YOU'LL BE SURPRISED! CUT an ONION and RETURN the EVIL to your ENEMIES | Buddhist Teachings

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Buddhism Wisdom
Discover the surprising power of a simple ritual: cutting an onion. 🧅✨ According to ancient beliefs...
Video Transcript:
have you ever imagined that something as common as an onion could be the key to reversing the harm wished upon you get ready to discover an ancient secret that could change your life in this video we'll reveal how this simple yet powerful trick can help you ward off negative energies and return the ill will to your enemies does it sound too good to be true keep watching and see how it works imagine if you could neutralize envy and the evil eye with just a simple cut this onion ritual has been used for generations to protect
against invisible enemies we're going to show you how to do it practically and effectively you won't believe the impact this practice can have on your life in this video you'll not only learn how to cut the onion correctly but also understand the symbolic power behind this ritual by the end you'll have a powerful tool at your disposal to protect yourself and change the energy around you in a simple and accessible way get ready for something truly transformative if you're ready to protect yourself and get rid of negative influences give this video a thumbs up now
and share in the comments all the harm wished upon me returns twofold or I believe in the power of the onion to ward off evil we want to see which of these statements you prefer in Buddhism there is a profound teaching about the law of karma everything we do whether good or bad comes back to us in some way this concept isn't exclusive to Buddhism many cultures around the world believe that the energy you emit inevitably returns to you from this perspective the ritual we'll explore today isn't about causing harm to anyone but about returning
the energies directed at you whether positive or negative the use of the onion in this ritual is a symbolic way to ensure that these energies return to their origin since ancient times the onion has been seen as a powerful instrument of protection and purification in various cultures it's believed that the onion has the ability to absorb the energies around it functioning like a kind of spiritual sponge this ritual then isn't about causing harm but about balancing the energies that surround you if someone wishes you well this positive energy will be Amplified and returned to that
person similarly if someone sends you negative energies that negativity will be returned to them without any interference on your part simply through the symbolic power of the onion it's important to understand that the onion Act here as an energetic mirror it reflects back what was sent to you if a friend family member or anyone close wishes you well that energy will be reciprocated strengthening the positive bond between you this is a ritual of energetic reciprocity it's not about attacking or harming but about returning what was emitted respecting the nature of the intentions behind the actions
this ritual is a especially useful for those who feel they are being targeted by Envy the evil eye or any form of negativity often these energies can be subtle but at the same time extremely disturbing the onion ritual is a way to protect yourself without directly interfering in anyone's life the onion acts on its own capturing and returning what was sent and this includes good energies as well which is an important difference to highlight if someone wishes you success happiness and health this ritual will amplify these Good Vibes and return them to those people with
even more strength for those who worry about the ethical or spiritual implications of this type of practice it's crucial to reiterate that there's no intention to cause harm the onion when cut and used in this ritual simply plays the role of a mediator it absorbs and returns without modifying or distorting the original nature of the energy therefore if someone wishes you well that person will receive even more of that positive energy however if the intention is negative it's important to remember that this negativity was generated by the person themselves and is merely being returned according
to the principle of cause and effect another relevant issue is the intention behind the person performing the ritual for the process to work correctly it's essential that you are in a state of neutrality and peace you shouldn't perform the ritual with feelings of Revenge or anger the idea here is not to feed a cycle of negativity but to allow the energies to follow their natural course of Return by maintaining a Serene and balanced attitude you ensure that the ritual is effective and that the energies are directed back with the same force with which they were
sent Additionally the onion ritual can also be a way to cleanse the environment in which you live often the negative energies that surround us don't just come from other people but also from situations thoughts and feelings accumulated over time by performing this ritual you'll be promoting a deep cleanse both in your personal life and in in the space you reside this can result in A Renewed sense of lightness and Clarity opening the way for New Opportunities and healthy relationships finally it's worth highlighting that this ritual in addition to protecting can also strengthen the positive relationships
in your life by returning good energies to those who wish you well you create a virtuous cycle of reciprocity this can not only improve your own life but also strengthen the network of support and love that surrounds you and it's precisely this balance between protecting yourself from harm and nurturing the good that makes the onion ritual such a powerful and transformative practice before we dive into the specific details of how to prepare and choose the onion for this ritual I need to emphasize the importance of staying until the end of this video this is a
very powerful ritual and every piece of information I'm going to share is essential for you to perform it correctly don't underestimate the Simplicity of this process every detail from choosing the onion to the exact moment of the cut plays a crucial role in the ritual success the first thing you need to understand is that the choice of onion cannot be made haphazardly the onion you will use in this ritual must must be chosen with great care it's essential that it's a fresh onion of good quality without spots or deteriorated Parts the Integrity of the onion
