13 AI Voice Solutions Businesses are Buying NOW (with PROOF!)

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Liam Ottley
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Video Transcript:
hey everyone Lee Motley here and today I have another video for you breaking down the top AI solutions that are selling successfully in the space right now but today we're focusing on voice AI Solutions which is a particularly hot and exciting area of the space right now as you're going to see in this video there really are so many different kinds of AI voice solutions that are selling successfully right now and I mean personally if I was a beginner getting into AI automation agencies and getting into the AI space as a whole this would be
where I'd be focusing my attention or at least considering it because there's so much exciting stuff going on here right now and it's really just the start of the market and start of the technology and it's only going to get better with time so all the results you're going to see and the amount of money they're being made is being made with voice AI technology that is really just getting started so if you look forward a year or two when this technology is even better just imagine how much money some of these people are going
to be making by being early to it so the voice AI space is super exciting and I can't wait to get into this with you all but of course before we jump in if you're new to the channel and don't know who I am my name is Liam otley I've been building and selling AI Solutions through my own AI automation agency Morningside AI for nearly 2 years now and all I already do on this channel is teach you how to sell them successfully yourself and build a business around it an AI automation agency is what
we call it um and this particular video and all of my other list videos featuring AI solutions that are successfully solved within the community are done through a form that I put in the description of these videos if you are a successful agency owner and you want to be featured in one of these videos and get one the exposure from the video but also put into a private WhatsApp group that I have for everyone featured in these videos also access to private calls with that group and events Etc then you can apply using the form
down below and then you get featured in these videos but if you're just a beginner starting out you get to watch these videos make sure you subscribe and hit the Bell so that you don't miss the next one so that you can find your way in with one of these so it's basically people who are succeeding sharing what they're doing with the community and I try to compensate them for it and the beginners get a new start and they get a the hardest thing about getting into the AI business space is knowing what to sell
so that's the point of these videos just spoon feeding it giving it to you this is what you can sell but I want to make sure I'm compensating and giving back to the people who are willing to to share the stuff with us so that's how these work you'll be able to check the description for that form I just mentioned so that you can feature on this but also for everyone mentioned in this video their details will be down below if you want to get in touch with them to become a client or to join
the team Etc all the details will be down below right so jumping into these Solutions now I'm going to be splitting this video into three parts we're firstly going to be focusing on outbound agents then inbound agents and then one specialized use case which I thought was really interesting and wasn't quite fit into the other two so if you're new to the AI voice space um you may not know that there's two main types of AI voice agents firstly outbound outbound voice AI system is when you are sending the call to a person say I'm
sitting here and then my phone starts ringing and then you've got an AI connected to uh the phone line on the other end and I'm talking back and forth with them so that's an outbound system it might just be part of a workflow automation where it sends the call or you might have a system that works off a big list of leads like Ai call calling and it's just going to call call call call call and work through a big list and send those calls out to the different numbers that you've got alternatively you have
inbound voice agents which are attached to a specific phone number say you're on an e-commerce store website and there's a phone number you can give that phone number a call and instead of a human picking it up it can be sent and connected directly to a AI voice agent that you can build so those are the two main categories outbound and inbound they're good for different things then we have some specialized stuff one example that I'm going to share at the end as well that doesn't really fit too well into those categories but jumping into
number one here starting off with outbound voice agents we have an AI automation agency called black volution with a product called natal AI this is by a member of my accelerator Arrow Jane who's built an AI cold calling system for real estate agents that helps him to generate leads so I'm going to be reading off here by the way it's say saves a lot of time here but nly AI is an advanced AI powered Co calling solution designed for B2B agencies and Realtors it automates the process of getting appointments with potential prospects handling both the
initial Outreach and the lead qualification in the first call this Innovative system operates on autopilot freeing up valuable time for sales teams to focus on closing deals rather than prospecting and by the way as usual with these videos I can't cover all of the details of each of these Solutions there's too much to each of them it would be like 2 hours long this video so in order to get through them quickly I will just list them very briefly give you a high level overview of them but if you want the full right up I've
