Everyone Thinks He Is The Weakest Until He Reveals His True Power And Takes Revenge

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Ray was a lonely orphan who was trained by the strongest wizard of all time and unlocks his hidden m...
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Ray was a lonely orphan who was trained by the strongest wizard of all time and unlocks his hidden magic powers Ray White was orphan at a very young age because of widespread war in his kingdom and one day was found inside of a forest by one of the strongest ice Mages of the country named Lydia she took him back to her army camp where they took care of him while he rested and regained his strength as soon as he woke up he seemed to like Lydia who ended up making a decision to keep him as
her apprentice and the next iceblade sorcerer when she dies he TR her and another man named Howard and he loved his unit more than anything as he laid waste to enemies by using his ice magic much to the surprise of other people as it's not easy to control ice magic one day however the battle goes arry and both Lydia and Howard end up getting wounded Ray tried to save Howard but he died in front of his eyes while Lydia was paralyzed below her waist for the rest of her lifetime this traumatic experience ended up causing
him to lose control of his magic as he let out a huge blast of ice everywhere several years have passed now and Reay is going to Arnold Academy the best school in the entire Kingdom that teaches sorcery to gift to Nobles and descendants of sorcerers Ray however becomes the very first person in the history of this school who gets enrolled even after being just of ordinary descent he arrives at the Academy and is instantly impressed by the Grandeur of the school a group of guys call his name from behind and when he turns around he
spots Five Guys standing there and their leader whose name is Albert proceeds to insult Ray on the basis of his ordinary descent Ray doesn't lose his cool and calmly replies that he still wants to learn many things from this Academy which enrages Albert prompting him to try and grab Ray Ry elegantly Dodges his hands and before Albert could do anything is stopped by a red-haired girl with a Regal air around her named Amelia Rose from the reactions of the onlookers Ray deduces that this girl must be a special person even among the Nobles and he
turns out to be right Amelia is the oldest daughter of the strongest of the three Noble houses and gifted sorcerer she walks up to Albert and says that anyone who is capable enough to pass the exam deserves a position in this Institute no matter of his descent Albert is enraged but he leaves the situation immediately Ray thanks Amelia and they introduce themselves striking an unlikely friendship among the lowest and the highest in this world's hierarchy Ray enters the classroom and meets his class teacher Grady who directs him to his seat Grady explains the phenomenon of
magic and how it is used she also explains the five different ranks in sorcery bronze silver gold platinum and the topmost rank which only seven Sorcerers have achieved Grand Albert again interrupts the class and asks Grady why is there an ordinary in the school that strives for excellence and produces excellent Sorcerers to which Grady heatedly replies that it's not their place to judge a sorcerer by its descent as a sorcerer can only be judged by their skills next Grady explains the basics of sorcery and explains that there are five basic elements you can modify solids
liquids gases and plasma then she shows an example of sorcery by producing a bunch of roses made of ice she tells the class to repeat after her and Amelia is able to produce a single beautiful looking glass rose whereas Ry only produces an ice CU resulting in the class making fun of him later ray goes to the library and meets with one of the girls who expressed her interest in the research of a sorcerer called Dr asworth she introduces herself to Alisa Griffith and sits down with Ry who explains that he has always loved the
research of Dr answorth they start having a conversation when he asks about her hoodie to which she replies that she doesn't like her ears because she's a half elf he assures her that her ears look beautiful which brings a smile to her face and starts the friendship between these two he returns to his dorm later only to find another guy waiting for him he introduces himself as Eevee Armstrong and says that he isn't like other Nobles and doesn't care whether he's an ordinary person or not they end up striking up a very strong friendship between
them next morning while on a morning jog he ends up meeting a third-year student named Rebecca Bradley and establishes a report with her as well the next day on his way to meet one of his former acquaintances Abby Garnet he ends up colliding with a girl who introduces herself as Claris Cleveland he asked about her family to which she replies that it's pretty famous among the Nobles but before she can explain more she had to run along because of a chore she had to do he meets with Abby and later goes to his swordsmanship lessons
where he has to spar against Albert the session starts and Albert uses his full power to swing at Ray but Ray elegantly deflects his blow this enrages Albert who goes in for a powerful thrust but to everyone's surprise Ray completely demolishes Albert's sword with his own thrust winning the battle in a matter of seconds the next day ray goes to the Environmental Research club which is filled with muscular men sitting around in underwear Eevee is also a part of this club and Ry wants to join it these men at first write him off because according
to them he is too skinny but when he removes his clothes the underlying muscles can be seen pretty easily impressing them he also shows them a golden Hunter card that he has which is a very rare card and a surprising thing for an ordinary person to possess the Environmental Research Club accepts him but he's not done yet he wants to join more than one Club so he goes to the headquarters of the gardening club which is headed by the third-year student Rebecca he calmly enters the room full of girls sitting down and drinking tea he
takes a seat and asks Rebecca's permission to join the club she doesn't seem to have any problems but one of her friends named Dena gets up and interrupts the application claiming that Ray came here with ulterior motives and that he is after Rebecca herself Ray assures her that it's not the case but Dena doesn't believe him Rebecca respects Dina's a opinions and tells her to judge Ry based on his work so Dina takes Ray to the Terrace and gives him the job of making a flower garden within 7 days this is an incredibly difficult task
to accomplish as first he has to remove every single Speck of grass from the roof and only then can he start working towards laying down the foundation the work is tiring but Ray is determined so just in one day he is able to remove all the grass from the roof and the next day he starts plowing the soil to get ready for Plantation the third day he starts laying down brick walls to create a boundary and in that day even Becca comes to check on his progress and even gives him a fruit sandwich which he
enjoys quite a bit later she asks permission to touch his muscles as she has never touched a guy's muscles before Ray obliges and Rebecca seems impressed by his physique this entire exchange is being watched by multiple of his classmates from the other building along with Amelia the next day he completes the garden and much to Dana's surprise as not only did he make a garden He Did It Before the deadline she commends him and approves his application to join the gardening club making him an official member on the way back to his dorm he meets
up with Claris who is observing some of the insects on the ground he approaches her and she seems flustered as she is a noble who likes insects whereas other Nobles enjoy more beautiful looking animals such as Horses dogs and bunnies rayy assures her that there's nothing wrong in liking insects as he himself loves them a lot this makes her very happy and reinforces the friendly bond between them the next day he goes to school and meets up with Abby who informs him about the possibility of a spy from the kingdom who is working undercover as
a student she she tells him that it is very important to find the Spy as a lot of information can get leaked if the Spy escapes he then goes to his daily lectures where the teacher asks him to explain the levels of sorcery to which he explained that there are three levels low mid and Saint level sorcery apart from that he ends up explaining the different types of chain sorcery as well in detail which impresses the entire class n Grady tells the class that practical training will start soon so she asks them to form a