symbolizes the purity of the energy you wish to channel and return the onion should be large enough to absorb and reflect the energies but also manageable so that you can cut it easily and precisely moreover the environment where you choose and prepare the onion is equally important animportant try to be in a calm place where you can concentrate and be at peace with yourself this is not a ritual to be done hastily or in a chaotic location the energy you put into the preparation of the onion will be reflected in the rituals outcome therefore set
aside a time and space that allow you to connect with the rituals intention and carry it out with the utmost seriousness when holding the onion take a moment to reflect on the energies you feel have been directed at you think about the people around you the situations you faced recently and sense which of these energies need to be returned at this point you define the rituals intention if someone has sent you good energies think about that with gratitude and visualize the onion returning those Positive Vibes to that person on the other hand if you feel
you've been the target of any Envy jealousy or the evil eye visualize these energies being absorbed by the onion and ready to be reflected back now that you have the right onion in hand and are in the ideal environment it's time to prepare mentally before cutting the onion take a deep breath and release any tension or negativity you might be feeling remember this is not a ritual to be performed with anger or fear but with Clarity and purpose focus on the idea of returning what was given nothing more nothing less this balance is the key
to the ritual success and to ensuring that the energies are redistributed in a fair and harmonious way also remember that this ritual not only protects but can also amplify the good energies that have been sent your way that's why it's important to be aware that you're dealing with a tool of great power use it respons ibly and always with the intention of promoting good now that you're prepared and understand the importance of every detail we're ready to move on to the next stage The Cutting ritual where the real magic happens this is a simple but
extremely powerful process the goal is to divide the onion into four pieces each with a specific purpose to ensure that the energies are redirected appropriately first place the onion on a clean peaceful surface where you can work calmly and with concentration take the knife and cut the onion in half from top to bottom then cut each half again resulting in four equal pieces remember each cut should be made with clear intention you are dividing the energies that surround you preparing to return what was sent now that you have four pieces of onion we're going to
work with each of them take two of these pieces and store them in a special place preferably near a photo of yourself or an object that holds personal significance for you by doing this you are strengthening the connection between your energy and these pieces of onion ensuring that the protection is even more effective these pieces represent the part of you that is being protected and strengthened the other two pieces of onion have a different Destin ation you will dispose of them in nature such as under a tree in a garden or on a plant by
doing this you are releasing the energies that don't belong to you allowing nature to redirect them back to their sender this act of return is powerful because the negative or positive energy that was sent to you will be returned to its sender in a fair and balanced way as you bury these two pieces in nature imagine The energy they carry being released and spread if it was positive energy it will be returned to the person with even more strength like a blessing if it was negative energy nature will take care of returning it to its
sender this division into two parts one close to you and one in nature ensures that your energy is protected and that any harm is effectively neutralized in the next few minutes I'll show you how you can enhance this ritual and ensure that it works even more effectively I'll share extra details and tips that will strengthen your protection and amplify the rituals effects well after performing the onion cutting ritual and identifying the signs that indicate the urgent need for this practice it's time to ensure that your protection is complete and longlasting the final phase of the
ritual is essential for sealing the energies and ensuring that you are truly protected from any negative influence that might return now that you've divided the onion into four parts stored two near a photo of yourself or a personal object and disposed of the other two in nature the next step is to focus on reinforcing this protection a powerful way to do this is through visualization take a few minutes to close your eyes and imagine a protective light around you visualize this light as a shield reflecting any negative energy that might still try to approach you
this visualization not only strengthens your protection but also reinforces the intention you set in the Ritual from the beginning in addition to visualization it's important to take care of the space where you stored the onion pieces make sure this place remains clean and organized avoiding disordered energies from interfering with the protection you've created if possible light a white candle or incense in this environment as this helps purify the space and keep positive energy flowing remember physical cleanliness of the environment contributes to energetic cleanliness while the two pieces of onion you disposed of in nature fulfill
their role of returning Energies to their point of origin continue maintaining positive thoughts and attitudes the energy you emit is also part of the process if you continue to attract Good Vibes this will further strengthen your protection and increase the return of positive energies to you and those around you it's also important to review your connections with the people around you this ritual is not just about protecting yourself but also about evaluating who you allow into your energy Circle consider how you feel after interactions with certain people and if necessary take steps to limit contact