made a 30-page document that's available on my free school community so you can go on the school Community you can click on the little YouTube resources button and then you'll be able to find this video and in there will be this document that I've created 30 pages breaking down uh the solution description the benefits of the solution the value creation first and second order consequences of the value creation by the solution recommended pricing structures for this offer and most importantly a recommended Tex stack if you want to build this thing yourself so all of this
for everything I'm going to mention every solution is available in my free school Community I put a lot of work into these resources for you um so make sure you use it please it's going to be available for free on my school community and it's just the best place for you to get started with one of these AI businesses is to be active in there as well so Aros solution is an outbound Ai call caller that he's selling to B2B agencies and Realtors he says that he's selling it from 1,000 to $5,000 depending on the
number of appointments required to achieve the monthly new client goals so basically he's going to work with the client figure out a special offer for them that's going to meet their goals as well so again screenshots up on screen um proven that he's selling this successfully and we can jump into the next one okay so for number two we have an agency called AI marketing Hub with a product that they're calling or thinking of calling Ai call Genie it's by a Community member Kya Dominguez that is another AI Co calling system for the real estate
industry this time sold for $10,000 which I put the screenshot up on here Ai call J is a Cutting Edge AI powered Co calling solution specifically designed for Real Estate Investors this Innovative system automates the entire process of lead generation and qualification in the real estate sector as described by the Creator Kao Dominguez Ai call Genie qualifies leads books appointments and helps them to close more deals this solution is particularly valuable for Real Estate Investors looking to streamline their prospecting process and focus more on closing deals if you want to get in touch with Kaa
her links will be in the description below right so for number three we have an AI automation agency called AI Smith and they are again selling an AI call calling system within the real estate industry this time selling it for 2,000 USD per month and that includes setup plus 10,000 calls so that's the offer they're going with the AI Voice Assistant by AI Smith is a sophisticated Ai call calling solution tailored for Real Estate businesses as described by the Creator Vlad kovalev our AI voice systems makes thousands of call calls qualifi leads and sends the
interested ones straight to the Brokers this means Brokers get ready to go clients without any hassle so that's been three examples of AAA owners in our community selling these AI cold calling systems within the real estate space so if you want to learn more about how to build these yourself again the link to the school resource will be in the description and you can get the actual Tex stack that you can build these things on number four is an AI automation agency called amplify voice and they're selling an AI voice fundraiser you guys may have
seen this mentioned in some of my previous videos but these are two members of my accelerator Alo and paage and they have built an AI voice fundraiser within the nonprofit space and they sold it for $24,000 which is $2,400 a month for 10 months plus a 100% usage markup that's estimated to be $1,000 a month so amplify voices AI voice fundraiser is an Innovative AI powered outbound voice agent specifically designed for Charities and Foundations this solution automates the fundraising process by acting as a virtual salesperson reaching out to potential donors and engaging them in personalized
conversations to encourage donations the system operates autonomously allowing nonprofit organizations to scale their donor engage ments without the need for a large human call center I really love the use of these AI agents in areas that you probably wouldn't think about this being the nonprofit and and fundraising space uh but they still have needs they need to be contacting people and and trying to get their donations up each month or each year so these systems work great in terms of being able to reach out to their entire list and say hey we're taking another round
of donations would you be interested and then you can just note them in the CRM maybe send an email off to them or just basically check in with them and on mass without having to get a whole team of humans who are calling all day every day so L home and Page great work on that next we have an AI automation agency called AI answer which is an AI powered cold calling system for Tree Care businesses so this is by S yasar one of my good friends an accelerator member um who's built a sophisticated AI
powerered solution designed specifically for tree care agencies as described by the Creator s Yar our AI agent acts as sales development representative SDR for tree care agencies it handles the entire lead qualification and appointment setting process so the agency just has to close this Innovative system not only makes call calls but also engages in multi- Channel communication including SMS and email to qualify leads and set appointments for Tree Care Services someon has shown me this behind the scenes and it's a really complex multi- Channel communication system and he's selling it for a $6,000 setup fee
