let's start with the dangerous and slowly work our way towards the most deadly Outlaws on the list number 10 clay Allison Klay Allison was nothing short of a wild man A notorious gunfighter who earned a reputation for being extremely violent like in 1870 when Allison LED an angry mob to the local jail to break out a man named Charles Kennedy who had recently been convicted of murder he would break him out of his cell only to Lynch the man himself but for Allison the man was not dead enough so he began to decapitate the man
as well placing his head on a steak and proudly displaying it at the local Saloon which of course traumatized all of the children who were coming in for a drink Allison was such a wild man that he would often times be seen riding his horse through town completely naked with nothing but his pistol on his hip but my favorite incident was when Allison accepted a dinner with a man named chunk colar chunk was a notorious gunfighter who was rumored to have killed seven men up to this point and it was no secret that chunk wanted
nothing more than to see Allison dead now of course Allison knew this but he still accepted chun's dinner invitation nonetheless while in the middle of eating dinner out of nowhere chunk would jump out of his chair and quickly drawing his gun to shoot Allison dead only to hit the edge of the table with his pistol which prevented him from Raising it up any further and in one swift motion Allison drew his weapon shooting chunk between the eyes when asked by the locals why on Earth would he ever accept dinner with a man he knew wanted
to kill him to which he replied because I didn't want to send a man to Hell on an empty stomach number nine Cherokee Bill Crawford goldsby or better known as Cherokee bill was an Infamous Outlaw who was responsible for the murder of 8 to 13 men bill would become an outlaw in 1894 at the age of 18 when he would confront a man that had beaten up his brother but once he was face to face with him he realized he didn't want to get beat up as well so he would just end up shooting the
man instead and from this point on he would live the rest of his life on the run as they wanted criminal shortly after this incident Cherokee bill would join an outlaw group called The Cook gang which specialized in robbing banks trains and stage coaches Cherokee Bill's crime spree was long and involved many heinous CRI crimes but to better understand this man's insane work ethic let's just take a look at a small section of his crime spree starting with June 17th 1894 when Bill shot and killed deputy sheriff seoa Houston in a gunfight then one month
later bill would even clock in for holiday pay shooting and killing two men on the 4th of July then 2 days later on July 6th he was rumored to have killed a railroad worker then a few weeks later on July 30th bill and the cook gang robbed the Lincoln County Bank in the Oklahoma territory as you can see Bill's crimes were Non-Stop and they would continue at this pace until the day he was caught which came on January 31st 1895 but even in jail Bill's silvertooth activities would continue as he somehow managed to get his
hands on a revolver and in an attempt to escape he would end up shooting a jail guard in the stomach and back but it would all be for nothing as he would be locked back up in his cell and on March 17th 1896 Cherokee Bill the most infamous Outlaw of the time would be hung for his crimes and just moments before his execution he was asked if he had any last words to which he replied I came here to die not make a speech which is just a total copout since the man obviously had a
fear of public speaking number eight George parrot now most of the Outlaws from the wild west had some of the coolest nicknames names like Billy the butcher shotgun John Collins Pistol Pete James Wild Bill hickcock Kevin black ey mcluen Texas Jack Bronco Bill the Kentucky cannibal the last one might still be up for debate but my point is most Outlaws had really cool names but sadly for George parrot he got stuck with one of if not the worst one as he would be known as Big noos George or big big beak parrot and with a
nickname like that it's no surprise that the man was very angry and went on to commit some of the most disgusting crimes from robbing trains stage coaches and cattle to the classic Wild West Pastime cold blooded murder and after many years of crime it would all eventually come to an end on August of 1878 big noos George and his gang would attempt to derail a train in Wyoming by removing a stake from the tracks but to their surprise they would be spotted by a railroad worker knowing that they had been identified they quickly fled to
Rattlesnake Canyon but what they didn't know is that the gang was being followed by two lawmen these two lawmen had a very unique set of skills as they were specially trained to track criminals down and as they began to track the faint Footprints left by the gang's horses they would eventually arrive at rattlesnake Canyon where they were easily spot Ed and murdered after these killings a large Bounty of $20,000 was placed on George's head which is over $600,000 in today's money but it wouldn't be until 1880 that George would finally be captured once in jail
