tonight you've heard the testimony about a secret government program to retrieve and reverse engineer UFOs has the government conducted secret UAP crash retrieval programs yes or no yes news nation was the first to bring you this story we have spacecraft from another species we do yeah and now for the first time anywhere a military veteran comes forward to say he was part of that program with video to prove it my work has included the recovery of downed UAP of non-human origin revealing how he retrieved alien craft what did you see I saw an egg how
it changed his life forever what we call a psionic component to the research and development of the UAP program and how he plans to do it again for the world to see the skies are not classified your conscience can't be redacted his account corroborated by his colleagues and his injuries sustained during these operations confirmed by a Stanford Professor my personal experience is that there's something here will the truth set him free or will it get him killed people have been murdered that seems to be the case news Nation presents hunting you UFOs the crash retrieval
whistleblower in October 2024 an unknown man stepped out of the Shadows arriving in our nation's capital to deliver an important message about what the public calls UFOs and the government calls unidentified anomalous phenomena or uaps I'm here in DC this week to meet with members of Congress his name is j jaob Barber and he says that for the past 30 years he's worked in both an official and unofficial capacity for the United States government and its Partners in the intelligence Community what he knows and what he's here to tell Congress could change the world as
we know it we're in this rare opportunity in human history where it's very clear that we know that there are things flying in the sky that uh are unexplained and unsto and that's another one of the things that um I'm uniquely providing information on so what makes this guy special well to date everyone who's come forward has either described their own UAP encounter like this famed 2015 incident recorded by F-16 aviators on the USS Rosevelt I have experienced Advanced UAP firsthand and I'm here to voice the concerns of more than 30 commercial air crew and
military veterans who have confided their similar encounters with me others have alleged that there's a secret government UAP program that's been going on for decades people like David grush and Lou elzando they say they've been told about it they believe it exists but they weren't a part of it themselves we've been recovering spacecraft alien spacecraft the United States has been involved in the recovery of objects vehicles of Unknown Origin that are either from our country or any other foreign country that we're aware of but Mr Barber is different he says that for years he was
part of that covert program working with alien spacecraft these days we call them nhi non-human intelligence and this guy is prepared to testify that he was involved directly firsthand in the retrieval of these craft how long have you known this Secret about unidentified anomalous phenomena being of nonhuman origin for more than 10 years of course we checked Barber's records and we've confirmed that he was an Airman in the US Air Force working as an aerospace mechanic in the late '90s but as these documents show he was also recruited into Air Force Special Operations known as
combat control he says he ended up working in a non-official capacity for the Department of Defense and the intelligence Community what were you what was I Ross I was a highly talented airplane mechanic who got to deploy on a number of Presidential support missions but Jake was no ordinary mechanic being recruited into the Air Force's Elite combat control unit meant he had a resume that reads like something out of an action thriller helicopter pilot freefall parachutist expert Marksman and the recipient of a NATO top secret security clearance a legacy of his service in Bosnia where
he won an award for an act of heroism in addition to reviewing His official documentation news Nation spoke with three former Special Operation soldiers who corroborate Barber's credentials and claims I know in Special Operations you're often in some tough situations you have to rely on each other is Jake per Barber a person who you would trust oh yes uh he's a person I would and have trusted with my life do you think Jake Barber is a patriot oh yeah absolutely there's a thing I I know a lot of special operators talk about that you know
there are certain types of men who you would want watching your back in a tight spot is he one of those guys absolutely trustworthiness is one of the top things that uh we're looking for and one of his most fervent supporters is Colonel John blitch a Renaissance Warrior who holds a doctorate in Psychology was a Delta Force sniper and is one of the few men to hold doomsday in his hands commanding a nuclear weapons Battalion so you believe Jake babba is telling absolutely there has been a cover up lasting 80 years absolutely we've recovered craft
