This Powerful Shift Has Made You Unrecognizable & You Are Getting Huge Downloads From Your Guides ✨

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hello Soul family welcome to spiritual manifestation if you're new here Welcome to our Channel and if you're already part of our loving Community welcome back today I'm tuning into the energy of a divine feminine who is experiencing a significant reintroduction process this feminine energy has gone through a profound mental clearing like a Mist lifting to reveal a clearer path reflecting on your journey you might notice that much of your frustration originated from your mental processes how you perceive your reality narrate your life story and the inner or limiting beliefs you held about yourself others and
the situations you encountered for some this has stirred up intense emotions like waves crashing on the shore you may have questioned the validity of your journey Journey wondering where exactly you stand perhaps you've asked for signs from the Divine only to feel that your requests went unheard or that manifestations didn't materialize in a way that truly served you you might have felt as though your manifestations didn't come to fruition as expected okay so this is interesting the past energy you were clinging to was tied to a timeline you've now outgrown like shedding an old skin
you're stepping into or have already entered a sacred dialogue with the universe understanding that signs synchronicities and miracles appear to those who genuinely believe in their reality and possibility some of you are radiating such intense Inner Light and magnetism that it's manifesting in your external world you might notice that people around you respond differently perhaps with more admiration or curiosity your aura is glowing and magnetic attracting new and exciting experiences into your life as I'm sure many of you know with the powerful energies of the Jupiter Transit and the Leo season upon us your energy
is being profoundly influen uenced this period is not only amplifying your natural magnetism but also aligning you with fortunate and expansive opportunities Embrace this moment divine feminine as the universe is conspiring in your favor bringing blessings and abundance your way this is a divine feminine who is extremely Advanced embodying a powerful cerebral energy you are deep ly aware of your ability to use your mind to create your physical reality despite occasional moments of doubt you understand that no one is exempt from life's es and flows your incredible mental strength propels you forward at an astonishing
Pace I'm hearing that you're at a point in your journey where your glow up is intensely personal it's as if the universe itself is communicating with you guiding you to comprehend your energy as the sacred feminine you are beginning to understand that you are not just in the universe you are the universe every fiber of your being is interconnected in this Divine Way and this realization is empowering you like never before I feel like the energy of July is gearing you up for a massive transformation divine feminine this expansive positive energy is setting the stage
for you to become unrecognizable your entire presence will exude radiant abundance and Beauty captivating everyone you meet and lighting up every room you enter your beauty and power will be palpable this is incredibly powerful energy you've been on this journey and know your strength but it's crucial to stay on top of your mental state protecting your peace is vital and maintaining a positive mindset is essential yes this message comes through very clearly yeah I'm definitely getting themes on glowing up and disappearing this might resonate with you as there are times when it seems like you
just drop off the face of the Earth you have a tendency to disconnect from your physical 3D self stepping away from your outward identity to delve deep within this allows you to get clear on who you want to become and what energy you want to embody during these times you are like a butterfly in its chrysalis undergoing a profound metamorphosis whether you're doing this consciously or subconsciously it's like you're a shape shifter a chameleon who moves in silence to others you might seem visible for a while but during that time you're transforming from the inside
out you're absorbing new energies integrating new lessons and aligning more closely with your true self then you reemerge into reality almost unrecognizable your energy emotional state and sometimes even your personality or appearance have shifted profoundly okay I'm also getting the word higher sensitive here so you may be a feminine energy who is hyp sensitive especially to other people to other energies and to your environment maybe you are aware of this maybe you are not there are things you might need to do to maintain your vibration and enhance your space perhaps you need to add a
touch of Beauty everywhere you go or incorporate some plants into your area your energy thrives on these small yet significant adjustments this may be different for every person we all have unique things that make us look and feel amazing you're being guided to tap into yourself and create an external reality that reflects your internal world surround yourself with elements that uplift your spirit and resonate with your inner energy at this stage of your life your magnetism is absolutely growing when you step into the new season you will be a totally different person your life will
