when did everything start being just about the outcome when do we start doing stuff just to get stuff in return and how long are we going to let our expectations govern who we are and how we feel a lot of times I feel like we have to let go I feel like the more you let go the more you have to gain in all of life and I'm not just saying in a sense like don't care I'm saying don't expect stop holding yourself fly in your heart that you know what you do has to have
an outcome has to have something that gets back you know in the sense that Karma exists sometimes it's not expressed in the same way that you want it or the same way that you may expect it to be so the point is to realize that your expectations are what's holding you back a lot of times in life and that's not to say that if you stop caring about stuff if you stop expecting stuff things will come your way it'll say that if you detach yourself from your desire and your expectation to gain something every time
you do something then everything you get is a gift everything you receive is a blessing the more we allow ourselves to not expect to not be so outcome oriented everything that's in the start everything we do can be appreciated to a different degree because we stop doing it for the outcome we stop doing it for something that can provide us a Feeling and start feeling it while doing that something we just allow things to be as they are and we allow ourselves to be as we are and some ways we have to detach from ourselves
you have to detach from the idea of yourself detach from the idea that if you do this certain thing if you meditate this day then you'll feel good about yourself tomorrow like stuff like that doesn't always work that way you know you could tell yourself you love yourself in the mirror one day and then the next day you won't feel that way but it's not about that it's not about the conditions and restrictions we Place upon what we do it's about how we react to it react to the absence of of something happening and in
my experience the best thing that we can do for ourselves is is expect nothing when nothing happens okay but Express that in all things give it your 100% effort to live be an embodiment of life not an embodiment of an outcome an embodiment of how your life has brought you here it's an embodiment of life itself you know be present enough to express yourself in every one of your actions and don't be dictated by the consequences not saying not saying consequences in general not moral consequences not St like that but in terms of when we
put our energy in the sun sometimes I feel like all energy is a gift and if you're truly giving something if you're truly giving something to something you should expect nothing in return otherwise you're doing it to get something in return and I think in all things cuz you know I guess that doesn't work in all things or I guess that is hard to practice in all things so my suggestion would be to find anything one thing some sort of expression like art poetry writing um working out doing anything but doing it for the sake
of doing we need to start living life for the sake of living life you know I feel like most of our worldly desires aren't even given to ourselves by ourselves they're given to us by the society which we choose to live in and I feel like at a baseline level our passions the things we like doing regardless of how it looks how it is I'm a I'm not going to say I'm a terrible artist but sometimes I like to draw you know sometimes you like to do stuff that doesn't necessarily benefit you in a in
a outcome way and it's about what it does to you inside not what it shows to you outside you know when I write when I do poetry when I do stuff like that it's not about if someone hears it it's not about if somebody likes it it's about how I feel about it and what feeling it inspires of me to do so to do so and I feel like once you get to the point where you sort of detach yourself from um those kind of expectations you can live your life in a way where every
expression of your life is you know something that brings you Joy something that brings you back to yourself makes you realize that regardless of your expression regardless of the form you take in this moment you expect nothing in return for giving your energy out to the world and when I say giving your energy I just mean being yourself cuz sometimes it takes energy to be vulnerable sometimes it takes energy to be yourself but it's so rewarding once you detach yourself and I think that's a general premise of what's called The Law of Detachment the more
we attach ourselves to our desires the more we're victim to them the more we're victim to the outcome you know you want something so bad so bad so bad and you start attributing that desire to who you are you start allowing that something to become you rather than being an expression of what you want then once you don't get it once you don't get something you want once you put all your effort in you're left in a place where you feel like either when you're not worth it you you weren't worth it or you can't
do something and I feel like any sort of negativity in the realm of our desires and dreams and aspirations should be kicked to the Cur you can do everything you want to do but you can't I me you can but you shouldn't hold those expectations as as a part of who you are cuz who you are isn't the expression who you are isn't the expression of of what you get who you are is and what you have what you possess it's how you are inside and how you're reacting and that's all internal I said it