absolutely so let's roll back you say you were anist man and then you ended up working for the intelligence Community as a contractor tell me that story how did that happen everything changed for me right around 9/11 and uh I left the Air Force and was sent out to California at that time to begin establishing my cover basis for an independent as an independent contractor um so that I can serve what was coming down the line next for me and that is the path which led to the UAP subject Baba says he was contracted as
a helicopter pilot and was part of a team assigned to retrieve crashed aircraft at an undisclosed testing facility in the desert and we're not only talking about conventional airplanes or drones a lot of the work we did on was on what I call the range where um the US government and its private Partners used to test all kinds of things uh uh weapon systems um and resilience to weapon systems of certain craft and so you see a lot of exciting things so you start seeing at the range yes interesting objects well yeah it's always interesting
out there things come in and out of sight things disappear for a moment and reappear things to seem things seem to move very quickly things change color they change shape we did recover things uh that were that were exotic in nature in the sky and we know they were classified craft and we recovered them and took them back to where they go the majority of what we see and do is explainable and is ordinary and is known by many people and is not um not classified but there is a certain percentage which is extremely sensitive
and that extremely sensitive bit does include what we know is our own man-made advanced technology so you know what Lou Londo has described as the five observables so you you were seeing objects that complied with those weird observables yes so um one of those that that would raise your eyebrow is more of the transm medium characteristics cuz things would come from the ground like from the Earth from a ridge from a mountain or could pass through so they'd come out of the ridge out of a ridge yeah aircraft that can disappear change color change shape
how might the US military have developed or acquired such technology Jake says he saw for himself close up in the rare occasion or let's say the hypothetical occasion something of nonhuman origin or uh Source were to interface with the ground you would deploy that same team and that is the segue and how we got involved with this particular subject next Jake Barber's first encounter with nonhuman intelligence how close did you get I got within 150 ft of this object and later news nation has acquired video evidence of Jake's claims it has to be seen to
be believed we are not alone we are not alone there's no doubt Jake Barber is an accomplished helicopter pilot this is the kind of work Barber says he did after he left the Air Force as a private contractor working for the defense industry and the US government at a secret location he calls the range that's where baraba and his team were asked to retrieve downed craft the likes of which he says were not just Advanced tick the public has never seen they were built by non-human intelligence so tell me about the moment when you realized
that you were involved in a retrieval of nonhuman technology alien Tech so it became very clear the first time our communication process and procedure uh was modified and then just visually looking at the object on the ground you could tell that it was extraordinary and anomalous it was it was not human how close did you get well I was a helicopter pilot and I operate with a 150 ft to 200t long line so I got within 15 ft of this object what did you see I saw an egg a white egg was there any visible
propulsion system on it no not what we would know there's no engine there was no thermal uh signature uh I was operating at night when I finally came in to pick it up so I'm working under night vision goggles at the time um and it was quite clear I I flipped them up flipped them down and looked at it a couple of different ways how large was the object I would say approximately 20 ft plus or minus a little bit about the size of a large SUV did it have any seams no and it was
pure pure what it was like pearly white like a metallic pearly wide the best I could I could assess how did you know that that egg-shaped object was nonhuman in origin well visually after seeing all kinds of things in my past um it was clearly something that was ridiculously looking it's inconsistent with anything I'd ever seen before I can also tell you that the reaction by my team we all knew we were dealing with something um extraordinary and at no stage will you have a subsequent told that the craft was of non-human origin I will
tell you that during this process over the last couple years it's been confirmed to me by ranking members of the UAP task force that what we were working with that night was in fact an hi and it was not a unique experience what do you think that object was I don't know again I'm security and transportation I moved it loaded it on a truck and it went to where would it go where would where would it be taken um it would be taken to a Ure facility but uh again my my role stops once I
deliver it yes it sounds like the stuff of Madness tall tals delusions and anyway where was the proof for any of this news nation has independently obtained previously unseen video obtained from a secret UAP craft retrieval program this extraordinary footage clearly shows an egg-shaped object dangling in a sling below the belly of a helicopter let's slow this down to take a closer look that's an x-shaped UAP suspended from a 150t long line we're told the craft is about 20 ft long the egg suspended in a cradle and look how careful the pilot is as they