look completely different for many of you this shift is attracting permanent situations into your reality these will not be fleeting they will be lasting connections stable positions and enduring opportunities I'm hearing that this transformation is happening because you have shifted your mindset from a place of lack to a place of abundance for many of you this has been your source of frustration and challenge you might not even realize that you've been stuck in the same energy Loop since you were younger it's been about your perception of Life the narratives you tell yourself about your journey
love money and abundance however now you're stepping into a new energy where you know with every fiber of your being that you deserve everything the universe has to offer this is an incredibly powerful shift for you some of you have had old habits that would resurface unexpectedly making you feel like you were taking three steps forward and then four steps back but that energy is no longer holding you you are breaking massive cycles that have kept you captive for a long time and these barriers are now easily falling away you seem to have discovered a
sort of recipe for Success that has become embedded in your subconscious whatever you're doing divine feminine continue to do it because it's changing you from the inside out you are building so much momentum internally remember everything in the Physical Realm first manifests spiritually you need to build up that energy and momentum in the spiritual realm no matter what things look like around you because you are an incredibly powerful radiant vessel the world is in dire need of your energy for some of you this transformation is Shifting you from a state of isolation perhaps you felt
like you had to face challenges alone delving deep into your personal healing Journey this introspective work is now paying off in ways you could never have imagined this message from your spiritual guides serves as a sacred reminder that you are exactly where you're meant to be your hard work is not going unnoticed you are evolving for a purpose and every experience on your path has been Guided by your spiritual team your guides and the Creator they are walking you back to yourself helping you to shed the heaviness and the aspects of yourself that do not
truly Define who you are and why you were created as you navigate through the opportunities and challenges coming your way you are being placed on a powerful timeline where things will move very rapidly for you with your heightened energy and spiritual awareness you now possess a Spiritual Authority where the Divine is intimately close to you you will clearly recognize the blessings meant for you understanding that they are coming directly from the universe many of you are about to experience Divine love entering your life bringing profound joy and fulfillment you are reintroducing yourself for some of
you this means rediscovering who you are because you have changed in the most beautiful ways you are not the same person you once were and these changes have manifested wonderfully if you find yourself questioning whether these things will happen for you or if this message is meant for you know that every vision you hold in your mind is absolutely for you when the universe gives you a vision it is meant to be yours often it won't resemble what others are experiencing and you can't always seek validation from others for what has been uniquely given to
you there are steps you may need to follow to become the person who can activate and align with the vision that the Universe has given you this feminine energy I'm tapping into wherever you are on your journey you are either on the path to this powerful timeline or already there regardless of what your external world looks like your ability to hold and maintain your energy and keep your vibration high is key wow this has been a really powerful reading so far now it's so funny I just realized that I haven't even pulled any new cards
yet so I'm going to shuffle my Tarot deck right now and draw some cards out okay so I pulled two cards and surprisingly I'm sensing a strong Divine masculine energy these cards were just at the bottom of the deck and really caught my attention which I know is no coincidence there are definite messages here as soon as I saw these cards I felt they represented the collective divine feminine and the collective Divine masculine remember we all have a balance of these energies within us so when I channel for one or the other it could be
reflecting your internal Divine masculine or divine feminine however these energies can also connect with external people relationships Dynamics and environments in these two cards we're seeing the the representation of both the divine feminine and divine masculine at this time okay so the divine feminine is coming up is the star and in this card I see beautiful free flowing energy someone who is not afraid to be untethered this energy is about using tools whether they are creative Outlets meditation or daily rituals to expand energetically ra vibration and align with higher timelines the divine feminine here is
looking towards the light symbolizing a new beginning that she is creating and beginning to embody energetically you are dropping the past and leaving it behind it's like you've undergone a mini ego death recently releasing certain facets of your previous self and creating space for this new version of yourself to emerge now with the Divine masculine I see him represented by the hermit this energy is almost the opposite of the divine feminine divine feminine you might have gone through a period of intense self-awareness absorbing spiritual material through books and other mediums you have been actively working
