real with you.
I failed that test. I was a lukewarm Christian. Even though I grew up in the church with my dad as a pastor and he preached  the way he lived - I had no excuse at all.
But I wanted to live for the world  more than I wanted to live for Christ. I wanted to sit on the throne  of my heart instead of Jesus. I did not want to submit to the authority of God.
And you know, we say this a lot, that you have to choose Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. A lot of people only want to acknowledge Him as the Savior, right? Because everybody wants a free ticket into heaven but they don't submit to Him as Lord as well.
But Jesus says in Mark 8:36: [Mark 8:36] Let me ask you again. If you die today, where will you go? You might say, well, Daniel I  grew up in a Christian home.
I went to church. So I'm a Christian. I've been a Christian all my life.
Well, if you look at God's Word, where does God say that if you grew up in a Christian  home or go to church that you will be saved? It"s not in here at all. The Christian tradition means absolutely nothing to you.
It doesn't save you. If you say you're a Christian but you have not  yet truly accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, where God came and He changed you  - regeneration - where He gave you His spirit, and adopted you as His child,  you need to make that decision. Your parents can't do it for for you.
No one can. It is you. You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven if you have not been spiritually reborn.
Jesus says in John 3:3: [John 3:3] You know, just Jesus using these words - truly  truly - He's saying that people have to believe Him - because a lot of people miss this, and this  is so important for Him that He's starting this and saying truly - this is - this is true. This is. .
. you need to understand this. This is how important it is.
Truly, truly I say to you. Now, let me ask you again. If you die today, one of the 150,000 people  to 300,000 people who die every day, yes, that is how many people die every  day, then where are you going?
You need to take this seriously. You might say, well, Daniel, I believe that God exists. That He's real.
So I must be going to heaven. Well, just believing that God exists doesn't make you a true Christian. The devil and his demons also believe that Jesus is real - that God exists -  but they're not going to heaven.
Just believing that God is real  is not what true faith means. [James 2: 19] You see, giving your life to Christ involves so  much more than just believing that God is real. It involves understanding that you are a sinner.
And in God's eyes, who is a god of wrath when it comes to unrighteousness - that you  deserve God's punishment because of your sin - it involves recognizing that  no amount of good works can save you. That only Jesus's sacrifice  can pay the price for your sin. It involves asking God to forgive you and to cover your sins with the blood of Jesus. 
You might say, well I go to church. I even prophesy over people. I even preach in the church, so I must go to heaven.
Well, are you sure? Because even people who are not believers  - unbelievers - they can also practice religious deeds through the flesh. And it means absolutely nothing.
They just practice dead religion. Listen carefully to Jesus's own words. [Matthew 7:16-21] Now, listen carefully to this, because this is  for many of you who say that you're Christians.
Even healing and prophesying, doing certain  things, even ministering, preaching in the church. There are many of you who might be lost. Listen to Jesus's words here carefully.
[Matthew 7:22-23] This is also a wake up call for many of you who  just want to follow those people who say that they are prophets - prophesying things over people. There are counterfeit gifts of the spirit as well that demons can give to people and then  there are people who just are tricking people. They're deceiving people.
They're making things up in their own mind. They're very clever and their prophecies are very  vague but it doesn't mean that they are from God. You need to understand this.
These people who were prophesying and even casting out demons, Jesus said he never knew them, meaning  they were never Christians in the first place. [Matthew 7:23] Now, let me ask you again, if you  died today, where are you going? You might say, well, God is a god of love.
So even if I continue to live in sin and doing my my own thing, you know, God is a  god of love so He won't send me to hell. Yes, God is a god of love, but you don't  understand what true love is if you don't understand who God truly is. He is not just a god of love.
There is a lot more to Him than that. So if you just look at this one attribute, you have no idea who God truly is. I can say the same thing about you.
If someone says, oh you're a funny person, it  doesn't mean you're a funny person all the time or if someone says that you are a positive  person - always happy - no it doesn't mean you're always positive, always happy. And that's all there is to it. There is much more to you.
There is much more to God. You know, humans. .
. we're a little  bit this, we're a little bit that. We're a little bit this, but we're  not everything 100% all the time.
Only God is. God 100% love all the time. He's 100% righteous all the time.
He is 100% trustworthy all the time. So you need to understand that God is  not just love, but He's also righteous. And He will punish sin if He is truly righteous.
And God is also Holy. Perfect, without sin. Immutable.
He never changes. Self-sufficient. He needs nothing.
Infinite. He's self-existing. Omnipotent.
All powerful. Omniscient. All knowing.
Omnipresent. He is everywhere. Fully glorious, meaning infinitely  beautiful and great, perfect, and pure.
He is gracious, willing to spare  the guilty and save us all. He's merciful, He's kind. And fully compassionate.
He's faithful - meaning He always keeps  His promises - and He's all knowing. He knows everything about everything. He's full of perfect unchanging wisdom.