bring their Precious Cargo into land let's Freeze Frame here to look at one of the clearest images of a UAP ever taken this is no blurry light in a distant Sky the source of the footage putting thems at incredible risk to record this UAP retrieval look at how perfectly smooth the craft is no markings at all and no visible means of propulsion or way to see inside watch how it rolls almost graceful as it hits the ground despite being wrapped in the ropes and canvas from the cradle as it's dropped for pickup the UAP Final
Destination still unknown so there there was another object there's two objects that I'm here to talk about one was the egg the other is what we called an 8 gon the 8 gon was a uh essentially a flying disc with what looked like eight uh delineated sections when looking down and I can tell you what it looked like from looking down because that's primarily how I saw it because I'm a helicopter pilot um we did recoveries with the eight guns there was more than one that was that made its way to the ground on this
particular operation simply seeing a non human craft up close would be an intense experience in itself but Bara says as he prepared to transport that so-called 8 gon from the pickup site to the drop site something even more intense happened to him that would change his life forever this is one of the most profound experiences I've ever had in my life I'm about to share with you so bear with me so as I get closer to this pixite I start feeling odd I start feeling extremely emotional um and the closer I get the more the
emotion starts to overwhelming I feel this intense hybrid of sadness and happiness and Beauty um and song and it was very disruptive to me cuz I had a very practical responsibility at the time to operate a helicopter in the mountains at night and I began wondering what was wrong with me it was late I'm like am I just stressed am I tired I don't know um but as I came over this object for the pick it was this overwhelming sense of emotion is it your feeling are you suddenly having a mental breakdown on the job
no I felt like something connected with me I felt like something had tuned into me and my soul and was providing me some sense of guidance on what to do and how profound what I was doing was um and it was so overwhelming that I began to cry and then I'm confused as to why I'm crying at the same time and then I'm do I abort the mission do I and I so I just did my best to focus on my particular cues when doing this type of work and I got the load hooked up
and I began flying away and once it was just me and that object in between the pick and the drop site there was about 20 mi in between I felt like something was inside of me I felt like I was possessed by the most beautiful spirit i' had ever been possessed by and was it loving it was loving um but there was a sense of sadness at the same time and um had you ever had an experience like this before no no it was a very feminine energy I'll tell you that I it felt like
felt like the spirit of God but not in any masculine sense and it wasn't like a soul it was like a frequency that I was connected with and whatever that force was since that night it has stayed with me and as crazy as this sounds it's what's guiding me now and it's what's providing protection for me let's changed your life it's changed my life wait a second humans bonding psychically and emotionally with non-human intelligence yes Jake Barber says that's exactly what happened to him and he's not the only one and he says the government knows
all about it there is a psychic component to the research and development of the UAP program do psychics walk among us stay with us Jake Barber says that when he retrieved a so-called 8 gon shaped UAP he had an intense emotional reaction which convinced him he'd connected telepath ethically with a nonhuman intelligence you're talking UFOs flying sources and that's that's probably one of the hardest conversations that object or whatever was controlling that object was also connecting to me through the Mind through my mind and so how did the object come to land I think it
was invited to land by the psionics team Jake says his mission that night came from no accidental crash the UAP was summoned by a separate team a special team with special abilities they're called psionics what is a psionic a psionic uh person is someone with the predisposition for um extral temporal you could say abilities and sensitivities extratemporal abilities also known as psychic powers what did you discover with the psionics were being used for in the program in the program there was certainly a desire to explore the idea that perhaps UAP could be summoned could be
communicated with could be controlled and could be persuaded to land all by deploying people with uh psionic abilities and did you see that happen yes I did when a psionic operator engages with technology how do they do it using their their mind um something like meditation there genuinely are people who can actually make a mental spiritual connection to a technology yes 100% it all seems so far-fetched psychically gifted humans linking with possibly alien ships summoning them and even piloting them but it isn't just Jake saying this Don Paul another decorated special for operator and colleague