to identify your traumas and self-limiting patterns constantly pushing yourself to grow and improve this Divine masculine energy on the other hand feels a sense of divine discontent pushing him inward to reflect and grow in a different way okay what else can I Channel about this Divine masculine I see the masculine energy who for a long time has been resisting or distracting himself from Deep introspection and I just saw the number 777 this might be significant to someone the masculine is now facing all of this and it's hitting him like a ton of bricks this process
is meant to be felt deeply to break down his old self he is experiencing a major ego death similar to what you you divine feminine went through months or even years ago it's your Rising expanding energy that is pushing the Divine masculine into this profound journey of self-analysis and self-evaluation I hear a masculine voice questioning am I living the life I truly desire am I where I want to be it's almost as if a spiritual awakening is happening within him his apathy is turning into deep discontent contentment for a while the masculine might have been
living on the surface using distractions to avoid self-reflection appearing apathetic there was a lack of emotional awareness that seemed like apathy but now this apathy is transforming into a conscious discontentment motivating him to make changes that will lead to Greater happiness on the other hand and you divine feminine are being pushed out of your head you've already gone through deep self-analysis and self-evaluation now you're starting to feel a Restless push to move Beyond those long Trails of thought in your mind this is a very opposite energy but it's all part of the balance between the
divine feminine and divine masculine energies and I'm unreal with an M amount of growth because in the past divine feminine when someone exhibited this kind of behavior it may have triggered your chasing energy you wanted to figure out why they weren't giving you the love or care you deserved and you sought explanations for their behaviors but now the immense growth you've undergone is evident in how these behaviors no longer trigger you in the same way I'm hearing you no longer find these behaviors attractive or triggering instead you disregard red flags with apathy and disinterest if
someone exhibits behavior that shows they aren't capable of showing up for you supporting you or caring for you in the ways you now know you deserve it no longer affects you the same way this knowing isn't just surface level it's a deep solid subconscious understanding of your worth and value because of this solid core of self-worth your automatic responses to other people's behaviors and interactions have shifted You Now respond from a place of inner strength and self- assuredness no longer getting pulled into Old patterns of chasing or seeking validation this growth is a test to
your journey and the powerful energy you embody now the next card that comes through here is the hanged man in the upright position what really catches my attention on this card is the imagery of suspension which brings to mind the concept of timeline Shifting the message coming through with this card is that divine feminine you are now operating outside the confines of time when I say this I mean you are becoming a Timeless being in reality at a soul level you have always been this Timeless entity time doesn't exist on an energetic level so from
an energetic perspective you have always been operating outside of time however most people are deeply tied into the concept of linear time time due to societal programming around timing aging and progressing through Earth years there is a heavy burden associated with the concept of time and many are restricted by it you on the other hand have freed yourself from these constraints this Liberation allows you to navigate life with a sense of timelessness unburdened by the limitations that others often face regardless you never allow past versions of yourself to Define who you are recognizing that each
moment offers a pristine slate to create vibrationally you understand deeply that what you manifest vibrationally will eventually take shape in your physical life this awareness goes beyond a surface level understanding it resonates at the core of your being through your spiritual Awakening and growth you've embraced this profound knowing your spiritual practices have solidified this understanding whatever they might be these rituals Are Not Mere routines but sacred practices that anchor your awareness and elevate your vibration your alone time is especially crucial and profoundly beneficial it is during These Quiet Moments that you receive a flood of
unconscious download while some insights come to you consciously most are subtle integrating quietly into your subconscious imagine your alone time as an energetic cocoon where you emotionally and vibrationally open up space for these insights to embed themselves deeply this is why when deprived of solitude you can feel drained and out of syn these solitary moments are when your most powerful shifts and Transformations occur making your alone time an essential part of your spiritual journey you have likely navigated an extensive period of solitude akin to a Hermit phase this time has been a sanctuary for profound