things would take a shocking turn when George would get his hands on a pocket knife and sawing off his shackles which he used to smack the jail keeper over the head and fracturing his skull only to be held at gunpoint by the jail Keeper's angry wife who was obviously very disgusted with what she saw her once ugly husband was now ugly and deformed news quickly began a spread of George's escape attempt and a large group of 200 people would rally and come to his rescue breaking him out of his cell once he was set free
a rope was quickly T around his neck and he was lynched it turns out the group was an angry mob George's skull was then used as an ashtray for many years and Es was used for a pair of shoes both his skull and shoes are now proudly displayed in museums number seven Bill Dulan bill duelan was an outlaw and founder of the Wild Bunch gang they were responsible for multiple crimes from robberies to outright murder duan's crime spree mostly took place in the Oklahoma and Indian Territory and lasted from 1892 through 1896 but it wouldn't
take long for the Wild Bunch to become one of the wealthiest and most most powerful gangs in all of the Wild West amassing an estimated value of $165,000 which would be over $5 million in today's money now depending on when you're watching this video that's about the price of a really nice single family home or the price of a used pickup truck the gang was so successful at robbing trains and Banks the states had no choice but to Place Large bounties on all of the members they were Wanted Dead or Alive and by 1895 most
of its members had been killed either by lawmen or bounty hunters who were out seeking the reward Bill himself would be captured and jailed on January 15th 1896 but just 6 months into his jail sentence he would manage to get his hands on a revolver sticking up one of the jail guards and forcing him to unlock the jail door and escaping leading to a massive Manhunt that would end with Bill being cornered inside of a farm surrounded by lawmen He was ordered to come out peacefully and a few moments later bill would walk out and
shooting at everyone that surrounded him only to be instantly put down with the shotgun blast it turns out that a 1 v20 is never a good idea number six Jim Miller James Brown Miller or better known as killing Jim or Killer Miller was an outlaw a professional Hitman and a Lawman killing Jim was a notorious gunman who is considered one of if not the most violent man of the Wild West it's estimated that he killed a minimum of 12 men but some reports claim that the number could have been as high as 50 those reports
of course coming from Jim himself which we can all agree is genius marketing now some of these killings were Justified as they were committed against criminals early on while he was a lman the others on the other hand were just unlucky as those were just outright coldblooded murder with most of those taking place once he switch sides and becoming a notorious Hitman charging $150 per hit which is about $5,000 in today's money and for the next few years Jim was hired to kill many men and in 1908 he would get hired by three wealthy men
to kill a former deputy US Marshall named Allan Augustus the plan was simple pay Jim $11,700 to kill Allan and once he was dead the three men would acquire his land so the following day Jim would Ambush Al on his property shooting him twice with a shotgun as Allan was left to die on the floor his wife would run to the scene and in his final words he would manage the strength to say the name Jim Miller soon Jim and the three men that hired him were captured and arrested they were all taken into custody
to await trial but word quickly began to spread that there wouldn't be enough evidence to convict the men for this crime so the town's people would take justice into their own own hands breaking all four men out of their cells and dragging them to a nearby Barn placing all of them on a platform with their rope around their necks as the other three men cried and begged for their lives Jim showed no emotion he was just eager to get the show over and done with yelling let her rip and voluntarily stepping off his platform to
hang himself the rest of the men were not so brave and would be taken care of by the angry mob number five s bass s bass was an Infamous train robber and the leader of a gang called the s bass gang a gang that would become famous when they pulled off the largest train robbery in American history but before we get to that let's first cover Sam's Origins Believe It or Not Sam tried to live an honest life working many jobs he was a cattle Wrangler a horse racer an advertising sign spinner okay one of
as I might have made up at one point he would even work for the railroads where he would load Goods onto the carts Sam could have continued to live an honest life if it wasn't for his gambling addiction in which he accumulated enormous debts that he could not pay off which is what led him to a life of crime he would begin by robbing stage coaches but eventually he would put together a gang that would specialize in robbing trains using the knowledge he acquired while working for the train companies he managed to pull off four
consecutive train robberies outside of Dallas Texas but in 1878 Sam and his gang would pull off the greatest Train Robbery of all time when they managed to rob a Union Pacific train stealing $660,000 worth of gold a value that is close to $2 million in today's currency and after this robbery the gang would immediately split up for good the following year in 1878 Sam must have gotten bored of being retired and Rich so he would put together a new gang and on July 19th of the same year they would attempt to rob a bank in