group among themselves Ray obviously teams up with Eevee but they also me more members so the asks whether Alisa would like to join their team which she happily accepts but then to everyone's surprise Amelia walks up to Ray and asks them whether she could join as well Ray agrees within a second and hence the teenss are formed the next day they come me in the forest and their task is to survive for 24 hours without asking for help as the forest is filled with monsters Ray's team goes in and they divide the work between themselves
while walking Alisa encounters a giant hornet but before the Hornet could attack her Ray jumps in front of her and slashes the cornet in two with one swing of his sword impressing all three of them later he ends up killing any more monsters that they encountered with exceeding ease the next day while they were trying to find their way out of the forest he heard a scream so he ran towards it he finds that Albert's team is in trouble while facing a giant insect monster the rest of his team is already stuck to a tree
and Albert himself is on his back trembling Ray runs towards the monster as the monster spits gooey liquid towards him which he Dodges with amazing Precision shocking Albert Rael into the air and stabs the monster Right Between the Eyes killing him in an instant Rim arrives there as well and they start helping the others out of their binds when someone from the Shadows does magic on the dead monster Reviving him from the dead to fight again the revived monster seems to be stronger than before but Ray doesn't even waste a moment and attacks him with
his sword surprisingly enough a monster is able to block his strike which impresses Ry the monster attacks Ray this time but he is able to block his attack with his sword and they enter his stalemate Ray is surprised by his strength and suspects foul play as why would there be such a strong monster in a jungle for amateur Sorcerers he backs off but his friends take the lead and prepare to attack the monster Amelia uses her flame magic to cast a wall between Ray and the monster while Eevee uses his brute strength to pick up
a big boulder and throw it at the monster Alissa uses her wind magic to force the boulder to hit the monster with great force knocking it off balance and Ray seizes the opportunity to hit the monster slashing in half everyone cheers Ray but Alisa gets scared by such a strong monster and gets wobbly Mees Ray picks her up on his back and carries her to the main floor of the school her results are released and his team wins the competition by a huge margin but Ry easily notices that none of the students are happy with
an ordinary person winning a competition it doesn't bother Ray much as he is already used to it the next day he goes back to visit his master who turns out to be none other than Dr Lydia answorth herself she apparently taught Ry everything he knows today ever since he was a child he greets her and they sit down for some tea and and Cake Lydia explains that she is working on new research and this time the research is aimed at the most important component in any human their brain he shows interest in trying to understand
more so she explains her research to him in detail after that he takes the wheelchair bound Lydia out for a walk in the woods while there they talk about life and she seems interested in knowing his daily activities he tells her that he has made some friends which she is delighted to hear she tells him to take care of himself and the people around him and gives him a small book she has written for him as a pardon gift the next day while out for a run Ray meets Alisa who's going to the library to
study so Ry asks her whether he could accompany her this shocks Alisa and she gets flustered but says yes they go and change and then they go to the library together she gets another book about Lydia experiments whereas he reads the book that Lydia gave him yesterday when they move outside they spot Claris who was apparently also in the library Ray and Vikes are out for a lunch with them which she accepts and during the lunch both Claris and Alisa become good friends they all all part ways and Ray was about to go back alone
as Claris and Alisa went together but before he could leave he spotted Amelia coming out a cab he greets her and she explains to him that she was in a family meeting they take a walk together to a nearby park and he tells her about his day with Claris and Alisa she visibly gets jealous and asks Ry to go out with her at that very moment as well which Ry accepts without any problems they go to a mall where she tries on several dresses for Ray to judge and at one point she even runs out
of the dressing room wearing only her undergarments because she got scared of a spider overall the date goes well and they'll walk back to the school together the son is about to sit down but Ray is called by Miss Grady who offers him te and tells him that she's really sorry about the harsh treatment he's receiving just because he's an ordinary person Ray assures her that it doesn't bother him but she vows that she's going to make even more effort now and more than anything she will try her very best to become an excellent teacher
for him ray thanksgiv goes back to his dorm but the thought about the spy in the school is still troubling him the next day Ray spends some time with his gim bro Eevee who invites him to shop for some protein after the school but he rejects politely claiming that he needs to go to Rebecca as she has invited him to the gardening club he goes over to the club where she makes him some really good tea before taking him outside to the Terrace Garden where she shows him a bunch of very interesting plants that have
some magical powers inside of them including carnivorous plants that interest him she looks at him and thanks him for being her friend as according to her even though everyone at the club is really nice she has trouble communicating with them plus she never gets to teach them things like this as they are not really interested he tells her that he is genuinely interested and would love to soak all this information from her which leaves her soaking wet the next day he goes over to the sword practice in the main ground where Amelia is fighting her
opponent seems to be a random girl formed the class who is having a lot of trouble fighting against Amelia who keeps pushing her back before delivering a final blow forcing the sword to go flying out of her hand and winning the bout she immediately turns towards the instructor while the people around her cheer and asks him to put her against Ray White the instructor seems to be hesitant as Amelia is one of the strongest students and Ry is not particularly good at Magic but Amelia straightup asks Ray whether he has a problem and he replies
that he doesn't have any problems as he enters the fighting ground the battle starts and Amia rushes in for an attack which Ray blocks easily as she turns around and starts unleashing a flurry of attacks which are all blocked by Ray he realizes that even though her attacks don't carry as much power she is definitely very fast and Nimble they back off and decide to go in for a clash again as Amelia Praises his swordsmanship before going in for an attack once again she keeps going on the offensive while Ray simply blocks and redirects for
attacks when suddenly this bout starts reminding him of his training with his father who used to teach him inside of the forest and all of a sudden he redirects her attack before going in for his own massive one but stops at the last moment realizing that it will hurt Amelia and drops his sword everyone including Amelia is super shocked as the teacher crowns for the winner of the bout he gets up and shakes Amelia's hand while she asks him why he stopped before attacking her later that afternoon they go together to have lunch while Evee
pokes him for some more information as he tells them about his life before this Academy and how he used to train in the jungles suddenly Albert the little walks up to his table and slams his fists down while challenging Ray to have a duel with him his cronies support him from behind telling Ry not to be a chicken and to fight their leader if he thinks he is so good Ray colly wipes his face and accepts The Duel later they all move near clearing by the forest where both Ry and Albert get ready for their
duel Claris notes that they seem to be inside of a magic barrier which is preventing anyone to go outside and even their voices can't be heard from the outside Ray asks for the rules and Albert throws him a sword before telling him that there are no rules as he pulls out a real sword from the sheath shocking everyone including his own cronies who were thinking this was going to be a mock duel like they were having earlier before Ray can even pick up the sword Albert ends up attacking him but he Dodges the blow before