inner work and self-discovery now you feel a compelling push to reemerge into the world to reintroduce yourself with all the wisdom and strength you've gained this cycle of solitude has reached completion and you are ready to step back into the world radiating A Renewed and vibrant sense of self now with the tower card in the upright position I'm getting a strong message for a divine feminine listening here you might have felt a lot of heavy energy recently particularly this past week even though it's early in the week this energy could have been weighing on you
since last weekend continuing into the start or middle of this week you might still be feeling it depending on when this energy hit you for whoever this message is for it's almost felt like a period of stagnancy like being stuck in a rut you might have even physically felt unable to get out of bed or move feeling very heavy and off-kilter this message from my guides indicates that if you felt this way particularly if you've experienced a sudden shift into feeling lighter or if you're still in the heavy energy and will experience this shift soon
it's significant this sudden shift into lightness happens because whenever you majorly uplevel yourself vibrationally and energetically you will feel a heaviness just before the full-blown timeline shift it's as if you are in flux my guides compared it to experiencing jet lag during travel when you fly from one place to another you take a huge leap physically hundreds of years ago such a journey would have taken months but now with airplanes it takes only a short period despite the efficiency there's still a sense of tiredness and stag y from the travel spiritually and energetically you're doing
something similar your ability to take these Quantum leaps in life is like that airplane Journey you are collapsing time here and the temporary heaviness is a natural part of this profound transformation now again I'm getting that there has been a major transformation within you that like we mentioned previous ly that is making you unrecognizable but in the best possible way this change is causing a profound glow up emotionally and vibrationally for many of you this transformation may even reflect physically altering your appearance in a way that others find highly magnetic and surprising as it seems
to come out of nowhere it's as if you've energetically traveled to a new dimension or or timeline making others feel like you've suddenly popped into their reality or Consciousness okay what else can I channel for the Divine feminines listening here a profound spiritual growth has occurred within you symbolized by the empress card in the upright position this growth is creating a significant shift within the divine masculine Collective represented by the Reversed Emperor card as you continue to expand divine feminine you are energetically calling forth the awakened Divine masculine this can be understood both broadly and
personally perhaps there is a Divine masculine in your life or from your past who seemed unhealed or unawakened for many of you your self-care and self-growth are not only transforming you but also prompting an Awakening within this masculine energy this transformation applies collectively or individually and these shifts will begin to manifest in real tangible ways this energy is being specifically reflected in the masculine influence we discussed earlier in our previous reading we talked about a masculine figure who is deeply strategizing and planning towards you divine feminine this masculine is being called forth by the profound
energetic shifts you've made within yourself this is a bit of a hidden message but for someone I'm channeling here there may be one particular masculine or Divine masculine this could be someone from your past someone in your present or someone you've been sensing energetically who has yet to enter your life this dominant energy might be someone you have a deep Soul desire to connect with or reunite with physically this message won't resonate with everyone but if it does know that your energetic Transformations are calling this masculine into his own growth and expansion into his heart
space as you continue to make these shifts you might find yourself synchronistically connecting with other masculine energies this is a sign from the universe that your Awakening is energetically influencing this dominant masculine who seems to follow you through every timeline for some of you this may be someone you've always felt deeply connected to someone you desire a physical reunion with when you call forth that masculine energy you might notice ex's or people from your past P other masculine energies reaching out to reconnect you may also encounter new romantic opportunities in your current life for instance
you might run into a masculine at the grocery store you haven't seen in a long time or have a brief but meaningful interaction with a warm and kind masculine stranger these encounters though fleeting are powerful synchronicities these synchronicities are signs from the universe showing you how your shift into a receptive yet powerful feminine energy is Awakening and transforming the masculine Collective this includes the specific dominant masculine you've been connected to in the past present or future the key here is to not get too attached to any one particular person synchronous it or sign trust that
these encounters are part of the larger energetic shifts taking place guiding you towards a deeper connection and alignment with your true self and the Divine masculine if this masculine happens to be involved in another relationship or connection I sense a deep emotional disconnect and apathy within them it feels like they know this is something they will eventually leave behind once they are more healed balanced and ready to come towards you right now there's a noticeable lack of emotional engagement no other feminine seems to capture their interests the way you do divine feminine because of the