with those who might be sending negative energies even if unintentionally moreover to ensure that the protection created by the ritual is longlasting you can repeat this process periodically especially during times of stress or when you notice signs of negative energies returning repeating the ritual during each full moon can be an effective way to keep your energy clean and protected over time finally remember to give thanks gratitude is a powerful energy that amplifies the good you wish to attract into your life thank nature for receiving and returning the energies Thank The Onion for being the channel
of protection and thank yourself for taking steps to care for your energy this Final Act of gratitude will seal the ritual with a positive vibration ensuring that your protection is complete and effective now I will give you the signs that you are under the evil eye that your enemies are wishing you harm if you have any of the symptoms I will mention in the next few minutes you must urgently perform the onion ritual it's crucial to recognize the signs that you really need this Pro process of protection and energy return sometimes life presents us with
situations where we feel constantly tired even without having done much physical effort this persistent fatigue which seems to have no logical explanation May indicate that you are carrying more than just the weight of daily routine it could be that your absorbing negative energies that others are directing at you besides this inex able fatigue you might be dealing with body aches that appear out of nowhere back pain shoulder pain or headaches that don't seem to have an apparent physical cause could be signs that your body is reacting to the negativity around you these pains are like
alerts from your body indicating that something is not right energetically it's as if these bad energies are accumulating in you creating tensions and discomforts that can intensify if not addressed you may also notice that your mind is overwhelmed with intrusive and negative thoughts that appear out of nowhere and refuse to go away these thoughts are often a reflection of the energies you are absorbing from the environment and the people around you they can make you anxious worried and cause you to lose focus and inner peace when your mind is constantly invaded by these thoughts it's
difficult to find tranquility and well-being and this can be a clear sign that you need to cleanse these negative energies another common sign is a growing sense of irritability things that normally wouldn't bother you start to irritate you disproportionately small problems seem like big challenges and the patience you usually have with others quickly runs out this irritability is a reaction to the negative energies accumulating around you interfering with your ability to handle every day situations calmly and balanced Additionally you may feel a lack of motivation that you can't explain tasks that were once easy and
enjoyable now seem heavy and tiring you may feel like you're stuck in a cycle of procrastination where nothing seems worth the effort this discouragement can be the result of negative energies draining Your vitality making it difficult for you to move forward and pursue your goals with enthusiasm and determination if you identified with any of these signs it's a warning that you urgently need to perform this protection ritual these negative energies not only interfere with your physical and mental well-being but can also affect your relationships and your ability to achieve your goals the onion cutting ritual
might be exactly what you need to cleanse these negative energies and restore balance and peace in your life life to ensure that the ritual is even more effective here's a special tip perform it during the night of a full moon the full moon is a powerful time known for amplifying energies and intensifying the results of rituals by performing the ritual during this period you'll be taking full advantage of the cosmic energies available enhancing the cleansing and returning of energies to their point of origin this detail can make all the difference in the results you'll experience
ensuring that negative energies are neutralized and that you're protected against unwanted influences therefore don't underestimate the importance of paying attention to these signs and acting quickly performing the onion cutting ritual during the full moon can be a unique opportunity to cleanse your energy field strengthen your protection and restore peace and Harmony to your life stay with me because in the next part we'll explore even more tips and details to ensure you're fully protected and in Balance when we talk about energy we're dealing with a force that transcends the physical your energy reflects who you are
inside what you think feel and believe the universe God or however you prefer to call it is incredibly powerful and acts in ways we often don't f fully understand it's always in motion responding to the vibrations we Emit and the ones we receive therefore it's essential that you protect your energy keep it clean and aligned with the best intentions especially in a world where not everyone around you shares the same balance and peace when someone sends you negative energies whether out of Envy jealousy or pure ill will the natural tendency is to feel that burden
and often reciprocate with similar feelings however it's crucial to understand that nurturing these negative feelings only perpetuates the cycle of malice and pain if someone wishes you harm you have the power to break this cycle instead of feeding it by choosing to forgive and release these negative energies you not only protect yourself but also strengthen your own energy keeping it positive and hey healthy forgiving doesn't mean accepting or justifying the harm done to you but rather freeing yourself from the weight these energies bring people who emit Envy or hatred are usually trapped in their own
frustrations and insecurities they operate in a state of low energy where all they do is try to pull others to the same level understanding this can help you not take these attacks personally these people are in in fact dealing with their own internal demons and the best way to protect yourself is by keeping your energy high and untouched one of the most powerful ways to protect your energy is by focusing on what truly matters to you your family your friends the people you love and who love you back these are the connections that strengthen and