Round Rock Texas a robbery that would have been successful if there hadn't been an outlaw turned informant in his gang and once the gang arrived at the bank a shootout broke out with his gang being shot and killed Sam would take off on his horse escaping town the following day Sam would be found helplessly laying in a pasture north of town covered in his own blood from a bullet wound he suffered the day before he would be rushed back to town where he would die the following day number four John Wesley Harden John Wesley Harden
had to have been the most Psychopathic killer of the Wild West committing his first crime as a child when he stabbed a classmate after a fight then in 1868 at the age of 15 he would take it a step further when he began to argue with the man but not wanting to risk being wrong he would quickly settle the argument by shooting and killing the man instead after the murder he would go fool Jason Bourne killing three Union soldiers who tried to arrest him and in 1871 while traveling up the Chisum Trail he killed another
seven people then three more in abalene Kansas and in the coming years he would add an additional four men to his death list by 1878 Harden had killed at least 20 men but some reports specul culate that it could be as high as 40 the murder of a former state policeman and his Sheriff would be the ones to get him arrested John Wesley Harden would then serve the next 14 long years inside of a Texas prison after serving his time he would eventually be released and in 1895 in El Paso Texas Harden's girlfriend would get
arrested for carrying a pistol Harden exploded with anger threatening to kill the officer who had arrested his girl a few hours later Harden would be spotted at the local Sal ballon shooting dice when a man walked behind him and shooting him in the back of the head he would be dead before he ever knew what was happening the man who had shot and killed him was the same officer he had threatened a few hours earlier the officer simply did not want to take the chance to end up on Harden's death list as for the officer
an El Paso jury would end up acquitting him for the murder of Harden as they felt that he had done the town a favor number three Jesse James Jesse James is perhaps the most famous Outlaw of the Wild West James appetite for violence began at the very young age of 16 when he joined a gorilla group called The Bushwhackers which is not at all what it sounds like The Bushwackers were a pro-confederate Guerilla Warfare unit during the Civil War and carried out some of the most atrocious crimes against Union soldiers and anyone who supported them
let's just take a quick look at two of of these incidents beginning with the Lawrence Massacre of 1863 in Kansas where 150 unarmed men and boys were killed then there was the cellia massacre of 1864 in Missouri where 24 unarmed soldiers were executed a young Jesse James took part in both of these incidents but now that you know exactly who Jesse James is let's continue after the Civil War had ended Jesse his brother Frank and some former Confederate gorillas would come together creating a gang called James younger gang which would soon become the most feared
Outlaw gang in all of American History the gang would first begin by robbing banks trains and stage coaches now the reason this gang was so feared was well they never hesitated to kill anyone who got in their way the door guy at the bank the bank teller the man who just happened to walk into the bank while they were robbing it the Little Orphan who previously got squished crossing the road in my second video the James younger gang terrorized the US from 1869 through 1879 robbing over 20 Banks and countless trains during this time now
the crazy part is that Jesse James and his gang were treated like local celebrities since they were seen as standing up for the Confederate movement they were constantly sensationalized and romanticized in the newspapers which garnered them a ton of local support it actually got so out of hand that when the gang robbed the banks and stage coaches crowds would begin to form and watch from the sidelines hoping to get a peak but after 10 long years of crime the gang would finally dwindle down as many of the members began to die in shootouts and by
1879 only Jesse and his brother remained with with the bounty on Jesse's head becoming larger and larger he would ask the Ford Brothers to move in with him as the brothers were the only two people he trusted as they had been members of his gang in the past they agreed to move in and on the morning of April 3rd 1882 while James was hanging a picture frame up on his wall one of the brothers shot him in the back of the head the two brothers collected the reward money shortly after and were later exonerated for
the murder number two Billy the Kid Henry mccardy or better known as Billy the Kid was an outlaw and a deadly gunfighter Billy the Kid's life would dramatically changed in 1874 at the age of 15 when his mother would die from tuberculosis their stepfather not wanting to raise Billy and his brother alone would end up abandoning them leaving both of the boys orphans with no one to look after them they began to steal food to survive eventually Billy would be caught by police for his robberies and placed inside of of a local jail during the