with a recurring monthly fee of $2,000 I'll put the screenshots up on screen there for you to see and finally for the last one within this outbound AI voice category um we're going into inbound next uh we have an agency called integrus by my good friend and member of my accelerator jannis Moore you guys may have watched some of his vapy videos here on YouTube I highly recommend it but he has a lead qualification and reactivation systems primarily he does a bunch of stuff in the space but this is the main offer that they're running
right now so integrus offers AI voice agents with a primary focus on lead qualification nurturing and reactivation their High Precision builds delivers exceptional results driven voice Agents from both outbound and inbound interactions specializing in handling warm or hot leads no cold calling these AI Solutions automate customer support nurture leads and facilitate upselling and the use case that I really want to point out for what Yannis is doing is this reactivation capability of you being able to go to business and saying say okay you have a CRM that's full of stale leads or old customers that
you haven't talked to in a long time let me come in and build this AI outbound voice system that's going to ring them up and it's going to try to re-engage them many businesses have tons of old customers that they're just not doing anything with so this reactivation process if you can come to them and sell them A system that works can be extremely valuable for them so this reactivation with outbound AI voice systems is really an exciting use case that I recommend you should all take a look into at least on CIS is selling
a bunch of different solutions in the space typically between $3.5 to $8,000 depending on the requirements of the client so it's still quite variable um but the largest ever being 23,000 for an AI voice system so um I'll put a couple of screenshots up on screen here but that's it for the outbound AI voice agents again if you want to know how to build any of these systems that I've just mentioned it'll be on the free school community in the resource attached to this so the 30 page document I've made for you I covered the
text stack for each of these different builds okay so getting into the second part of this video now we have inbound AI voice agent systems starting off with an agency called cerus AI by G Singh and he's buil AI powered phone system for restaurants so massive industry with a lot of phone calls being taken cus AI is an AI powered phone answering system designed specifically to automate and streamline customer interactions for restaurants as described by the Creator G Singh cus AI can book reservations change reservations and add notes to reservations whilst taking the customer through
available reservation slots as well so beyond reservations the system also assists with aut taking and general support queries providing a comprehensive solution for restaurant phone management so put some stuff up on screen of what he's got on this website if it's anything like that he's done a really good job of building this out into a whole platform that's like voice AI for restaurants and it feels like feels like a proper SASS and it looks and feels really premium so very interesting takeout I love what he's doing so an awesome way to approach this and he's
selling this for $5,000 so if you're interested and checking out cus again all the links for the people mention this video available in the description so you can check out his website down there as well now the next inbound voice agent system is by laplus AI agency they do again Ai call handling for restaurant reservations um this is by Nikita Bur and they're selling it for $5,000 um laplus AI agency offers an Innovative AI powered system designed to transform Miss calls into valuable leads for busy restaurants as described by the Creator Nikita burkov we transform
Miss calls for a buzzing restaurant 400 to 500 Miss calls daily into valuable leads boosting both revenue and profit so this AI powered system not only secures reservations for the restaurant itself but also arranges reservations at partner restaurants or food delivery ensuring no business opportunity is lost so basically the up this AI voice system to be able to answer the phone Around the Clock make sure they're not missing those 400 to 500 missed calls daily um and it's also making sure that even if there is no table it can send it to partner restaurants or
do food delivery or whatever it's basically an AI system that's trying to capture as much of that value that's being sent through the phone basically to the business every day and make sure it's converting so I really love what they're doing here and I think approaching these maybe less sexy niches like a restaurant um is really a smart play right now because everyone's trying to go for smma and e-commerce and all these fancy high-tech industries that are going to move move a lot faster with AI but really there's plumbers and there's electricians and there's restaurants
and there's um small like airbnbs and and stuff like that that are need AI Solutions like this as well but are really not attracting anywhere near as much attention but there's still a huge Market to serve so good on these two for going after the restaurant industry while many people are just ignoring it next we have an AI automation agency called prompt advisors run by my good friend and member of my accelerator Mark casf you guys may have seen him on YouTube as well his channel link will be down below um but he has an