of Jake says he's also seen what psionics can do I've had the pleasure of meeting multiple Sonic assets I've seen them function I know that they're capable of doing what they're doing you can definitively say that you believe there is a capacity in the human mind to somehow psychically telepathically connect yes and I don't know if it's a byproduct if it's something that they were born with but there is certain people who are quantifiably very verifiably capable of this it's an established fact that the Pentagon has had an interest in psychic abilities what it calls
remote viewing for military purposes the famed project Stargate spent years studying the subject and despite the cia's official position that such studies yielded nothing former Pentagon UAP investigator Lou alzando told me last year that psychic abilities are very real and perhaps not very rare so this is an ontological shock I think for many people watching this because we're all being told firstly there's no such thing as aliens visiting this planet and secondly there's no such thing as telepathy or psychic abilities it's rubbish yeah you know I don't think there is going to be an ontological
shock I think it's going to be an ontological relief because I think everyone deep down knows that that there is more to life than what we are being told and experiencing like not only is it not shocking but it should be welcome it all seems so innocent so benign even sacred but hold on Jake says that through his work he and his team have suffered serious injuries after this particular Mission me and everyone on my team got extremely sick how sick like physically ill in the hospital and one of the world's leading medical experts agrees
my personal experience both with people and the things that I've seen is that there's something here are uaps bad for your health coming up next what do you think the nhi W the nhi I feel the nhi are guiding us Jake Barber describes his encounters with UAP as Transcendent quasi religious moments and from what you're saying that's a beautiful experience yeah it the most beautiful experience I've had in my life but he also says these encounters could come with a staggering cost uaps may have changed his life for the better they may also have shortened
it so what happened to you oh we're not quite sure we were transporting a large sealed container Jake says nobody on his team was told what was in that container and we transported what we called mystery boxes all the time I have no idea it could have been empty it probably wasn't empty but we don't know what was inside the boxes and what were you told if somebody tried to seize that box what were your orders uh we we maintained the authority to use lethal Force if anyone tried to seize those boxes so whatever that
box was it was extremely valuable the US government that's correct and uh after this particular Mission me and everyone on my team got extremely sick like physically ill in the hospital um within you know weeks after this i' lost every hair on my body and I also lost the skin on my arms so the Skin's actually falling off your body yeah like not just falling off like it it was looing off within a couple of days like a severe sunburn um I ended up developing uh a severe heart murmur that I never had before last
year I introduced Jake to Stanford Immunology Professor Gary Nolan he's been studying anomalous injuries Among Us military personnel for years at the behest of the CIA Nolan agreed to review Decades of Jake's medical records the report reads like a bit of a horror show to be quite honest to me what the first thing that came to mind was you were exposed to some kind of radiation and ESP Bally as I understand it a number of his co-workers in the deployments that he was in uh had similar problem so you're not dealing with a oneoff who
went home and somehow uh came in contact with something in the house but you have uh four or five individuals all at once coming down with the same thing uh within a week or so after deployment H that's more than a coincidence my fear is that there's something permanently broken that might show up in the form of cancer God knows what later in life and we're going to be way behind in trying to figure out how to deal with it assuming Jake and his team were exposed to radiation emanating from that box could it have
come from one of the many radioactive materials used regularly by the military certain Munitions components of nuclear vessels or nuclear weapons themselves Jake doesn't think so if the Air Force let's say knew that what we were working with that night had any type of radiological signature there's a whole set of process that we are we're trained in on how to deal with that from a Hazmat perspective and a containment perspective and the fact that none of that was was apparent that night tells me they didn't know what was in the box and it got turned