pick him up the sword Albert seems to be extremely mad at Ry and tells him that he's going to kill him and jumps in for another attack only for Ray to back away dodging the hit Ray gets extremely angry and tells him to stop running before using his magic to create Fireballs which he throws at him as Ray Dodges them one by one he throws another Fireball straight at Ray which he cannot Dodge in time so he simply slashes through it surprising all of them Albert loses his mind and starts creating a fire wall which
Ray Dodges and starts running towards him while he shoots fire blasts after fire blasts at him he throws one final blast at him which Ray again cuts through shocking Albert as he starts claiming that Ry must be the bastard of some Noble as there is no way a peasant can do this Ray points his sword to him and tells him to admit defeat but Albert has other plans as he uses one of his biggest attacks at Ray creating a flaming dragon that rushes towards him but Ray simply chops it into two nullifying the magic completely
Alder falls down to his knees and starts crying like a little while Amelia tells him that he needs to teach her how to do it as well but before he can even move a sudden gravity magic envelops the area forcing everyone except Ray to the ground suddenly a voice calls out from the forest as a hooded figure emerges from it telling them that they are going to be sacrificed for greater good the figure comes closer and finally reveals Itself by pulling down the hood shocking everyone as it is none other than Professor gray herself Ray
realizes that she has been behind all of the weird things happening such as the monsters in side of the forest which she must have been controlling to abduct students as he deduces that she uses their brain to further her study about sorcery she is impressed by Ray's deduction skills but tells him that they are of no use in front of her as she knows Reay is only good at Close Quarters so all she needs to do is keep him at Bay she uses her magic to create a flaming Serpent and shoots it towards Ray who
Dodges one of them before rolling out of the way of the other the fire serpents start chasing him but he keeps running away before gray gets tired of this and sends the attack back and his friend friends who are lying helplessly on the ground Ray immediately decides that he needs to go all out and uses his secret magic powers and creates ice all around him making a wall in front of his friends saving them all before his hair turns blue and he calls forth a bunch of ice blades around him she get horrified at this
as according to the legend the iceblade sorcerer was lost in the last war but Ray replies that even though the iceblade sorcerer was lost he passed on his title which now is safe with Ray gray goes out of control and shoots a huge Fireball at him but Ray simply uses a single ice blade to shatter through the ball gray immediately uses her most powerful magic creating a huge Dragon of a purple energy and blasts it towards Ray but he is able to Simply nullify the Magic by saying a few enchantments gray is utterly shocked as
she can't believe what's happening and tries to shoot a final blast at him which gets blocked by the sword before she starts running away Ray takes aim and shoots his ice blades at her piercing her a few one of her legs knocking her down as she crawls back while bring for her life she starts telling him that she can make him even stronger and tells him all the secrets of magic that she has learned after countless years before pulling a sneaky move and tries to burn him alive but fails spectacularly as Ray looks at her
with pity in his eyes he brings forth a sword and was about to kill her when she suddenly pulls out a key from her necklace and stabs it in her brain releasing the fluid inside which starts transforming her into a monster-like creature who looks surprisingly like Rak the circular magical barrier wears off and the people inside it slowly get up as the gravity Magic stops working Amelia looks at Ray as he jumps up in the air and clashes with gray and throws her back down to the ground with the help of her sword gray gets
mad and uses her fire blast at Ray which he easily blocks before creating a bunch of ice swords which totally blindsides gray as she didn't know he can produce so many weapons at once she tries to stop his attacks and blasts a huge Fireball at him which he is able to stop in its tracks and destroys it completely without even touching it he spouts some at his Professor which is not really important to be honest it was pretty dumb so I am going to skip it but at the end the professor decides to put her
all in a last ditch effort to defeat Ray she quickly creates a bunch of dark energy hands that she shoots towards Ray but he shoots ice blades at her which destroys the magic hands she tries the same attack once again but Ray is able to nullify it again while Amelia and the rest realize that Ray is slowly getting covered in ice and freezing to death ray jumps at him and tries to claw him to death but Ray blocks the attack with his sword knocking her back even Ray realizes that Ry is not in total control
of his powers and jumps towards Ry with a massive attack while he bleeds from his nose Ray tries to block her attack but she's able to successfully shatter his blade while Amelia looks in horror however Ray has one last trick that he hasn't shown her yet and he uses it to create a blizzard around gray which shocks her and takes her by surprise enveloping her completely by the end of the blizzard she is completely frozen to death with some roses growing on her icicle body for aesthetic purposes as Ry as an Instagram influencer immediately afterwards
Ray collapsed on his knees out of exhaustion and returns back to his normal form while seemingly happy that he was able to save all of his friends and that no one got hard he wakes up in a hospital dorm and finds Lydia's face looking down upon him as she expresses her happiness and relief to find out that Reay is okay Abby walks up to him and tells him not to worry about anything as all of his friends are safe and sound and thanks to him they don't even have a scratch on their body she tells
him that he did a really good job and even Lydia Pats his head telling him that she is proud of him and invites him over to his house whenever he is free Abby tells Ray that his friends are waiting outside to meet him and leaves the room which is immediately flooded by all of his friends who surround His bed completely he apologizes to his friends for keeping his life a secret from them and explains that he is one of the Seven Grand Sorcerers known as the iceblade sorcerers he informs them that he was part of
the Great War that happened a couple years ago but ended up losing control and blasted everything away and it was only because of Lydia that he was able to regain control over himself this is the the reason why he always keeps his magic abilities locked and that's why he is so bad at Magic he tells them that he has taken several lives in the past and that his hands are Blood Stained so he will understand if they don't want to be his friends anymore but all of them reassure him that they trust him with their
lives and know that he's a really kind person who wouldn't do anything bad that night when everyone was gone Albert infiltrates Ray's room but finds him already up in his bed Ray greets him with a smiling face and asks him why is he here Albert looks down at his as if ashamed and tells him that he came here to apologize to him Ry however is a nice person unlike me and tells Albert that apologizing to someone takes a lot of strength and that he forgives her for anything that he has done before spouting some idealistic
nonsense about how everyone is Born the same way and Bloodlines don't really matter well say that to the royal family of England why don't you the next day ray goes back to his class again and finds out that the person who's going to replace Professor gray is none other than her past comrade Carol who is basically a tick to influencer and a man of thought Ray is absolutely worried to have her as the class teacher as he knows how much of a thought she can be at times so after Carol tells them about the tournament
coming up really soon Ry ends up going to aby's office and pleads with her to remove Carol from her position as the kids nowadays are ruined enough and they don't need an eirl to teach them Abby however tells him that she was the only one free and willing to teach and that's why they hired her Ray tells her that even he will teach if she's willing to kick her out when Carol suddenly appears behind Ray and harasses him right in front of Abby without any care of the world Ray quickly runs away from the room