And then yes, He is love. He has unconditional love. But that doesn't mean, and you can use  that as an excuse because you want to continue in your filthy, dirty, sin.
You want to continue to live in that. You want to continue to steal. You want to continue to murder.
You want to continue to look at pornography. You want to cheat on your wife or your husband. No.
You cannot use that as an excuse. God is also holy and righteous and  that means because He is also light, He cannot have a relationship with you  if you continue to live in darkness. You need to repent.
You need to come to the light. [1 Corinthians 6:9-10] Do not be deceive. Do not be deceived by what people say or tell you.
And do not be deceived by your own  thoughts because you are not perfect. You always make mistakes. Only God is perfect.
And you need to listen to His Word. What He already chose to reveal to us. Every word of God is perfect.
It is pure, it is breathed out by God. [2 Timothy 3:16] And you can trust it further in Verse 9. [1 Corinthians 6:9-10] To those of you who say you're Christians but  you get drunk every weekend, or even in the week, and you don't care about it.
Listen to God's Word. If you say that you are a Christian but  you still keep on living like the rest of sinful mankind - like the rest of  the world - then you need to examine yourself because it is impossible. If God made you a new creation, to still live like the rest of mankind in  sin, cussing, drinking, and not caring, not worrying about it at all, how can that be?
If the Bible says in Ephesians 5:4: [Ephesians 5:4] One of the first signs you can usually see  - spot - when someone says that they're a Christian but they're not is when  they use foul words or crude joking. Joking about sexual things, when  there are a group of people together. [Galatians 5: 19-21] You know, one of the things that makes  me feel so bad is when self- professing Christians use the Lord's name in vain.
When I speak to them they say they're Christians and they do that. I just oh . .
. I feel it. I hurt.
How can you do that if you have God's Spirit in you? Who will convict you of sin? You cannot.
How do you think God feels? [Exodus 20:7] You cannot use God's name just  carelessly, not having respect for it. Especially you in America who say oh my God after  almost every second sentence.
How can you do that? How can you use God's name  so carelessly if you are a true reborn Christian? Where is your respect?
[Matthew 12:36-37] I'm saying this to you with a lot of love and it  might not be easy for a lot of you to hear the truth but that is what needs to be happening. You need to hear the truth. The light needs to shine.
Shine on the darkness, to expose it. You need to look at yourself honestly  through the Word of God and test yourself. Examine yourself to see whether you are in  the faith because your soul depends on it.
God is light and we need to live in the light. We shouldn't be afraid of it. We should read the Word.
Study it like the good Bereans and test ourselves to see whether  we truly are living according to God's Word. Because if we truly love  God, we will obey His Word. Not just because, oh now, I  have to from the soul level.
No. Because you want to please God because you love Him. If you don't want to live in the truth, then you are living in darkness.
You're not living in the light. You're living in darkness. And that is where you will stay when you die.
Eternal darkness. So let me ask you again. If you die today, where will you go?
John 3:3 says that you have to be reborn. And the popular verse - in Verse 16 - you know. [John 3:16] And you know that is where some people stop.
Just Verse 16. But what comes after Verse 16? You shouldn't stop there.
The Bible is written in  letter form, not in verses. Verse this, verse that, verse this  and you just use certain verses that you like to try and apply it with your life. You want to change scripture to fit in with your lifestyle.
No. You need to understand the  Word of God and change your lifestyle according to God's Word. The next verse says (in Verse 17) [John 3:17-21] Now listen to this carefully.
Verse 19: [John 3:19-21] Now let me ask you again. Where will you go when you die today? You know, some of you might say,  well, I will go to heaven because God created me and I'm His child.
Well, that's not what the Word says. Yes, you are His creation but it  doesn't say that you are His child. That name - that title - is only given  to those who truly accepted Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord - who repented  - who became a true reborn Christian.
[John 1:9-13] But now listen carefully. Verse 12: [John 1:9-13] Do you see? You need to be reborn spiritually.
Reborn. Your parents cannot save you. Your friends cannot save you.
Your church cannot save you. They cannot make the decision for you. No one can save you.
You need to accept Jesus  Christ as your Lord and Savior. And then only God can save you because He declares  you as righteous and He makes you a new creation. It is a miracle.
It is a work by God. He works regeneration within you. [John 21: 21-22] You see, you are responsible for your own life.
Stop comparing your life to other people. Stop looking at other people. Look at your own life.
If you want to have eternal life, a life even in  this world where you have peace, where you have fulfillment, where you abide in Christ, He in you. You see, life with Christ is so much more than just receiving eternal life. So much more.
But you need to make the decision to choose Him. You need to come to the end of yourself. Repent of your sins.
Truly, genuinely. So many people think that they are  Christians but they've never really repented. This is the gospel message, John the Baptist, he preached it.
Repent. Jesus Christ, He preached it. Repent.
[Matthew 3:2] You see, you cannot start a relationship  with God if you do not repent. [Matthew 4:17] You see, you can only worship  God in Spirit and in truth. You have to come to the truth.