energize you when you focus on the love support and positivity these people bring into your life you create a natural Shield against any negative energy that might try to reach you love is the highest frequency that exists and the more you cultivate it the more protected you will be in addition to maintaining strong connections with those you love it's important that you also take care of yourself emotionally and spiritually take moments to meditate pray or simply reflect on what is most important to you being at peace with yourself is the first step to being at
peace with the world around you when you're in tune with your own energy it's easier to identify when something isn't right and take the necessary steps to protect your mental and emotional health don't forget that you also have the power to be a beacon of light for others be a friend a counselor someone people can turn to for support and guidance this doesn't mean you should carry other people's problems but rather that you can offer a positive and encouraging perspective helping them Elevate their own energies when you help others find the light in their lives
that light also reflects on you making your own energy even stronger always remember that the harm sent to you cannot affect you unless you allow it to this doesn't mean ignoring or denying that harm exists but rather not letting it take over your life or your heart the choice to nurture or not these energies is yours and choosing forgiveness love and peace is always the best way to ensure that your life remains in Balance life is too short and precious to be spent nurturing grudges or being affected by others low energies invest your time and
energy in the things that make you happy in the people who love you and in the dreams you want to achieve keep your focus on what really matters and let the universe take care of returning to each one what they emanate when you choose to be light nothing can extinguish you finally never underestimate the power of gratitude be thankful every day for what you have for the good people in your life and even for the lessons you learn from difficulties gratitude is a transformative force that elevates your vibration and attracts more good things to you
by focusing on the positive you strengthen your energy create a protective field around you and become immune to others attempts to bring you down so remember the harm sent to you has no power over you unless you give it that power choose to forgive release the negative energies and keep your focus on love peace and gratitude by doing so you not only protect yourself but also become an example of light to everyone around you when you perform the onion ritual it's essential that you Channel all your energies consciously and balanced this ritual is not just
about returning the bad energies that have been sent to you it's also an opportunity to return the good things that those who love you wish for you the rich ual is a way to redistribute energies fairly and harmoniously as you prepare for the ritual focus on the energies you wish to return if you feel that you should return all the bad energy that was sent to you do so without hesitation remember you're not doing anything wrong on the contrary you're allowing the energies to return to their point of origin where they belong the negativity that
was directed at you doesn't need to stay trapped in your energy field it needs to be released and the ritual provides a safe and balanced way for that to happen however while you return the negative energies don't forget that the ritual is also an opportunity to amplify and return the good things that were wished for you think about the people who love you who root for your success and happiness visualize these Good Vibrations as you perform the ritual and allow them to be returned with even more intensity by doing this you're not only strengthening these
positive bonds but also helping to create a cycle of positive energies that benefit both you and those around you it's important though not to put all your energy into returning the bad focusing exclusively on this can end up trapping you in a cycle of negativity even if unintentionally balance your intentions as you return the negative energies do so with the clarity that you are cleansing your energy field but without letting yourself be consumed by it use the ritual as a tool to release these energies but then focus on also returning the good energies nurturing them
and allowing them to flourish even more during the ritual visualize each piece of the onion carrying a part of the energies you wish to return When you store a piece near a photo or personal object imagine that piece strengthening your own energy creating a protective shield around you when you dispose of the other pieces in nature visualize the release of the negative energies letting nature do its job of returning those vibrations to the sender at the same time visualize the amplification of positive energies as a way of gratitude and return to those who wish you
well at the end of the ritual feel relieved knowing that you've done what needed to be done to maintain your balance but at the same time be aware that your life shouldn't revolve solely around protection from harm life is about growing loving creating and living fully use the ritual to keep your energy clean and protected but continue to focus on what brings you happy happiness and fulfillment the energy you put into your dreams your relationships and your passions is what truly makes your life shine finally remember that the ritual is a tool for balance it
helps you redistribute the energies you receive but it shouldn't become the center of your life return what needs to be returned be it good or bad and then move on living life with lightness and joy the real power lies in staying focused on the positive on love on gratitude and on all the good things the universe has to offer when you do this any negativity that tries to reach you loses its strength and your life is filled with light and prosperity I sincerely hope that I have helped you in some way with these guidelines and
Reflections on how to protect and channel your energy positively if you felt that this content brought value to your life don't forget to like subscribe to the channel and activate the notification Bell to receive updates on upcoming videos and of course share this video with others who might be in need of guidance or energetic support your participation is essential for us to continue bringing more content that makes a difference thank you for watching and taking care of your energy see you next time
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