and the next day he stands on the ramp Parts alongside Claris where they not down the worthy opponents and players in this match while Ray shows his uncanny abilities to predict the fights creeping Claris out finally Amelia walks up to the ring and within a matter of 6 seconds defeats her opponent easily and leaves the ring without saying anything everyone is cheering for her but she doesn't really look happy and Ry thinks that this is because Victory is too too obvious for her as everyone around her is pretty trash so there is new one to
give her a tough competition which can help her grow r ends up going to Rebecca and asks her about what she knows about the opponents and she tells him about a girl named Arian who is a melee's rival and even though they used to be the best of friends from the past couple of years a friendship has been suffering terribly the next day Ry and the rest of his friends wait on the ramparts again watching Amelia's fight as she defeats her final opponent with exceeding ease as well gting a place in the upcoming competition but
again she doesn't look happy even in the least that night Ray decides that he is going to help her and takes out a book that Lydia gave to him so that he can keep following his training routine even without her being around the next evening Ray confronts Amelia while she's walking back to her dorm and asks her whether she is satisfied with her victories against the people that she has fought against she tells him that she doesn't feel ready at all and is pretty sure that Arien is going to easily defeat her just like she
did the last time which ended up ruining their lifelong friendship Grace shows her the book that Lydia gave him and tells her that there is still nearly a month before the tournament and if she wants he can help her train and grow stronger Amelia of course accepts but she didn't know what kind of hell she was signing up for the next morning she goes out to meet Ray in the morning who jumps in front of her wearing a weird mask and tells her that from now on he is her master and she will follow everything
she says without any questions she seems hesitant at first but with a bit of shouting she ends up agreeing to his demands and the first thing he tells her to do is to take a 20 km run around the school without using any magical abilities he looks at him unbelievably telling him that there is no way she can do that but he tells her that she has to do it no matter what and that she doesn't really have a choice they start running together and by the end of the Run she's down on her knees
breathing hard as she is not used to this kind of training while Ray tells her that today was a short practice run and that from tomorrow on their actual training will start he starts training her in Earnest from the next day making her du weighted one-arm push-ups weighted pull-ups and also trains her in the art of slavery as he makes her roll a boulder up the hill which obviously comes smashing down towards her she gets so tired each day that she ends up sleeping during the class every single day making her friends worried about her
the next morning rayan arrives at her dorm and starts beating a bunch of pans together while screaming at her to wake up but he is called Down by Rebecca and her friend who start shouting at him for coming in unannounced to a girl's dorm but he immediately apologizes telling her that this is important for their training when he suddenly spots ailia running away from the dorm and he goes off to chase her he comes to the library where he finds Claris and Alisa studying and he asks them whether they have seen Amelia but they repli
to him that they haven't he decides to use his special Sonic Soundwave ability and like a bat uses echol location to find where Amelia is hiding he enters the empty class room and grabs her hand pulling her out of the room and forces her to do extra laps for running away from her training the next day he goes up to the environmental Club where all of the buff guys are having a sauna and he asked the club president to organize a cheerleading squad made up of buff guys for a millon IA and he ends up
agreeing to it before handing him a bag of female clothes that Ray requested the next day he dresses up as a woman and walks out of his dorm and spots ailia doing laps around the school and she doesn't recognize him he ends up entering the school where Arian studies and creeps up the lawn hidden inside an empty box where he spots a girl crying and he sneaks up to her like a total creep it turns out that the little girl was arianne's little sister and she was crying because she was unable to find her older
sister Ray tells her to stop crying as he will help her find her sister and she eagerly agrees he takes the little girl around the school while the guys and the girls seem to be drawn to her beauty anyway she keeps walking while pretending to be a noble school girl when suddenly the little girl notices her sister and they both approach arienne who is sitting beneath a beautiful Victorian structure drinking tea like a posh English lady she's happy to find her sister even though she wasn't even looking and tells Ry to have a seat while
leaving her sister out in the open to get lost once again this woman seriously has the mental capacity of an oversized Sai donut Ry sits down with her and she immediately cuts to the chase telling Ry that she knows he is not from this Academy and that he should introduce himself as who he is Ry ends up thinking that she figured out he was a guy and ends up apologizing in his original voice shocking the ever living crap out of Maryanne who looks at him with a shocked face as he tells her that his name
is Ray White who studies in the Arnold Academy she tells him that she knows his name as he is famous for being one of the very first peasants to get into such a distinguished University and she has even heard about his exploits in battle she still however can't get over the fact that he is a guy because he looks so perfect in a girl's outfit she tells him that she always wanted to see how he is in battle and invites him for a duel which he eagerly accepts they exchange pleasantries while aren pleads with Ry
to use a female's voice as it is very distracting which he obviously obliges the battle starts and Aran immediately jumps in for an insanely quick attack which Ray is barely able to dodge before she turns around for another slash and their swords Clash Aryan however is skilled in these duel and immediately drops down and comes up with a beautiful magic slash that even though Ray was able to defend it ends up breaking his sword in half and aryanne wins The Duel after the battle aran's little sister is taken away by some weird lady and Aran
doesn't even ask any questions before turning towards Ry and asking him whether he is going to take part in the upcoming tournament he replies that he can't do that and also tells her that he's helping a friend of his who Arien knows very well Arien seems to be confused so he tells her that he's helping ailia train arianne's eyes immediately glow as she starts asking whether she is doing fine Ray replies that she is doing well and has gotten several times stronger so she should be careful in her next fight as Amelia will be the
one who wins it Arian Simply Smiles and tells him that she will look forward to it and he leaves after that by the time he reaches back to his Academy son had already set and while on his way he ends up spotting a white-haired girl running towards him while crying and she ends up tripping but Ry immediately catches her before asking whether she's fine it turns out that she's Rebecca's sister and she was crying because she cannot make the decision whether she wants to come to this place or not as she has heard people are
really mean but this one act of kindness by Ry makes her believe that this Academy is the right place to her and she runs away after saying thanks to Ry Ry goes back to the ramp Parts where Amelia has just finished her training and is breathing hard he calls out to her and tells her that he's really happy that she is training so nicely and at first the girls didn't even realize that the girl on top was Ry but Ry tells them that it's him and he was simply on a mission shocking them the next
day he ends up taking all of them to Lydia's place where they each introduced themselves and Ellis who's a big fan of Lydia shows her the collection of her experiments that she has kept in her personal Journal after the introductions were done however Lydia takes Amelia to a different room and reassures her that she's a really strong person and that even Rey has been sending her constant letters letting her know of Emilia's progress and even Lydia thinks that she is ready to win the tournament after that Ray holds Amelia's final test inside of the jungles