on or turned off which leads me to believe in hindsight all these years that it may have been something of nonhuman origin speculation absolutely wild speculation perhaps not when you consider other documented cases of military personnel who claim they were similarly injured by UAP take the famous case of Airman John barrows the Veterans Administration granted him full medical disability for injuries to his heart and eyes he claims he suffered during the famous 1980 UAP incident in rendlesham Forest England but that only happened after senator John McCain intervened to get his medical records Declassified they were
classified they just weren't withheld they were classified why would you feel that the issue was so important as to not uh allow for that person's medical records to be released what are you hiding the issue came up in last year's Congressional UAP hearings how can the government deny we have recovered craft if they're paying people because they've been injured by recovered craft ma'am that's a great question that's why I think we're here again because I've seen the documentation by the US government for several of these individuals who have sustain sustained injuries as a result of
a UAP incident what did happen uh is Sil is either unethical or an administrative oversight uh that needs investigation by Congress because we shouldn't be putting uh people like this under such circumstances the good news is that now under Dr Nolan's care Jake is getting proper evaluation and treatment the bad news is Jake believes there's another more imminent threat to his health his former employer people have been murdered that seems to be the case stay with [Music] us it wasn't just the United States government interested in using Jake's expertise working with uaps and psionics his
skills were also needed by private companies involved in the top secret program and his assignments soon took a turn from recovering uaps to something more Sinister what happened well um we were deployed on a particular task to recover what we call hvts or high value targets those high value targets were p Panasonic tough books the sensitive material that is on these Panasonic tough books uh has to do with sensor data Jake and his team suspect those Panasonic tough books contained data from the top secret UAP retrieval operations worth millions to the right buyer Jake says
the private company Contracting him was determined to recover them we recovered our first two uh tough books they were um they were in the high sieras we got back to our our base location and then went through them and TI photographs discovered that the hard drives were missing Jake says his team arrived too late the hard drives containing the data had already been taken and it became clear to Jake that not all was what it seemed as his team set out to recover the missing data the next piece of intelligence that came through led us
to uh a lake an high altitude Lake and we found um the hard drives in a sealed steel container 25 ft underwater wow yeah so somebody someone's going through a lot of effort in order to hide these things hidden but by whom what began as a straightforward recovery Mission proved to be anything but simple and Jake says things soon took a nefarious turn at any stage did you find yourself under threat the very next time we went out things got strange um for me and my Spidey senses my intuition was on high alert because our
Intel contact changed the Rhythm and style of our Intel changed as we got closer to the day in which we were going to deploy intelligence kept changing and so that that raised my concern um we ended up going anyway and when we got there the HV PS were gone and it was clear that shots had been fired shots fired whatever was on the computers was a secret so important it was worth fighting for the situation had changed and soon Jake says he realized his team was caught in the middle and their lives were on the
line you're in significant danger yeah and I was concerned that we were being set up we were being prepared prepared for the one thing that we've always offered employers and that is plausible deniability and that we were perhaps going to be The Hidden Hand That Gets SED Don Paul a special forces veteran was working on Jake's team at the time were you involved in any of the retrieval attempts yes was there a concern that you were being set up potentially yes setup is a mild term the fact that people have lost their lives involved in
this type of activity and the links to which people have gone to suppress politically uncomfortable truths is such that there is risk involved do you think that without naming them the private Aerospace company that retained you decided to kill you somebody masquerading as a representative of that company surely may have had that intention Jake was convinced his former employer or someone posing as them was determined to kill him but who exactly was calling the shots Jake was determined to find out who were you working for it was obvious to us at least who the employer
was um but they were now in question in my mind as being part of the problem Jake was on the hunt using his skill and vast network of contacts to determine just who was behind this Shadow War fought over these missing hard drives and he says the trail led him right to the top this past spring Jake and his team were in Washington DC conducting surveillance and eventually confronting one of their Prime suspects so I reached out to the director of security for the particular ular organization and set up a meeting with them because there