night Billy somehow managed to shimmy up the cell chimney and escaping from his cell and from this day to the day that he died Billy would remain a wanted fugitive for the next few years he would join multiple gangs committing many crimes from robberies to murder he would even be arrested several times but by the early 1870s Billy would settle down working an honest job as a cowboy for a man named John tunall John was a businessman who had many enemies in the business world and in 1878 with the help of the town's Sheriff those
enemies sent a large group of men to seize Jon's cattle as Jon went to confront the men the group would end up shooting him in the chest knocking him off his horse as he laid on the floor one of the men would walk over to him and executing him with the shot to the back of the head little did these men know they had all but sealed their Fates this incident would Mark the start of the Lincoln County War a group called The Regulators was created the group's goal was simple they swore to kill every
single man that took part in Jon's murder Billy the Kid was one of those members it didn't take long for The Regulators to begin getting their Revenge starting by killing the two gunmen that murder John and in 1878 The Regulators would Ambush the town sheriff and his deputies killing them all in a shootout the Lincoln County War would last for around a year with many killings taking place after the war was over Billy the Kid would become a wanted man for the murder of the town sheriff and in 1880 he would finally be captured and
jailed he would be sentenced to hang for his crimes but Billy had other plans and on April 28th 1881 he would get into a fight with one of the jail guards stealing his revolver and killing him then from the second St Billy would taunt the second jail guard when he yelled look up old boy and see what you get and the moment the second jail guard looked up he was blasted with a shotgun that Billy acquired from their office Billy the Kid had managed to escape from jail once again a $500 reward would be placed
on Billy the Kid he was Wanted Dead or Alive many men and bounty hunters began to track him down and on July 14th 1881 Billy's luck would finally run out when he would be killed by Sheriff Pat Garrett with a shot to his chest Billy the Kid would go down in history as one of the most legendary Outlaws of the Wild West it's speculated that Billy had killed around 21 Men during his short time on Earth and was just 21 years old at the time of his death number one Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Robert Leroy Parker and Harry longabaugh are two of the most famous Outlaws of the wild west but most well know know them by their nicknames Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid the reason why they're both in the number one spot is because they would become Partners but before we talk about how they became Wild West Legends let's first cover the origins of Butch Cassidy the man who would become the leader and founder of the Wild Bunch gang a name that was inspired by Bill duan's gang which we covered in the number seven spot Butch began
committing crimes at an early age from stealing cattle to minor offenses but it wouldn't be until June 24th 1889 that he would submit himself as one of the most brilliant Outlaws the world had ever seen when Butch and three others successfully robbed the San Miguel Valley Bank in Colorado escaping with around $24,000 which is equivalent to around $800,000 today the reason why a robbery this large was successful was thanks to Butch's meticulous planning as he scouted the targeted area for weeks taking every single Escape Route into consideration Butch also had custom leather bags made to
withstand the weight of the loot that was to be collected he would also create an escape system where multiple horses would be stationed along the Escape Route creating a relay system of Fresh Horses guaranteeing that anyone pursuing them would not be able to keep up Butch simply left nothing to chance tactics like this were the reason Butch and the Wild Bunch gang were successful in robbing multiple Banks and trains for over a decade now the most shocking part is that Butch and the Sundance Kid never shot or killed anyone during these robberies but after a
decade of crime and the increasing pressure from law enforcement Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were forced to leave the country making their way into Bolivia where they would end up getting into a shootout with Bolivian soldiers and both Cassidy and the Sundance Kid would end up dying in that battle the men were then buried together at the local Cemetery well at least that's how the story goes you see in the 199 90s their bones DNA was examined and were attempted to be matched with the DNA of their living relatives but there was a problem
neither of their dnas were a match the bodies of the two men that supposedly died in a shootout in Bolivia were not butch City and the Sundance Kid with some even speculating that both men survived the night of the shootout and returned back to the United States shortly after living the rest of their lives as wealthy men under a new identity they might not have been the most dangerous Outlaws of the Wild West when it comes to killings but as far as the banks the trains and the government were concerned there never existed a deadlier
gang than the Wild Bunch [Music]