which is an actual ual mock battle against him which she ends up winning the next day the tournament starts and the entire stadium is filled with people from several differenty we' come here to witness the spectacle Amelia dresses up and goes in for her first match or on the way she ends up meeting Arianne and they both have a little bit of a cold war before Amelia proceeds to the ring and her first fight is against a green-haired boy from a different School wielding a giant sword the battle starts and the green boy immediately Dives
in with some massive slashes which are too clumsy to be honest she's easily able to jump over his head dodging all of his blows and as soon as he turned around to try and attack her again she uses her Fire magic to create a small mind which explodes in the green boy's face destroying his Rose and ending the battle with Amelia's Victory everyone screams in encouragement while Ray Smiles but ends up leaving the arena to go near a room where Albert is sitting alone he seems to be a totally changed man as he thinks about
his game plan when Ray tells him that he believes in him and he also believes that Albert has what it takes to win the entire tournament he smiles at Ray and thanks him for his words of encouragement but sadly when he goes over to the ring he finds out that his opponent is none other than the Beast Aran the battle starts and they both end up engaging in an onslaught of blows attacking and counterattacking each other and surprisingly Albert is keeping up with her when her swords clash in the middle however she ends up using
a magical blow which knocks Albert down usually he would have admitted defeat but the new found friendship and Trust in Rey makes him move his body as he gets up once again and grabs his sword before running in with a swift attack totally catching Aran offg guard and disarming her he tries to finish the battle by the last hit but Aran grabs the sword and shatters it in half before punching Albert in the gut knocking him down once again and winning the battle on his way to a meeting led by Abby Ray surprisingly sees the
leader of the environmental Club following him behind later he finds out that Carla is actually an intelligence agent and the buff guys Club leader Lex is her younger brother who serves as the head of student security they are apparently members of the hail family together with some dudes dressed in weird uniforms and are responsible for handling intelligence related Affairs of the land Abby then explains that the grim reapers have infiltrated the magic Chevalier event with a primary aim of kidnapping or killing the daughters of the most noble families and for this reason they all had
to be vigilant back in the arena Rebecca wins her match and proceeds to the final round while a contender named Lucas forced let's call this dude a Japanese version of The Flash because he unbelievable wins his fight in a record time of 2 seconds shocking the entire crowd meanwhile Alisa and Claris are troubled about Amelia and share their concerns with Ray telling him that she has refused to leave her room or say a word to anyone it turns out that her Fierce Contender won't be giving her an easy fight because Arianne is seriously training like
she's preparing for Heavyweight Championship to the point that she destroys her punching bag later that night Ray decides to do something about Amelia's situation so he stays outside her door and gives her some long boring speech about wanting to know the contents of her her heart when she lets him in she expresses her fears about disappointing everyone who has high expectations of her because even though she desperately wants to win the match against aryen she is caged by the fear of being defeated by her rival and now sees no point in continuing to live a
meaningless life and a big Delight in her spirit Ray tells her that even though living can be pointless humans are allowed to create their own reasons to live happy meanful lives and she can begin that by creating loving memories with her friends holding her hands he tells her that he would like to you by her side every step of the way and upon hearing this Amelia falls into his arms and cries profusely after crying like a toddler looking for her mummy Amelia was ashamed of herself and pretended to fall asleep to avoid Ray's gaze while
watching her ry's memory flashes back to the time when he told her to destroy the rose on his chest Ray's opening attack pushed Amelia backwards and gave him the chance to prepare for another attack as he jumped higher however Amelia found an opening and quickly activated a butterfly using her magic setting fire onto the rose after seeing her achiev such feat Ray believes that nothing would be to difficult for Amelia to achieve so he tells her that he believes in her the day finally arrives when a winner will emerge between the two fiercest rookies in
the Kingdom Amelia and Arianne Ora Lisa is worried that Amelia may not have had enough sleep but Ray assures her that he already took control of the situation by spending the entire night in her room hearing this E's Twisted Brain gets the wrong idea but Alisa reminds him that Ray can be really clueless when it comes to expressing himself and talking to women meanwhile Claris is seen running in a dark hallway as she rushes to make it in time for Amelia's match but unknowingly a mysterious figure appears from the ceiling behind her and descends to
the floor in the changing room Amelia shyly requests for another hug from raid ease or attenion and he does so while assuring her that she is everything it takes to emerge as the winner at the arena Lex unexpectedly informs the announcer to hold on because something urgent came up then he proceeds to tell Ray that Claris has gone missing along with eight other students from noble families Ray decides to trust his gut feelings and begin his search below the building later Carol meets the other presenter who announces the commencement of the match between the top
two contending rookies the fight is opened by an aggressive attack from arienne as she throws her sword upwards and magically activates an electric power flowing from her armor with this overflowing power Aryan Jets her sword towards Amelia at a supernatural speed taking her by surprise and Landing her on the ground to the amazement of the audience however when Aran charges forward again Amelia patiently Waits before creating a whirling ball of pink smoke which explodes and completely pushes arienne backwards taking her unawares meanwhile Ray finds Claris and other missing students in a hall lying fast asleep
on the floor so he picks her up and attempts to wake her she opens her eyes to find Ray holding her but also sees a magical barrier appearing above them Su explains that it is an interference spell cast by the grim reapers to shut them off from the outside world because she keeps bothering him with her needless Tantrums Ray tells Claris to shut the heck up and let him Focus then he instantly lifts her on his shoulder and runs to focus the attention of grin reapers on him Ray abruptly stops and creates four magical swords
which he uses to fight against the grim reapers but Claris is allergic to being quiet so he warns her that she could cut off her own tongue with her excessive needless yelling however the room suddenly goes dark and hides the Grim Reapers from view but Ray activates his spell so powerful that it destroys the magical barrier above them Ray spell even counters aran's attack by nullifying her magic thereby dropping her to the ground while everyone in the arena is confused about what just happened Carol knows that this could only be Ray's special form of magic
anti-material field to finish them off Ray creates a field of ice which covers the entire floor and traps the escaping grim reapers while Lex tells him to let him take over from there so he can return to watch the match between Amelia and Arianne until this very moment Claris still hasn't put a zip on her lips back to the two ladies the fight hasn't been easy for any of them and as the announcer calls for the final round arienne resorts to using her Supreme move with all her might arienne charges herself with an overwhelming amount
of lightning with the force more than anything she had ever used on the arena this is both shocking and concerning to the audience as some of them become concerned for Amelia seeing this Amelia is visibly surprised to find that Arianne had been fighting using her lowest power and wonders what's in store for her Arien eventually charges towards her so Amelia creates an explosion to defend herself but Aran Dodges it and mocks the weak effort telling her to give up while she runs like The Flash and punches Amelia into the air still Amelia steadies herself against
