3 Skills You Absolutely MUST Master to Succeed in Life...

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Tony Robbins
In order to succeed in life, you must master these 3 essential skills. Watch this video to learn how...
Video Transcript:
think about how often you've been trained to say no what if you trained yourself to say yes your life would change yes is a different physiology than I'm not sure I don't know let me think about it think of something where you feel explosively excited does your body move up or down up did you extend or collapse see people come to me all the time and they go hey I just feel so down all the time why do you think I feel so down where someone I'm so excited why do you think I'm so happy
right literally the way you move is the first pattern everything is patterns every problem on Earth that man has created man can solve we've proven it over and over again people get fearful and scared and they live in the fear and then they're the doers that go find the solutions and those Solutions people those yes people have a wholly different state I want just jot down the three skills you want to master in your life or pass on to your children or grandchildren skill number one pattern recognition when you can recognize patterns you will not
be dress cuz you're going to understand what's really going on you're going to understand that things happen in patterns and you'll recognize the pattern and when you know what the pattern is you'll have the second skill pattern utilization once you can recognize a pattern it's not chaos anymore once you can use that pattern you can succeed I'll give you an example think of anyone that you think is masterful at anything a writer a director an actress a singer a great scientist a great financial Trader a great businessman or woman what makes them great is they
know everything as patterns if you just run with your emotions you're going to be screwed so we got to get ourselves to this weekend recognize patterns there's some patterns in you that don't serve you how many got some you don't like that happens within you here Make Some Noise if it's true how many have lots of good things you do like in your life today say I so we want to find the ones that we don't like and move them out they're just patterns you're not angry all the time but you might get angry when
you get quote triggered triggered is the stupidest effing word I've ever seen cuz it makes you a total victim you're not triggered you just have a habit you have a habit of responding to people who use that tone of voice who use those words who use that story and if you spend your whole world trying to get other people not to trigger you good luck you'll always find a way to get triggered much better is rewire yourself rewire the pattern and give yourself Freedom that's the game that we're going to play here this is not
a game of just sitting around and going oh but this was done to me it doesn't matter what was done what matters what are you going to do with it right and then the Third skill is you become a creator of patterns and then you're masterful then you're the best in your business then you can do things no one else does because you're not limited to what everybody else does you create a new way that's what the greatest business people do that's what the greatest musicians do the dancer the Michael Jackson of the world he
knew every movement he knew exactly what it would do to you a great musician knows which upbeats down beats are going to produce what emotions great director knows if I come in close or far away fast or slow how to change your emotions they know exactly the patterns and that's why they're the best on Earth and all of us have patterns but some of us are unaware of them some are good some are not so good by the way science now says about 60% of what we do is Habitual roughly that means we've done it
over and over again we keep doing it that's why our life doesn't change what's great about a habit a pattern you don't have to think what's bad about it you don't think some areas good not to think you've automated let's put it aside some places we might want to bring it up and change it so there's a habit you don't like let's shift it and by the way there's not just patterns in your emotions see our beliefs control everything cuz beliefs are just patterns too they're habitual things you've told yourself so often now you feel
certain they're true how many of you had beliefs sometime in the last 10 years a belief that you would have fought for that today you're almost embarrassed you believe that how many have a belief like that somewhere in your life here say I how many have some beliefs that intellectually you know better but emotionally they stop few of times who can relate to this here say I but it's all patterns and when you realize it's patterns it's nothing wrong with you there's no one in this room that's broken there's no one needs to be fixed
and I'm not your Guru to come do it for you all you need is to change a few patterns and once I show you what they are you'll do it patterns can be changed if you make it yourself it's hard to change you it's easy to change a pattern you don't need to change you what you're calling you is probably a pattern you are more than your patterns you are more than anything you've said or done in the past who's ever done something so stupid so terrible so whatever you hope no one will ever know
raise your hand Make Some Noise if that's true yeah if you don't raise your hand you lie about other too don't you come on so the bottom line we've all done dumb things because people do the best they can based on the state they're in smart people can act dumb when they're in a dumb state do you ever forget your own home telephone number or how to spell AAL word like the' and then you get it a few seconds later cuz you're in a different state so pattern States we're going to look at but I
also want you to know there's larger patterns especially those of you that are fearful about the world right now so think about this our ancestors went from hunter gatherers who are barely surviving to thriving on the planet when they recognize one [Music] pattern the pattern of the seasons see up until that time we couldn't plant cuz you could plant it didn't work in fact didn't work three out of four seasons but one time somebody figured out wow if I plant in the spring I protect in the summer I can reap in the fall save some
of that for winter and we know to wander the worth looking for new we could stay in a place and build communities and cities and countries that one pattern of the seasons changed Humanity just being able to recognize the pattern and then what use it so from 0 to 21 that's a time of creation that's when maybe you're protected not all of us were some of you had tough childhoods I did too um but most people have certain amount of protection if someone's looking out for you you wouldn't have survived and you grow and you're
taught you're learn but the learning is someone teaching you how to think and be but once you get somewhere between 18 19 2021 somewhere in that range you start to leave that little spring and you enter the summer and the summertime basically 22 to 42 roughly some people start earlier some start later that's where you go out and test everything you were taught you go you know what they all told me it's like it's I think I can do this and by the way in this early stage of Summer you're Invincible because you know you're
going to become the Prime Minister you're going to become a multi-billionaire you're going to have 5,000 relationships you're going to have the greatest life ever humanly known and then you have your first relationship and go holy this is what this is about and you discover maybe you're not quite as Invincible as you think you are so this summer by the way when you hit the summer this is you're the soldier of society you're going to work you're learning and growing you're testing your own values you're getting into relationships for the first time maybe starting to
have kids the next season is 43 to 63 that's the fall that's a reaping time if you planted during the Spring and learned and you kept growing in the summer and didn't give up then in the fall you're going to reap but if you didn't work hard in the spring and summer you're going to weep in the fall it's going to be tough but this is the time when most people hit their power 43 to 63 does that make sense that's when your power and then 64 to 84 or maybe 104 or 120 the oldest
living humans 120 and that's when you become really the person who mentors people you're the Storyteller you're the leader you have so many life experiences you can really be a gift to people's lives and you're not trying to prove yourself anymore cuz by that stage if you don't know who the hell you are you're screwed the place of the most unhappiness according to studies is 22 to 42 by the way so if you're in there and you're not happy you can change that but it's not new it's when you're trying to figure out who you
are still prove yourself if you develop really well during spring and summer fall you'll know who you are and by winter you'll be crushing it and having a good time and you won't be trying to prove anything you'll just be serving and that'll give you great joy [Music]
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