in a video a couple days ago but you have value just by existing you have value just by being here so if you're watching this video right now you know you've made it past every trial and tribulation in your life you've gotten to this point you can keep going you got it and I'm not saying that just to just to Hype your heads up I'm saying that cuz it's true you know and in the Realms of like having motivation being disciplined enough to get to what you want cuz I feel like that's what a lot
of people watch my video discipline say locked in eye and I feel like with my channel specifically Al with everything I I do that's I feel like is expression which is everything I try not to expect anything like I'm I'm I won't look at my my statistics I won't look at anything like that because I feel like once you start doing something for a reaction not it doesn't I'm not saying it becomes ingenuine I'm saying in some ways we become ingenuine to ourselves and genuine to the art of becoming becoming something and when I say
becoming like becoming what you're doing the art of being here right now the art of being present that's why I feel like we all need to do something that tends us towards ourselves that makes us find our way back to ourselves otherwise we C get caught in the loops of society get caught in the loops of Desire the loops of expectation I made a video a while ago called um what expectation takes away our freedom I don't know what if it was titled that exactly but it's true you know the more we expect the less
we're able to express ourselves and be the way we want to be you know you expect a lot from other people you don't get it you start to resent those other people or yourself you know you don't get it from them all I must not be blank blank blank or or though they you know and at the end of the day it just is we have to learn to not take not necessarily not take things personal but don't attribute it to to who you are cuz a lot of stuff isn't you a lot of stuff
is other people you know uh S I don't know if it's a s please correct me if I'm wrong but hell is other people and it's not hell is I I've never inferred that and like hell is other people like everyone else is hell but my perception of other people is hell you know I feel like the way at which we connotate others the way in which we connotate the world is very reflective of who we are inside it's very reflective of of how we see the world and and saying Hell is other people it's
like sometimes you have to realize that you're not it's not you you know you may get a negative reaction from somebody but you know s everyone has their own complex life that they're going through everyone has their their trials and tribulations you know we're all Rel in that sense and I recently I found a lot of Peace in that a lot of Peace in realizing that you know everyone has their own things going on but more so in a sense that like regardless of how someone expresses themselves to me or expresses themselves in general I'm
just like you know your desires are your desires sometimes people troll sometimes people do all the do do a lot of extra stuff in regards to their their behavior um maybe negative positive but to make themselves feel positive in a way and I mean while that's not necessarily a good thing for society it's something that I I feel like once you come to turns once you detach yourself from the the idea that everything's about you makes you just be able to exist on a plane of that's not me I I don't react to it it's
not necessarily A I'm not saying I feel good or bad I don't feel anything for it and that's sort of a blissful thing all that to say practice the law Detachment on um whatever you're doing I'm not saying don't do it for anything but don't expect anything you know your time will come when it comes and I feel like once we put times on stuff even though time doesn't really exist once we put time on stuff that's when it becomes held back you know you can't necess you shouldn't connotate your your expression your goals your
aspirations with a certain a certain lock to it you know you should just try to feel it now try to take that whatever future mindset whatever future goal you wish to embody bring it into the present cuz there is no future there's no future self to achieve nor past self to overcome everything we want need and are is right now and it will always be right now that is to say let go and if you made it this far in the video thank you so much I can't stress it enough how appreciative I am for
each and every one of you um I'm I'm trying to fix put in another line another live for y'all um I I'll restate the question cuz I don't know I didn't get a clear consensus but I'm thinking about starting like a podcast Channel or should I should I make a whole separate channel for the podcast and just do like heavy on that and then keep the videos over here or should I just combine the two just bring my podcast onto this channel y'all let me know in the comments um all in all I hope everyone's
having a great day I hope you're trying to be intentional I hope you're not taking things too personally uh in all things you know hold on to your reaction hold on to how you feel about yourself and make sure you're being intentional with how you feel about yourself cuz at the end of the day that I feel like that's the truly the all governing thing how you feel about yourself and I feel like once you feel good about yourself you feel good about your expression once you feel good about your expression anything you make create
do say think it's part of that once you feel good about that your perspective is all good once you feel good about that your life is all good so um keep being y'all keep being great uh all in all thank you