the attack and lands on her feet but aren charges up an overwhelming load of power that fires Amilia even higher into the air than before everyone watches with a horrified look on their faces as Amelia lands on the ground from that terrifying height she tries to lift herself off the ground but fails to and begins to accept defeat sadly the faces of her friends come flashing before her eyes but suddenly Ray comes running in the entrance and Shout shouts her name telling her to get up as she lifts her head something red sparkles in her
eyes and with a command she calls calty Amelia instantly activates a powerful beam of protection around her with her pretty little butterflies floating around the entire Arena including Ray and Claris is full of wonder as they witness the fullness of Amelia's power as aren watches in shock Amelia tells her to give up at this point because all her efforts to touch her would be in vain as she has become literally Untouchable but Ary Amon being a stubborn cow keeps throwing pointless punches towards Amelia but her efforts are in vain according to Carol this form of
magic is an interference concept which originates from the butterfly effect of the chaos theory she says the magic is so rare and special that it can't be used by just anyone and describes it to be a type of magic which interrupts a sequence of events by overriding them aryan's feudal attempts continue for a while so Amelia sends a butterfly in her Direction and in Split seconds she is hit by an explosion which throws her to the ground while her father and younger sister exclaim in shock meanwhile Claris continues to cheer Amelia on but in no
time Amelia begins to bleed from her nose and eventually cost out blood Carol explains that this is because her engram is too overworked by this form of magic and Ry says she is really close to overheating at this point even Aran is concerned for Amilia who states her determination not to back down Aran also refuses to back down and is determined not to lose so she rushes at Amelia with a full force attack however Amelia escapes the attack and Aran ends up punching a dust of pink powder Amelia creates an explosion which only breaks aren's
hand Shield leaving no scratch on her simultaneously they both kick each other but no one gets the other because they're in a gridlock even when they headbutt each other they're equally affected by their blows as they watch this aren's father and sister continue to cheer her on while Eevee and Alisa cheer Amelia on everyone but Amelia's grumpy father is full of cheers for the fighting girls Amelia is able to land a blow on Aryan but this doesn't earn her any significant point because at this juncture both ladies have become rather exhausted however each with her
last strength and determined not to lose they both Rush towards the other with a final powerful move until someone's Rose is finally destroyed a few minutes later Aran regains Consciousness on Amelia's lap surprised to see that she lost the match she tells her how horrible her face looks like someone with a facial plastic surgery gone wrong Aryan then compliments her for how strong she has become and tells her to stop crying because she had won after all Amelia attributes her Victory to friends like Rey and the others who believe in her but states that Aryan
has been the actual reason why she continually strived to be strong Aran also tells her that she was driven to be better every day because she wanted to be a good role model for ailia knowing that she doubted herself after their first fight tearfully the ladies reconcile while apologizing to each other hubing each other just as they did as children Arianne accepts defeat and congratulates Amelia who is immediately announced as the winner of the brook racket the audience gets in an uproar as they celebrate both ladies for fighting valiantly till the end in the hallway
the fathers of both girls meet and Amelia's father looks like the Grinch is always saying Amelia could have done better but aran's father tells him to suck it up and be happy for once in his life as both fathers playfully warn each other that their daughters will become even stronger and win the other in another battle later Ray visits ailia who is all dressed up in bandages and stitches to check on her health and ensure her recovery Amelia confirms that she is getting better and tells Ry that although the training was brutal and very vigorous
she likes some parts of it and was glad that it wasn't all a waste of time however when she remembers the nights that we spent in her room she suddenly becomes flushed displaying her embarrassment while Ralph watches with confusion in his eyes Amelia asks him if he knew her magical power all along but he tells her that he only knew that she was tremendously talented after his last fight with her during practice but didn't know in detail what exact magical powers she possessed Ray congratulates her in tells her that Talent could be inherited but her
victory in the match was a result of her hard work in combination with her Talent the next day Amelia is happy to no longer be trapped in her bird cage of nobility and Ventures out with the others to cheer for Rebecca on the final day of the magic Chevalier Rebecca's opponent is announced to be Lucas Forest the champion from the other match that won his match in 2 seconds and yes our Japanese version of The Flash the battle line is drawn and Rebecca pulls out a sword but a surprise when within the blink of an
eye Lucas mediately places his foot on the ground and uses a special move called the eighth secret technique which clouds the arena with Darkness within that short time frame he swiftly shatters Rebecca's Rose everyone in the audience watches in shock and horror as he is declared the winner of the tournament as he walks past Ray in the hallway he recognizes him as the famous iceblade sorcerer Ray takes him by surprise when he acknowledges that he also knows that Lucas is the new Peerless blade sorcerer Ray wonders why Lucas competed in a match made for students
so Lucas tells him that it was all all a show for Ray to know that he was around the corner he challenges Ray to a fight that will happen in a year's time when he will prove that the Peerless blade sorcerer is the strongest sorcerer in the land not Ry later our beautiful lady Carol continues to annoy Lydia but Abby tells him that this is not the time or place for that and opens a door where all the grm Reapers have been bound Carol uses her spellbinding magic to hypnotize them into her Barbie playhouse where
she forces them to dance ridiculously much to her own Amusement however when she tells them to reveal the secrets of their dark organization their heads explode one after the other causing Carol to fall The Magic chalier had come to an end so principal Abby delivered the closing speech with a vote of thanks to Ask the participants who fought in the contest but Rebecca spots her father walking into a room with a man during a class meeting Ray suggests that his classmates run a maid Cafe in preparation for the upcoming cultural Festival but this is met
by resistance from the spoiled brats who claimed to be too Noble to be dressed as filthy housemates actually this was all a 's lifelong dream but she was certain that nobody would willingly offer to be dressed as a maid so she pitched the idea to Ry and caused him to fall in love with it by asking him to imagine how they would all look in pretty short made dresses while she spoke Ray could only imagine the beautiful Carla in her usual made dress so he also got fired up about the idea and decided to pitch
it to the class now despite the initial resistance of the class Ry makes a motivational speech about how revolutionary it would be for maids to act like power belongs to them he is seconded by Carol who reveals herself in cute maid's dress and seeing how heavenly she looks in the attire everyone automatically falls in love with the idea as he celebrates his mini Victory with Amelia Sarah abruptly announces to Ray that Rachel had just got engaged and Rebecca is seen walking in the arms of the man she saw her father talking with the arena in
hindsight Rebecca's father is seen signing an agreement with her fiance which is sealed by Blood and a magical seal signing this Rebecca suppose Fran and reassures her father that his daughter is in safe hands outside some pink hair weirdo is seen swallowing a magical admission from someone dressed as a mage he's approached by someone in a mask who mocked him by saying that he deserves being called a clutton however the mask guy uses his magical giant hand to scavenge the brain of the Dead Mage it turns out that the Mage was one of the bad