AI system called inbound agent and this is a multi-industry um AI virtual receptionist so this AI receptionist concept that we've been talking about a lot it is a versatile AI powered virtual receptionist and call a system designed for businesses across multiple Industries um as described by the creator Mark casf inbound agent provides AI powered virtual receptionists and callers for businesses the service includes features like a CRM integration Advanced analytics voice cloning and detailed conversational Design This comprehensive solution can handle a wide range of tasks from appointment setting and reminder calls to custom inquiries all by
seamlessly integrating with the existing business system so for Mark like with jannis before um they're serving multiple different Industries with these Solutions and I think later down the line they're looking to narrow to a specific type of business they want to work with so different stages to niching down your agency but diving into the AI voice space with an offer like this like an AI receptionist figuring out how to build it again Tex stack will be available on the school Community um getting a prototype built up and then testing it with a bunch of different
Industries and seeing where the most value is being created and then you can say okay well instead of siging this to everyone I'm just going to sell it to I know dentist or for like the two just gone to restaurants as well so I love what Mark and also Taha are doing here in the voice AI space absolutely crushing it you should definitely check out the channel in the description below next we have an AI automation agency called inflate agency which is run by my good friend and member of my AAA accelerator Brendan jaw you
guys may have also seen his YouTube videos I'll put a link to his Channel Down Below um he has some awesome tutorials you guys can watch but he's put another inbound AI digital receptionist so get on the same solution type of this AI receptionist where people can call in can do certain function that the business needs answers for a knowledge base it can book appointments it can update tickets you basically a a receptionist for the business to handle all of the the stuff that people might need to do when they contact them so instead of
having someone on the phone you can create these AI virtual receptionists to handle things like customer support So this particular deal that they did was designed to fully automate inbound call inquiries for the property management company as described by the Creator brenon jaet this assistant handles maintenance requests business inquiries General inquiries live trans employment requests emergencies Etc so built on vapy and make this system was implemented for a large property management company that manages over $3 billion in real estate solving the issue of handling diverse inquiries with a low head count so uh big package
again $12,500 for the bill plus a retainer this was an awesome deal for Brandon and his team to land next solution is from an AI automation agency called flozen AI by H Casa a member of my tripa accelerator who's been absolutely crushing it so what H has built is an AI voice League qualifier with a customized voice agent designed specifically for a whiskey Investment Company in the UK as described by the Creator J Castillo this AI solution automates the process of calling leads offering a lead magnet in exchange for answering qualifying questions and the system
is designed to identify potential investors by assessing their responses to specific criteria the qualified leads are then presented with an opportunity to invest in the whiskey company and the information is automatically added to the go high level uh CRM for human sales agents to follow up with and close a so I I love this I think this is so cool um using these AI voice agents to do lead qualification and saying hey if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours kind of thing and offer them a lead magnet in exchange for some valuable data that
can pass off to a human sales team to actually go and close on those qualified deals so quk sold this for $2,750 um and I really like this use case as a as a voice AI lead qualifier and I think using these voice agents for qualification is such a great use case and something that can really be rolled out across basically any industry now we're on to the last one in this inbound AI voice agent section we have exusia Imperium that's what the agency name is um an inbound AI appointment setter by a guy called
s Nadu um he has built this AI voice appointment seter originally through a Fiverr lead I believe I'll put the screenshots up on screen here so got this through a fiver lead sold it for $1600 and split it into two projects and so he's built this AI solution designed specifically for an insurance company in New Jersey um as described by the Creator say Nadu the system serves three main purposes firstly to transfer for the call live to a client's insurance agent based on the council number two if the client can't speak with the agent at
that moment they can book an appointment to meet with your insurance agent either via virtual appointment or an appointment at the residence or an appointment at the office or a regular phone call and three if the client doesn't want to book an appointment the SMS will get sent to the client with the insurance agent contact information so that they can reach out at a time that best suits them so basically if I'm calling up and asking to get in contact with my insurance agent this AI agent is going to be picking up right away then
