on Earth as it is in heaven if you've been struggling to manifest which you probably have or you wouldn't be here then I can guarantee it's because you have not entered heaven in fact Heaven is where you need to enter in order for you to materialize what you want and at some point in this video you'll understand how to do that now the first thing that I'm going to have to do is slightly redefine the way that you see Heaven because typically I can guess you have probably been taught the ex teric definition of Heaven
as opposed to the esoteric now exoteric comes from the Greek word exoticos which means outer and esoteric comes from the Greek word esotericos which means within I'll get AJ to put up an image on the screen the point being what's considered esoteric knowledge which is what we're deciphering here but how we're going to use that to redefine and recreate your reality because as I always say spirituality without the ability to control your reality is Vanity in order for you to truly understand the esoteric definition of heaven I'm going to have to give you an almost
slightly historical explanation of the two differences so exoteric meaning outer esoteric meaning inner this type of knowledge that we're discussing here because this isn't going to make sense to everybody so that's the first thing you have to know because you're on a different frequency now when you're on a different frequency you speak a different language when you speak a different language you're in a different world so don't be trying to go church and try to tell what I'm going to tell you because they're going to think your ass is going to sit on fire and
you're a demon or something like that but esoteric is a reference to the inner the Inner Circle typically throughout various priesthoods you know we can go biblically sorry to the Asen you know John the Baptist's father Aaron was um was his name Aaron I think his name was Aaron but he was a high priest and within that time he was initiated into an ultic order called the aines now that's just a small example various priesthoods all across the world have knowledge that they keep within the Inner Circle and if you're not in the circle you're
not learning you're not learning the secrets of the universe now typically the esoteric is for everyone outter so this is what we look like when we see organized religion so on and so forth hence why some of the concepts that I might speak to you and things that might hit your mind differently based upon the cognitive dissonance that's going to take place due to all the esoteric indoctrination you've had now when it comes to actually materializing your desired reality you have to understand that when we see on Earth as it is in heaven this is
a prayer that is typically said But A variation of what this truly means is as within as without and I'm going to be deciphering verses in the Bible that esoterically explain how you can actually materialize what you want because until you can enter Heaven you cannot materialize what you want and at some point I'll break down what heaven is but just as a prerequisite so you understand what I'm trying to say here I had to lay down that wood pause now there's two verses in particular that pop up when we're discussing these Concepts that we're
going into here that show you the perfect order of manifestation and bear in mind you know these are thousands of years old I mean the concepts go back way back to the htics and even before then if you want to go back to more ancient civilizations but for the topic of sorry for the point that I'm trying to make here you just need to understand these two verses and I'm going to spend time dissecting them so you can think of this as a Sunday school that your pastor would never give you niggaer I promise you
I remember I used to ask questions in church all the time and the guy would just tap me on the shoulder and be like God will provide you the answer which in a way it kind of did but that didn't know anything now first scripture Matthew 6 33 I'll get AJ to pull it up I'm not going to write the whole verse because that's just long and I need my mental energy so I can break this down to you but the most important part is seek you first the kingdom of of God and righteousness and
all these things shall be added onto you now like I said you'll see this verse on your screen so don't don't worry about it but Matthew 633 states that seek you first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you now you have to understand that the perfect order of manifestation is hidden within this verse and it is a perfect order and anytime you go against this order you will struggle to materialize the reality your desired reality that you want which is exactly why you're here to begin with pay very close
attention to the order in which this verse is laid out seek ye first the kingdom of God first then all of these things shall be added onto you there is a perfect Cosmic order to the understanding that anytime you go against this Cosmic order of understanding of how the materialization and the manifestation of your desired reality works you will suffer which is what you've been experiencing and what you will experience if you don't listen Len to what I'm saying make sure to take those notes and drop them in the comments you already know how we
do right here and if you're not taking those then go leave I don't even know why you're watching this for fun now the cosmic order goes as follows so first enter Heaven and then you will have these things added unto you when we're talking about these things added unto you another way of saying that is Manifest you must first seek Heaven before you manifest stay with me now you will never manifest anything if you don't go to heaven first and I can prove this to you because if we go to the scripture John John 3:27
in John 327 I'll get AJ to pull it up right now in John 3:27 it says a man can receive nothing unless it is first given to him from Heaven that's what it says in John you cannot receive anything you cannot manifest anything in reality if it is not first given to you from Heaven seek ye first the kingdom of God and then all these things shall be added onto you what is the kingdom of God representative of it is heaven so then you're like okay Nero I get it I get it but what is