guys from the opposing faction which was also under the Eugenics group to make the various groups the creepy mask guy says he can't wait to ascend all the way to the top but in order to do that he will need to acquire his vessel which just happens to be Rebecca Bradley the morning after Ray comes to congratulate Rebecca on her engagement but this is operate especially for Rebecca who doesn't seem to be too happy about it however she promises that she will still attend college until she graduates on the other hand Amelia is going nuts
about their Maiden dresses and begins to playfully harass Alisa to agree to wear one but the poor girl is not on board with the idea because she feels the dress will reveal too much skin when she calls Ry to rescue her from Amelia's creepy pestering Behavior All proves useless because he joins Amelia in convincing her to wear the maiden dress telling her just how glorious she would look as a pixie Maiden on the other hand the guys are all energetic as they decorate the hall for their culture festival and this is only because they can't
wait to see the girls in their cute M dresses to top it all Reay brings them good news saying that all the ladies including shy Lisa have agreed to put on the dress the erupt in celebration in Alberts tells Ralph that there isn't a single guy who wouldn't want to see ladies in pretty Maiden dresses later ray goes to the student council to submit the class proposal for a made Cafe but finds that the other members of the council are missing Rebecca explains that this is their way of rebelling against her for stealing Corn's fiance
it turns out that Lord Evan to whom Rebecca is currently engaged was supposed to be engaged to one of the other student council members hearing this Ray offers to help lessen the burden of the duties that have been neglected to them after Sarah runs to Ray and asks him to remain close to Rebecca because she smells something fishy about her sudden engagement to Evan she says that she can't get a word out of Rebecca who won't reveal anything to her for fear having her mixed up at any drama Ray then assures her that he will
do everything in his power to help Rebecca to begin with Ray visits Lydia and explains Rebecca's situation to her but when he finds that Even's household is known to be very powerful in sorcery even among the top three noble families of the Kingdom he believes that there isn't much to be surprised about seeing that the Bradley will willingly give their daughter out in marriage to someone from such a powerful family however Lydia insists that the engagement is still suspicious because Rebecca is not of age so she tells Carla to look into the matter on a
lat note she asks Ry what his class would be doing for the festival and he tells her about the May Cafe casually Ry says that the idea reminds him of Carla's gorgeousness in her outfit making Lydia jealous to the point that she glares at the maid who turns pink when Lydia asks what he thinks of her in a maiden dress he ruthlessly teases her saying that it would be difficult to imagine a gorilla wearing such a beautiful dress with a deathly stare Lydia rapidly encloses him in ice spikes which forces him to Bow and apologize
for giving his honest opinion Lydia tells him to anticipate seeing them at the festival so he pretends to be excited even though we know he was just scared for his life while Rebecca is freshening up she sees a vision of Rey as a little boy in a battlefield and begins to bleed out from her eye as she stares at the mirror she wonders why she has been having nightmares of him Maria sees her bleeding and demands to know why she's up at that time of the night but Rebecca says she got sweaty and needed to
take a shower Mia is also curious about the blood she saw on a wi but Rebecca covers up quickly saying it was just a nosebleed before Rebecca leaves Maria asks her if she's happy about her engagement but Rebecca pretends to be cool with it and wishes Maria a love-filled marriage however the moment gets into her room Rebecca weeps bitterly her memory goes back to a time where she Maria was always being bullied for looking differently although Maria was quite the Stubborn Goat Rebecca would always watch her back and calm her down however when Maria found
out about Rebecca's unexpected engagement and asked her if she was happy about it Rebecca shove her off and told her to go home because of it was none of her business it was while she ran with tears in her eyes that she bumped into Ry who was dressed as Lily white we are back to the present and Ray's classmates are all prepared for the festival the ladies girls look stunning in their pretty Maiden dresses and turn pink like rose flowers when Ray compliments their dresses Amelia calf raay attention to her dress and does a full
free 60 for him she also drags Alisa who almost totally freaks out but gets her share of the compliment too but this ends up annoying Amelia the absolute control freak that believes she holds the key ke to raise iy heart Clara shows up dressed as a ghost because in addition to her being a total creep her weird classmates selected A Haunted House theme later race bot Rebecca and offers to walk her home but on their way Evan shows up and decides to complete the walk back home with her which obviously dampens Rebecca's mood Lex shows
up soon after and they attend a meeting where Carla exposes that Even's household is a creepy haunted house with no evidence of humans living in it however he has been showing up for political meetings meaning that he's absolutely trying to cover something up by deceiving the council members of the Sorceress community at this point they realize that Evans is most likely a member of the Eugenics and is after Rebecca's magical eyes but while they have this meeting the Mas guy and Glutton are having their own meeting and the mask guy says that Rebecca will soon
be reawakened as Cruise which will lead to the opening of the gates to a place he calls aasha when he takes off his mask he shockingly Reveals His face as the real Evans Rebecca is seen crying on her bed when Evan reaches his finger for her eye she slaps his hand way but he laughs sinisterly and reminds her that it was part of the agreement on the contract that was signed by her father in exchange for keeping his position at the top of the other noble families even Whispers into her ear and reminds her that
something terrible could happen to her younger sister if she refuses to comply hearing this she begins to bleed from her eyes and suddenly sees a vision of herself on a Barren land with young Ray mourning the loss of a guy named Howard he tries using his healing magic to revive him but Lydia tells him it's no use but he refuses to accept his reality until she slaps some sense into him at school the next day Rebecca wonders if the young boy in Her Dream is Rey and questions the meaning of her dreams later Maria calls
Ray for a brief meeting and introduces herself to him with a Sher tongue began to compliment her making her blush hard Maria asks Ray to help her older sister even though Rebecca has outrightly refused to open up or be helped Ray draws her in for a hug as he reassures her that he will do all he can to rescue Rebecca but unknown to them Rebecca had been watching them secretly seeing Hing Maria in that way was quite troubling to Rebecca that she was losing her sleep tossing and turning on her bed on the other hand
R picks up the Romantic novel he got the library and begins to read it explaining the sad love story to Eevee the next day R has a cran normal day and enjoys the company of his numerous maid and girls but at night he has a dream where Rebecca meets him at a burial ground and asks him to tell her the truth of who he really is waking up from this dream Ray finds that he's bleeding from one of his eyes and goes to wash it off during his morning morning ja he bumps into Rebecca and
they have a rather awkward meeting where they only discuss the cultural Festival Ariana and her younger sister also visit the maid's Cafe to stay with Amelia but when she doesn't see Ry Ariana knows it's about to go down the next second Ry appears in his ly White costume and becomes the Envy of all the ladies in the cafe however this is his special plan he has something rolled up in his sleeves meanwhile clus is having the time of her life as she terrorizes people in her ghost costume and Ray continues to be such a cute