Where you understand your sinful condition, that you are a sinner  and that Jesus Christ is Holy, that He's perfect, that He died  for your sins on the cross. Who He is, and then only can you start to  enter a spiritual relationship with Him. [John 4:23-24] So you realize that you are a sinner,  that even your best deeds are like filthy rags according to scripture.
You stop comparing yourself to other people and think, man, I'm not this  bad, because look at those people. No. You start to compare yourself according to God's Word.
And let me tell you - God is perfect. There is no darkness in Him. So that is why even your best deeds are like filthy rags to God.
That is why He died for you on the cross. Only Jesus could because He is perfect. He took your sins on Himself.
And that is why now God the  Father looks through Jesus. What He did for you on the cross. You say I accepted.
You stop comparing yourself to other  people and look at God's holiness. And you ask Him to forgive you, to wash you clean. [Acts 2:38] So after you ask Jesus for forgiveness, you accept  that He died for you in your place on the cross.
All the punishment that you should  have received for your sins. God's wrath. God the Father's wrath.
He brought it on Jesus Christ, on the cross. You accepted that he took your punishment that you should have received for lying, stealing,  gossiping, sexual sins, cussing, getting drunk and all the other sins you have done. He took it all upon himself.
And because God is righteous,  the punishment for sin is death. But because He is God, He  also rose from the grave. [Romans 10:9-13] And when you truly do that, the judge of  the world - God - declares you as righteous.
Done. Once. That's it.
You have been declared as righteous. You don't have to do it tomorrow or the day after. No.
Because the moment He declares you as righteous,  He also seals you with the Holy Spirit. He works that regeneration in you. He gives you the Holy Spirit, to live in you.
Because you are now the temple of God. You are his son - his daughter - and you now walk within this newness of life. New spiritual life.
This is why you cannot save yourself through  your deeds, because it needs to be a work of God. His gift. [Titus 3:5] You see, God is amazing.
He is far bigger than than we  can even try to comprehend. God Himself gives you His spirit and  that is why you can be called a reborn Christian because He seals you with  his Spirit, the Holy Spirit of promise. [Ephesians 1:13-14] In other words, you become spiritually alive.
You receive a new spiritual nature because of the Holy Spirit. You see, as a new creation it is impossible to go back to what you  once used to be. Spiritually dead.
Because now you are spiritually alive. So it is impossible to go back to your sins, to cuss, to drink, getting drunk, sexual sin. All  these dirty things, to keep on doing that without even worrying about it, because the Holy Spirit  now is in you and He will convict you of sin.
Jesus says in John 16:8: [John 16:8] [2 Corinthians 5:17] This is amazing. You know, Jesus is the narrow gate. When you open that gate, when you go through  Jesus, because you can only be saved through what Jesus did for you on the cross, as you  go through that gate, you start to realize there's a whole long narrow road.
The road of sanctification. There's a whole new world that opens  up to you because you are transformed. You think differently, you see things  differently, you enter this new spiritual life.
Where you see things for the first time. You understand truth for the the first time. Things you couldn't understand before because  now God adopted you as His son, as his daughter.
[Galatians 4:5-7] This is what it means to  be a true reborn Christian. Many of you might be lukewarm Christians, or some  of you might have been backsliding and you need to come back to Christ. He is waiting for you.
You are still living in a time of grace. This temporary world is going to go by so fast you are but a vapor. One day you're here, the next you are gone.
Come back to God. Do it today. And if you come back to Him,  this is what will happen.
[Luke 15:18} Does that not show you how  amazing God the Father is? How much He loves you? That He's there waiting for you?
He doesn't love your sin at all. He hates sin. But He loves you and He wants you  to come back to Him, to have a real relationship with Him.
A spiritual relationship. [Luke 15:21-24) I want to ask you one last time,  where are you going when you die? You cannot outrun death.
Death comes for all of us. There are certain things in this  world that's out of your control. Like certain laws.
The law of gravity. If I leave this Bible, it's going to fall. It's not going to float.
There's a time for man and  woman to be born and to die. And after that comes judgment. Are you ready for judgment day?
There are many Christians who are on the way  to hell because they are not reborn Christians. They do not truly love the Lord. They haven't come to the point where they truly accepted Him as Lord.
Lord and Savior, where God worked regeneration in him or her and made them new creations. Where are you going when you die? You live in a time of grace, and this  world - do not be distracted by this world.
It is going away. It is passing so fast you are but a vapor. One day you're here, the next you are gone.
I want you to go to eternal life to be with Christ. I don't want you to go to hell where you'll be tormented for all  eternity, gnashing on your teeth because of regret, because you didn't choose Christ. That reality for a lot of people is coming and is coming sooner than you think.
Make the right decision and choose God today while you still have time. And if you want to be sure of your salvation, then please watch this video  here, and I'll see you there. And always remember, that God loves you,  doesn't love your sin but He loves you and He's waiting for you.
And I love you too. And I hope you make the right decision today. Bye guys.
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