immense value they place on you when they speak about you to others their emotions and expressions reveal everything people might even remark that they've elevated you on a pedestal this person has genuinely placed you in a high regard in their mind with the deceit card reversed it indicates their desire to be truthful not necessarily to admit any wrongdoing but to express their real feelings they've been concealing their emotions but Spirit suggests they haven't been very successful at it this this person believes you divine feminine are unaware of their true feelings even if you sometimes doubt
or wonder consciously your soul and heart know exactly how this person feels about you you've been receiving these feelings telepathically and energetically all along when you connect with your deeper intuition you already grasp their true emotions from their human perspective they feel compelled to share a heartfelt confession about how they genuinely feel about you I noticed the number three33 which soul may or may not mean something to the divine feminine watching they are feeling a strong compulsion to be honest about their emotions and to openly share their true feelings with you this is a transformative
period for both of you and their confession will Mark a significant step forward in your connection trust your intuition divine feminine and know that the universe is orchestrating everything perfectly for your highest good what does this person want to say do or communicate I see here with the seven of Wands and the king of cups with the seven of Wands it's almost like this person is saying I've been battling my feelings and now I must surrender to this love they've been fighting their own emotions trying to let go of this connection or forget about it
but the love they have for you has overpowered their resistance the king of Cups represents a deep emotional Clarity that's emerging flowing through the heart chakra and bringing a profound understanding to the masculine conscious mind this breakthrough is starting to manifest in the physical world showing tangible signs of his emotional Awakening additionally with the eight of Pentacles reversed the masculine may be Breaking Free from some kind of situation karmic pattern or relationship they are taking control of their life escaping from old cycles and moving towards a new beginning that aligns with their true feelings for
you what does this person want to say do or communicate with the seven of Cups it's as if this person is saying I've been overwhelmed by the depth of my love for you my attempts at self-sabotage my efforts to let go of this connection have been overpowered by my overwhelming feelings for you the Ace of Wands brings a powerful Clarity this Clarity is emerging from the heart chakra flowing from the masculine heart to his conscious mind resulting in a significant breakthrough that is starting to manifest in the physical world with the nine of Pentacles reversed
the masculine is Breaking Free from a restrictive situation karmic pattern or relationship he is taking charge of his life escaping old cycles and moving towards a new beginning that aligns with his true feelings for you okay and now I'm getting the sense that for whoever I'm speaking to there may have been a timeline where you and this person got married and ended up together maybe this didn't manifest in the physical world but it feels so real that it gives me chill there is definitely a deep Soul connection here you and this person have shared at
least one past life together I'll see if more information comes up about that but the emotional energy coming through is intense this person is feeling a lot towards you and I sense them conveying that there exists a timeline where you and this person are fully together as I say this I feel emotional because when you met and connected with this person in the past whether in childhood high school or early adulthood you shared a profound Bond you set yourselves on a potential timeline where you ended up getting married having children and creating a family together
however for most of you this didn't happen in this physical reality so somehow there was a Divergence a splitting of timelines I sense they have been deeply contemplating this lately it's as if both of you can feel a pull towards that timeline where you are together and it's still unfolding in some way currently they are represented by the four of cups feeling apathetic and dissatisfied I hear them saying I don't like this timeline they are very unhappy with the path that has diverged and are longing to realign with the timeline where you are united the
temperance card in the upright position signifies a potential renewal I sense that this person's soul has been fragmented throughout this life they may have spent periods out of sync with their true self it's as though their soul has been going through a process of reassembly being pieced back together and healed there's been a profound inner healing occurring within them almost like a spiritual purification wow okay I think this is a good place to close off today's reading today's reading has been quite interesting with a mix of different messages and Dynamics as I always mention please
take only what resonates with you personally and intuitively I'm sending everyone so much love and joy today wishing you a truly beautiful day and a wonderful rest of your week
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