maid in the cafe but he later assumes his manly form and spends the rest of the day with Rebecca Maria walks back home with a picture of herself a Rebecca when a lady in white hair just like hers stops her dead in her tracks to warn her that Rebecca will die on the same note Rebecca's father shows up at a meeting with the school officials where he begs Ry to save his daughter because she's going to die soon the poor girl keeps seeing visions of the horrible monsters and bleeds profusely from her eyes but this
saddens Maria who hears her sister weeping alum in the bathroom while ray goes for his early morning jog Rebecca approaches him and tells him to watch after Maria because in a short while she will move out of her father's house to live with her fiance as the cultural festivities continue reica bumps into aan who makes them both disappear and at that instant Ray runs out of the hall making his friends Wonder but Eevee brings them together for a brief meeting on the rooftop Evan tells Rebecca to get ready to be destroyed then he creates a
seal over them to isolate them from the external environment as this happens pray begins to slaughter the monsters below one after the other but they're way too many and overwhelming surprisingly his friends show up and Maria summons the butterfly effect to protect him then they begin to kill the monsters as well Eevee gives some of the monsters a power kick into the air then Albert uses his magic to set them on fire while Alisa whirls up a tornado which destroys some other monsters with the help of Clara's electrifying Magic by herself Amelia causes some monsters
to explode and is able to intercept one of the chief monsters who wanted to attack her from behind however ever both of the top monsters escaped to the top of the mountain to participate in the main activity of the day when his friends tell him to go after them Ray throws off his way and runs to the higher ground on his s he remembers Rebecca's father explaining that their family name Bradley was a curse cast upon their bloodline because of the massive Bloodshed surrounding the crews also Rebecca's younger sister was born as an albino due
to the after effects of Rebecca's birth meaning that whatever happened to Rebecca Maria would also be affected in some way M re is yet arrive at the mountain top the monsters have already landed and the supposed Evan suddenly transforms into the white-haired girl named leas the real even traps Lees in a magical rap and threatens to kill her for pretending to be him all this while with an evil look on his face he screams like a maniac saying he will reach aassa using Rebecca suddenly he cast a squirreling fire around Rebecca but Le quickly dispels
the flames and appears in front of Rebecca while she magically transports her to a farther location at the same time Le pushes Evan into a portal that sends him into an unknown location she asks Maria if she's prepared then tells her that Reay is coming to finish business upon his arrival he recognizes the Glutton known for eating the ingrams of sorcerers and the idiot rushes towards Ray to attack him but it's quickly blocked by a glass seal created by le le introduces herself as the Sorcerer of fabrication and tells him that Lydia and the others
already know that she's in the picture she explains that she'll make Rebecca overheat while Ray will seal it with the Chromo lock because he's the only one that resonates with Rebecca she tells him that it was agreed on the terms of her deal with Rebecca's father that she can use any means necessary to protect the girl but Ray doesn't believe that she is genuinely concerned about Rebecca however Lee explains that she has her own personal agenda and is interrupted by the Glutton who breaks out of the seal Ray faces the Glutton by summoning an ice
sword but the monster is so strong that he shatters it into pieces on the other hand Lee enters the portal to handle Evan who begins to threaten her like a hopeless fool Lee tells him that he cannot reach her but the buffoon seems to to be deaf so he activates the dark Triad system by injecting something into his brain that amplifies his Dark Side turning him onto a dark giant monster he reaches out for Le who seems unfaced because there's a barrier in between both of them that she had been telling the about but he
didn't listen to his greatest shock Lee summons an apotheosis which causes his angram to self-destruct causing his monster form to be engulfed in flames when he falls to the ground Iman is so amazed by leisa's power that he calls her the strongest sorcerer however she slly declines the title saying that the iceblade sorcerer is the strongest of them all and in her opinion is strong enough to rule the world finally Rays defeat all the monsters on their own end and heave a sigh of relief thinking that it's all over they all appreciate how far they
had come saying it was all because of Ry that they were able to defeat those monsters however they are interrupted by the sudden appearance of a dark presence which is followed by some dark Maes who begin to use their magic to attack them the teenagers are rescued by the timely intervention of the powerful source Sorcerers who taught them to stand down and enjoy the show it turns out that the sorcerers had already destroyed a handful of the bad guys and had come to round up the last batch the first wonder is Carla who jumps with
two sickle-shaped knives and slashes the Mages in Super Swift moves she called lightning slashes next is Abby whose swords elongate into chains of many arrows with which she converts A Burning Flame into several arrows of fire as usual Carol turns the Battleground into a Barbie playhouse and lures the monsters into a Powerpuff explosion the final showcase is Lydia's rather violent attack where she summons a lot of icicle blades and merges them into one big one with which she strikes the monsters into the ground all this while Ray is still struggling with the Glutton who decides
to go all out and transform his body into its most ultimate size with one fist the monster punches Ray into the air and his body lands on the bare floor seeing this Maria yells at Rebecca and blames her for the current situation because she refused to talk when it was necessary just then the clutton raises Ray by the neck but Ray magically summons another sword a the Glutton assumes will be as easy to break as the others have been at that moment Ray throws the sword into the Glutton foot and causes it to be encased
in ice and to the Monster surprise Ray stabs him with other swords and gradually his entire body begins to be covered in ice before the ice gets to his head the Glutton finally admits to Ray awesomess and immediately after he is completely frozen in ice up to this moment Ray had been holding on quite strongly despite the fact that he was bleeding through his eyes so activates the kronos's lock on the Glutton before falling unconscious Rebecca attempts to help him but Maria tells her to leave Ray alone because it was all her fault in the
first place this gets the sisters into a heated argument and Rebecca says she hates Maria for all the trouble she has caused her however in the blink of an eye these two sisters begin to admit that they love each other but Rebecca suddenly begins to glow and Maria does too when she touches her sister Lee finally returns with Evan's body and causes Rebecca's body to overheat while creating a mystical hedge around her after which she tells Ry to activate the kronos's lock on her Rebecca feels ashamed for saying horrible things to her younger sister but
ready calms her down by saying that everyone is prone to such mistakes calmly he plants a kiss on her lips and activate the kromos lock Rebecca's father is informed that both his daughters are safe all thanks to the iceblade sorcerer so he sends Lex to extend his gratitude to Ray later that evening Amelia and Rebecca get into a friendly argument about who stands better chances at winning Ray's heart Rebecca reminds her that she's now bound to Ray for life and ask Amelia if she can handle the attention Ray gets from a lot of the ladies
because she's a more mature lady unlike the wine crybaby Amelia they end up rescuing an agreement for the best woman to win but they are joined by Claris and Alisa who are Furious to see these two girls argue over Reay like they don't stand a chance at the end all four ladies wait to watch the fireworks with Ry the next day Ray visits Howard's grave confessing that he never believed he deserved a chance at his new school after all the lives he had wasted on the battlefield race says that his ability to move on was
all thanks to his master Lydia who had walked him through his grief to make him the strong man he is today finally Reay says that he has now found people who love and accept him without judging his past people he now calls his friends
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