heaven representative of don't worry don't worry you're going to get some you're going to get more than some just stay with me so first what you have to understand is what is heaven that's the first thing you have to understand now first of all I'm going to tell you what most people think Heaven is most people think Heaven is a cosmic geographical location a place in the afterlife that's what they think well that's invalidated because Luke 17:21 Jesus himself says the Kingdom of Heaven is within you so how the hell can you go to a
place that is within you that don't make sense and then in the Gospel of Thomas within the narar scriptures which was taken out of the Bible Jesus also says the Kingdom of Heaven is inside and outside of you so Heaven being seen as a cosmic location just doesn't suffice so when I'm telling you that you need to go to heaven before you manifest before some of you think that you need to die before you manifest which is just silly what I'm referencing is something completely different Heaven is a state of mind I'll get AJ to
pull up the levels of consciousness chart as well and what you should be seeing at the top is The Enlightenment and at the bottom is survival that can be representative the top of it being Heaven which are thoughts that are above you and Heaven thoughts that are beneath you that's what it's representative of Heaven is a particular State of Mind a particular State of Mind of what in particular Nero I thought you never ask Serenity calm lust of time which is truly representative of transcending the third dimensional realm constraint of time Serenity calm peace joy
that is what heaven is all of these particular emotions in combinations and a particular frequency that's what it is Heaven is a frequency so when we're looking at various scriptures such as John 3:27 when it says a man can receive nothing unless it is given to him from Heaven essentially what that scripture is saying you cannot manifest anything or you cannot manifest your desired reality unless you're in this frequency so the issue is right now typically when there's something you want to manifest right it is something that you want because not having it is affecting
your life not having it is probably making you stressful it's probably making you anxious it's probably making you worried it's probably making you scared not having it which is the exact emotions of this the issue is you're trying to manifest your desires while you're actually in a state of hell and that's why they're not coming because in order for you to manifest what you want a man can receive nothing unless it is given to him from Heaven you cannot manifest your desired reality unless you're already in this particular State because like I said here's the
thing you want something and because you don't have it it's really affecting you it's really bothering you it's hindering your life it's causing you to experience these emotions of anxiety stress worry and fear and because you have those emotions you're not in heaven you're in Hell the frequency of Hell which is exactly why it's difficult for you to materialize your reality and here's the thing whether you read a book or you watch some videos like me you see these videos and then you instantly try to run before you walk you try to walk before you
crawl and it's important to understand that there is a perfect order to things because like it said in Matthew 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God and righteousness and all these things shall be added on to you so if I put that here remember the cosmic order first the kingdom of God representative of Heaven as it says in Matthew 6:33 and then these things shall be added onto you but here's the thing what do everyone what what have you been trying to do you're trying to get the things because you think the things will
take you to the kingdom and that's the mistake you think when you Manifest this amount of money that you want to manifest or you Manifest this particular desired reality you think then you'll feel calm then you'll feel Serene then you'll then you'll feel peaceful then you'll feel joyous nah it's actually the exact opposite and here's the thing because you've been going against the perfect order of things you've been suffering and here's the thing this has been said throughout multiple different spiritual civilizations said in a multitude of different ways but right now the only reason you're
struggling to manifest is because you're trying to go against the order of things you're trying to go against the nature of reality instead of aligning yourself to how reality works and until you can do that you're going to continue to stay stuck you're going to continue to experience this anxiety this pain this suffering that you're experiencing so it's important that you're taking making notes and you're really understanding what I'm saying by now you should have had a lightboard moment from Matthew 6:33 alone seeking first the kingdom of God and then righteousness and all these things
shall be added onto you you've been getting the you've been chasing the things you're thinking hey I want to Manifest this know that girl's bad as I want to manifest her oh I want to Manifest this amount of money I want to Manifest this desired reality because then when I get that then I feel then yeah I'll feel good then nah you've been going against the perfect Heavenly order of reality and anytime you go against the perfect Heavenly order of reality you experience the disorder of hell damn that was a bar make sure you write
that one down I really be spitting spitting hard pores now like I said the perfect Heavenly order of things goes as follows right all of these sayings are all the same when you see on Earth as it is in heaven when you see as within as without when you see seek the kingdom first then these things shall be added onto you they are all saying the same thing they're all saying the same thing on Earth as it is in where Heaven whatever it is on Earth is exactly what it is first in heaven as within