it's going to ask for their Council number then it's going to connect them or try to hand off to their agent if the agent is not available then it's going to try to do an appointment setting live on the call there so it's a great way to improve the customer experience because instead of giving them the agent number directly and them calling them sometimes not available what's going to allow them to do is to be able to receive calls at all hours so if I'm a customer I pick up the phone and I call them
I'm always going to get an answer and they're going to try to set an appointment for me based on the calendar or whenever works for me so it's overall better for uh better for for the business but also more importantly better for the customer so getting into the final section and Final Solution in this video I'm calling this A specialized AI voice system because it's it's quite Advanced and there's got a lot to it the AI automation agency was called flowly do Cloud run by a guy called Jordan B and they've built an HR recruitment
agent that is selling for $3,000 up front plus a $500 per month retainer so what this really is is an AI powered viting tool designed to streamline the hiring process for medium-sized businesses so as described by the Creator Jordan best it's a premier vetting tool that utilizes llm data across multiple job fields to identify key skills of company applicants so the system works as follows firstly there's an application process where candidates apply through the company's website as usual um for a new role uh then when they interact with that agent the AI presents the specific
job positions that they applied for um applicants also get to choose their preferred language when they're on the phone which is particularly beneficial for contractors the AI then guides the applicants through 10 to 15 screening questions crafted carefully based on deep industry research and Discovery course with the client then there's a lot more steps after this but long story short it's going to analyze those responses from the person grade it use llms to grade it and basically do the screening for you and then it's going to put it on into a custom dashboard into an
a table that allows you to see and like basically pick the top applicants without having to do all that work yourself so really cool use case I think the cool thing about HR and hiring and these kind of things is that basically every business needs it once you get to a certain size and they have an HR department so it's not like you have to go to a specific type of business it's like okay I have this system and now I can go and sell it and basically pick I want to sell to because every
company needs to hire new people sooner or later so if you want to get in touch with Jordan and with anyone else mentioned in this video of course all the details are going to be linked down below as promised there's also going to be that form so if you're a successful agency owner and you want to get featured like this in one of these videos get put into a private WhatsApp group with myself my inner circle and also all the other people who are featured in these videos then make sure you apply on that form
in the description below and if you're new to the space and you haven't started one of these businesses yet then take one of these and run with it I've put all this work into the school document for you 30 Pages breaking down each of these Solutions I've been through how to build it how the value was created the recommended pricing structures for selling it it's all on the free school Community along with a ton of other valuable resources for you too so I make these videos so that you beginners can get into it you can
find the thing to sell I know it can be really hard and like a I don't know where to start any one of these is a good place to start I promise you and if you don't believe me in these cases where there's like two three or more people who are selling the same thing successfully you don't need to believe my words anymore you can just believe the data that I'm showing you right on your face that's the point of these videos so that's been all for me guys thank you so much for watching I
know it's been a long one but um there's so much potential in the AI voice space right now I'm seeing it's by far the place that I've seen the most success in over the past couple of months with people in my free and paid Community people starting out in the AI voice space with basically no technical experience and because they can be built on fully no code platforms you can be creating these really Advanced AI voice systems and all you really need to know technically is how to connect the platform with something like make.com so
if you know a voice AI platform and make.com and then probably throw an ear table as well then you have all you need to be building really powerful AI voice systems and be part of the space that's only just getting started and there's so much potential in the coming years so that's all for the video guys if you haven't already subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell so you don't miss the next one of these videos I do them quite regularly of the hottest and latest AI solutions that are selling within our community and
leave a comment down below if you've got any thoughts on these what your favorite one was love to hear what you guys think about these Solutions or how you may be selling the same thing if you want to watch another video that's got even more AI Solutions these ones are going to be AI marketing offers that are absolutely crushing right now you can check out this video as well but aside from that guys that's all from the video thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one
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