was only two truths in my Minds either they were complicit or they were compromised what was his reaction was he nervous oh he he was nervous and so he told you to forget it he said you know it's in our best interest to move on if he had any knowledge at all it was clear he's trying to distance himself from it Jake was no closer to finding out who exactly wanted him dead but he knew that he was no longer doing the mission he signed up for when he first enlisted protecting Americans to make it
stop he would need more than his handpicked team he would need Congress he would need funding he would need to go public and he would need us at news Nation to reveal our own startling UAP footage that's next [Music] Jake Barber says it's now time time for the public to know that's why he's doing this interview but he's doing much more than talking and what you're trying to do now is replicate in the private sphere what's being suppressed in the public sphere yeah you know we we're not looking back we're looking forward I am absolutely
confident confident that we are capable of generating the type of highquality censor data and photography and film evidence that everyone is wanting so who exactly is we our organization is called skywatcher we have been recruiting guys from within the program and women and are forming a new team in coordination with government agencies and we also have the funding through venture capital can you name those agencies um not at this time but I I hope to very soon Jake's skywatcher team has already deployed on behalf of the US government to investigate last year's drone sightings on
the East Coast but before that they were on the hunt for something even more elusive in August of 2024 Jake and the skywatcher team conducted their own operation with a pionic acid to see if they could summon a UAP themselves look there's two look at this look at this look look right here look at this one going down and this one going up this footage from another skywatcher operation showing the team's protocols the team hoped to quietly gather evidence for skywatcher but instead found themselves in danger once more and Jake says a UAP dog fight
erupted in the sky above them he believes the crowd summoned by the team was Waring with a rogue UAP piloted by an unknown entity attempting to intercept skywatcher operation tell me what happened so we set out to do this operation right away when the psionic asset went into meditation he is reporting that he is engaged and in fact piloting a craft and is bringing it in so he's actually telepathically controlling alien technology yes yes as crazy as that sounds um that's exactly what we set out to do what he reported we would do um and
then things got a little weird uh right about um right about I'd say four or five minutes into the operation he goes something's going on something's wrong get me out of here and right about that time our OverWatch Fred looked up to the sky and saw a disc a classic lenticular shaped disc that was Fred Baker Special Operations veteran now part of the skywatcher team so he was flying the egg and then when we had to pull him out of this that's when the egg dropped wow so at the very moment that he's essentially detaching
his mind from the object you see it fall correct Professor Gary Nolan was there that night too what I did see was an individual uh who in the midst of aemp ing to um call such an object it was clear that he was in distress at the moment of the uh supposed interaction and at that moment something is seen when we reviewed what it was that the person on the roof had seen both by drawing and by videography uh something showed up can we say the EG yeah so here's Frank one um the it passed
across our entire 69° angle of view in 84 seconds on our sensor it comes into the frame here so that one there does look like just an an upright oval egg oval egg and is that similar to what you've seen in the program oh yeah mhm this is exactly the same thing aside from releasing data and footage like this to the public we're told this video was among those sent to the all domain anomaly resolution office or Arrow the Pentagon organization responsible for monitoring uaps the egg resembles the UAP encountered by US Navy Fighters off
the east coast of the US in 2015 suggesting a connection between these anomalous objects but until now it's never been shown to the public making Jake's Mission even more critical the skywatcher team feels it has to push the federal government to act Witnesses at the Congressional UAP hearings have been saying the same thing the Pentagon the intelligence Community is treating us like children it's time for us to know the truth about this I think that we can handle it Jake Barber has been to Capital Hill to news nation has confirmed that this fall he met
with staffers for Florida Senator Marco Rubio now president El Trump's pick for Secretary of State I feel I was I was able to fill in apps that have been there for a long time that no other whistleblower has been able to do a lot of people aren't going to believe this what do you say to those people I'm not here to make anyone believe anything it's exhausting I'll paraphrase the Book of Matthew you will know us by our fruits stay tuned in and watch what our new project is about to do and prepare to be
dazzled [Music]