your mind as without in reality seek first the kingdom of God first and then righteousness and all these things shall be added on to you they're all saying the same thing this is the perfect Heavenly order of how you need to go about manifesting but let me tell you the mistake that you've been making you've been focusing on the earth you've been focusing on the without you've been chasing the things before first seeking the kingdom and anytime that you first Chase physicality you will suffer and let me tell you why you will suffer you will
suffer because everything that you could ever experience physically you must first experience vibrationally and because you think that it's about physically you chase physically without understanding it's about vibrationally without understanding that the frequency that will attract you to your desired reality is the frequency of heaven when you're in that state of mind where you're Serene you're calm you have that inner knowing you're still and you're in heaven and then you project that towards your desired reality it directly Taps into the universal Quantum field the universeal Amazon Storehouse Warehouse whatever you want to call it the
fourth dimension the aaric records it Taps into that parallel universe where your desired reality exists and extracts it much more easier because you're already in heaven and if you want anything to come to you you must first be in heaven why would your desired reality want to come to you when you're in a state of hell I wouldn't want to come with you if you're in a state of Hell tell you're right now and understanding that then the true game is about first seeking to cultivate an internal Heaven because I promise you this once you
cultivate an internal Heaven materializing your desired reality won't be the struggle that it is right now it feels like it's running away from you right it feels like you're just about to get it but then it just eludes you right it seems like things can't seem to get worse or nothing's changing at all and it's truly because you're not in heaven you're not stop kidding yourself the fact that you even want your desire to the point where you're emotionally affected tells me and the universe indicates of frequency to the universe that you don't have what
you want because you truly don't understand the true definition of manifestation tell me what manifestation is you probably think manifestation is creating your reality controlling your reality bending reality with your thoughts that is not the definition of manifestation listen to what I'm about to say because it will save you the 8 years and nearly 400 books worth of study that I've done to get here the true definition of manifestation is Shifting internally to a degree where you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change when you're good with it and you're good without it you
are in heaven when you're not good without it you are in hell and because you're in hell it ain't going to come to you why wouldn't want to do you deserve your desired reality if you're not already in heaven no that's how the universe works don't get mad at me I'm just the messenger now understanding the perfect Heavenly order of how all of these things work on Earth as it is in heaven as within as without seek first the kingdom and then these things I want you to think about it think about the last couple
of weeks the last couple of months you've had a particular desire in mind have you been more focused on getting that desire and manifesting that desire or have you been more focused on cultivating an internal Serenity internal calm internal Stillness internal no desire for anything be honest you can't bullsh you can me but you can't the universe the universe will call you your bluff and it will keep giving you what you've been giving to it vibrationally and if you're wanting something to the point where you're affected that you don't have it what you're resonating to
the universe is that you don't have it and that vibrational that vibration then turns into physical anything that takes place physically can only exist vibrationally and if you want to enter your desired reality you must vibrationally first be in a state of Heaven because when you're in a state of Heaven that's when things seem to unfold easier for you think back to that girl or that boy that you wanted you really wanted them for such a long time but the moment you were like you know this I'm done and you collapsed it and you entered
a state where you didn't need it anymore it wasn't internally affecting you that you didn't have it you were in a state of calm with you were good with it good without it what happened it started blowing up your phone oh that job came through that client ended up paying you the invoice I see all the time the what you have to understand is reality wants you reality wants to take you to hell but you need to transcend and raise yourself to heaven and the way that you raise and take yourself to Heaven Is by
making sure you are continuously cultivating an internal state of calm because by doing that you're a lighthouse looking for light that doesn't make no sense you need to recognize that the True Light is within and when you recognize that the true game of reality is an inner game then your outer will have no effect on you because on Earth as it is in heaven as it is where in heaven in your state of mind in your fre frequency as within as without seek first the kingdom and then these things shall be added unto you John
3:27 pull it up again AJ a man can receive nothing unless it is first given to him from heaven so before Desiring a particular reality I want you to ask yourself am I in heaven and if not then you better put yourself in heaven because that's the only way you're going to materialize it because so long as you're not in heaven you're in hell and if you're in hell you're not going to attract your desired reality you're going to continuously attract where you are right now and let me show you how it works it's very
very techy stuff it's very very techy stuff the bars I'm spin right now you got me feeling like tyn Lannister right now and if you don't know who that is you're clearly not a person of culture do you know who that is you never watch Game of Thrones wow well wow when whoever's watching this video watches this video you can cancel AJ you said that not me now understanding what I was saying I want you to imagine it like this so between you and your desired reality let's say you desired reality between you and your
desired reality there is a line you are projecting your desired reality because it's something that you wish to materialize now if you want to pull your desired reality to you then what you have to do is understand how your Universal fishing rod works now you're probably thinking Universal fishing rod let me explain because once I explain this that light bulb moment that you've been looking for is all going to make sense you're a human being but before being a human what you are is energy pure energy and what you have what you are what you
admit is an electromagnetic field what does this have to do with Heaven Nero you're going to get some just relax a minute electromagnetic field is comprised of two words as you can see you first have Electro referring to electricity and the reason for that is because your thoughts are electrical because in order for you to think neurotransmitters send electrical signals across your mind in order for you to think when those electrical signals are sent a wave is released that wave has its own particular frequency and then Magnet or magnetic comes from the heart the heart
has emotion emotion is the language of God which is energy and motion which is the most powerful part of your frequency which has the ability to tap into the quantum field and that emits its own frequency because your heart produces a motion frequency now I want you to understand scientists have concluded that the electromagnetic field of the heart is 60 to 100 times larger than that of the Mind what does this have to do with Heaven well this is your Universal fishing rod with the electrical part of your brain you emit a wave to your
desired reality as you see here so when you're thinking about your desired reality thinking of it thinking in the position of really being it you cast your what's it called a hook net let's just say hook you're fishing right into the water you get it that's what you do with your thoughts which is why you have to be crystal clear on what it is that you want so you understand what you're pulling back into and then you real I've never been fishing I don't know if you can tell you reel your desired reality back in
with your emotions which is why it is key that you enter a Heavenly State a Heavenly frequency because in order for you to real and here's the thing you've got no issue sending signals you're sending signals to your desired reality all the time 247 especially if you're on this you're watching my videos you're watching other videos you keeping this stuff at the top of your mind but your issue is being able to reel it back in and you reel it back in by entering the frequency of Heaven which goes back to what I was saying
to feeling peaceful to feeling Serene to Desiring let me write that again because that just looks crazy Serene desire nothing Joy satisfaction right now you're not satisfied because your desired reality isn't here and because you're dissatisfied you're admitting to the universe that you don't have what you want and because you're admitting to the universe you don't have what you want the universe is giving you back what you want so you need to cultivate just allow yourself give yourself permission to actually feel calm in your head you think I don't have the things so I can't
go to heaven but Matthew 6:33 says seek first the kingdom of God and then heaven and all these things shall then be added onto you that's how it works you seek the state first a Heavenly state of mind and then so long as you're directing these thoughts it'll be much easier for you to reel back in your desired reality through your emotion Through Your Heart by allowing yourself to experience these particular forms of emotions and that's how it works so I'll repeat anytime you go against the Heavenly order of how reality is materialized as within
as without on Earth as it is in heaven seek you first the kingdom of God and righteousness shall be added onto you anytime you chase the Earth First you will suffer anytime you chase the without you will suffer anytime that you chase the things that you want to materialize before getting into a state where you're actually internally calm you will suffer listen to what I'm saying cuz I don't want to repeat myself you must chase the internal State because once you enter that internal State and you enter Heaven what you're going to realize is just
like in the past things just work for you they just unfold the reason they're not right now is because you're in a state of hell and that's fine because I know you're there because I've been there because anytime that you catch yourself wanting something to desire something to materialize something and it bothers you that you don't have it and you're not internally settled because you don't have it you're in hell and when you're in hell you cannot receive the things of the kingdom of God you cannot receive the reality that you want to materialize this
is the game people play it backwards people really play this game backwards how most people play the game is they chase the things and because they chase the things they end up going against the Heavenly order and when you go against the Heavenly order you enter the hell order which is why you're on this hamster whe that feels like you're NE That Never Ends you're watching all these manifestation videos of these people trying to tell you that oh no it's because you know you know in the 369 method you're not writing it down in blue
ink and all this other dumb that's just it's just actually ridiculous none of those techniques work none of them no technique works the only techniques that work are the ones that you believe will work that's it it's not no 369 method it's not subliminals it's not vision boards it's not visualization it's not law of assumption you need to detach from the idea that things are exactly what makes things materialized what makes things materialized is the state of Heaven which you have within you which you had before you started watching all of these videos and I
say this because I want to get you off the hamster wheel of Contin L consuming information because the reason you're doing that is because nothing seems to be working and if nothing is working then the one word that I'm going to end this video with for you to truly understand the only thing that will make it work you going to end the video